13 Effective Marketing Strategies For E-Commerce

There is no longer a unique market; everyone is jumping to do ecommerce on a daily basis. It is a booming industry and it has trended the online shopping system among the public.

This will leave you to wonder the points that you can take to get the most of the business in your pocket.

There are so many companies that are working hard to grab the attention of the audience and at some point they are successful.

In this condition what can you do to make people stay with your brand?

We have it all covered for you, Here is a list that you can follow to bring your e-commerce business to the top.


Don’t jump in to marketing just because you need to do it for your business. It is not a race that if you will run, you will win.

Marketing works on strategies and you need to make sure that they are the best in order to make a mark in the industry.

Do your homework properly and divide the task as per the priorities to cover everything up.

A rough schedule will always come handy to be more focused. Also, don’t stick to one single plan; they must change as per the market.


You must be aware of every step your competitor is taking and then see what you can do that will be better than them.

Customers never settle for anything less so make sure that you are putting the power of knowledge to the best use. There are so many tools and option to set out for such as survey, Quora, Reddit and so on.

Your Story

If you are trying to promote your brand then you must be very clear with what your authentic story is. Human communicate with each other, remember and learn through the concept of storytelling.

Give your product a back-story to attract people. A good story has the power to be in our mind for a longer period of time.

Everyone knows the story of Cinderella and her glass shoe is the perfect example to it. Make people care about the product and you are good to move further.


If anything is going up in the market then it will be the availability of content and its demand.

Content is everywhere, from eBooks to videos, guides to infographics, it has managed to add a true value in the heart of a customer by rewarding companies with a large number of targeted audience.

However, you need to make sure to come with a well-researched and unique content. No one likes a single dish served in a different form. Don’t stick to the only blog; go for infographics, videos, emails, etc. if you don’t want to be forgotten.

Email Marketing

The thing is that many people opt for email marketing that easily because they are so vague. You need to make it personalised so that it can add value to your business instead of getting sloppy.

The results of email marketing can be extraordinary and will easily connect you to your targeted audience. It is like a virtual door, all you need to do it knock on it, and if you knock it hard enough to make an impact then it will open up otherwise keep trying.

Contextual Marketing

If you don’t know what it is then it is just a form in which you will collect information related to the target audience and then use it for messaging them about products that are relevant to them.

You can do it as per the location, requirement, search history, etc. Use it for your own benefit and see the magic that it will hold.

Human Connection

The e-commerce market is dependent on automation but what it lacks is a personal connection.

Robots handle everything (almost!) but you can always personalise them to make sure that a customer feels connected. Give a name, send out some automatic birthday wishes, etc. are some small steps that you take. Make sure to not get so personal that they will feel frustrated.

Social Media

Social Media and E-commerce are like two peas in a pod. You will be amazed to see what it can do for the business and how much good it will make you feel about it.

You are already on these platforms so all you need to do is to link them with your business and see the changes. Also, there is an automatic social media schedule that you can take advantage off to post content.

Video Marketing

E-commerce is using video marketing a lot nowadays. From advertisement for an application to small video ads on social media bars, they are using it everywhere. Why? It’s so much effective than any other marketing means.

So make sure that you have interesting and engaging videos for this purpose.

Multiple Languages

Do you know the meaning of ‘venalicium Insidijs? No? Now imagine how your audience will feel if they know nothing about English? Here goes your chance of gaining a potential customer and lead generation. Make sure to offer multiple languages to your e-commerce. Don’t make language constraint as an excuse for the decrement in sales.


If you want someone to have a good opinion of yourself then speak your mind off. Communication is the key to gain so many things in practical life and business is more practical then you can imagine. You need to make sure that your customer can easily seek you out in trouble and you are aware of the problem they are facing. Build hashtag if it means people are listening to you, the more users are engaged, and the more is the business.


Half of the population will not buy the product with no or bad review as it is not the time to buy blindly. The information is just as click away and they use it to their advantage. You need to make sure that the audience is putting up a word for you if they have a good experience. In case they have a bad experience, well then they will do it on their own.


You sold a product, earned revenue but what opinions your customers have for you? There are so many tools that you can use to analyse the output of your products and brand online. However, you need to be prepared because there are chances that you might be on a wrong side of the road. Instead, use those negative comments as a chance to improve more and in a better way.

Read also : Does Artificial Intelligence Have The Power To Replace Web Developers?

Are you feeling inspired or overwhelmed? You don’t have to follow every point of it. But few points will show a huge difference and help you to make an impact. Just tick them one-by-one and implement them.

How to Create Vivid graphs using Python Language

Plotting graphs in python can be a tricky affair, but a few simple steps can help you generate a graph easily. To generate graphs in Python you will need a library called Matplotlib. It helps in visualizing your data and makes it easier for you to see the relationship between different variables. Before starting with the graph, it is important to first understand Matplotlib and its functions in Python.

Why is data Visualization needed?

Visualization of data is a practice of presenting the data in a simple manner (in graphical or pictorial format), through which even a non-technical person can understand it easily as the human brain can process information easily when it is in pictorial or graphical form.

It allows us to quickly interpret data and adjust different variables to observe their effects. You can simply interpret the information from data visualization which is very helpful for a person (a Non-technical person) to understand.

Introduction to Matplotlib

Matplotlib is a library used in Python to generate graphs and lines for 2D graphics. Matplotlib package is totally written in Python. Matplotlib uses simple commands to generate simple plots for your data.


The first step is to install the Matplotlib using the pip command given below.

pip install matplotlib

Using pip command it will take care of dependencies while installing the library in Python.

Matplotlib Python Plot

You might be thinking, to start with the plotting graphs in python there would be some typical commands which you will be using to generate graphs. Matplotlib has tremendously reduced that effort which provides a flexible library and much built-in defaults to simply generate graphs. You need to make sure that you make the necessary imports, prepare data and start with the plot() function.

Use this import to get started with your Matplotlib plot:

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

To generate data later also NumPy import will be used. To import NumPy use this syntax:

>>> import numpy as np

Also, use show() function to show the resulting graph. Let us see a simple example of how we can start generating a graph.

  • # Make sure to import the necessary packages and modules
  • import pyplot as plt
  • import numpy as np
  • # Prepare your data
  • z = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
  • # Plotting the data
  • plot(z, z, label=’linear’)
  • # Adding a legend
  • legend()
  • # Result
  • plt.show()

Run your code and see the resulting plot.


plotting graphs in python

You can also look for another example to generate a most simple graph using Matplotlib.

Simple graph

  • from Matplotlib import pyplot as plt
  • # Plotting of graph
  • plot([1,2,3],[4,5,1])
  • # Showing the result
  • plt.show()


plotting graphs in python

In the above example, we’ve just plotted a simple graph without any title, x-axis or y-axis. Moving forward we will be learning how to add title and labels to the graph.

Adding label and titles to your graph

  • from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
  • x=[5,8,10]
  • y=[12,16,6]
  • plot(x,y)
  • title(‘info’)
  • ylabel(‘Y axis’)
  • xlabel(‘X axis’)
  • show()


plotting graphs in python

In the above example, we’ve shown the x-axis and y-axis by a simple command plt.ylabel() and title by plt.title(). We have used plot(x,y) instead of using direct numbers for plotting the X and Y axis.

 This graph doesn’t include any style or color. What if you want to add some style or change the width of the line or add color to the graph? We’ll see a simple code to generate a graph with different styles and colors.

Adding style to the graph

  • from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
  • from matplotlib import style
  • use(‘ggplot’)
  • x=[5,8,10]
  • y=[12,16,6]
  • x1=[6,9,11]
  • y1=[6,15,7]
  • plot(x,y,’g’,label=’line one’,linewidth=5)
  • plot(x1,y1,’c’,label=’line two’,linewidth=5)
  • title(‘Epic info’)
  • ylabel(‘Y axis’)
  • xlabel(‘X axis’)
  • show()


plotting graphs in python

To introduce color in different lines we have used ‘g’ for green and ‘c’ for cyan. We can also introduce the thickness of the line by using linewidth function. As we have only used default grid lines, to change the color of the grid line use this simple command before plt.show()


plotting graphs in python

If you want to add a highlight to the graph which shows the details of the line you can use legend() function by using this simple command.


After adding legend() and grid() function code will look like this.

  • from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
  • from matplotlib import style
  • use(‘ggplot’)
  • x=[5,8,10]
  • y=[12,16,6]
  • x1=[6,9,11]
  • y1=[6,15,7]
  • plot(x,y,’g’,label=’line one’,linewidth=5)
  • plot(x1,y1,’c’,label=’line two’,linewidth=5)
  • title(‘Epic info’)
  • ylabel(‘Y axis’)
  • xlabel(‘X axis’)
  • grid(True,color=’K’)
  • legend()
  • show()

In the above examples we have learned how to change width line, style, and grid or add a highlighter and now we’ll see how we can plot different types of graphs using Matplotlib in Python

Types of plots

There are several types of the plot which we will generate in this section using Matplotlib.

  • Bar Graph
  • Histograms
  • Scatter Plot
  • Stack Plot
  • Pie Plot

Bar graph:

Bar graphs are used generally to compare different groups using visualizations. Whether it be a change of market or change in revenue, using a bar graph we can easily determine and compare the actual results.

Code to generate Bar graph in Python:

  • Import pyplot as plt
  • bar([1,3,5,7,9],[5,2,7,8,2], label=“Example one”)
  • bar([2,4,6,8,10],[8,6,2,5,6], label=“Example two”,color=‘g’)
  • legend()
  • xlabel(‘bar number’)
  • ylabel(‘bar height’)
  • title(‘Bar Graph’)
  • show()


plotting graphs in python

Histogram: Histogram graph is generally used to display the statistical information or the distribution of successive process data set. The histogram is generally used for continuous data. Histogram or Bar graph may seem similar but a general difference between histogram plot and bar graph plot is that a histogram plot is used to display the distribution of variables while bar graph is used to display the comparison between variables.

Code to generate the Histogram graph in Python:

  •  import matplotlib pyplot as plt
  • population_ages=[22,55,62,45,21,22,34,42,42,4,99,102,110,120,121,122,130,111,115,112,80,75,65,54,44,43,42,48]
  • bins = [0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130]
  • hist(population_ages, bins, histtype=’bar’,r width=0.8)
  • xlabel(‘x’)
  • ylabel(‘y’)
  • title(‘Histogram’)
  • legend()
  • show()

Result:plotting graphs in python

  1. Scatter Plot: Using a scatter plot you can compare two variables and can determine the correlation between them. The values of the variables are represented in the form of a dot. Example of a scatter plot is shown in the image.

Code to generate Scatter plot:

  • import pyplot as plt
  • x=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
  • y=[5,2,4,2,1,4,5,2]
  • scatter(x,y, label=’skitscat’, color=’k’, s=25, marker=“o”)
  • xlabel(‘x’)
  • ylabel(‘y’)
  • title(‘Scatter Plot’)
  • legend()
  • show()


plotting graphs in python

Stack Plot: Stack plot or area plot is similar to the line graphs. They can be used to track changes of one or more variables. Stack plot is good to use when you are tracking changes in two or more related group that make up a whole category. Example of stack plots:

plotting graphs in python

Code to generate Stack Plot

  • importpyplot as plt
  • days = [1,2,3,4,5]
  • sleeping =[7,8,6,11,7]
  • eating = [2,3,4,3,2]
  • working =[7,8,7,2,2]
  • playing = [8,5,7,8,13]
  • plot([],[],color=’m’, label=’Sleeping’, linewidth=5)
  • plot([],[],color=’c’, label=’Eating’, linewidth=5)
  • plot([],[],color=’r’, label=’Working’, linewidth=5)
  • plot([],[],color=’k’, label=’Playing’, linewidth=5)
  • stackplot(days, sleeping,eating,working,playing, colors=[‘m’,’c’,’r’,’k’])
  • xlabel(‘x’)
  • ylabel(‘y’)
  • title(‘Interesting Graph\n Check it out’)
  • legend()
  • show()



Pie Chart: Pie chart is used to display the statistical data in the form of a circular Different variables are represented in the form of ‘pie slices’. Pie chart generally shows the percentage of different categories by dividing the circle into proportional pie slices. A pie chart can be useful to show the exact quantity which has been consumed by the category with representation. It is also useful when comparing more than two variables using a graph.

Code to generate Pie chart:

  • Import pyplot as plt
  • x=[7,2,2,13]
  • activities=[‘sleeping’,’eating’,’working’,’playing’]
  • cols=[‘c’,’m’,’r’,’b’]
  • pie(x,
  • labels=activites,
  • colors=cols,
  •  startangle=90,
  •   shadw=True,
  •   explode=(0,0.1,0,0),
  •    autopct=’%1.1f%%’)
  • title(‘Pie Plot’)
  • show()


Working with Multiple Plots

As we have discussed various types of plots in the above section, we are going to see how we can work with multiple graphs.


  • import numpy as np
  • import pyplot as plt
  • def f(t):
  •  returnexp(-t) * np.cos(2*np.pi*t)
  • t1 = np.arange(0.0, 5.0, 0.1)
  • t2 = np.arange(0.0, 5.0, 0.02)
  • subplot(221)
  • plot(t1, f(t1), ‘bo’, t2, f(t2))
  • subplot(222)
  • plot(t2, np.cos(2*np.pi*t2))
  • show()


plotting graphs in python

Now, you have learned how plotting graphs in python used to be done and what are the various types of plots which you can generate using Matplotlib in Python.

How To Make Your Business Smarter With Odoo

ERP systems, since its discovery, have greatly reduced the need for manually managing and interpreting data. The system streamlines business processes and various functionalities making it easier and efficient to collect data

With the outbreak of new technologies and possibilities in the ERP world, Odoo’s combined and real-time project management helps you get your work done in a more systematic way. It keeps the track of every minute detail from customer contacts to office billings.

Let us discuss some important things Odoo can do to make your business smarted and efficient:

Warehouse Management

The traditional accounting system saw the need for an efficient system that keeps track of the Inventory and supply chain when a single warehouse/store was occupying products of 2 or more different suppliers. How would you distinguish between which store brought in which product and when?

Odoo provides a way of optimizing the warehouse management with accounting principle. The tool provides a double entry system which keeps records of every transaction in 2 different accounts. For eg. When you enter an order in the system, you will have a separate entry for incoming stock, and a separate entry for outgoing stock. This system has been widely accepted and praised for its efficiency and accuracy.

Human Resource Management

Whether you have a single department in your business or multiple departments, Odoo can help you oversee information of your employees at a single glance. The system consists of the all-in-one module which takes care of recruitment, attendance, leaves, appraisals and much more.  Alerts can be set for new leave requests, applications and appraisals.

The human resource module can be customized according to your business requirement. You can easily track and monitor employee attendance, easily evaluate administrative duties streamline expense management and a lot more. You can also improve communication with your employees through social media through one single interface.

Accounting management

Any business small or big knows the importance of revenue and cash flow.  Odoo has made sure that you reap the benefits of the integrated business solution, with different module interlinked under one single roof. But when it comes to accounting, Odoo has everything from automobile manufacturers to snack food companies.

Odoo accounting software is beautifully designed keeping the hassles of 21st-century accounts in mind. It can connect directly to your accounting system and synchronizes with it every hour to give you very clear and precise data you need. You can find everything from legal statements to executive summaries, which is quick and dynamic.

Reports and Dashboards

Like any other successful ERP system, Odoo makes sure you have a complete business solution. It offers you statistical reports and documents to represent your business data in real time. The data is calculated and represented in the form of graphs and charts which are dynamic and changes with your everyday business process.

Odoo also provides the possibility to develop your own analysis to meet your demands. The dashboards are an important aspect to visualize data in a better way. You can also export the report to a pdf to view it offline on your personal devices.

What are the other benefits of using the platform?

A comprehensive tool

Odoo is known to be a comprehensive platform that effectively manages diverse business applications through a single interface. It is available in 3 variants viz. an enterprise one, a community version and an online model which are all open source. Compared to all the other open source ERP systems, Odoo is right now the fastest growing ERP’s.

Odoo handles a wide range of business needs ranging from E-commerce, project management, CRM, billing, accounting, inventory management and much more. The platform is very user-friendly and always includes innovative applications and updates to improve its performance in the long run.

High on modules

Odoo is highly modular where you can find various modules needed for the much-needed support for your business processes. It has advanced and up-to-minute technology track and releases new modules for every new technological advancement in the market. These modules are upgraded whenever necessary and adapt to the changing paradigms.

Odoo has a wide variety of other features which are perfect fit modules for different modules. Every module is capable of streamlining an entire process of a business. Therefore, ERP customization with high-end Odoo for each and every module can be modified to fit the business needs. Odoo also transforms and completely secures and safeguards your business from falling apart.


Small-scale industries sometimes do not possess the required skills or manpower for training and development. When any company implements an ERP system, it is expected that the employees and management are well trained in using it.

Odoo offers a user-friendly and smooth experience to its users, without having much need for training, to ensure a seamless performance.

Flexibility and full integration cover almost all expect of the small-scale industries making it understandable and user-friendly. Odoo is very flexible and offers several innovative applications.

Easy upgrades

One of the biggest areas of any ERP system is its upgrades. The industry keeps changing trends and organizations find more and more ways to expand its horizons. Companies on an average upgrade their ERP system 2 times in its lifespan. Odoo upgrades do not affect the existing customization and don’t require data migration.

Read also : Top 10 Insane Benefits of Odoo eCommerce Platform

With Odoo, you can control of when and what to upgrade. You need not depend on any other system available to guide you through the process. That’s how you utilize technology as a strategic advantage for your company. If you are still running on the outdated technology, then it is a good time to shift your gears.

Invoice & Sales Order Templates:

Invoices and sales order helps your organization to view and keep a track of what you’re getting for your money. If you sell any kind of products or services, it is required that you provide the invoice by law. Odoo provides you with visually appealing and professionally designed invoice templates for sales orders/quotations.

The Odoo invoices are simple, clean and beautiful with full features like taxes, terms, multiple taxes, discounts and price list. It also supports multiple currencies and payments for a single invoice. You can select the fonts & colors to personalize it according to your brand.

Lead Management

The first thing any small-scale organization must do to survive in the market is generating value leads. Odoo offers 8+ plugins and apps for efficient management of leads and customers. Comparing other CRM’s like Zoho, Sugar CRM etc. Odoo has an advantage over all. It offers stunning features like lead tracking quote and invoice generation, social networking integration, signature etc.

Creating leads and retaining existing customers in Odoo is simple and easy. The converted leads are considered as an important entity to track the sales pipeline of your organization. Odoo can prioritize activities and keep a track of your sales activities and leads. You get all the necessary information in a single dashboard making it easier for analysis and benchmarks.


Every organization need is different and Odoo can be customized for their size, type, and leads. When you look for customization in your system, first make sure you are clear on why you need the system. Also, look out for industry-specific tools you require for carrying out your business.

We have listed just a few main important Odoo features, but Odoo is a vast subject and has over 30 applications, solutions, and factors that you need to understand before making the final go.

Read also : All About Odoo Accounting Software

Take your time and try out Odoo’s free trials to make sure it fits your business well.

Learn How To Host and Deploy a Web App Using Python and Heroku

You have developed a web application. It’s ultimately a time to share your wonderful work with the world. Getting your idea or dream project online is really a genuinely basic process with Google App Engine. But how?

How would you deploy it, how would you scale it, how would you control it?

What are the deployment alternatives accessible? Is a shared server sufficient for your web application or do you need a VPS?

Hosting a web application requires the arrangement of three performing artists –

  • The Application

  • The Gateway

  • The Web Server

The purpose behind building a Python-inspired web application is that a person can apply Python code to resolve what content to display to the user and what steps to take. Actually, the code is run by the web server which hosts your site. Thus, the user doesn’t require to install anything to utilize your app; as the user has an Internet connection and a browser, so everything else will be streamed online.

We have created an easy and straightforward guide that shows how you can deploy your Python web application to a server. This will lessen your trouble of searching for the solution on the web.

Here, we’ll learn to publish the Python application online on Heroku.

Deploy web app on Heroku –

We will be utilizing the git tool to transfer the local files to either the cloud or online web server whatever you like. Then, the first step is to download git from https://git-scm.com/downloads and install it.

Step 1. Getting started

  • Make an account in Heroku

  • Install the Python version on your local system.

  • Then Download Heroku CLI or Toolbelt.

Step 2. List Python Dependencies

We have to list the dependencies which are needed for the Heroku environment. To list them run pip freeze from a terminal window.

We want to put those dependencies in a file named requirements.txt. We can make that with one command –

Step 3. Head to Command Prompt

Go to your working directory and hit forthcoming commands.

Open your command line when you are within the myblog folder then type:

This will require you to insert email id and password. Enter your heroku account details as it asks about them.

Step 4. heroku create

This will build an application in Heroku that you can view on Heroku Dashboard.

Heroku does not possess a webserver. Rather, it assumes the application to handle its own webserver. A Python webserver to be employed is gunicorn.

Gunicorn appears as a Python library, then you’ve to install it with pip. To do this in the command line, type –


Step 5. Create Procfile


Build an empty file and name it Procfile in your current folder.

Afterward in the empty fileenter this line: web: gunicornapp.hello:app The file ought not to have any extension. Thus, ensure the file name is not capturing a .txt extension.

Make a requirements.txt file by typing as follows:

This will start creating Python libraries which are established in your virtual environment and write the list within the requirements.txt file. Then that file will be transmitted and read by the webserver as a result the webserver will know which libraries to install so that application works precisely.

Presently, Heroku by default may run Python 2 for the apps that are sent to it. Hence, it would be a great idea to tell what Python version your application has been created to work with. If you are using Python 3.5.1. then to do that.You must build a runtime.txt file and include this line in there: python-3.5.1

This will show Heroku what Python to apply when running your application.

You have presently developed all your files for deployment with the two files (requirements.txt and Procfile) you built.

We can confirm that our app operates by running python app.py and later go to in the browser to view it in operation.

Step 6. git add.

Now we will add all the files.

Append all your local files to the online repository by typing -git add .

Ensure to incorporate the dot after add. This dot indicates that you are adding the whole directory to the repository.

The following step comprises of building an empty app on heroku and conveying our local files to that app. We will be sending the files utilizing git.

But prior to applying the git commands for sending our files to Heroku, you require to report git who you are. So, type this in the command line:

Ensure to substitute your email address and name properly in the above lines retaining the double quotes.

Form a local git repository by typing:git init

Step 7. git commit -m “App ready to

We took python app deployment as the name for our app. Kindly ensure that you choose your own needed name. When the command is successfully performed, you will notice that your application has been built in the Heroku account beneath the menu called Personal Apps.

Step 8. git push heroku master

Now, the final step!

It’ll push the whole app on Heroku Server.Here we will push our app to Heroku –

git push heroku master

Finally, ensure minimum one situation of the app is running with:

herokups:scale web=1

If you got here easily without any errors, your website must be now live. Ours is at live pythonappdeployment.heroku.com. Yours will be as per the name that was chosen by you.

Step 9. heroku open

Hit the app through created URL or with the above-given command.

Step 10. heroku logs

In case that anything goes wrong than it’s used to verify the logs.


So, why was Heroku an ideal choice in this tutorial?

Heroku, a cloud platform that supports Python web apps is created with different programming languages along with applications developed with Python flask. Heroku make deployment simpler by managing administrative duties on its own. Thus, a person can concentrate on the programming section.

Another great feature is that you can also host your Python web applications free of cost.  While you get more traffic after some time, you may need to sign up for the better plan in order to let your web application function adequately during high traffic.

You can likewise have your personal free subdomain on top of herokuapp.com or utilize your own domain in case you have purchased one.

Top 10 Insane Benefits of Odoo eCommerce Platform

We are living in a dynamic environment, where everything keeps on changing with time. Online businesses are also updating themselves continuously in order to stay relevant and compete with newer business models in the market.

Today, the E-commerce business owners want to build not just a website, but a large online shop. They want efficient modules that can be integrated with customer management and ERP systems.

This is where Odoo comes into the picture. Many businesses are using Odoo to improve their E-commerce websites.

In this section, we will discuss the benefits of Odoo for E-commerce business. Before discussing the benefits, let’s just have a quick overview of Odoo.

Benefits of Odoo E-commerce Platform

Odoo is beneficial to E-commerce business in many ways. Some of the benefits of Odoo for E-commerce include:

1. Craft Spectacular Product Pages:-

Pages with a long description are outdated now. You should have a superior quality product page for your E-commerce website as your branding is based on your products. Odoo provides you with a simple drag and drop option. By using Odoo you can create gorgeous product pages.

You can customize colors, layouts, themes, and looks of your E-commerce store. You can make changes in your E-commerce store page on regular basis to make it more attractive. Odoo also allows you to make last minute changes to fulfill client’s demand.

2. Payment Gateway:-

With the help of Odoo, you can choose the compatible payment option for your E-commerce store. It will provide you the flexibility of payment method. It will also facilitate you with customizing payment through various payment modules like a credit card, debit card, PayPal, Visa etc.

You should consider the convenience of a customer while deciding the payment gateways for your E-commerce store. Odoo provides you with an option to make the type of payment preferable to your customers.

3. Manage Products Constantly:-

Every E-commerce store want simple product management feature in their E-commerce store. They need to add new products and delete the outdated product in every now and then. Odoo allows E-commerce business owners to create banners, add images, create product pages and slides etc. It provides an effortless editing and designing feature to E-commerce stores. It merges and integrates the information throughout the system.

4. Customized Software:-

It is one of the top benefits of Odoo. It can be modified according to the individual needs of a business. It has the ability to create or develop features according to your specific request that goes beyond the Odoo’s app store. This feature of Odoo is extremely valuable for your online store. When you make the software fit according to your needs and requirements then you don’t need to change your business practices.

5. Low-Cost Implementation:-

As compared to other software, Odoo has a low cost of implementation. The reason behind this is the free licensing of Odoo. The community version of Odoo has no licensing fees. It does not required payment of any licensing fees. It allows you to invest in customization and implementation only. Some ERPs make delays in reporting and stretch it to weeks or months. On the other hand, Odoo makes up to date reports. Delay in reporting tempts to spend more money by the companies. This cost can be avoided through this eco-friendly feature of Odoo.

6. Huge Range of Module:-

Odoo have numerous modules that can be integrated and customized effortlessly on your E-commerce website. It will simplify your business process. It provides you with multiple modules where you can manage sales, customer, warehouse management, accounting, human resource management, purchase etc. It acts as a resource planning software. It also allows you to implement other modules such as point of sale of your E-commerce store.

7. Scalability:-

With the help of Odoo you can scale the magnification and abilities of your E-commerce store. The scalability feature of Odoo provides you long lasting business. Not only present but you can see the future of your business also. If you are scaling up your employees, you can add more users to your account. If you want to add more functions to your business you can add new modules. This is how scaling takes place.

8. Make Your Business Profitable:-

The combination of Odoo with E-commerce make your business more profitable as it analyzes correct sales and inventory level. With the help of Odoo, you can smoothly maintain sales and inventory via reporting and automatic stock adjustments

It keeps the customer data in an organized manner with order tracking and claims. It allows the customers to download invoice and delivery orders and to view their pending shipments. It also allows the store owners to put add-on connectors in order to manage shipping services.

9. Multiple Options to Choose From:-

Other ERP software allows you only either premise hosting or cloud hosting. Odoo, on the other hand, gives you both the options and you can choose the best option for your E-commerce store. It also allows you to choose from various versions of Odoo such as community version, enterprise version, on-line version, Odoo version 8, Odoo version 11 etc.

The community version of Odoo is useful for small scale businesses. The enterprise version of Odoo has all features and it is affordable also and uses by all businesses i.e. small, middle and large scale businesses.

10. Faster Return on Investment:-

Odoo provides you faster ROI on your E-commerce business. You can use SaaS-based or cloud-based Odoo services to lessen your cost. Businesses use different Odoo models to automate their business process in order to generate better revenues.

You can use Odoo even when you are traveling because of its cloud-based solution. You can access the E-commerce store from anywhere at any time. All you have to do is log in with your id and password and manage your E-commerce website.

Odoo is beneficial for you as it facilitates the effective management of your online store. It will provide you 24×7 accesses to your E-commerce store so that you can manage it in a better way and generate great revenue for your business.

It has distinct features and versions that are profitable for your business. So if you want to have an edge over your competitors in the ecommerce business realm, then Odoo can be your best friend in this endeavor.

All About Odoo Accounting Software

You know, it’s quite easy to lose track your productive time, being engaged in the usual unproductive affairs of your business such as paperwork, spreadsheets and getting all the different pieces of software to actually work together.

But this may leave little time for endeavors that are essential for the growth of your business such as product development, marketing strategies, customer service etc. Now this is where Odoo can be your life boat.

Odoo’s suite of more than 25 open source business apps is comprehensive, fully integrated and most importantly, easy to use. It easily creates a fully integrated professional website for your business and manages your relationships with customers. Also, it facilitates effective online marketing as well as secures online payments for ecommerce.

What is Odoo Accounting Software?

Odoo’s accounting software specially is a class apart. It is capable of catering to businesses of any size. It is elegant, user-friendly and loaded with features. Let’s have a look what Odoo exactly does.

Odoo accounting software allows companies to provide advanced solutions to their customers and helps them to gain productivity. Behind the scenes, Odoo apps help you with tasks like managing your warehouse invoicing and accounting. Moreover, it has apps for all your business needs and they all work together seamlessly.

Expanding Business Through Odoo

Let’s take an example of John, who has a successful hat store. John would like to attract more customers, so he decides to start selling his hats online. With Odoo CMS and ecommerce, John’s online shop is up and running in a few days.

Thanks to Odoo, John can easily chat with website visitors, handle payments and manages deliveries. As orders pour in, John recruits more people and extends his product line. John decides to manage his customer relations, his stock, employees and even accounting through Odoo. Now, John can focus on growing his business rather than connecting various systems together.

Similarly, in little to no time, you too will be able to run Odoo effortlessly. Seize the chance to simplify. Join more than two million users from companies of all sizes, growing their business with Odoo. The largest organization using Odoo has 300,000 users and the smallest just one.

Features of Odoo Accounting Software

Replace manual accounting with computerized accounting:

It is a modern user interface based on Google material design trend and it works fast. It saves time as there is no need for creating invoices manually or printing and registering bank statement.

This is automation software. Also, you can receive an instant access to all accounting features on tablets or phones no matter where you are. It facilitates you to reconcile a payment with various invoices using a button on the payment form.

Moreover, you can get your bank statements automatically synced with your bank. You can also manage your entire business in one place.

Accounts Receivable:

When you build an invoice, it suggests outstanding payments automatically so that you don’t have to reconcile it later. Odoo supports multiple advanced payments for cash discounts, partial reconciliation, and advance invoice.

The invoices are beautiful, full-featured and extremely easy to create. It also creates draft invoices automatically that are connected with delivery orders, sales order, and timesheets.

Get Paid Easily:

In order to make your credit collection easy, Odoo proposes tasks, follow-up letters and emails spontaneously. Supporting your online payment with credit card facilitates you to get paid quickly.

It provides customers with the facility of tracking their invoices, order status and payments through their portal.  For understanding the use case of each customer, you can receive clear reports and navigate easily.

Accounts Payables:

It gives a clear forecast of your future expenses. It also controls supplier’s bills by simply registering on the forum to post questions and answers. A record is maintained that contains all the information of employee to the validation and reimbursements. This record is helpful to track the expenses of the employee.

Pay bill:

Within a few clicks, you can receive a proposition of supplier bills to pay and print checks. You can keep track of deposit tickets to make you bank reconciliation easy. Odoo supports your own payments flows with optional validation steps. It also automates wire transfers to pay at the right date.

Also Read : Benefits of Installing ERP System in Textile Business

Advantages of Odoo Accounting Software

  • It reduces data error & redundancy

  • Truly comprehensive

  • Reconciles key data 24/ 7

  • Enables quick decision making

  • Cost friendly open source system

  • Easily adjustable as per your business operation

Oddo Accounting Tutorial

  • Journal Define Chart of Accounts, Fiscal year, Key to Proceed

  • Fiscal year Define Accounting >> Periods >> Fiscal Year >> Create >> Fill up Basic information >> Click “Create Monthly Periods” Fiscal year is the length of time for an accounting

  • Create Chart of Accounts Accounting >> Accounts >> Accounts >> Create only check “Allow Reconciliation” option for Payable and Receivable accounts. Like Notes Payable, Accounts Receivable.

  • >>> Construct Chart of Accounts according to the list Internal Type (IT): IT is how the system identifies the certain Account Type (AT): AT is how the user desires to describe a particular account in the financial statement. AT can be created in the system but cannot configure IT anymore. Your Company Name is the name of your company defines during company creation. The code consists with parent account code.

  • Create Journals Accounting >> Journals >> Journals >> Create

  • >>> Create the initial journal account by the following table:

  • Fiscal year define Things to Mind >> Create Chart of Accounts >> In Odoo there are some mapping journals with same debit and credit account. These are called mapping journal. For example sales journal, purchase journal, cash journal.

  • These tasks should be done coherently because each one is dependent on the preceded one.

  • Define Journals as they are a basic requirement for the ERP Without configuring these, we cannot proceed to any other module in Odoo.

How To Download Odoo

Considering Odoo as open source software, you can download the full program from the Odoo website and install it locally on your own computer. Thus, it is the best way of discovering Odoo software.

  • Operate to https://www.Odoo.comand click Download

  • Enter your name, email address and select Windows

  • Click Download Now to download the Odoo installation file

  • The direct download link we’ve used is  http://nightly.Odoo.com/8.0/nightly/exe/Odoo_8.0-latest.exe

Read also : Odoo Guide: Installation, Create Models, Databases, Security and Web Pages

Even though basic software of Odoo is free to download, you need the expertise of a web development team to mould it into a perfect solution for your business.

Why is Python the best option for your Startup?

As a start-up, the first crucial and pivotal decision to take would to choose the programming language for the development of your particular project. Before choosing one or nodding to the language that you have been using so far.

There are certain questions that you need to ask yourself.

  • What is the best option for your team?

  • What will be easy to learn for your developer’s?

  • What is going to work well in the context?

  • Is cross-platform ability of any help?

  • What is the number of tools that can be used with the programming languages that you are considering?

  • How are general aspects and security going to work in the scenario of a particular language?

Despite all, time is the biggest constraint in this world that will make you feel to complete a project with 100 per cent productivity and reliability that can add value to any business. This is making developers to change their direction to the tool that can help them to prototype at a pater rate – Python.

Why Are Developers Bending Towards Python?

Python is a programming language that is offering so much to a developer such as attributes and various features than any other platform. With the high level, object-oriented language and dynamic semantics, python have managed to grab a lot more attention than predicted.

It is used to develop application at a faster rate with dynamic typing and binding along with built-in data structures. Not only this, if you are looking for a scripting language or glue to connect existing components then Python is the best option.

The best thing is that it will reduce the cost of maintenance of a project due to its syntax that can be learned and managed easily with the readability factor on top. In addition to this, python is among those programming languages that are promoting program modularity and reusability due to its support of modules and packages.

You can even distribute it evenly with the help of interpreters and standard library that are available in the source form or binary digits for all the main platform without any cost.

Let us also keep the fact about the market research in mind for a business. Among all the programming languages, every single one won’t be the perfect platform for your clients and projects. You need to understand that the success or failure of a business will depend on the market.

Why is Python the language for start-ups?

Are you juggling right now with so much to grasp? Well, it is a start-up and it will take some time but don’t let this intimidate you. All the worries are answered with Python.


Not only start-ups but the giant platforms like Google, Instagram and Quora also writes their code in Python. It brings so much innovation and versatility to a project that made people fall for it easily. It will take the service to new heights and will help in crossing your milestone by elevating the product and service.


There is no doubt that everything is turning to web-based, from social networks to streaming media projects. Big data is the only reason that companies are actually driving a huge amount of data at once. However, it can difficult and complex sometimes to process the data. But Python has it covered in the number of layers and allows developers to deal with such small challenges (for it). This is an essential reason that makes people jump on to python without thinking about anything else.


If your start-up is a success only when it will go further. Hence, the main agenda of companies is to make a market reputation and work to maintain it. However, it is essential to see that your business is ready to do so or not. If it can’t handle the growth then it will be difficult to attain the success. Python will help you out with it.

Read also : Python is the Industry’s Most Preferred Language. Know Why?

This will allow you to win against any obstacle that will come out with the simplicity of the language to make sure that is growing as per your goals. This will mark the year’s long journey for you in the industry without many challenges as it will be covered as soon as it arises.


From YouTube to Reddit, everyone is bending towards python which has rapidly increased its popularity among individuals. The developers are giving their support to this ever-growing platform that makes it the top choice for the companies. If you are trying to proof your future and stay here for a long run then it will be better to go for a language that is here to stay for a longer period of time which can be forever.


Python holds a lot of respect and value among all the programming languages due to the easy to use and intuitive nature. Developers appreciate the language because of its wide range of inviting qualities that work as the deciding factors for the start-upsthat end up choosing python without regrets.


Python has managed to excel in all the points with the trusted web framework. Especially when it comes down to prove itself against challenges with the help of speed, efficiency and quality that can’t be matched with any other language available in the market.

So, if you are planning to start-up then you don’t have to think much about the platform to follow.

Read also : 7 Kick-ass Games Built Using Python Language

Python Web Scraping Tutorial

Did it take the trouble to copy the content of the web page and extract that data directly to your local computer? Or ever gave a thought, how the data is extracted from millions of URLs?

If you are wondering what could be the possible process behind this technique? This article will provide you with the essential information.

Web Scraping and how it works?

Web scraping is also known as data scraping or data extraction technique. This software application is used to extract information from the websites and WebPages. The main focus of this technique is to transform the unstructured data (typically in HTML format) into structured data (useful data).

The work of the web scraper is carried out by a code called ‘scraper’. To gather the useful data from the HTML document, it first sends a GET query using HTTP protocol to a targeted website and then based on the result received it allows you to read the HTML of that web page which you can store on your computer and then shows the result which you are looking for.

Web scraping can be performed by various methods which include every programming language. To make web scrapping easier Python programming language is used.

As the Python provides more ease of use and work environment, web scraping using Python can be very effective.

Web Scraping Vs Web Crawling

The basic difference between the terms can be easily defined by their names itself. Scraping is generally meant scraping or extracting the data from the specified websites whereas, Crawling means to crawl and look for the numerous websites content and then index accordingly in the search engine.

They are used to build an index page for the user and show the useful websites URLs by indexing them. There is no need of web crawling if you want to do web scraping but if you are doing web crawling there is a need of a small portion of web scraping.

Introduction to Web Scraping using Python

For web scraping technique an open source web crawling framework is used. This tool is known as Scrapy which is built on the Python library. As this tool is easy and has a fast access to a library, it can be very useful for web scraping. We can also use beautiful soap which is a library to extract XML or HTML.

Let us start with web scraping with the help of an example. Suppose there are 10 fastest cars in the world and we like to see the top 5 fastest cars based on their views and popularity. We’ll see which sports car has greater views and followers.

We’ll use Python 3 and Python virtual environments for this example. Through web scraping and Python, it can be very easy to achieve. Web scraping selects some of the data that you’ve downloaded from the web and passes it along the other process.

  • Initializing the Python web scraper

To start with the web scraper, you need to set the virtual environment for the Python 3. Use this method to set the following.

You’ll also need to install these packages using pip.

  1. To perform an HTTP request, a requests package has to be installed.

  2. To handle all the HTML processing BeautifulSoap4 has to be installed.

Use this code to install these packages.

After installation of these packages, create your file as cars.py and also include these import statements at the top.

  • Making your Web Requests

The first step is to download the web pages, thus requests package provides the help. This package will help you to do all the tasks of HTTP in Python. For this example, you are only going to need requests.get () function.

This sentence will help you to get the content of the particular URL by making an HTTP GET request. It will return the text content if the URL is some kind of HTML or XML. If not, it will return none.

If the response will be in HTML, it will return true otherwise it will return false

This function will print the log errors which can be useful for you.

The function simple_get() takes a single URL argument and then makes a GET request to that URL. If everything goes smoothly, it will return the content of that particular URL in a raw HTML. If there would be problems like server down or URL is denied then the function will return none.

  • HTML with BeautifulSoap

After collecting the raw HTML data from the URL you can select and extract the document structure from the raw HTML.  We will be using BeautifulSoup for this purpose. BeautifulSoap will produce a structured document of the Raw HTML by parsing them. To see how the BeautifulSoap works let us take a quick example of HTML.

Save this file as example.html. After saving this file you can use BeautifulSoup as:

If we break down this example, we’ll see that the raw HTML data was passed through BeautifulSoup constructor. The html.parser is the second argument supplied here. BeautifulSoup accepts different back-end parser but only the standard back-end parser is html.parser.

By using select() method it will let you use CSS selectors. To locate the elements in the document, this method is used in the html object. In the given example, html.select(‘p’) returns a list. As in the line if p[‘id’] = =’car’, ‘p’ has an HTML attribute which can be accessed like a directory.  The <p id=”car”> attribute in HTML corresponds to id attribute is equal to string ‘car’.

  • Car names

Now, it is time to provide the information to the select () function. When you’ll see the names of the car in your web browser, the name appears in <li> tag and inside this tag, there is a car’s name. Generally, we’ll look for the class element or id element attributes or any other source which provides the unique identification of the information which we want to extract.

You can search the top fastest cars on your web browser and then examine their attributes. Let us consider this look with python.

In these sentences, there are various names which are separated by a newline character. Keeping this in mind, you can extract their names in a single list. You can use this code to generate the list.

This sentence will find the list of the cars and download that specific page and returns a list of strings. It will return one car name at a time.

# This syntax will raise an exception if there is a failure in retrieving the data from the url.

The get_names () function will download the page and get the name of <li> elements and iterates over. To ensure there are no duplicates names, you can add each name in python set and convert this set into a list and returns it.

  • Getting the number of views of the car

Now we have a list of the names and the last thing to do is to gather their views and followers. The code to be used to get the number of views is similar to the code which we have used to get the list of names. In this function, we have to provide the name of the car and the pick the integer value from the web page.

For reference, you can view the example page in the browser’s developer tools. There you can find the text appearance in <a> element which has a href attribute that contains a substring ‘latest-40’. You can start with the function as:

This syntax will accept the name of the car and returns a number of hits or insights on that specific page of the car name. The hits on the page will be received in integer form from the last 40 days as ‘int’

  • Finding errors and overcoming it

The last step would be to find the simple errors in the retrieval of data. To find out the proper structure of the data from an unstructured data can sometimes be messy. So it is wise to keep the track of the errors in this retrieval of data. You can also print the message which shows there are number of cars which were left out from the ranking list. You can write a code as follows:

Everything has done, all that left is to run the script and find the detailed report of the following codes.

  • Reaching the end

Let us take a quick review of what we have completed. First, we have created a list of car names. Second, we have run the iteration on the list of the name individually to generate the number of hits or their popularity.

Third, we have finished the script by sorting the car names with their number of views. After all these things, run the script and review your output.

These are the list of the top 5 cars which are most popular among the people. We are pretty much sure that you’ve learned how the web scraping works and how it can be used with python.

What To Consider While Making an App For Your Business

197 Billion App downloads were made in 2017 and it is expected that the downloads will hit 352.9 Billion in the year 2021

What does this mean?

It is high time that your business should make an app to leverage the situation.

Not only this but through a mobile phone, it is possible to increase the revenue of your business with the help of in-app advertisement options.

Hence, for a long-run, a mobile application can be extremely helpful for business growth and extract extra benefit through it.

Here are the tips and tricks that can help you out to build a user-friendly application to promote your business.

Outsourcing or In-House Development

There are many companies that ask their in-house development team to come up with ideas that can help them to build a perfect application for the audience.

However, it is possible that your in-house development is not that much experience to face issues that can put a full stop to your application development process even before it gets started.

This is the reason that makes companies shift to outsourcing options. An expert that have years of experience in mobile application will understand the hook and corner of an application.

They will know the requirement and demands of the audience due to their expertise. Also, you don’t have to elaborate much on them except your expectations and they will know what to do.

There are other options as well such as – freelancing. You can hire a freelancer to do the deed for you. It will be affordable and provide relevant results in the limited time span. Also, it is better to watch out for a local developer with you can get in touch with easily or that are accessible.

Know Your Audience

Mobile applications are the easiest source of promoting work. But there is no doubt that it is also a platform through which you get a chance to get in touch with your audience.

It allows a user to interact with your brand, tell their complaints or even buy your product. But before that, you need to understand the demand and requirement of your audience.

What will make them go for your application in the first place? For instance, people go for Amazon because it provides the best e-commerce services for years. In addition to this, their application is user-friendly and is now available on different platforms.

These may be small reasons but are the most efficient one when it comes to attracting an audience.

A user spends their most of time and money on mobile applications then on websites, if they like an application then they will come back. It all depends on loyalty and you need to work on that only.

Mobile Website

It is possible that you are confused about whether to build an application or not. In these types of scenarios, you can easily go for the mobile website option. These are the next big thing that is leaving a huge mark in the application world.

People are showcasing their services and product by using the website but in the form of an application. It is compatible to run a website on a wide platform of mobile devices.

You don’t even have to outsource the project as your in-house team will easily handle this type of work for you. Discuss the functionality with your team and all the graphical aspects that you want to incorporate in the website application along with user interface. Your lead developer or graphic designer can help you out with the basic work details.

If you have the complete plan then you can hire an outsource developer or even a web app development team if you like. They can create an application website for you without any hitch. It will be cost-effective and will save a lot of time of a developer to work on the project.

Message To Give Out

This is the step that you need to be very clear of. You must know what your application will sell or what the basic idea behind all the effort is.

This will actually help you to decide the look and feel of your application. Also, you will be able to decide logo font and colour for your application.

Usually, people don’t give it much importance in the starting phase and then they regret it immensely. Apart from this, you must know the type of content that you need to put in your application.

However, you can always grow your niche and field but initially, you need to be clear of it. It is better to integrate your mobile application with your YouTube channel or even your blog if they are already running.

It Is All About iPhone And Android

There was a time when you were surrounded by a number of Operating System for a Smartphone.

When the time has changed now and people have said their final goodbye to Window and BlackBerry phones. Now it is all about Android and iPhone that has taken over the majority of the population.

Both the platforms are growing rapidly and business owners are also focusing on these OS platforms more and more.

Every other platform has now ceased to exist or become irrelevant. Even developers are more focused on them that allow them to make an application that can work just fine with Android and iPhone.

Read also : How To Create A Chat Application Successfully

Also, there is no reason to not for both as there is software that allows you to launch an application for both the platforms simultaneously.


The potential of the mobile phone is no longer limited to marketing. It has gone beyond the transactions, social media interaction, customer loyalty and improved market image of a company. All the business owners are now dependent on mobile applications to reach a more challenging goal and achieve a huge customer ratio.

Learn How To Create An Awesome FAQ Page For Your Website

Are you looking for a way to improve your customer relationships? It’s common knowledge that, in today’s world “the customer is the king” in the market, so, we have to do everything from the customer’s perspective.

It becomes more important when you are running an online business or an online store. The main motive of every business is to earn a profit by giving excellent services and experience to their customers.

You must know the needs and wants of your customer, and for that, you need to think with the customer’s point of view.

That is where an FAQ page comes into the picture.

In this article, we will stress on FAQ page and we will discuss

How to create the perfect FAQ page for your online store?

FAQ (Frequently Asked Question)

FAQ is the listed questions and answers that may be asked by your customer. Questions can be related to your product, services, about your company etc. In other words, it is a list of questions and answers that are related to a particular problem, it usually includes the basic information for users of a website.

FAQ is important to guide your customer about your site; it can work as a trust builder and convince the customers to buy more products by giving them further information.

FAQ page

An FAQ page is a space on an online website where the vital information about a business and its product and service is shared to clarify doubts, questions, and uncertainties on the part of customers.

A strong FAQ page helps to retain customers and improve their perception towards an online store by answering their questions. The FAQ page acts as the first point of contact for customers looking for answers before they reach to you directly with their concerns and issues.

An FAQ page is a strong communication tool that will not just help you to up-skill your customers but it will also help to promote sales by increasing your conversion rates.

Tips to Create a Useful FAQ page

  • Using a search option in the FAQ page can be a good idea. If your FAQ page starts exceeding the questions, the customer may face trouble to find their information for the specific problem. Many visitors and customers try to find the search option on the FAQ page to find things quickly.

  • If you want to increase the traffic on your FAQ page, you can try to create a landing page, especially for the important questions. This will help the users to find the other questions relevant to their problems.

  • Always take the customer’s point of view into The page should focus on the customer’s problems and how to solve them.

  • Do not put any unnecessary content. Your readers might get a little disappointed in finding the right information. It will prevent the customers to find the significant information which they are looking for.

  • Using the customer’s language and slang can create an informative FAQ page. The customer needs simple and valuable information, they never seek a high-quality language which forces them to search the meaning of the language and words used.

  • A well-organized FAQ page is more appealing to the customers. Define the type of the questions asked and categorized them. The questions should be very clear and organized for the users so that they don’t have to waste their time in searching.

  • Always try to provide precise and accurate answers to the customers and make sure that they are actually the frequent questions asked by the customers.

  • You can also provide information by using visualization. Using images can help the user to understand the solution more easily.

These samples FAQ will give you a clear idea on how you have to pursue.

Question:  What is the motive behind creating an FAQ page?

Answer: To address the common concerns, queries, doubts, question or objections that customers might have.

Well, this is just a part of it. But, if you want to know how to create a perfect FAQ page for your online store, keep reading to find out.

Well, it is a very crucial task to create a perfect FAQ page. Many online stores don’t think that FAQ is a big deal, they take it for granted.

Well, this is a very critical mistake made by them which leads them to bad results. But, if you don’t want to make that mistake, take the following points into consideration while creating an FAQ page for your online store.

Customer empathy: First of all you need to put yourself in your customer’s shoes to find out what questions or problems they might experience. Keeping that in mind, try to provide an in-depth and valuable solution to their queries.

Informative answers: You should provide informative answers to the queries of your customers. Your answers should be in the way that provides the whole information regarding your product, service, and business and it should always end with a benefit and value.

For example, you can include the following points in your FAQ page:

  • What does your business do?

  • How does your business work?

  • Pricing related information

  • Shipping related information

  • Refund policies

  • Payment policies

  • Terms and conditions etc.

Concise: It should be concise enough and offer necessary information. Don’t make it too much wordy, as the customer wants a quick solution to their problems.

Universal questions: If you don’t know from where to start, you can put some universal questions regarding your product or service. For example; you can talk about warranty, replacement stock availability etc.

Question: How can I pay for my shopping?

Answer: We accept Visa card, Master cards or COD (Cash on Delivery).

Make your page accessible: Your FAQ page should be accessible and should be visual enough that every customer can reach it without any difficulty. You can place the FAQ on the actual product page just below the product description. You can also place a separate tab for FAQ section with other tabs like the home page, about us, products, service, contact us etc.

Use images in your answers: If you find that your words are not enough to answer the question, you can use related images to explain your answers in a better way.

Frame your answers in a positive way: It is a key point that how you frame your answers. You should always frame the answers in a positive way even if the question is about the potential shortcomings of your product or service.

Write your questions from a customer’s perspective:  You should always draft your questions from a customer’s point of view. For example; you can start your question with “How do I…? How can I…?” and then answer from your business perspective like “you should… or we provide… etc.

Alphabetical ordering: It is a universally acceptable way of organizing or framing the questions. But don’t use alphabetical ordering to frame your question because readers may not know exactly what they want and they may feel lost in alphabetical ordering of question and answers.

Make your FAQ conversational and memorable: When you are framing an FAQ page, imagine as if you are talking with your customer over the phone and then start the structuring of questions and answers. If you do this, you will frame the answers with “we” to represent your company.