How to Secure Your Joomla Website from Hackers?

Your Joomla website is like a fortress that needs to be protected from invaders. You would have spent a lot of time and effort in constructing the website and establishing it on the online media.

With all your business goals depending on your website, it is of paramount importance that you secure from hackers. Protecting your Joomla website is not a one-time task, but something that you need to do regularly.

Let’s explore the different ways you can use to secure your Joomla website from hackers.

Strengthen The Foundation

For your Joomla website to be secure, you need to build a strong foundation and check its strength and stability often. Here’s how you can ensure that the core of your Joomla website is secured:

  1. Update regularly

You may have setup your website years ago, and it may now contain out-of-date core and extensions. Go to the Control Panel to check whether you have the latest version of Joomla support.  If not, update it.

The best thing would be to set automatic updates in your settings. To do this, log on to the administrator account, and go to the dashboard and look for Joomla Updates and set it to Auto.

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To check the status of the version, go to the Control Panel and scroll to Maintenance. If you see update as “All extensions are up to date” or “Joomla is up to date,” then you’re good to go.

2. Check the PHP version

Joomla websites are coded in PHP programming language. The language has its own set of vulnerabilities. Use the Vulnerability database to check if there is any vulnerability in the PHP version of your website.


Vulnerabilities are referred to as CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure) in this database. To check for vulnerability, enter your PHP version in the search tab.

In case, there are vulnerabilities in the version you are using, submit a support ticket to your website host and ask them to update the PHP version.

3. Check Extensions

Now that you’ve checked if all the extensions are up to date, you should check to see if there are any outdated or unused extensions. Hackers can piggyback on these extensions into your website.

So, preferably create a list of all the extensions and non-core components of your Joomla website. Go to Joomla Vulnerability Database to cross verify the vulnerability status of all the items on your list.

This task may feel like time-consuming, but it will help you root out possible security threats. Set up a time every week for this checking.

4. Go for a reputed and secure Web Host

While choosing a host for your website, don’t just look at the payment plans. It is one place where you shouldn’t try to save. A web host needs to have a robust architecture with security features configured for Joomla websites. A secure web host gives your website an additional layer of protection.

Secure The Walls

After strengthening the core of the website, you need to secure the various components and features of your website. The various ways in which it can be done are described here:

  1. Regularly backup the website

While choosing a web host, check if regular backups are a part of the package you’ve chosen. If that’s not the case, use a reliable backup tool to create a backup of your website. You can set it for automatic back up.

It’s not enough if you just automate the backup. You need to check the backup once in three months to ensure that all the data has been correctly archived.

2. Disable error reporting option


You may wonder how error reporting can weaken your website defense. The reports could provide hackers with details of the vulnerabilities in your website. So, by disabling this option, you are preventing them from accessing this information.

To disable this option, go to System – Global configuration and navigate to the Server tab. Scroll to Error reporting and set it to None.

3. Use .htaccess file

Joomla has a preconfigured htaccess.txt file. Change it to .htaccess file in the root. By renaming this file, you enable search for search engine optimized URLs. This file has rules by which the URLs can be accessed and provide a layer of security to your website.

4. Install VPN or https access in the administrator folder

Installing VPN or https access in your administrator folder can prevent hackers from observing the traffic and identifying usernames or passwords. Installing an SSL certificate on your website will also enhance the security.

Station a Sentinel at the Gate

A very important part of security is to ensure access only to authorized users. Your website can be secured by preventing unauthorized access using the following methods:

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  1. Use an alternative user name for admin login

In most cases, developers use the common “admin” or “administrator” for the super administrator login. Hackers now just need to find the password to enter your website.

But, if you use an alternate user name, which is difficult to identify, then the hacker needs to find both the username and password to hack the site. So, a simple change of the account name can add a layer of security for your website.

2. Check the password strength of the admin login

Follow the basic rules of creating a password – use uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. For the best security, use long text passwords that are difficult to unravel.

3. Use a 2-step authentication process

A 2-step authentication process will add an extra layer of security. When you log onto your Joomla admin account, you will get a special code in the associated phone number. You need to enter that code to access the account. So, if anyone tries to access your account, you will get a notification.

Block Alternate Routes of Entry and Exit

Hackers may not always use the regular account logins to access a website. They may find the backdoor to enter the website. So, it is important to bar all other possible routes of entry to the website.

  1. Check file and directory permissions

When a website is being built and tested, access is provided to many people. In some cases, access may be provided to a tester to check a bug or a developer to make some change.


Sometimes, there could be logins created for employees who are no longer working in your company. Over time, these logins will be forgotten. But, they can become entry points for hackers. So, you need to regularly check the file and folder permissions to prevent unauthorized access or changes.

The easiest way to check and eliminate these unwanted access points is by setting up a firewall extension. Second is manually checking and fixing all the permissions. We shall see more in detail about firewall extensions, later in this blog.

2. Remove old admin users

Another possible point of entry for hackers is old admin accounts. These accounts may be created for various purposes. If they are no longer employed or don’t require complete access, then these accounts need to be removed.

To remove old admins, go to the User Manager section and filter using administrators and super administrators. Check for accounts that are no longer required and delete them. While checking, you also should check if there are any unexpected names in the administrator or super administrator list.

Sometimes hackers use a normal account to access your website and then update that account to an administrator or super administrator account.

3. Remove unused non-core extensions

Extensions that are no longer being used can also serve as entry points for hackers. However, to prevent any unexpected problems, first disable the extension. If there are no adverse effects on the website, go ahead and delete them.

Position Guards on the Towers

Guards on towers lookout for possible sources of threat. Similarly, you need to have guards to keep a watch on possible cyber threats. A few ways in which you can identify threats are:

1. Sign up for Security notifications from Joomla

It will be easier to secure your Joomla website if you can get a heads up on the changes or updates in the Joomla core and extensions.

Joomla sends two kinds of email notifications – one when any vulnerability is discovered in the core and second when a vulnerability is discovered in the extensions or non-core components. Update your email address in Joomla Core Security Notifications to receive email notifications.

2. Set up an application firewall

A firewall will analyze all the incoming traffic and identify possible sources of threats or cyber-attacks. Firewalls can be customized to prevent access from certain geographical locations or IP addresses.

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To make the most of the firewall, carefully go through the documentation and features. You can also use a cloud-based firewall.



It is important to incorporate security features right from the time when the design and architecture are conceptualized. Security features should be evaluated while selecting the framework, web host, content management system, and all the other components of a website.

By doing all this from the start, the core of the website can be secured. After that, other security features can be added to the website.

If you are planning to build a website, go for a team of developers who are experienced in building Secure Joomla websites and enhancing its security features. The team should also be able to help you with regular updating and maintenance.

To work with the best team of developers and designers to build your secure Joomla website, contact Probytes. We are a leading website development company that can help take care of all your website creation requirements.

15 Top Trending Web Development Techniques to Watch Out In 2020

The web development domain is continually evolving and growing. These emerging trends are derived from various technologies in artificial intelligence, big data, programming languages, and more. Website owners need to update themselves regarding the top trending web development techniques in 2020 to upgrade their websites.

These latest trends not only affect the look and feel of the website but also its performance.


This blog will explore trending web development techniques in 2020. Check to see if your website has all these advanced technologies and features.

1. Progressive Web Applications


Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) started getting popular last year and is fast gaining traction this year. This technology involves leveraging the quintessential HTML5 in developing web applications that look and function both like a website and a mobile application.

PWAs feature an application shell structure to load fast even at lower internet speeds. They are built with Transport Layer Security, which ensures privacy and data security.

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The highlight of PWAs is that they work even offline. These web apps can be accessed directly from the mobile home screen by clicking on the icon and don’t require to be downloaded.

2. Artificial Intelligence

15 Top Trending Web Development Techniques to Watch Out In 2020-AI

AI is one of the top web development techniques in 2020. The current trend is not just integrating AI-solutions in websites, but using Artificial Intelligence to build websites.

Artificial Intelligence solutions are increasingly being used to boost operations, influence sales, engage customers, and generate insights for analysis. AI-based technology is used for analyzing emotions of customer comments. This information is used to drive better customer engagement.

It is also used to send personalized notifications to customers and optimize websites and applications for voice search. AI and neural networks are used to ensure copyright protection in social media platforms.

Artificial Intelligence is also being used to counter and prevent cyber threats. A forecast by Statista states that AI will be used for the following functions by 2025:

  • Recognizing, classifying, and tagging static images and objects
  • Processing patient data
  • Predictive maintenance
  • Content distribution on social media platforms
  • Navigation
  • Text query of images
  • Automatically detecting geophysical features

3. Programming Languages


Developers need to update themselves about the latest programming languages. C, Java, C#, and JavaScript are programming languages that form the core of millions of web applications that are still in vogue.

With the development of Artificial Intelligence, Python started gaining popularity. It is still one of the top programming languages and will continue to be so in the coming years.

JavaScript will still continue to be the most preferred computing language for front-end website development. A new language in the block is Golang from Google. This open-source programming language can also be used to build websites.

4. Web Assembly


WASM or Web Assembly refers to a small, fast binary format that is used to build client-side apps, games, music, and video streaming applications, CAD applications, and high-speed web apps. This low-level byte code can be generated using programming languages such as Rust, C, and C++.

The byte code directly runs in a browser. A web assembly integrates into a web platform and helps harness the hardware capabilities. It also supports non-browser embedding.

5. Single-page Applications


Single-page Applications or SPA’s have been around for a few years now and will still continue to be popular in the coming years.

This web development technique involves dynamically rewriting the current page displayed on the screen instead of loading a new page from the server.

This method allows visitors to explore the entire website without having to navigate. SPAs also adapt to all devices, enhancing the website’s responsiveness.

6. Motion User Interface


You just have 9 seconds to capture the attention of your website visitor and keep them on the website. It is this short attention span that spurred the use of animation and interactive graphics to grab a visitor’s attention.

Motion user interface includes the use of background graphics, attractive headers, animated charts, hovers, and other animation elements. This emerging website development technology is expected to gain momentum in 2020.

7. API-first Design


Traditionally, the backend team works first on the API and then the front-end development team receives it. When developers follow this process, it takes a long time to build a website.

The API-first design focuses on first developing the API and then building the product over it. This technique not only makes the web development process faster but also reduces the need to re-write codes.

It streamlines the development process and makes it more efficient to build APIs for different platforms and portals.

8. Accelerated Mobile Pages


Accelerated Mobile Pages (ACP) is an open-source library that is used to build lightweight, secure, and responsive web pages. ACP’s load faster as they are built using restricted CSS, HTML, JavaScript codes.

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Though modular and responsive designs are also popularly used, Accelerated Mobile Pages will continue to trend in 2020.

9. Neural Networks

15 Top Trending Web Development Techniques to Watch Out In 2020-neural-networks

Neural Networks are a subset of Artificial Intelligence. This neural network technology uses the principle of searching for dependent relationships and matches. It needs time for self-learning, but the chances of errors are less.

This trend is just in the nascent stage now and is expected to see huge developments in the future. In the coming years, we could probably see complete website solutions being developed using Neural Networks.

10. Internet of Things


Internet of Things (IoT) connects smart devices, gaming consoles, smart vehicles, enterprise apps, smart homes, wearables, and websites in one comprehensive network.

Businesses and service providers need to have seamless connectivity across all portals and platforms to deliver the best user experience.

A study by Statista shows that nearly 31 billion devices will be connected together by the end of this year. This means that websites and applications need to be developed keeping IoT as the base.

11. Static Site Generators


Static Site Renders or Generators is another emerging trend that is posed to go big in 2020. These generators counter balance the effect created by the motion user interface.

Static site renders are best for news portals, university websites, government websites, and similar sites. In such sites, animation doesn’t add any value to the website and only distracts the visitors.

Also, the addition of animation elements could reduce the page load speed, which is not preferable. In such cases, developers can use Hugo, Jekyll, and similar generators to build static websites quickly and easily.

12. Voice Search

15 Top Trending Web Development Techniques to Watch Out In 2020-voice-search

It is projected that nearly 50% of all search queries will be done using voice commands in 2020. The increasing use of voice search means two things for website owners.

One is to optimize the website for voice searches. Second, is to make the website mobile friendly as most voice search happens on portable devices. It is very easy to add voice recognition APIs and widgets to your website.

13. Frameworks

15 Top Trending Web Development Techniques to Watch Out In 2020-frameworks

When we talk about the top trending website development techniques in 2020, we shouldn’t miss out on frameworks. Structure-oriented JavaScript frameworks such as Vue and React are still the top used frameworks.

GatsbyJS is a React-based framework that is used to generate static sites. CSS libraries are still the popular choice for front-end development. Another popular framework that we can expect to see more in 2020 is Bootstrap.

14. Chatbots


Gartner reports that around 85% of online customer conversations will take place without human intervention by 2020. AI-powered chatbots have already started taking over this part of customer relationship management.

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Powered by neural networks and machine learning, chatbots will soon gain human-like conversation techniques. Virtual assistants like Alexa, Siri, and Cortana are already helping businesses engage with customers through verbal communication.

Chatbots not only communicate with customers who have queries but also help generate leads and expand the customer base. This year will see more personalization of chatbot conversations.

15. Adaptability

-15 Top Trending Web Development Techniques to Watch Out In 2020adaptability

A survey by Statista reports that mobile data traffic is growing at a compound rate of 46%. This means that websites should be responsive and adapt to different devices and platforms.

Headless CMS allows developers to build websites and applications using their favorite frameworks and tools and have complete control over the application lifecycle.


Probytes is a leading web development company that has nearly a decade of experience in building customized websites for clients across the globe. We have a team of talented and experienced developers who stay updated about the latest web development techniques.

If you want to incorporate any of the top web development techniques in 2020 on your website, contact us for a consultation.

Amazon AWS Vs Microsoft Azure Vs Google Cloud- which is better?

Cloud Service has many benefits, including storage and backup, security, scalability, agility, affordability, and easy access. This is why all businesses are now adopting Cloud-based solutions.

The Cloud market is dominated by three huge vendors – Amazon, Microsoft, and Google. Each of these Cloud solutions has a robust infrastructure and reliable services. The question that most enterprises face is not whether to go for Cloud or not, but which Cloud provider to choose.

Amazon AWS Vs Microsoft Azure Vs Google Cloud- which is better-Azure-Cloud

In this blog on Amazon AWS vs Microsoft Azure vs Google Cloud, we will look into detail about the battle of the Cloud. Let’s look into each of these Cloud vendors in detail in this blog so you can identify the best Cloud provider for your organization.

Amazon AWS

AWS or Amazon Web Services was first released in 2002 and later re-launched in 2006. The first entrant in the Cloud Computing domain, AWS offers a host of customized Cloud-based services to its clients.

Amazon AWS Vs Microsoft Azure Vs Google Cloud- which is better-aws

It is now available in 69 Availability Zones in 22 geographical locations. Its chief offerings are Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). AWS also enables creation of private IP addresses, subnets, route table, and network gateways.

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This Cloud Service from Amazon also features managed databases, data pipeline tools, development and management tools, Cloud storage, and machine learning.

AWS Elastic Compute Cloud enables both load balancing (ELB) and auto-scaling. Load balancing across instances amps up the performance of the Cloud while the auto-scaling feature enables up scaling or downscaling the ELB according to requirement.

Also, AWS allows you to use custom or pre-configured virtual machines. Based on your storage and networking requirements, you can decide on the size, number, power, and memory capacity of the virtual machines.

In terms of storage, AWS offers Simple Service Storage (S3), Elastic Compute Storage (EC2), and hybrid storage. Plus, it offers both public and private clouds as well as temporary storage.

Data is transferred using import/export disk, snowball edge, and snowmobile. AWS has automatic disaster recovery and all the data is backed up in Object Storage, Archive, Cold storage, and storage gateway. AWS has a Direct Connect private network connection and Virtual Private Cloud networking.

Authentication and Authorization of AWS are handled by Identity and Access management. It has Cognito identity management and Web Application firewall. Shield offers Cloud service protection.

Microsoft Azure

A product of Microsoft, Azure was launched in 2010. It is available in 162 Availability zones spread across 54 geographical locations. The services offered by Azure include PaaS, IaaS, SaaS, and hybrid services.

Amazon AWS Vs Microsoft Azure Vs Google Cloud- which is better-Azure

Designed to support both Windows and Linux, this Cloud computing platform is suitable for organizations that are already using Microsoft solutions.

A computer system called Virtual Hard Disk can be configured for deploying Azure Cloud solutions. Users can define the number of cores and memory capacity of the Virtual Hard Disk.

In terms of storage, Azure has Black Bob object storage, Cool and Archive storage. It also has a hybrid storage named StorSimple. Azure has automatic protection and disaster recovery – site recovery.

Data transfer happens via import/export and Azure Data Box. Azure features Express Route direct private network connection and virtual networking. VPN gateway enables cross-premises connectivity.

Active Directory handles authentication and authorization in Azure while Application Gateway acts as a Firewall. DDoS protection service and storage service encryption are the other security features available in Microsoft Azure.

Google Cloud

Google released the Cloud platform in 2008. It offers Serverless platform in addition to IaaS and PaaS. Google Cloud is classified into various platforms such as Google Cloud Datastore, Google Big Query, Google App Engine, Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage, and Google Cloud SQL.

Amazon AWS Vs Microsoft Azure Vs Google Cloud- which is better-cloud

Google Cloud also offers different networking services such as Cloud DNS, Virtual private cloud, Cloud CDN, and Load Balancing. Users can launch virtual machines in any of the Availability regions using the Google Compute Engine.

This Cloud solution offers services such as extended OS support, live migration of virtual machines, and greater number of instances with higher number of cores, persistent disks, and load balancing.

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In terms of storage, Google Cloud has Cloud storage, Egnyte Sync hybrid storage, as well as Nearline and Coldline archive storage. Bulk data transfer is done via Storage Transfer Service.

Google Cloud has Subnet virtual networking and Cloud VPN cross-premises connectivity. Fortigate Next-generation Firewall takes care of Google Cloud security. As for the authentication and authorization, Cloud IAM and Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy take care of them.

Table of Comparison – Amazon AWS vs Microsoft Azure vs Google Cloud

The below table compares all the essential features and services of the three top Cloud providers – AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.

Feature Amazon AWS Microsoft Azure Google Cloud
Initial Release 2002 (again re-launched in 2006) 2010 2008
Vendor Amazon Microsoft Google
Services Offered Software as s Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) Serverless platform, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS)
Cache Elastic Cache Redis Cache Cloud CDN
Geographical Locations 22 54 20
Virtual Machine (VM) EC2 Azure Virtual Machines Compute Engine
Maximum no. of processors in VMs 128 128 96
Maximum memory capacity of VMs 3904 GiB 3800 GiB 1433 GiB
Authentication Directory Service, Single Sign-on, IAM Active Directory, Multifactor authentication Cloud IAM and Cloud IAP
Administration System Manager, Personal Health Dashboard, Application Discovery Service Log Analytics, Resource Health, Storage Explorer, Operations Management Suite Cloud Console
Object Storage S3 with broad compatibility Black Blob Storage offers CLI, Powershell, and REST access Cloud Storage that offers immediate access from any storage class
File Storage EFS (10 GB/sec) Azure hybrid files Filestore that is integrated with Kubernetes
Archive (Cold) Storage Glacier Archive Long-term Storage Cold Line and Near Line
SQL Database Aurora, RDS SQL Database, Database for PostgreSQL, Database for MySQL Cloud Spanner, Cloud SQL
No SQL Database DyamoDB Table Storage, Cosmos DB Cloud Datastore, Cloud Bigtable
Data Transfer Transfer to Cloud happens via Snowball Transfer to Cloud happens via Import/Export service Storage transport service
Peering Direct Connect Express Route Google Cloud Interconnect
DNS Amazon Route 53 Azure DNS Google Cloud DNS
Auto Scaling Integrated and seamless auto scaling occurs across the network Machine metrics triggers auto scaling Google offers bi-directional auto scaling with auto healing and auto updating
Managed Data Warehouse Redshift SQL warehouse Big Query
GIT Repositories AWS source Azure source Cloud source
Function as a Service Offered by Amazon Lambda, which is an ecosystem consisting of integrations Azure Functions, which consists of all functions from coding to deployment. Portable Google Cloud Functions, which integrates with other Google Cloud services
Platform as a Service Elastic Beanstalk Cloud Services Google App Engine
Container as a Service EKS – contains and supports hybrid container deployments Fully-managed Azure Kubernetes, which offers enterprise-managed deployment Google Kubernetes CaaS Engine
Serverless Functions Lambda Azure Functions Google Cloud Functions
Docker Management ECS Container Service Google Container Engine
Hybrid Cloud Available Available Not Available
Search Cloud Search Azure Search Not Available
Content Delivery CloudFront CDN Cloud CDN
App Testing Device Farm DevTest Labs Cloud Test Labs
Cloud Management Management console, systems manager Portal, cost management, Policy Stackdriver
API Management Cloud source repositories Azure API gateway Cloud endpoints
Application Lifecycle Management CodePipeline, CodeStar Team Studio, Visual Studio, Not Available
Security Shield, Macie, Guard Duty, WAF Security Center Cloud Security, Scanner, Cloud DLP
Virtual Network VPC VNet Subnet
Big Data and Analytics Kinesis, Redshift, EMR, Athena HDInsight, Windows Azure Table, Stream Analytics, Big Query, Cloud Datastore, Hadoop, Cloud Dataflow, Cloud Dataproc
AI/ML Tools SageMaker, Rekognition, Translate, Transcribe, TensorFlow, DeepLens, Lex, Polly, Comprehend, Deep Learning Machine Learning, Cognitive Service, Azure Bot Service Cloud ML Enine, Cloud Natural Language, Cloud Video Intelligence, Dialogflow Enterprise Edition, Cloud Speech API, Cloud Translation API
IoT Greengrass, IoT button, IoT Device, IoT-1 click, Free RTOS, oT Core IoT Hub, IoT Edge, Time Series Insights, Stream Analytics Cloud IoT Core
Third Party Services and Software Available in Amazon Marketplace Available in Microsoft Marketplace Available in Cloud Launcher Partner Directory
Purchase Models Reserved, Spot, On-demand Short-term and on-demand Sustain use, On Demand
Pricing Models Rounded to per second Rounded to per minute (monthly or pre-paid options) Rounded to per minute (minimum of ten minutes)
Management & Monitoring Trusted Advisor Advisor Cloud Platform Security
Major Clients Netflix, BMW, Airbnb, MI, Unilever, Samsung HP, Fujifilm, Honeywell, Apple, Johnson Controls PayPal, HSBC, Bloomberg, Dominos, 20th Century Fox
Strengths Dominate the market, has extensive offerings, and supports large organizations and enterprises Hybrid Cloud with open-source support, integration with MS software and tools Offers portability and open-source support, suitable for Cloud-native businesses, Flexible contracts
Weakness Requires in-depth training and difficult to use, costs high Management tools not comprehensive Fewer features compared to other two vendors


The Amazon AWS vs Microsoft Azure vs Google Cloud has shown us the top features, functions, strengths, and weakness of these three leading Cloud Service providers. Each of these vendors is strong in certain attributes and not so much in a few others.

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If you are looking for a Cloud-service provider who has been in the market for the longest time and has the highest number of regions, availability zones, and services, then Amazon AWS wins hands down. On the other hand, if you are looking for a Cloud provider that has been growing at a very fast rate and has budget-friendly pricing models, then Google Cloud is the best option.

However, most organizations already use Microsoft suite and tools, which makes integration with Microsoft Azure the best choice. Based on our comparison and an evaluation of your Cloud storage requirements, you can choose the best Cloud provider for your organization.

In conclusion, you need to go for a Cloud provider that doesn’t just have the “best” tag in the market, but one that meets and satisfies all your requirements.

Top 18 Cloud-Based Web Development Tools 2020

Cloud-based web development has been gaining popularity in the web development industry over the last few years. Globalization of the workforce and diversification of the work process have been instrumental in driving the development of Cloud-based services.

In this blog, we will delve into the top 20 Cloud-based web development tools of 2020. But before we do it, let’s find out more about the advantages of using a Cloud-based system.

Advantages of Using Cloud-Based Web Development Tools

  • Reduced costs

The first advantage of going Cloud is that it reduces investment in equipment, storage facility, and security. Also, you don’t have to make a huge investment upfront. Most Cloud-based systems have a pay-as-you-go option. So, you only pay for the resources that you use.

  • Scalability

When you’re working with a traditional server, scaling up can be a humongous task. Also, every time you scale, you need to format the entire system and also hold work until the task is completed.


However, with a Cloud-based system, you don’t have to worry about all these nitty-gritty details. You can quickly and easily scale any part of the application, without affecting the remaining parts.

  • Backup and Disaster Recovery

A Cloud-based system is less prone to damage as the entire database is stored in a Cloud. Cloud-service providers also regularly backup the data, so you don’t have to worry about the loss of data.

  • Customized Service Models

Cloud systems are available as Platform as a Service (Paas), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and lots of other models. You can choose a model based on your specifications and requirements.

  • Beyond Geographical Boundaries

The top benefit of using a Cloud-based system is that your work is not bound by geographical boundaries. Developers and designers from any part of the world can work in tandem on a Cloud-based system.

Top 20 Cloud-based Web Development Tools

1. JS Fiddle

JS Fiddle is an online editor that supports a range of extensions and frameworks including Knockout.js, AngularJS Ember, Dojo.js, Fabric JS, D3, Create JS, Paper.js, ExtJS, Three.js, Underscore, Lo-Dash, Bonsai, Brik, Vue, qooxdoo, JSBlocks, and Processing.js. It supports web snippets for JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

2. Koding

Koding is a web-based platform that has an integrated development environment (IDE). It allows you to create a growth environment and also easily add new developers to the existing team. This platform allows developers to build the entire application and run it on the Cloud before publishing it.

The social network on this platform enables developers and other stakeholders to communicate. Koding supports a host of programming languages including C, Go, Ruby, JavaScript, C++, Python, Perl, Java, and PHP. Developers can create apps for WordPress, Django, Laravel, Docker, Android, iOS, iPhone, and HTML5. This platform also has investigative tools that help identify bugs and errors.

3. Moqups

This Cloud-based HTML5 development app enables developers to build mockups, prototypes, UI concepts, and wireframes. The objects are placed on the left sidebar of the platform. These objects can be easily dragged and dropped in the wireframe.

4. Ruby Fiddle

Ruby Fiddle enables users to build Ruby snippets using Vim and Emacs key bindings. It also allows developers to share Ruby scripts online.

5. Php Fiddle

This Cloud-based development platform has a sandbox that contains both a web IDE and a PHP environment. It allows coders to create and test PHP code snippets. The four modules are PHPFiddle Lite, PHPFiddle CliRun, PHPFiddle Main, and PHPFiddle Mobile.

This platform has PHP libraries, programming resources, and an execution environment. Coders can create codes online using HTML, JavaScript, or HTML programming languages on this platform.

The widgets available on this coding platform are code search, encoding and decoding, and run PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript codes.

6. Dabblet

Dabblet is an excellent web development tool for beginners. This interactive web development platform created by Lea Verou is designed for CSS coding and code sharing. It also enables developers to seamlessly switch from HTML to CSS while coding.

The prefix-free coding option enables coders to create CSS codes without any prefixes. Also, after the code is created, developers can save it in the Github gist, share with others, or embed in websites. It also allows for live testing with instant results.

7. Python Fiddle

Python Fiddle is an IDE Cloud-based platform that features a Python console, which enables developers to import snippets from any other website and run the code on any browser.

Developers can also link solutions from Stackoverflow. The code auto-completion feature makes coding easy. This platform also has a syntax highlighter, which is another benefit for coders. This platform supports asciitable, jinja2, algopy, mako, ply, milk, and other Python packages.

8. SQL Fiddle

SQL Fiddle is a Cloud-based platform that is used to compare and contrast SQL statements from the back ends of various databases. It is also used for testing queries.

The left-handed panel has options to create views, tables, and database structures, and insert test data. The right-handed panel has options to insert SQL statement. Though installing each database can take some time and effort, it allows for a seamless comparison of multiple databases.

Features such as accountability, high code value, fast resume, easy maintenance, and easy transition to cumulative workload make this platform the best option for SQL-based development tasks.

9. Vertabellow

This SQL development platform can be used to design and build database models for IBM DB2, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL, SQLite, and other top vendors. It has a user-friendly interface with version tracking and involuntary redeemable models.

If you already have an existing database, then you can import it from XML or SQL. Importing can also be done using the reverse engineering tool. Once the SQL model is designed, generate the SQL script or ready-to-use code for SQLAlchemy, Propel, or jOOQ ORMs.

This platform can also be used to generate a database access layer for mobile platforms such as iOS and Android.

10. Soasta

Soasta is a conventional tool that can be used to investigate and evaluate capacity tests and presentations using real user monitoring technology. It also has an efficient source code management system.

This testing platform allows developers to evaluate the function and performance of the application with actual users. Everyday testing of the entire product or only the newly added components can be done using an assortment of users.

11. Cloud 9

With Cloud 9 web development platform, coders can create node.js, Ruby, Python, PHP, and HTML applications. This online code editor has a full Ubunto workspace that is powered by Docker Ubuntu containers.

Developers can directly deploy the code on Cloud Foundry, on-premises servers, Windows Azure, and Heroku. It also allows for offline coding. After the coding is completed, the platform synchronizes the local copies with the Cloud copies.

The chat option allows communication amongst developers working on the platform.

12. Browser Stack

Browser Stack is designed for both manual and automated code testing on various browsers in real time. The results obtained from testing on various browsers can be compared.

This platform also allows for native testing on private servers. With one click, a screenshot of the pages can be captured to analyze the bugs and correct the code.

13. ProtoShare

ProtoShare is a Cloud-based prototype building platform, which can also be used to create mockups of websites and apps.

The platform has a wide range of fonts, colors, shapes, and other interface elements that can be used to create the prototype. Changes can be made based on the feedback received from all the stakeholders.

14. Codio

Codio can be described as a browser that supports multiple programming languages including Go, JavaScript, C, C++, CSS, Java, and HTML.

This platform highlights syntaxes in C, C++, Go, Java, and JavaScript while it has auto completion options for CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. This IDE platform also supports Ubuntu for code testing. Features such as browser integration and project sharing enhance cooperative work.

15. ShiftEnd

ShiftEnd is a Cloud-based web development tool that lets you easily import files from DropBox, Amazon S3, Google Drive, FTP, SFTP, and WebDAV. If offers PHP code assist, code auto completion, syntax checking, real-time syntax debugging, jump-to-line brackets, and offline support.

The best feature of this platform is that you can go back to the previous version of the file at any point in time. The Bug tracker feature helps you identify bugs in the code and correct them.

16. Go Playground

This Cloud editor is specially designed for Go programming language. The platform compiles the code, runs it in a sandbox and gives the output. It also has an option to work offline. Go Playground has basics, methods and interfaces, concurrency, and flow control statements for seamless coding.

17. Codenvy

With Codenvy, developers can build applications using JavaScript, Ruby, Go, Java, C++, PHP, or Python. It also has an option to import a project from a GIT repository.

This platform has a Docker-based development environment that enables coders to build environments and integrate the source-code manager. It also has an IDE and numerous debugging tools.

18. Codeanywhere

This web IDE has features such as real-time collaboration, file sharing, syntax highlighting, and lots more. It has code completing option for PHP, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Each developer will have a Terminal/Command Prompt. The platform enables the coder to SSH directly from the browser and compiles code without leaving the browser.

The Collaboration option allows developers to share code base with a group, request help from a colleague, or just allow others to view the code.


Web development is more than creating a framework or application for your online business module. It requires intensive research, the use of the latest tools and technologies, and continual interaction with the client to understand the business requirements and audience preferences.

At Probytes, we consider all these features and more to deliver customized website development solutions. Get in touch with us to know how we can help build your online presence.

Drupal Vs WordPress- All you Need to Know

Drupal Vs WordPress – It’s a point that all developers ponder over when they start strategizing a website development plan.

The content management system (CMS) is the backbone of the website, and hence deciding on the right one can determine the look and function of your website.


In this blog, we will look into the major similarities and differences between these two popular CMS.

Drupal Vs WordPress – Similar Features

Both Drupal and WordPress are open-source platforms that can be developed and customized as per your requirements. These two content management systems boast of a strong community of developers.

Read Also: Insane Features of WordPress 5.0 Gutenberg Editor

Another point of similarity is that the two CMS have user-friendly interfaces with propriety solutions. Also, both these platforms have that allow you to hard code templates or add schemas to the website framework.

Before we go into the technical details of Drupal Vs WordPress, let’s take a look at the famous websites that are powered by these content management systems.


Websites that have Drupal CMS


Websites that have WordPress CMS


Drupal Vs Word Press – The Differences


Drupal was launched in 2000 while WordPress was launched three years later in 2003. Though Drupal is an older system, WordPress seems to be the more popular one.

A market study shows that Drupal websites account for around 3 to 4% of global websites while WordPress supports around 35% of websites.

Interface and Learning Curve

While discussing the merits of WordPress Vs Drupal, the first thing that most developers talk about is the interface and its ease of use. WordPress is a beginners-friendly website, which means even those with nil or minimal coding knowledge can build a website using WordPress CMS.

However, you will need to have coding knowledge of HTML, CSS, and PHP while using Drupal. WordPress has WYSIWYG Theme Customizer and Gutenberg editor, which you can use to create a theme.

Another argument that Drupal is a little difficult for beginners is because of its Drupal nodes and relationships. A developer needs to have an in-depth understanding of the blocks, views, content types, and taxonomies to use the Drupal CMS.


While the WordPress CMS scores high in terms of user-friendly features, Drupal ups the ante with its security features. Statistics show that WordPress sites are more prone to hacks compared to Drupal sites.

Read Also: Why WordPress Rules the World of CMS?

However, the core of the WordPress website is quite secure. It is the plug-ins and extensions that are not coded properly, which could make your website vulnerable to cyber attacks. The latest version – Drupal 8 was released recently.


This version has more security features than the previous version of Drupal 6. Plus, it has community support. So, if you are already using a Drupal CMS or planning for it, go for the updated version.

While opting for Drupal CMS, if you go for Pantheon or Acquia hosting, you can also protect your website from server hacks.

Themes and Plug-ins

When it comes to themes and plug-ins, WordPress has the lead with nearly 6800 free themes. Drupal, on the other hand, has only about 2700 themes. Also, WordPress has a whooping 54,000 plug-ins whereas Drupal has nearly 42,000 plug-ins.

It’s not just the numbers that tilt the scales in favor of WordPress, but also the ease with which these themes, plug-ins, and extensions can be incorporated into the website framework. Integrating plug-ins and extensions in Drupal CMS is a little difficult and time-consuming.


When it comes to website loading speed, Drupal CMS is a clear winner. WordPress sites are also fast, but when we compare both, we find that Drupal sites are faster. When the loading speed is high, your website performs well on search engines and also ranks higher.

Mobile Interface

WordPress has a native mobile app that allows you to edit content right on the mobile device itself. This option is not available with Drupal as it doesn’t have a native mobile app. Other than this fact, both the content management systems have dedicated themes and interfaces for the mobile device.

Search Engine Optimization

Every website wants to rank high on the search engine results. With a higher loading speed, Drupal has a better performance on the search engines. But, WordPress is more mobile-friendly, which improves search engine ratings.


In terms of SEO, it is difficult to say which of the two platforms is the winner. However, WordPress has an edge because the margin of errors that could arise during development is lesser. This in turn, impacts the website’s performance on search engines.

Database and Code

In WordPress, the code and the database are regularly updated, approximately once in 3 to 4 months. When a release happens, WordPress automatically updates the database and code in the background without affecting your website.

However, you may have to update the plug-ins, if necessary. In Drupal, the code is not upgradable, but the database is. So, if there are any upgrades, then you may have to redesign the website and re-write the code if needed.

Flexibility and Customizability

WordPress has plenty of flexibility with customizable themes and extensions. Though Drupal also has plenty of themes and modules, finding the right one and customizing it for the website is a little daunting. Developers can easily explore the different themes and functions in a WordPress CMS.


In terms of functionality, Drupal is better suited for complex apps. It also has advanced functionality, which makes it a good option for enterprise websites that have multiple templates or page types.

The user permissions are also more advanced in Drupal than WordPress. Drupal allows you to customize content access to site admin, content editors, and other stakeholders. It enhances security and privacy.


The cost is the major determining factor. Both the content management systems are open source and free to download. However, you may have charges for customizations.

Read Also: 7 Reasons to Switch from Drupal To Yii

You will also incur expenses in building a website. If you are planning to outsource your website development, then you should know that Drupal developers charge higher than WordPress developers. It is because Drupal requires higher coding expertise than WordPress.


Drupal Vs WordPress – The Comparison Table

The below table will give you a summary of the differences between the two huge content management systems – Drupal and WordPress

Features Drupal WordPress
Installation Time 10 minutes 5 minutes
Free Themes Around 2700 Around 6800
Languages Nearly 100 Nearly 70
No. of plug-ins Approximately 42,000 Approximately 54,000
Requires coding skills Yes, requires basic knowledge of CSS, PHP, and HTML No
Ease of Use Moderate Easy
Security High Moderate
Loading Speed High Moderate
User Interface Tad difficult Easy to use
Responsive Design Responsive sizes can be set in the Image Style module functions.php file has the image sizes breakpoints
Suitable for Web applications and enterprise-level websites that require very high-security features Blog sites and simple websites


Drupal and WordPress, both have their own sets of pros and cons. You need to choose a content management system based on the web application that you are planning to develop.


Go for the Drupal CMS, if you are want to build an enterprise website with high security. Also, Drupal is an ideal choice if you are planning to hire a developer or outsource website development to a website development agency.

However, if you are looking for a simple and effective blog site or website, you can use the WordPress CMS. To customize the features of the WordPress CMS and enhance its security features, you can avail the services of a website development company.

How to Create a Website Using AI?

Over the last decade, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been slowly seeping into all domains and sectors including website development. The current trend is not just adding AI elements into website design and framework, but using Artificial Intelligence to create websites.

In this blog, we shall look into detail about AI, how it is related to website development, and various AI-based solutions that can help in building a website.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

From the name, we can easily infer that it is about a form of intelligence that is manmade or artificially created. This field of study involves creating machines and programs that think and function like humans.

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Machine Learning (ML) is a subset of AI and revolves around training machines to respond and function without human intervention. Over the last decade, the field of Artificial Intelligence has rapidly evolved, creating newer areas of study such as Deep Learning, Robotics, and lots more.

A global study by Accenture has found that the market for AI will be nearly $60 billion by 2025. In the year 2016, the global AI market was just around $1.4 million.


Another study has reported that the investment in startups based on Artificial Intelligence has gone up by 6 times since 2000. All these data point to the fact that AI will have a huge influence on every domain.

Artificial Intelligence in Website Development

The multifaceted development of Artificial Intelligence has enabled designers and developers to create websites using AI. This specialized field called Artificial Design Intelligence (ADI) is an offshoot of Machine Learning.

want-to-revolutionize-your-website-with-AI-contact-us (2)

In simple terms, it can be described as a Machine Learning technique that identifies the latest trends in website design and development and implements them on the website.

The complex ML algorithm is designed to “understand” the core design concepts and principles. The algorithm then “observe” the trends in other websites, puts together both the knowledge and the observation to create a website. In fact, fully functional websites can be built even without creating a template.

A few platforms that are experimenting with AI for website development are Wix, WordPress, The Grid, Adobe Sensei, GoDaddy, Bookmark, and Firedrop.

Facebook, Google, Amazon, IBM Watson, and more have built AI toolkits with Machine Learning and natural language understanding features. These toolkits are ready to use and just need to be plugged into web applications. We shall explore more about AI toolkits later in this blog.

Platforms like Webflow and Bookmark provide AI-assistance for website applications and graphic designers. The virtual design assistant helps designers by providing advice or recommendations on the design.

The platform also takes care of the repetitive tasks involved in the designing process, so that designers can focus on the creative side of the job.

Websites integrated with AI-based analytics solutions can personalize the content and the customer experience based on the demographics, audience type, user engagement, and other data.

In the next few years, we will see rapid development in Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS), which will include delivering AI and ML-based solutions for website development.

On the Positive Side – Advantages of Building Websites Using AI

There are numerous advantages to using Artificial Intelligence to build a website. A few of them are:

  • Deliver a personalized experience for the user
  • Enhance visitor experience
  • Plan more effective digital marketing campaign
  • Improve the website’s performance on search engines
  • Optimize website for voice and visual search
  • Reduce cost for building a website
  • Save on resources required to build a website
  • Get analytics on website performance, user experience, user activity, and more

What are AI toolkits?

AI toolkits can be described as ready-to-use AI solutions for website development. These tools and APIs are created in programming languages such as HTML, CSS, Java, Node.JS, C++, Ruby, and Python.

Read Also: 10 Ways Businesses Are Applying AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Website developers don’t need to have any knowledge of AI to integrate these AI components into the website framework.

However, they need to have a basic understanding of the AI lingo such as actions, intents, entities, and so on to maximize the function of the AI toolkits. These kits are designed to provide an overall function and are not for any specific function or task required for a particular website.

So, developers need to work on additional customization based on the website design and application. This customization can be a tad difficult as the developer needs to know the concept hierarchy and domain-specific knowledge.

To overcome this challenge, many of the companies offering AI toolkits also provide pre-designed models based on the target industry, domain, or sector.

For example, Microsoft LUIS offers pre-built domain models for websites dealing with movie ticket reservation, cab booking, restaurant booking, and such. Similarly, Dialogflow has models for hotels, restaurants, airlines, and coffee shop websites.

What are the Different Ways in which AI Can Be Used in Website Building?

To Build Chatbots

One of the first applications of AI in website creation was the development of chatbots. These bots are programmed to answer the common queries asked by customers when they visit a website. Chatbots are designed using natural language understanding and pattern recognition.


These AI tools learn from language patterns, feedback, and context. After answering the basic questions, the chatbots then direct the conversation to a customer care agent.

These bots reduce the need for a customer care person to deal with repetitive and commonly asked questions. On the other side, chatbots help improve customer interaction and reduce response time.

To Integrate Voice-based Interactions

Voice search is already going big and it is fast becoming important for websites to be optimized for voice search. Voice-based interaction tools can help websites deliver a better user experience.

To Create a Self-learning algorithm

Intelligent coding assistants can help programmers code an application quickly and easily. This assistant analyzes the code and suggests code snippets to complete the program. It also helps highlight syntaxes and update the database, saving time and effort for the developer.

Self-modifying codes can be created from scratch and deployed in relevant scenarios. The self-learning algorithm is capable to learn based on experience. It also offers personalized notifications and recommendations.

Read Also: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Revolutionize Web Development – Know-How?

An example for an intelligent coding assistant is Codota for Chrome. It suggests code completions and helps build predictive code models. It also recommends content based on the context.

This web-based IDE is used in StackOverflow and GitHub. Node Package Manager (NPM) and Github are a couple of pre-built, tested resources that can be used to create self-learning algorithms.

For Image Recognition

This AI tool recognizes partial and exact objects, locations, and images. It also helps identify duplicates. Google Lens and Google image search are based on this technology. Microsoft’s recognizes an image and suggests a relevant caption.

Suggest Personalized Recommendations and Notifications

AI-powered apps and tools can be used to offer personalized notifications and recommendations to website users. Content-based, user behavior-based, and user activity-based recommendations are suggested based on the user’s search on the website.

Amazon uses a collaborative product filtering classification feature that provides suggestions such as similar product, items often purchased together, or based on buddy recommendations. Netflix, on the other hand, uses visual impressions to offer recommendations.

To Assist Designers

AI virtual assistants gather all the relevant data and help the designer create layouts, mockups, and templates of a website.


They take over the repetitive tasks and also give recommendations based on trends, audience, demographics, and other pre-defined attributes. One of the popular AI assistants for designers is Adobe Sensei.

To Optimize the Website for Search Engines

Search engine optimization is one of the crucial steps in ensuring the performance of a website. Predictive engines designed based on AI principles identify errors in the website framework, which could reduce its performance on search engines.

These virtual assistants also help identify wrong content on the website and offer suggestions to optimize it. Market Brew is an AI-based platform that helps identify the best solutions to enhance a website’s performance on search engines.

To Automate Data Collection

AI-based analytics tools collect and collate all kinds of data such as demographics, user profile, page navigation, user activity, search history, and lots more.

All this data can be analyzed to identify user behavior and expectations. Website owners can use this information to improve their products/services and also deliver a better customer experience.

For Testing the Website

Repetitive and time-consuming testing tasks can be automated using AI solutions. For one, automated testing has a higher level of accuracy. Secondly, it also reduces manual hours required for testing.

On the Other Side – Cons of Using AI to Create a Website

A few of the cons of Artificial Intelligence are:

  • Job profiles such as graphic design, mobile application design, and web design could be replaced by smart machines, leading to a job crunch
  • AI-based tools and solutions automatically gather data on customer behavior, online searches, page navigation, and such, which could lead to privacy issues
  • Though chatbots and other AI tools help improve customer interaction, they are impersonal, which can create a gap between the user and the website


However, there’s no way but forward. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are changing the website development landscape in many ways. Website owners need to take advantage of this emerging trend and implement it on their websites.

The pros will definitely be an added advantage for the business owners and the cons should be addressed as soon as possible. At Probytes, we take pride in the fact that we constantly update ourselves about the latest trends and developments in website designing and development.

Our aim is to create high-performing and attractive websites for our clients. To find out more about the website development services we offer, contact us today.

Top 15 Free Game Websites

Love creating and designing games? Make your passion to fund your dreams by building a customized game website. There are numerous gaming websites out there on the internet.

Let’s check out the top 15 free game websites and find out their features and technologies. Based on all the information, you can decide on the features, functions and design of your gaming website.

1. Twitch

Global rank: 58

Twitch is a live streaming platform where online players can search for games by categories and live channels.

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Features of the Game Website:

  • The most popular categories are action, adventure game, card and board games, compilation, driving game, flight simulator, educational games and more
  • Players can also chat with other online players
  • A few of the popular online games on this website are League of the Legends, Fortnite, World Warcraft, Dota 2, Apex Legends, Hearthstone, Minecraft, FIFA 20, Grand Theft Auto V, Overwatch and Dead by Daylight

Technologies Used in the Game Website:

  • Facebook Domain Insights
  • Fastly real-time web traffic analytics
  • Ruby on Rails framework
  • Nginx and Varnish web servers

2. Roblox

Global rank: 68

Roblox is one of the top entertainment sites for people aged below 18 years.

Features of the Game Website:

  • This website has more than 2.7 million users
  • It can be accessed on PC and MAC devices, Android and iOS phones, Amazon devices, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and Xbox One
  • Users can register and download Roblox for free but may have to pay for extra privileges, customisation and upgrades
  • Parents can use account settings with 4-digit PIN setting to secure their child’s accounts

Technologies Used in the Game Website:

  • Pingdom Real User Monitoring
  • Arkose Labs for fraud prevention
  • comScore audience measurement
  • Google Analytics
  • Facebook Domain Insights
  • ASP.NET and PHP frameworks
  • OSS Content Delivery Network
  • jQuery
  • DOSarrest web hosting
  • IIS and Nginx web server

3. Nintendo

Global rank: 244

This official website gives you complete information about Nintendo gaming systems, games, support and lots more.

Features of the Game Website:

  • Visitors can explore the website to find out about the latest releases in Nintendo games and gaming systems
  • Users can play fun Nintendo games and enjoy the activities on the website
  • Online players can join the free rewards program My Nintendo to play games, redeem points and get rewards
  • This gaming portal can be assessed on desktop systems or any other Smart device

Technologies Used in the Game Website:

  • Mouseflow that generates heat maps of visitors scrolling, ignoring or clicking areas
  • Google Analytics
  • DoubleClick Floodlight to capture actions of visitors after they click advertisements
  • MediaMind campaign management analytics
  • Adjust mobile app tracking system
  • New Relic to monitor real-time user experience
  • ComScore
  • DoubleClick Floodlight
  • Yandex Metrika to analyse visitor behaviour and site performance
  • Shockwave Flash Embed framework

4. Mind Games

Global rank: 99,337

This website has tons of word, letter, puzzle and math games.

Features of the Game Website:

  • The categories available in this website are brain games, math games, puzzle games, word games, crosswords, Sudoku, memory games, card games and more
  • Users can play any game online by simply selecting the game

Technologies Used in the Game Website:

  • Omniture SiteCatalyst that provides real-time intelligence for creating online strategies
  • Omniture Adobe Test and Target to make content yield better conversion
  • AppDynamics application performance and management
  • Everest Technologies performance testing for Ecommerce
  • Adobe Marketing Cloud
  • Treasure Data to collect and analyse data in Cloud
  • Adobe Analytics
  • Mouseflow that generates heat maps of visitors scrolling, ignoring or clicking areas
  • Google Analytics
  • DoubleClick Floodlight to capture actions of visitors after they click advertisements
  • MediaMind campaign management analytics
  • Google Conversion Tracker
  • J2EE, PHP and Product Schema frameworks

5. Miniclip

Global rank: 7,383

It is one of the leading game websites that offers scores of online games to its visitors. Users can sign up for free to access the games on the website.

Features of the Game Website:

  • This website is available in nearly 15 languages
  • Registered players can create their avatar complete with outfits and accessories
  • This website has Android, iOS and Windows games
  • It has single player, 2 player and multiplayer games
  • Some of the popular game categories are action, adventure, fantasy, card, Christmas, fighting, football, golf, simulation, cricket, tennis, and more

Technologies Used in the Game Website:

  • Rapleaf marketing automation tool
  • Adjust mobile app tracking system
  • New Relic to monitor real-time user experience
  • Google Analytics
  • Facebook Domain Insights
  • Lotame Crowd Control data-driven marketing advertising program
  • PHP framework
  • Facebook CDN
  • GStatic Google Static Content
  • AJAX Libraries API
  • jQuery
  • Apache web server

6. Pogo

Global rank: 3,869

Pogo is a popular online gaming website that has online word games, card games, puzzle games and lots more.

Features of the Game Website:

  • Users will be able to access the games on the website only after they verify their age
  • It offers free online games for users; however, ads will pop up during the play
  • For ad-free gaming experience, online players can join Club Pogo
  • The website offers different sets of games for free players and Club Pogo players
  • Club Pogo players can participate in Tournaments
  • The popular game categories on this website are Puzzle, Card, Word, Board, Hidden Object, Bingo, Casino, Slots, Mahjong, Poker and more
  • The genres of games available on this gaming website are Strategy, Brain, Classic, Family and Multiplayer

Technologies Used in the Game Website:

  • Everest Technologies
  • Signal Distributed data management platform
  • Dotomi for practising user-level marketing program
  • MediaMath
  • Google Analytics
  • ComScore
  • DoubleClick Floodlight
  • Yandex Metrika to analyse visitor behaviour and site performance
  • Shockwave Flash Embed framework
  • Facebook CDN
  • AJAX Libraries API
  • CDN JS
  • Yahoo Image CDN

7. Addicting Games

Global rank: 26,389

Get addicted to online gaming with the plethora of online games available on this game website. It was launched in 2002 and has more than 10 million unique users.

Features of the Game Website:

The website has single player as well as multi-player games

  • It has more than 30 categories of games, including Puzzle, Action, Shooting, Zombie, Funny, Car, Strategy, Casino, Card, Sports and more
  • The game library has more than 4000 classic games
  • New games are added every week to the list of games
  • The website uses a Game Rating System to help identify the maturity level required to play the game
  • Game with adult or violent themes can be identified with the bomb icon

Technologies Used in the Game Website:

  • Google Analytics
  • Ubercart open source Ecommerce package
  • Cloudflare content delivery network
  • Drupal 7 content management system
  • Google Apps for Business, SPF and Amazon SES email hosting
  • Cloudflare hosting
  • Varnish web server

8. Big Fish Games

Global rank: 12,198

It is one of the popular game websites that has a diverse portfolio of casual online games. This website was launched in the year 2002 and operates from its headquarters in Seattle, Washington.

Read Also: 7 Kick-ass Games Built Using Python Language

Features of the Game Website:

  • The popular games on this website are Toy Story Drop!, Gummy Drop!, Cooking Craze, Big Fish Casino, Jackpot Magic Slots, Robin Hood Legends, Cascade, and Fairway Solitaire
  • The games are offered in genres such as Adventure, Puzzle, Hidden Object, Match 3, Casino and Strategy
  • Users can play games online or on iOS, Android and PC devices

Technologies Used in the Game Website:

  • Bazaarvoice that helps brands build online communities
  • WebTrends
  • Visual Website Optimizer that provides A/B, multivariate and split testing
  • Adobe Dynamic Tag Management
  • Adobe Analytics
  • Omniture SiteCatalyst
  • Adobe Marketing Cloud
  • Everest Technologies
  • Shockwave Flash Embed
  • PHP Framework
  • CloudFront content delivery network
  • Atlassian Cloud content management system
  • Adobe Experience Manager
  • Adobe CQ

9. Agame

Global rank: 14,129

This online gaming portal has more than 20,000 games for people of all ages.

Features of the Game Website:

  • Users can play games without any sign-in
  • The top game genres on this website are Action, Adventure, Puzzle, Girls, Racing and Sports
  • It also has a category New, where newly added games can be accessed
  • The Multiplayer category includes social games, MMO, 2-player games and multiplayer casino
  • The Girl genre has games such as Dress Up, Beauty Games, Caring, Love Games, Make Up, Cooking, Room Decoration and such

Technologies Used in the Game Website:

  • Krux Digital to monetize consumer data
  • Everest Technologies
  • Rapleaf
  • Adjust mobile tracking app
  • LiveRamp lead generation app
  • Netmining performance marketing
  • IgnitionOne conversion optimisation
  • OwnerIQ for targeted advertising
  • Zeotap identity and data platform
  • MediaMath
  • comScore
  • Google Analytics
  • Accelerated Mobile Pages
  • Cart Functionality
  • OpenResty and Shockwave Flash Embed frameworks
  • GStatic Google Static Content, CloudFront, AJAX Libraries API, jsDelivr CDNs

10. Boredgames

Global rank: 12,141,154

Feeling bored? Just play all your favourite online games on this gaming portal. However, users need to install a chrome extension to play the games.

Features of the Game Website:

  • The website has game genres such as racing games, strategy games, adventure games, puzzle games, and more
  • Users can also easily access the Newest Games on the side panel

Technologies Used in the Game Website:

  • Matomo open source web analytics software
  • Google Analytics software
  • PHP framework
  • Cloudflare Hosting
  • Namecheap Hosting
  • SPF email hosting
  • Apache web server

11. Play Retro Games

Global rank: 113,230

This website has a collection of retro games and 8-bit titles from the NES era.

Features of the Game Website:

  • This website supports 8-bit and 16-bit systems such as Genesis, Sega Master System, Nintendo NES & SNES as well as Arcade games
  • The game emulators are written using Flash technology and are compatible with most systems
  • The Game Systems offered on the website are Atari 2600, Atari 7800, Capcom, Coin Op Arcade, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Color, MAME and Atari Lynx.
  • The popular Nintendo NES retro games offered on this website are Shingen the Ruler, Tecmo NBA Basketball, 1942, Bram Stokers Dracula and Jammit – Street Sports
  • Capcom Games offered on this website are Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha, Street Fighter Zero, Ganbare! Marine Kun, Pnickies, Street Fighter III and more

Technologies Used in the Game Website:

  • Efficient Frontier performance marketing platform
  • Rapleaf
  • Google Analytics
  • Cart Functionality
  • PHP Framework
  • GStatic Google Static Content
  • Cloudflare CDN
  • CDN JS
  • Facebook CDN
  • jsDelivr
  • Google Search Appliance content management system

12. Arkadium

Global rank: 20,304

Arkadium is one of the top game websites as it is free to use and has a user-friendly interface to offer the best online gaming experience.

Features of the Game Website:                             

  • It offers games under the categories Card, Strategy, Word, Puzzles, Crossword, Math, Board, Hidden Object, Racing and Sudoku
  • The popular games on this website are Word Wipe Word Search Game, Mahjongg Candy, Outspell Spelling Game, Spider Solitaire, Free Online Solitaire and Bridge Classic

Technologies Used in the Game Website:

  • Hubspot marketing software
  • Visual Website Optimizer
  • Microsoft Application Insights
  • Google Analytics
  • Shockwave Flash Embed frameworks
  • ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET framework
  • Akamai content delivery network
  • jQuery
  • IIS and Nginx web server

13. Poki

Global rank: 4,346

This website is perfect for online players who love playing mobile games using a keyboard and a mouse. The games can be played without installing an emulator.

Features of the Game Website:

  • The top genres are Sports games, Board games, Action games, Girl games, Arcade games and Racing games
  • The versatile game library features more than 1000 games
  • The website has more than 30 million gamers from all parts of the world
  • The website also has a category “Poki Kids” that has free games for kids
  • Poki Kids includes cooking games, car games, puzzle games, pet games, LEGO games, Disney games, Hello Kitty games and lots more for children

Technologies Used in the Game Website:

  • Mixpanel analytics platform
  • Google Optimize 360
  • Facebook Domain Insights
  • comScore
  • MediaMind
  • Google Conversion Tracking
  • Cart Functionality
  • Cloudflare, CloudFront, JS and AJAX Libraries API Content Delivery Networks
  • jQuery
  • Google, Google Cloud and Cloudflare web hosting
  • Google Apps for Business email hosting
  • nginx web server

14. Free Online Games

Global rank: 85,892

This website has 1000s of free online games in various genres that are categorised under more than 100 tags.

Features of the Game Website:

  • This website has games under the categories Adventure, Defense, Driving, Flying, Girl, Puzzle, Sport, Shooter, Stunt, Car, Fighting, Logic, Strategy, Dress Up, and more
  • It has single player as well as multiplayer games
  • The website is available in more than 30 languages

Technologies Used in the Game Website:

  • Rapleaf
  • Efficient Frontier
  • Everest Technologies
  • Gemius PL audience measurement
  • Google Conversion Tracking
  • Facebook Domain Insights
  • Google Analytics
  • Cart Functionality
  • PHP Framework
  • GStatic Google Static Content
  • StackPath Bootstrap CDN
  • Cloudflare content delivery network
  • CDN JS
  • AJAX Libraries API CDN
  • Cloudflare Hosting
  • Google Apps for Business email hosting

15. Chess

Global rank: 768

Chess aficionados will love this website where they can indulge in their favourite board game – Chess.

Features of the Game Website:

  • The website has more than 25 million online players
  • Online players can play online, play with computer, play on mobile or solve puzzles
  • Those who are interested in learning this board game can also register on the website
  • The website also provides news and updates about the sport

Technologies Used in the Game Website:

  • Amplitude mobile analytics
  • comScore
  • Facebook Domain Insights
  • Google Analytics
  • Accelerated Mobile Pages
  • PHP framework
  • GStatic Google Static Content
  • Twitter CDN
  • Facebook CDN
  • CloudFront and Cloudflare CDN
  • Google Apps for Business and SPF email hosting
  • Cloudflare Hosting
  • Nginx web server

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Are you game to build one of the best gaming websites in the virtual world? Meet our experienced and expert team of web designers and developers who can create a stunning game website for you. Whether you want to monetize your free gaming website or have a niche site with only subscribers, we can create it for you. Contact us to know more.

Latest Ecommerce Trends For 2020

The Ecommerce industry has been steadily developing over the last few decades. Initially, when the digital boom began, only certain industries and sectors used the digital media for selling and marketing their services and products.

But, now every sector, from agriculture to education and even government has climbed on the World Wide Web bandwagon. Ecommerce goes beyond geographical boundaries and breaks physical constraints, enabling even small and medium sized businesses to operate on a global scale.

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In this blog, we will look into the rapid development of the Ecommerce sector and the latest Ecommerce trends for 2020.

Market research shows that the total value of online sales is estimated to top $3.4 trillion by the end of this year. Secondly, more Asian customers are leveraging the online space, leading to a shift in purchasing power from the United States and Europe to Asia, especially China.

Thirdly, the number of competitors on the online space is going to increase at a rapid rate in the next few years. All these facts point to the need for businesses to adapt themselves to the fast changes in Ecommerce.

Online businesses should continually develop, evolve and upgrade themselves to stay ahead of the competition. Let’s take a look at the top 20 Ecommerce trends for 2020 that you need to add to your online marketing plan for the coming year.

1. Mobile commerce

The number of people using Smartphones is easily ten times higher than the number of people using desktops and laptops. With Smartphones now being sold at affordable prices, the number of people who access the internet via their mobile devices is higher.


Mobile commerce is a trend that is here to stay. A study shows that 80% of Americans shop online, and nearly 50% use their mobile phones for online shopping. In Europe, almost 55% of online shopping is done via mobile phone.

It is estimated that the size of the mobile market could be as high as 3.3 billion by 2023. The development of progressive web apps has also accelerated the expansion of the mobile Ecommerce industry. We shall look into the progressive web app trend later in this blog.

2. Mobile payments

The advent of mobile payment services such as GPay, RuPay, Amazon Pay, Paytm, and lots more have made it easy for customers to make online payments.

These one-click payments are quicker and easier than having to log onto internet banking to make payments. Plus, cash backs, discounts and other special offers provided by these mobile payment service providers have encouraged the widespread use of mobile payment methods.

This trend is to grow larger by the coming year. Websites that want to capture this sector should integrate mobile payment options in their Ecommerce platforms.

3. Social media commerce

The social media commerce trend started a few years back and has been steadily gaining popularity since then. Users can explore products on social media sites and make their purchases directly from there. Instagram shopping is one such model of social media Ecommerce.

4. IoT commerce

2020 will see an increase in the Internet of Things Commerce. Online businesses will provide multiple touch points or sales points where customers can make their purchases.

The sales are expected to be done through cars, appliances, voice devices, and social media platforms in the coming year.

5. Flexible payment options

Ecommerce businesses that offer flexible payment options, especially for larger purchases will see more conversion. EMI payments make it easier for customers to spend large amounts. Businesses that offer flexible payment options found the conversion rate increase by up to 30%.

6. Personalized and Customized Products

Personalization and customization are the buzzwords in the Ecommerce trends for 2020. These terms refer to both the products/services purchased and the shopping experience.

Ecommerce businesses can leverage information collected by data analytics to provide personalized recommendations based on preferences, search history, and past purchases. Suggestions can also be provided based on the information shared by the customer.

7. PWA for Ecommerce

Progressive Web apps are the latest trend in the online sector. Web apps are an amalgamation of websites and mobile apps. Designed to load fast, even when network speed is less, these web apps perform well even in regions that have just 2G internet speed.

These web apps are also designed to load in offline mode. It is paramount to invest in a progressive web app to improve your online business sales and performance.

Read our blog on “What are Progressive Apps?” to know more about this emerging trend.

8. Headless Ecommerce

The headless Ecommerce platform is one of the latest Ecommerce trends for 2020. This Ecommerce trend is about creating content once and then tailoring it to the specifications of different platforms.

Headless content allows you to create a seamless Omnichannel experience. You don’t need a separate storefront in headless commerce. All the data is in the backend, which can be shared on different platforms using APIs.

Unlike traditional Ecommerce, headless Ecommerce doesn’t have any design constraints or need for creating a front-end from scratch. It also allows you to create different interfaces and experiences for the admin and the users. 

9. Voice Search

It is predicted that voice assistants will be used in more than 8 billion devices by 2023. Also, market studies show that voice commerce will grow up to 40 billion in the next two years.

Voice shopping opens up a huge segment of the market. Already, millions are using Alexa and Siri for internet searches. The dependence on voice assistants is only expected to increase in the coming years. So, it is essential to equip your website for voice searches.

10. AR and VR Imagery or Visual Commerce

Visual commerce or visual imagery is one of the latest Ecommerce trends for 2020. Displaying 3D images has become old news now. Websites use AR and VR to deliver an interactive visual experience.

Read Also: 10 Best Ecommerce Platforms In 2020

Furniture and home décor e-stores use VR to help customers get an idea of how the furniture will look in their home space. Similarly, online stores selling glasses, accessories, and more use visual imagery to help customers have a more immersive shopping experience.

11. Drone Delivery

Over the last few years, top Ecommerce retailers like Amazon, Dominos, and UPS have been experimenting with drone delivery. They have also been successful in some regions.

In the future, we can see drone delivery being used for isolated places. It is predicted that there could be more than 2.6 million drones in operation by 2020. Estimations also show that drone delivery could save up to $50 million in shipping costs.

12. Dynamic pricing model

The Ecommerce sector is highly competitive. So, businesses should continually monitor demand, competitor’s prices, and other factors and create a dynamic pricing model. Ecommerce companies need to determine an optimal price that will give them the best chance of sale while still ensuring that they meet the profit margins. 

13. Privacy, Security, and Trust

Ecommerce platforms need to first gain the trust of customers to survive the market. As customers provide more information to gain a personalized shopping experience, they also expect the highest security and privacy of their information. Users should have full control of the information they want to share or delete.

Websites that have the best security options and trust of customers are more likely to succeed.

14. Subscription business model

The subscription business model is profitable both for the business and the customer. It ensures guaranteed monthly revenue for the business while customers get the best value for their money. However, Ecommerce companies need to regularly monitor the subscription model and make revisions based on competitor analysis, seasonal demands and other factors.

15. Customer Analytics

Big Data is growing bigger and bigger year by year. Customer analytics has become a necessity for Ecommerce platforms. These insights about customer preference, demographics, abandoned cart, search history and more help businesses gain a deeper understanding of customer expectations.

The information derived from these insights can be used to create marketing campaigns and also provide a personalized shopping experience. The insights can also be used for programmatic and contextual marketing.

16. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Ecommerce companies stand to gain a lot by leveraging the right AI-based tools and platforms. From automating certain processes to enhancing customer experience, AI and ML tools offer a wide range of technology-based solutions. AI chatbots have brought about conversational marketing, which has increased customer engagement by nearly 48%.

17. B2B commerce

Initially, Ecommerce only focused on the business to customer model. But now, B2B Ecommerce platforms are also gaining traction. B2B commerce is developing at an even faster rate than B2C commerce. Companies that used traditional marketing methods are now adapting the digital platform. This trend is expected to accelerate in the coming year.

18. Multi-platform commerce

Multiplatform commerce or Omnichannel marketing has been around for quite some time and is still one of the leading trends. Ecommerce platforms should offer multiple channels such as website, mobile app, PWA, social media sites, email, messages, and even phone calls for customers to interact with them.

Ecommerce businesses that have multiple platforms have a wider reach and higher level of conversion.

19. Content Repurposing

Content has been the king of Ecommerce trends for eons. High-quality and informative content is one of the key elements of a website. Purposeful content repurposing refers to the use of the same content in different formats for different platforms. It also refers to the process of personalizing content for each customer based on their shopping experience and preferences.

20. E-commerce to brick and mortar

From brick and mortar to Ecommerce and now back to brick and mortar!  This Ecommerce trend has come to a full circle. Many Ecommerce retailers are partnering with existing stores or sponsoring events and putting up stalls in exhibitions to reach out to this segment.

Read Also: How To Make Ecommerce Website Like Amazon

These retail outlets also act as pick up and drop points for online purchases and returns and enhance the personalized shopping experience.

What to do?

Regardless of what kind of industry you operate in, setting up a base in the Ecommerce sector helps your business spread wings and grow faster. Whether you are an established online business or a newbie in the segment, we can help you expand your Ecommerce business. Contact us for a personalized consultation.

Best 10 Website Redesign Tips

First impression makes the best impression.

When prospective customers or clients want to know more about your company, the first thing that they do is check out your website. That’s why it’s very important to have a website which is attractive, informative, and trendy.

You may have built the website years ago when you first launched your business, and the web design and style may be outdated now. Also, numerous design elements can improve your website’s presence in search engines.

Therefore, to keep your website always updated and high performing, you need to update it regularly. This blog will give you the best 10 website redesign tips.

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Before we go into these suggestions, let us find out more about the benefits of redesigning a website and the best time to redesign a website.

What are the Benefits of Website Redesigning?

Many website owners may feel that it is an additional expense to redesign the website.

They may also feel that as there is no change in the products or services offered by the company, there is no necessity to redesign the company website. However, that is not always the case. There are many benefits of redesigning a website.

The major advantages of website redesigning for your business are:

  • New technologies used in your new website design will help improve user experience and also enhance its performance in search engines
  • Web redesigning can quicken your website loading time, which reflects in better performance
  • You can incorporate analytics and tracking software applications to get real-time feedback of the website performance, customer preference, and customer experience
  • Redesigning can make your website compatible with the latest browser versions
  • Enhancing the responsive features of your website will make it mobile friendly

In other words, redesigning a website can breathe new life into it and improve your business reach and sales.

When is the best time to redesign a website?

To get the best returns on your investment and results on our website redesign tips, you need to redesign your website at the right time. It’s time to redesign your website if:

  • you set up your website many years ago and it looks old now
  • it’s not bringing you enough visitors
  • your website visitors are not exploring or navigating the pages, but quickly moving away from your website
  • your business, strategy, or audience has changed
  • your website is not mobile friendly
  • your website doesn’t reflect your brand identity
  • the website performance is poor on search engines
  • it has too many broken links on the website
  • the user interface is unappealing
  • you’re revamping your business or branching out

Best 10 Website Redesign Tips


Now that we’ve got a basic idea of the benefits of website redesigning and the best time to redesign a website, let’s take a look at the best website redesign tips.

1. Decide on your goals

Before you start the website redesigning, you should first decide on the goals you want to achieve. Do you want to reach out to a new sector of audience or do you want your website to perform well on search engines?

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If your goal is to get your visitor to stay for longer on your website and navigate to the other pages, you need to let your web developer know that’s one of your goals.

If you’re rebranding your website, then the new web design needs to reflect it. Choose colors, typography, and animations that complement the new look.

2. Reduce page loading time

A recent study found that you lose 1% of your target audience for every 100 millisecond delay in the page loading time. In this fast-paced lifestyle, a website that loads slowly is as good as dead.

So, you need to optimize your website to have a faster loading time, in all browsers and devices. The layout, elements, and other factors that go into the website design determine the page loading time.

You should not just focus on the website loading time, but also the speed in which inner pages load when the user navigates through your website.

3. Understand the visitor journey on your website

To enhance the popularity of your website, you need to start thinking like a visitor who comes to your website and understand the purpose of visiting your website.

Plan the menu and navigation based on the user’s journey. If the visitor is easily able to find the information, product, or service that they are looking for with the minimum number of clicks, they are more likely to come back to your website again. 

4. Integrate analytics and tracking software

In this era of Big Data, statistics and trends are very important. To give your customers the best service, you need to know what they like and want. The modern methods of data analytics and business analytics help you do just that.

There are scores of analytics apps and modules that can be integrated into your website framework. These analytics capture details like customer demographics, page load time, real-time updates on page navigation, page views, visitor behavior, conversions, and lots more.

A few of the popular analytics software platforms are Google Analytics, Yahoo Web Analytics, Crazy Egg, Optimizely, Facebook Insights, and Twitanalyzer.

5. Refine the content

The content on your website is what brings visitors to your website and keeps them navigating the pages. Content just doesn’t mean the write-ups and descriptions you have on your website.

It also refers to the images, animation, photographs and other elements that talk to your website visitor. Use a language that reflects your brand image and gets your customers to trust your company.

6. Focus on the website security

Cyber threats are a huge risk to any website, and more so if you have customer personal details, card details, and other confidential information. If you want your customers to trust your website, you need to have the best security features integrated into the web framework.

From using Captcha to prevent spamming, to using double identification methods for login or payment, there are various ways in which you can let your customers know that you’re serious about website security.

7. Unclutter and go minimalistic

Less is more, especially when it comes to the user-end of your website. Don’t clutter the webpage with too many graphics, images, or text that will confuse the visitor.

The same goes for background colors, fonts, and typography. Choose a couple of fonts and use them in different sizes to create the best effect. Flat 2.0 is the latest design trend that uses highlights, shadows, and color gradients to create a professional look.

An uncluttered web page also allows your visitor to focus on the most important factors that you want to convey.

8. Encourage conversations

Did you know that after introduced community suggestions in the home page, their revenue increased by 35%? Offering a space for your customers to share their views, give feedback, and talk to you greatly enhances the customer experience.

Website design ad banner

You can also use social media channels to encourage customer interaction. Integrate conversations from social media platforms on your website to encourage visitors to join the conversation and share their ideas.

9. Make your website mobile friendly

Mobile friendly websites bring in more visitors and also help you reach out to a wide audience. Moreover, making your website mobile friendly improves its search engine rankings. You need to look into the user interface, navigation, load time, and design elements of the mobile website.

10. Optimize your website for search engines

When you redesign your website, keep Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in focus. All the design elements, developmental factors, Meta tags, content, and other attributes that you incorporate in your web design and development should be search engine friendly.

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Consult the best web developers and designers to redesign your website. With years of experience and expertise, the professionals can suggest more web redesign tips based on your business, brand image, and your goals. Contact us now to get the maximum returns on your website redesign investment.

Best Tourism Websites in India

India is one of the top travel destinations for tourists from across the globe. The cultural, geographical, traditional, and linguistic diversity in the nation attracts visitors from all over the world.

The rise in the popularity of Indian tourism has also encouraged the development of numerous tourism websites in India.

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A few of these websites are maintained by governmental agencies and many by private travel agencies. This blog will elaborate on the best tourism websites in India.

1. Incredible India


Incredible India is an initiative launched by the Government of India to promote tourism in the country. This campaign was launched in 2002 and the website is being maintained by the Ministry of Tourism.

This website has information regarding the top destinations in India. Tourists can choose tour packages based on the experience that they wish to have such as Spiritual, Adventure, Art, Yoga and Wellness, Shopping, Museums in India, Heritage Sites, Luxury, Food and Cuisine.

2. Ministry of Tourism


This website is maintained by the Ministry of Tourism, India. It provides information regarding tourism infrastructure development in the country, hotels and restaurants, travel trade, overseas marketing, international cooperation, and niche tourism.

Tenders and RFP for products and services related to the tourism industry are also available on this website.

3. Iato


This website is maintained by the Indian Association of Tour Operators. In this website, you can find all information regarding this association and its services.

The website also offers information regarding exhibitions, fairs, and other events conducted to promote tourism in India. Visitors can also check out the list of government-authorized tour operators on this website.

Indians traveling abroad can also verify details of foreign tour operators here before booking their trip.

4. India Healthcare Tourism


India is one of the most popular destinations for medical tourism in Asia. Patients prefer to visit India for medical treatment as they can get top-notch treatment at affordable prices.

The Indian government has also been encouraging medical tourism in India by simplifying medical visa regulations and encouraging healthcare institutions in India to offer the best medical care to overseas patients.

India Healthcare Tourism is the official website maintained by the Department of Commerce Development in India and SEPC. The website helps patients find the best hospitals in India for treatment.

It also offers information regarding medical treatment, wellness and rejuvenation, Ayurvedic and alternative medicine. Patients can also get details regarding immigration, visa, connectivity in India, cost of treatment, and more on this website.

5. The Maharajas


Traveling through India in a train is an experience that you will remember forever. The Maharaja’s Express is an initiative by the Indian Railways to offer luxury rail travel experience.

Tourists can book the various trips offered in the Maharaja Express and travel to the various destinations in luxurious accommodation. The Maharaja Express is not an ordinary train.

It is custom built with deluxe suites, restaurants, and a lounge bar. The popular trips offered in the Maharaja Express are The Indian Panorama, The Indian Splendor, Treasures of India, and The Heritage of India. The departures are mostly from Delhi and the trips are usually between October and April.

6. Yatra


Yatra is a Gurgaon-based online travel company. It offers destination, experience, and activity-based tour packages. Users who are planning a holiday can fill in details on the website or call the customer care to get a free quote for a customized trip.

A few of the themed tour packages they offer are Spiritual Retreat, River Rafting, Forts and Palaces, Exotic, Water Sports, Mountain Climbing, Road Trip, Romantic, and Family.

7. Thomas Cook India


Thomas Cook started its operations in Mumbai, India in 1881. Thomas Cook offers Indian and international tour packages based on a theme, budget, time frame, and other attributes.

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They also offer Forex and visa application support. Thomas Cook offers handcrafted holidays where travel professionals talk to you to understand your needs and preference and create a customized tour package for you.



Indian Railways is one of the largest transportation agencies in the world and covers the length and breadth of the country. The IRCTC tourism offers affordable tour packages for Indian and foreign tourists.

IRCTC offers domestic tours, international tours, and pilgrimage tours. Tourists who sign up for IRCTC tours get AC train tickets, accommodation, food, and sightseeing as a part of the package.

They also organize flight tickets for certain packages. The various segments of IRCTC tourism are Buddhist Circuit Special Train, Rail Tour Packages, Maharajas Train, Luxury Train Tours, Cruise packages, Bharat Darshan Special Tourist Trains, and customized LTC tours.

9. WOW Club


Women on Wanderlust (WOW) is in our list of the best tourism websites in India for its unique approach to travel and tourism. This tour operator founded by Sumitra Senapaty offers safe all-women tours for adventure-loving women. WOW offers culture and heritage, adventure and wildlife, Signature, Active, leisure, and sailing trips both in India and abroad.

10. SOTC

SOTC website offers India tour packages, honeymoon packages, luxury holidays, MICE (Meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions) tourism, and more.

Tourists can also find tour packages for Rann Utsav, home stay packages, international tour packages, Dharshan tour packages, and Jalesh Cruise packages, and more.

SOTC has been in the business of organizing tour packages for over 70 years now. It has more than 1000 travel professionals and 160 touch points that organize all the travel and accommodation needs of tourists.

11. Tourism India Online


This website is the digital version of Tourism India, which is a tourism magazine. You can get the latest updates about the India tourism industry on this website.

The website also provides details regarding destinations, MICE tourism, festivals, art and culture, food, tourism festivals, hotels and resorts, travel events, and lots more.

12. Travel Triangle


Travel Triangle is one of the private tourism websites in India that helps tourists find all the information they need about traveling in India. Tourists can book tour packages based on their budget, time frame, and other preferences on the website.

Travel Triangle offers state-wise destination guides, which can help tourists find all the information they need about a particular destination or tourist spot.

It offers customized packages for honeymoon, family, friends, wildlife, friends, seasonal, water activities, and more. Visitors can get information about places to see and things to do in the most popular tourist destinations in India.

13. Tour my India


Tour My India is a Noida-based company that offers tour packages all over the country. It is associated with the Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO) and the Indian Mountaineering Foundation.

This company offers heritage tours, cultural tours, educational tours, MICE, and special interest tours. The services they offer include pick up and drop, multilingual guide services, accommodation, transportation, transfers, sightseeing trips, and also arrange tickets for special events on request.

14. Thrillophilia


Thrillophilia is in our list of the best tourism websites in India as it offers unique customized tours for the modern traveler looking for offbeat travel destinations, adventure activities, and thrilling experiences.

They mostly focus on weekend trips and experiences that professionals and working people can take up. Thrillophilia helps tourists find the best places to go trekking, cycling, biking, rappelling, boating, river rafting, canoeing, camping or other activities.

Users can also gift experience for birthdays, anniversaries, friendship day, or special events. The website also offers corporate gifting solutions.

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With the Indian tourism industry growing in leaps and bounds, travel agencies and tour operators who want to expand their base or reach out to a new audience needs to have a website.

If you want to have a website built for your travel agency, consult the experts right away. Our team of professional web designers and web developers can help build the right website for your travel and tourism business. Contact us for more details.