WordPress or Magento Development Services: Which is better for Ecommerce?

With so many ecommerce platforms such as WordPress or Magento, it is hard to figure out which one is right for developing an online store.

Most often, retailers get confused in choosing the right platform for developing their online store. Choosing the right ecommerce platform is often a hectic job. While developing ecommerce websites, often confusion occurs as to whether to choose WordPress or Magento development services.


What Makes Them Similar?

Both the platforms are content management systems that enable users to add, modify, and manage your content in a simple yet effective manner and may seem similar in certain terms such as

  • They are highly customizable
  • Both are Open Source tools and are free
  • They can add products
  • They can integrate blogging to their functionality
  • Very SEO friendly
  • Can be extensively themed and
  • Feature a strong online support community

In addition, of course, they are both essentially content management systems, enabling you to add, modify, and manage your content in a simple yet effective manner. However, the differences become obvious when their core purpose is examined.

Objective matters

If the goal of the site is to sell products, Magento is the most recommended option and if the objective is to post content and blog, then WordPress CMS will suit the purpose.

Administrators may find it difficult to navigate ecommerce website with lot of information. Magento development services can help them by making it easy to access any page at any time.

Let us evaluate these platforms in detail.

WordPress Magento
WordPress is a publishing platform but is extended to support some basic ecommerce functionality through a number of third party plug-ins.  The main thing to keep in mind is that Magento is developed specifically for ecommerce. World’s leading brands, ranging from small websites to large multinational businesses rely on this platform for their online business.
For a website that is content-driven with news updates and with few sale events, WordPress ecommerce plug-ins will work. This open source technology offers powerful features that provide retailers with the flexibility and control to create online stores. 

Most recommended ecommerce plug-ins include

  • WooCommerce
  • Jigoshop and
  • Shopp

Features include:

  • Multi-store management
  • Mobile commerce
  • Marketing-friendly
  • Business reports
  • Search engine optimization and
  • Catalogue-management tools

However this CMS is not as secure as Magento, as it has been hacked frequently. A new CMS template page can be created in WP just by creating a new template file, while in Magento a whole new module should be created. Reliability of third party plug-ins is also a matter of concern for selling products or tickets. Very safe and secure. It also accepts all kinds of money transaction accounts and credit cards. 
With an easier learning curve, working with WP is proven to be pretty easier than Magento. Unlike WP, a site constructed using this platform requires constant attention and maintenance 
But developing an online store with plenty of products in WP can be a hectic job, and so it’s better to choose an alternative platform available. Similar to WordPress, this CMS also facilities support for the creation of complex content pages, version control, and menus. Magento development services will help to import the entire product list easily and the changes can be made without affecting the website.

It is almost clear that though these platforms serve unique purposes, Magento is strictly an e-commerce platform while WordPress is a content management platform.

Level of functionality and customizability of Magento makes it an ideal platform for ecommerce stores. This platform, with the backing of eBay and PayPal is fully featured and recommended alternative to WordPress’ ecommerce plug-ins.

If you are a full-fledged ecommerce store, Magento development services from a reliable company should be your choice as it is far more comprehensive platform. It is much more user friendly and safe as well. For a smaller scale store with very few products and limited budget, WordPress would be ideal.

Why WordPress Rules the World of CMS?

WordPress is the world’s most popular CMS. This article evaluates the reasons behind its popularity.

CMS types are many – WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Typo3, Quick.Cms. WordPress, the world’s most popular Content Management System (CMS) is the publishing platform used for building websites and blogs. First released in 2003 as a basic weblog tool, this open source CMS has conquered the world of web designing as well as development.

According to the 2015 CMS Usage statistics report, WordPress tops the list with 267,959 million websites using this CMS type. Top sites using this system include: Ebay, Yahoo, Digg, Wall Street Journal, Ford, People Magazine, Sony, Samsung, New York Times, and Mozilla Firefox.

Integrating this CMS platform with Magento ecommerce stores often requires assistance from reliable Magento development services. This easy to install extension combines the functionality of WordPress while being fully integrated into Magento and the Magento theme.

Most web designers and web developers use this platform for various reasons. Let us check those reasons.

No rocket science- It is easy to use

An ideal choice for beginners, the user need not be a technical genius to use WordPress. This CMS does not require PHP nor HTML knowledge unlike Drupal, Joomla or Typo3. The process of updating pages, images and/or posting blogs on WordPress is literally as easy as editing a Word document. Its backend administrator interface is visually easy to navigate and very effective. The user can not only add written content, but also easily publish videos, photos, galleries, and slideshows. They can add buttons, new pages, blog posts and news updates.

Search engines love it

WordPress coding is very clean and simple that makes it easy for search engines to read and index a site’s content. Focusing on SEO, each page, post, and image in WordPress sites have its own meta tag keywords, description, and title, making it easier to optimize for specific keywords and allowing for very precise optimization of search engines.  User can also use tags to further enhance SEO efforts.

Ideal for E Commerce Sites

WP’s ecommerce plug-ins such as WooCommerce allows customizing the functionality of the online store. Great features of this plug in include complex shipping options, sales and inventory charts, credit/debit payment integration, customer reviews, follow-up emails and much more. Other ecommerce systems include Magenta and Zen cart. Magento development services can help Magento WordPress Integration which is the easiest way to get blocks, sessions and products from your Magento store.

Responsive support

This popular CMS support responsive web designs that adjusts the layout of elements on a webpage according to the width of the device being used to view the page. It is now rare to find a WordPress theme that does not use responsive design. With WordPress and responsive theme you will not have to worry about how your site appears on mobile devices.

Easy to transfer

It is also a simple process to transfer your website from another platform to WordPress. WordPress includes the ability to transfer websites from Google Blogger, Joomla, Drupal, and many other popular platforms. Without much work, you can migrate your existing website to WordPress.

Attractive menu choices

This CMS type makes the site more attractive and easy to navigate than Drupal or Joomla.  Depending on the business requirement, user can rearrange the menus and pages.Menu can also be modified to include categories, pages,and more.

It is free to download and install

This CMS is free to install and anyone can use it. Almost 13000 no cost plug-ins and themes are available in this Open Source platform to choose from, making it much affordable. Paid premium themes and plug-ins are also available, which is often not required for beginners. With the support of a large community surrounding WordPress, any developer can work on a WordPress-based site to update it, make changes, etc

Integrating WordPress and Magento allows online retailers to benefit from both platforms. Magento WordPress Integration is the easiest way to get blocks, sessions and products from your Magento store. It can also be integrated with Magento ecommerce stores by getting assistance from reliable Magento development services.

Probytes Develops Website to Help Hospitals Discharge Patients Faster

With the revolutionary website for ‘Discharge Accelerator’ created by Probytes, hospitals can now easily work on reducing the discharge time of their patients. The idea of introducing such a website is to make the process of discharge structured and more organised. The discharging process being a time consuming and tedious task, the use of this website from Probytes can prove to be useful.

Probytes has put in the efforts to help hospitals improve their services with discharge accelerator website. The website is also a solution for hospitals to shift from the regular paper work to an electronic health record system. This has also help hospitals to reduce the human effort needed for these paper works.

The processes involved in discharge are made more organised and efficient with the help of these websites. The website categorizes the discharge process into 11 steps, with each step being handled by a team dedicated to it; patients can now be free from those never ending discharge episodes.

Steps involved in discharge

  • Discharge initiation is the primary step involved and is controlled by a nurse with the guidance of a doctor.
  • Writing a discharge summary which is handled by a nurse or assistant doctor.
  • A discharge summary team drafts a summary to be reviewed by a doctor.
  • The summary is reviewed by the doctor and any necessary suggestions are made.
  • The discharge summary team approves the summary once the doctor is satisfied with it and is used in the following steps of discharge.
  • Simultaneously a billing team begins reviewing the billing details.
  • Checking for insurance and adding its details to finalize the bill is the job for insurance teams.
  • The next step involves the payment of bill which is checked by the billing team.
  • Providing the patient with the required medicines is a task handled by the pharmacy.
  • After the completion of these steps the patient is discharged.
  • As the final step the room is made ready for the next patient to occupy.

With the Discharge Accelerator website from Probytes these procedures can be taken care of quickly and easily from the nurse’s workstation. It is also possible to monitor the time taken to complete each of these steps using a discharge accelerator app in a mobile device. This helps identify where exactly time is being wasted; thereby helping management teams to improve discharge time to achieve patient satisfaction.

KIMS hospital in Kerala have begun using discharge accelerator website and have reported a considerable improvement in discharge time. They are also profited by the website’s ability to organise and streamline operation within the hospital. The greatest benefit of using websites to handle discharge is that nurses and other staff needn’t visit each department to analyse a patient’s discharge status. It gives them the power to operate from their work stations with the discharge accelerator website.

WooCommerce is now a Part of WordPress Family

Everybody who is somebody in WordPress will be quite familiar about the WooCommerce plug-in, which is solely responsible for driving WordPress.com with all its Online Store capabilities. This open-source plug-in with a global download of around 7.5 million it is easily one of WordPress’s most popular plug-in. This is the sole reason why Automattic, which is the company behind WordPress.com went ahead and acquired WooCommerce.

Even though it is said to be the biggest acquisition by Automattic till date, the exact price is still a mystery.

A great move

The plug-in that launched on September 2011 already powers around 600,000 WordPress storefronts and the number just keeps on rising. With the acquisition of WooCommerce, the impact WordPress has on the e-commerce industry will leave no stones unturned.

Adding products is made as easy as adding a new blog post. If you want to take payments, it comes with PayPal support and if you want to use Stripe/Amazon Payments/etc, all you need to do is just grab one of their extensions. It can even help you with shipping logistics, inventory management and analytics.

Previously Automattic had also bought a WordPress security Plug-in “Brute Project” from within its own plug-in store.

7 Reasons Why Yii Out-Performs Other Frameworks

Yii is a PHP framework, designed for the development of high-performance applications.

Developed by QiangXue, Yii is a fast, secure and professional PHP framework, ideal for developing large scale web applications. Abbreviated as “Yes it is”, Yii is free software, released under the terms of the BSD license.

Even though this Yii development framework is a relatively new player in the open source frameworks marketplace, within a short span of time it has already established itself as one of the most reliable frameworks for web applications and sites.


How Yii Excels Compared to Other Frameworks?

Based on DRY (Don’t repeat yourself) design pattern, this fast application development framework out performs other frameworks for various features.

  1. It is Easy to Install- Web developers often spend their valuable time in complicated installation and configuration process. But with Yii development framework, installation requires only two easy steps.
  • Downloading this Framework from yiiframework.com and
  • Unpacking the Yii release file to a Web-accessible directory

Installation process is done using Composer, as its extensions.

  1. Feature Richness- Yii is a pure OOP (Object oriented programming) framework, and also includes some of PHP’s more advanced features such as:
  • Late static binding
  • SPL classes and interfaces and
  • Anonymous functions

This OOP network requires web server supporting PHP 5.1.0 or higher.

Ideal for multiple developers- Yii framework is ideal for multiple developers working on the project. Yii introduces rules how stuff should be done, and there is no reinventing the whell. This means that all developers create the code that others can pick up easily.

  1. Better Performance

This Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework is capable of handling a fairly staggering number of requests per second, while its caching capacity is far superior to most of its competitors.


  1. Security

Yii development framework is equipped with many security measures to help prevent web applications from attacks such as:

  • Cross-site Scripting Prevention
  • Cross-site Request Forgery Prevention
  • Cookie Attack Prevention

It also includes client side and server side validation that can be enabled or disabled. Separate validation rule is not required to write for the inputs like other frameworks. YII also supports authorization via hierarchical role-based access control.

  1. Caching Features

Yii provides various cache components that can store cached data in different media. YII supports:

  • Memcache
  • APC
  • XCache and
  • DB based page and segment caching

Yii framework allows us to save both static data and your SQL/Active Record queries, which -if used wisely- can lead to a lot of page loading time saving.

  1. Complete Error Handling

Errors are handled and presented more nicely, and log messages can be categorized, filtered and routed to different destinations. With creation of the application, Yii registers its handle Error method to handle PHP warnings and notices; and it registers its handle exception method to handle uncaught PHP exceptions. Components include:

  • Raising Exceptions
  • Displaying errors
  • Handling errors using an action and
  • Message logging
  1. Easy to Edit/Customize

With very simple code structure, Yii is extensible, very easy to edit or customize the Yii based applications. Each component of the framework is extensible. It is:

  • Purely object oriented
  • Architecturally clean and
  • Very simple to extend

This PHP frame work is also ideal for diverse web-applications. Due to the presence of the advanced caching means, Yii is especially good for development of applications with a big traffic flow, such as Portals, Forums, Content management systems (CMS) and E-commerce systems. Further advanced features of Yii development framework include: Extension library that consist of user-contributed components, automatic code generation that can help to quickly generate the code you need, skinning and theming mechanism that allows you to quickly switch the outlook of a Yii-powered website and detailed documentation that includes a book and comprehensive tutorials.

Check Out These 4 CMS Trends for 2015

Since its arrival in the late ’90s, Content Management Systems (CMS) have come a long way. Now they are much more user friendly than in the initial days. 

CMS is the primary tool used for engaging prospects and for converting prospects into customers. With this advanced system, businesses as well as organizations can directly update their website content, without depending on a web developer or a designer. One can quickly and easily add, edit, update and delete website contents and website pages as well. Benefits of implementing a CMS include-

  • Low maintenance costs
  • Easy data storage and retrieval
  • On-time content
  • Easy communication between large number of users
  • Attractive search engine results and
  • Improved flexibility

Yii development framework, with its component-based architecture and sophisticated caching support is especially suitable for developing large-scale CMS applications.

There are two types of content management systems – Content Management Application (CMA) and Content Delivery Application (CDA). While CMA is used to create, remove and edit any content from your web site without any need of an expert of web programming or without any even basic knowledge of HTML, the content delivery application use all the records and information created by content management application to update a site.WordPress, Joomla and Drupal are the top three CMS systems.

Here are 4 major CMS trends to watch for 2015.

Go Mobile and Responsive – No longer optional

Mobile CMS is to dominate the CMS trends this year.As more and more people access the web on mobile devices, businesses should make sure to consider this audience.

Responsive Web Design can enhance the site’s functionality to provide the best experience for all users on all types of websites. To engage the mobile user, your website should automatically resize and reformat the content based on the size of the screen being used- let that be desktop, laptop, iPad, tablet or a Smartphone.

Starting April 21, 2015, Google has made mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal for websites. This major update is supposed to alter the way it assesses the mobile user-friendliness of websites.

With support for RWD, mobile previews, and automatic image resizing, the basics of mobile publishing are already covered in most major CMS platforms.

Be Cloud Ready

Cloud service adoption will be the next trend that is most visible in small- to medium-sized businesses (SMB) with limited budgets. Cloud storage of documents can improve efficiency and productivity.

With the availability of cloud-based Web CMS, organizations no longer need to own and maintain hardware, infrastructureand network bandwidth. The adoption of cloud-based WCM is expected to rise in 2015 as most companies are looking for options to improve their capabilities, without spending much on overtax, IT budgets and staff.

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offerings

Vendors are now offering their products as SaaS deployments with lower monthly usage-based charges and cloud hosting. SMBs are also ready to adopt a SaaS model for their content management. SaaS-based content management system (CMS) will enable enables SMBs to stay equal with the bigger competitors. These businesses should consider building their intranet capabilities with a complete services suite such as document and media management, file sharing capabilities, social collaboration tools, while deciding between CMS software options.

Long-term extensibility

Extensible platforms are expected to replace one-size-fits all solution. CMS that contains a pack of functionalities to cover every possible user scenarios is no longer in demand.Customers looking for time and cost efficiency will increasingly opt for the more extensible platforms.There are more chances for organizations to choose a solution that makes sense for their workflow and can be easily adapted when needs change. The chosen system should also meet the company’s long-range goals and not simply how well it handles aspecific purpose.

To be successful in the field, CMS companies should keep up with the trends and provide the tools and flexibility to provide the content management market what it needs. Yii development framework for content management helps to create and maintain a page structure at ease, include navigation widget, full text search, image and document management and a WYSIWYG html editor for the content pages.

5 Reasons That Prove WordPress is Unbeatable in CMS Industry

WordPress is a popular and powerful open source CMS (0) that is currently ruling the industry. Stats show that a staggering 23.4% of the web runs on WordPress. Clearly, WP is the favorites when compared to other CMS. But what exactly gives WordPress that edge over Joomla, Magento, Yii development or any other CMS. Let’s find out.

  1. Easy to use

A point that most people would agree on is that when compared to Joomla developement, WordPress’s usability makes it a king among others. What is it that makes this easy to use? Apart from having a simple and straight forward interface, it also boasts of unparalleled customizability. Sometimes, it is even used as a benchmark for developing a proper user interface. This CMS even provides a distraction free writing mode to let you focus on your writing skills.

  1. Easy to Install

       This is another great advantage of using WordPress over Magento development platforms. It is quite easy to install when compared to other CMS’. The services of Fantastico have made installation of all three CMS easy, but without it WP is definitely the easiest to install. While using a hosting service like Bluehost, it is a lot easier with their automated tools and WordPress managed hosting services.

  1. Vast Choice of Themes

It is true that an amazing theme cannot be a substitution to usability, but when it comes to themes, none can offer what WordPress can. There are literally millions of themes to choose from and you will never get tired of experimenting. New theme development agencies pop up every day, bringing more options to the table. While Joomla and Magento development uses decent themes and quite a few users prefer them, the situation with Drupal is just bad. Drupal theme companies are just one or two and most often work is poor or unappealing.

  1. Integration

Most web software has integration with WordPress already made available or is working on one. This helps to save the time needed to work with codes and allows its users to be benefitted by the ease of use, for which WordPress is known for. When integrating with a third party service, a quick process rather than editing code might be essential.

It also opens up a whole new world for those looking to expand their websites with new functionality. With a huge collection of plug-ins, you can easily accomplish new things and expand your website with new plug-ins.

  1. Ease of Development

Though it was initially developed as a blog platform, WordPress is a simple CMS that can also be used to develop websites. The development process is very easy to understand and straight forward. In fact it is so simple that, even a rookie at PHP can easily find his way through WordPress.

These are just 5 simple reasons. If you can think of more, please share with us in the comment section.

10 Reasons to Choose the Yii Framework

The development of Yii framework began on January 1, 2008. It is an open source application that supports object oriented programming. It is also a component based MVC (Model-View-Controller) web application framework. The purpose for its development was to fix the drawbacks of a then widely used PRADO framework.

PRADO was incapable of delivering a fast performance when it came to handling complex pages. Moreover PRADO was also difficult to customize. This is where  development by Yii framework comes in handy. Yii even has a provision to store user-contributed components in its extension repository.

The development stage took 10 months and finally it on October 2008 that an alpha version of Yii was released. But it was on December 3, 2008 that the full version was formally introduced in the market.

Why Yii is Good for You?

1. Easy to Install

  • For every web developer time is of the essence. Therefore it is important that while handling a framework the installation time must be greatly reduced.
  • Too much time spent on installation will lead to loss of money.
  • Moreover it will cost the developers valuable time that they require to implement for the process of web development.
  • This is because of an uncomplicated, easy installation and configuration process that comes with Yii.


2. Modern Technologies

  • Yii uses an OOP framework and takes advantage of PHP’s more advanced features.
  • This includes the latest static binding, SPL classes and interfaces and anonymous functions.

3. Highly Extensible

  • What makes Yii framework really popular is its ability to be tailored to fit your needs.
  • Every component of the framework is virtually extensible.

4. Provision for Testing

  • Integration of great PHP testing framework like Codeception is what makes Yii highly desirable.
  • This is made simple by the process of creating unit, functional and acceptance tests for your applications.

5. Simplified Security

  • Proper security is essential for any web application and this is where Yii can help you.
  • Yii has a security application component that exposes several methods to help assist in creating a more secure application.

6. Shorter Development Time

  • Repetition tasks are unwelcomed as most developers consider them to be waste of time. But the fact that things can’t be done without taking care of them, makes them important.
  • This is where Yii helps you to spend less time on these tasks and more time customizing your application to suit your needs.
  • Gii is a tool that is used for this purpose. It is web-based code scaffolding tool whuich allows you to quickly create codes.
  • It also helps in templates for models, controllers, forums, modules, extensions and CRUD controlled actions and views.

7. Easily Tuned for Better Performance

  • The last thing that a web development company wants is a slow website.
  • Yii tool can help bring more speed out of you application.
  • Yii/caching/cache are its cache components, which allows you to choose whichever caching system you want while using a common API.


8. Error Handling

  • It has a complete error handling framework and is based on PHP 5 exception mechanism.
  • When the application is created for the purpose of handling an incoming user request, the handleError method within handles PHP warnings and notices; and it registers its handleException method to handle uncaught PHP exceptions.
  • When a PHP warning or some kind of uncaught exception that occurs during an application execution, one of the error handlers will take control and start the necessary error handling procedure.

9. Using Theme

  • Themes are a great way of systematically customizing the outlook of your web pages. The overall appearance of a Web application can be greatly enhanced with a proper theme.
  • For Yii, each theme has a directory consisting of layout files, JavaScript files and CSS files.
  •  It also has other relevant resource files including images, view files, and many more.
  • The name of a theme is represented as its directory name. All the themes can be found under the same directory WebRoot/themes. Only one theme can be made active at a given time.

10. Logging

  • Yii has a logging feature that is both flexible and extensible. You classify the messages that are logged according to its log levels and message categories.
  • By using level and category filters, selected messages can be further routed to different destinations, such as files, emails, browser windows, etc.

Why Magento Is The Perfect Platform For Your E-Commerce Business?

Magento is without doubt one of the most powerful open source E-commerce software platforms, and has earned the trust of leading brands in the world.

Online E-Commerce businesses require a smart CMS platform. Magento is an open-source PHP and MySQL platform that has the enterprise-class features and the flexibility you need to create an E-Commerce solution tailored to your unique needs. According to the report from W3Techs, Magento is used by 24.2% of all the websites, which is a content management system market share of 60.4%.


A number of Magento development services  prefer working with Magento too, as it is a feature rich platform that is also user friendly. Along with its rich features, this platform offers users with unparalleled flexibility to manage the content, looks and functionality of their online store. Unmatched among its competitors, Magento offers more than 1,900 themes, along with thousands of modules available for download.

     Recommended Read:How to Start a Magento Website?

Reasons to choose Magento as the CMS for your next e-Commerce website:

  • Created Specifically For E-Commerce – Compared to other CMS, Magento has all the features and specifications necessary to create an amazing online store. This is the major reason why Magento scores over WordPress, WooCommerce, Drupal and Drupal Commerce combos.
  • It is SEO Friendly – Magento also offers tools for online marketing and SEO. These tools will help to promote your E-Commerce store and thus get higher positions on various search engine results pages (SERP). Its SEO tools include 
    • Metadata for products and categories
    • Site maps for Google and other search engines
    • Full control over URLs
  • Cost Effective – This open source PHP based e-commerce platform is completely free to install, modify and use. While its Community Edition is a free version, especially for smaller shops, Enterprise Edition is a premium pay for use version mainly for larger merchants. Businesses can also benefit from a library of extensions in the Magento’s website, both free and pay for use. This can enhance functionality of your E-Commerce store. Experienced Magento development services will provide you the right services at right costs.
  • Robust And User Friendly – This platform is dynamic and fast, making it extremely easier for buyers to search and buy products through website. Its advanced features ensure an enjoyable online shopping experience. Magento E-Commerce platform can also be conveniently integrated with your existing online shopping website. Its dynamic interface not only sells and compels, but also offers an out of the world User Experience to your visitors.
  • Security – This full featured E-Commerce software provides secure payment processing. Magento Secure Payment Bridge enables merchants to efficiently attain PCI (Payment Card Industry) compliance and also offers stronger data encryption. Customers can choose from multiple payment-processing options offered by this platform or use their preferred payment gateways such as Simple Pay, PayPal, Amazon Payments, Google Checkout, and Authorize.net.
  • Includes Analytics And Reporting– With this Open source platform, you can also measure your online store’s performance with full analytics and reporting. Its options include 
    • Traffic monitoring with Google Analytics integration
    • Ability to generate detailed sales reports, shopping cart reports, most-viewed and best-purchased product reports, stock and inventory reports, search term reports, coupon usages, best customers, and many more

          Read Also: Things to Consider While Planning a Magento Store

  • High Performance – The speed of a site is important for all internet users, especially online stores. Any delay in processing user requests can slow down the E-Commerce website’s potential to convert site visitors into customers. This platform with high-end caching techniques such as Varnish and other DB optimization techniques ensures error free and timely results.

The success of your online store also depends on your choice of Magento development company. With professional Magento development services, it is easily possible to handle your website design, hosting, functionality and features. While choosing a developer, make sure to evaluate their portfolio, evaluate the development team and check out the costs.

GPS Based Vehicle Tracking System

Manage your cab/taxi or other vehicle dispatch service with finesse using our Vehicle Tracking Software (VTS). This software is Global Positioning System based for real time location accuracy.
It has a web-based application focused on management or administration of vehicles.
The manager or administrator can assign drivers to vehicles and direct them to different routes or passengers. A tracking device with dispatch
management will be installed in each vehicle. This device passes on information from the administrator to the driver through its display.

Who is VTS for?

Our Vehicle Tracking Software was developed with flexibility in mind. As such, the software can be used by anyone who wants to track their vehicles. For example: call taxi service, courier service etc.


Simple, easy to understand dashboard showing running vehicles, available vehicles, unassigned pick-ups, assigned pick-up, off duty drivers, and other vehicles
GPS tracking for accurate locations
Application can be configured to be used by (i) administrator with the ability to manage and assign vehicles, pick-up points, etc. and (ii) a user profile (tele-executive) who can view assigned pick-ups and running vehicles
Monitor real-time location of running vehicles
Two types of pick-up – scheduled and instant. Scheduled is for providing regular pick-up, drop-off services for IT companies and the like. While instant services are for unscheduled or one-off trips
Billing and statistics reports for each vehicle. Statistics include the time, distance, number of trips etc.

Automatically update taxi/cab passengers through sms/notifications
Optimization of services so that there is maximum efficiency in managing vehicles and drivers which saves time and cost
Customer satisfaction and maintenance – As the services get streamlined, customers are bound to get timely services. And having an online database helps in maintaining or retaining customers.
Reports and statistics can be obtained for managers
For the driver, there is a convenient display of current orders. Processing orders and giving receipts become easier
In case of cab/taxi services, passengers gets the security of a recognized driver
Passenger can book with convenience.

Ensure that you are providing the best transportation service possible to your customers by managing with our Vehicle Tracking Software. This state-of-the-art technology is sure to provide amazing results for you.