What’s New and Cool in Magento 2?

Magento 2 is a brand new version of the popular e-commerce platform. This next generation platform offers unmatched flexibility and opportunities for innovation to ecommerce websites. A competent Magento Development Company would be able to make the best out of this software’s features. It has so many provisions to customize your ecommerce website.

Multi shopping and more

Within a single transaction, one can experience multi shopping with Magento e-commerce platform. It is the leading provider of open omnichannel innovation. In 2015, Magento was named top ecommerce platform with 41 merchants confirming Magento as their e-commerce platform on the inaugural Internet Retailer B2B eCommerce 300 guide. Magento services provide the customer an opportunity to compare and review products.

Read Also : 7 Tips to Optimize Your Magento Ecommerce Site’s Page Speed

Magento 2 introduces testing as a part of development.  It has new technologies, better rapport with the community, new resources for documentation, improved scalability and performance, reduced upgrade costs and efforts.


 There are two major changes in the structure of magento. Firstly, it is placed under the app structure. Secondly, it has a view directory to access template, layout, js and css files.

Magento 2.0 Key Features

Some of the key features of Magento 2.0 are:

  • More compatible and popular platforms
  • Migration from prototype to jQuery
  • Improved speed. It is 20% faster than the older version.
  • It has component oriented architecture
  • Introduction of new directory called ‘pub’ which provides better and clearer view structure for the developer
  • Helps the developer to make automated testing easily
  • Provides better security
  • Supports only one Javascript framework.

The new included technologies in Magento 2.0 includes HTML5, CSS3, RequireJS, Apache 2.2, full page caching, magento performance toolkit, CSS Pre-processor, MySQL5.6, PSR Compliance, Magento UI Library, and PHP 5.5x.

Recommended Read: 7 Reasons Why Magento Is Excellent For E-Commerce

Easier Editing

With the help of Visual Design Editor, one can modify containers and blocks without much technical knowledge. One can easily make changes in admin panel. Hence there is an improved customization all in all. There is easier development in frontend. This means one can find it easier to look and feel the site with least use of CSS pre-processor and HTML5 themes. There is reduced upgrade cost and efforts. Magento includes information about the policies of versioning. Installing magento 2.0 is much faster with the help of new standalone installer. It also checks for any prerequisites before the installation.

Improved Scalability and Performance

New indexers, new Magento performance toolkit and Varnish Cache are some of the examples of improved scalability. Improved indexers introduce more efficient updates to increase performance. Magento performance toolkit is used to verify and optimize the performance of the system.  In order to reduce server load and increase the speed of page loading, one can seek the aid of Varnish Cache. Magento 2.0 includes necessary documentation and enables faster development and also supports continuous integration and testing practices.

With the introduction of Magento 2.0, there is better interaction with the community. Platform, special events and seminars through internet can be possible with the Magento 2.0. Magento 2.0 is a clean upgrade and there will be more responses than the older versions.

Let us know what you think of the new version of Magento by commenting below.

7 Tips to Optimize Your Magento Ecommerce Site’s Page Speed

The speed of Magento based e-commerce site is always a headache for every business website owner. Customer satisfaction and loading speed are the two important factors that affect  magento services. Website loading time can result in an increase in bounce rate. No magento development services want to lose customers due to the delayed website load time.


According to statistics, 40% of users give up, if the loading continues to more than 3 seconds. 47% of users expect WebPages to load within 2 seconds. And it is also identified that reducing 100 milliseconds will increase customer conversion by 1%.

Effective loading speed is three seconds. But it is revealed that almost every ecommerce sites takes 8 seconds to load. Some reasons are hypertext transfer protocol requests and failure to install cache.

Speed matters.

It is a tedious task to achieve the magic mark of 3seconds. The performance of the site can be kept under control by following Yahoo’s performance rules and Google’s Page Speed insights.

Read Also: Is Your Magento Website Slow? Speed It Up With These Tips

7 Tips to Optimize Your Magento Ecommerce Site’s Page Speed:

  1. Be Realistic About Your Hosting

Search engine ranks websites depending on their loading time. As magento services are one of the most powerful e-commerce platforms, it is necessary to provide dedicated hosting.

  1. Enable Magento Caching

By enabling magento caching, you can optimize the performance of the magento site. It is easier to set magento cache. You can go to magento administration panel and then go to System menu and can enable cache management. Websites will be loaded faster when magento cache is enabled.

  1. Combine Fooman Speedster

Fooman speedster can be useful for magento as it decreases the load time. It works by compressing and combining your JavaScript or Cascading Style Sheet files.

  1. Remove Unused Code From Home Page

One can easily remove unused code from the homepage of the website. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to CMS menu
  2. Look for Pages Menu
  3. Go to the Home Page Tab
  4. Remove unused code from layout Update Extensible Mark-up Language box

Recommended Read: Build Your Ecommerce Store with $1000 Using Magento

  1. Enable Keep Alive

Enabling keep alive can create open connection between client and server. By allowing multiple requests to be served on the same connection, site loading time can be decreased. This technique is useful for websites with many pages and lot of images. Content can be downloaded faster by opening multiple connections.

  1. Minimize Hypertext Transfer Protocol Requests

Site loading becomes slower when we handle so many hypertext transfer protocol requests on a single webpage. Website load performance can be improved by reducing the number of hypertext transfer protocol requests.

  1. Use a Content Delivery Network

Content delivery network is gaining great popularity. The reason behind this is that it reduces the difficulty of serving static files to website visitors. Content delivery network has certain advantages in hand. Some of the advantages are cost effectiveness and significant improvement of the performance of the website especially to visitors that come to your website all around the world.

All these tips improve the loading speed of Magento site. In case of magento, some optimization technique can be done by system admin without much technical knowledge. There are magento extensions to enhance optimization.

Page loading can reach the magic mark of 3 seconds if we closely follow the strategies like decreasing the amount of downloaded data, reducing the overall time to receive data, and finally increasing the speed of downloading.

Magento Marketplace to Arrive In Early 2016

New Magento Marketplace will be fully launched in early 2016.

It will be replacing Magento Connect.

Each extensions and providers in the marketplace will be reviewed by Magento. This review ensures that the right quality of products and services are offered by Magento Marketplace.

The extensions in the Magento app store will go through an automated basic check which will check for plagiarism, security including malware and viruses and Magento coding standards.


According to Magento Revenue Share model, 70% of the revenue will be distributed to providers and 30% to Magento itself.

The only drawback is that Magento users will see less extensions available than previously under Magento Connect.

The good thing is that there is no fee to submit apps.


Magento Commerce to Introduce New Platinum Level

Magento commerce, trusted by over 250,000 businesses worldwide develops deeper technology partnerships.

“These strategic changes to our technology partner program enable us to curate a set of best-of-breed partners and extensions that create great merchant experiences with the Magento platform,” said Mark Lenhard, SVP of Strategy and Growth at Magento Commerce. “We are committed to making strategic investments to develop the quality of our global ecosystem and to accelerate the sales momentum of qualified technology partners who are selling and supporting Magento Commerce solutions.”

Read also: Magento- No Longer an Ebay Company

“PayPal collaborates with leading technology partners like Magento to put exciting new products and features into the hands of customers that help millions of merchants and their shoppers more easily connect,” said Steve Fusco VP, GM North America Distribution, PayPal. “PayPal is honored to be named by Magento an inaugural platinum level partner. Together, PayPal and Magento have helped countless companies grow and prosper, and we look forward to working even more closely together in the years to come.”


It recognizes segment leaders and provides for deeper collaboration in key categories of greatest interest to dealers.

“We have always striven to provide sophisticated functionality that delivers the best marketing ROI for retailers in a way that is entirely intuitive and easy to use. We are delighted that Magento has recognized these unique strengths and awarded us this prestigious global Platinum Partnership status”, said Simone Barratt, CEO of dotdigital.

This ensures a higher level of satisfaction and confidence with dealers and solution partners, while providing market differentiation for Magento technology partners and developers.


Magento- No Longer an Ebay Company

Magento, leading provider of open omni-channel innovation launched as a separate company, backed by Premira funds.

It boasts a strong portfolio of open-source and cloud-based omnichannel solutions

Magento, worldwide leader in eCommerce, powering more than 240,000 sites globally and supporting over $50 billion in gross products volume.

Read Also: Is Your Magento Website Slow? Speed It Up With These Tips

“Magento is at the forefront of a tremendous market opportunity. As an independent company, with the full support and global resources of the Permira funds, we are poised to accelerate our leadership as innovators, creating products that drive exceptional experiences across every stage of the commerce lifecycle”, said New CEO Mark Lavelle.


“During our time as a division of eBay, Inc., we grew revenue fivefold, made significant investments in our core platform and added innovative mobile and omni-channel products. Now, we will build on this momentum–continuing to innovate with speed and at scale while we put renewed focus on expanding our market leadership with stronger emphasis on our global network of system integrators, technology partners and developer community”, he added.

Magento Marketplace is the largest commerce application marketplace providing merchants with a curated user experience in finding high quality products and services.

Is Your Magento Website Slow? Speed It Up With These Tips

With the usage and demand of Magento E-commerce websites increasing at a faster rate, speed of the website is also a major concern. Website’s speed allows your customers to have the best user experience possible while shopping in your ecommerce store. Many studies have found that most of the consumers will abandon a website if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load.


Another important value for Magento Performance Optimization is for your Google Rank, which is adversely affected by any slowness with your site. Search engine giant, Google mainly spotlights on the website speed in ranking it higher on result pages. So the speed plays an essential part in driving more traffic towards your Magento E-commerce website with guaranteed conversions.

Read Also:Build Your Ecommerce Store with $1000 Using Magento

Along with choosing a reputable magento development company, for your magento E-commerce development, you should also consider certain tips to improve the performance of your website.

They are –

  • Reduce the number of ads – More number of ads to your e-commerce website makes it down so its application should be moderate and precise. Ads or advertisements are those things that pop up at the screen when you want to click, or even block the clicks you want to make, and it is usually used for advertising products or services of your own or others.
  • Use the recent version – The increasing lead of online stores is almost fully dependent on Magento development. Magento, the most popular E-commerce platform keeps on releasing its new version from time to time. Also each version of this E-commerce tool comes with improved functionality as well as features. So it is the need of the day to go for advanced version in order to get better speed and optimized performance.
  • Clear database logs frequently – Unnecessary data can make your Magento store run slowly. Clean up of the database is the right solution for optimal results. To increase the speed of Magento e-commerce site, you should clear the database logs quite often. Though not so easy, the task will definitely reduce loading time of the websites.
  • Periodic checking is crucial – As an e-commerce web merchant, it is important for you to always check the time that your page occupies. This will allow you to identify the source of the fault and make you fix it in time so that it will not pile up. For non-tech savvy merchants, it is recommended to take help from established magento development services.
  • Reduce the web pages size – Reducing the page size of the website is also an important technique in improving both speed and performance of e-commerce website running on Magento. The unit of measuring the web pages is bytes, the smallest metrics being kilobytes. One of the things that occupy bytes is images. Avoid the use of big images because they affect loading time greatly. Make sure to check and restrict the image size and number before uploading them. Keep in mind that the standard time that a shopping website must take to load is not more than two seconds.

Recommended Read:4 Popular Types of Magento Web Hosting

  • Reduce the use of third party tools – Even though Magento is a highly powerful and flexible E-commerce platform, it allows the developers to integrate third party tools or extensions easily. The reduction of these third party tools is also an important process of minimizing the delay and poor performance of your web page, as it will result to a large consumption of space resulting in generation of kilobytes and increasing the time spent to load your pages. The more kilobytes that your page consumes, the more time it spends to load and data consumes bytes.
  • Proper utilization of in-memory technology and caching – Utilization of in-memory technology and caching properly helps to avoid unnecessary access to database for optimal performance. This practice assists in evading needless approach to the database for finest performance. Enabling cache allows the system to retrieve previously accessed items easily, without having to reinvent-the-wheel every time.

Well experienced magento E-commerce services can provide online merchants with more advanced features to improve their E-commerce website’s performance.

10 Features That Make Yii Framework Special

Yii framework is a free PHP5 based open source framework ideal for developing web 2.0 applications. It is more malleable, efficiently active, extensible, and modular.

So, what makes this framework special? It’s mainly because of the features shown below:

  • Collect feedback and validation: Yii provides simple ways for you to collect feedback and to confirm customer details. You can also find several validators and icons to help in collecting the correct feedback.

Read Also:7 Reasons to Switch from Drupal To Yii

  • Database Access Objects (DAO): It provides a basic API to access data stored in diverse database management systems (DBMS). Using Yii development solutions, web designing companies can be free from writing recurring SQL issues. This provides design information source in terms of objects.
  • AJAX allowed widgets: Designers are able to create really efficient Customer Connections as it is armed with rich set of AJAX enabled widgets a rich set of AJAX icons.
  • Codes are generated automatically:Yii helps developers to do the tough work of rewriting codes easily by providing tools. These tools help you to generate codes whenever required.
  • Easy form generation and validation: Forms are useful for a lot of purpose for a business website; they allow the business to collect data of significant importance and use it as and when deemed appropriate. Also, with the help of forms, certain level of control can be exercised depending upon the valid information given in the forms. Now, with Yii development being right in its place, it gets very easy for the developers to generate forms.
  • Authorization and Authentication:Yii comes with built-in authentication support. The Authorization through Hierarchical Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) support feature makes web development simpler yet efficient.
  • Security: It includes diverse types of protection systems like XSS, SQL hypodermic injection, etc., which avoids strikes on the web program. There is stringent security algorithms in Yii that help you to remove the virus ridden codes on the Internet intended to disrupt your application’s normal routine. The authentication methods in Yii are very strong.



  • Wide-ranging Library:Yii framework has a wide-ranging library containing numerous user contributed components.
  • Caching:Yii helps to reduce the page loading time to a great extent as it integrates diverse caching components on diverse situations.Thus, helps to improve the performance and speed of your website.
  • Error handling and Logging:Yii features comprehensive error handling and correction with errors being handled and presented more nicely, with all the log messages properly categorized.For example, if a PHP warning/notice occurs during the app execution, then one of the error handlers will control and start the necessary error handling process.

Recommended Read: Why Is Yii Framework Best For PHP Web Applications?

Thus from the above features, we came to know about why Yii framework is special. Aside to that customers can also go for the support of Yii Development Company to create their web page better one. For implementing Yii Structure Growth, you just need to seek the services of Yii Development Company.

7 Reasons to Switch from Drupal To Yii

Drupal is one of the widely preferred CMS, thanks to its multiple capabilities and compatibility across different browsers and operating systems. However, it has its set of challenges which has also led it to be detested by many.


Read Also:7 Reasons Why Yii Out-Performs Other Frameworks

Let’s see in detail why you should switch from Drupal to Yii:

  • When you are creating a website, Yii is a great ally. The pre-loaded functions of Yii are more resourceful and dynamic than Drupal. There is a great deal of automation in the modules of Yii framework which is helpful.
  • Drupal kills a number of resources and time when it is implemented on a traffic-heavy site. It is probably perfect for sites not having rich content, and has a small bunch of followers. Yii framework will save your time working on the same output with more functionality. Coding in Yii is easy, thus less time consuming.
  • Some of the modules offered by Drupal are overloaded with features that you don’t need. When you are bargaining for two Drupal modules, it will provide you 10 but most of them are of no use. But the modules provided to you by Yii are useful. One such is the RewriteRule of Yii that enables you to modify images as per your requirements.
  • Drupal 7’s Content Construction Kit convolutes your efforts. For instance, the CCK tables make sorting your database a difficult task. But Yii creates only the number of exclusive spaces in the database that you need.

Read More:Why Is Yii Framework Best For PHP Web Applications?

  • Drupal is made to be extensible without much PHP programming. If you’re working on full-time writing modules to add functionality and customize forms, then you have to spend more time for suppressing Drupal functionality. Yii takes the opposite approach.


  • Yii is faster than Drupal with 150 000 notes and ability to handle more than 50 000 visitors a day. Drupal on the other hand depends on caching and slow requests, which affects user experience negatively. Actual advantage from Yii will come later when you work with site.
  • The script in Drupal is not user-friendly. It needs more knowledge to install and modify. WordPress, Quick.Cms and even Joomla are easy to use as compared to Drupal.

Yii framework is here to stay. It is a great standalone tool that makes the task of customization seamless.

E-Commerce Makes “Kolu Dolls” Accessible at Buyers’ Doorstep


Many agents make the door delivery of dolls ease to the people living abroad so that they don’t have to come Mylapore tank area to buy Kolu dolls.

Digital Marketing has changed the way of purchasing KOLU Dolls.

“Until last year, I would make a trip to Chennai and Puducherry to buy new dolls, but this year, I have ordered a Brahmotsavam set online,” says Praveena Suresh, who lives in Pune.

“When I moved to the United States, I did not buy new dolls for two years. I would instead use toys that I bought locally. Now, with agents guaranteeing safe delivery of these dolls at my doorstep, I have started ordering dolls every year,” Hema Nandagopal from Ohio says.

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G.Segar has been sending dolls to the United States and Malaysia for the last 10 years now. “Now, I am able to WhatsApp pictures of the dolls to my clients, and they tell me if they want something else. Since I work with multiple doll makers, I make sure the customers get the right dolls, even if I have to buy from different vendors,” he said.

“There are a few vendors in the United States that take the dolls I send them and distribute them there through their e-commerce sites,” he added.

With the advent of e-commerce sites, and WhatsApp, demand for these dolls from overseas has suddenly increased.


Build Your Ecommerce Store with $1000 Using Magento

“Ecommerce sites are no more a luxury now-a-days, they are a necessity”

The business world’s focus has shifted from traditional business to online business. Ecommerce websites have     become very common in the recent business environments as people prefer the online method to fulfill their requirements due to their busy schedules. What would we anticipate when we want to start an online business swiftly or to make your business online? I am sure, there will be many important things in our “to do list” which we want to execute perfectly. However, the top most priority should be nothing but a better online identity.


As a result, you would probably seek for appropriate solutions by using most modern techniques at low cost. At the end of it all, what you’d expect to have is a perfect platform which allows your ecommerce business to perform smartly and comfortably within your limitations.

Read Also: 7 Reasons Why Magento Is Excellent For E-Commerce

So, if you are either looking forward to start a business or planning to take your business online, then Magento should be the software you should choose. It is one of the greatest in terms of its capability in search engine optimization, which is indeed an inevitable aspect in online business. Moreover, you don’t have to spend huge chunks of money and time. A quality Magento ecommerce store can be set up within $1000.

Raising that much money is not an issue at all. Especially when you have resources such as Kabbage . They help small businesses with all types of business financing, including building magento ecommerce stores.Their blog has lots of useful tips as well.

Magento has been one of the most common ecommerce platforms used over various industries. When it comes to online stores, Magento is a leading website development platform for small, middle and huge sized ecommerce websites as well as it helps you to start a new business or to make your business visible in the online world.

Till date, 443,764 websites have used Magento. And currently there are around 217,671 live websites which use this platform (source). You can manage the features of your website on your own from back end for more security and performance enhancement. Hence, you can get an ecommerce store according to your desire and requirements.


When you look at the number of job openings, Magento is an overwhelming majority as well. There have been 5227 job openings in Magento, constituting 73.6% of the total job openings in ecommerce applications. (Source: Softbreaks)

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With its many features including easily customizable element security protocols, Magento is a good choice for your ecommerce site. So, go ahead with your excellent plans and build an attractive Magento ecommerce store. This makes a hassle free journey between the service providers and website owner.