How Do You Set Up Prestashop On Amazon AWS Cloud?

Before jumping into step-by-step procedures involved in setting up Prestashop on your Amazon AWS, let’s get to know a bit about Prestashop.

So What Is Prestashop?

Prestashop is an open source e-commerce solutions which help in building your online stores quickly. This free e-commerce solution can be used to run your online stores in the cloud or through self-hosting. You just need to choose whether to install the Prestashop on the cloud or the self-hosting server, based on the business needs.


Prestashop offers relatively simple, easy-to-use shoppers interface with wide range of features. It provides around 300 powerful features which focus on boosting the customer’s online presence. Interestingly, you get to use all these features free of cost. Currently, Prestashop is being used by 250000 online shops globally and is also available in 65 different languages. It supports over 50 different payment systems such as PayPal, Google Checkout, Payments Pro, Skrill, etc.

How To Host Prestashop On AWS Cloud?

Now let’s get to know the process involved in hosting the Prestashop on the Amazon AWS cloud instance. You can either do it by yourself or with the help of service providers available in the market.

Let me brief you on the steps involved in manual setup

Launch AWS EC2 instance for Prestashop

  • Launch a new EC2 instance from your AWS console. You can select the EC2 of your choice.

  • Next, you need to select the network, the subnet, and the IAM role.

  • You need to define the size of your server. Keep in mind that the pictures and media will use most of your disk space.

  • In this step, you should assign security groups to this EC2. It will enable the new node to get connected to the internet.

  • Assign an SSH key to the server or create a new one. It will provide connection to the server through SSH.

  • After completing these steps, your EC2 server should be ready, up and running.

Configure the server and database for Prestashop

Once the server is up, you need to configure the server. For this, you need to SSH into the EC2 instance and set it as per your business needs. Visit this page to know about the commands and functions used in backend.

Once the server is configured, the next step involves setting up the database. You would need to login to the MySQL shell and create a database for Prestashop. Read the detailed process here

Install Prestashop 

After configuring the server and database as per your requirements, you’re almost done with the installation. You would need to just set up the external file system for your online store and select the desired server location. Make sure you choose the location close to your target audience, thus ensuring the latency doesn’t get affected.

You can either follow the hard manual path for setting up your online store on Amazon AWS or choose the easy option. The most comfortable option is hosting your online store on the cloud through cloud consoles like Cloudways, Bitnami, etc. They make sure the Prestashop is launched quickly and take care of all the critical server and application management tasks. You just need to provide them with some necessary information that is required for the launch.

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They continuously monitor all components, media files and libraries of your online store for vulnerabilities, and updates. You can also avail 24/7 support from these providers which comes in handy if you are not a techy. Remember, online stores are prone to technical issues and few hours of downtime during peak hours can cause severe damage to your business.

Click here to know the steps involved in setting up your AWS hosted Prestashop on Cloudways. If you prefer Bitnami, then check this link.

How To Create An Impactful About Us Page For Your Website

The First thing that people would like to read about on your web page is the about us section. It gives an idea of which you are, and what you do, so it is crucial that you convey all that in an exciting yet concise manner so that the reader doesn’t get bored. The about us page holds a lot of marketing potential and plays a significant role in creating a first impression on the customer.

So the obvious question here would be, how?

Let’s have a look

Set Yourself Apart From Competitors

The about us page is where people come looking for information about your company or venture so explain with facts and not hype. You can talk about the history and evolution of the company, the years of experience and the way it developed over time. There may be websites similar to yours, selling related products and goods, you have to set yourself apart with an about us page that makes customers think you are different from others. It needs to explain what is unique to your company and that should stand out to your audience.


Make It Visible

It is as simple as it sounds. Sometimes website creators hide the about us page link at the bottom of the page in a small font where it is not immediately visible to a visitor. The about us page should be placed on the top level tab considering the importance it holds. People usually come looking for information about your brand or company and will be quick to exit the page if such necessary information is not readily and immediately accessible. Sometimes creators try to bring in creative alternatives to the title ‘about us’ such as our journey, Inside the company, etc. which is often misleading to readers at first glance. So it is better to keep it simple and understandable with just calling it ‘About us.’

Talk In The First Person

It is said that using third person tense gives a formal appeal to the content, however true this may be, writing the about us page in the first person gives it a more personal touch. Writing in the third person sounds very official and may not be that interesting to read as it may just look like a declaration rather than an interaction. It makes the reader feel like they are having a conversation with you and also helps to get a deeper understanding of what your company does. You can use ‘I’ or ‘We’ depending on which is more apt for your business.

Give The Right Start

Many people have trouble with how to begin writing the about us section. It is advisable to start off with an interesting fact, asking a question, using an anecdote, etc. to make it more appealing to readers. Rather than just boringly stating facts, finding an exciting way to introduce the section is sure to keep the reader’s attention until the end.

Company History Through A Timeline

Timelines offer you the convenience of presenting a significant amount of information in an exciting format other than just text which is more likely to engage your audience. You can show them how you started, how far you have come, and everything your business has accomplished along the way. Crucial and relevant milestones can be presented in a visually appealing manner.   A vertical timeline presentation is sure to attract readers and give them information in a fun way.

Include Customer Testimonials

A few quotes or testimonials from longtime customers or clients who are happy with your services will boost the credibility of your brand. Customers who visit your website will be more convinced of your company’s authenticity and reliability as it would offer those experiences of real people.

Say It With Pictures

You can use images that go along with the write up on the about us page. They don’t have to be formal pictures but can photos of your work environment and even employees. The will make the visitor feel more familiar and connected, and they will be able to acknowledge the realness of your presence.

Include Team Member Profiles

If the about us page includes team member profiles it gives a real human-like quality to the brand. People would like to know the faces of the success of the company, and this helps them connect better. It gives an approachable vibe to your audience which is sure to improve the credibility of your business.

Multimedia Content

Another creative and engaging way to make the about us page stand out is by using multimedia content. If you have an exciting story about how your company developed, you can create a video that speaks for itself with a compelling visual narrative. Today’s technology allows for easy integration of video & multimedia elements into your web page.

Match Your Organization’s Personality

The tone of your about us page should reflect the nature of your organization so people can relate to it better. For example, the about us page for a coffee shop could be something more fun and quirky, while that of an NGO would be more formal and factual. The style and tone of your website should match the profile of your company and make sense to the audience.

The about us page is one among the many components required to create a useful website. If the foundation is laid right, then the rest of the building blocks can be arranged in-place more effectively.

Bitcoin-Based Web Development – An Insight

Bitcoin development is all the rage right now in the world of technology and innovation

Even though, Bitcoin rates are heavily fluctuating at the moment. Experts are saying it will soon rise as cryptocurrencies are the future.

If cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are the future, Wallet apps for them will also have equal prominence.

To substantiate, Bitcoin Wallet App has been adopted by several business giants such as Amazon, Paypal, Subway and Apple’s app store for accepting online payments. It is motivating other businesses to follow their footsteps. It also helped many companies to make a massive profit out of it.

What is Bitcoin Wallet App?

Bitcoin Wallet Application in simple terms is similar to the conventional bank account that allows you to send, receive and store bitcoins securely. There are two types of Bitcoin wallets – software and hardware.

You can choose whatever suits your requirement, or you can even opt for a customized bitcoin app development to fulfill your business needs also.

How To Become a Bitcoin Developer?

There is often a misconception that you must be an advanced coder to be a bitcoin developer. It is not entirely right as you can build on its utility and accessibility with specialty developers.

The path to development of bitcoin starts at leveraging Blockchain’s API a simple donation widget to develop your first bitcoin web app from scratch. This API is free, and it doesn’t require a key to use it.

  • Choose a code-friendly text editor- For windows; you could just use your notepad while for a Mac you can use TextEdit or Sublime Text.
  • Add whatever text you would like to in your blank text document.Type in a new and fresh bitcoin address that you can get from your Blockchain Wallet and copy and paste it just below the text you typed earlier.
  • Generating a QR code would be the next step. It is so simple since Google offers a free charts API that transforms URLs into QR codes, and we can use that to turn our bitcoin address into an easily scannable QR code. Just paste this URL in front of your bitcoin address×125&cht=qr&chl=
  • Next, you have to open and close HTML tag for the text you’ve typed with <html> at the start and </html> at the end. Also in front of the URL add <imgsrc=” and at the end of your address, write: “>.
  • Now save your entire work as an HTML file and then run it. It will produce a QR code for your bitcoin address.

Benefits of Bitcoin Wallet App For Your Business

Businesses have now started broadening their horizon and have begun to accept cryptocurrency as a form of valid mobile payment. Following are advantages of Bitcoin Wallet app for your business:

  • No Chargebacks

Usually, credit card transactions can often take quite a bit of time to get sorted and go through which locks up the funds. It can also impact your business as you can get hit with chargeback which can turn out to be costly.

But this is not the case with Bitcoin Wallet app. Unlike Credit cards, there is no charge back or returns in Bitcoin Wallet Payments.

  • Security and Protection Against Fraud

With any online transaction, it is always important to ensure security and safety of the customer’s information. Bitcoins enables its users to make mobile payments without the requirement to give any of their personal details for it to go through.

It acts as a medium or as a third party between consumer and business and adds an extra layer of security ensuring a smooth and peaceful transaction on both ends.

  • Foreign Payments Made Easy With Lower Transaction Fees

For any business going global high foreign transaction fees presents a nightmare. This is where Bitcoin comes to the rescue. A great benefit that bitcoins offers to such businesses is that you don’t have to worry about paying any additional transaction fees.

This makes it easier for business to expand and venture beyond its own border without worrying about costly consequences.

  • Decentralised

Your bitcoin balance is untraceable and tax-free since it is anonymous. Generally, during the time of an economic crisis in any country, the banks take back all the uninsured deposits, which may hurt the people.

It is however not possible with Bitcoin as it is decentralized which again is a huge benefit.

  • Protected Against Inflation

One of the significant upsides to having bitcoin is it does not come under the influence of any government.

The government neither holds the right over Bitcoin nor can print it as their wish similar to paper currency making it lose its value. In this way, Bitcoin is protected from inflation.

The Bitcoin has made amazing accomplishments and has cleared new ways for Cryptocurrency development services. A few Cryptocurrencies have been created since the dispatch of Bitcoin and new ones keep coming up often.

Bitcoin is the world’s first digital currency and has been an immensely successful endeavor that is encouraging many to tread this path. Also, since it is open-source, it gives the opportunity for anyone to use the same to create and develop another Cryptocurrency.

Bitcoin has seen a tremendous response from all over the world. Following the path of Bitcoin, numerous associations have prepared their own specific propelled tokens.

No other Cryptocurrency is even close to what Bitcoin has achieved in such a concise time frame. The bitcoin blockchain is what most of the Crypto Currencies or Altcoins are making use of while there are few like Ethereum that have their specific blockchain.

25 Companies That Have Revolutionized Online Sales

With over thousands of companies competing with each other in the same niche, innovative ideas are the one which always comes to the rescue.

By using new technology and digital advances, some companies completely changed their destinies to become some of the well-known companies across the globe.

Here are 25 companies that revolutionized their online sales:

1. Brooklinen

Brooklinen is a luxury bedding company that was started in 2014 in Brooklyn, New York. Rather than keeping the prices of their products too high, they kept the prices much lower, so that everyone can afford it. The usual cost of bedding set for a queen-sized bed is $300 to $400 but Brooklinen sells at $179 only.


2. Stitch Fix

By making personal shopping accessible, Stitch Fix takes into consideration that women of the modern world are constantly busy and don’t have to browse through websites. Instead Stitch Fix tells its customers to fill an elaborate questionnaire and send them a customized box of five clothing items.

3. Starbucks

Started in 1971, Starbucks dreamed of starting an online shop even before many thought of the idea. Today, in the United States one out of four Starbucks customers order their coffee online.

4. Ollie’s Bargain Outlet

Ollie’s Bargain Outlet buys surplus products from other companies and sells them to customers at lower prices. It also purchases undamaged products from companies that are burnt down or liquidating their assets.

5. Dollar Shave Club

The Dollar Shave Club saved hundreds and thousands of dollars for men by selling one dollar disposable razors. They have a subscription box system, very cost-effective, and convenient.

6. Sephora

Sephora is leading in interactive design. It has developed a technology that helps customers apply makeup on their face virtually. It saves tester products from being used by window shoppers and saves the effort of wiping off the makeup afterwards.


ASOS is one of the fastest growing online fashion markets as it puts over 4,500 products on its e-store every week. The fashion retailer has aced the supply chain game by opening production factories closer to their key markets, therefore, reducing the time taken to deliver products to the customer.

8. Elf Cosmetics

Everyone likes dressing up and putting makeup but not everyone can afford costly brands like MAC. There’s Elf Cosmetics for these people since it makes pocket friendly but quality makeup, which lasts long and doesn’t start any reactions.

9. Warby Parker

Imagine someone asking you five questions and finding the most perfect glasses for you and that also cheap! Yes, Warby Parker is the epitome of convenient shopping. They send you five pairs of glasses, you try them, and keep the ones you like and return the rest.

10. Wayfair

A simple “search with photo” option has helped Wayfair one of favorite online furniture shops in the US. After customers upload the photo, Wayfair finds the most similar looking one from their inventory.

11. Casper

Casper sells mattresses online and is delivered in tiny boxes making the mattress easy to lift and move around. It is vacuum packed, so once it is delivered you can lay it on your bed, and then cut open the plastic. The mattress will regain its shape.

12. Walmart

Walmart is trying its best to make grocery shopping entirely online. It does have an online store and so many people, especially the working class, are using the service to its maximum ability and making their lives easier. A person picks these products for you from the store and is delivered to your doorsteps the next day.

13. Bonobos

Bonobos was recently bought by Walmart and there’s a good reason why it is a worthy investment. Instead of having outlets, Bonobos has guideshops, which you can visit and try on clothes. With the help of the assistants there, you can order them, which are then delivered to your doorsteps.

14. Apple

Apart from making state-of-art phones and other devices, Apple just recently started Apple Pay. In just a year, it surpassed PayPal, which was started more than 10 years ago. The transaction volume grew by 450 percent from 2016 to 2017.

15. Adidas

Adidas is making the dream of owning 3D printed customized shoes a reality for people. Adidas has partnered with Carbon, which uses photosensitive resin to make the pair of shoes that takes two to three hours to make.


16. Sweetgreen

Salads are too boring for most of the people but wait until you eat at Sweetgreen. The salad bar has 67 outlets around the US and sells $10 salad bowls that are lip-smacking good. The greens and other ingredients are organic, which makes it a favorite among health enthusiasts.

17. Blue Apron

Delivering restaurant-style meals at the your doorsteps, Blue Apron has meals for two and four option. They send all the ingredients in packed in exact measurements. Each meal costs $10 for two and $20 for four.

18. Instagram

Online shopping is easy but Instagram shopping is even easier. Instagram has started the marketplace, using which shops can tag the price of the products they are selling. By tapping the Shop Now option, users can head to its online store and purchase the product.

19. Lidl

Lidl is German grocery store in the US that sells high quality food products at almost 50 percent of the retail price. Even though the products are limited, Lidl is giving a tough competition to big American retail brands like Target and Walmart.

20. Peloton

Going to a class for exercising is so boring, but you promise you’ll exercise if you can do a spin class in your living room? Peloton offers an urban solution by selling a stationary bike that live streams spin classes and pre-recorded classes as well. The bike is worth $1,995.

21. ModCloth

ModCloth sells plus-size clothing, which is fashionable, unlike other stores that make boring and plain clothes. It was bought by Walmart in March, 2017 and has surely increased the retailer’s value.

22. Aerie

Aerie is a strong lingerie brand that is considered as a threat to Victoria’s Secret. Unlike the world famous brand, Aerie doesn’t airbrush its models and has caught the eye of every woman in the US.

23. TJ Maxx

TJ Maxx gained popularity during the Great Recession of 2008 when it brought in discounts all year round. That’s what everyone wants, doesn’t it? Affordable clothing all year round so that your pockets don’t grow holes after shopping at Macy’s or Nordstrom.

24. Amazon

Amazon’s Prime Wardrobe lets you try clothes, shoes, and accessories before buying them and more the products you decide to keep, the greater discount you get on your checkout amount. One of the other services that make Amazon a favorite in the US is same day delivery.

25. Ulta Beauty

Ulta Beauty offers salon services in their stores so that customers can buy the products that were used on them if they like it. The service makes everything every convenient because instead of going to two different places for getting your hair done and buying shampoo, you can get it in one place only.

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Most of these were unique yet straightforward techniques that caught customers’ eyes because of its user-friendly feature and convenience. Today, these companies have become an important part of every person’s life.

10 Best Ecommerce Platforms In 2020

With Amazon grabbing 55.4% of US e-commerce sales and Holiday e-commerce sales growing up nearly 37.7% in 2019. There is no wonder why every business would love to set up their store online. According to reports, this dominant e-commerce industry is expected to make sales worth $4.479 trillion by 2021.

With the number of e-commerce solutions available in the market, it becomes difficult to pick a right one that suits our business needs.

Read Also: How To Make Ecommerce Website Like Amazon

We have listed few of the best eCommerce platforms for businesses planning to launch their official website/ online store.

1. PrestaShop


PrestaShop is one of the industry leaders among the e-commerce platforms. It is widely known for its rich feature-set and functionalities. Prestashop is available for free in two different choices namely cloud-based Prestashop and a downloadable form.

Advantages of PrestaShop

  • Use of Smarty, web template system written in PHP makes PrestaShop the first choice among designers and programmers.
  • PrestaShop inbuilt functionalities make it easy for beginners and non-technical people to quickly set up their online store.
  • Compared with other platforms, PrestaShop offers an intuitive admin panel, which is easy to explore.

2. Magento


Magento is a powerful, open-source e-commerce platform owned by the eBay group. It is one of the growing platforms offering cutting-edge solutions for businesses who are aiming to make a significant impact on their online eCommerce store.

Widely known for its scalability and reliability, Magento host nearly one-fourth of the e-commerce websites in the market. It is indeed a market leader when it comes to enterprise-level e-commerce platforms.

Advantages of Magneto

  • It offers an easy-to-use user interface
  • It facilitates extensive customization due to open source platform
  • Supports over 9000 plugins/extensions to extend its functionality
  • Extensive online community and resource library

3. Shopify


Shopify is one of the popular e-commerce platforms and is known for its smooth setup, loading speed, customizable templates, and secure payment gateways. Shopify hosts more than 3 lakh online stores and is more focused on social and mobile shopping.

For SEO enthusiasts, Shopify offers provision to include Meta tags, auto-generated XML sitemap along with 24/7 customer support via chat, email, and phone, to help the business run their online stores smoothly.

Advantages of Shopify

  • Shopify offers more than 100 templates and themes
  • Contains 1000+ plugins/extensions for extended functionality
  • Enables you to connect the online store with social media pages and sell directly from them
  • Packed with mobile-friendly shopping cart and mobile app for all sellers
  • It provides 24/7 live support along with comprehensive resource library and online community

4. BigCommerce


Launched in 2009, BigCommerce host more than 50,000 online stores including Toyota, Martha Stewart, etc. Offering pretty much similar features as of Shopify, also BigCommerce provides more built-in features along with unlimited storage & bandwidth.

Advantages of BigCommerce

  • It offers powerful built-in marketing features such as newsletters, coupons, analytics and more
  • All themes both paid and free are responsive and provide a seamless mobile experience
  • It enables online store integration with social media such as Facebook, eBay, Google shopping and product comparison sites
  • Offers tutorial videos, guides, and live support

5. Zen Cart


Developed by experts, Zen Cart offers the most flexible and secure platforms among its competitors. The multi-language support and secure payment gateways make Zen Cart one of the most trusted platforms for various businesses.

Read Also: 15 Best Online Shopping Websites

Advantages of Zen Cart

  • Offers highly reliable platform and secure payment gateways.
  • It needs only basic programming skills for setting up and fulfill the demands of the end users
  • Zen Cart is highly customizable and provides wide range of features

6. WooCommerce


WooCommerce is a free plugin for WordPress developed by WooThemes. With the easy to install interface, WooCommerce offers you all benefit associated with building a WordPress website.

Since its launch in the year 2011, WooCommerce has supported nearly 1.5 million online e-commerce stores across the globe. The highly customizable, and user-friendly experience, makes it the ultimate choice for startups to start their online venture.

Advantages of WooCommerce

  • WooCommerce is a free and open source e-commerce platform with an extensive range of features.
  • It provides high flexibility, easy customization options, in-depth analytics and a vast number of extensions.

7. OpenCart


Among all the available shopping carts OpenCart is known as one of the top-end solutions for its flexibility, simplicity, and functionality. Although new, it has managed to gather extreme popularity among both well-established brands and start-ups.

Advantages of OpenCart

  • It is a lightweight e-commerce solution offering high performance and usability features.
  • It offers multi-store functionality which helps merchants to manage their multiple stores from one admin panel

8. Drupal Commerce


Drupal Commerce, one of the leading open-source eCommerce solutions tightly integrated with Drupal and enables to build robust online stores. It is the most preferred platforms for merchants who tend to give majority priority to Search Engine Optimization(SEO).

Advantages of Drupal Commerce

  • Tight integration enables Drupal Commerce takes full advantage of all the functionalities of Drupal
  • It acts as a reliable content management system and highly flexible e-commerce platform
  • Offer more accessible options to manage SEO, CRO and web analytics

9. osCommerce


Also referred as open source commerce, osCommerce offers a wide range of features and flexible shopping cart solution. osCommerce offers 7000+ free add-ons and modules and backs robust community support.

Website design ad banner

Advantages of osCommerce

  • Os Commerce uses PHP and MySQL and provides a versatile open source shopping cart
  • Use of indexed database enables it to handle a large number of products
  • Supports wide range of popular payment methods

10. Big Cartel


As its tagline says – “We Believe in The Artist”, it proves to be a perfect e-commerce platform for artists, designers, and companies in the creative business. Right from its launch in 2005, Big Cartel has helped many artists and designers sell their creation online.

Read Also: How Much Does it Cost to Build an Ecommerce Website?

Advantages of Big Cartel

  • It is straightforward and easy to setup and manages an online store through Big Cartel.
  • It offers eye-catching themes for the online stores.
  • Provides tutorials, FAQs, guides, support via email, and Big Cartel’s social media accounts.

Web Design and Development Company vs Freelancers

Website design and development is an essential investment for businesses, which is why business owners make sure that they derive the maximum benefits out of their investment for online presence. But, the correlation between investment and quality of service may not be similar. This is why you have to invest money in the right resource for developing your site.

Your business can gain the upper hand when you have an excellent website and online presence. Make sure that you work with the right technical team to build your business platform. However, deciding between the well-organized activities of a web development firm and a freelancer with tremendous flexibility can be difficult.

Web Development Company or Freelancers

We have listed out the differences between the Web Development Company and freelancers to clear all your confusions before taking the right decision.

1. Technical Skills and Experience

If you are hiring a web development company for your project, you will have a vast team of technical experts with top-notch skills at your disposal. You will be able to interact with a tester, a project manager, a developer, a designer and other experts to cater to your diverse needs.

If you are hiring a freelancer, you will have only one person handling all the tasks of your project. So, it means a single person will be doing all the functions such as testing, designing and developing. Will the output be better than a team of specialists? Obviously questionable.

When your project demands some complex and diverse tasks, the web development company with several years of expertise in handling similar projects comes in handy. With the support of numerous resources, they can quickly sort out all the issues that arise during project development.  However, same expertise can never be expected from a freelance web developer.

2. Quality Testing

It is true that it is essential to have a good business website and applications to stay successful in the long run. The online platform that you own must be both attractive and responsive to make your customers stay hooked and explore the products/ service offerings.


Even though both the website development firm and the freelancers will meet the project requirements, the website development firm will have the advantage of QA testers to identify the bugs and remove it whenever needed. So, it is wise to opt for their services instead of a freelancer.

3. Meeting Project Deadlines

The web development company usually considers the deadlines with utmost importance, as it can go a long way in maintaining their reputation among their clients and contacts. So, they ensure that the project gets delivered much earlier than the given deadline.

If a technical expert in their team is sick, he or she will be replaced immediately with another techie to assure continuous backup while working on your project. On the other hand, when you work with a freelancer python your project deadline has to be extended if he or she falls ill, which can affect your business.

4. Effective Communication

When you avail the services of a web development firm, you need not have any worries regarding the progress of your project, as they are equipped with a well-organized team. The web development firm will have a project manager who will lead the technical side and maintain internal communication. It helps them to communicate about work progress, perform corrections if required and monitor the changes.

If you are selecting a freelancer python for your project, you can contact him or her directly. But, if your project is a bit complex then you will be working with several freelancers at the same time and should explain the changes in the concept to each one separately. It can also be a time-consuming process.

5. Advanced Security

When you are developing a digital platform for your business, the first significant point that comes to your mind is security. When you have an online store, you must have a highly secure online platform to gain the trust of your customers.


Web development companies will be able to meet all your security requirements, as they continuously stay updated about the latest vulnerabilities, security threats, and evolving technology.

A freelancer will face difficulties in catering to your high-end security requirements, as he might not have access to advanced security solutions like a web development company. The web companies have the responsibility to take care of the safety of their clients’ businesses and focus on offering superior encrypted security solutions.

6. Customer Support

A web development company will have a well-maintained customer support team that will resolve all the client queries before the launch of the website. When you work with them, they are responsible for taking care of any issues or challenges arising out of the project.

Most of the companies involved in web development also offer services with a warranty to make their clients stay assured that any problem related to the online platform will get easily handled. However, a freelance developer will not be able to offer similar full-scale customer service.

7. Project Costs

Web Development Company can be very expensive to work with when compared to the freelancers, which attracts the business owners towards them. When you wish to develop an online platform that supports several services and has complex requirements, then you must avail the services of the web design company to get better value for your money.

If you are interested in hosting a world-class website to reach out to your international clients, then a web design firm must be your priority, as they are efficient in offering appealing, smooth and swift solutions.


In the end, the answer to the question Web Development Company or freelancer depends mainly on the expectations you wish your website would achieve. You can hire a freelancer if you want a simple site just for presentation along with a quick deadline. If you want a website that will host product/ service to cater the needs of the global audience, then you will need the services of a web development company.

7 Amazing Innovations That Will Alter The Future Of Online Stores

Platforms like Amazon, Flipkart, ebay etc. have changed the way brands reach out to you. It is expected that e-commerce market might cross $50 Billion mark by the end of 2018. Increased internet penetration and mobile users will mark the beginning of lot of opportunities in e-commerce market in the days to come.

Since the market is getting bigger and bigger it is obvious that new technology and innovation will appear to offer better user experience.

Let’s have a look the most important ones.

1. Augmented reality

You have had experiences with products that you buy and find it not as expected or as you have found it online. Gone are the days when you have to go through such negative experiences. Now you can visit the virtual store, try out the products that interest you. For example, you are buying furniture of a particular dimension. You can check whether it fits into the space you are planning to place it into. Now that is something that is going to enhance your shopping experience. The possibilities of augmented reality are limitless.


2. Smarter chat bots

Chat Bots aren’t something new. We have been using them for quite some time for interaction. However, that chat bots that we use now is going to have a transformation that will change the entire e-commerce scenario that persists now. For instance, imagine that a user wishes to buy a bag online. He/She can type desired choice in the chat-bot and access the best deal.  When it comes to apps, chat bots will be integrated with voice search so that user will be persuaded to come back and buy stuffs.

3. Smart shopping carts to comparison

We all look for the best deals online before we go about with the shopping. Smart shopping carts show you the best deals on the internet. Now the best bargains come to you automatically. There are websites that compare the price and features online while we add the product that interests us before we make the purchase decision. These smart shopping carts help you better to find the best price, discounts, special offers, and coupons.

4. Introduction of drones

The future of logistics is something unbelievable; soon you will be receiving your order by a drone which notifies when it reaches your address. Many large companies are investing in drone companies, so that delivery in 100 km radius is made possible using drones. By driving this innovation into the space of E-commerce delivery will be faster and accurate. These quad-copters or sometimes octa-copters (in accordance with load) will deliver good that you have bought to your doorstep within hours of purchase.

Cool isn’t t?

5. Social commerce

Social media is an integral part our lives and we spend a lot of time on social media. As such, it is a popular medium to reach out to potential customers and new visitors. Slowly e-commerce sites are including social media into business wherein you can interact directly with the customer support of a product that you are buying. This makes customer support a lot convenient for both customers as well as retailers. For E-commerce ventures, this makes a lot easier to reach out to their customers, build loyalty and to give special offers directly to new and existing customers by interacting with them over social media.


6. Smart-phone evolution

Consumers use different devices to buy products from you. They switch from one device to another while browsing the web. Device-driven analytics will give the right information about a consumer and thus give better deals. It not only gives retailers an insight into their customer’s behaviour but also assesses and personalize the buying experience.

7. Personalized Ads

Soon the advertisements of retail stores will be user-generated videos. To be precise, customers can upload video clips with the products they have purchased and upload them to the retailer’s websites. This trend is expected to pick up speed and attract a lot of new customers. You can flaunt what you just bought in an advertisement. I know; It is exciting ain’t it?

10 Times Hollywood Made You Facepalm When It Comes To Computers

Movies, it’s indeed a vain task to search logic in it. There are movie makers who have mastered the art of make-believe with their scientific thinking and movie making skills. On the contrary, some tend to underestimate the audience and end up weaving embarrassment on screen.

The aim is to keep the audience connected and making it simple for them to digest. But Hollywood sometimes pushes the “spoon feeding” idea over the edge till it falls flat on the face.

Let’s have a look at 10 such scenes which gave the audience, especially the techies, a mega facepalm.

1. NCIS Hackers

This is an American TV series based on crime investigation wing of the navy.

There is a scene in particular where a database being hacked. You can see two people banging the keys at the same time over the same keyboard. Apparently, they are trying to stop a malware attack happening over the network.  The tech talk is commendable but unfortunately, they forgot the fundamentals of using a keyboard.

Yet it would be pandering to the amateur audience to see a 65-year-old unplug the cable and stop the insurgency.

2. CSI— GUI Interface

The CSI the American crime investigation series shows two cops staring at a screen where they find a chat between two people. Since it is in real time the third member mumbles the impossible words only to justify the job she is doing.  “I’ll create a GUI interface using Visual Basic. See if I can track an IP address.”


In short, her words might very well translate into “Il go write a code for a new program, design the software and assemble the hardware to track the location of the suspect”

Had the writer coded the lines with care, it could have saved her all the trouble.

3. Hackers

This 1995 crime flick featuring a bunch of high school kids involved in a corporate extortion conspiracy portrays a ridiculous visualization of how the hacker’s screen looks.

A scene wherein the underlying hacking process is depicted as a virtual 3-D representation of a city and stacks of data in the form of a building like structures is a very interesting visualization until it comes to the moment when you realize it is not what you thought.

The hacker is actually navigating through the 3-D structures in real-time over his screen using the keyboard. As long as you can wrap your brain around the kind of user interface they are using to cruise through the fascinating data structures, let us stick to command prompt.

4. Skyfall

A bond movie with another faulty montage on-screen scene.

They are trying to gain access to the hacker’s code which is repeatedly mutating itself.

The visualization of how the user interface accepts the input provided by the programmer and generates a subterranean channel of tubes in the city is far from the kind of images the GUI is capable of producing in reality.

A mesh of white and red wires generating a map of tube tunnels and bond instantly interpreting it as “subterranean London”

But again the Hollywood motto is mainly to keep the audience in the loop.

5. Masterminds

In a 1997 released action comedy, a kid plays a game which lets him hack into a corporate space which apparently looks like a dungeon.

It starts with establishing a connection followed by a series of command prompt drivel opening into a game “Scream II” and flashing below is a tagline “No Unauthorized access”

And how will the kid gain access? By finding a valid entry into the animated castle as a hacker who has two minutes to complete the task through a commotion of skeletons and warnings of federal prosecution in case of failure.


The pressure dial up in the scene is what really gets you. But the glitch here is the access would not be declined once he is identified as an intruder.  In fact, a good two minutes are spared for him to breach further.  The game fairly tries to track the location but surprisingly updates every detail of it to the hacker which is a complete put off in comparison to some real comeback against hacking.

6. Firewall

A crime thriller released in 2006 in which Harrison Ford wants to pick account numbers from a computer monitor. This is a major hardware hacking blunder wherein he takes an iPod and plugs it into an age-old fax scanner head. The iPod obviously does not have a complimentary slot to connect to the scanner.

He might have just exaggerated on the ability of the iPod to thinking of it as something more than a storage device.

7. Jurassic Park

In this 1993 sci-fi adventure, a character tries to restart the access control of the facility to lock the control room’s doors.

The movie actually used an experimental application to view a building locking system in 3D. A section of audience perceived the idea as unrealistic and misinterpretation of computer visualization similar to the glitch in the movie Hackers.

But this, in reality, was a file manager program system developed by the SGI back in time which never made it to a fully functional software. The idea gained popularity through this very movie itself.

8. Unthinkable

What we are looking at is a multi-city nuclear insurgency. The person who planted the bombs is likely to spill the beans. The FBI eventually succeeds in tracing the locations and disposing the bombs.

But the technique they use is actually unthinkable. A member of the squad uses Microsoft excel sheet to reset the timer and prevent the bomb from going off.

They justified the title. What more could you ask for?

9. Numbers

An exaggerated crack of a hack!

The investigators come across two hackers conversing over an internet chat protocol.

The chat relay system is used by a bazillion people across the globe for communication over the internet.  But the way the cop tries to explain it, only makes it seem harder than it actually is.  The over the top explanation about boats and drug dealers just confuses the audience for no reason.

10. Independence day

The planet is under an alien attack.

The scientist terminates the invasion by uploading a virus in the extraterrestrial computer and blows up the mothership.  All this from a laptop created on earth by humans and within a timeframe you could cross a track of hurdle race with no hurdles. The pace is impressive until it strikes you that the technology he just disrupted is actually an alien operating system with a totally different structure than the binary codes of Microsoft.

So how exactly did he penetrate the system in the first place? Unless the alien ship had the same core technology to run their OS as ours,  the situation could easily drive any genius at his wit’s end.

The point is hacking, in reality, is not as exciting as the movies make it. An average person calmly staring at the screen with boring codes crawling over the screen would not take the audience at the edge of their seats.

But when you see a suave and young geek, shouting insane techie jargon and the screen flashing “decryption complete” at the last second of the ticking timer, it works wonders.

That was just another clichéd screenplay of a high voltage computer hacking scene followed by Hollywood filmmakers.

Which is your favorite Hollywood hacking facepalm moment? Do let us know in comments.

15 Important Ecommerce Trends of 2018

The eCommerce landscape is shifting its presence dramatically to the digital world through e-commerce sites. A survey of the retail trends suggests that 51% of the Americans prefer online shopping, with the eCommerce industry developing at 23% year after year. The growth and transformation of this sector are only expected to grow more, as more consumers integrate digital devices into their shopping habits. The expansion and future of this industry in the year 2018 is discussed here. These are some of the trends to look forward to online and offline.

Influx Of eCommerce Entrepreneurs

The ease of starting up in eCommerce will see a lot of entrepreneurs getting into the digital space in the year 2018. It has become so simple to set up your online store, sell a product and advertise online that paves the way for many aspiring entrepreneurs to break into the e-commerce industry.

Rise Of Artificial Intelligence

Though AI has already crept into the e-commerce space, 2018 expects chat bots to become smarter and faster. The rise and growth of AI are seen to continue especially combined with opportunities like blockchain technology. More companies are anticipated to invest in chatbot services to automate part of their customer service process. A survey done by Business Insider revealed that 80% businesses expect to have chatbot automation implemented to some extent by 2020.

Personalized, Customer-Friendly Approach

The future focuses more on customer satisfaction through existing and improved methods such as virtual personal shoppers and personal recommendation technology powered by AI software. Consumers are more likely to shop with brands that exhibit customer focus on all facets of their business this coming year.

The Amazing Presence Of Amazon

If you think Amazon has reached the pinnacle in the online retail sector, think again because we have only started to see the impact it can create on the landscape.  The upcoming year predicts that Amazon will advance at an incredible rate, and change how independent merchants have to sell, think and operate online.

Technology And The Digital Landscape

The transforming of the digital landscape with the aid of technology is an ongoing process that is likely to continue in 2018. It is bound to impact how consumers shop and interact with brands through technological advances in everything from sensors to augmented reality (AR). With technology getting more user-friendly and consumers becoming more tech-savvy an exciting space is opening up that many new entrants would like to explore.

Personalized Recommendation Of Products

The e-commerce industry is expected to see individualized recommendations going beyond just recommended products based on everyone else’s buying habits and instead is aimed at giving tailored recommendations based on individual preferences. It was the way it was intended to be and is poised to happen in 2018.

More Subscription Offerings

The trend of more brands adopting a subscription model is seen to grow in the upcoming year as they must compete with other retailers having subscription offerings. The subscriptions segment of the e-commerce market is anticipated to increase rapidly in 2018.

Focus On Video Content

The year 2018 will see brands getting smarter about content allocation especially with video content. IT will be used by brands to differentiate themselves from others and stand out.

Augmented Reality

With the AR technology gaining popularity and technology improving rapidly, it has a lot of scope in the digital or e-commerce world. It will help you experience the real feel of a product through a virtual medium, paving the way for endless possibilities that numerous retailers have seized.

Virtual Reality

The technology of virtual reality is also beginning to see adoption in the ecommerce industry and is expected to grow in 2018. Few companies have started offering virtual in-store experiences. Even though the cost VR headsets may be an obstacle, the immersive experience VR provides will have a significant impact on the buyers.

Internet Of Things Devices

Amazon has been a trailblazer in this area and has come up with new technology like Amazon Key and smart license plates. These innovations allow driver delivery to unlock your home and car with permission granted by you. However, there is a fear of robbery and theft, but this technology could help improve buyer experience and prevent lost deliveries.

Voice Shopping

Voice shopping has been adopted from the idea of voice search which people seem to use widely. Channels like Amazon Alexa and Google assistant are famous names for powering voice shopping. There is a growing need to make products available through one or more voice assistants. Voice-optimized retailers are predicted to see more customers gravitate towards them.

Smartphone Usage

A significant portion of e-commerce sales happens through mobile purchases. In 2018 the number is expected to continue growing. Purchasing a mobile phone is quick and easy and is seen to be highly preferred by many customers on the go. It is therefore essential for retailers to optimize their site for mobile commerce so that they don’t get left behind.

Visual Search

Visual search has been around for a while, and many are familiar with it in the ecommerce world. It has however received reinforcement recently as a growing trend with eBay’s new release of its visual search tools. Other big brands like Amazon and Wayfair are already ahead in this sense as they had deployed it earlier. There is hope that 2018 will see the revival and growth of this technology in addition to others.

Customer Experience Improvement

The trends mentioned above boil down to one main thing that is customer experience and satisfaction. More than product and pricing, customer experience is set to be the primary brand differentiated in the future.  Simple things like improving the speed of your website and multi channel customer service integration can go a long way in building better customer experience.  Even if retailers can’t afford many of the flashy trends, focusing on customer service is crucial to success.

Top 30 hilarious Programming Memes of 2018

“Memes are sooo 2017 stuff”.  If any of you think so, hold on! We have only entered 2018 it’s not like everything has turned upside down.

Memes have always been prominent when it comes to expressing sarcasm and dark comedy and will remain to thrive despite the time.

Programming has always been subjected to comical representation, thanks to memes. Most of them surround the fact that how hectic and demanding the job is.


However, it is indeed true that these memes are hilarious and would make anyone burst out into laughter no matter where they are while looking at it.

2017 has been blessed by these memes for easing up the stress of programmers. 2018 is having a great start with some hilarious memes about programming and computer-related jobs.

let’s have a peek at some of them.

1. God, I’m One Step Closer To You.

1) God, I’m one step closer to you


2. It’s Deeper Than You Can Imagine.


2) It’s deeper than you can imagine


3. Did I Miss The Power Nap Incentive In The Appointment Letter?


3) Did I miss the power nap incentive in the appointment letter?


4. I Do Have A Very Particular Set Of Skills


I do have a very particular set of skills


5. Whatever It Is Why Is It So?

 Whatever it is why is it so?


 6. We Need Content! Send It In.


We need content! Send it in


7. They Should Have Named It C Plus Squared.


They should have named it C plus squared


8. Surrender Or Face Deletion


Surrender or face deletion


9. I’m Sorry HTML But I Really Need The Bootstrap Even Though I Can CSS


I’m sorry HTML but I really need the bootstrap even though I can CSS


10. Sometimes I Tend To Get Lost In My Own Minotaur’s Maze


Sometimes I tend to get lost in my own Minotaur’s maze


11. I’m Really Unsure About My Own Creation


 I’m really unsure about my own creation  


12. Imma Genius!


 Imma genius


13. Are You Talking To Me?


Are you talking to me?


14. More Coffee Please


More coffee please


15. Played By Python


Mocoffee please


16. This Must Be How a Programmer’s House Must Be Furnished


This must be how a programmer’s house must be furnished


17. Yelp!




18. Together We Stand, Divided We Fall.

Together we stand, divided we fall


19. Send Me The Link!


Send me the link


20. Either You Are In or You Are Out

 Either you are in or you are out

21. Lel


Programming Memes 2018
Programming Memes 2018

22. whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ( Long shot followed by echo)


Programming Memes 2018
Programming Memes 2018

23.  Relax!


Programming Memes 2018
Programming Memes 2018

24. Got it? 😉

25.  Strange indeed!

Programming Memes 2018
Programming Memes 2018

26. Tears of joy     ;’)

27.   Most used image ever

28. That Pun though

29. Why most of us are single!

30. Hell Yeah