PrestaShop 1.7.3: Features and Improvements

Prestashop 1.7, which was introduced a few months ago, added a whole new feature list with big improvements to the user experience.  And now, with some more big features, PrestaShop 1.7.3 has entered the market. PrestaShop has always listened to the user community and evolves with improved user interface.

The main focus of 1.7.3 version is to improve functionality and performance, as well as optimizing web applications for better results. Overall, the improvements have led PrestaShop as an ideal platform for E-Commerce design and development. Not only e-commerce, but the platform is also ideal for other websites too.

Without further ado, let’s have a look at the improved features of this new version:

  • Enhanced mobile experience

With mobile devices used by shoppers for their quick shopping, m-commerce is trending way to do online business.  With PrestaShop 1.7.3 you get an exceptional mobile navigation with responsive back-office browsing. Also, the shortcut keys have been modified so they offer you ease and understanding of the mobiles navigation.

  • Improved Security features

With the rise in E-commerce cybercrime, the security of the internet is at great risk. Scammers are spread across the globe to exploit users. Security is appreciated when it’s bigger and better, and the same has been brought with the new PrestaShop 1.7.3. It’s new and improved algorithm makes sure that your store remains secured and away from all the cyber criminals out there.


  • Revised Translations

The new version has seen an upgrade in translations with new updates every day. The country names are also translated automatically in the version. There is also an update to the design in the translation page which is certainly been liked by many.

  • Upgrade to the new versions

Upgrading from previous versions like 1.6 to 1.7.3 is now easy with ‘Upgrade all modules’ button included in the new version. This has made upgrading your old version to the new one simple with just a click. By running the update you will be able to access all the latest features and improvements available.

  • New native module for PayPal

PayPal is known as a complete payment platform for growing your online business. In the new native module, you can pay with a selection from the local as well as international debit and credit cards with the PayPal wallet. The payments can thus be easily managed with One Touch facility.

  • Starter Theme Enhancements

Another interesting addition to the new version is the improvement and enhancements made to the starter theme. Anyone with HTML and CSS skills can create a really pretty PrestaShop template in just a few days. SO now since you know PrestaShop has got you covered, start designing your ecommerce website.

  • Symfony Server Migration

Modules catalogue, Performance and System Information pages has been migrated to Symfony modules which will enable the user to override services, templates and more. The debug toolbar has also been incorporated with latest hooks which will display in-depth page information and the modules attached.

  • Addons connect

Addons manager is now easier than ever. This new feature equips users to manage and update their addons up-to-date.



  • Stock Alert

This new feature in Prestashop will help in notifying user if the stock is low. There will also be a stock overview page for better analysis of the stock.


With the new PrestaShop version, you are sure to make your online business a profitable venture. PrestaShop has always been the favourites among E-commerce businesses due to its rich elements and features it brings to the table. The new version has enables adding products to your cart very easy and interesting. Do migrate your business to the new module. And with all these features PrestaShop delivers its promise to the developers, buyers and sellers.

12 Best Programming Languages To Learn in 2018

2017 had already ended. The majority of us make our goals for the ongoing year which might or might not be reached. But as a software engineer, one of our objectives is to learn new programming languages and technologies, so, which languages would it be a good idea for you to learn in 2018?

Programming is a dynamic sector. New and popular programming languages and frameworks can develop, ascend to notoriety, and after that blur away. Programmers need to continually adapt new aptitudes to remain significant.


To achieve that here’s our list of 12 best programming languages to learn in 2018.

1. Python

There is no denying that Python is administering the market at the present time. It operates on an interpreter. Python has an exceptionally straightforward syntax since it utilizes indents rather than curled braces for gathering blocks of code, the code is easily readable.

Unleashed in 1991, python can be utilized as a part of many domains like Game Development, Web-Development, scientific research, scripting, and nearly anything you envision.

2. C++

In 1983, C++ was made as an option to C language. Probably the most well-known products of C++ advancement for MS Windows and Google Chrome.Also, the bigger share of Amazon and Adobe site is coded in C++.

It has picked up notoriety all through these years due to its versatile application in fields like Telecoms, e-banking, Finance, Retail, and Games.

3. Swift

Developed by Apple, Swift was designed to consolidate and enhance numerous specs of the Objective-C, similar to its speed. What’s more, it rivals Objective-C in type security, safety, and better on-hardware execution. Swift also includes features from other programming languages.

It demonstrates a high code intelligibility and a high-level security. Swift is an advanced language and a simple tool to utilize.

4. Java

Java is dependably aproficientlong-term tool and viewing the details, it doesn’t appear to leave in the near future.

It’s utilized by more than 10 million programmers and 15 billion devices run Java around the world. Yes, you read that right!

Java is utilized to make Android Apps, games, software, and site content. A few sites like LinkedIn, Amazon, and eBay are using Java.

5. R

One more programming language which is broadly utilized for machine learning. It is considered to be the competitor of Python. It has an extraordinary functionality of data visualization for the data interpretation. Many machine learning algorithms can be effortlessly executed in R.

6. JavaScript

Utilized for the web development, its popularity is going to stay. As today every business needs a site and for this learning of JavaScript is fundamental. As JS file is utilized majorly to operate client-side JavaScript code on a site page. The file incorporates all the HTML HEAD and BODY objects in the HTML page tags. Thus, disregarding JavaScript can negatively influence your occupation.

7. PHP

PHP has been very famous all thanks to WordPress. PHP is used in many websites in some way, including Wikipedia and Facebook. There are no hard standards on the most proficient method to build features, and it rejoices adaptability in taking care of issues. It’s additionally utilized generally for famous content management frameworks.

So, for web development, learning PHP is obligatory to progress. Learning PHP places you in the place to make dynamic, stunning sites and web applications. PHP can be used for different web development ventures, including mobile application development and e-commerce.

8. Kotlin

There is no better choice than learning Kotlin programming language for Android App development in 2018. It is likely the subsequent huge thing occurring in the Android world.

Despite the fact that Java is the favorite language, Kotlin has got native help and numerous IDEs e.g.  Android Studio and IntelliJ IDEA are using Kotile for Android development.

9. Rust

Rust is a universally useful language that enables developers to make quick, secure applications which employ the effectual highlights of present-day multi-core processors.

It’s likewise the most cherished programming language on StackOverflow for 2017 which is enough as a proof.Locales that utilizesRustare: Dropbox and Coursera.

10. Ruby

One of the fastest developing programming languages, Ruby is an object-oriented programming language created for data-hungry people. It’s so easy and basic to run that you can make an application in only 10 minutes.

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Truly! For that, Groupon, Airbnb, Bloomberg, and Pxlr, all have been coded in Ruby. It is for the most part required to control code databases of various popular sites, and with time, its fame is growing.

11. GO

Google Go is good to advance in controlling the market. This is a consolidated language and breezes through the code-built test in a couple of seconds, that makes it more famous. It addresses the difficulties over multi-processor computing condition. In a couple of years, its market will precisely increment.

The celebrated DevOps tools like kubernetes, docker, and terraform are written in Go programming language.

12. C#

A gaming sector is swapped with the C# programming language since it has few extremely cool features. Although it has slowly reduced its popularity that is the reason it has been put on the tenth spot. In any case, the eventual fate of C# is splendid and settling it in your resume will help you in 2018.

As it serves as applications controlled by .NET systems. In this way, if that is your market, C# is the best programming language to use for building applications indigenous to the Microsoft platform and is further the suggested language for creating games utilizing the Unity Game machine.


Choosing the correct programming language is a significant approach. You need to have a reasonable view of the target you need to achieve. As any language you learn, you must be familiar and sufficiently adaptable to connect to various necessities. In case you couldn’t comprehend which programming language to pick, hope this post act as a guide for you on taking the right decision to accomplish your goal.

10 Benefits of Installing ERP System in Textile Business

Textile industry is not just confined to manufacturing, stocking it in the inventory and distribution. Channel management and sales generation, inventory management Quality management and control also plays cardinal role in the business.  What if we tell you that all these crucial process can be automated with the help of an ERP system?

The textile company usually faces problems in tracking down their inventory, material requirement planning, and material production schedules.  A customized and complete ERP solution provides a single interface for various modules like manufacturing, sales, purchase, stock, accounting, distribution and other assets.

Using ERP system in textile industry enables the business to:

  • Shop Floor control
  • Lot traceability
  • Quote and quality management
  • Keep Check on the accounts
  • Bill of Material (BOM)
  • Plan cash flow and monitor forecast positions.
  • Interpret business conditions
  • Provide efficient business information to assist financial decisions
  • monitor receipts of payments
  • Engineering change control

Let’s look at 10 benefits of the ERP system that textile companies have experienced post implementation of ERP.

1. MIS Reporting and Financial Data

Customized ERP’s help textile industries to manage their financial data. It provides real-time transaction information providing company’s revenue, expenses, outstanding debts and vendor charges. It also facilitates MIS reports like balance report, balance sheet as and when required.

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2. Collaboration and communication

We do not want to see a business tangled with each department operating separately from each other. A proper channel for communication and medium for collaboration is necessary for a centralized and consistent data. An ERP system touches every aspect of the business, thus naturally encouraging a collaboration between the teams.

3. Better Security

Data security shouldn’t be a worry when you have an ERP in place to take care of your textile needs. The new system will certainly improve the reliability, consistency, accuracy and security of data, all through in-built resources and firewalls.

The ERP system has always restricted inappropriate data to avoid being stolen by hackers and thieves.

4. Scalability

A well-structured ERP solution enables you to add new users and functionality as and when your strategies change. It makes sure any additions to the system doesn’t affect your ongoing operations. When your business expands and is ready to grow, your ERP system should be able to facilitate that growth.

5. Reduction in cycle time

ERP systems allocate materials to specific customers and is important for making deliveries as planned. Sometimes it becomes difficult for making deliveries since there is no possibility for material. In such cases ERP system eases out the process by letting you handle such cases efficiently.

6. Reduced machinery downtime

Today, it is estimated that almost 8% of machine downtime is connected with non-availability of proper raw material. This happens due to inefficient planning and communication barriers in compiling the correct information. Thus, ERP systems, as discussed, could help you bring down your machinery downtime with effective supplier selection module.

7. Sales Improvement

Almost 80% customers place repeated orders. It was seen that there are 3 factors that affect orders, i.e. price, order and delivery.  An integrated ERP system will definitely help textile industries in overcoming these risk factors. Price is something that affects most of the customers, therefore proper research and competition analysis is important.

8. Dye House Management

Fabric price increases due to a lot of waste generated from the dyeing industry. An ERP system facilitates dye house management which provides chemical inventory, daily production report, batch management system, lab-management, etc.


9. Customer Management

Customer management becomes quiet easy with processes automated for capturing and storing customer data, preferences and activities. Tracking and increased lifetime value of customer can keep your existing customers engaged and build your brand.

10. Database Integration

The most important benefit deploying an ERP system for your textile organization is that it can be easily integrated with your current database without any hassles. Customization is just limited to your needs. Once the system is installed, it will easily blend with your current traditional system.


ERP software systems are playing an efficient role in the textile and fashion industry. They present companies with a clear advantage over other competitive businesses. An ideal ERP solution will deliver higher ROI within the business. Moreover, the solutions will transform the basic requirements for retail businesses by seamlessly integrating with the merchandise.

Probytes has easily managed to mould ERP’s in accordance with their diverse clientele. To know more, click the link below

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Cloud-Based ERP System: Benefits and Security Issues

Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP is a set of activities that are used by the companies in order to manage their business easily and efficiently. Cloud-based computing or Software as a Service (SaaS) is a program that allows users to access those software applications that are running on a shared computing resource like a disk or memory via the internet. Cloud ERP refers to an approach that makes the use of cloud computing platforms and services for an easy business process transformation.

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However, the biggest skepticism about an ERP system is about its security aspects. But it has got ton of benefits which none other can offer. Can benefits out value data security?

Benefits of Cloud Computing ERP

Using a Cloud Computing ERP is beneficial in a number of ways for a business. While the most relevant one being the reduced cost, there are a number of other ways in which this system proves beneficial to the companies. Some of these are as mentioned below:

  • Requires lesser IT support as the same is provided by the data center.

  • No need to pay monthly fees to upgrade the licenses of application software.

  • Reduced cost of maintaining and supporting the applications as the same is managed by the cloud vendor.

  • Payment to be made only for the required computing resources.

  • No change in the monthly rate to be paid by the companies so as to avail the services.

  • Takes lesser time as no need to install any hardware or software in the user’s devices.

  • No need to alter the cloud’s storage due to any changes in the company’s storage needs.

  • Instills confidence in the user by making a disaster recovery plan available.

  • No risk of data loss.

Flaws in data security using cloud ERP

Cloud ERP offers a number of cost-saving benefits to its users such as pay as you go, easy access to powerful hardware and software, to name a few. But cloud ERP is not just about these benefits as using it may cost heavily to the companies in a number of other ways. Some of the common security concerns when using cloud ERP are as mentioned below:

1. Risk of data loss

Data loss occurs when a disk drive expires or stops functioning without the owner creating a backup of the files.This issue generally occurs when the person who owns the encrypted data loses the key to unlock it.An easy availability of the cloud services over the cloud increases the risk the security risks for the data.

2. Performance risk

When using a cloud ERP, the clients and communication service providers (CSPs) are completely separated and located in different geographical locations. They are instead connected to each other via a powerful internet connection. But there is always a risk of network failure and connection problems that may directly affect the performance of the cloud ERP.

3. Compliance issues

Sometimes, it gets really difficult for the cloud ERP users to comply with the data, energy and environmental standards. There is also a lack in the availability of enough regulations that may allow them to handle any such difficulty that occurs due to such compliances. All such troubles may, in turn, put the data available on cloud at risk of a security breach.

4. Limited functionality

The traditional cloud ERP systems require time to develop into a more stable and reliable ERP. Moreover, it is not always easy to incorporate latest developments and advancements into the system. This, in turn, increases the security threat of the data as it is at an increased risk of breach and loss with outdated security measures.


5. Data sensitivity

Since there are many organizations that consider its data to be private, they generally don’t prefer to store it outside their premises. The lack of reliability on data security at a server located outside is another risk factor for cloud ERP.


While it may seem too many that the data stored on cloud ERP is always at a risk of loss, it is not always true. The ERP system on cloud has a number of positive aspects as well such as rapid implementation, scalability, improved mobility and various others.

It is important to ensure that one should not make a choice of the ERP system based on the details shared by the company. One must opt to take a step forward and research completely about the product so that there is no threat or risk to the data security and safety stored on any cloud ERP. For further queries Probytes, the Odoo ERP Web Development Company Can offer better insight regarding the issue.

Important Stages in UX design Process: Methodology

You might have come across the term UX (User Experience) and might be wondering what the fuzz is about. User Experience design helps understands a product and develops an idea in a better way. A classic UX design is a process in which you provide a personally relevant experience that is derived from product functionality and pleasure.

Over a period, users developed an impression of the product, during which the user’s cognition, motivation, action, and perception form a story. It is based on the idea that when a user derives emotional responses from a product, they find it more satisfying. Here are the stages of UX process methodology.

1. Getting in touch with the client

Get as much as information you can from the client about their products, services, how they started, and their vision. You can start designing a product only after getting to know everything about the client. Begin your question and answer round with general questions and make sure to tell them to bring their products so that you can get a better idea of them.

It is followed by the kick-off meetings. You can conduct on the same day or the following day, but don’t delay it any further. It approximately takes around four to five hours because it is purely a brainstorming session where you get to know the client’s idea behind the product, limitations, and requirements of clients. To get a better idea of the design, more UX designers conduct a Style and Brand Persona workshop, during which they create hypothetical customers, personas, and user journeys.

2. Preliminary research

Now, this is the part where you can’t go wrong, at all. Not only do you have to gather information but also put it in a meaningful way. Preliminary research can take anywhere between seven to ten days depending on the time you want to give the project. If you work in a team, then it would only take around five to six days. This part of the process involves four steps that include:

  • Setting up interviews – interacting with users from the targeted demography to match your hypothetical personal, user experience, and preference with the real ones.

  • Competitor research – get to know the client’s competitors and their USP, offers, and limitations. Write down all their products’ features and compare them with your client’s products.

  • Mood boards – design a mood board for the product, which involves putting images, texts, and materials on board to invoke a specific style or feeling among the customers.

  • Project tasks – formulate elaborate projects tasks and a weekly schedule for following two months and then monthly plan for the later months.


Also set milestones for the project to motivate your staff and the client to achieve higher goals.

3. Testing usability of the product

This step of the process involves a lot more than just testing the product’s usability. Elements that are a part of this step are:

  • Sketching – The easiest way to visualize your idea is by depicting it. Always create three or four different version solutions to your problem. You might or might not use any of them but it might race your creativity and keep your mind going. Also, these sketches will help your clients understand the concepts in a much better way.
  • Prototyping – Once you find yourself a few ideas that you want to go along with, build a prototype and wireframe. If you don’t have time for preparing the prototype on paper, use one of the applications available online to do so.
  • User testing – Validate your ideas with your user group. It is a very crucial element because you must understand the product is for the users, and if they don’t like it, you need to take up another idea.
  • Screen flow – you might find it necessary or not but do an additional step won’t hurt you. It would instead save the time you spend explaining everything to your client. Capture a screen flow, so that they understand it themselves.

4. Detailed design

In this step, you show the mood board you created to your user base. Let’s say you are working on an application that runs on iOS and Android both. What you must do first is take a look at similar applications in Google Store and App Store. Get acquainted with the feel and look of a few similar applications and understand why one has more downloads than the other.

Create a blueprint, which you would convert into a full-fledged working application. Get started with designing pixel perfect screens. Most UX designers use Sketch or Photoshop, but you can use any other software according to your comfort. Make sure the blueprint has all specifications that are on your mind. It isn’t necessary to write down every single of it because until and unless it is clear in your mind, it gets the work.


5. Following up

Everyone loves if the product is going in the right direction and you will only know it when you do a follow-up. It is straightforward to follow and communicate with the client if the development process moves forward with the design process, but if it takes place after it, things get a little tricky. However, keep following up and communicating with the client because that can win you long-term deals.

The UX process methodology is continuously evolving but in general, it is same as stated above. You must make sure that when you are creating the design, you should think of the user and not how you would like it to be. Sometimes small changes make a huge difference in the end product. Every UX designer and his team have some particular steps that they develop on their own and are unique to their process. You can compare these steps as heavily guarded secret ingredients of popular fast food chains.

ERP Systems Are Boon To Manufacturing Industry

The modern ERP systems have definitely improved productivity for complex industrial operations.  They truly stand true for generating positive revenues. The presence of business tools to has transformed the raw data into productive insights for boosting organizations performance indicators.

Over the years, ERP solutions have shown immense business intelligence in the manufacturing industry. They simplify production activities and speeds up the inventory & warehouse tracking enabling out of the box customer service. Initially, only large organizations could setup an ERP for their processes, whereas the smaller industries were still working with bulkier data difficult to manage.

But with the advancements in modern ERP’s, every organization can now customize their ERP’s based on their needs through various departments. Due to the increasing populations today, manufacturing industry is changing its strategy to meet the changing consumer demands. So what makes this ERP’s a success factor to the manufacturing industry? Let us discuss the benefits it offers.

Real-time data

ERP software automates business processes and provides accurate, up-to-date, and real-time information. They ease out the efficiency and productivity by helping users navigate through complex processes which prevent data redundancy.

In enterprise-wide ERP’s, various modules like human resource, accounts, finance, production etc. share data in real time avoiding confusions among the various departments. Thus, fully integrated ERP’s generate higher revenues and acts as a catalyst for profit earning organizations.

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Smart business reporting

To our surprise, various manufacturing industries are unable to manage their internal data. Also, organizations lack the system to track strong and effective information to make informed business decisions. It also becomes a challenge to keep up with the growing competition and their changing strategies.

The modern ERP solution brings an impeccable solution to rectify these changes and help predict future sales and maintain a check on the present trend. The future ERP for manufacturing will be inbuilt with a more progressive and spontaneous business intelligence reporting. This offers a detailed and decisive analytics that helps the organizations to take rigorous decisions.

Warehouse Automation

Warehouse automation is an upcoming technology to automate and track more productive results that brilliantly creates a remarkable position in the market. This, along with other progressions in ERP will help manufacturing firms to calculate a huge amount of data efficiently, boosting the productivity. The company can effectively manage its inventory and improve other related operations.

These new additions to ERP systems will help the business grow with better productivity. For the larger and the SMEs, the modern ERP solution will give greater assistance to deal with different problems.

Manage Accounting

The traditional accounting systems which comprised of excel sheets and balance scorecards are a real mess and tend to replicate data causing errors and delays. In comparison, the modern ERP’s are far more time to save and detailed for the accounts department.  The ERP system enables the managing and organizing accounts data in a simpler way and eases out the complexities.


Such a trend has led many successful organizations to go to the ERP accounting management. The whole process has been very simple and streamlined.


While there are plenty of benefits of an Enterprise resource planning systems for the manufacturing industry, simply deploying the system is not going to help on its own. Partnering with an experienced ERP solution provider is all you will need to drive it right for your business.

Accurate planning for production, inline process scheduling, control over inventory and coordination of the distribution channel is essential to improve on-time deliveries, which is an important performance metric. In addition, with the real-time data, the decision makers can get a holistic view of the inventory levels at any given time.

9 Awesome Design Tips For Your Prestashop Product Page

An average e-commerce website’s shopping cart abandonment rate of 77.3%. That is a loss of millions of dollars.

Whether it be any product or service that you sell, creating a need or extreme desire is essential. One easy way to do so is building a website, not only just a simple website, but an attractive one. No customer is much interested in knowing about the company but the products or services you provide.

Building an attractive product or service page is a lot more than just the color combination. It is also about how you place the products, fonts you use, and user responsiveness and many other things. And what better e-commerce platform than PrestaShop to host your website.

PrestaShop offers you free shopping cart softwareHere are nine design tips to help you create attractive product pages for PrestaShop store that will increase your online sales:

1. Product title

Always keep your product title less than 65 characters. Now you’d have one big question? Why so many product names on Alibaba have product titles that are two to three sentences long? That’s a different kind of marketing technique they use, but it is advisable not to do so as the customers don’t like that.


Also, choose an artistic yet easily readable font to attract your customers and avoid using your brand name in the title just to get rank higher in Google search.

2. Product images

It is something that can win you a customer every single time. And that is why invest in hiring a good product photographer who can bring the best out of your products is a must. Only upload high-resolution photographs that are clear, large, and crisp.

Always put two types of images. So if you have a clothing website, you can show the dress and then dress on a model. At least include three angles of every type of image. If you have a car parts e-commerce website, you can show a photo of the car part and a photo of its packaging.

3. CTA buttons

Customers find it very convenient when the call-to-action buttons like “proceed to checkout” and “add to cart” are placed close to the product. It puts off the customer when they have to search for these buttons. Some websites put it at the very top or bottom of the page, so remember no customer has so much time to waste.

Popular e-commerce websites like Amazon has two call-to-action buttons to encourage the prospective customer to purchase the product.

4. Description

Keep your product’s description crisp and small. It should be very engaging, so use more of actionable sentences. Use SEO but make the description informative by using bullet points. Most customers prefer reading the description, so they get a better idea of the product because images don’t convey as much.

Use fonts like Arial or Calibri. Avoid using Times New Roman font because it is a boring one.

5. Simplicity

The 21st century is the era of minimalism, and that is why websites that sell expensive products have a simple product page. So cluttering your product page will give the customer an impression that your product isn’t good enough.

The negative space encourages the user to think about the product and make a quick decision. However, make sure you provide all required information and then leave it to the customer.

6. Loading time

A product page design is a lot more than just fonts and description. Fast loading time is a complete winner for the customer. Slow loading makes customers impatient and lose confidence in your website, which will, in turn, reduce your conversion time.

So make sure your website loads in less than three seconds. If you have tried everything for purchasing a better server, take a look at your product page including CSS background and large product images.

7. Cost

Place the product cost next to the call to action button. Always give a discount on pricing it higher first. Discounts make customers happy and will purchase the product even if they don’t want to.

Use a large font and bright color to display the product price. Place the price on the right of the image or just below. Place call-to-action buttons just beside and below it respectively.

8. Shipping costs

Mention shipping costs on the product page because unexpected expenses during checkout will annoy your customer. Most websites offer free delivery to maximize their sales. But if you are a newbie and cannot afford free delivery, just make sure you mention the shipping cost crystal clear.

Either way, you can offer free shipping if the person reaches a certain shopping total. This can win the person’s royalty and also sell a product or two more so that the customer reaches the shopping target.

9. Daily deals

Is there a product you have trouble selling? Well, run it as a daily deal, offer a good amount of discount and watch as it will get sold like hot cakes. This also encourages your customers to return to your website to check if you a good daily deal going on.


On an average, keep five to six products on your daily deals, and you will see a steep increase in conversion rate. So make sure you keep updating the deals section by adding new products to it and not repeat them after the cycle is over.

Selling a product or service isn’t easy, but it can be a lot less complicated if you make an excellent first impression. Consider your sales opportunity as your imagination. It is unlimited, so don’t keep a closed mind and give up easily, something or the other will work out for you until then, keep trying.

The e-commerce world is continuously changing, so as you add new products to your kitty, also learn techniques and also develop your own.

Will Stephen Hawking’s Prediction About AI (Artificial Intelligence) Be True?

Stephen Hawking was a bright light for the people who were searching in the darkness. The man in his wheel chair has explored and enjoyed life than most of us will ever will. Even though he has gone to be a better place, his contributions to mankind will not be forgotten.

It is indeed true that his greatest discoveries,

  • Gravitational Singularity
  • Black Hole Dynamics
  • Hawking Radiation
  • Dawn OF Galaxies
  • Wave Function of the Universe

Has changed the course of Astrophysics.

However, Stephen Hawking persona was not just limited to physics. He was a man of humor and has showcased it on multiple occasions.

For instance,

On the renowned show HBO Last Week Tonight, Stephen was asked a serious question by the host John Lover.

“You’ve stated that there could be an infinite number of parallel universes,” “Does that mean there’s a universe out there where I am smarter than you?”

And this was his reply

“Yes,” “And also a universe where you’re funny.”

Controversy has always been a part of Stephen’s glorious life. One of the most renowned ones was his comment about Artificial intelligence at a point of time where people were expecting AI to be the biggest breakthrough of this century.

He said to BBC that,

“The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.”



The theoretical physicist who has successfully defeated Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) has ignited a big controversy back then with this statement.

The above-mentioned statement was not just made by Stephen alone. He was backed up by Elon Musk, Bill Gates and many other leading scientists.

Elon Musk the man behind Tesla named AI as,

“Existential threat” to humanity’s existence.

But is it true? Will AI (Artificial Intelligence) wipe out humanity once it has reached singularity?

For now, it is expected that automation will soon have its dominance by replacing humans in driving cars, and AI shopping assistants but to an extent where they would take over the world is considered to be strange.

However, havoc can be caused if there is a glitch in this automated systems. For instance, stock market crash that happened in the year 1987 was mainly due to a computer error.

The most important flaw of computer or hardware-based system is that sometimes errors can be left unnoticed which can cause a devastating effect.

But, not everyone is against AI. Charlie Ortiz, the head of AI at Nuance Communications said that all these assumptions are over exaggerated and he does not see AI as a threat whatsoever.

Pascal Kaufman the founder of Starmind also stated that those who are passing alarming statements about AI are not working extensively on it.

He added that,

“When we start comparing how the brain works to how computers work, we immediately go off track in tackling the principles of the brain,” “We must first understand the concepts of how the brain works and then we can apply that knowledge to AI development.”

At present, AI is helping humankind through machine learning. Through machine learning computers can recognize patterns and even to a large amount of data.

For instance, latest news is that Google is collaborating with a medical organization to develop an AI program that can diagnose cancer.

Above all, remember be it any machine, it is only good as the date we feed them. So the focus should be on feeding good data to the system rather than worrying about something that can or cannot happen.

Killer Features Of Odoo 11 – How Beneficial Are They?

The release of Odoo 11 this year has marked a number of updates and improvements from its previous versions. For those who are still unaware about Odoo, it is all-in-one management software (ERP) that offers a complete suite of management applications targeting vast businesses.

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Just like the earlier versions of Odoo, enterprises will see improved functionality in all the domains like accounting, management, human resource, and dashboards.  Unlike the previous versions, which were created for specific domain like Odoo 10 for manufacturing, Odoo 9 for accounting and so on, Odoo 10 has got them all covered this time.

Let’s have a detailed look into the key features of the new version:

1. Global Keyboard Shortcuts

To make navigating through Odoo, global search feature and  global keyboard shortcuts  are introduced with the new version. Backend operations and function are three times faster than the previous versions. These changes have made the system more intuitive and useful.

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The new enhanced SEO functionality in Odoo 11 defines and uses Robots statements. It removes ID’s from URL and names URL differently from H1. Also, admin can use many ways of attributing and managing the Meta information. Currently, there has not been any change in the way the pages were indexed.

3. Improved communication Mechanism

The communication mechanism in the way we receive and send messages has been improved to a great extent. You will now have 2 icons, notification and next activities, similar to your email inbox. The next activities tab informs you about the activity to perform next.

4. New Dashboard

The new dashboard has an integration of all applications and also you can access your eCommerce stuff from here. There is improved push notification mechanism with a better view of images and pictures in the grid. The module is equipped with more reporting functions and is easier to track and manage cost.


5. Payment

The earlier versions of Odoo used only Braintree payment gateways. This module allowed you to pay through Braintree provider who provides eCommerce businesses the ability to accept payments online. The new Odoo 11 has incorporated PayUMoney and stripe payment improving the usability of the system.

6. Functional Changes

Odoo 11 has made the following changes to various module like Timesheet, Accounting, Subscription app, product catalogue and many.

Timesheet App

  • Improved view for timesheet recording
  • Validation policy for invoices
  • improved report to analyse differences between attendances and timesheet.

Accounting App

  • Introduced a new model to import CAMT.053 XML files to process bank statements.
  • Analytics accounting analysis.

Discuss App

  • Number counters near starred items.
  • Can type shortcuts directly in the text box.


With all the above benefits, more focus is given on usefulness and better accessibility to the users & development team. This doesn’t mean that the new version doesn’t offer any benefits to the end user. The Odoo 11 has made many small changes which will certainly make the end users experience more useful and intuitive. We hope that these features add more values to our management solutions.

Searching For Hacking Related Movies? Check These 30 Movies Out

In the past few decades, many hacking-related movies have been produced. While most of them are about robbery or mystery, some are sci-fi and romantic giving a new twist to the topic. Though hacking related movies might not have too much action, there’s a different kind of thrill in them that will surely amuse online security and hacking enthusiasts.


If you are curious to know some of the best hacking-related movies, then you’ve come to the right place. Here are the best 30 hacking-related movies you should watch:

1. Black Hat

In this thrillers, hackers break into the Chinese nuclear power plant to launch a nuclear reaction and into the stock exchange to steal millions of dollars.

2. War Games

This is the story of a high school hacker who by mistake hacks into a military supercomputer and starts World War III countdown.

3. Pulse (I)

A hacking genius hacks into a mysterious signal and unleashes the evil world causing havoc around him. This movie is a sci-fi thriller and is very innovative, so if you are planning to watch a movie with friends, this one should be your choice.

4. Algorithm

After breaking into a top secret government contractor’s computer, a freelance hacker he downloads all recently created software.

5. The Matrix

The Matrix is undoubtedly the all-time most significant sci-fi movie. A hacker realizes that the world is entirely simulated and therefore, hacks into the machine to make people know it.

6. The Italian Job

In this movie, Lyle is a famous hacker from an esteemed thieves group who manipulates traffic lights and other devices to make the theft a success.

7. Takedown

This is a real-life story of Tsutomu Shimomura, a famous hacker during the 1980s and 1990s who now is an established author, speaker, and IT security consultant.

8. Live Free or Die Hard

In this movie, a hacker breaks into the US infrastructure to transfer trillions of dollars into his bank account.

9. Untraceable

Untraceable is a thriller movie in which a killer kills his victims based on the number of hits he gets on his website,

10. Snowden

This movie is based on the infamous book called The Snowden Files: The Inside Story of the World’s Most Wanted Man and is a much watch for everyone.


11. Fifth Estate

Julian Assange, a hacker, breaks into many systems including Citibank, Pentagon, and NASA.

12. Firewall

A man’s family turns bankrupt, so he uses his hacking skills to steal from the bank he protects to pay off the debts.

13. Reboot

After a traumatic event, a female hacker wakes up to find a phone glued to her right hand with a countdown timer set. What happens next?

14. Nerve

To get away from her boring life, a teenager joins Nerve, an online game that gives dares and slowly takes over her life.

15. I.T.

The lead actor has a perfect life, but then he finds out that his teenage daughter is being stalked by a hacker and nowhere around is safe.

16. Cybergeddon

In this movie, it is shown how the police try to cope up with hackers but fail every single time.

17. Who Am I: No System Is Safe?

It is a wonderful movie if you want to know more about hacking as it revolves around a group of hackers who want to become famous.

18. Swordfish

Swordfish will take you on a journey of how hackers break into a bank system and take away all the money.

19. Mr. Robot

Mr. Robot is a television series in which an anxious software engineer is hired by a person to break into a huge company.

20. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

This movie goes into the technicality of hacking and surrounds the life of a hacker and a troubled investigator.

21. Sneakers

Sneakers is a real deal as it shows how government agencies treat hackers after they are found guilty and the risk that comes along with this profession.

22. One Point O

A mysterious package arrives at the doorsteps of a young computer engineer, and he goes on a mission to discover what it is.

23. The Score

A hacker plans to retire after gaining a lot of wealth from his ill-doings, but he is asked to steal for one more time.

24. Office Space

Hacking is a tiny part of the movie, but the entire plot revolves around it in this comedy movie.

25. Antitrust

After landing his dream job, a man learns about the dark truth of the software company he is working at.

26. Code Hunter

Code Hunter is one of the best hacking movies. In the film, America’s top hacker is pulled into a cyber-terror, and the person behind it steals his identity. He then puts it in the US Most Wanted List and threatens him to cooperate or else he will get the hacker arrested.

27. Prime Risk

A female engineer and her friend start a quest to destroy the entire US monetary system after they find how to crack into ATMs.

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28. Ghost in the Shell

In this animated movie, you will find two people search for the most mysterious hacker in the world, who goes by the name – Puppet Master.

29. Twenty Three

This 1998 movie takes you through the real-life struggle of a young group of hackers living in Hannover, Germany. It is set in the 1980s and tracks the life of Karl Koch.

30. Webmaster

The lead actor, who is a hacker, lives a straightforward life out of the hacking world. Then he decides to hack into the most challenging domain called the Stoiser domain but is unsuccessful. Scared that he would be punished, the hacker finds him in surprise after Stoiser, a domain’s owner offers him a job – webmaster.

The weekend is soon approaching, which means you have a great chance to go on a hacking-related movies binge watch with some soda and popcorn. Invite your friends over and host a movie party at your home.