How much will it cost to build a website in 2018? Step by step analysis

In the current competitive design world, determining how much a website would cost is one of the many frequently asked but unanswered questions. Even today, with millions of website online, it is difficult to understand the average cost to design a website or redesigning an existing one.

But the question is, why not? Though many of us today feel that building a website is just the hosting and domain cost, you will certainly end up paying much more for additional tools and plugins. The process also includes the total number of man-hours spent in designing and maintaining the website.  So, let us take a look at the real cost of building a website in today’s 2018 online marketplace.

For designing any new websites; you can either follow any of the 2 options

Hiring a professional developer

For people who are super busy building the foundation of their company, or people who simply just cannot understand the technology, you have to hire a professional website developer. Many of you must have already Googled sites offering you website designing services. But the probable was, either the prices weren’t listed, or prices that ranged from super cheap to super expensive.

To make things simple, we rolled up our sleeves and did some pretty good research for you. For websites and freelancers that listed their prices, we saw that the ongoing rate in 2018 to build a modern and dynamic website would cost on an average around $1000-$4000 (numbers might vary slightly in accordance with time) which includes its hosting and maintenance costs. In the end, it all depends on the number of pages and the add-ons you look for on your business website.


Also not to forget, web designing and web development are 2 different approaches. Designing contradicts to working with an architect to design the blueprint of your website. Whereas, developing refers to actually building the website using various resources.

Hope by now you have an idea what things cost to build your website, let’s take a closer look at the other factors:

1. Number of pages

Let’s consider that a web developing company offers you a quote for 8 pages for $1000. But suppose your requirement needs 25 pages in total, a good rule would be to add $100 per page for every page above the 8 pages quoted. Obviously, every web designing company will have its own terms and condition, but putting forward such a cost estimate will certainly benefit both the parties.

2. Site layout

The modern designing techniques have seen a rise in the number of templates. These templates have readily built functionalities, but they need to be customized according to the business needs. More the customization more will be the charges incurred. So make sure you get these points right.

3. Images and graphics

Graphics images which are fancy and attractive can do wonders to your website. Such images cannot be used from Google as they might be copyright protected. Hence you will have to pay a fee for purchasing this images from various other vendors like Shutterstock or freepik.

4. Design revision

Most of the web development firms allow up to 2 revisions before the final website is ready. But there are many designers who offer even up to 3-5 revisions during the design phase. Don’t forget, each revision during the design phase comes at a fair price that will add up your cost of designing the website. But not to worry, in 99% of the projects, 2 revisions seems sufficient.

5. Content

Content is king. we are sure you must have heard this many a times. Solid and eye-catching content will draw attention to your business. If you are building a new website and you have no content on it, you will have to purchase it either from the development company itself or get it from a freelancer outside.

neural networks python

Do it yourself (DIY) technology

Building a website isn’t an easy task-specially if you are not a skilled designer or coder. Nor can it be considered as a rocket science. Nowadays many organization have come up with DIY websites with some very good and impressive drag and drop functionalities that skip your thought of “I don’t know how to code”.  Even though it might look simple, you will certainly need some or the other professional help to get the website up and running.

If you are building a website all by yourself, make sure you have the following stuff ready. These raw materials aren’t horribly expensive as you might think.

1. Domain Name

Domain name is similar to your home address where you tell people where they have to visit. It is usually a unique IP address that carries your business name. You can register your domain at a cost merely about $10-$12 for a year which can be renewed after every year.

2. Website Hosting

Website hosting is required to keep your website up and running 24/7. Companies like GoDaddy and HostGator offer web hosting for $100 per year, which can be upgraded based on your needs.

3. SSL certificate

SSL certificates are installed on the web server your website is hosted on, which digitally binds a cryptographic key to your business data. This secures your site with HTTPS protocol. You can purchase the SSL certificate for about $10/ year, or for a higher security, it goes up to $200- $300.

4. Plugins

Premium plugins will cost you around $200-$300, or you usually get for what you pay for. As far as plugins are concerned, make sure you don’t look at some more few dollars and you ought to buy some good quality plugins for your website. Beware, there are some of those plugins which will don’t work as you want.

So considering the above factors, you would be looking at spending almost approx.. $500-$600 dollars just to keep the site up and running.  But the main focus on building the website by doing it yourself is your time. A simple 5 pages website can take about 20-30hours week to design something of quality.

Developing a modern, engineered website is way more time-consuming than most people think it is. But if you have more time than money right now and you don’t get overwhelmed by web technology, the DIY approach is a perfectly viable option.


Start small and then scale your website higher. If you can afford to pay for a website, just pay an experienced Web Development company and be assured that your money will be well spent. It will save your time and headache.

Learn How To Use Python For Building Your Own Neural Network

In simple terms, the neural networks is a computer simulation model that is designed according to the human nervous system and brain. However, neural network python could easily be described without using the human analogies. You can also take them as a mathematical function to give out perfect explanation.


However, you might have certain doubts that why to build Neural Network from the scratch?

There are neural network  python libraries available such as PyBrain that could be used. However, implementing a network is essential to get a better understanding of the working process of the neural network.

Before getting started, let us tell you that the codes used here are simply for the understanding point of view. Now, get the work started.

1. Generating A Dataset

You need to generate a dataset before starting the neural network building using python. You can generate it yourself or you can simply take help from some online software that offers inbuilt dataset. Take two different type of sets on the x and y-axis.  Basically, you need to plot the data. It can be medical data or business related data.

We are mainly focusing on the Machine Learning Classifiers that can easily predict the class of the data spread out on the x and y coordinates. However, the data cannot be separated by a line that will limit the use of linear classifier. This simply means that you cannot use Logistic Regression without non-linear features.

This is the plus point of using neural networks as there is no need to worry about features like polynomials. The neural network has some hidden layer that can easily remember features.

2. Training A Neural Network

Then you need to create the neural network 3-layers such as input layer, an output layer and a hidden layer. Since the dimension of the data taken is x and y hence the input layer will have 2 nodes in total (if you have more dimensions then you need to take the number of nodes accordingly).

The classes will determine the number of nodes that will be held in the output layer. Since our predicting class has two values (1,0) hence the number of nodes will be 2 as well. You can extend the classes and network as per your wish.

However, the hidden layer dimensionality is in your hand. You can take as many nodes as you want to take. You need to understand that more nodes give you a chance to fit more complex functions. The two things that you will face with higher nodes are:

  • To make predictions you will need more computation and need to learn network parameters efficiently.
  • You will become disposed to overfit the data with the higher number of nodes.

Then, you will need an activation function that will transform the input data to the output layer. The most commonly used activation functions are a sigmoid function, tanh, and ReLUs.

Creating a class:

class NeuralNetwork:

def _init_(self, x, y);

self.input = x

self.weights1 = np.random.rand(self.input.shape[1],4)

self.weights2 = np.random.rand(4,1)

self.y = y

self.output = np.zeros(y,shape)

Here x is the input layer with randomly hidden layer and ŷ as the output layer. The weights and biases are denoted by their first letter that is W and b respectively. The sigmoid function will be the activation function.

The output of the neural network will become:

Ŷ = σ(W2σ(W1x+b1)+b2)

Since you can see that in the equation, W and b are affecting the output layer. Logically, the correct value of W and b are required in order to define the strong point of the predictions. This fine-tuning of W and b are the main functioning of the data known as training a neural network.

The main work of this aspect is:

  • Feedforward: Through this, you are calculating the Ŷ that is the predicted value.
  • Backpropagation: it is simply the value update of W and b.

In the above code you need to add the feedforward code to come in sequence;

def feedforward(self):

self.layer1 = sigmoid(, self.weights1))

self.output = sigmoid(, self.weights2))

After this, you need to check out the best of the prediction you have done, to do you will need a loss function. The main thing to keep in mind is that you need to minimize the value of loss function to get the result. Use sum-of-square error as the loss function to dictate the problem.


The sum of square error is mainly the basic square of the difference between the predicted and actual value.

Gradient Descent:

Then comes the back propagation, once you are done with finding the loss error then you need to propagate the loss back in order to update the b and W value. Simply, derivative the loss function with W and b to get the result.

But you won’t be able to derivative the functions directly hence you will need a chain rule that can help out in easy calculations.

Loss (y, ŷ) = S i=1-n (y-ŷ)square

dLoss(y,ŷ) = dLoss(y,ŷ) *dŷ *dz

————–    ————–   —–  —

dw                      dŷ             dz    dW

=   2(y-ŷ) *derivate of sigmoid function *x

=   2(y-ŷ) *z(1-z) *x

Now simply add the code to the main python code to get the proper result.

This looks complicated, however, when you will start to write the code, you will start to understand the terms and the basis. Don’t be worried if your prediction is not the same as your output. There can be a slight variation to avoid overfitting. This will generalize the data in a better way by giving the desired output.

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Python Development Trends 2018 – [Infographic]

The growth of Python language over the course of 5 years has been tremendous. It would not be an exaggeration to name this language as the fastest growing language now.


Why Python programming is so much in demand nowadays

1. First of all, Data science is booming nowadays. For related development, Python is put to use the most. Reason?

  • Availability of numerous libraries such as NumPy, ScikitLearn, SciPy, PyBrain, etc
  • Python comes with a data analytics tool, Pandas which is of great use to data scientist and developers
  • Machine learning algorithm is easy to obtain in Python e.g.: Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow
  • Presence of Third party module which makes it compatible with all other programming languages and platform. Due to it’s increased speed and productivity, Python is the top prior option for developers in creating complex multi-protocol network application

2. Apart from the development of artificial intelligence and Data Science application and programs. Python is extensively used for web, mobile, and desktop-based software development. Reason? The language is so much simpler to use.

Owing to obvious reasons career opportunity of Python is also in an all-time rise. The major share of the traffic that websites that deal with Python share are owing to this high demand.

It has to be noted that 22% of the Python developers are either 1-2 years of experience cementing the fact that there is a large requirement of new developers.

Different Python related jobs include,

  • Python Developer
  • Research Analyst
  • Data Analyst:
  • Data Scientist
  • DevOps Engineer

Moreover Big Shots like

  • YouTube
  • Quora
  • Google
  • Survey Monkey
  • Dropbox
  • Yahoo!
  • Survey Monkey
  • Spotify
  • Instagram
  • Bitly etc has relied Python for the development of their websites, various platforms etc.

Since the importance of this Language has been evidently proved, let’s have a look at the python development trends that’s already happening or going to happen this year.

python development trends

How To Integrate WordPress To PrestaShop? Step-by-Step Process

Prestashop can deal with a boundless number of page categories and static pages utilizing its CMS characteristic, yet there are circumstances when a blog may be vital, or essentially further developed CMS feature that PrestaShop or its plug-ins don’t offer. This is the place where more composite tool like WordPress may be helpful.

WordPress is presumably the most mainstream open-source content management system right now, with a significant number of the sites using it for different purposes, from a simple blog to a comprehensive corporate site.


Why you must consider integrating a WordPress blog into your Prestashop store:

  • To benefit as much as possible from your content marketing on your site.
  • To assist Prestaashop with ranking more effortlessly on Google and search engines.
  • To boost indirect deals and keep away from cart desertion.
  • So, your clients can have a superior user experience and best purchases when exploring your blog in the setting of your store.

With just one tap, the WordPress integration to PrestaShop platform enables you to make use of the WordPress blog framework in your PrestaShop as though it were a native Prestashop addon!

Let’s figure out how.

In case that you need to utilize WordPress as your CMS platform, and PrestaShop for dealing with your online store, instead of one of the eCommerce modules for WordPress, at that point there are a couple of alternatives for integrating these two platforms.

In the event that you would like to give PrestaShop a job to deal with the online store functionality, so you integrate the WordPress in a subdirectory or on a subdomain keeping in mind the end goal for enabling you to add a blog to your store.

Integrate your Prestashop online business on the blog. Or on the other hand, have a WordPress blog in your online shop: this is the arrangement you can incorporate. For integrating the two platforms you can follow the given three options.

The three solutions are –

  1. WordPress PrestaShop Module

WordPress installed on the fundamental URL and prestashop on a subdomain/subfolder.

When you adopt this strategy, at that point, there are some PrestaShop plug-ins accessible that enable you to incorporate content from your WordPress website, or links to it, on your store. These modules can be obtained at the PrestaShop commercial store.

It empowers you to show the most recent posts from your blog on the e-commerce store, and the most recent items from your e-commerce store on your blog.

  1. PrestaShop WordPress Plugins

PrestaShop installed on the primary URL and WordPress on a subdomain/subfolder.


There is likewise a module for WordPress that can support the integration between the two platforms.

One is PrestaShop Integration which is a free download from the module catalog. This module includes a choice of shortcodes and widgets to your WordPress webpage which can be utilized for showing items on your blog.

In case that you do utilize these two platforms in a pair, at that point some sort of integration is suggested as it can help in guaranteeing your clients know about the items you have on offer when seeing the blog. And furthermore, keeping the shopping cart in view for reminding them to watch out prior to leaving the blog.

One more addon is the Custom PrestaShop on WordPress module which enables you to integrate a few components of your store into your blog. These incorporate the header and footer, permitting you to make a more predictable look between the two sections of your site.

  1. WordPress and PrestaShop introduced independently.

When you desire to keep each of them separate, the integration is simple. The most difficult thing to do will be to have a constant theme for both the platforms. You can either modify each platform’s default theme so that they seem as alike as possible or let a developer or designer create two uniform themes for both of them.

Remember that the WordPress theme API uses its own PHP function, while the PrestaShop theme API uses Smarty.

Step by Step Integration Guide

Step #1

Begin downloading the recent variant of WordPress, unzip the file in a folder on your PC, and afterward copy all the content in the folder of your web space also give that folder a name as a blogging.

Step #2

Afterward similarly install PrestaShop, however copying the files on the server to another folder, naming it e-store.

Step #3

Now, after naming the folders separately blogging and e-store respectively, you will locate them on the website either WordPress (at www. [Domain]. [Ext]/blogging) and Prestashop (at www. [Domain]. [ext]/e-store) and you should continue with the installation of both the platforms. Follow the guidelines of WordPress and Prestashop platforms for successful installation of both.

Step #4

Once the installation is done you can begin utilizing the two platforms yet endeavor to load the same graphical theme on both of them, else the audience may not understand much about it. Actually, in reality, by doing as such you will have two websites. When you can ensure that they are as same as possible, the client won’t be at all displaced.


For an ideal integration, a relatively empty WordPress theme at the CSS level must be set up on the grounds that nearly everything is naturally imported from the current PrestaShop theme. Nonetheless, you should copy the XHTML association from the prestashop theme to the WordPress theme. You can change the references of HOOK by the accompanying code –


<div class=”prestashop-sidebar”><ul class=”xoxo”>

<?phpdynamic_sidebar( ‘hooktop-widget-area’ ); ?>

</ul></div><!– .prestashop-sidebar –>


  • PrestaShop Integration Hook

This widget is employed to embed one of the principle Prestashop hooks –

  1. Top of pages
  2. Footer
  3. Left column block
  4. Right column block
  • PrestaShop Integration Products

This widget is utilized to show the item list appended to a WordPress blog post. In the event that there is no item attached, no output is formed. This widget has been obsoleted by the accompanying one.

Six gadgets are accessible to show your inventory data: Cart, top sellers, categories, new products, and promotions.

You can also use the shortcode to add information from Prestashop in your WordPress blog posts. For instance –

  1. A button to add an item to the cart.
  2. The picture(s) of your item.
  3. Or on the other hand any item’s information like its name, cost, or short description.
  4. You can likewise show a list of items.
  • Prestashopmultishop and WordPress multisite

This add-on works effectively with PrestaShop multishop and WordPress multisite traits. You can likewise connect a few WordPress websites to a PrestaShop blog.


In the end, the WordPress integration to PrestaShop offers you the following features:

  • Addition of a Smarty layout in WordPress.
  • Programmed addition of the HOOK_HEADER specifically the CSS code originating from the prevailing PrestaShop theme and also the JavaScript code.
  • Including one of the 4 fundamental PrestaShop hooks without a WordPress sidebar by means of instantiations of the PrestaShop Integration module.
  • Including a PrestaShop plugin as a widget.
  • Including a list of items connected to a WordPress blog post as a widget.


Blogging has confirmed to be the most powerful inbound promotion process for online stores. Thus, e-commerce sites powered by WordPress and PrestaShop integration can quickly begin blogging for their company.

Building the high-grade design with WordPress blogging and giving the most high-level checkout for online shopping with PrestaShop platform – that’s the ideal online success cocktail, and this is what WordPress-PrestaShop integration assist you with. After integration, the websites that blog successfully are building brand awareness, driving more consistent traffic, and creating shareable content.

Exclusive YouTube Channels For Web Designers And Programmers

YouTube is unarguably the best source of entertainment available these days. People spend hours and hours surfing though funny videos, tutorials for different things, healthy recipes, fitness workout, etc. So we can assume that YouTube is not so useless, because the truth is that a lot of what we know or learn today is through YouTube.

Reasons why YouTube is the ultimate source of content:

  • YouTube is a free platform that allows everybody to watch entertaining and informative video content. It’s for this reason that YouTube continues to be one of the most significant educational opportunities of current times as well.
  • People from various professions find content that relate to their field. The material is not just interactive but also educative and helps you excel your profession or learn the things that you didn’t know earlier.

For web designers and programmers or those who are looking for a career in web designing and programming, it is not hard anymore to figure out where you can educate yourself from. Any courses that you take will cost you some money.  Hence, YouTube is the place for you to save money and yet learn and enhance your skills through the best medium (visual) possible. Some YouTube channels are an excellent source of knowledge. Listed below are some YouTube channels and how they can help you reach great heights in your field.

Best YouTube Channels for Web Designers and Programmers

1. DevTips

The YouTube channel DevTips belongs to Travis Neilson’s and focuses on both web development and design.

  • Who is Travel Neilson?

Travis Neilson crafts digital interfaces at Google. He educates others through his YouTube videos as a hobby and publishes a video every Monday to teach people techniques about web design and development that he has acquired in his career by working under various organizations. Google has been his most significant learning achievement until now, and he feels he has a lot to share that will interest all those who are keen to learn more. He also does live videos with industry experts talking about surviving in the industry, new concepts, and ideas.

  • What’s in it for the designers?

For all the designers that believe that their work limits them to a certain boundary, follow DevTips and grow outside the boundary. This is a great platform to learn from the experiences of those who have already reached great heights in this profession.

2. Derek Banas

Derek Banas is another top-rated YouTube channel that covers programming tutorials, game development, web design, and much more. For programmers, it has AngularJS video tutorials, C# video tutorials, a series on how to program with python, and django web framework tips.

  • Who should subscribe to this channel?

This channel is perfect for coders who are looking to learn new things and add it to their portfolio. It is an all-inclusive program that is based on public requests.


  • What makes Derek Banas different from other channels?

Derek Banasshowcases high-quality educative content on the basis of what his viewers want to see. He gets an approximate of 30 million views on his videos and takes his fan base exceptionally seriously. So if you have something to learn in particular or if coding is your true love too, then subscribe to his channel now.

3. Thenewboston

Thenewboston is one of the oldest and most comprehensive programming channels on YouTube. It has over 4,300 videos on coding, design, game development uploaded in a period of more than nine years. Another added advantage of this channel is that the videos are very systematically organized into different playlists making it easy for you to scroll through topics of your interest. It is one of the most popular web development channels, with nearly one million subscribers.

  • Goal of Thenewboston

The goal of thenewboston YouTube channel is to revolutionize online learning. They continuously discover and add more content every day. So if you are a developer who finds it challenging to access topics of your interest on YouTube, subscribe to thenewboston and find the content you want in an organized and structured manner.

4. LearnCode Academy

LearnCode.Academy is a channel dedicated to web development and has a range of web development tutorials covering languages like HTML, CSS, Node.js, JavaScript, React.js and more. It also touches on responsive design, website layouts, server administration, and deployment strategies.

  • Who runs this channel?

The channel is run by Will Stern and has gained its popularity from the series on web development tools used by pros. So for all those who are interested in learning something new in the field of web development, this is the right place to be!

5. Google Developers

This is another channel that posts extremely educative content on web development. However, the real focus of the YouTube channel Google Developers is on product reviews, recorded talks from experts at Google events, and currently trending industry news. It gives programmers and designers insights, news and tips about web development, and more.

  • Famous shows on Google Developers

This channel has numerous dedicated shows like The Developer Show, Coffee with a Googler, Mobile Ads Garage, and others.

  • What is in it for the users?

The lessons and tutorials on web development topics of this channel are very industry specific and ensure to keep the viewer updated about the current happenings. This channel has one of the highest subscriptions amongst channels that are specific to web development with 991K subscribers.  So if you are keen to watch web development lessons, talks from industry experts and discussions on latest news, then this is the right place for you!


6. TeamTreehouse

The YouTube channel of teamtreehhouse is an excellent source of learning for web developers and programmers.

  • Lessons of Treehouse

Teamtreehouse offers lessons on numerous topics including coding in Python and C#. The videos are delivered in a manner that is easy-to-understand. The videos this channel is styled by a variety of presenters.

7. Kudvenkat

Kudvenkat’s video tutorials ranks amongst people’s main resources of learning Microsoft.NET technologies. This channel belongs to Venkat K and has a subscriber count of over 144,000 with more than 1,000 videos available. The tutorials are detailed and complete.

  • Who isVenkat K?

With over 12 years of experience in Microsoft .NET technologies, Venkat is currently working as a Technical Architect in central London. The reason he started his own YouTube channel is that he loves to share his knowledge and help others. He has created hundreds of training videos at no cost on his channel Kudvenkat.

8. Mike Locke

From software tutorials to career advice; Mike Locke is a channel with tons of content related to Design and UX.

  • Who is Mike Locke?

Mike Locke is a designer with over 17 years of experience. He specializes in front-end development (XHTML and CSS).

  • What does his channel offer?

This YouTube channel offers a range of tutorials on UX design and Adobe Illustrator. It has over 44,000 subscribers and more than 211 uploaded videos.


Learning is an integral part of growing. Every profession gives you the scope to learn more, update yourself, try something new, create a niche, and excel at what you do.  For designers and programmers, the sky is the limit when it comes to learning new things. For a profession as vast as theirs, they have free access to a world of web design and development knowledge that can be explored on YouTube. It is for this reason that YouTube continues to be one of the most significant educational opportunities of the current time. Creating milestones or crossing borders, nothing is unattainable in today’s time with the plenty of content that is already at our footsteps!

Python Programming: All You Need To know About It

What Is Python?

Named after Monty Python, Python first came into existence in 1991, and since then it was a relatively new language to most of the programmers. Right after its advent, it was used for a multitude of tasks including testing microchips at Intel to building video games.

One of the reasons why Python gained popularity is due to the reason that it was most similar to the English language. Thus, Python emerged as a first-class programming language in the modern software development world.

Why Choose Python?



Python programming


There are many reasons why Python became a success across the world. We have listed the significant reasons why developers personally choose Python and recommend it to as many people as possible.


As stated earlier, Python very closely resembles the English language and uses the words like ‘not’ and ‘in’ to build a script. Thus, when reading out a program or script aloud to an average person, the developer wouldn’t appear like an alien speaking an unknown language. Again, Python features strict punctuation rules which mean that the codes wouldn’t be filled with curly braces.


Python also has got a set of rules known as PEP 8 that gives information to the users on how to format the codes. Thus, whenever working with Python, the user knows where to put new lines, and whether written by a professional or novice, the script would still look the same.


It has almost been around 20 years since Python was first used. Thus, a lot of code written in Python by developers has eventually built up forming a vast library. Being an open source programming language, a lot of these codes have been released for others to use.

All these codes are collected on which is pronounced as “pie-pee-eye”, and it is most commonly referred to as the “CheeseShop”. The software could be installed on any system and could be used when working on personal projects.

On the other hand, if you are a developer who would wish to use Python to build scripts with command-line arguments, you would have to install the “click” library to import your scripts into it and use it. Thus, there are libraries for almost every case that a developer can come up with from scientific calculations to image manipulation.


Python holds major conferences on every continent except for Antarctica and has user groups called PUG’s. The largest Python conference in North America is called Pycon NA and sells 2,500 tickets every year. Most importantly, Python supports women environment, and it has had over 30% women speakers.

Python came up with yet another innovative event in 2013, where Pycon NA started offering “Young Coder” workshops where attendees are brought to teach Python to kids between 9 to 16 years of age. The program helps children grow familiar with the language and eventually help them to hack and modify certain games on the Raspberry Pis that would be given to them. Being part of such a positive community helps in keeping you motivated.


Python is broadly used and supported among the web developers. Being highly rated in surveys held by Tiobe Index, Python runs on almost all major operating systems and platforms. Python is written in modest language thus it is much easier to grasp when you are a complete novice at web programming.


What Is Python Used For?

What is Python used for? This would be the most frequent question that you must be asking yourself if you are a beginner trying to step foot into the Python world of programming.

Python, as it is known, is a programming language that is mainly used for scripting and automation. Nonetheless, Python isn’t just a replacement for batch files and shell scripts. It is also used to automate interactions with web browsers, application GUIs, system provisioning, and configuration in tools.

For General Application Programming:

Python can build both CLI and cross-platform GUI applications. However, Python isn’t capable of generating a standalone binary from a script. Nonetheless, third-party packages such as cx_Freeze or PyInstaller could be used to accomplish these tasks.

For Data Science and Machine Learning:

Sophisticated data analysis has become one of the major and dynamic progressing areas in the IT sector. The vast libraries used in data science and machine learning use Python interfaces, making the language reach a certain height of popularity.

For Web Services and RESTful APIs:

As mentioned earlier, Python features native libraries and third-party web frameworks. They provide the quick and convenient way to weave everything from a simple REST API with just a few lines of codes to a full-blown, data-driven site. Furthermore, the latest version of Python features powerful support for asynchronous operations which allows sites to handle tens and thousands of requests every second.

For Meta-programming:

When it comes to Python, every aspect of the language is an object including the libraries and modules themselves. This very ability aids Python to function as a highly efficient code generator. Generating codes means Python is capable of writing applications that could manipulate their functions and have a kind of extensibility. This particular ability of Python is hard to the point of being impossible to achieve with other languages.

For Glue Code:

Python is often referred to as the “glue language”. Glue language means that it allows different codes to interoperate. These codes are in turn the elements that help Python execute data science and machine learning.

Again, Python is a high-level language. Thus, it is unsuitable for system-level programming. It is also not efficient at situations that call for cross-platform standalone binaries. Standalone apps could be built for Windows, Mac, and Linux using Python. However, the apps wouldn’t appear elegant or simple. Python is again not the best choice when speed is given the ultimate priority.

Python Codes

When writing a program using Python, there are two ways in which you can do it.

Functional programming

Object-oriented programming (OOP)

Functional programming involves using functions whereas object-oriented programming is all about the involvement of classes. Now you may ask, what is the difference between a class and a function?

A function is a collection of codes ought to perform a single operation. The operation of the function can only be acquired when the function’s name is used. And the class includes a group of functions that can be retrieved using an object. Another difference that may appear to be quite absurd would be the usage of “def” to begin a function and “class” to begin a class.  Usually, class names are written in capital letters whereas methods don’t follow the capitalisation.

Python is an object-oriented programming language; thus anyone writing a program in Python is given the ability to come up with new classes of objects and utilise them. Thus the programmer is not forced to work with just the built-in classes of objects.


There are two types of a loop on python. The for loop and the while loop. First, let us take a look at the “For Loop”.

For Loop

The general format used for a loop is as follows.

for variable in sequence:

#some commands

#other commands after the loop

The loop starts from the colon, and the indents and new lines are what administers the end of the For loop. Now using the general format, let us weave a loop that could be used when programming.

#The following code demonstrates a list with strings

Ingredientslist = [“Rice”, “Water”, “Jelly”]

for i in ingredientslist:

print i

print “No longer in the loop”

Here, ‘i’ is the variable which moves along the string list becoming each string in turn. The above-written code brings in the following output.

  • Rice
  • Water
  • Jelly
  • No longer in the loop
While Loop

The while loop is similar to the For loop in many ways. But what makes them different is the fact that the while loop continues to loop until the specifically mentioned condition cease to become true. The while loop, unlike the For loop, isn’t asked to work along with any specific sequences.

i = 3

while i <= 15:

    # some commands

    i = i + 1 # a command that will eventually end the loop is naturally required

# other commands after while loop

When using loops, For loops are always simple and easy to use. However, while loops come handy if the number of iterations before the loop needs to end is unknown.

If Statement

If statements work the same way as the loops mentioned earlier. However, when using if statements, the key identifier used is a colon while starting and ending the statements. As an alternative of “if”, “else” can also be used after the loops and it gives out the same result.

If   j  intestlist:

     # some commands

elif  j == 5:

    # some commands


    # some commands

Array Types


As we all know, a list is a sequence of variables collected together as a group. The range function is commonly used when creating lists of integers with the general format of range. 0 acts as a default for start and 1 as the default for the first step.

>>>  range (3,8)

[3, 4 , 5, 6, 7]

A long side integers, lists can even accommodate strings in them with a mix of integers and floats. They can generally be created by a loop or by explicit creation. Nonetheless, it should be noted that the print statement would display a string/ variable/ list to the user.

>>> a = [5, 8, “pt”]

>>> print a

[5, 8, ‘pt’]

>>> print a [Ө]



Tuples resemble the list, but on the negative side, they can’t be modified after their creation. So whatever changes you have got to make, you ought to do it when creating them. Tuples are assigned using the below mentioned code.

>>> x = (4, 1, 8, “string”, [1,Ө], [“j”, 4, “o”), 14)

Tuples give the programmer complete freedom of including any strings, other tuples, number, lists, objects, and functions in them. Another important thing to note when creating tuples is that the first element of any tuple is numbered as element “zero”. The data can be retrieved using the following code.

>>>x [Ө]


>>>x [3]



A dictionary includes a list of reference keys each associated with a particular data. The important fact about a dictionary is that its operation isn’t affected by the order. When using dictionaries, the keys are not just consecutive integers as in a list. Instead, the keys could be floats, strings, or integers. You may get a better idea once you go through the below code.

>>> x = {} # creates a new empty dictionary – note the curly brackets denoting the creation of a dictionary

>>>  x[4] = “programming” # the string “programming” is added to the dictionary x, with “4” as it’s reference

>>>x[“games”] = 12

>>>print x[“games”]


The reference keys and the stored values present in the dictionary can be of any type. Alongside, the new dictionary elements are additionally inserted as when they are created. In a list, this isn’t possible, because the user cannot access the list that exceeds the initially defined list dimensions. Let us take a look at the below program.

costs = {“CHICKEN”: 1.3, “BEEF”: 0.8, “MUTTON”: 12}

print “Cost of Meats”

for i in costs:

print i

print costs[i]

costs[“LAMB”] = 5

print “Updated Costs of Meats”

for i in costs:

print i

print costs[i]

This program would give the output as shown below.

Cost of Meats

  • 3
  • 12
  • BEEF
  • 8

Updated Costs of Meats

  • LAMB

  • 5


  • 3


  • 12

  • BEEF

  • 8

In the example given, you would find the use of curly brackets and colons that represent the assignment of data to the specific dictionary keys. While the variable i is allotted to the keys in the exact way it is done in case of the list. The dictionary can then be called using this key, and it would return the data saved under that specific key name. These kinds of loops are highly useful in crafting PuLP to model LPs.

Notes onThe Syntax Of List, Tuple, and Dictionary

Though you are familiar with the codes, there are specific fundamental factors to take care of when writing a program using Python. A few of the point to keep in mind when creating lists, tuples and dictionaries are listed below.

  • Square brackets are used when creating lists
  • Tuples are inserted using round brackets and a comma
  • Parentheses work when creating dictionaries

No matter what kind of brackets the user use while programming after the user is done with the creation, the operations are always performed using square brackets to access the elements in the list, tuple, or dictionary. Nonetheless, the data retrieved would also change when using the square brackets. When the user is performing the function on a list or tuple, the data stored in the fourth element would be returned, whereas, if the same is performed on the dictionary, the data stored under the reference key of 3 would be restored.

List Comprehensions – The Fastest Way To Create Lists

List comprehensions are one of the fastest ways in which a user could create lists using Python. It saves time by banishing the use of multiple lines. They are apparently easy to understand and simple to use when programming.

For a better understanding, we would break up the program to snippets and go through each part.

>>> a = [i for i in range(5)]


[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

The program will create a list as is understood from the code and allocate it to the variable “a”. Whereas, the program given below make use of the if statement and the modulus operator. It is done to remove all the even numbers for only the odd numbers to be included in the list. Here modulus calculator does the function of calculating the remainder from an integer division.

>>>odds = [i for i in range(25) if i%2==1]


[1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23]

The next program is created to form a list with every fifth value as in 0, 5, 10, and so on. At this point, it is to be noted that an existing list can be put to use in the creation of new lists.

>>>fifths = [i for i in range(25) if i%5==0]


[0, 5, 10, 15, 20]

Now, let us look at this program.

>>> a = [i for i in range(25) if (i in odds and i not in fifths)]

This same program could have been done using a single step and that too right from scratch which is given below.

>>> a = [i for i in range(25) if (i%2==1 and i%5==0)]

Being a programmer or developer, the user needs to understand the importance of time and should adapt to the latest methodologies that save time. Because, time is indeed of the essence.


Functions and class is yet another important feature of Python, and it is a must that every developer knows about it. Firstly, let us talk about functions. Functions, as mentioned earlier, begins with the term “def” which is the abbreviation for define. Functions are generally inserted into the program using the below format.

def name(inputparameter1, inputparameter2, . . .):

#function body

When an input is allotted a value in the function, the value will only be put to use if no other value is passed in. This, in turn, means that the order of the input parameters isn’t of concern at all. Once the function is retrieved, the positional parameters are entered in the equivalent order. Again, the order of parameter doesn’t matter when keywords are used in the functions.

defstring_appender(head=’begin’, tail=’end’, end_message=’EOL’):

result = head + tail + end_message

return result

>>>string_appender(‘newbegin’, end_message = ‘StringOver’)


If you would take a look at the program given above, then you would come to know that here, the output function call is printed. The input of “newbegin” was used in place of the default value “begin” for the head. Nonetheless, the default value for the tail – “end” was used correctly. When writing programs, it should be kept in mind that no value is given for tail and thus, the end_message must be defined as a keyword.


Classes begin with the term “class”. To see how class work in Python, let us take a look at its structure.

class Pattern:


Information on a specific pattern in the SpongeRoll Problem


cost = 1

trimValue = 0.04

totalRollLength = 20

lenOpts = [5, 7, 9]

def __init__(self,name,lengths = None): = name

self.lengthsdict = dict(zip(self.lenOpts,lengths))

def __str__(self):


def trim(self):

returnPattern.totalRollLength – sum([int(i)*self.lengthsdict[i] for i in self.lengthsdict])

The class would be as follows.

>>>Pattern.cost # The class attributes can be accessed without making an instance of the class


>>> a = Pattern(“PatternA”,[1,0,1])

>>>a.cost # a is now an instance of the Pattern class and is associated with Pattern class variables


>>> print a # This calls the Pattern.__str__() function “PatternA”

>>>a.trim() # This calls the Pattern.trim() function. Note that no input is required.

The class name used in the program is Pattern, and several variables come under the class. The variables are appropriate to any instance of the pattern class. And the functions used are


It is the function that creates an instance of the pattern class. It also allocates the attributes of lengths and name.


This function is solely responsible for deciding what to return if the class instance gets printed.


This function looks normal like any other function, if not for the class functions that it works. The function must be put in the input brackets.


Disadvantages of Python



Speed is something that every developer or programmer would want on his device. After all, no person this world would love to sit and wait every time for their device to perform a particular task. If you are a developer looking for something that could save your time, then Python is not the programming language for you.

As a matter of fact, Python is way too slow. In fact, it is slower than C and C++. However, everything in this world comes with both a positive and negative side. Python is a high-level language, unlike C and C+. Thus, it is evident that Python may work slower than expected.

Mobile Development:

More than half of the world depends on their mobile phone to get most of the information that they want every day. While travelling or having a day off, most people won’t usually bother opening their PC to search for the smallest information or maybe to check their social media accounts.

Due to this reason, most of the developers are trying to come up with programs that would work the same on both PC and mobile devices. However, unlike the other programming languages, Python is not a great language for mobile development. Mobile computing through Python tends to be weaker, and this is the reason why a very few developers take up the challenge of programming mobile applications using Python.

Memory Consumption:

Now with all the tasks up to your sleeves, the last thing that you would want to see happening would be your memory running out of space.  And once your system runs out of space, it takes a tedious amount of work to bring it back to normal.

You would already know that Python is flexible with data types if you have worked with it before. However, due to this reason, Python consumes a whole lot of memory. Thus, Python won’t be a better option when working in memory intensive tasks.

Database Access:

Python’s database layer was recently found to be a bit underdeveloped and unrefined when compared to other popular technologies such as JDBC and ODBC. Thus enterprises looking out for smooth interaction and complex legacy data ought to stay away from the Python because it has limitations with the database access. Nonetheless, you could still use Python if you have got sufficient skills to pull off any task.

Runtime Errors:

Python, as mentioned earlier, is easy to learn and program. The language is similar to the English language, and thus every novice can find their way through it with ease. However, Python programmers recently came up with several issues related to the design of the language. The reason that they gave for the mishap was that the language was dynamically typed.

These issues don’t show up while creating the applications. The errors show up only at the runtime. The developers demanded that the language should be tested more thoroughly to eliminate the mistakes because they aren’t ready to give up on Python.


What is known as a docstring in Python?

Docstring in Python stand as an abbreviation of documentation strings. Docstring or documentation strings provide an amble way to link documentation with Python modules, classes, functions, and methods. Docstring was initially introduced to remove the unpleasant feeling that the use of comments gives when documenting a function using comments. Docstring being a multi-line string isn’t connected to anything and thus doesn’t require the need of comments to make the screen appear cluttered and clumsy.

The conventional source code comments usually describe how the function performs a particular task. Whereas, docstring does the opposite and describe what a function does rather than how it does.

In most of the prominent cases, one-line docstrings are put to use. An example of using a docstring is given below.

def sum(x, y):

“””Returns arg1 value add to arg2 value.”””




Returns arg1 value add to arg2 value.

It is better to give more information about a function when writing larger and more complex projects.

What is the purpose of pass statement in Python?

As the name suggests, the pass statement does not act in particular. Instead, it serves as a placeholder when a statement is necessary, but no action is to be performed. When the Python interpreter comes across the pass statement, it continues executing the same way as it was doing before. However, if the pass statement isn’t added in the test_method one of the given program, then a pop-up box would show Indentation Error.


def test_method_1(self):



print “calling…me…”

In short, the pass statement does nothing but pass the statement to the next one. But on the other hand, the Python interpreter reads it, and if accidentally placed in if statements or functions, the pass statement is considered as a statement too.

How to achieve web scraping with Python?

Before proceeding with the question, it is important to mention what web scraping is. Web scraping is nothing but software that performs the technique of deriving information from different websites. The process is mainly focused on transforming unstructured data on the web to structures data. To achieve this transformation with Python, Python provides you with several options.

Beautiful Shop

The first method includes using the Python library for extracting data out of the HTML and XML files. Beautiful ship lets you squeeze out specific information from the webpage by removing HTML markup. On the upper hand, it even saves the information that is extracted. Professional developers can even scrape information from web pages in the form of paragraphs, lists, and tables.

A long side Beautiful Shop, Urllib 2 is another library that could be used to achieve the same tasks. Urllib even offers the feature of adding extra filters when in need of extracting particulate information from the web pages.


Unlike Beauty Shop, Mechanize is a Python module that is used to navigate through web forms. It acts like any standard browser but to scrape information.


Scrapemark is super easy to use when extracting information from a web page as it utilises an HTML-like markup language. The results though are retrieved as Python lists and dictionaries.


What makes Scrapy attractive is it is a free and open source web scraping framework. It features all the tools necessary for extracting data from web pages, processing them, and storing them as per your requirement.

How does ternary operator work in Python?

Ternary operators are most commonly referred to as conditional expressions. They analyse something based on a given condition being true or false. Furthermore, the tests are done using a single line rather than the multiline if-else.

The syntax is given below.

[true] if [expression] else [false]

The result given would read “True” if the condition is satisfied, or else it reads “False”. Ternary operators are the quickest way to test a condition while using multiline statements would put hours of hard work to waste. It makes the code appear compact and maintainable.



res = “x greater” if x>y else “y greater”


What is the purpose of self in Python?

class Student:

def __init__(self, name, age): = name

self.age = age


print(“Name : “,, ” Age : “,self.age)

The self in Python usually refers to the instance of the class. People often mistake self for a keyword as it is used as a keyword in C++. However, in Python, self is a coding convention. Mostly, the first argument of any method is termed as self. Self makes it easier to differentiate between instance attributes and local variables.

When variables are declared within a class without using the self-reference, then it means that the variables would be shared by all instances grouped under that particular class.

How to debug a program in Python?

Python comes with an inbuilt debugger which is only available as a module called PDB. It allows setting conditional breakpoints, stacking information, running through the source code etc.


msg = “this is a test”



As in the example, pdb.set_trace ( ) should be inserted wherever you would want it o function as a breakpoint. However, spending time in debuggers can be a bit hectic; thus you can dump execution trace and analyse it a bit later.

What are literals in Python?

The easily visible method to write a value is known as literal. Literals most commonly represent the primitive forms of language and are often integers, Booleans, floating point, and character strings.

What does ‘Yield’ do in Python?

When a compiler comes across the yield keyword anywhere in a function, it makes the function no longer return through the return statement. What it does instead is return a ‘pending list’ object referred to as a generator. The generator is repeatable and includes a built-in protocol to visit each element in a particular order.

In other words, a function called yield becomes a generator and no longer remains a standard function.


i = 1

while i < n:

yield i * i

i += 1


In short, the above-given code generates the following output.

[1, 4, 9, 16]

The example demonstrates how the yield statement debars the function’s execution and sends the value back to the caller during each repetition.

What is meant by Accessor and Mutator methods in Python?



def __init__(self):

self.__my_attr = 3


self.__my_attr = val


return self.__my_attr

obj1 = MyClass()

print (obj1.get_my_attr())


print (obj1.get_my_attr())

It is always a better idea to keep the internal data within an object private. Thus we still need specific methods to allow the user to access the data in a controlled way. The method defined by the class to bring about this change can either be an Accessor or a Mutator method.

Through the accessor method, the function is made to return a copy of an internal variable or computed value. While a mutator modifies the value of the internal data variable, the most straightforward way in which a mutator functions is by adding a variable directly to a new value.

What are the different files processing modes supported by Python?

A file as mentioned here can be any amount of information or data stored in the computer storage. And Python can manipulate these files by default. A significant part of the manipulation can be done using a file object, and Python language supports two types of files, namely text file, and binary file.

As the name suggests, text file store data in the form of text readable by humans whereas, the binary file contains data stored in binary numbers which can only be read by a computer. Python comes with a built-in function called open() to open a file.

open(file_name , [access_mode],[buffer_size],[encoding])

The access mode by default is set to read-only. Alongside there are several other modes to open a file too. It includes ‘w’ which open the file for writing, and all the data from the file would be cleared from it. ‘x’ open for the exclusive creation and fail to open the file if it already exists. ‘a’ is again used to open the file for writing, and ‘b’ opens the file in binary mode.

Python is fantastic programming in itself. It does take a bit of time to master the language but compared to the other programming language, as it is ample to learn. And once you have mastered the language, there is nothing else that you would require because it is time to start weaving beautiful creations.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Python | ProBytes from ProBytes

52 Best Websites to Learn Python language ASAP!

Python without any doubt is one of the most popular programming languages that are being put to use at present. This high-level programming language is asy to use and can be learned within a short span of time.  But the question is from where?

Listed here are 52 websites that can help you in learning Python language within a short span of time.

  • Code Academy

Code academy is where the newest people to coding get their start. The website revolves around interactive training. You read a bit, type your code directly into the browser, and see results instantly.

Intended for intermediate to professional Python developers, every post on the website is in the form of a tutorial that incorporates a specific focus, like using Python decorators, integrating Node.js with Python, and more.

Similar to Code Academy, Tutorials Point will teach you on how to write basic syntax, set up a Python development environment, work with operators, variables, and loops, and a lot more.

In case you love challenges and want to put a little pressure to improve your learning ability, PythonChallenge is made for you. The lessons and challenges you will partake in it are really productive to learn Python.

What’s better decision to choose the official documentation for a language? is the official platform for the Python developers. So, you can discover plenty of materials, references, and resources on managing with the language.

You’ll begin with the “Hello World,” tutorial and progress towards high-level topics with their courses. This platform is best for beginner to intermediate level code learners. It permits you to engage in interactive tutorials.

It is properly written eBook which clearly illustrates different concepts of Python, but it’s more about programming theory as compared to its practical application. So, you won’t get any step-by-step tutorials to test out various snippets of code.

A free eBook which you can read in full that’s absolutely worth your time.

The driving idea behind the Invent with Python eBook is to gain knowledge while having fun and enjoying the learning.

The online versions can always be obtained for free, though there are alternatives to buy them for offline access.

A great channel for coding and amateur video tutorials on a diverse range of subjects.

The material is for intermediate to professional level Python developers to learn an advanced Python magic method concept.


It’s basically an online guide; you can additionally download a PDF version for offline access.

The site is perfect for Python developers of all skill levels. You’ll get a large list of Python coding snippets and guides which you can utilize in your projects.

An online book that comprises the distinction between working with Python 3, as compared to Python 2.

  • Code School’s Try Python

The kind of hard worker that wouldn’t like to mess with dealing with an abundance of content-based instructional guides and tutorials.

Gamification is really big these days. CheckiO takes the method of programming learning and changes it into a fun learning game.

It is a famous training crew, known for their in-depth YouTube video tutorials.

Runestone Interactive gives a plenty of open-source, online reading material for novice and middle-level coding classes.

  • Python Crash Course

The course includes a range of presentation slides and documents, that are intended to serve as a teaching assistant.

  • Learning to Program Version 3

The site offers beginner tutorials centered on Python version 3 to introduce programming beginners to basic of coding.

The video tutorials are elegantly composed, easy to follow, and cover a scope of essential themes identified with Python.

Offers individual free courses that train you for specific careers like front-end web developers. You’ll learn how to build your own search engine, web crawler, and social network employing Python.

Free online courses by Rice University. It’s a 7-course sequence in separate two parts. It can be understood over the course of several weeks after registering for the course.

It commences with some simple and fundamental concepts and progress to advanced topics. The tutorials feature a native code simulator permitting you to write and use code from the browser.

It happens to be one of the most accurate and informative guides along with clarification on the natural order of the Python. But it isn’t free.

Python Tutor is a platform to learn the programming basics and get familiar with a collection of languages like Python, C++, Ruby, Java, JavaScript, etc.

  • Real Python

A premium online course with various subscription levels. You’ll gain access to over 9 hours of video, 1,300 pages of content, sample files, exercises, and course assignments after purchase.

Mostly comes in a written form with some tutorials on databases, game development etc.

When you would like some extra guidance, it is for you.You’ll be accredited individual projects to develop like building a certain kind of website demo, web app, or module.

Composed by professors at Harvey Mudd College, it explores the framework of computer science by the use of Python.

If you are familiar with the concept of informatics, PythonLearn is a resource portal you might be interested in.

A framework actually makes a developer’s work easier by executing a more modular pattern of a language with video series.

A great portal to discover information on Python topics. There’s a segment dedicated to what you ought to do after finishing the tutorial.

Free online book for novices. One can pick to download it as a PDF for free or spend in the hard copy.

A niche blog channel that gives Python snippets, scripts, and tutorials to be practiced in the business world.

This book is a collection of training notes for tips from Anand Chitipothu, a famous Python enthusiast. The book is recommended for beginners as it came along while he practiced every key point amid his Python classes.

An online podcast that emphasizes discussions and tips from devs and thought influencers who actually spend their time working with Python.

Learn by creating games like Hangman, Tic Tac Toe, and Reversi. This is the coolest Python guide ever.

The eBook essentially strives to teach newbie’s computer science basics and programming fundamentals.

It helps to set a community model that all developers would do well to follow style guides. This is a helpful resource for everyone.

Even though this isn’t a course, it has an abundance of activities for learners to practice Python skills.

A compilation of resources and articles. Everything in the collection is regarded as a “must read”.

A free downloadable list that exposes a ton of frameworks, software, and libraries you can operate with.

A free, email newsletter that consistently grips you on all the Python events and current affairs. You’ll get news about new videos, tutorials, potential projects, and much more.

Already understand how to use Python and just searching for any tips and tricks for later use? Python Tips is a solution for this.

A massive source to the language along with fundamental guides about the Python dev community.

Free Udacity course made by one of Reddit’s founders, Steve Huffman. It takes you into basic web development theories and guides you how to develop web applications.

It commences with the basics and gradually evolves to more complicated topics.

Each tutorial examines a bizarre project that you can build using the language e.g. sending selfies without servers using Python.

Tons of subjects to learn even for young kids, mostly on computer programming.

They have a series of tutorials on Python 3.4 Basics for design and game development that are unique, particularly for rookies.

An open-source higher education program governed by Harvard and MIT. Provides 107 courses on various programming languages including Python

Matt Makai composed a beneficial personal blog for Learning Python as a novice. Most significantly, it tells about the best place to begin when you have no prior programming experience and offers certain relevant resources.

For more Python relates content and queries click this!

Make your own web application with the Yii Framework: Tutorial

Yii is a quick and secure system for creating PHP applications. It has brilliant support for different databases.

Yii can be utilized for building up any sort of web applications. It is particularly befitted for high traffic web applications like forums, social networking sites, portals etc.

We hear many times about every single diverse framework for PHP. Here, I will endeavor to demonstrate to you the snappiest method to make a Yii web application utilizing the inbuilt tools provided by Yii. This should be possible in only a couple of steps.

So, let’s see how

First, download latest source of Yii source.

Its time now to make our first Yii Application. You can utilize yiic command to do that through the command line and Gii (powerful web-based code generator) to automate code work for some activities.

Extract the downloaded zip file in your project directory. Run yiic on the command line as givenbelow –

% YiiRoot/framework/yiicwebappWebRoot/testdrive

This will form a skeleton Yii application within the directory WebRoot/testdrive. The application has a directory framework that is required by maximum Yii applications.

When you have run that command, you can see this application by going to –



In case that while creating a new application through the command line you get the error which reads as:

“‘php.exe’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file”

Re-check your set up is configured correctly.

So simple right? Just two steps and you as of now have a web skeleton ready with you. Without writing even a single code, we can test drive our first Yii application. Now, move further to interface this application to a database.


To handle the database, we have to open the file main.php in the directory config. Uncomment db array and enter the appropriate database settings as follows:


As we have prepared the database connection, we can begin building multiple pages and modules. How to do that?

Similarly, there is automated tool to do this as well. This is called gii tool. You’ll find there are alternatives to generate several things such as CRUD, Models etc.

Now we’ll begin a fun part. We might want to execute CRUD activities. This is likewise ordinarily required in functional applications by using Gii tool.

To utilize Gii, we first need to modify the file WebRoot/testdrive/protected/config/main.php, which is called the application configuration file:


You can visit http://hostname/testapp/index.php?r=gii for getting the access to the code generator. We will be indicated for a password, which ought to be the one that we entered in the above application setup.

Now, we will generate the user model. After login, tap on the Model Generator link. This will take us to the page of model generation.

On the Table Name field, enter tbl_user. In the Model Class field, enter User. At that point click Preview. This will display to us the new code file to be created. Presently click the Generate button. Another file with name User.php will be created beneath protected/models. This User model class enables us to converse with the fundamental database tbl_user table in an object-oriented pattern.

On making the model class file, we will create the code that executes the CRUD tasks about the user information. We pick the Crud Generator in Gii.

In the Model Class field, insert User. In the Controller ID field, enter in lowercase –“user”. Then click the Preview button alongside the Generate button. We have terminated the CRUD code generator.

Now it’s time for accessing the CRUD Pages.

Let’s have some more fun with our work by browsing the given URL –


This will reveal to us the user entries list in the tbl_user table.

Press the Create User button on the page.

We will be taken to the login page in case that we have not signed in previously. Subsequent to signing in, we will see an input form that enables us to include an entry for a new user. Finish that form and tap on the button- Create. In case that there is any input mistake, an error message will incite which stopsus from saving the information. On the user list page, we should see the recently included user showing up in the rundown.


You can rehash the above steps to enter more users. Notice that the user list page will naturally paginate the entries if there are a lot of entries to be shown on one page.

In case that we log in as an administrator utilizing admin/admin, we can see the user administrator page with the below-given URL –


This will demonstrate to us the user entries in a decent tabular layout. We can tap on the table header cells to classify the relating segments. We can tap on the buttons on every line of data to view, delete or refreshthe corresponding line of data. We can also browse various pages. Additionally, we can filter and scan to search for the information we want to access.

So, you must have learned by now that all these decent characteristics are so easily accessible without expecting us to write a single line of code. All thanks to the Yii framework! 

Complete Information About PrestaShop E-commerce Platform

From clothes to groceries, apartments to jewelry, we are buying everything on the web these days. This is a direct result of the reality that we find online shopping more intriguing and advantageous. In this way, various eCommerce sites are released each day. There are numerous open source eCommerce sites accessible with different themes, templates, and plugins. To fulfill this need PrestaShop is an eCommerce platform that professionalizes online stores in a consistent way.

It is exceptionally prescribed for medium to small-scale business. Comprising of different capacities, more than 310 dynamic features, 25,000+ plugins, and a lot of attractive themes PrestaShop has achieved wide notoriety among e-Commerce site proprietors.

The PrestaShop developers build up your site with all the basic data, features, and give it another expert look. An excess of technical learning isn’t required to modify your site with this platform.

In case that you need your webpage to pick up an aggressive edge and emerge from other online sites, at that point using suitable PrestaShop Development features is an unquestionable requirement.


PrestaShop Development Features incorporate

Templates and Theme:

Most of the customers visit an online store by judging the from its appearance. Hence, planning a site is one of the organized things that ought not to be disregarded. To enhance the image of your online business a proper website is certainly needed. So, with Prestashop, your sites will have a tendency to be more mobile friendly, SEO friendly, and easy to understand with a magnificent look and feel.



PrestaShop has a huge number of plugins to meet all business prerequisites of online store traders and clients. Your specialist development team will design, create, and execute PrestaShop augmentations according to the necessities and details. In this way, you can upgrade the ability of the e-store.



You can incorporate PrestaShop sites with numerous payment gateways to offer smooth and secure payment administrations. With the assistance of this integration, you can maintain an effective online business without fretting over the payment procedure in your e-Commerce store.


Why pick Prestashop as your e-Commerce solution?

Here is a couple of the great reasons I’ll like to specify why:

    • It is free and always will be with open source community specialists supporting it to retain it that way.
    • Building on the web stores from the basic is very simple. Store components are adjustable so you can acquire their corporate components and make the stores yourself.
    • Stores and interior capacities can be enhanced with add-on plugins.
    • Master and complete training contents are given to you at all levels, guaranteeing that you get the most out of your Prestashop online store.
    • Integrations with a wide multitude of driving business administrations and applications.
    • Segment your visitors depending upon rational built-in algorithms or build custom target groups.
    • Broad capabilities for overseeing product listing, manufacturers, suppliers, payments, and transportation.


Getting started

Though as we said earlier PrestaShop is open-source and totally free still it is a hosted platform. So, you’ll have to get to their website to download it.

Drop your name, email address, and status as either a merchant, freelancer or organization are totally discretionary.

How to Install PrestaShop?

Extract the Prestashop package locally on your PC.

Transfer the package through cPanel’s File Manager or utilizing an FTP client. Remember that your uploaded package ought to dwell under the web root folder for your account- the public_html directory, or otherwise under a subdirectory of it.

Before starting the installation, another database ought to be made. For this, you can easily add the corresponding user to the database from cPanel >> MySQL Database.


What benefits you’ll enjoy after downloading the package?

  • The Dashboard

Otherwise called the Back Office – it is a really a smooth panel. Not at all like numerous other online business platforms available, the PrestaShop dashboard isn’t content heavy, nor does it offer compressed menus and pages.

You will find that Quick access to the product listing, profile settings, and your store’s home page is given at the top menu bar.

The sidebar can likewise be effortlessly minimized, enabling the primary window to become the dominant focal point.

The top menu, that gives access to most registrations, latest orders, messages, achievements etc. are flawlessly designed and un-intrusive, even with its drop-down menus. Along with this, you will get lots of accessible functions and feature in the left-hand sidebar, which are all listed beneath a convenient search bar.

Concerning the real dashboard page, you’ll rapidly discover how fact and detail drove it is. Charts and tables are the central part, and everything looks greatly professional and modern. You could state that it’s all the more a control center than a conventional dashboard.

Dashboard stats incorporate various diagrams which show deals, profits, orders, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Different widgets show things like current visitor action, abandoned carts, open shopping carts, etc.

Further, you can even integrate your dashboard with the Google Analytics module, which thus gives you more stats without the necessity to drop your PrestaShop admin panel.

Step by step guide to Edit the Home Page of your PrestaShop

  • Sign in to your back office, click “Modules” tab, and discover “Home Text Editor” module under “Tools” menu.
  • Now you click to “configure” button on the right side. There you can change what you need, or simply delete to not display anything.
  • You can change the image by uploading a new one, yet you can’t erase the image from your back office. To delete it login to your FTP and discover “editorial” module under “/modules/article/”. Then you will see picture named as “homepage_logo.jpg”, by deleting a picture from here, it won’t be shown on the homepage.


Adding Products

Normally, product creation assumes a major part with regards to choosing your online store. Obviously, PrestaShop has perceived this, and have done an intensive work in this fundamental region.

You can utilize the Quick Access menu over the highest point of the dashboard to rapidly locate the “New Product” menu.

The product creation page is very much detailed, enabling you to describe your product broadly. This incorporates determining whether the product is virtual or physical, its name, reference codes, description, visibility etc.

Duplicating products is likewise an element effortlessly available from the product creation page, alongside singular product deals stats for a current product. You can likewise review products before publication, which is dependably a convenient choice.

Generally speaking, there is an abundance of traits concentrated on product creation, and PrestaShop has figured out how to classify them well. None of these additional product determinations are compulsory. Thus, you should feel comfortable uploading a wide range of products, regardless whether they are exceptionally detailed or simple.

How to Add Products to PrestaShop?

  • Log in to your admin panel and go to the Catalog tab. Click the “Add new subcategory” button.
  • On the next page, you need to add the information of your category.
  • Now you can add a few products to this category. Go to the Catalog page again and tap on the “Sample category” interface in the table of categories.
  • Tap on “Add a new product” with a specific goal to add an item to the chosen category. Then enter the details for your item – name, price, image, qualities, etc. on the next page.
  • Click on either “Save and stay” or the “Save and back to the category” relying upon whether you are finished entering data for the item or not.
  • When you save and launch it, the product will be accessible for your visitors to buy.


Templates and Themes

Through the PrestaShop Official Marketplace, you’ll get more than 1,500 templates. more than 600 of them designed by certified accomplices whose pricing begins from around $84. Alongside 500 of the premium templates whose price range starts from as high as $157.

Over that, there are further templates created by other outsiders. That sums up as a lot of templates for us! Community created templates run from totally free, straight up to around $319.

PrestaShop’s templating alternatives are broad and – generally – of high quality. Nonetheless, it is decent to see premium templates begin at marginally low costs.

How to Install Themes in PrestaShop?

  • You can select between various outlooks from Prestashop. To introduce a new PrestaShop theme, you need to download it locally and extricate the document at your PC.
  • You ought to upload the whole theme folder to the “themes” directory in the folder that PrestaShop subsists in.
  • After that sign in to the admin panel of your shopping cart and go to Preferences then Appearance. From there, select the recently uploaded theme from the rundown of accessible themes. Click the “Save” button.
  • Your theme is installed! Check out the site’s new look at the front end!


Shipping, Payment Options, and Taxing

With regards to shipping choices, PrestaShop completes a strong action of enabling you to set up various carriers as you would anticipate. PrestaShop provides manageable shipping add-ons and is completely integrated with important carriers. You can give shoppers reliable shipping opportunities and the facility to add custom messages.Extra benefits incorporate the capacity to set default carriers, handling charges, etc.

In case that you wish, you can likewise configure at what order price free shipping starts at.

For setting payment gateways, PrestaShop has a pleasant assortment of free alternatives like PayPal, Google Checkout, Bank Wire payments, Cash on delivery and many more as per our preferences.

To place taxes for various areas, you have to go for Localization. Here, you just need to include the name of the tax, before giving it a rate.

In any case, to really configure tax rules for these same taxes, you’ll have to explore to another page called Tax Rules. Here you may then choose your current taxes, before allotting things like area, zip/postal code range, and so on.

How to Add Payment module in PrestaShop?

  • To set up the payment systems for your site, please sign in to your admin panel and tap on the “Payment ” tab. From this page, you can install, uninstall and arrange the supported payment procedures.
  • Go to back office – >module
  • Here you can download the zip file of the module.
  • Then search for “Customer Wallet” in the search box of the module and click install.
  • After the installation, you can configure the module.


How to Change or Add the Default Currency in PrestaShop?

Admin can also choose if the wallet will be operational for single money or various currencies.

  • By default, you will find three standard currency forms – The Euro, the Dollar, and the Pound. But, you can include or change new currency standards by going to the sub-tab under the “Payment” option and click “Currencies”.
  • Click on “Add New” to include another currency form and fill the form.


Secure Connection

Let customers feel safe about buying online. The SSL Certificate in PrestaShop offers you and your visitors with greater security amid shopping time. A secure connection is crucial to start receiving payments. Due to SSL certification, PrestaShop comes outfitted with everything a trader needs to be protected.In case that you need to employ an SSL Certificate, you may buy it from:

Client Area -> Order -> Extra Services -> SSL & Security

How to Set up the SSL Settings of Your PrestaShop?

  • Ensure SSL is as of now installed and runs with your domain name. To do that, go to the Admin area of your PrestaShop site and tap on Preferences – > General
  • Then tap on “Please click here to check if your shop supports HTTPS”.
  • Subsequent to doing as such, if the check was successfully done, you should see the green HTTPS symbol shown by the domain name of your site.
  • Subsequent to doing the vital check and ensuring HTTPS protocol to work for your site, you can easily activate it by heading off to same Preferences – > General page and enabling the two alternatives.
  • You can set Enable SSL to Yes which will approve HTTPS certificate for customer account ID and order process. In the event that you need to enable it for all your pages, alsoclick the button- Enable SSL on all pages to Yes.
  • At last, tap on the Save button.

Apps and Extras Plugins

To get additional usefulness out of PrestaShop, you can move to the PrestaShop Module Marketplace. Modules extend from payment security extras to advertising tools. More than 80 of those plugins have been created by PrestaShop, while more than 400 have been created by certified accomplices.

You’ll find that all of them are perfectly sorted, just hit the download button and you’re ready to use them!


Let’s now discuss the 10 best PrestaShop Modules that every e-Commerce website owner must Download.

Much the same as other well-known CMS applications, PrestaShop likewise gives its users benefits to install add-ons so as to expand the proficiency of their stores. These add-ons are known as PrestaShop Modules.

Many of us must have noticed that some first-time web store proprietors are picking PrestaShop over others available platforms due to its oversimplified navigation involvement and functionality that this Content Management System (CMS) offers. There is a wide range of useful free and paid modules available to add to your website store.I have listed some of them below –

MultiLogin 12 in 1 Module

We all hate filling forms due to the tiring task of adding same details again and again. To help many from this problem this module was created.

This Module enables users to sign on to a PrestaShop store by linking with one of 12 online networking logins, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and so on. Once an online networking account is associated, the store account is consequently made. Along these lines, clients can purchase their desired item without the issue of filling the details in the form.

Compatibility – PrestaShop –

Prestashop SEO Meta Tags Manager

This PrestaShop SEO Module gives a complete support to create the meta tags for your shop resources with only a single tap. Utilize applicable keywords to your business to enhance the search engine ranking on the search engines.

Compatibility – PrestaShop –

  • Welutions Friendly URLs for PrestaShop

Provide your Prestashop store readable and simple URLs that are helpful with search engines. This add-on enables you to expel dynamic id from your URLs, and supplant them with SEO-friendly URLs, including products, CMS pages, categories, manufacturers, and providers.

Compatibility – PrestaShop –

  • Abandoned Cart Reminder Pro Module

Every one of us has this habit of topping off a shopping cart and afterward neglecting it. For such diverting personalities, an email update is a significant friend in need.

This module does exceptionally the same activity. It reminds clients through email notifications that they had yet not completed the shopping procedure of their orders. The email sent by the add-on is customized with the client’s name and abandoned things.

Compatibility – PrestaShop –

  • Trusted Shops

Organizations have discovered that their shopping promotions were tapped on more frequently when they indicated ratings thus it ended up less expensive to publicize.

So, Trusted Shops is a site reviewing add-on and you can add their module to begin getting reviews from your clients. The reviews incorporating a rating out of five stars and this rating can likewise show up in Google which can help impart more trust from new visitors.

Compatibility – PrestaShop –

  • PrestaShop Request Info

Include a contact button on the item page to ask for more information about it.

This module will let you increment your sales by giving clients a simple method to ask about a product feature, accessibility, request a discount, and so on.

Compatibility – PrestaShop –


You will need to contact your consumers and you likely don’t have time to schedule for sending messages physically. SendinBlue is an answer that enables you to send emails to your contacts. You have limit of sending 9000 emails every month (300 emails each day) with a free account, which ought to be possibly enough when you have just begun your business.

With the free module, you’ll be utilizing the SendinBlue IP address. Thus, they need to abstain from being related to spam.

You can also utilize SendinBlue to send sales affirmation messages, newsletters, autoresponder situations, order affirmations, password reset notification and significantly more. There are layouts you can utilize or you can move to make your own configuration.

Compatibility – PrestaShop v1.6

  • Module Backup All Module

Prestashop Administrator BackUp module for all database, files and both! This module empowers you to easily back up your Shop on standard bases – manually or automatically.

Compatibility – PrestaShop –

  • TM Advanced Filter

To streamline your store navigation, utilize this advanced PrestaShop module.

This is less demanding when your store is in use, for the more time customers will remain there. It’s your best need to let them feel comfortable when browsing your stock and locate the essential thing as soon as possible. It gives clients a chance to limit their item inquiry to the minor details and remove products that don’t fit their needs.

Compatibility – PrestaShop 1.6.x.

Watch the video tutorial on how to activate this module:


TM Lookbook Module

TM Lookbook Module displays how items look in usage, e.g. clothes on the body, furniture in rooms, makeup on your face shade etc. In the manner, you show your items has an immediate influence on customers’ decision to buy from your store or go somewhere else. Thus, you can boost the effectiveness of your product exhibition with this PrestaShop module.

Learn how to manage the lookbook!

Compatibility – PrestaShop 1.6.x.

  • Professional Blog

A blog makes a smart decision to achieve high ranking as it draw in the more visitors. The Professional Blog add-on fills this need and brings some extra advantages as well. It offers multi-store and multilingual support that makes it without any doubt a perfect option for a wide range of Prestashop stores.


Compatibility – PrestaShop – –

  • Protect My Shop

You should have just got a reasonable understanding by its name. Indeed, Protect My Shop add-on is a module that secures your commercial center from hackers and thefts. With protection as a noteworthy worry for online stores, Protect My Shop module ends up being a real assistance. The module incorporates 9 security scripts which can be initiated or inactivated one by one.

With this, you are secured against SQL Injections, SHELL Commands Injections, XSS Injections, CGI Injections, Code Injections, and so on.

Compatibility – PrestaShop –

  • Print Labels Pro

You can spare some time when you can mechanize the procedure of formation of delivery labels. With Print Labels Pro module, you can get ready and print delivery labels and stick them on the orders and dispatch for delivery.

The module functiondoesn’t simply stop at label printing yet offers you alternatives to print certificates, envelops, and imperative documents. You can also include barcodes and images to the labels and alter all of your fields.

Compatibility – PrestaShop –

  • Google Merchant Center

Envision uploading your store items to Google Shopping and getting very qualified leads?

With the Google Merchant Center, all is conceivable to get several customers purchasing on your online business store. It is amongst the most capable devices accessible in the market today. It incorporates friendly configuration, simple installation, and is exceedingly customizable.

Compatibility – PrestaShop –

  • Cache Manager

With the help of this add-on, you can describe the zones of your site that should be cached. It in this way it viably diminishes your store’s loading time by nearly 50%. Speedier loading time would enable more clients to invest more time in your store, consequently expanding the chances of turnovers.

Additionally, your store’s position on search engine rankings is likewise enhanced, that moreover extends your transformation rate.

Compatibility – PrestaShop –

How to Install the PrestaShop modules?

When you have downloaded a module from the Add-ons online store, it’s dependent upon you to have it introduced on your PrestaShop webpage. There are two methods to install a module: either utilizing your FTP client or using the dedicated form.

A PrestaShop module is provided as an archive document in ZIP format. An archive comprises of a collection a few files and envelopes into one file, either compressed or not compressed. A file is made with the assistance of compressure software, and such programming is important to play out the reverse task, that is to state to expel the material of the archive keeping in mind the end goal to run the module.


Installation utilizing an FTP client:

To launch a new PrestaShop module manually follow these steps:

  • Unzip the module .zip archive file. This must bring about another folder.
  • Utilizing your FTP client, put the folder in your PrestaShop/modules folder. Focus NOT to transfer that folder to some other module’s folder (which can result when drag-and-dropping things). You have to upload the entire folder, not only the files it contains.
  • Now in the “Modules” tab go to your back-office.
  • Find the new module from the modules list. You may need to look down; you can likewise utilize the rundown’s search box, which should give you a progressively refreshed list of coordinating module names.
  • In the line for the new module, tap the “Install” option.
  • Your module is currently installed and ought to be activated as well with a green tick confirming the activation. In case essential, tap on the “Configure” link of the module. Give careful consideration to any notification that may be shown by PrestaShop.

When setup is finished, make sure to test the module promptly to affirm that it fills in as needed.

Installation utilizing the dedicated form:

  • To add another PrestaShop module “automatically”, tap on the option – “Add a module from my computer” link at the topsection on the rundown of modules. This will uncover another segment.
  • Two choices are displayed in the “Add another module” area:
  • Include a module from a web server: just put the URL to its online compress file and approve.Include a module from your PC – so, browse from the module’s Zip file that you downloaded, and approve.
  • In the two cases, you should point to the module’s Zip archive, and not any of its unloaded files or its folder.

Once approved, PrestaShop will load the module (either from your computer or from the web). Now, unpack it, put the files in the right area, and refresh the page.All this is done in just a few seconds!

Check out the tutorial for better understanding:


What if any of the modules get deleted?

Often mischances happen and modules get untied from where they should be or information gets entered inaccurately in them. The most straightforward approach to settle them sometimes is to reset the module.

When you reset a module, it erases the majority of the data related to the module and reinstalls the module from the beginning.

Method to Reset a PrestaShop Module

To reset a PrestaShop module you should go to your modules page in the back office. When you are there, you should discover the module that is leading to the troubles. When you have discovered the module, you can tap the menu on the right side and select the reset option.


Performing this step will reinstall the module. Any information you have entered in the module will be deleted and gotten out of the database. Just reset modules in case that you needn’t bother with the information saved in them any longer.

PrestaShop SEO and URLs administration

Search Engine Optimization is very vital nowadays. Fortunately, PrestaShop gives a lot of alternatives to enhance your site’s SEO. Steps to manage SEO and URLs:

  • You may analyze them by exploring to the Shop Parameters menu > Traffic and SEO.
  • In the tab of SEO and URLs, you would see a couple of segments and we would talk about every one of them individually.
  • The first is named SEO and URLs.
  • In that segment, you may alter each page’s URL independently by tapping the Edit button beside it. Another screen with altering choices would show up.
  • You would have the capacity to change the Page Title, Page Name, Meta Keywords, Meta Description, and the Rewritten URL.
  • This is very useful segment as it enables you to setup Friendly URLs with simply the flip of a button. You may likewise empower Accented URLs in case that you need to utilize non-latin characters in your URLs.
  • In this area, PrestaShop enables you to pick whether you need to utilize Redirects to the approved URL and which HTTP divert status to be utilized (Permanent or Temporary). In this area, you may likewise enable or disable the Apache’s Multiviews alternative. You can utilize it when you have problems with URL rewriting, links demands for non-existing URLs to the nearest URL) and mod_security module.
  • Scroll down to go to the next area called Set Shop URL.
  • As clarified in the segment’s name, here you may refresh and change the space utilized by your PrestaShop application and the folder in which it dwells.
  • One of the last areas is named Schema of URLs.
  • Here, you can change the manner in which friendly URLs are produced by changing the route to an asset on your shop. When you have refreshed your fields, remember to save your modifications, then head on the Save button to recover your .htaccess file.
  • The last segment is the Robots File Generation.
  • Tapping on the Generate a robots.txt document option would automatically include robots.txt file with exclusion mandates for directories and files that are not intended to be public and ought not to be indexed.

How to Add Languages to PrestaShop?

You can undoubtedly add multiple languages in your PrestaShop site.

  • To do as such, you need to login to your site’s admin section and head to the International > Localization option.
  • At that point pick the desired language in the Import a localization pack area. You may likewise select what content you need to import alongside the language.
  • You ought to likewise select in case that you need to download the data pack from the PrestaShop site or utilize the one in the folder of the localization of your PrestaShop establishment. When you select the favored alternatives, tap on the Import button.
  • Once the pack is introduced, you would view a message to notify Localization pack imported successfully.
  • In case that you need to control the presently installed languages. Simply go to the International then Translations menu. You can examine, export languages from it update and furthermore change translations.

New version launched? Learn How to Easily Upgrade Your PrestaShop Store to the Latest Stable Version.

An immediate upgrade from PrestaShop 1.6 or older to 1.7 version can’t be performed because of significant differences in the application’s structure. In case that you need to perform such an upgrade, you should simply install a new application with the needed version and move your content to it.

Although when you are utilizing an outdated version and you need to upgrade to the most recent and stable one, the procedure would be very simpler.

What you have to do first is to login as an administrator to your PrestaShop’s admin board and go to the Modules > Modules and Services segment of your admin board.

Afterward, in the Selection tab, find and introduce the module labeled 1-Click Upgrade. After the module’s establishment, you would be provoked to login once more. When you re-login, at the list on the left and you would see that another segment named More has surfaced. You would discover the 1-Click Upgrade in it. Tap on the list to open up the upgrade alternatives.

You would be diverted to another screen where a framework check would be performed. On this screen, you would likewise discover backup creation choices and update options – make a point to modify them as preferred.

In the event that your site isn’t in maintenance mode, caching is empowered or there is another component that may meddle with the refresh, a notification would show up.

Make a point to determine those notices, else, you would not have the capacity to continue. Once the application is set up for the upgrade and the notice messages get out. You would see the button – Upgrade PrestaShop Now!

Tap on this Upgrade PrestaShop Now! option and wait for a couple of minutes until the point that the application is being updated.

Once the procedure finishes, you should see an Upgrade finish message with notifications for any files that may have been missed amid the update or backup.

To be clearer with the steps you can prefer the given tutorial too:


What benefits your business receivefrom installing the PrestaShopin a long run?

Search Engine Optimization

Every one of your endeavors could be purposeless when clients can’t discover your shop through search engines like Google, Yahoo etc. Regardless of whether, your store has a tremendous assortment of items, low costs, and 24/7 customer support. PrestaShop is upgraded for various search engines. Keyword tags, meta description for categories and products, modified URLs and several different traits are accessible to make your store more available in the list of search result.


You would need your online store to emerge and this is the place PrestaShop prevails upon other web-based business advancement platforms. Its 25000+ modules enable you to accomplish wanted usefulness in your site. From multi-payment alternatives to social media integration, these modules let you accomplish all that you need.


PrestaShop gives an extensive variety of benefits to make your store more appealing to the visitors. The newsletters membership assists in contact with customers and get them think about new products and offers in your store.

Extraordinary compared to other devices to influence clients to visit your store, over and over, is its commitment plan. PrestaShop permits remunerating clients with points which they can change over into a rebate to use later. In the back-office, you may efficiently configure the program and set up it in your own particular manner.


In a universal world, you understand the significance of multi-lingual websites. PrestaShop platform maintains all the main languages on the planet and this enables you to enter profoundly into the market regularly going past the domains of a normal online store.

Adaptable and Easy to Manage Backend

The purpose behind why a huge number of online businesses claim a PrestaShop store incorporates it’s adaptable and simple to oversee backend. PrestaShop has got the most intelligent and simple to maintain backend from where a store proprietor can without much of stress upload items, visualize sales details, generate an invoice, make coupon codes, envision consumer action, search inquiry, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg.

Mobile Friendly

Not just the UI, yet besides the admin can be run/managedvia mobile. True. PrestaShop allows simple to use backend management app and a completely responsive default template which best suits gadgets ranging from tablet to smartphones, up to iPad, computer, and also for continuous e-commerce activity.

Simple Learning Curve

Not at all like other online platforms available, you will find PrestaShop platform very much simple to learn. There aren’t any confused configuration frameworks or coding to manage. You and your colleagues would have the capacity to effectively deal with your store’s backend.

No Restriction in Product Number

Many of CMS’s can provide you a trouble with product number limitation. In case you want to display more stocks in your catalog – spend more.

But PrestaShop has announced a public policy on product number, that presents it as ready for an online store of any size — a theoretical second Amazon can develop anytime from PrestaShop.

Wrap up

PrestaShop is an extremely smooth and exceptionally point by point platform, as it offers an overwhelming detail of statistical information for vendors to examine and enhance their performance.

Viewing your very own net revenues continuously alongside orders, sales, and different parameters would normally goad you on to enhance and sharpen your store. These bits of knowledge are novel to PrestaShop, and they on a great level make a convincing case for the well-known platform.

PrestaShop offers all the important features to create your online store to make it profitable and popular. Indeed, we have seen in this article, the diverse range of available modules provides endless opportunities for the growth of your business.

This shopping carriage has improved SEO and marketing devices, its templates won’t leave you indifferent. All the processes are ensured by established standards and certificates. So, your customers will precisely be in safe hands. Further, the platform can claim stable business reporting policy and about 40 usable languages. Thus, when you choose to start your online business, PrestaShop can undoubtedly convert into your dependable associate on your way to progress.

If you find the entire process tedious or even tricky you can contact any Prestashop E-commerce website development company and seek their assistance so that the process will be carried out as swiftly as possible.

PyTorch 1.0: Facebook’s Very Own AI Framework Built On Python

At last! Good news about Facebook.


Mark Zuckerberg’s can take a breath of relief.

Today the company has announced PyTorch 1.0, their open source AI framework which is the advanced version of its predecessor. Made with Python language, Latest version of PyTorch has been integrated with caffe 2 and ONNX, renowned deep learning framework.


The most astounding factor of this integration is that it will remove all the migration related issues of the previous version and might equip the tool to process more data.

The news was announced at F8 developer conference at San Jose, California on Wednesday. the official website of the framework after the announcement put up a brief note regarding the latest version and explained the features of the new version like this.

One of its biggest downsides has been production-support. What we mean by production-support is the countless things one has to do to models to run them efficiently at massive scale:

  • Exporting to C++-only runtimes for use in larger projects


  • Optimizing mobile systems on iPhone, Android, Qualcomm and other systems


  • Using more efficient data layouts and performing kernel fusion to do faster inference (saving 10% of speed or memory at scale is a big win)


  • Quantized inference (such as 8-bit inference)


The framework PyTorch 1.0 is already put to use and is responsible for over 6 billion language translation per day and that too from 48 languages.


The latest version will equip developers to optimize efficiency with the help of hybrid entrance finish that can transition between modes.

The first version of the platform was introduced a year back. So far, more than a million downloads were made.

The biggest drawback of the first version was that the platform was not equipped to be implemented on a production scale which is expected not to prevail in this version of the framework.


It is expected that soon Facebook will make a lot of their AI related developing platform open source so that people can make use of it.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) team of Facebook has been indulging themselves in a lot of research for quite some time. They mainly have 2 research team with the name Facebook AI Research group (FAIR) and the company’s Applied Machine Learning team (AML). FAIR usually deals with hardcore AI related computation and on the other hand, AML deals with lightweight machine learning models.

During the f8 developer conference, Mark said that Facebook uses the AI tools developed by the team for many purposes. One of the most important is content moderation.


Talking about moderation, apart from the huge manpower assistance, there is software with the name “Computer Vision” developed by Facebook that helps in flagging inappropriate content so that it can be either informed or removed.

It is expected that more tools will be introduced in the days to come to offer a better user experience in Facebook. However, the latest allegation against Facebook has indeed tarnished their image. So this is desperate times for Facebook and for desperate measures.