How To Calculate The Cost of Inventory of Your Retail Store

Everyone has a vision – a passion – that becomes the story of their life. Some bury their desire in the depth of their mind while other started to work on it. There are no words to elaborate the feel of your own start-up launch. There is so much to do, starting from business planning to asking the experienced person for some great advice and jumping in the market to have a deep knowledge. Yes, it will require a huge amount of energy and time but in the end, it will all be worth it.

You passed the initial stage, now the second hurdle is around the corner. You might be confused even after all the knowledge you have in your hands. The big question above you

What to do next?

The thing to keep in mind is that the start-up cost of retailer store and other business are different. It depends on various factors such as location and size of the store. Since business is different, you need to take a piece of paper and get started with the total cost that you need to invest in it. This will fall under business accountancy plan which will include monthly expenses and cost of starting a retail business. Not only this, it will also show the break-even point of your business and the time to reach there. Break-even point is a certain point at which the expenses, cost and revenue are equal to each other with no profit or loss.

Well, you need to stock your inventory in order to get started with your retail start-up. The cost of inventory will be among those prices that you might have come across while planning your business. This will determine the actual cost that you will need to start your own business. Additionally, it is not an easy cost to estimate as it will affect the entire cost of your new business.

Challenges of estimating inventory cost for retail start-up

Few retailers find it difficult to estimate the cost of start-up. Since you know that inventory is the basic thing that you need to run your business, it is essential to estimate the cost as soon as possible. It is beneficial to plan the cost during the time of business planning to get an idea about future expenses.

Here is the main struggle. No one knows the actual or exact cost to buy inventory. The reason is simple. Every business requires a retailer business licence so that they can talk to a vendor to stock the items. This must be included in your business plan as well.

It will be like a wrench to your business plans because there is no point in visiting a bank without figures, facets and numbers. This will be a disadvantage to know whether the business plan is feasible or not. Your vision is just an idea and nothing else without facts supporting it.

Estimating Inventory Costs for Start-up

Another problem that you will face is that suppliers and vendors only send their catalogues with the price list to the well-established businesses. Nevertheless, if you share your idea with them, it is possible that few of them can share their price list with you, while others will simply reject your offer.

This will make your job a daunting process. Still, there are ways by which you can calculate the actual cost of inventory. Kick in the side of a business accountant, which will be your future once you start the business).

All you need is few facts that can guide you to estimate the accurate cost.

  • What will be your product line?

  • How many products of each product line must you have during the start of your business?

  • How much will each product cost?

Make sure that the retail markup is between 30 and 40 percent as per the industry segment.

  • Essential and basic product have small profit margins.

  • Hand-crafted and luxurious items have higher markup

Basic Mathematics can go a long way

The basic maths can decide the cost in which you will be selling an item or which deal will be beneficial for your account while purchasing an item. Since you might know the selling cost of a particular item. This will give you an estimate of the wholesale price of one product. Simply multiply the cost of one product from wholesale market to the total number of items. This will give you the cost of your first product.

For instance, if you want to purchase a number of scarfs from an online store. They offer the wholesale service but you won’t receive any information until you make an account. The account will require your personal details and licence which is not an option for you. If the cost of one scarf is $30. Then the cost of 20 scarfs will be?

Estimated markup: $30 X .50 = $15

Estimated wholesale cost: $30 – $15 = $15

Estimated Cost for 20 scarfs: $15 X 20 = $300

  • This will give an insight of the total cost you will require on one product. You can use this method to determine the estimated cost of other products that you are incorporating in your business.

  • Also, add additional costs such as handling, shipping, and other expenses that are associated to acquirethestock.

There are industry research and trade association’s details that can be helpful and give you an idea about markup used by other retailers.


You will get a more accurate idea when you are all set to open your own store. When you purchase an inventory, you will get more idea about things and cost. It is always helpful to go for over-estimating as it will ensure that you have enough money to easily start your shop without worrying about capital. Even if you have few bucks left, you can invest them in other expenses that will come along in an unexpected way while you open your retailer store.

Why Web Crawling is Crucial for the Success of ecommerce

Ever gave a thought how a search engine shows the exact same results for something you are searching for, even if there are billions of the results which are similar to your search? If you have your own ecommerce website you must have heard about the term web crawler.

This topic might catch your interest as it will also reveal the reasons which make web crawling essential for the success of ecommerce websites.

If you haven’t heard about web crawler, do not worry! We’ll give you brief details about web crawling and its importance in the success of ecommerce websites.

What is Web Crawling?

Web crawling is nothing but a web robot which browses the result using web indexing. It generally uses an automated script which is used to browse the World Wide Web and collect all the URLs. Following a basic pattern, the result is then combined in a single index of web result.

They are the software which is coded to retrieve web documents through an HTTP protocol. Alternatively, a web crawler is a program that uses an automated structure to browse the results from the World Wide Web.

The main motive of web crawlers is to maintain the freshness of the pages in its index.

A web crawler generally deals with two main issues:

  • What pages should be downloaded? This concern needs to be solved by a good crawling planning.

  • To download a large number of pages per second it needs highly optimized system architecture.

Web crawler gathers the entire URL from the World Wide Web and then shows it in the single index. This helps a user a lot to find a certain query without going to several URL manually.

Why is there a need for a web crawler for the success of websites like ecommerce?

Web crawler plays a crucial role in the success of ecommerce websites. Believe it or not, you may not have noticed it but all the recent services and products you’ve updated are suddenly shown on the top of the results. This is all because of the web crawler.

This helps in maintaining a fresh index which includes only updated and recent URL which is being used.  Following are the main benefits of the web crawlers which can push your ecommerce website to success.

    • The web robots use a structure or pattern to show the index of the URL which is most used by the users. Thus if you’re maintaining your website regularly, the web crawler may show your search on the top of the index. The result shown in the first index is generally preferred to be more successful. Only with the support of the web crawler, this can be achieved.

    • The web crawler cannot download the entire URL and shows it in the index. The web is really a large collection of the URLs and data. So it shows a small portion of the entire World Wide Web. It also checks whether the small portion of the web which it has gathered are meaningful or not. Thus if you are sharing a fresh and meaningful information, the web crawler will also show your URL in the index or the search engine.

    • Web crawler once downloads the significant webpage, then it needs to start revisiting the web pages to detect any significant changes in the information or not. It is coded as to carefully check which pages are having more information and revision in order to show the fresh results in the index. If your site is regularly revising the information, the crawler will show your URL on the index too.

    • The web crawler may block you from indexing on the search engine. The pages which were downloaded from the sites need to be retrieved by the site itself. After the page is retrieved from the web crawler, this needs to be transferred through the network and also the resource shared by the multiple organizations. This is done to minimize the load of the websites which has to be visited by the users.

    • The web crawler can also be beneficial for your business decisions. Let us take an example of an online shopping site. Assume you have an ecommerce website which is based on shopping and selling of the products and services. You need to make sure that the prices of your products are in the competition with the other competitors. To do that, you’ll need an automated procedure which can monitor the competitor’s sites and their prices.

    • If you are going to do it manually you’ll never be able to achieve it. Thus web crawler here plays a crucial role in order to monitor them with just a single search. The web crawler will gather all the URL related to that product you have searched for and will show it in a single index. Then you can make your prices which can compete with the other sites.
  • Ecommerce website generally consists of a data and services about the products. Thus it needs to be highly informative and collective. If you want to search the data about the other services, you will need web crawler assistance to search for the other services. It will gather the information about the services and other business intelligence. You can collect the data with a single search and then the web crawler will gather the entire URL related to that search.

  • If your site provides services for automobile industries like car parts, automobile accessories, or any other spare parts. Thus maybe some industries would be looking for these services, the web crawler will simply gather up your URL based on that search and shows the result which can be used to approach your website. If web crawler assistance wouldn’t be there, then you may have to advertise your site manually which can cause you a lot of money.

  • Web crawler has also helped in showing the different or similar images of the product. It can distinguish the various relevant services and shows it in the index. It can also help your product image which can be shown on the index page of the search result. Thus if your product is relevant to the top companies there will be some chances that your product will also be shown on the first index of the web page. Thus it is very much important to use SEO tool as to make your website more appealing so that the keywords which are used for the other product may show your product on the list too. With more content, your product will become more relevant which can be shown by the web crawler automation process.

There are also other things web crawler can do for a business such as, it can gather a huge amount of different data for business intelligence, or it can also search the market about the products and services you are offering. The web crawler can also help you to monitor the rivals or other business products 24/7. With the help of web crawlers, you can also gather different customers’ feedback on your products and services which you can use to improve your services and make them consumer focused.

Wish To Know The Duration of Redesigning a Website?

The entire website design process usually takes 30-45 days from beginning to end. On contrary, some website design can take longer as per the complexity and scope of the project. A simple website comprising of 10-15 pages takes about 4-6 weeks.

Each website is different and has its own characteristics. Thus, every redesign depends on the expectation of the product.

It depends on if you want a template based website or an e-commerce website, involving a lot of customization. Your choice on either of these is an answer to how long a redesign takes.

What is a Template Website and Custom Design?

As already mentioned, your expectations for the product can determine how quickly your website redesign will take place.

If you are not sure which website to look for, then put together a list of all the websites that you like or the features of a website you like and present them to your developer.

They will then be in a better position to suggest you on changes that fit you in your budget and time frame.

A Templated Website

It is a pre-designed webpage that is taken into use to “plug-in” personalized contents and images. They are faster to build and are more budget-friendly. Template websites are becoming more sophisticated over time, therefore giving more space for plenty of customization. This is the best-suited option if you are seeking for something with a modern feel with cost-efficiency.

Custom Web Design

It simply means that your website redesign will take more time. Custom web design builds your website from the scratch thus, taking a lot more time.

If you opt for a templated website, you have more chances of redesigning your website quicker than if you go to the route of complete customization.

For a website containing 25-40 pages, it can take some around 6 weeks to 6 months. Well, to be honest, it depends.

It depends on certain factors. Below are the five factors that determine how long your website will take to redesign.

Factors on which the time period of your website redesigning depends


The timing of a website depends hugely on how fast you provide content to your developer. This is a big obstacle as the content is provided by the client and not the developer. Otherwise, it would have been more convenient and efficient.

Clients are often so busy in their day-to-day business dealings that they are not able to spend the needed time in preparing the content. This is a problem which should be given serious consideration.


How long it will take to redesign your website largely depends on how big your project is. Obviously, larger projects will take a longer time compared to smaller ones.

If your project has more pages, it will naturally become large and thus, taking a long time in the process of redesigning. This is because every extra page needs additional quality assurance, SEO tagging, graphics, Mobile Design, etc, which consumes a lot of time.

Different Page Design

It’s not always about the size. A website containing 15 pages might take a long time to develop if each page is different from another one. A total number of pages are important but the total number of unique page design matters more.

Every website online has its own unique layout and design, but if you pay close attention to the inner pages, they are all the same. Sites with different inner pages are more complex and expensive and time-consuming to develop.


The design of your website is not the only factor impacting how quickly your website can be redesigned. It also depends a lot on the functionality. The dynamics involved in a website is referred to as functionality.

It involves functions of a website such as filtering functions like project portfolio items or categories. It can also be any effects you see on the screen done with a bit of additional coding.

Number of People Involved

Last but not the least, this is a simple but a very important factor determining how long a website redesigning process will take. The timeline of your website depends on what number of people will have input into the designing process.

Every new person added into the process increases the timing of a website project, geometrically. As it is said, “too many cooks spoil the food”. When too many persons are involved, not only the process gets affected but the final design too.

Until now, you must have been well-aware of the factors affecting the timing of a website redesign.

Do you know what a sitemap is? If you don’t, it is the most important thing when it comes to getting your site designed quickly. It is the architecture behind all the pages in a site and the relationships amongst them.

Getting a clear understanding on the sitemap, a number of pages, their relatedness, and determining which ones will be designed uniquely will help you define the scope and the time period for your website redesign.

“How long will it take to re-design a website” is rather a typical question to answer. We can never have a simple number of weeks or months. But we can estimate the time by evaluating the tasks which are going to be used in re-designing.

Website designing and redesigning are both similar things. The only difference is that to re-design you don’t have to create the whole content again rather; you just update the already designed elements such as a slider, homepage layout, and graphics.

Whereas, designing a website requires mapping out and writing the web pages on the basis of a comprehensive keyword strategy and SEO (search engine optimization) plan.

Let us see the simple processes and evaluate how much time does these process takes to re-design a website.

  • When you want to re-design your website the organization you’re going to hire will give you a website design questionnaire. In this list, there are various types of questions which target the inside of the client’s brain.
  • This list will give a brief idea about what design and what preferences you are looking for in a new design. This process might take 3-4 days to completely go through the website design questionnaire carefully and persistently.
  • The next step will comprise of the questionnaire evaluation which might take 2-3 hours. In this process, the review of the questionnaire will be held and both the client and the organization go through several hours of meeting and coming up with an idea. This meeting will clarify the doubts and the goals to re-design your website.
  • The organization which is going to re-design your website will have a proper knowledge and information at the end of the meeting.
  • After the organization has taken the information and design knowledge from you, the re-designing process will start soon. They will try to create a design which best suits your company and your information provided.
  • This process may take at least 8-9 days until they build a good design for your website. After creating the design it will undergo a review process.
  • This process includes reviewing the design made by the organization. The design which the organization has made is this design you were looking for or you need to revise a little. The time depends on the revising of the design.
  • The time which is to be needed will depend on the revisions which have to be made. The process may take 1-8 days.
  • This process undergoes the coding of the website once the design has been approved by you. This is the part where the process of your re-designing will take shape.
  • The content and the information will be loaded during this phase. The design implementation will take approx 3-6 days.
  • After completing the design and coding, it will go for the final review which might take at least 4 days. This will undergo the final review for any design or any information which need to be changed.
  • Once you will approve the design and coding, the final step would be the official launch of your re-designed website. This process will take at least 3 days until it is processed and ready to be served.
  • If we evaluate the time consumption based on these scenarios we can actually think of a simple number. It might take nearly a month or a little more to re-design a website.

13 Best Python Web Framework For Web Developers

Python is a progressively favored language. It is widely used high-level programming language for general purpose programming.

It is often used by system administrators, machine learning engineers, desktop and web developers, and data scientists.  It is easily understandable and a powerful language to develop any type of system.

The large user platform of Python provides an upstanding circle. The open source community provides additional support for building programmers seeking help.

A framework is a code library which makes it easier to build scalable, maintainable and reliable web applications by providing re-usable code or extensions for regular operations.

Its low time-consuming feature allows developers to focus on application logic instead of tedious elements. There is numerous, downloadable open source Python web frameworks available online.

Best Python Frameworks:  Django, TurboGears, Tornado, web2py, Zope, Grok, CherryPy, Flask, Quixote, Nevow, BlueBream, Bottle, Pyramid are some of the top Python Web Framework Software.


Django is a high level and most popular web framework for Python.  This high-level and well-organized framework simplifies the development of big and complicated web applications by giving a number of strong features.

It keeps upgrading on regular basis to match the latest trends in web application development. This feature also helps developers to achieve common web developments tasks such as user authentication, sitemap, administration, and RSS feeds.

The developers of Django can take benefit from the in-built security features given by cross-site scripting, clickjacking, Django prevents SQL injection and cross-site request forgery. On contrary, Django also helps programmers to control the website instantly to tackle a sudden spike in traffic.


TurboGears is designed in a way that it overcomes the deficiency of various widely used web frameworks. Python also consists of all written, data-driven web application frameworks. It allows developers and programmers to start creating web applications with the nominal setup.

TurboGears supports numerous databases and data exchange formats and horizontal data division. It also allows developers to ease web application development by taking in use different JavaScript development tools. The programmers can also use Pylons as a web server along with getting benefited by SQLAlchemy and an ORM system.


Tornado is a Python web framework. It is was originally developed at FriendFeed. Tornado uses the non-blocking network I/O, by which it can scale thousands of open connections making it just perfect for WebSockets, long polling and other apps that need a long-lived connection to every user.

Tornado cab installed with pip or easy install. Tornado runs on any Unix-like platform but Linux and BSD are recommended for the best performance and scalability.


Web2Py eases down custom web application development, including practical batteries such as a web server, SQL database, and an interface based on a web. It allows programmers to build, modify, manage and change the web application’s efficiency by web browsers.

The developers can also operate Web2Py smoothly on major operating systems and web servers. They can even create web applications driven by web applications by working with various widely used relational database management systems. Simultaneously, Web2Py supports programmers to execute MVC programming and prevent common security failure.


Zope is also a Python-based, open source web application server. The programmers can further enhance Zope as per their requirement through Python code. Zope is completely different from other web frameworks. It is an object-oriented web application development platform.

Zope’s features help users to create custom web applications as per various business needs. Additionally, Zope also supports both versions of Python programming language, i.e. 2.x and 3.x. Zope 4 further gives you access to take benefit from page templates based on Chameleon and upgrade the performance of web application by minimizing memory utilization.


Zope Toolkit technology is used to develop a web framework for Python, in Grok. It allows Python users to boost their web application development by using toolkits of Zope libraries, as a set. The programmers have an option to select from a broad range of standalone and group libraries according to the need of the specific project.

The constituent planning used by Gork helps Python developers to reduce complexity in web application development by taking benefit of views, controller, and content objects.  Grok also helps by providing all the necessary resources required to create custom web applications as per the various business needs.


CherryPy is also designed as an object-oriented web framework for Python. It boosts web application development by giving developers an access to write short and brief code, based on object-oriented programming (OOPS) principles. 

But programmers can still simplify custom web application development by getting benefited through the in-built tools offered by CherryPy for static content, sessions, caching, and sessions.

CherryPy is now more than ten years old, and its stability and efficiency is just the same. It is used by many sites for production. CherryPy is one of the oldest we frameworks available for Python, yet it is unknown for many people. It is so because CherryPy is not equipped with in-built support. It also supports profiling, testing, and coverage.


In Flask, the web framework for python is developed based on Jinja 2 templating language. Flask boosts web application development by providing an in-built debugger and development server.

It also helps in securing integrated unit testing, Jinja 2 templating, RESTful request dispatching, and cookies. The programmers can use particular extensions to extend Flask as per the project’s specific needs.


Quixote is a framework used for writing Web-based applications using Python. Its objectives are flexible and high performance when taken into consideration with developing a web application. It includes two major versions, version 1 and version 2 and uses two outsourced libraries,  Jinja2 template engine, and the Werkzeug WSGI toolkit.

They are quite similar but incompatible with each other. These are actively maintained and are frequently used by various public sites. It also has a demo as part of the Quixote distribution.

It offers a basic example of a Quixote application and serves as a template for new applications. Quixote is an open source framework.

Divmod Nevow

Divmod Nevow is a web application toolkit written in Python. It allows the developer to demonstrate the view logic as desired in Python, including a clear Python XML expression syntax named stan to ease this.

However, it also provides great help for designer-edited templates by using mini XML attribute language to give bi-directional template manipulation ability.

Divmod also comprises of Divmod Athena, which is a “two-way web” or “COMET” execution. This acts as a two-way bridge between the server’s Python code and JavaScript code on the client.


BlueBream is also an open source web application framework, server, and library for web developers. It is created by the Zope community and presently known as Zope 3.

This framework is best suitable for both medium and large projects divided into many re-usable and interchangeable components. BlueBream is based on Zoop Toolkit (ZTK). It holds years of experience ensuring that it meets the necessary requirement for consistent, stable and scalable software.

BlueBream uses the Buildout system coded in Python. It employs the ZODB (Zope Object Database) which is a transactional object database offering extremely powerful and easily –usable perseverance.


The bottle is a simple, light and fast WSGI micro web-framework for Python. It is issued as a file and does not rely on any library other than the python standard library.

Bottle takes into use a world-wide list of search tracks (bottle.TEMPLATE_PATH) to discover templates on the file system. The Bottle’s  Routing requests function-call mapping along with the support for pure and flexible URLs.

The Bottle’s Routing Template is fast and Python-based and supports Jinja2, cheetah templates, and mako. The Bottle’s Routing Utilities gives convenient access to file uploads, form cookies, headers and other metadata related to HTTP.


Writing web applications is easier with Pyramid. Programmers have the freedom to begin small with “hello world” minimal response web application.

This is very useful and can take you quite far while learning. Pyramid simultaneously offers you many features as your application grows. It makes writing complicated software easy and effortless.

The pyramid is compatible with all supported versions of Python. In-Built value is provided by Full-stack frameworks that tell it what to do. On contrary, the thought of doing something unique or using something better leads to unexpected challenges in the framework.

Pyramid has a very small and slow start but it provides you with many high-quality choices. It is distinctively equipped to scale.

In future, Web developers will have the opportunity to choose from a more wide range of Python frameworks. Some of the above-mentioned frameworks are full-stack, whereas others are not.

Similarly, some of these web frameworks are getting an update which will for sure; compliment the emerging web application development shift.  Therefore, programmers will be able to develop a web application in a more accurate, efficient, and convenient way.

How Long does it Take to Build a Website?

A business is incomplete without a website. A website is not only the status symbol for a business but it also makes the business easily accessible to its potential users.

How Long does it Take to Build a Website?

Naturally, every business owner wants a piece of the pie that is the internet, but an important question arises, “how long will it take to build a website?” We can never expect an actual amount of time which can be spent to build a website. Thus, the time taken to build a website is directly proportional to the quality of the website.

Factors Which Can Affect the Time to Build a Website

There are websites which can be created in a day and also there are numerous websites which may require a couple of months to build. It all depends on quality, functionality, and aesthetics.

There are numerous factors which can affect the time required to build a website. The most common factors are as follows

  • Website requirements
  • Type of website
  • Design of the website
  • Services you are going to provide via your website
  • Testing and launching of your website
  • The platform on which your website would run
  • Which web developer you are going to hire
  • Website links to a back-end server

Requirements For Your Website

Major Web development projects may take several years to complete. Also, you’ll see many other organizations which can offer you, that they can build your website in just a week. It might be true but your website will not be of that good quality you’re seeking for.

You need to research on your own, what are the requirements you’ll need to fulfill to build a website? The more time you take to fulfill that requirement, more time it will take to start building your website.

Type of website you want to build

There are different types of website you can build. If you’re building a gaming website you’ll need more time. If you’re building a blog writing website, it would probably take less time. Also if you want to create an enormous online e-commerce website that would probably take more than a year to build. You need to have a clear idea and decide what type of website you want. A website like Facebook which is a social networking site took approximately 1-2 years to build and run in the demo phase and still it is developing.

Flipkart which is an online shopping e-commerce website took almost 14-16 months to run and it is still continuously growing.

There are various sites which can run just in a couple of months but still, it will take a huge amount of time to get it growing. As the customer’s feedback and needs of improvement a website are continuously built and updated regularly.

Designing of the website

This factor is the important aspect which can affect your building time to a huge extent. The design of the website is the main concern for every business. The design should be appealing and creative which suddenly needs more time and creativity to build.

The designers spent their time and thoughts to come up with a suitable design for the company. Hence it can still take at least 1 week to come up with an idea to design an attractive website and to build it; a web designer might take another 1-2 weeks.

Services you are going to provide via the website

Time consumption to build a website also depends on the services you are going to create which will help the consumers. Services like creating a profile, creating a notification for news or sending messages over the internet or any other service.

If you want to create a service in which users can create their account and send emails and chats to other users, It will take a long time to create a website which will be end-to-end encrypted.

This type of coding generally takes approximately 4-5 months to become effective. Other services in which you are providing the information about something might take less time to build such as an article or content writing blogs. This website generally needs a content which can hardly take less than 4-5 hours. So if you want to build blog writing website you can run it in just a couple of months.

Testing and launching of your website

If your website is completed in the expected time frame, do not think you’ve successfully built the website. A successful website is free from any errors or bugs. Thus the big issues lie in the testing of your website. Is your website fully functioning and responding accordingly? Or the services you have created for the users are properly working or not?

There might be errors or bugs in your website which can hold the completion of your successful website. If your website is completed but contains errors and bugs, do you think the project has finished? Removal of the error and going through all the coding will take a huge amount of time before you can call your website complete.

To properly test your website it will need approx 8-9 weeks to have feedbacks and improvements. After successful test without any errors, you can state your website as completed.

Different platforms for your website

If you want to build a website which can easily run on different platforms, it would probably take a few tests and code to perfectly run on different platforms like Windows, MAC or Android web browsers.

The estimated time is still expected to be 1 month to make a better version which can runs smoothly on phone or laptops.

Linking your website to a backend server

Linking your site with the backend server needs a little amount of time and tests. Approx 1-2 week would be needed for proper functioning of a back-end server in the website. The database which has to be stored in the server goes through the website itself.

If you want users to create an account in your website, the account details will be saved to the back-end server. This process needs to be properly functioning and hence running several tests might take 2-3 weeks.

Should I Hire freelancers or a web development company?

Both have their own perks and disadvantages. But, if we think about the reliability factor, Web Development Company has more weight age.

Their main advantages include,

  • They already have a fully functional and strategically formed team
  • They might use the same development methodology and tools used by a freelancer but it will be more effective, will be on time and within the budget as they have experienced personnel who can expertly calculate the entire process.
  • The entire web development process can be summarized into planning, development, user experience (UX) design, user interface (UI) design, testing, launch, Ongoing maintenance, and support.

Imagine you have to hire experts in every aspect of web development. It would be a herculean task to coordinate everything. When it comes to a web development company, such issues will never surface.

  • WordPress is great but it tends to be poor when it comes to maintenance and in accordance with the size of the website. An experienced web development company will have robust frameworks which can help in the creation of a stable website.
  • Custom packages, they are a relief for people who are concerned about budget. Freelancers might not be able in the luxury to offer that.
  • Project management is the key to the successful deployment of a website. When the project tend to be complex, web development companies will be able to help effectively than that of a freelancer

There are other factors which can affect the time to build a website. If we took an estimation of these factors and contributes to a single conclusion, the time would be different for different websites. If you’re still looking for a simple number here is an approx estimation of time to build a website of different types.

  • Beginner Websites: Generally the beginner website comprises of blogs or information provider. To build this type of website it would take at least 2 weeks to build and run smoothly.
  • Intermediate websites: This websites consist of information and links to different web applications. This website requires multiple frames and multiple web pages in the website. It would take approximately 12-13 weeks to build this type of website.
  • Professional websites: This websites includes many back-end servers and are mostly used among the business. Websites like Facebook, Twitter or Google are such websites which use many backend servers and network. To build a website which contains several servers and networks would take approximately 6-13 months.

For general considerations, it takes 2-3 weeks for discovering the idea, 3-4 weeks for design, 3 weeks for the revision, 9-12 weeks for the development, 7-8 weeks for testing and modification and the final launch of a typical website (approximately 7 months).

Does Artificial Intelligence Have The Power To Replace Web Developers?

Is an Artificial Intelligence sound more common to us these days? Nowadays everybody talks about how Artificial Intelligence can be useful? Or is it going to replace human workers? Since our technology is evolving, thus Artificial Intelligence is also evolving. Artificial Intelligence can do much more things than we’ve ever imagined.

Artificial Intelligence will most probably shake up the jobs in every field. But do you think, will Artificial Intelligence replace human being? Will Artificial Intelligence replace developers? To get to the point and solution for this question, there are things which we must evaluate to come up with a better and a reasonable answer for what you are looking for, let us discuss the Artificial Intelligence and how it is advancing and evolving.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is nothing but a machine with the ability to solve problems with our natural intelligence. AI is a simulation of human intelligence which is

processed by machines and computer system. AI also demonstrates the power of self-learning and self-improvement which can be very useful for the industry of automation.

Artificial Intelligence is a technology rooted in computer science, linguistics, biology, psychology, engineering, and mathematics to create intelligent machines.

Activities of a computer that are designed with Artificial Intelligence include:

  • Speech Recognition
  • Problem Solving
  • Planning
  • Learning
  • Perception
  • Reasoning
  • Knowledge
  • Ability to manipulate and move objects

The core part of AI research is Knowledge Engineering. Technical, scientific and social aspects which are involved in building, maintaining and using knowledge-based system is a field of AI that creates set of rules to apply to data in order to imitate the thought process of a human being. It tends to create a program which is similar to the problem-solving skills of human that could take the same amount of time and data to come up with the same conclusion as human. But eventually, this conclusion will later become better than human. Thus AI will eventually replace the jobs that people are doing. To consider the consequences of using machines to make decisions, AI can be intimidating.

Why is AI needed?

Artificial Intelligence has many potential applications. AI has contributed to the technology sector and made things easier and simpler. Today, Artificial Intelligence is used almost in every sector in different ways. The sectors that are frequently using the AI are financial sector, healthcare, social media, retail, etc.

Since AI has achieved a lot in past years! Hence, there is no doubt that it is taking over the jobs which were supposed to be done by a human. AI is now doing what people were doing earlier but more precisely and accurately. A Common example is chatbots which have taken over the customer service jobs.

But if you think clearly, throughout the history, the jobs of the people were still slowly taken over as the technology was advancing. Also in the production line, the robotic workers have taken over the jobs of the human workers.

But the main question we were discussing was will Artificial Intelligence is truly going to replace developers?

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors stated in an Interview about the threats of AI. He said, “We just don’t know what’s going to happen once this Artificial Intelligence will become smarter than a human brain”.  Its true AI will threaten most of the jobs in the future. Other than Elon Musk, the late Stephen Hawking also warned about the future of AI. He said, “It could be the best thing to happen to our society or the worst. We just don’t know! It could be the worst event in the history of our civilization”.  We are still not sure if it is for good or bad.

Still, it is possible to believe that the Coders and the Programmers are also at risk of being replaced by unfolding technologies in the future. Developing a website may no longer be a skill in the next few years. Most of the websites have been automated already in which a website creating tool do the work by simply deciding the design and the content of the user.

On August 01 2017, The AI chatbots named Bob and Alice understood each other by talking in their own language. They were built by the Facebook researchers which had to be shut down immediately. We still don’t know what could happen in the possible future but the outcome may seem scary, the jobs are reducing rapidly with the advancement of technology. AI is taking over every machine which was operated by a human.

Is the developer going to be replaced by AI?

 AI will never be able to perform tasks as a human developer can do. Hence there are more crucial tasks where we can never rely on the automated system, whether it is an error in the nuclear power plant or a missile launch. Thus human programmer would still be a need.

We know that AI will be improved and may achieve to write a perfect code than a developer. But at the end of the day we have always learned that computers have zero IQ level as compared to human IQ level, hence no matter what happens in future it will never be able to replace developers. It’s better to stick with human developers and programmers rather than using AI automated programmer. AI is still far away from that point where it can think alike human and create ideas.

There will be scenarios where the AI will cause the job losses but they will also be replaced by the new jobs. Even if AI can create a website or software, the developer will ensure if the software or an application is running smoothly without any issues and maintain it. There will be losses of the job but there will be jobs in which people will do the maintenance of the work which is completed by the AI.

Eventually, computers will become much better at programming in the near future. There is no doubt that it will surely bring us a frightening conclusion. Software like DeepCoder which has the potential to automate code development, But still AI isn’t going to take away the jobs of developers. The developers need idea and creativity to do programming and produce the application, thus AI will never be able to achieve that.

Artificial Intelligence may become smarter and may improve them, but they will never think like a real human being. AI will never be able to create unique ideas and thoughts that is where the Developer will play the role. If you are thinking to become a developer, you can adapt AI and recreate your thoughts which become more useful and productive. But even we can’t be so sure what will happen in the upcoming years. Maybe there would be a lot of jobs to replace our current jobs. Maybe there would be more developers than present scenario or maybe no jobs.

AI has a lot of potentials and it is true that it has helped a lot of industry to make their tasks simpler. Its potential may help developers to get better at the jobs. So it is safe to say that a developer is not going to be replaced by AI, not in these upcoming years.

Top 100 Python Interview Questions and Answers

Are you a Python Developer? Or looking for a job in Python Development? Or is there an interview you want to crack no matter what? Well, you don’t have to waste your time anymore! This post contains 100 Python interview questions and answers which will surely help you.

These sample questions for the interview are framed by our various experienced Python developers and experts. This will give you an idea of what can be asked in the interview related to Python development.

Python Development Interview Questions

1. What is Python?

Python is a general-purpose programming language which is object-oriented and high-level programming mainly used for web applications and development.

2. What are the features Python can offer?

Python can be used to create software, games and web application using several frameworks.

3. Can you compare Java and Python?

Yes, the biggest difference between Java and Python, Python is easier and simpler whereas Java uses more complex codes.

4. Is Python an interpreted language?

Yes, Python has interpreted language because Python programs run directly from the source code.

5. Who was the founder of Python and when was it released?

Guido Van Rossum has founded the Python and it was released in December 1989.

6. Name any programming paradigms which Python include?

Object-oriented, imperative, functional and procedural are the programming paradigms which Python include.

7. Why is Python said to be a High-Level Programming Language?

Python is said to be High-Level Programming language because the language which Python uses is closer to human languages thus which makes it easier for a human to interpret.

8. What do you know about PEP 8? Why is it important?

PEP 8 is Python’s style guide which has set of rules for how to format your Python code. It is important because it shows how the Python code should be formatted.

9. Can you differentiate between pickling and Un-pickling in Python?

Pickling in Python is the process of converting Python object to byte stream whereas unpicking is the reverse operation of the pickling.

10. How will you find the bugs and errors in a Python code?

To find the bugs and errors in Python code we’ll use Python Debugger tool or PDB.  

11. Can you state the names of the tool which are used to find bugs in Python?

PyChecker is used to find bugs in Python. Pylint is another tool which can be used to detect errors.

12. How can you alter functions in Python syntax?

By using Python decorators we can alter the functions easily.

13. What is the use of dictionaries in Python?

Dictionaries in Python are used for mapping of unique keys to values.

14. What are the major two versions of Python Programming language?

Python 2.0 and Python 3.0 are the two versions used Python programming language.

15. What is “The Zen of Python”?

It is the principle which influences the design of the python programming.

16. What is the use of functions help ( ) and dir ( )? How are they different?

Help () and dir () both are used to view the attributes of built-in functions in Python.

Help (): this function is used to display built-in functions as well as to provide help related to the module.

Dir (): dir () can show the methods and attributes of the class.

17. Which command do you use to exit the help window in Python programming?

To exit the help window in Python programming ‘press q’.

18. How would you list all the built-in functions and variables in Python?

By using help () function or dir () function we can list all the built-in functions that are available in the Python.

19. Explain module in Python?

The Module is used to structure a Python program. Modules basically contain a set of functions which you want to use in a Python program.

20. How will you find methods or attributes of an object?

We can find methods or attributes of an object by using built-in functions. Help () or dir () can be used to find the attributes of an object.

21. What do you know about mutable and immutable types in Python?

They are the built-in types of Python.

Mutable built-in types are list, sets, and dictionaries.

Immutable built-in types are strings, tuples, and numbers.

22. Why isn’t memory freed whenever the Python exits?

Memory isn’t freed because Python does not try to destroy every single of its object. Also, certain bits of memory are distributed by the C library which is impossible to get free.

23. Can you explain the term monkey patching in Python?

Monkey Patching is a method by which we can extend our programming while runtime. We can modify the code or extends it while runtime.

24. What does “*args” and “**kwargs” means and why do have to use it?

*args and **kwargs are the special syntax used for the function to pass a variable number of arguments to a function in a Python.

25. Write a single line code to count the capitals letters in a file in Python.

Single line code: count sum(1 for line in cl for character in line if character.isupper())

26. Write a code to randomize the items of a list in their accurate place in Python.

[‘y‘, ‘v ‘, ‘z ‘, ‘x ‘, ‘w ‘ ]

27. Can you explain the term compilation and linking in Python?

Compilation: allows the new extensions to properly compile without any error.

Linking: After the new extensions are properly compiled without any error, the linking is done.

28. Write a code in Python to sort the numbers in a list.

Output: 1 3 5 6 10

29. How will you modify the strings in Python? Can you name all of them?

We can use different functions which can be used to modify the strings. Split(), sub(), and subn() are the functions used to modify the strings in Python.

30. How will you generate random numbers in Python?

import random


31. Can u state the difference between range and xrange in Python? State their uses.

Both are used to generate a list of number for the user to use. Thus only difference is that xrange only returns the xrange object whereas range returns the Python list of object.

32. Explain the term unittest. What is the use of unittest in Python?

Unittest in Python provides a unit testing framework. It helps in automation testing, shutdown code for tests, aggregation of tests and independence tests.

33. Can you convert a string to a number and how?

Yes, we can convert a string to a number by using built-in functions in Python. For example, ch = “4789” is a string which can be converted to an integer by using

num = int(ch)

34. Can you copy an object in Python and how?

You cannot copy most of the objects but still by using copy.copy() or copy.deepcopy() we can copy an object in Python.

35. What do you understand by the term local and global variables in Python?

Local variables are set to be local when they are declared in the function’s body. Global variables are those variables which are declared outside the function’s body which has to be used.

36. Can you share global variables across the modules?

Yes, we can share a global variable across the modules by creating a special configuration module often called config or cfg.

37. When was the Python 2.0 and Python 3.0 released?

Python 2.0 was released on 16 October 2000 and Python 3.0 was released on 3 December 2008.

38. Name the types of divisions which are used in Python?

True division and floor division are the types of division used in Python.

39. Name few platforms which Python supports?

Python supports various platforms like Windows, Linux, MacOS or any other .NET framework.

40. Define the term pass in Python?

The pass is a placeholder in a statement where nothing has to be written. It should be left blank.

41. What are the conditional statements in Python?

Conditional statements in Python are basically a syntax used to check whether the given condition is true or not.

42. Define the term slicing in Python.

Slicing is a process to select a range of items from a sequence. The Sequence can be list, tuple, strings etc.

43. What is the Lambda expression in Python?

It is used to create a one-time or small function objects in Python.

44. What are the applications of Python?

Python can be used in developing games, web applications, and software.

45. Define the libraries in Python. How is library used in Python?

Libraries are basically collections of functions in Python. It helps the user to perform actions without writing code.

46. State the advantages and disadvantages of Python?

Python is easy to learn and supports various platforms and system. It is object-Oriented Language

Python is slow as well as not a very good language for mobile development. It is impossible to create a high graphics 3D game using Python.

47. How will you represent a statement in Python?

Newline (enter) is used to represent a statement in Python. Use of semicolon at the end of the statement is optional.

48. Can you explain the use of “with” statement?

Using ‘with’ statement in Python, we get the better syntax and exceptions handling. It simplifies exception handling by cleanup tasks.

49. State the difference between modules and packages in Python.

A module is a single Python file whereas package is a collection of modules.

50. If you are a beginner, which programming language would you prefer between Java and Python to develop games and why?

I would prefer Python over Java to develop games. As a beginner Python can be easier as it already supports various platforms in which we can easily create games.

51. Can you suggest me some good frameworks which are used in Python? Can you give an example where they are used?

PyGame, Django, flask are some good frameworks which are used in Python. Pygame is used to create games and Django is used in web application.

52. Name few applications which are developed using the Python language?

Battlefield 2, Quora, BitTorrent, Dropbox, Instagram and many more which are developed using Python Language.

53. Why enumerate ( ) is used in Python?

It is used in Python to simplify the programmer’s task by providing a built-in function which adds a counter to an iterable object.

54. Suggest me the built-in function which can be used to display the contents in reverse order?

Reverse () function is used to display the contents in reverse order.

55. Explain the term List Comprehension.

List comprehension is a method of creating a list while performing some operation on the data through which it can use an iterator.

56. Can you explain the term OOP? Is Python object-oriented language?

OOP stands for Object-Oriented Programming is a programming model in which the programmer defines the data structure and also the types of operations which can be applied to the data structure.

57. Explain the term inheritance in Python.

Inheritance in Python is defining a new class with no modification to an existing class. Hence it is a powerful feature which can be used in OOP.

58. What is super in Python?

The super function in Python is used to gain access from parent to sibling to inherited method.

59. Name some companies which are using Python?

Google, Mozilla, IBM, Yahoo, NASA and many others which are using Python programming language.

60. What are the variables in Python?

In Python to store values, the memory location is reserved, that reserved memory location is known as variable.

61. Can u differentiate between .py and .pyc files? What is the use of these files? 

.py file is used in compilation whereas .pyc is the saved file in Python.

62. Can you retrieve a data from a database? How?

Yes, we can retrieve a data from a database in Python. By using MySQL or SQLite we can retrieve any data from the database.

63. If you want to retrieve a data from a table in MySQL database, which query will you use?

First, we’ll use execute () query than to fetch the data we’ll use fetchone() query.

64. State the difference between copy.copy(x) and copy.deepcopy(x).

Copy.copy(x) returns a shallow copy of x whereas copy.deepcopy(x) returns a deep copy of x.

65. Explain between the terms append ( ) and extend ( ) methods.

Append () is used to add an element in Python whereas extend () is used to merge multiple elements.

66. Can you use Python for web development? Name some web frameworks which can be useful?

Yes, Python can be used for web development. Django, flask or pyramid can be used for web development.

67. State the difference between Django and Flask?

Flask is web-framework generally used to build a small application with a  simpler requirement whereas Django is used to build larger applications.

68. What is Django?

Django is a Python web framework which is used for the web development. It is a high-level and open-source framework which follows the MVT (Model View Template) pattern.

69. Can you explain me the term map function in Python?

Map functions are generally used to apply functions the sequences and other iterables. It is the simple built-in used in Python.

70. What is numPy and sciPy in Python?

SciPy is Python-based system of open-source software for science, engineering or mathematics whereas NumPy is a package used to compute scientific calculations in Python.

71. What is the use of Pygame in Python?

Pygame is an open-source library in Python which is used to make games and multimedia application.

72. Assume list is [1, 22, 33, 44, 55], what is list [-1]?

The answer is


73. Which code should be used to open a file Python.txt?

File = open (“Python.txt”,”w+”)

74. Explain Package in Python?

A package in Python is a special directory which contains a special file and multiple modules.

75. Does Python have scope in a programming language?

As it is the most versatile programming language, Python does have a great scope for building web applications.

76. Can you check the file existence in Python?

To check the file existence in Python the most common way is to use exist() or isfile() syntax.

77. Define the term multithreading in Python?

Multithreading in Python is a technique by which several processors can use a single set of code at different stages of execution.

78. What is the syntax of using “else” statement in Python?

if expression:




79. Define the term iteration? Why is iteration used in Python?

Iteration can be defined as the control flow statement which allows the code to be executed repeatedly. Iteration is used for a loop which can be used to execute array.

80. How can you define a class in Python?

A class can be defined as an object constructor. It consists of several attributes which are used for creating objects.

81. Explain Dash framework?

It is an open-source Python framework used for creating analytical web applications. It’s good for beginners who aren’t familiar with the web development.

82. What is the use of a web framework in Python?

The web applications like web services, web resources, and web APIs are supported and developed using web framework

83. Are there any predefined functions available in Python?

Yes, there are numerous predefined functions which are available in Python. bool(), compile(), dict(), float() etc.

84. How would you take the input from the user, state the syntax?

To take the input from the user we’ll use function input() or raw_input().

Syntax: printf “enter the number”
x= raw_input()

85. Is Python good for web development or game development?

Python is good for both the development. As it is easy and simple, this supports multiple frameworks which can be used to create applications.

86. State the difference between list and tuple.

The only difference is that list is mutable type while tuple is an immutable type.

87. Can u list some games which were developed using Python?

Yes, there are many 3D games which use the Python language. Battlefield, EVE online, Pydance or openRTS are some of the games which were developed using Python.

88. Describe index in Python?

Python can be the index in positive and negative numbers. Starting from the positive index, 0 is the first index, 1 is the second index and so on. Whereas negative index starts from -1 and goes on.

89. Do you know any other programming languages which are influenced by Python?

Yes, there are several languages which are influenced by Python. C, C++, ABC, Dylan and many others.

90. How many ways are there to copy an object in Python?

We can use copy.copy() or copy.deepcopy() to make the copies of an object in Python.

91. Can u define a term generator in Python?

Yes, the process for implementing the iterators in Python is known as generators.

92. Explain the term docstring in Python.

Docstring is the way of documenting the Python functions, packages and classes. Docstring is basically a Python documentation string.

93. Write a code to delete a file in Python.

The syntax which is can be used to delete a file in Python:

Import os
Os.remove(“ File_name.txt”)

94. Why ‘ // ’ operator is used in Python?

It is a floor division type, which is used for division of two numbers. The result of the quotient shows only digits before the decimal point.

95. Can we use Python as a scripting language?

Yes, we can use Python as a scripting language. It can be used for web programming like PHP, ruby which is a scripted language.

96. Which framework does Python use to make a web application?

Django, Flask or pyramid are the most popular web framework used to make a web application.

97. What do you know about PDB?

PDB is generally known as Python Debugger. It is a debugger tool which is used to find bugs and errors while runtime of a program.

98. Define the terms split() in Python?

This function is used to split the string into the smaller string using the defined separator.

99. Is Python easy to learn and easy to write?

Yes, Python is very easy to learn and is not complex as compared to other programming languages.

100. What is the use of Flask in Python?

Flask is used to make a simple and small web application. It is independent of external libraries.

Top 100 Python Interview Questions And Answers

Python Programming based jobs are now in high demand. But to crack the initial Q and A interview you need to know certain aspects of Python. Go through this Sl…

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Worried About Domain Name of Your Website? All You Need to Know

The domain name for any website is as vital as the name of the business. Thus, a website is the face of the online business.

In case you’re hoping to create a website for your business, one of the principal things you’ll have to do is secure a domain for your new venture. But what kind of money will domain name really going to cost you? How to get it? And perhaps how to decide a right name?

There are plenty of things to consider and it can feel overpowering, so here are a few hints to make it less troublesome. We’ll cover the following points in this guide:

What is Domain Name?

A site is a compilation of web pages assembled together for a solitary purpose. A domain name is that site address that a site owner requires to register before users can get to the site. The domain name or web address is the name that users should type on their browser’s address bar to access your site.

Anybody can enlist a web domain and decide not to do anything with it, but a point is, you can’t have a site without a domain.

The simple initial step is to choose what name you’ll give your site.

With regards to the domain names, normally the shorter the better. Since they are less difficult to recollect and they look better too.

Although this is not a hard and fast rule to choose your domain name, it’s only an advice. One should give priority to choose a business-specific name.

How to Buy a Domain Name?

By the day’s end accessibility is the most essential since if the domain name you need isn’t available, so, it doesn’t make a difference how great it is. Using a web hosting service like HostGator can help you to check the availability of your domain name.

So, in case that the .COM variant of your business name is accessible, grab this opportunity of using this for your site at the earliest. But when you can’t locate an available .com, at that point .net, .org, .uk, .us, or .ca are other options. They’re worthy, yet in the event that I was utilizing a .net or .org version, I’d stress over visitors writing in .com coincidentally. Hence, regardless of whether you market your .NET site, you may lose clients who wrote in the .COM form.

Step by step guide of registering your domain name:

  • Pick your web hosting service or registrar.
  • Your picked registrar ought to have an availability checker as this you can use to check whether a domain name is accessible or not. It’ll also give you recommendations for alternative domains if yours is taken already.
  • You will be requested your personal data and contact details while filing the registration form to finish your profile for the “WHOIS” database.
  • Costs for the domain names will come up on the availability check. Contingent upon which registrar or web host you pick, you might be get your free domain by buying a hosting package.
  • Utilizing the domain manager, enter the name of primary and secondary servers of your web host into your registrar’s settings. This procedure will link your website with your domain name.
  • In case your business doesn’t have a site yet, your domain registrar can park the domain name briefly utilizing a site set up for you.

Cost of Domain Name

Purchasing a used domain name will cost you anywhere from the hundreds to thousands, and conceivably even a lot of dollars. Insane right?

So, when you’re newly beginning your business on the internet the best strategy always will be picking a new domain. It will be less expensive and enable you to establish your own brand image starting with no outside help.

Commonly, you’ll be paying around $10-$12 for a new domain space, contingent on the extension for the domain name you’ve selected. During the discountperiod, you may even buy them at something as low as $2- $3.

A few extensions like .xyz, .biz, or .info, alongside many others will wind up being amazingly cheap since users on the internet aren’t exactly used to of those extensions.

Utilizing mainstream keywords or expressions will also make domain names costlier.

Other elements to consider:

Renewal expenses

A few registrars will charge a modest registration cost, but a pricier renewal charge. Ensure you’re mindful of the cost increment upon renewal (if there is any).

Privacy charges

A few registrars will charge extra charges to enhance the security of your domain. This administration will conceal your contact info from public records.

Transfer out Fees

Sometimes, you may run into a web hosting service that offers less expensive costs than your present service provider. And, you need to shift! Every registrar has their particular domain transfer charges, some may charge way too high. So, it’s better you know all that in advance before enrolling a domain from them.

Wrapping Up

A domain name is one of the top things you require to set up a site. Certainly, every one of us has their particular exceptional hosting needs which imply our domain prerequisites will be diverse too. While some will straight away elect to purchase a new domain name, some will go for the old domains.

Thus, in discovering all the right solutions to purchasing a domain name, you need to consider every factor that is related to its pricing. Additionally, invest your time in creating a remarkable domain name for your website that fits your business well.

Developing a Chatbot using Python Language: Tutorial

Hands up, If you want to learn how to build an AI Chatbot with Python. This article will walk you through using a Python language library to develop a simple chatbot that determines the value and responds to user input.

Before we get started, there are some points which you need to know before creating artificial intelligence using Python.

What Other Languages Are Used For Building AI?

One of the most known languages for creating AI is LISP (an acronym for list processing).  Its key features consist of, dynamic typing, garbage collection, interactive environment, and uniform syntax. The codes written in LISP are s-expressions which consist of lists.

Prolog is also one of the most popular AI programming languages. It has a built-in unifier, which makes it different from others. The main drawback of this language is that it is very difficult to learn. Therefore, people have to think twice before actually going for it. Another language which is best suitable, if you want to build a simple AI in a short period of time is C/C++.  Its portability and built-in types make this language a priority choice for some developers.

Last but not the least, we introduce you Python. It’s quite similar to Lisp and is one of the most popular languages amongst the other AI languages. But what makes it so popular? Let’s find out.

Why People Opt For Python?

Python has a clean grammar and syntax; it is natural and fluent, explicit than implicit. It has a playful approach to many tutorials and other materials.

Python offers some really efficient features such as, thought out syntax, language interoperability, holistic design, low-level and high-level programming, documentation generation system, testing frameworks and numerous libraries, which are often enjoyed by the developers. When compared to other OOP (Object Oriented Programming) languages Python is comparatively much easier to learn.

Proceeding on Towards Building AI Based Chatbot Using Python

STEP 1 Build AI with Python

Building AI using Python is time-consuming. In fact, it certainly depends on your motivation, skills and the level of experience in programming.  You must have a basic understanding of this language, in order to build AI with Python. First of all, install Python. You may do that installing Anaconda or any other open source analytics platform. The next step is to gain knowledge of machine learning. I understand that it’s quite impossible to reach the ultimate understanding of machine learning in such a short period of time. Hence, start with basic knowledge.

Python libraries are very useful when you build AI. Pandas, an open source library that provides developers with convenient data structures analytic tools is another important tool for Python. Scikit-learn is an efficient tool for data analysis. It is amongst the most popular general purpose machine learning library.

After working with scikit-learn, explore k-means clustering. To learn more about Python in AI, you can read about a deep learning framework caffee and a Python library Theano.

By above paragraphs, it can be concluded that Python is quite important for AI. Any machine learning project can take benefit from using Python. AI indeed demands a lot of research. Use of Python in AI makes its programming efficient like no other.

How To Develop a Chatbot Using Python?

A chatbot is a computer program, which is designed to simulate a conversation with human users, especially over the internet. They are online assistants that offer different services through chatting. For example, there is Lyft whom you can request a ride via chat (Facebook Messenger and Slack) or voice (Amazon Echo) or Starbucks with which you can easily place an order using voice commands or text messaging. Cool right?

A chatbot can be used in any department, business and every environment. They are artificial narrow intelligence (ANI). Thus, are not as clever as humans. Additionally, chatbots only carry out a limited amount of task i.e. as per their design. However, these chatbots make our lives easier and convenient.

The trend of Chatbots is growing rapidly between businesses and entrepreneurs, and are willing to bring chatbots to their sites. There are various ways to do that such as by using different languages and approach or you may ask a professional software development company to do that for you. You might also create it yourself using Python.

To build artificial intelligence chatbots through Python, you will require ATML package (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language).

First, create a standard startup file without any pattern and load aiml b. Add random responses that would make a dialogue interesting.

Now, to code your own AIML files, look for some files which are available beforehand. For example, browse among files from the Alice Bot website.

The startup file you will be creating will act as a separate entity. As a result of which, you will have more AIML files without a source code modification.  The program will start running when there are enough AIML files.  This was an introduction to how to make AI using Python. Now, let’s proceed further and see which particular library can be implemented for building a Chatbot.

Chatbots in Relation to NLP (Natural Language Processing)

Nowadays, Natural Language Processing or to be precise, its component Language Understanding (NLU) has allowed bots to possess a greater understanding of language and context.

They are advancing at an unprecedented rate and are becoming more intelligent in understanding the meaning of the search. They are now capable of responding in a more specific, accurate and context-based information.

Social media platforms such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Slack etc. are progressively being used by businesses.  Websites-interface is being replaced by Bots. From the numerous choices available for building a chatbot, the implementation below uses the RASA-NLU in Python.

How To Install RASA?

Rasa can be installed on a standalone machine. Steps are as follows:

  • It can be done by pip install rasa_nlu
  • Latest documents can be seen here

RASA-NLU is made up of separate components, where here every component does its own specific work. Each component has its own province. Options such as MITIE, Spacy, and Skelearn are available. We will be using Spacy and Sklearn here.

Flask is simple to code. Use pip install flask and follow along to understand the basics of the framework.


A RASA-NLU platform needs to be practiced before actually initiating it. We must transfer few sentences and mention the intents and entities in it. For those who don’t know, Intents are sentences that contain actions and categories, and entities are compulsory variables required to fulfill the actions.

Below is a simple example, showing that it contains many entries:

The explanation is as stated below:

  • Text: the input sentence.
  • Intent: “restaurant_search”. Call-back function.
  • Entities: one is ‘location’ consisting value as ‘centre’. Second is ‘cuisine’ with value as ‘Italian’. ‘start’ and ‘end’ in the above context is the beginning and ending indication of the words.

These are Some Steps To Create a Server Side of the GST Chatbot Application-

  • Build a new directory and navigate to it.
  • Create a data/demo_gst.json.
  • Train the project in python.

This will create a model_YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS folder.

GST Bot is just a small example, revealing the potential to develop something which is completely functional and useful.

7 Kick-ass Games Built Using Python Language

Python is an unimaginably compelling and valuable PC programming language that a significant number of the famous games depend on for their establishment. Programmers picked Python for the game development activities since it is an easy language to begin with, and is fun and simple to learn.

From one perspective, it consolidates the profundity and resources of utilizing C/C ++ libraries, and on the other hand the simplicity of utilizing Flash, with a normal execution between the two. In this way, commonly it is a decent language to program complex things rapidly, however, clearly giving up execution, being games interpreted and not gathered.

Here is a list of the most popular game programs that are written in Python language and what they do.

1. Civilization IV

Civilization IV, otherwise called Sid Meier’s Civilization IV is a turn-based methodology PC game and the fourth version of the Civilization game series. It was developed by Soren Johnson under the management of Sid Meier and his computer game development studio Firaxis Games. It was launched between October 25 and November 4, 2005, in Europe, North America, and Australia.

The map editor of this game version supports Python.

2. Battlefield 2

Battlefield 2 was designed by Digital Illusions CE in the year 2005. It is a military simulator first-person shooter video game. It was developed with contributions by Trauma Studios, and distributed by Electronic Arts only for Microsoft Windows as the third version in the Battlefield game series.

Battlefield Heroes handles some portion of the game logic involving game modes, scoring with cleartext Python scripts.

3. Sims 4

The Sims 4 is the 4th significant version in the series of the life simulation video game – The Sims. The Sims 4 is similar to its predecessors. It is created by Maxis and The Sims Studio and distributed by Electronic Arts. Players design a Sim character and manage their life to examine different personalities which transform the way in which the game plays out.

Mod support for The Sims 4 is prepared through Python including the application of Python for coding.

4. Toontown Online

Disney’s Toontown Online is generally also famous as Toontown or Toontown Online. It is a 3D massively multiplayer online role-playing (MMORPGs) game designed on a cartoon animal world. The game series is developed by Disney’s Virtual Reality Studio and Schell Games. It is published by the Walt Disney Company. Players could build characters named “Toons”. Players are also capable to customize their Toons character in different shapes, clothes, colors, and sizes, as well as their species.

It is utilizing Python for writing codes and panda3D for graphics. Python has pulled out for this game as it is almost lightweight, efficient, and balances properly. It consists of a syntax that is simple to learn and debug, as well as the documentation is great.

5. World of Tanks

World of Tanks or WoT is also an MMORPGs created by the Belarusian-Cypriot organization Wargaming. The game features the mid-20th century i.e. 1930s-1960s era war battle vehicles. It is developed upon a freemium business form where the game is free-to-play, although members also have the alternative of paying a fee for using its “premium” features.

World of Tanks has additionally, ported to many gaming consoles. Wargaming West studio developed an Xbox 360 variant, called World of Tanks: Xbox 360 Edition. The PlayStation 4 adaption was launched in the in 2016. WoT has further recently developed to mobile platforms with the title World of Tanks Blitz.

The game has Python at its focus as a scripting language for user-side logic.

6. EVE Online

EVE Online is an online space-oriented, steadfast world MMORPGs created and distributed both by CCP Games. The players in this game can partake in diverse in-game tasks and activities, such as trading, mining, manufacturing, piracy, investigation, and combat (both player versus player and player versus environment).

Both the server and the client program for Eve Online are developed using Stackless Python, a variation of the Python programming language. Stackless Python permits a generally huge number of players to execute duties without the overhead of utilizing the call stack utilized as a part of the regular Python distribution. This liberates the game designers from playing out some regular work and enables them to apply transitions to the game universe with no need of resetting the server. In any case, the Eve cluster is taken offline every day for server and database support.

7. Frets on Fire

Frets on Fire or FoF is a free and open-source Finnish music video game developed by Unreal Voodoo. Players utilize the console to play alongside markers which show up on screen, with the plan to score points, accomplish a high point multiplier, and finish a tune.

The game is written using the Python programming language and is authorized under the GNU General Public License, despite the fact that the game fuses other free and open-source code under different licenses. The game’s incorporated song files and some inner text styles are restrictive, and their redistribution isn’t allowed outside of the Frets On Fire executable.


What influences Python to emerge among different programming languages for game development is its readable and clean syntax structure. Relatively every developer will approve that Python code is more comprehensible than that of Java or C language. And keep in mind that development speed may change from one project to another, it is broadly accepted that developing a game in Python is 5-10 times speedier than making it in Java, not to state of C/C++.