Advantages and Disadvantages of Django

If you are a developer then it is obvious for you to scan for the main programming language to code. Yet, to recognize the best writing and the instruments is an overwhelming undertaking. Do you know about Django?

When you have this tool, everything appears to become proficient and rapid. At first denoted as a system for the Python language, with its appropriate functionalities, Django exceptionally decreased the complexities of a web application, giving it a more disentangled model.

But is it all good when it comes to working with Django?

Let’s have a look


Here are the most vital advantages for what reason to utilize Django for custom sites.


This has been created in an approach to enable the engineers to make an application as quick as could be expected. From thought, creation to release, Django helps in making it both financially savvy and productive. In this manner, it turns into a perfect answer for developers having an essential spotlight on due dates.


Written in Python:

As mentioned above Django is one of the web systems which are written in Python programming language. Consequently, it ends up simpler for software engineers to develop web applications with perfect, meaningful, and viable code by exploiting syntax structure of Python. Likewise, the engineers can undoubtedly reduce the advancement time by building custom web applications without writing extra code.


When you are creating it in Django, it ensures that developers don’t commit any mistakes identified with security. A portion of the basic slip-ups incorporates clickjacking, SQL injection, cross-site request forgery, and cross-site scripting. To efficiently deal with the usernames and passwords, the user validation framework is the key.

Good With Major Operating Systems and Databases:

These days, users get to web applications on different gadgets and platforms. Django upgrades the availability of web applications by supporting major operating systems like Windows, MacOS, and Linux. In the meantime, the ORM framework offered by Django makes it less demanding for software engineers to work with many broadly utilized databases. They can even utilize the ORM framework to perform common database tasks and migrate with one database then onto the next without writing extra code.


Django has been developing reliably to empower software engineers to develop better and modern web applications. In the meantime, the Django engineers can easily redo, scale, and expand the web structure by rolling out improvements to its decoupled segments. They even have the alternative to replace or unplug these decoupled segments as indicated by exact prerequisites of individual undertakings. Similarly, they can quicken advancement of extensive and complex web applications by wiring up a huge variety of segments.

One of the most delightful preferences of Django is that it can manage traffic and mobile application API utilization of in excess of 500 million+ users expanding scalability and limit web hosting costs.


Scientific computing platforms, content management, and even huge organizations, every one of these perspectives is proficiently overseen by the utilization of Django.

A Batteries-included Web Framework:

Django is one of the web frameworks that receive the batteries-included process. While building up a custom web application, Django gives the assets required by engineers. It gives the code to regular tasks like database control, URL routing, HTML templating, security, and session management. The batteries included process help engineers to reduce web application improvement time essentially.


Alongside the advantages, come the drawbacks. There are numerous disadvantages of Django said beneath.

Template Mistakes Flop Discreetly itself:

It appears like the system developers did not pay attention to mistakes when they ventured to their class-based perspectives. They are extended through inheritance, that implies it will make everybody’s life caught in the resulting variants.

Does Not Have The Capacity To Manage Different Requests At The Same Time:

Mostly web systems enhance the execution of web applications by making every procedure handle different requests at once. Yet, Django, not at all like those web frameworks, does not empower individual procedures to deal with numerous requests at the same time. Subsequently, developers need to investigate approaches to make singular procedures control various requests proficiently and rapidly at once.

Django is Excessively Monolithic:

Django helps big, tightly-coupled product. The framework is monolithic, and it directs you into given patterns. However, it is more enjoyable when you can program yourself — picking a structure, architecture, and configuration designs. Other than this, segments are sent together.

Regex To Indicate Its URL:

You can make straightforward and easy-to-read URLs. In any case, Django utilizes regex to determine its URL routing models and that makes the code bigger and makes convoluted syntaxes.


While Managing Backwards Compatibility, It’s Moving Extremely Gradually:

The system has committed itself to in backwards compatibility. What could it mean? It has a tendency to get greater and heavier after some time. Speed is a legitimate issue even in Python, yet Django has explicitly assigned other stuff. Django stresses more about dev profitability and backwards compatibility than the speed.

It Seems Like That It Has Too Much Programming For Minor Tasks:

Huge functionality and substantial structure are dependable with you, regardless of whether it isn’t utilized for easy stuff. A system is a perplexing device for basic utilization. So, in the event that you prepared to look with low adaptability, put your complete self into it.


To sum up, Django supports developers to write custom web applications in Python by offering several features, tools, and plug-ins. Currently, Django is being practiced by numerous high-traffic sites like Google, Pinterest, YouTube, and Instagram. Though Django, similar to other web frameworks, has its own advantages and disadvantages. So, the Python developers must remember the accurate needs of every project while estimating the pros and cons of Django to select the best Python web framework.

How to Create an App using Django Framework -Tutorial

Django is an open-source and free web framework written in Python which supports re-usability, scalability, and rapid development. It is extremely developed and comes with high-quality documentation and excellent features incorporated by default.

Owing to the exact reason, Django is an excellent option to develop app as it is packed with robust functionalities.

But learning how to do it is a bit tricky. Let’s tackle that situation once and for all in the easiest way possible.


First install Django then to set the foundation for our application. We need to create the project skeleton applying the django-admin command. This is as easy as utilizing its admin script. This generated project will be the groundwork of our blog app.

Django-admin startprojecthelloapp

Now cd over to the new folder:

cd ~/sites/dev/djangoblog

This is running to be our project folder in which we will include multiple apps. Some we’ll make and we’ll be downloading projects from Google Code. Keep your Python import statements clean and free of project-specific module names. Ensure your root project folder (in this tutorial, djangoblog) on the Python path. To do that, simply add the path to your PythonPath variable.


We can record statements like:

import myapp

instead of

import myproject.myapp

It makes your code more manageable.


Fill out the project settings

Open your preferred text editor and fire up the file within the “djangoblog” directory.

The core of what we want to set up is found on the top of the file.

Be certain to add the entire pathname, as Django can’t know ~/ or $HOME in determining the database ie /Users/usrname/Sites/dev/djangoblog/djangoblog.db

The additional settings are properly documented in the file and we can leave most of them. However, there are a few of the settings we should take care of before going further. If you see at the base of the file you’ll see this piece of code:

INSTALLED_APPS = ( ‘django.contrib.auth’, ‘django.contrib.contenttypes’, ‘django.contrib.sessions’, ‘django.contrib.sites’, )

Here we will tell our Django project which apps to install. First, let’s add Django’s built-in admin tool. Paste this line just under the sites app:


Here’s a convenient trick for the template directories. Rather than hard-coding the path to our templates directories this is effective – it makes it so easy to change Django utilizing Python. We simply import the os.path Python module and after that discover the way to the directory where is and afterward adds ‘templates’ to that way.

import os.path TEMPLATE_DIRS = ( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ‘layouts’), )

Presently when we launch the site live, there’s no requirement to change the file-

Now, how about we utilize one of the tools incorporated into, the syncdb device. Paste this line in the terminal:


python manage.pysyncdb

The syncdb tool advises Django to interpret all our installed applications’ documents into a real database table.

Create your username and password, now it’s time to launch the Django’s built-in server.

Start the Sever

At the command prompt, Django starts the server:

/djangoblog/ $ python manage.pyrunserver Validating models… 0 errors found Django version 0.97-pre-SVN-6920, using settings ‘djangoblog.settings’ Development server is running at Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

Then open your browser and head to

It works! But then check out the admin interface. Nevertheless, before we do that, we require telling Django what the admin URL is.

Open your text editor and the file in your “djangoblog” folder. Copy-paste the below-given code, replace what’s already there in the file:

from django.conf.urls.defaults import * from django.contrib import admin # Uncomment the next two lines to enable the admin: # from django.contrib import admin admin.autodiscover() urlpatterns = patterns(”, (r’^admin/(.*)’,, )

Now we’ll head to Log in with the user/pass combo you created before.

In any case, right now there isn’t much to find in the admin system, so we should begin developing our blog.

Developing the blog

Presently we could simply toss in some code that makes a title, date field, entry, and different nuts and bolts.

Let’s go onward and create first Django application.

To do this we’ll utilize Django’s app creating script, which is found inside in our project folder. Paste line below into your shell:

python startapp blog

If you see inside “djangoblog” you must see a new “blog” folder. Open that and locate the file. Open in your preferred text editor and paste in the below-given code:

from django.db import models from django.contrib.syndication.feeds import Feed from django.contrib.sitemaps import Sitemap import markdown from tagging.fields import TagField from tagging.models import Tag # Create your models here. class Entry(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=200) slug = models.SlugField( unique_for_date=’pub_date’, help_text=’Automatically built from the title.’ ) body_html = models.TextField(blank=True) body_markdown = models.TextField() #note, if you’re using Markdown, include this field, otherwise just go with body_htmlpub_date = models.DateTimeField(‘Date published’) tags = TagField() enable_comments = models.BooleanField(default=True) PUB_STATUS = ( (0, ‘Draft’), (1, ‘Published’), ) status = models.IntegerField(choices=PUB_STATUS, default=0) class Meta: ordering = (‘-pub_date’,) get_latest_by = ‘pub_date’ verbose_name_plural = ‘entries’ def __unicode__(self): return u’%s’ %(self.title) def get_absolute_url(self): return “/%s/%s/” %(self.pub_date.strftime(“%Y/%b/%d”).lower(), self.slug) def save(self): self.body_html = markdown.markdown(self.body_markdown, safe_mode = False) super(Entry, self).save()

First, we import the basic things from django, such as the Feed class, model class, and Sitemap class.

After that, we can create our blog model.

Entry stretches Django’s built-in model.

The first part of our Entry class definition describes all our multiple blog entry elements. Django will utilize this data to build our database tables and structure, and further generate the Admin interface.

Another thing worth noticing is the body_html = models.TextField(blank=True) line. What’s up with that blank=True bit? This information is part of Django’s built-in Admin error checking.

Except you tell it contrarily, all fields in your model will produce NOT NULL columns in your database. To permit for null columns, we would add null=True. But with that Django’s Admin system would yet complain that it requires the information. For that, simply add the blank=True.

But, what we need to do is fill in the body_html field programmatically — after saving in the Admin and prior to Django really writes to the database. Therefore, we want the Admin division to allow body_html to be blank, but not null.

Presently we’ll inform Django about our new apps. Fire up again and add the below lines to your list of installed apps:

INSTALLED_APPS = ( ‘django.contrib.auth’, ‘django.contrib.contenttypes’, ‘django.contrib.sessions’, ‘django.contrib.sites’, ‘django.contrib.admin’, ‘’, )

After that, head to the terminal and run manage.pysyncdb.

Even if Django knows about blog app, we haven’t reported the app what to do in the Admin section.

So, go back to your text editor and make a new file. Name it and save it within the “blog” folder. And add these lines:

from django.contrib import admin from import Entry class EntryAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = (‘title’, ‘pub_date’,’enable_comments’, ‘status’) search_fields = [‘title’, ‘body_markdown’] list_filter = (‘pub_date’, ‘enable_comments’, ‘status’) prepopulated_fields = {“slug” : (‘title’,)} fieldsets = ( (None, {‘fields’: ((‘title’, ‘status’), ‘body_markdown’, (‘pub_date’, ‘enable_comments’), ‘tags’, ‘slug’)}), ), EntryAdmin)

So, what does all that do?

The initial thing to do is import Django’s admin class, as you might doubt, admin regulates how the admin interface seems. Those customizations are completely optional. You could just write pass and run with the default admin layout.

When you refresh your admin page you can now view the blog model with a link to create and write blog entries.

Click “Add new.” Now you’re ready to create some blog entries.

Learn How To Use Web APIs in Python 3

Application Program Interfaces (APIs) are regularly used to recover information from remote sites. Websites like Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook all offer certain data through their APIs. To utilize an API, you make a demand to a remote web server and recover the information you require.

An API makes it simple for developers to incorporate one application with another. They uncover some of a program’s internal workings limitedly. You can utilize APIs to get data from different projects or to automate things you regularly do in your web program.

Accessing Web Services

Python presents us with the JSON and simplejson modules to communicate with JSON.

JSON isbased on two structures:

  • A collection of name/value sets
  • An ordered value lists.

API Requests

When you write “” in the address bar of the browser, your PC is really approaching the “” server for a site page, to return to the browser.


APIs work similarly, your program requests for data. This information is generally returned in JSON configuration.

To get the information, we make a demand to a web server. So, the server replies with our data.

Getting Information From The Web API

We will learn how to use Python in the Digital Ocean API to recover data from your Digital Ocean account.

Your Digital Ocean account incorporates some regulatory data that you might not have found in the Web UI. An API can provide you an alternate view of familiar data. Simply observing this substitute view can often offer concepts regarding what you should need to do with an API or uncover administrations and choices you didn’t know.

Begin by making a task for the scripts. Make another directory for the task called apis:

           $ mkdirapis

Explore into this new directory:

           $ cd apis·         $ python3 -m venvapis

Make another virtualenv for this task:

           $ source apis/bin/activate

Activate the virtualenv:

          $source apis/bin/activate

Now install the requests library to use in scripts for making HTTP requests for scripts:

         (apis) $ pip install requests

With the configured environment, make another Python file called Open it in the text editor. By importing libraries begin this program off for working with JSON and HTTP requests.

import json

import requests

Python code is loaded with these import statements that make it less demanding to work with the JSON data format and the HTTP protocol. Use these libraries when you are not inspired by the subtle elements of how to parse and make substantial JSON or how to send HTTP requests.We simply need to utilize them to achieve these tasks.

Then, set up a few variables to hold data that in every request will be the same. This saves from the tiringexercise of typing it again and again. It also gives us a solitary place to create updates if anything changes. After the import statements, add these lines to the document.

api_token = ‘your_api_token’

api_url_base = ‘’

The api_token variable is a string for holding the Digital Ocean API token. Substitute the value in the case with your particular token. The api_url_base variable is the string that begins each URL in the Digital Ocean API.

Then, we have to set up the HTTP request headers the manner API docs depict. Add the given lines to the file to install a dictionary incorporating your request headers:

headers = {‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’,

‘Approval’: ‘Carrier {0}’.format(api_token)}

This sets two headers immediately.

The Content-Type header advises the server to demand JSON-formatted information in the request body.

The Authorization header has to incorporate the token.So, we utilize Python’s string formatting rationale to embed the api_token variable into the string as we make the string.

It’s an ideal moment to really send the request. Put this logic into a function which controls the request sending and perusing the response. You’ll wind up with code that’s not difficult to test and re-utilize.

The function will utilize the variables you made to send the request and restore the account data in a Python dictionary.

Characterize the function that gets the account data. It’s dependably a smart way to name a function after what it does. Let’s call it get_account_info:

def get_account_info():

api_url = ‘{0}account’.format(api_url_base)

reaction = requests.get(api_url, headers=headers)

on the off chance that response.status_code == 200:

return json.loads(response.content.decode(‘utf-8’))


return None

Create the value for api_url by utilizing Python’s string formatting strategy. Affix the API’s base URL before the string record to get the URL, the URL that should return account data.

The response variable contains a question made by the Python requests module. This line sends the request to the URL was created with the headers we characterized toward the beginning of the script and returns the API response.

Now, we take a look at the HTTP status code of the response.

In case it’s 200, a successful response, at that point to load a string as JSON we’ll utilize the json module’s loads function. The string loaded is the response object content, response.content. The .decode(‘utf-8’) section reveals to Python that the content is encoded utilizing the UTF-8 character set, as every response from the DigitalOcean API will be. The JSON module makes an object from that, which is used for this function as the return value.

In case the response was not 200, at that point, we return None, which is an exceptional value in Python. Check this when we call this function. You’ll see that we’re simply neglecting any mistakes now. This is to retain the clear “success” logic.

Presently call this function, check to ensure it got a decent response, and print out the subtle elements that the API returned:

account_info = get_account_info() sets the account_info variable to what returned from the call to get_account_info(), so it can be the exceptional value None or it can be the data collection about the account.

If it is not None, at that point, we print out each snippet of data on its particular line by utilizing the items() strategy that all the Python dictionaries hold.

Else (that is if account_info is None), we’ll print the error message.

Thus, now you know how to use API to recover data.

10 Ways Blockchain Technology Will Change E-commerce Business

Blockchain!  The technology gained its fame after the pandemonium created by the crypto currency Bit Coin. The story of people became millionaire in a fortnight has given the technology stardom like none of its counter parts.

But What Exactly is Block Chain?

Blockchain technology is a decentralised digital ledger of economic transactions, which is specifically designed to record not only the final transaction but also everything that goes in it.

In simple terms, everything is out on display to the public but in a series of complicated code, which you can find out after a lengthy and challenging calculation, making it one of the safest ways to transact money.

So, isn’t it obvious that the technology can be used in e-commerce industry which has got huge amount of risk especially when it comes to transaction?

Let’s See How..

1. Authentic Transactions

Using blockchain technology your customer will be able to transfer the amount directly from his bank account to yours without any middlemen like Visa, MasterCard or PayPal taking a share of your profit. This is how blockchain technology and crypto currencies can change the e-commerce industry:

  • Customers don’t have to provide any financial or personal information
  • Can be used worldwide unlike specific platforms like PayPal
  • Low transaction fees
  • Easy user experience

2. Accuracy

Every shipment has a code, which the customers can track using blockchain technology. The accuracy of the tracking is very more advanced than what is available right now.

For example, if you are at a supermarket buying an apple, using the code you can find out from where is that apple and when was it harvested or whether it is fresh or not. Online customers are increasingly concerned about the source of the product, emphasising only on ethically sourced products

Blockchain technology will make the tracking process completely paperless, which will massively benefit the environment and there will be complete transparency between customers and retailers as well.

3. Health Hazards

Tracking shipments using blockchain technology is very beneficial for food products. For example, companies like Hello Fresh that sell ready to make food and their customers can use the technology to monitor health, contamination, and safety requirements of the ingredients. It can be used in continents like Europe where contamination is widespread, especially when it comes to eggs.

The technology can save people from epidemics and millions of money spent to cure all of them.\

4. E-commerce and Payments

Cryptocurrency payments can help e-commerce companies to keep track of all transactions, which will be very useful if a customer asks for the refund.

Expedia, an international travel operator, is one of the first companies who have started accepting payments in Bitcoins for hotel bookings. Shopify also has a Bitcoin payment option for its customers.

5. Proof of Ownership

Counterfeiting will no more be an issue for brands because blockchain technology will help them prove that the designs belonged to them and the ability to do so will increase the product’s worth and the brand’s value.

Ascribe is an ownership company that helps companies and artists register themselves as product creators using blockchain technology. Using your dashboard on the company’s website, you can track sales of your products and is aimed at reducing copyright claims.

6. Human Resources

Now you might wonder how to make the hiring process technological? However, you can use a lot of technology for hiring, retaining, compensating, evaluating, and firing.

According to Society for Human Resource Management, human resource department can use blockchain technology for modernising parts of the hiring process such as verifying credentials of existing employees and job applicants.

Multinational companies will benefit the most from the technology when it comes to handling payrolls as it can standardise payments across various currencies.

Travis Parker, COO, IRA Bitcoin LLC, feels that blockchain technology is also changing how employees plan their retirement as it diversifies their investment portfolio and has more control over their assets.

7. Advertising and Marketing

According to the Juniper Research, advertisers lose $51 million every day, totalling to $19 billion every year because of fraudulent activities. If not controlled, the amount will reach $44 billion annually by 2022.

Blockchain technology can help reduce click fraud and thereby helping marketing and advertising reach their targets.

Amir Jan Malik, digital marketing expert, Accenture Interactive, said that blockchain technology was developed to prevent fraud in banking, so the same can be applied the e-commerce level.

8. Cybersecurity

Even the most famous companies including Target, Yahoo, and Equifax have been victims of data breaches by viruses and hacking causing the release of personal information of millions of customers.

With e-commerce industry becoming increasingly, it becomes essential to protect it from frauds.

David Schatsky, managing director, Deloitte US, said that blockchain technology provides a way of recording transactions or digital interactions in a very transparent, secure, efficient, auditable and highly resistant to outages way.

It is necessary for every cybersecurity system to have these features. In simple words, blockchain technology will help protect the critical intellectual property of the e-commerce world.

9. Managing operations

Old companies are facing severe problems adjusting to operation management online. Eastman Kodak, a 129-years old firm, is going through the same struggle and finally decided to invest in developing an encrypted, digital ledger of rights ownership, called KODAKOne.

Photographers that work for the company can register their existing or new work on it and license them using the platform.

The system allows them to participate in secure payment and receive money immediately through the technology and never worry about their work being stolen.

10. Safer Web World

Blockchain technology with its unlimited benefits makes the web world a safer place. It will some time for people to adjust to the new technology but it won’t be long before they understand its value.

E-commerce shopping will become trustworthy, with very fewer chances of your package not showing up or your personal information getting leaked. It will speed up the time taken for e-commerce companies to reach business goals.

10 Ways ERP System Can Affect Supply Chain Management

In order to survive and stay in the growing competitive market, companies are expanding their limits ahead of its organizational skills and technologies.  Out of this those, supply chain management (SCM) and Enterprise resource planning (ERP) are two that are often heard. ERP Systems have gained immense popularity within SCM organizations.

The blog will explain to you how SCM can improve performance using an ERP system. To stay competitive, retailers should have a sound understanding of where their shipments are, how to rebalance inventories and respond quickly to new customer demands. Many times, a company may have multiple SCM systems at discrete locations, and all this needs to be integrated using an ERP solution.

Let us understand how an ERP system can affect supply chain management functions.

  • Supply Chain Planning

Supply chain planning is a process of selecting proper marketing channels, promotion, and regulating the stock quantities and inventory required to ensure that production is able to keep up with the consumer demands.  ERP systems thus offer a trouble-free and ductile way to establish and change the limits within which the supply chain operates.

  • Global Visibility

ERP software has always been known for the role-based or permission-based access to view the SCM data. The ERP allows manufacturers to know how and where the inventory is located throughout the chain management. This will allow the management of drafting a well-planned production. This means they have data at their disposal regarding the inventory levels, purchasing and production performance etc.

neural networks python

  • Evaluate Vendor Performance

ERP systems make it easier for an organization to measure quantitative and qualitative factors of respective vendors. This helps the management in making better decisions and performance improvements in the current market. It helps the purchasing department to select the supplier or vendor and facilitate continual monitoring. Data of this kind can help to better negotiate at the time of switching vendors.

  • Information Management and Integration

ERP is a natural extension and provides a comprehensive management system that integrates and manages your transactions and other important data in one single system. Many companies fail to cope up with the growing consumer demand due to discrete data which delays the supply chain functions. ERP system keeps all your data in one system with enterprise-wise visibility.

  • Enhanced Collaboration

ERP systems help organizations to control all suppliers and distributors. This helps the managers to understand who is doing what operations at all the given times. ERP also bridges the gap between all the supply chain partners. Hence, it is possible for all the members of the organization to share vital information about demand, forecasting, production status and transportation plans in real time.

  • Helps Decision Making

In the current business scenario, information is the key resource for any organization. If organizations do not have sufficient mechanism that gives them the power to make effective decisions then there are chances that their future will always be a mystery.  With the implementation of ERP, an organization will be able to function as a single entity that will improve the accuracy and integrity leading to a better decision-making process.

  • Improved Supply Chain Network

ERP systems provide complete visibility throughout the supply chain network which isn’t possible in the manual processes.  By implementing ERP, an organization can monitor all the statuses and activities of suppliers, plants, warehouse and stores, and all other members involved in the supply chain. This, in turn, helps in effective tracking and monitoring process management.

  • Decrease in Delays

Supply chains who did not implement an ERP already placed complaints about poor business relationships with the loss of business. Many factors have negative impacts on businesses and therefore results in negative impact with the customers who are the main force of attraction for a supply chain. With the implementation of ERP, all the activities can be co-ordinated and executed ensuring higher levels of on-time delivery across the chain.

  • Manage Risk and Prevent Fraud

An intelligent ERP system not only prevents fraud and theft but also helps ensure compliance with legal requirements and rules. A traditional ERP system facilitates user-based roles to access and modify data that prevents theft.

  • Automates Customer Service Process.

Enterprise resource planning comes to help too many organizations that look forward to streamlining their customer service experience. ERP’s streamline customer service experience that allows employees ensure that their customers are getting a consistent experience and the back office process is not interrupted.  Automation of all other resources helps organizations to respond to customers quickly and forecast new products.



By now you must be aware of the benefits of incorporating an ERP system to any sector of your supply chain management business. Obviously, a question will surface in your mind regarding which ERP to trust. Not to worry. Probytes has one of the best solutions out there in the market for you. Feel free to contact us to know more.

12 Steps To Follow Building An E-commerce Website

It is crazy how only until a few years ago no one knew what online shopping is and now is the industry is set to cross the $2 trillion mark in a couple of years.

The e-commerce industry has become one of the most valued and fastest growing industries across the globe. Whether you have only a few products to sell or a hundred different products, having an e-commerce website is a necessity.

Building a basic e-commerce website is a piece of cake however; to make it a fully functional and a successful one is indeed a herculean task.

To summarize,
Let’s go through 12 golden steps that can help you in the process.

1. Decide your target population

If you don’t know your target population well, no matter how good your product is, it won’t sell. Also, your target population decides the kind of design your e-commerce website should be of. So choose wisely, do your research, and check what the demand in each category of people is and only then decide your target population.


2. Design products for your e-commerce store

Now that you’ve selected your target audience, it is time to design your products. You might have the products in mind, but the end cost will depend on the type of materials you use and the marketing costs, which all depend on the kind of audience you want to target.

3. Set the value

Setting the price of the products is one of the most difficult things a businessperson has to decide. Make sure you include the following costs in your product price:

  • Material costs
  • Web hosting costs of your e-commerce website
  • Taxes and duty
  • Shipping costs
  • Share is given to credit or debit card companies or any other payment gateway
  • Marketing and advertising costs

Before setting the price, learn the market. Check the rates at which your competitor sells his products.

4. Research shipping costs

You might want to include shipping costs in the product cost or mention it separately on the product page. It is entirely on you but adding the shipping cost to the total cost can give you an advantage, which means you can advertise as free shipping, which is a significant selling point.

5. Select a domain name

It is the most fun and creative part of the entire process. Be as creative as you can but make sure that your store’s name can be pronounced easily by your customers. Don’t use names that have already been used even if the company isn’t a competitor. You don’t want to put yourself through unnecessary copyright issues.

In short, keep in mind four things while picking a domain name:

  • Short and creative
  • Easily pronounceable
  • No copyright issue
  • Suits your business idea

6. Choose the desired platform

Choose your web hosting platform and package wisely. If you are starting out and want to get a better idea of how the market works, you can first open your store on Etsy or Amazon and then move on to a full-fledged web hosting platform.

Different platforms offer different benefits, for example – HostGator is compatible with many e-commerce options so that you can work on multiple things on the same website. Or you can go for Magento or Prestashop, which has many ways to list products and provides an easy path to the shopping cart.

7. Design your website

This is the most critical part of building a website and also the one that takes most of the time. Only if you successfully carry on the earlier six procedures, this is going to be the easiest step of all. While you and your web designer is designing the website, get started with writing a web copy that will help you describe your wares and encourage website visitors to buy your products.

neural networks python

You can either build your website from scratch or use a website builder like WordPress to do so. There are some basic things that you must include in your e-commerce website, which includes:

  • The home page featuring daily deals and offers
  • About page talking about your company and what inspired to start the business
  • Products page
  • Customer service and contact page
  • The blog features articles about how to use your products, styling tips, and more

A confusion that every store owner faces is what theme to go with. You need to remember it isn’t about you but it is about your website visitors. Make the website interactive and mobile friendly as it has become vital in today’s world.

8. Add products to the website

Add your products to the website. Give your product a nice name and a crisp description. Add high-quality products and videos or audio to give your website visitors a better idea of the product. You can encourage your users to buy the products by mentioning the number of items left.

9. Set up the payment

The web hosting platform you’ve chosen has a payment protocol, which will help you set up the payment. There aren’t many changes you need to do in this section as everything is ready for you, you only have to add the variables.

10. Test checkout

Carry on a test checkout before launching your e-commerce website. Pay attention to the tiny things and how your website works on the computer screen, mobile phones, and tablets. Check if there’s anything that is slowing down your website and how you can change it.

11. Get SSL Certificate

Getting an SSL Certificate is very important for the website. It is the green lock that appears before your website link. It helps to keep your customer data private and safe. Don’t skip this part of the procedure because it will keep sensitive details will stay safe so that hackers don’t hack your website and steal credit card information.

12. Start selling your products

It is the final step of the process. It is time to sell your products and turn your start-up into a successful business. Invest in content marketing, promotion and advertising, and social media. If you don’t have enough money, go the old-fashioned way and do mouth publicity.

However, there are e-commerce website development companies who will take care of the entire process with ease. All you have to do is to check list the points mentioned above and have a detailed discussion regarding products list, pricing design etc. in short, you should brief them what you need and in turn and should make sure that all of it is incorporated in your website.

Python Global Interpreter Lock (GIL): A Quick Guide

The Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) is a fabulous mechanism utilized by diverse computer language interpreters for synchronizing the execution of multiple threads.

This process allows only a single native thread to perform and execute at a particular period. CPython is an interpreter that uses Global Interpreter Lock.

The GIL or Global Interpreter Lock in the CPython is an exclusively designed program that acts as a mutex that will safeguard easy access to the objects of Python. Therefore it immediately prevents the execution of Python byte codes by multiple varieties of threads.

The particular Python GIL is an inevitable necessity since we all know that management of the Python memory is not thread proof.

Why is the Python Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) important?

Extensions implemented by Python need to be aware of the presence of GIL to prevent the threads being defeated. It is inevitable that you understand the fact that without the GIL lock system there might arise huge problems even while performing simple operations in a multithreaded software program.

It will surely enlighten you with the necessary rule that only a thread with the GIL lock protection can perform the functions of Python C API or efficiently operate any Python objects.


To equalize concurrency of the thread execution, the interpreter will try hard to switch between threads. Usually, during different operations such as writing or reading a particular file, the lock Python GIL should be released first, so that other essential Python threads can operate simultaneously without any interruption.

Controversies of the Python Global Interpreter Lock – GIL

The GIL usually prevents the CPython multithreaded software programs from exploiting the multiprocessor strategies during certain kind of situations. You need to understand that often the operations such as Image processing, I/O, and Crunching of NumPynumber happen outside the Global Interpreter Lock. Therefore the functional GIL becomes a glitch only while operating multithreaded software programs, which spends its time within the CPython bytecode.

However it has been observed that even when GIL is not a glitch, it is capable of degrading the overall performance. Exclusively during multiple hardware applications, the above system call becomes significant.

While a functionality performed by two threads, it might take double the period, which resembles the single thread calling dual functioning. The GIL can ignite the I/O operated threads to be functional before the scheduled time of the CPU- operated threads extensively. It will prevent any signals from being emitted.

Other Non-CPython Implementations of the GIL

IronPython and Jython programs do not possess GIL, and therefore it can ultimately take advantage of multiprocessor systems extensively. Whereas, the PyPy program possess GIL just like the CPython.

Similarly, the Cython comprises of GIL, and it can be temporarily released by using a particular statement- “with.”

How to release the CPython Global Interpreter Lock?

Eliminating the GIL is an inevitable consequence that requires an immediate effective solution. There is no evidence of complete eviction, and certain hard properties are needed for any potential replacement of GIL.

Simple to operate

The proposed property must be simple, easy to maintain and implementable.


The basic necessity for releasing the GIL is to determine the multithreaded performance. Therefore if there is any proposal, the practice should be happening continuously at the same time.

Fast and speedy practice

The BDFL will immediately reject any proposal that will slow down the functionality of single-threaded programs. The reference code that exists is quick in the non-concurring system cases. Modifications occur when any of the objects is referred.

Supportive features

The particular proposal should be supportive of the existing exquisite features of the Python such as weak and __del__ references. The __del__ is not thread proof, and it is a huge problem when the GIL system is implemented. The language jorendorff dies not reveal the atrocity that particular operation management possesses.

Those direct level operations that are in CPython are mostly to prevent the low-level crashes by utilizing the GIL lock systems. But the __del__ will be executed with deadlock if you use the same lock.

To fix the issue, you need to run in a dedicated strategy the particular __del__ In a system thread and then start using the Global Interpreter Locks.


The system proposal should be 100 percentage sources compatible with the effective Macros that are already used by the CPython extensions respectively.

Elicit Destruction

The reference counting system that exists now is designed to destroy the thread objects except those within the reference cycles, once they are converted and becomes not reachable. Specific essential CPython programs such as promptly reading and closing files depend on this system features.

API compatibility

The API compatibility is an important, challenging aspect of this problem. The entire concurrent management systems depend on the following effective techniques that are compatible with the current Python/C API. The collectors should be designed to support enumeration by tracing of all the objects extensions. The write barrier code is executed when modifications of the pointer variable are made available. The Hardest Changes is exact stack collection schemes to mark all the reachable objects.


GIL is designed with genuine functionality features exclusively for the benefit of CPython thread objects effectively. GIL is well equipped with the garbage collection and more useful functions; therefore it is not necessary to worry about memory management. When the reference number decreases to zero, then that particular object will be deleted. GIL will prevent any two threads from decrementing the effective references count of the Python thread object.

CPython GIL is a fabulous package of unique, speedy single-threaded execution and simple interpreter implementation. Therefore you can dismiss any worries regarding concurrency and memory management issues. The Global Interpreter Lock is a huge mutex system lock that safeguards the entire selection if reference counters from being executed. In case you are embedding the CPython then it is essential that the explicit of GIL is released or unlocked for optimum performance.

How To Turn Sublime Text into a Lightweight Python IDE?

Code editors are the go-to device for anybody hoping to make more significant customization in WordPress or jump further into the website design. But a few users want to utilize the text editor tool for every need, alongside developing.

Among the code editors that are put to use now, Sublime Text is one of the best owing to a kickass functionality.

The code-editor can also be converted to an IDE. Especially when it comes to Python related programming.


Let’s see how it’s done and what’s so special about it.

Key Features To Use It As a Light Weight Python IDE Are:

  • Snippets

  • Various cursors

  • GIT support

  • Syntax highlighting

  • Programmed builds

  • Full screen and diversion free mode

Necessities For An ‘IDE’

  • It ought to give great, configurable syntax colorization.

  • It must offer the capacity to bounce to the meaning of symbols in different files.

  • It ought to perform programmed code linting to help keep away from senseless missteps.

  • It ought to take into consideration robust tab completion.

  • It ought to have the capacity to communicate with a Python interpreter to such an extent that while debugging, the text editor will follow alongside the debugger.

Primary Settings:

All configuration in Sublime Text is done by means of JSON.

There are various distinctive levels of configuration within Sublime Text. You will frequently operate at settings at the user level.

Open Preferences – > Got to Settings – Default to view all the default settings and select which to override.


Make your own particular set of choices by opening Preferences – > Go to Settings – User. This will make an empty document, you would then be able to copy the settings you need to override your own settings from the default settings.

Particularly crucial in Python is the setting translate_tabs_to_spaces, which guarantees that whenever you click a tab key, the single \t character is supplanted by four \s characters.

Useful Plugins That Need To Be Installed To Complete The Above Requirements.

Sublime Text accompanies an awesome framework for Package Control. It supports installing and uninstalling plugins, and even updates introduced modules for you. You can likewise install plugins manually, incorporating ones you write yourself.

To install any plug-in with the help of Package Control, open the command palette with shif+super-P, on Windows/Linux-ctrl+shift+P. The super key is the command or ⌘ on OS X. At the point the palette opens, typing install will advance the Package Control: Install Package command. Press enter to choose it.

Then the Sublime Text gets an updated rundown of the packages from the system. Begin by typing the name of the package you need. Sublime Text refines the rundown and displays it to you the package that you need to see. For installation of the plug-in, choose it with the mouse, or utilize arrow keys to explore the rundown and click enter when your plug-in is featured.

The Main Plug-ins Are As Follows:

  • Linters


Sublime 2 holds mistake identification programs-linters like Plyflakes, that can be radiantly coordinated with the SublimeLinter module. Pyflakes checks for syntactic infringement, such as utilizing a symbol that is not characterized or bringing in a symbol you don’t utilize.

  • Syntax Highlighting and Builds


Upon creating a file by utilizing CTRL + B you can in a split second observe the yield of the code in the controller console. This is because it consequently provides syntax highlighting and builds.

  • Python Translator Within The Text Editor


SublimeREPL allows a Python translator (among different languages) that can keep working within Sublime Text 2. Joined with the split screen views, this turns out to be exceptionally convenient.

  • Autocompletion


Sublime Text by default will list index symbols in open files and undertakings, yet that doesn’t cover packages that are installed which might be an element of a non-standard run environment.

Select SublimeJedi just backing Python, however, is speedier and holds an index of its own.

The python_interpreter_path enables you to demonstrate which Python executable ought to be investigated for symbol definitions.

The python_package_paths setting permits assigning extra paths that will be hunted down Python packages comprising symbols.

Once set, you ought to have the ability to utilize the ctrl+shift+G shortcut route to bounce instantly to the symbol definition. You can likewise utilize alt+shift+F to find the different utilization of a similar symbol somewhere else in your code.

  • Follow-Along


This is the last prerequisite for a sensible IDE configuration to have the potential to develop a troubleshooting session in the file with the code.

Though there is no plugin for SublimeText that reinforce this. However, there is a Python available to install into the virtualenv for all of your projects that do it.This package is called PDBSublimeTextSupport and it’s easy to introduce with pip:

              (projectenv)$ pip introduce PDBSublimeTextSupport

After the package is installed in the Python that is employed for your project, any breakpoint you insert will consequently rise to the surface in SublimeText. Furthermore, as you advance through the code, you will notice the present line in your Sublime Text file move alongside you.


For the most part, the requirements of developers who are chipping away at generally small-scale projects (particularly projects consisting just a single file), thus, Sublime text editor acts as an extremely helpful tool. The Sublime has proved to be an incredible and creative tool due to its different themes, a plug-in architecture for Python, many customizations, it’s lightweight as contrasted with full IDEs, and it’s continually being improvised.

Setting up Sublime Text 3 for Python development

Software engineers like to evade who has the ‘best’ development environment – what are the best tools available? Which packages and plug-ins would it be advisable to utilize? These are the substantial inquiries.However, the main issue is this: once you have picked your preferred IDE you ought to invest a lot of time configuring it and figuring out how to receive the most in return.

One of such a text editor is Sublime Text 3. Sublime text is extremely fast, gets steady updates, and – as a major reward – completely cross-platform. Sublime’s awesome plug-in ecosystem is an add-on. There are many plug-ins accessible that make Python development extremely smooth and pleasant.

Let’s start

  • Installation

First install the Sublime Text 3.

Afterward, you need to do is install the package manager that enables you to include and remove the third-party plug-ins which will enhance your development condition.

Install by copying the Python code for Sublime Text 3. Tap View > Show Console to open the console. Now paste the code into the console. Press enter and Reboot ST3.


You would now be able to install packages by utilizing the command cmd+shift+P. Begin typing install until the point when Package Control: Install Package shows up. Press Enter. Look for accessible packages.

  • Make a Custom Settings File

You can completely configure Sublime Text employing JSON-based settings files, making it simple to synchronize or transfer, your personalized settings to another framework. To begin with, make the customized settings. It’s best to make a base file for all the environments and language particular settings records.

  • To set up a base file select Sublime Text > Preferences > Settings – User. Add an empty JSON object to the document and insert your settings.

  • For language particular settings tap the Sublime Text > Preferences > Settings – More > Syntax Specific – User. At that point save the file with the given format: LANGUAGE.sublime-settings. Along these lines, for Python-particular settings, save as Python.sublime-settings.

Other than the packaged themes, you can make use of the following packages to accelerate the work process.

SideBar Enhancements

SideBar Enhancements works as sending files to your Recycle Bin rather than the deleted file being sent into obscurity, never to be returned from within the Sublime Text. It additionally offers a bundle of different traits incorporating having the capacity to make new files from the sidebar.

Requirements Txt

This is a basic module for requirements.txt files which gives syntax featuring. Requirements txt gives syntax highlight-lighting and autocompletion plus a decent form management framework for your requirements.txt files.


Anaconda is a very capable Python package for Sublime. It allows:

  • Python code autocompletion

  • Python linting (features both PEP8 infringement and syntax errors)

  • Python documentation

  • McCabe complexity checker

You can see the majority of the features inside the README file in the Package Settings: Sublime Text > Preferences > Package Settings > Anaconda > README.

  • All AutoComplete

All AutoComplete stretches out the default autocomplete to give autocompletion to every single open file.

  • GitGutter

GitGutter places a margin into Sublime Text which shows if a line has been included, deleted or edited. It is valuable for following whether you have rolled out improvements to past commits.

  • Layout

The lion’s share of layout choices is accessible within the view heading in the menu bar.

In Views – > Columns you can change the view to show 1, 2, 3, or 4 columns, or a grid of 2 * 2 sections, or 1 or 2 rows.

  • Custom Commands

It is not difficult to compose your own custom commands as well as key bindings with Python.

Copy the path of the present document to the clipboard.

Close all tabs aside from the active one.

Introduce them by adding the Python files to your directory of “/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User” through the file menu (Sublime > Preferences > Browse Packages).

After that open the User directory.

To finish the setup, bind them from the Key Bindings – User file (Sublime Text > Preferences > Package Settings >AdvancedNewFile> Key Bindings – User).

Command line tool

Sublime Text also incorporates a command line tool that enables you to open the editorial manager from the shell. The tool termed subl isn’t empowered as a default. To make it accessible from any shell do as given below:

ln – s/Applications/Sublime\ Text\

  • Console Shortcuts

Goto Anything (“cmd+p”) is utilized for rapidly finding and opening files. Simply type in a section of a path and filename inside a venture and you can without much of a stress open that document.

Goto Symbol (“cmd+r”) records all classes and functions inside a file to make them less difficult to discover. Just begin writing the one you need.

Goto Line Number (“ctrl+g”) takes you to a particular line number in the active document.

Go to start of the line (cmd+left-arrow key) and Go to end of the line (cmd+right-arrow key)

Multi-Edit is the most loved shortcut key

Delete current line (ctrl+shift+k)

Choose a word, press “cmd+d” to choose the following same word, press “cmd+d” again to choose the following same word.

Click “cmd+click” to make a cursor for editing wherever you click

CTRL + SHIFT + DOWN takes highlighted text down

CTRL + KK: deletes all from the cursor till the end of the line

CTRL + SHIFT + 1-4: takes the file to column 1-4

CTRL + W: closes the current tab

Google AI defeats Chinese GO game master: Will it start a new AI era?

Artificial Intelligence stole the limelight when it registered a victory against the South Korean grand master before proceeding to win over the world champion.

Alpha Go, the Artificial Intelligence program developed by the Deep Mind Labs of Google has defeated the Chinese grand master at the traditional board game called Go, thereby creating a buzz about AI winning over humans in games. But, when looking beyond games and the fun, it looks like the investors would gain a lot from such real-world applications of the future. This match held as the benchmark to measure the intrusion of Artificial Intelligence upon the activities of humans is a significant milestone for the technology firms.

How Google AI Emerged As The Winner?

The ancient 2500-year-old game of China, Go is considered as the highly sophisticated and complex board game and was one among the games that were not yet mastered by the computers. AlphaGo has two neural networks that were AI based, each having a combination of algorithms and software modelled based on the human brain’s structure. One neural network narrowed down the closely infinite moves to the ones which had the likely chance of playing.

The second one analyzed the best moves for determining which one would lead to the victory of the game. The programmers of AlphaGo offered it a database with 30 million board positions that were acquired through 160,000 actual games for analyzing and splitting to let it play on its own and learn during the process. This strategy made the Google AI beat the grand master on the 19 X 19 grid.

DemisHassabis, the founder of DeepMind, the AI subsidiary of Google has said that games are the perfect choice for training AlphaGo, but they don’t wish to use it just for games. He also stated that Google wants to apply Artificial Intelligence technology in different domains to handle an array of challenging tasks. It shows the power of harnessing such mechanisms that are biologically inspired with advanced machine learning techniques for creating agents with the ability to learn and master various activities.

Is It The Beginning Of New Era For Artificial Intelligence?

Becoming the master of the highly sophisticated board game is considered as just the beginning of Artificial Intelligence, as technology companies are planning to utilize AI for all computer programmes to meet the demands of varied purposes right from education to healthcare.

IntelligentX of the UK has plans to launch the first of its kind beer brewed by Artificial Intelligence while the Hoofstep of Sweden is interested in using in-depth behavioral analysis based on learning for horses and the Russian DeepFish firm is expected to use neural networks for finding fish.

Artificial Intelligence: The Futuristic Tool

Experts are of the opinion that AI would have a significant impact in multiple fields in the coming years. Let’s take a look at what AI will have in store for us in the future.


  • Robotic Workforce

In factories, the assembly lies with labor-intensive tasks would be performed by the robots that are programmed with AI and not by humans. It will lower the hiring costs and cut down offshore and outsourcing expenses. Last year, a Chinese T-shirt maker signed a deal with the government of Arkansas for employing sewing robots that were developed by a startup in Georgia to manufacture garments. It is estimated that by the year 2025, the robots instead of the caretakers will be handling most of the elderly care.

  • Top-Notch CyberSecurity

The requirement for the algorithm based Artificial Intelligence is on the rise, as the online attacks are continually evolving and latest types of malware are profoundly challenging to handle. Using AI for cybersecurity would be an added advantage, as it is capable of operating with scale and can look through millions of online attacks to identify the signals, risks and aberrations of the future threats. Fresh cybersecurity companies in the market have already begun to leverage machine learning to tackle cyber-attacks.

  • AI Powered Devices

AI is not only limited to huge and powerful devices like the supercomputers, as it is now widely used by wearable devices and smartphones. Edge computing is considered as the next big thing in AI. The Consumer Electronics Show held this year was a fine specimen that showed how the current devices relied on voice-enabled computing. Apple has introduced the neural engine and A11 chip for iPhone 8 devices while claiming that it can handle the machine learning tasks at the pace of 600B ops. The devices of Samsung are connected with internet and will feature Bixby, the voice assistant of its own by the year 2020.

  • Fast Paced Medical Diagnostics

The US regulators are interested in offering approval for using AI in the healthcare sector. Using this technology in diagnostics would help in early detection and diagnosing a medical condition with better accuracy. Right now, SkinVision, the AI monitoring tool is already used for identifying peculiar boils on the skin. The Anglo–Swedish biopharmaceutical and pharmaceutical firm, AstraZeneca and its partner Ali Health is involved in developing the diagnostics and screening AI assisted tool. Nvidia and GE have also partnered for creating medical imaging devices equipped with in-depth learning abilities.


  • Enterprise Artificial Intelligence

Technology giants like Microsoft, Amazon, Salesforce, and Google have enhanced their enterprise AI prowess, which has made it highly challenging for the small player to sustain in the field. Google has introduced Cloud AutoML to help their customers bring their data for training the algorithms to cater to their unique needs. The Amazon AI service by Amazon has helped it fulfill its aim of serving big.

Overall, it is evident that Artificial Intelligence has an optimistic future. In spite of being a disruptive technology, AI can also bring in dramatic changes. Though this technology would automate several jobs and cut down the job opportunities for people, AI can be looked upon as a positive opportunity rather than being a threat.