Why Move to Magento from OsCommerce


Only constant thing is change. If a change can improve your online business, then why not? There was a time when OsCommerce was the reigning king of e-commerce. Then Magento arrived and beat OsCommerce with ease. But, some online businesses who were early adopters, still run on OsCommerce. To know why one should prefer Magento and how to migrate to it, read on.


Since Magento development services is comparatively younger than OsCommerce, it’s frequently updated. Thus, technical glitches are quickly eliminated. It is very active in fixing bugs. Developed with latest technology, effective program structure and highly relevant features to today’s necessity, Magento is superior to OsCommerce without a doubt. Magento is developed by PHP5 coding and Zend framework. So it’s extensible. Developers drool over Magento just for this reason. It lets them tweak around the flexible coding system with ease.



Magento is highly refined in appearance than OsCommerce. With its dedicated marketplace, Magento provides lots of templates and themes that e-retailers can customise to suit their needs. Modular code let them upgrade the Magento installation while maintaining the customisations. OsCommerce doesn’t support these type of template installations. It is difficult to adjust the layout to an owner’s needs. It costs for every change you make in OsCommerce.

Organisational Tools

Whoever has coding knowledge, can testimony that Magento development service is superior to OsCommerce in the tools options. Organized administration panel, layout options, payment and shipping methods, clean coding system, language options and many more effective tools, Magento is a sensible choice in organising an e-commerce site. Though OsCommerce seem to be easy to install, it’s a real tedious job to configure and customise it, even with professional help.


Without a strategic SEO, it’s hard to drive traffic to an e-retail store. Magento platform is integrated and supported by SEO. With search engine friendly rewrites, meta-tag controls, auto generated maps, the options are endless with Magento development service to enhance the SEO for an online business. This feature can drastically improve the online visibility of a website and improve its ranking. At the same time, search engine optimisation is a highly complicated affair with OsCommerce.

Multi-Store Management

With brands branching out to multiple streams online these days, it’s easier to choose Magento. For instance, it lets businesses to control multiple online stores in a single admin dashboard. You can even use and control various domains from the same panel. It also provides multi language and currency options for maximum benefits. You can swap around customer base, catalogs and custom settings between the sites. This is not possible with OsCommerce.


Magento development service offers layered navigation to enhance the user experience. With little time to spend, the consumers prefer filtering out the products that meet their needs instead of looking around the whole site. They can filter the products based on their size, price, availability, brand, etc,. It doesn’t cost extra for these features.

Marketing tools

A highly efficient content management tool helps in marketing the product within the site. It also offers various promotional options like coupons, discount codes, gift wrapping, gift vouchers, cross-sells, seasonal offers etc,. It helps focus on certain customer groups with features such as newsletters, membership, and shopping cart reminders.

Guest Check Out

The major advantage of Magento over OsCommerce is the guest check out alternative. Consumers need to register themselves in most sites. This saves time if they purchase products from the particular site often. But, they also have option to buy without registering on Magento-run stores. This feature values customer discretion if they prefer it.

With thousands of little features and customisations, Magento wins over OsCommerce big time. Anybody can install and modify a Magento site with little coding knowledge. With professional guidance, it’s truly a revolutionising platform!