How Much Does it Cost to Build an Ecommerce Website?


With increasing horizons and expanding wings of the business community, more and more intellectual professionals are dreaming big for extending entrepreneurship and trying their luck, in this scenario of increasing demand in the industry especially in multi-million e-commerce marketplace small startups are also earning well.

In today business community not only niche brands but small smart ups are also turning out to be table turners, biggest online e-commerce websites like flipkart and alibaba have a total turnover of around 300 million U.S dollars today.

In India only e-commerce ecosystem has increased three-fold in the past two to three years, being started in 1997 the revenue in India alone is 39 billion in 2017 and expected to grow to 120 billion U.S dollar in 2020 which open up the multiple possibilities, growing with annual rate of 51 percent largest in the world sky is the limit.

The Estimated Cost to Build an E-commerce Website

The starting point of an e-commerce website requires efficient teamwork from developer end as well your end, for this first step is the exact understanding of concept and machinery that is behind such websites.

  • Domain Cost

This step is the first initiation if you want to start an online business, domain selection is must for it, you can easily register from any one of the available domain service providers like Google, go daddy or Bluehost, these domain registrars also offer DNS hosting which will cost you around INR 900 TO 1200/ year roughly 50 dollar.

Remember that a domain name come with a fixed space that the provider allots you, ftp access etc, most important is the loading speed of that domain. With the competitive availability of multiple services hosting, today the choice is more easy and broader.

  • Server

Next stop for creating the website or a web application is the host server.  Server space allotted according to the annual hosting packages, these services might cost you anywhere from INR 5000 to 10,000 INR, that is 100 to 150 U.S dollar, a professional one in turn can goes up to 40,000 INR(400 to 500 U.S dollar).

  • Designing

Cost of designing a website varies from design to design that you choose. For just trying the working of this server you can go with a free design that is available online but they also have numerous drawbacks.

For exclusive professional design customized according to your need, the cost may range from 10,000 to 3,00,000 (4000- 5000 U.S dollar).

Another option is to hire an exclusive web designer that will do required extensive research and uses own experience and knowledge to design a high-performance custom tailored website for you.

  • Launching

The fundamental aim of any website growth is to outreach every single target audience, either offline or online branding your very own website is crucial.

Especial marketing strategies should be kept in mind with time to time steady implementation to increase the inflow influx of clients through television ads, Social media and telemarketing.

  • Content Copyright

Any content available on the website is the prime soul or attraction to the consumer who becomes an influence to buy the product through the given content; this might attract legal aspect also.

This can be conveyed with the help of web portal representations, and web content including article and blogs costing almost approx INR 3000(U.S dollar 150 – 200).

  • Content Management

As we know that for business expansion presence of quality content management is crucial. These can be managed through content management system; in market various CMS available like Joomla, WordPress, magneto and Drupal.

With an internal team of developers or outsourcing from outside cost may go to 1,00,000 INR to 5,00,000 INR (5000 – 7,000 U.S dollar).

  • Increase the Marketing Inputs

After the finished product goes live on the floor strategies to make it constantly popular should be made. These may include social media set up like Twitter and Facebook or having an email newsletter set up. The cost will come around 5000 INR to 50,000 INR (150 to 5000 U.S dollars) on a total.

In the end, the average cost may end up anywhere from 5ooo US dollars to 50,000 U.S dollars, can score high if different tools are added, depending upon the customization thoughts, tools and demands you have in your mind from your business and the website.

Going deep into the technical aspect and choice of platform can jump off the costing to three hundred U.S dollars.

In the conclusion, it can be said that on actual working grounds it is very difficult to comment exact effective costing, and sometimes become very difficult based on many factors like the design, hosting, and platform which are the deciding factors. Also, these expenses keep on fluctuating.

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One of the fastest growing industries, at least for coming years, even though they are on a virtual platform and seems easy going but lot goes behind the curtains to prepare the finished website which includes sheer hard work and brilliance of a developer.


7 Web Development Strategies To Take Your Business To The Next Level

Business growth has become one of the major game changers in this world of the digital age. From web development to web design, it has taken over the whole industry.

The platforms, algorithms and different initiatives have managed to take the business to a new level of advancement. The only fact that makes people less stable is changed trend.

This type of rapid change requires a strong formulation of web strategies that can take it up high successfully. In this competitive era, it helps in taking the business to a new height.

Read Also: How Much Does it Cost to Build an Ecommerce Website?

Here are a few web strategies that can easily take the business to new heights in terms of business growth.

1. Mobile-Friendly Websites

Mobile-Friendly Websites

Approximately 11% of the whole population spends time on a website that is limited due to the involvement of computers. But when it is moved to the mobile phone, this percentage increases to 55%. In such case, a marketer requires to work towards a strong strategically development work to ensure that it ranks well.

When we follow these strategies with a mobile website, then the result can astound us all. There are so many interfaces that one can acquire easy interaction with the workflow.

2. Content Marketing

In 2018, content marketing took a new turn in business and every industry was looking up to it. The trend of content has managed to come up a bit higher with the help of different strategies.

Content Marketing

It helps in driving up a huge level of traffic that makes it much better in terms of business growth.This has become one of the major parts of the business since Google has grown up a lot. There are websites that work on a good level with organic search.

It has built up a deep relationship between a customer and website/company. The expertise has managed to share their purpose and scope of business to a new level.

In 2019, we are going to see multiple ways in which a site can actually connect with the audience. if anything, these strategies are not going to fall out anytime soon and even in future, we must be ready to face it all.

Blog, guest posting, press release, etc. have risen a lot over time. Every single person is getting involved in this that is helping them to grow and reaching a new level in industries.

Even YouTube has become an integral part of our lives. Hence, video content is something that we can look forward to in future that can help in gaining a lot of traffic.

3. RAIL Strategies

RAIL Strategies

There might be people who are not aware of it but this has grown up a lot in years. RAIL – Response, Animation, Idle,and Load have managed to gain huge importance in the world of marketing.

However, it has now become a common strategy that is used by companies to work in the web department. It helps in giving out a better perspective and a whole new room of UX based findings that can take a website to a higher level.

The four functions on which this whole RAIL concept is based on is for the UX site. One can be completely focused on the main factors that can be put up in a site for enhancement and growth.

These type of work is done for the objectives that that might require some critical action in the future. Especially, when it comes to user end then this type of strategy can be extremely helpful.

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In addition to this, there are certain actions such as drag, scroll, touch and like on the user end that are required in UX. The last factor for which developers depend on RAIL is the performance of a website. This makes it work smoothly with the aspect to grow in an amazing manner.

4. Project Management Tool

There are some of the incredible tools that are used when it comes to project management. It has become an easy workflow to sort out whole work setup in terms of tracking and monitoring whole performance.

It also helps in launching the project in an easy way to not make it overwhelming and difficult for companies. For instance, Asana is used for task management that allows one to easily depend on steady workflow.

Project Management Tool

In addition to this, there are other projects and ideas that are used by companies in near future. This has managed to keep the focus of companies to the urgent task or tasks that are still in the pending file.

One can easily work on the aspect with the help of different strategies and workflow. This type of web software has managed to take the project on a new level due to its advancement and way maintenance of workflow. Even the revenue have witnessed some services changes in this aspect.

5. Chatbot

Artificial Intelligence is influencing the business world a lot. It has managed to take the business to a huge level in terms of growth and structure.

Also, companies are indulging it with their new aspect to ensure that they are growing and becoming something that can take over the world. In this growing period, Chatbot is something that has managed to take a lot of attention of business associates.

Companies are linking it up with chatbots for the betterment of their firms and are now dependent on different communication mode.

This is helping them to be available for their customer 24×7 making communication a lot easier than it can be.


The conventional user interface that it has managed to grab up a top notch along with its popularity has made it reach a new height.

Not only this, but this have received high popularity and demand in terms of business growth and conversational user interface. The automatic response function is also attracting an audience to get along with a site to make it a happier place for all.

It has grabbed a lot of attention and a guarantee to commitment terms that makes it easy to have a better experience. This virtual assistance holds a lot of power in their grasp that can make or break a business easily.

Hence, it is better to embrace them to ensure that we are growing at a faster rate.

6. Partnership

Another aspect that allows a web business to grow is their partnership with other sites. Yes, it has a huge influence on the market that is making companies grow and reach a new height.


There are companies that are partner-shipping with others in order to come up as a bigger market. It can be small vendors with Amazon or big names with a smaller structure.

They are now changing the way we were witnessing the whole website prospect of business.

This helps in creating a great market image with time to put in an effort in an already growing market. It gives one a platform to work on steadily to manage and grow their work route.

It also helps in growing up the market in the business in form of structure and help in getting to the top of the business world. Hence, one is actually involving others in their business for seminars, webinars, etc.

7. Static Sites

Static Sites

Static and dynamic are two words that have must deeper meaning when it comes to website development and design. The companies are now converting whole dynamic content to state generators of sites that allow one to reach a new height.

Also, the bloggers are using this aspect to grow and thrive to reach a new level and allow for rapid growth. There are tools that can be availed in terms of accessibility and helps in getting a better and faster loading speed for a web page.

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Another factor is that one can put up their trust for security in static pages. They allow one to grow and have an impact on generators that can easily work freely as a dynamic site but not in terms of features.

The site generators are used immensely in the market that takes a site to an upper level in terms of lightweight. Also there are servers that ate included in this type of work allowing a company to work on different trends and even run as per the server so that none is lacking behind.

Now, the question that remains with you is ‘Are you ready to embrace these changes or do you need more time’?

How Much Does it Cost to Build a Website like GoDaddy?

GoDaddy does not have humungous website. But their website is attractive, brand specific, stable and has designed and deployed to act as a window for their services.

To make a website like that of GoDaddy, you must be aware of the every aspect , especially the cost of it.

So Exactly How Much Does it Cost to Build a Website Like GoDaddy?

We can help you with that!

What Purpose is GoDaddy Serving?

If you also want to build a similar website like GoDaddy, you must need to understand what purpose it is serving. Once, you have known what kind of services they are providing; you can think and recreate that idea for even better services.

GoDaddy provides services for registering and hosting client’s domain. They also provides web security to their client’s.

Building a similar website like GoDaddy would need you to become a domain names registrar. Once you have gained all necessities to become a domain registrar, you can create similar website effortlessly.

Things You Need to Complete Before Building a Website Like GoDaddy

To build your website, you need to have certain certifications through which you are going to provide services to your customers.

Thus, GoDaddy has its own ICANN accreditation and Verisign Certification to build their website around it. Normal websites can be built without any issues in low budget ($10,000 to $15,000).

But if you are thinking to build a website for domain registering you need to have following certifications which can increase the cost for your website:

  • ICANN Accreditation

ICANN or Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers will provide accreditation to your business. Before even you can start your website as a domain registrar for various domains including .net, .com, or .other top-level domains, Accreditation from ICANN is a must.

For this authority, you need to pay a non-refundable application fee which costs around $3000-$3500. Getting certified for .com or .net is easy and once you have the certification you can also add additional TLDs to your account.

  • Verisign Certification

Before establishing an account for a domain registrar, a vendor will request you to give documents for a verification When the accreditation process is completed and verified, ICANN will notify you for process completion.

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This certification will be the final process once you have set up your account for the registrar. This will include some financial information related to your business and other technical readiness.

Additional cost will be included if you want to add more popular TLDs to your account which depends on the process of ICANN.

Building Cost of GoDaddy Like Website

After finalizing your account as a domain registrar, the next step would be to build a website and start your services as soon as possible.

There are different aspects for building a domain registrar website including designing, developing, SSL certification and other costs. Thus, below are some main factors that will reflect cost for building a website.

Website Development

GoDaddy was created with simplicity and sophistication. To provide their customer with a clear idea of what is this website offering. Thus, developing a similar website you need to ensure that your website is portraying your services without any difficulties.

GoDaddy also involves different features including payment gateways, products, services and much more. It becomes quite a challenge to integrate different services on a website. It will also need a higher budget to involve such features in your website.

Once, you have strategized and planned what features you are going to include in your website, you can hire a quality web developer to build your website. Usually, the cost for hiring a quality web developer depends on the location and experience.

It will cost $60-$90 per hour or $5000-$7000 for a website. If you want to add more features, the cost will surely rise up nearly to $5000- $8000. As GoDaddy does not include any extraordinary feature, thus the cost will remain steady for your website too, but if you insist on adding new features to your website, it will always cost more.

Design and Structure For the Website

Customer always looks for the easiest way to use the services. Thus, the website should be built around the customer and making easier for them to use your services.

The design and structure of your website should be built in an easy manner to reduce any type of conflicts among clients and customers.

Building a unique design for your website would also require a designer. A quality designer would know what type of design would best fit with the services you are offering.

Typical cost for hiring a good quality web designer would range $2000 to $3500 depending on the features and custom designs. Also, you can hire a decent web designer for just $15 to $75 per hour which will cost you around $1500 to $2500.


GoDaddy is a website which is built for every type of browsers including desktop and mobile phones. If you also want your website to be reached out by different users on different platforms, you’ll need to create a website that would work on different types of platforms as per your requirement.

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You can reach out to millions of users on mobile thus; your website should be user-friendly and free from any type of bug for mobile users too.

Your mobile websites should be tested and built well just to ensure continence among mobile users. Modification on your website for the mobile platform would cost you another $500 to $1000.

SSL Certificate

As you already have an account to register numerous users for domains, you can save some money in not purchasing a domain name and web hosting from other company.

Thus, you can use your own services for your website which will save you around $100 to $1300 per year.

Also, if you have other additional services including web security, you can save little more of your money. SSL certificate ensures the safety of your domain as well as the safety of the user’s credentials. If you do not sell SSL certificates, you can purchase it from another company at a minimal cost of $45 to $70.

Testing Your Website

The Last process will include the testing of your website. Testing is necessarily done to detect any type of bugs which can cause inconvenience among customers.

Your website will be thoroughly checked with different types of cases which will include customer’s related queries and features.

Testing of your website for different platforms will come up with a heavy cost depending on the set of procedures and time period. It can cause you around $1000 to $5000 for quality testing. A decent tester will surely ask you the minimal cost of $1000 to $3500.

These costs vary with different situations including locations, features or additional functionalities. The cost will either increase once you’ll start the process for building your own website like GoDaddy which will cost you around $25000 to $45000.

How Much Does it Cost to Build a Website like YouTube?

YouTube is as huge as it can get from website perspective. Building one that can easily manage this huge amount of data is indeed a herculean task and requires huge sum of money.

But it has to be reminded that YouTube has also started as a minimal website and is not similar to a normal website.

However, even if the website is minimal, how much will it cost?

Key features required for a website similar to YouTube:

YouTube is one of the most common video-sharing websites that are currently in use. Prior to calculating the cost of the developing a website similar to YouTube, it is extremely important to understand the features of YouTube which are intended to be a part of the developing website. Following are the main features of YouTube:

Playback: With a recent update in 2015, YouTube can now be accessed in all devices and browsers without any external plugins.

Uploading: Any registered member can upload videos in YouTube through any device that YouTube is accessible from. The time limit of these videos goes up to 12 hours.

YouTube accepts videos in container formats like AVI, MP4, MPEG-PS, QuickTime File Format, FLV, WebM files and also 3GP. Users have the facility of uploading 3D videos and 360-degrees videos.

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Quality: YouTube videos are available in various quality levels ranging from standard to high quality. The user has can change the quality of the video according to their wish. The video quality is represented in numerical terms ranging from 144 to 1080 pixels.

Live streaming: Registered users could stream live videos on YouTube.

Community: This is a social-media based user feature that allows users to post images, comments and live videos in a separate community tab.

Content accessibility: This user feature enables the videos on YouTube to be used in other websites with the HTML that each video is accompanied with.

Platform: The YouTube app is broadly available in all the platforms as an application or through an optimized website.

Localization: YouTube has a unique interface in different countries. This is referred to as localization. It helps in making the application and website in not uploading any illegal videos.

Building cost of a website like YouTube:

A website like YouTube would include the features mentioned in the above section. Hence, all these factors, along with a few other contribute to the building cost of a website similar to YouTube.

The building cost of the website depends on the features that the developer would like to include in his website along with the number of people that the developer hires to build the website. For a website similar to YouTube, it could vary between $10,000 to $80,000.

The following is the cost estimation to develop the required website:


Building a website YouTube will require a lot of commitment along with planning. This phase involves the groundwork for the project.

The developers have to design their project along with listing the requirements for the future. A major part of the website is acquiring a better approach towards the features to be included in the website and then dig in.

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Plan for building a website that is more updated than YouTube, in order to achieve it best. This phase costs around $0 to $500 or higher. In case the equipment to start the developing is already available, this phase costs minimal.

Sitemaps and wireframes:

These provide the UX designers a base for creating screens and aid in building the website with better representation.

Sitemaps are used for a systematic view of the website. They help the users find specific pages in the website and also help in navigating.

These might be addressed to the website or the user. Wireframes are generally created post planning and drawing and layout of the website along with the sitemaps is done.

The wireframes are the floor plan of the project into which the design and content flow, that could be sketched or annotated diagrams.

They are used a functional specifications while communicating their functionality with the stakeholders with good confidentiality of the developing website.

For wireframing and building the sitemaps, the minimum cost would vary from $0 to $1000.

Virtual Design:

The virtual design of a website is the design or plan of the website that the developer wants to build. It includes the clear-cut plan and procedure in building and developing the website.

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To build a website like YouTube, the developer must have a design of the template of the website and content along with all the other minute technical aspects as well.

To build a website like YouTube, the virtual design plays a vital role with its minimum cost ranging from $1000-$2000.


To build a website like YouTube, if the developer is not very good at coding, he/she might have to hire a person who has a good knowledge in the follow up:

  • HTML/Client-side JavaScript/CSS
  • Database OLTP to maintain relational DBMS
  • Data warehouse (OLAP)

Apart from the above, to continue building a website like YouTube, server-side developers are required. The following are the some of the few:

  • API Developers
  • Web application
  • Mobile device application
  • Tool developers
  • Quality assurance and testing
  • Localization
  • Authentication

Depending on the features that you want on the website, the developers who are extremely good at coding charge high to code a website like YouTube, which is the reason why this phase costs around $2500-$3000 or higher.

Content support:

Content for a website is the key of attracting users. The features that the developer would like include in the website have to contain catchy metadata for the users to understand them better.

The cost for the content is minimal if the developer himself writes it, else, it will cost around $250-$500 to hire a content writer for the website.

Client documents:

A website like YouTube must contain client documents that could store any digital file. The developer will have to buy cloud storages for the file sharing. This could minimally cost between $240-$500.

Testing and launching:

This is one of the major steps of developing a website. Prior launching, the website has to be checked manually by the developer or a hired software tester.

It can also be done with the tools available on the internet. The general testing of a website is carried out by creating WebDriver instance, which is navigate led to a webpage.

The HTML element is located on the webpage, and an action is performed to anticipate the response of the browser.

The test framework involves the run tests and record tests, based on whose results the website is evaluated.

After testing the website, it is launched. The launch of the website often includes advertising it also.

The cost of testing and launching a website like YouTube varies from $900-$1000.

25 Entrepreneur Movies That You Should Never Miss!

Inspiration. The word itself signifies that once you get started, nothing can stop you. Books are great to read and are a great source of inspiration, but movies, series and documentaries have its own magic.

Sound and visual – these two factors are important when we talk about grasping any new subject. You tend to get a powerful message that stays with you wherever you go and you can implement it as well.

Quintessential market such as that of e-commerce can also learn a lesson or two from such sources.

A bit left field – that’s what we are going to call our approach when we are conceptualizing in this article.

Here’s the list of Entrepreneur Movies, series and documentaries, which ever e-commerce marketer must see.

1. The men who built America

An excellent mini-series, released in the year 2012, received an IMDB rating of 8.6 and won many prestigious awards in various categories of Primetime Emmys Awards.

The film got its inspiration from the people who actually built America from the scratch.

Thinkers, builders and influential people, who have really made modern America, are the source of real inspiration for this mini-series.

2. The Godfather

This movie was released in year 1972 and has an IMDB rating of 9.2. It won 3 Oscars and many other awards as well

Italian mafia family – that’s what this whole movie is based upon. Businesses are difficult to operate and if it’s a corrupt one then it’s all the more difficult.

Taking a corrupt business to nationwide level requires guts and courage and this movie has been able to depict that quite well.

3. Wall Street

The movie was released in year 1987 and has an IMDB rating of 7.4. Fair enough, isn’t it? The movie won 1 Oscar and several other awards.

Stock market is an ugly place, at least for some people who resist rules. It’s basically a corruption story in stock market where rules are broken and molded.

Illegal tactics are played in stock market and film depicts the same in a very fine and refined manner.

4. Shark tank

Released in year 2009, this movie is about how to invest in your business. IMDB rating of this movie is 7.3 and it has bagged prime time Emmy as well as other prestigious awards.

Entrepreneurs need to understand the ways in which they develop their business and that has been shown in a very canny way in this movie.

Value of the business is important and this movie shows how to add value to your business.

5. Triumph of the nerds:  An irreverent history of the PC industry

This documentary over the PC industry was released way back in the year 1996 and holds an IMDB rating of 8.5.

This is basically a three part documentary that covers the evolution of computers from 1970s to late 1990s.

Not to be left wayside, this documentary covers whole gamut of computer evolution. If you think outside of the box then this documentary is must to see for you.

6. Indie game: The movie

Released in the year 2012, this movie holds an IMDB rating of 7.8 and has won many awards as well.

This movie is all about gaming industry. How the industry evolved and what all people did to make a mark in this niche industry.

Small business owner took part actively in this industry and eventually made big bucks.

7. Pirates of Silicon Valley

Released in the year 1999, this documentary about Apple and Microsoft holds an IMDB rating of 7.2

It was nominated for Emmy’s as well as other prestigious awards. This movie is about how Apple and Microsoft beat the competition and became number one companies of the world.

Every company needs to trail blaze the competition and come into the forefront and exactly the same has been shown in this documentary.

8. The Call of the entrepreneur

Released in the year 2007, this movie is a story about an entrepreneur who dreams big. The IMDB rating of this movie is 6.9 and it didn’t get any awards although but it did fairly well.

This movie is based upon a story of a refugee from China who wishes to dream big. Everybody has different reasons for getting into a business and your dreams can only come true if you have perseverance and you work hard.

9. The startup kids

This movie was released in year 2012 and is basically about kids who are entrepreneurs and dream big.

Standing with an IMDB rating of 6.8, this movie did well, but didn’t get any awards although. Kid got interview call from founders of company like Sound cloud, Dropbox and Vimeo and it’s a big thing for the startup.

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It’s a must to watch movie for young web entrepreneurs who dream big and want to do something amazing.

10. The pursuit of happiness

Released in the year 2006, this movie is a story about man named Chris Gardner who wants a job in the reputed company and tries his best for it.

He is a struggling salesman and a single father and he Juggernauts between the two roles. The IMDB rating of the movie is 7.9 and it was nominated for 1 Oscar as well. The movie won lots of accolades and awards and did very well.

11. Forrest Gump

Released in the year 1994, this movie is about a physically and mentally challenged man who does what he loves and eventually achieves what he wishes.

With an IMDB rating of 8.8 and 6 Oscars in its pocket, this movie is like once in a lifetime movie. You need to actualize your gifts to really see something coming – that’s what this movie portrays. In order to be a great guy, what you need is perseverance and will to succeed.

12. The game

Released in the year 1997, this movie is about a San Francisco banker who is too busy in his businesses and doesn’t have time for mundane or important activities in life.

The role of San Francisco banker is played by Michael Douglas who has really done well in his role. His brother gifts him a live action game and that changes everything.

With an IMDB rating of 7.8 and one nomination, this movie is really worth watching.

13. Trading places

Released in year 1983, this is a story about a Wall Street investor and a con. With an IMDB rating of 7.5 and an Oscar nomination, this movie is worth watching several times.

These two guys, the investor and the con, are actually guinea pigs of a big scam. Situation decides the fate of outcome but this movie defies that and per says that the real winner is the person who stays back.

14. Wolf of Wall Street

Released in the year 2013, the film is based on stock market, as the name implies. The story is about a small time guy, who eventually makes big in stock market. Equipped with an IMDB rating of figure 8.2 this movie has won plethora of awards.

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From nothing to something – that’s the story of the guy and movie as well. Some of the ways to earn and obtain money in the movie are best called corrupt but that’s what this movie is all about.

15. The social network

This movie is based upon Mark Zuckerberg’s life and whatever he did to make Facebook. He changed the game by developing a social network application that everybody is aware of.

Released in the year 2010, this movie has an IMDB rating of 7.8 and won 3 Oscars as well. Facebook today is multibillion businesses today and almost everybody is using it.

A simple idea can be really profitable if implemented with all the courage and dedication.

16. The aviator

This movie was released in the year 2004 and is based upon a guy who is into drill bit business but he works hard and diversifies into other businesses as well.

This movie has an IMDB rating of 7.5 and won 5 Oscars as well. From airplanes to movies, this guy does well in every business and leaves an indelible mark.

In e-commerce business as well, anybody can become successful provided you have perseverance and diligence.


Released in the year 2001, this movie is about startups and how they can give inspiration to other businesses as well.

With an IMDB rating of 7.1 and many awards in its pocket, this is a must to watch documentary for any entrepreneur who is brimming with ideas and wishes to do something big in e-commerce space.

In 1990,s, there were lots of startup but unfortunately they didn’t pick up.

18. Art and copy

Doug Pray plays the lead role in this movie and it’s all about inspiration and advertising. In fact, advertising plays an important role in e-commerce industry and other industries as well.

Released in the year 2009, this movie has an IMDB rating of 6.8 and won many prestigious awards as well.

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There are so many influential people in the e-commerce industry and each one of them has been able to set brilliant example.

19. Downloaded

Released in the year 2013, this movie is based upon the process of downloading and how it has affected the recording industry.

Released in the year 2013, this movie has an IMDB rating of 6.8 and has been nominated for award as well.

Napster is the most famous downloading software and the movie throws some light on that as well. Digital downloads are being done nowadays at massive scale and this movie depicts the same.

20. E-Dreams

Released in the year 2001, this movie is about the dot com boom and crash in April 2000. The film has an IMDB score of 6.8 but didn’t win any awards as such.

Having an online presence is important nowadays as well as at the time when this movie was made.

The movie focuses on various marketing techniques used in e-commerce business, such as email marketing.

21. Riot in!

Released in the year 2004, this documentary is about investing in a company called Riot Entertainment. Released in the year 2004, it holds an IMDB rating of 6.2 and won many awards as well.

E-commerce and phone apps are connected entities as no company can survive without having a powerful phone app. It’s basically a trailblazer when we talk about e-commerce.

22. Something ventured

Released in the year 2011, this movie throws light on the immense success of the companies such as Intel, Apple, Atari, Genentech, Google, etc.

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With an IMDB rating of 7 and 1 award nomination, this movie is a worth to watch movie by every e-commerce marketer.

23. Beer wars

Little bank vs big bank – that’s basically the story of the movie. Craft beer is consumed in large quantities worldwide and this documentary throws light on some of the marketing aspects of the same.

This movie was released in the year 2009 and has an IMDB rating of 6.9.

24. Helvetica

Released in the year 2007, this documentary is about graphic design, typography and visual culture.

With an IMDB rating of 7.2 and 3 awards nominations, this documentary focuses on how to elevate your brand. This documentary is worth a watch by every e-commerce marketer.

25. This space available

This movie was released in the year 2011 and holds an IMDB rating of 7.8. Although this movie didn’t get any awards as such but it was pretty much a success.

This movie is all about commercial messages and billboards and how it has an impact on our thinking.


Most vital factor in online business or in any business at all is motivation. From where you get motivation is additionally similarly imperative.

You can peruse books, yet in the event that you watch motion pictures or documentaries at that point, it’s the best.

The visual component related with motion pictures or documentaries and miniseries does the enchantment and you will, in general, handle the subject well.

These films can go about as a guide in your e-commerce business. So here we are finished with our blog on series, documentaries and movies each e-commerce marketer need to watch.

How To Create a Website?

Things being what they are, you need to create a website huh? Incredible thought! But how do you really get started? There’s such a great amount of data out there on the web, and everybody’s instructing you to do distinctive things. Who do you tune in to? Where’s the beginning stage?

Hell, possibly you should simply overlook it – it’s excessively confusing! All things considered, hold up. We know a ton about it, and this blog’s will take you on a journey for getting started with your website. We guarantee it’ll be basic, moderately simple, and unquestionably straightforward (no dumb language). Sounds great?

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Marvelous, how about we proceed onward.

Why you should create a website?

So below, we’re going to outline exactly what you need to do to get started and set up your own personal website. Before we dive in though, we really want to talk about WHY you should build a website.

Website has quickly become one of the most popular ways of communicating and spreading information and news.

There are literally millions of websites online (don’t worry; you can make yours stand out and get noticed!).  It’s an incredible method to communicate and further more a fabulous method to impart data to other people.

You improve as a person and a superior business entrepreneur.

The best reason? You can make money doing it!

We bet you already knew all of that, but it’s nice to be reminded.

One very last thing before we get started:

Making your own site can take a brief period, likely up to 30-60 days. So snatch yourself an espresso or juice (whatever you extravagant) and we should stall out in.

On the off chance that you require any assistance amid the set-up process, connect with us here and we’ll help admirably well and answer any inquiries you may have.

How To Create a Website in 5 Steps:

There’s five primary advances you have to do with the end goal to create a website.

  • Pick an extraordinary website platform
  • Pick a web host for your website
  • Learn how to Set up a website on your own domain
  • Design your new website
  • Understand the useful resources

In this way, we made it. Phew! Preferred late over never! Along these lines, right away, we should hop into stage 1.

Step 1- Pick an extraordinary website platform

Picking where you need to build website is essentially the main thing you need to do. We will take a jump and accept you’ve known about Prestashop, and this is the stage we advocate. It’s gigantic.

It’s by a wide margin one of the greatest website platform, with endless modules and additional items and relatively endless approaches to structure and format your website.

There are in excess of million dynamic clients of Prestashop= a ton, essentially.

There are different options be that as it may, and they are listed underneath:

WordPress– Definitely the following best thing to Prestashop.

Magento –Fascinating, and extremely easy to utilize.

Wix – The Popular cloud based website builder.

Read Also: How To Build a Peer-To-Peer Marketplace Website?

Weebly – For low traffic personal sites

Despite the fact that Prestashop is greater (and most likely better) than those four, here are my reasons why you should in any case run with Prestashop:

Super simple set-up and is allowed to utilize

Huge amounts of free topics and designs (We’re totally serious, there’s gazillions). There’s a monstrous help gathering on the off chance that you stall out (you won’t, yet it’s pleasant to have it there in the event that you require it).

Your website will be madly quick and it’ll likewise look Functionality and frame – immaculate!

Individuals can communicate with you effectively. Your substance can be shared, remarked on, etc.

Step 2 -Pick a web host for your website

Whoa, back off there! This is the greatest choice you’ll need to make before we go any further. You have to choose whether to pay for your website or snatch a free one.

WordPress, Weebly and Wix all offer free web hosting for anybody. Amazing, isn’t that so? It’s ideal for those who aren’t super genuine about creating the website. However, it has drawbacks:

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You won’t have the capacity to get your OWN area name

On a free hosting, your website’s web address (your URL) will be butt-terrible. Like, extremely revolting. To put it plainly, make a free website and it’ll resemble this:

We know, revolting right?

You DON’T OWN your website

It might sound silly at first, but you don’t actually own your website. It’s hosted on someone else’s web property and they can delete it if they want so.

They have done so in the past, and keep doing it in the future. Which means all your hard work on your website, all those countless hours of work might be vanished within seconds. Sad…

On the other hand, with a self-hosted website on your own domain name – you are the REAL owner of your website. You’ll be able to name your website whatever you want, for example “” or “

You can end it with .com,, .net, .org, or virtually any other web suffix. Add to that unlimited bandwidth for videos, images and content plus the free themes and you have a winning combo.

So how much is hosting and a domain name? Not as much as you’re thinking, fortunately. It usually works out to about $5 to $10 per month, depending on your hosting provider which is less than a couple of coffees.

Step 3- Set up a website on your own domain

We will push ahead assuming the platform you’ve picked as Prestashop, and on the off chance that you haven’t, you should. Truly, it’s the best.

In case you’re still somewhat befuddled by what a self-facilitated website is, enable us to clarify and how you can approach setting one up for yourself.

You’ll have to concoct an area name you like and furthermore pick a facilitating organization that can have your website.

Know More : How To Create a Marketplace Mobile App?

Space: The area is fundamentally the URL of your site. Models: ( is the area), ( is the space). Isn’t it obvious? Basic!

Facilitating: Hosting is essentially the organization that puts your site up on the web so every other person can see it. Everything will be saved money on there. Consider it a PC hard-drive on the web where your website will be spared.

Step 4- Design your new website

Presently, the fun piece.

We should make your blog look precisely how you need it to. To pick another subject, you can either go to Appearance > Themes and introduce a Prestashop theme or you can go to a top notch topic site like and purchase a theme for around $40.

We more often than not pick something that looks proficient and quite simple to redo. Prestashop, additionally, has this great component that enables you to change themes with only a couple of snaps.

So on the off chance that you begin becoming weary of your current website layout, you can simply change to another without losing any valuable substance or pictures.

Keep in mind, your websites plan ought to reflect both you and your identity, yet in addition what the website is about. There’s no point having a tennis-orientated theme if your website is about football, get it?

Step 5- Understand the useful resources.

Designers and programmers come to UI/UX field with shifting degrees on the web and web based life encounter, yet we’ve all committed in excess of a couple of amateur errors – there’s dependably space for all the more learning and enhancement, regardless of whether you’re a learner or you’ve been designing websites for a considerable length of time.

Know More : How To Make A Website Like Facebook?

This blog may enable you to maintain a strategic distance from a portion of the developing agonies with regards to your first website – appreciate!

Why Outsourcing Your Web Design is Your Best Option

Are you thinking to design your website yourself? Wait!!

In this time of regularly developing innovation, having a serviceable site is a need for any business to prosper. In the event that you’ve attempted your hand at planning your own site before, you realize how tedious the procedure is.

Planning a site that runs quick and smooth with few or no slags can take up pretty much the entirety of your vitality and core interest. Indeed, even such a typical errand as planning a logo can end up being tedious.

Thinking about those realities, an ever increasing number of organizations?Think, that it’s more advantageous and useful to employ a remote group of website architecture and improvement specialists to carry out the activity for you.

This is the way to progress for some organizations and particularly for small scale organizations. You should be extremely cautious while choosing an organization. Take a glance at their certifications and fulfillment dimension of past customers and prepare for an engaging site.

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On the off chance that by some tragic situation you stall out or have any inquiries for us about how to create a website, simply connect with us or leave a remark.

Make the most of your new website!

How Much Does it Cost to Build a Website Like Udemy

The design and development cost of e-Learning platform like Udemy can be decided by relying upon the venture features and the size you would need to add into your site.

So, with the end goal to trigger an all-encompassing way to determine the e-learning platform development cost, we should take a look at a few of the elements could affect the expense of your e-learning site.

With their advantages in mind, let’s first, take a closer look at how Udemy site draws in the users and keep their integrity through multiple user-friendly features and streamlined, personalized e-learning design.

The most prosperous projects that can handle the essential functions of an educational portal like Udemy must be able to:

  • Feed to a global target industry with a broad variety of income.

  • Support individual as well as corporate-level users.

  • Provide a revenue production toolkit for premium course creators.

  • Provide free and premium educational courses.

Cost Estimation of e-learning Portal Can Be Done as Follows:

  • Browse, categorization, and recommendations

An e-Learning website, as a matter of importance, depicts an inventory of courses to give access to students. So, browse the courses feature must be efficient and suitable.

As you must know Udemy has over 80,000 courses, there’s no big surprise they require an advanced search feature to locate the appropriate courses.

Browse in Udemy is acknowledged with the assistance of Elastic search innovation and instantly recovers matches as per the client’s demand.

Users can search course content through:

  • Keyword in the search bar

  • Categories and subcategories

  • Recommendations

  • Sorting the channels by division, subcategories, price, author, language, and so forth.

It is essential that the content designer you chose knows about the content setup you are utilizing. In case that you are creating a story-line layout, they are frequently charged on an hourly basis.

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Consequently, a 3-hour online course will take approximately 300 hrs. of content generation at a financial plan of $30-$45000. Reproductions are more tedious, yet they can be essential to your industry. Likewise, investigate the current policy of action and peculiarities to be utilized in your e-learning site.

  • Level of instructional and interactivity structure

After setting up the layout of the content, the following stage is to distinguish the learning targets to be accomplished by the dimension of interactivity.

It’ll serve you in amplifying the educational objectives which the site plans to accomplish.

Great developers will enable you to comprehend the aspect of interactivity needed to achieve the educational course objectives.

The instructional planner’s progress relies on –

  • The targeted users, course length, and type of delivery.

  • The online training channel which you expect to utilize.

  • The general content generation financial plan.

  • Previous materials, for example, PowerPoint slides, and videos.

A large part of the freelance instructional developers will charge on an hourly premise. As per estimation, it would take around 40 hours of instructional structure per hour of completed course.

For the most part, instructional developers charge approximately $100 – $150 every hour.

Cost Guide on Available Options to Develop e-learning Websites Using Different Portals

The classification of e-learning site development can be in divided into four strategies primarily based on features and scale you need to develop an e-learning portal. Here is that list:

  • Easy to launch sites – Weebly, Squarespace, Wix

These are the most cost-effective and easy options to create an e-learning site at exceptionally cheap costs that too in just seven days. But there is next to no customization available,and the vast majority of these tools are not especially served for e-Learning.

Even though a few organizations do offer some customization’s along side these to accommodate it with an e-learning portal, it is a considerable amount of dilemma for developers. Anyhow, it’s easy on the wallet, so, can be utilized as a preliminary option to begin your e-learning site project.

There is no coding included. The expenses are moderate and are straight proportionate to the number of students that will have access to the portal.

Regarding the cost, one of the most renowned website builders Wix offers their premium services for cheap prices, however, custom functionalities that you desire will be an issue.

  • Code from Raw: PHP, JAVA, ASP, NodeJS

It is mainly done by people or service providers who are or have an engineer in their organization,or you can outsource it with the vital goal to serve a large number of students with plenty of custom features set up.

Since the whole site is coded by some outsourced organization or your team, time and cost need to go into the advancement of all the features. Still it’s a good source as you can have all that you need.

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In case that you have chosen the outsourcing option, the expense is impressively higher than other choices since it requires a full development process. It’s fantastic in case you have your own website development team.

Also, remember, if your supposed users for the site is less than 1000 annually, this alternative isn’t recommended as the time and costs required do not fit with the prospect of commencing up for such a small scale of e-learning website.

  • Open Source – Prestashop, CMS like Drupal, WordPress, Joomla, etc.

These are open source choices. It’s free to start option,and you pay just for the module and themes that you utilize only a single time.

It is very reasonable, and don’t give you much trouble because of the little expenses on modules/themes that give significant functionalities.

But if you do not know about how your business will carry on in the future, how much students will enroll, it is a smart option to utilize as opposed to coding from the raw.

A considerable quantity of good themes is paid, while a ton of functional modules is free. Basic course and student management features are as of now given in Moodle.

In case that number of subscribers you expect on your e-learning site is not going to be beyond 10,000, it’s a great decision to be on such programs. But you may face customization and scaling issues if the number goes beyond this range.

Know More : How To Create a Big Website Like Udemy?

How To Make Ecommerce Website Like Amazon

The best part about starting an ecommerce website like Amazon is that you don’t have to own the products to sell on it.

All you have to do is ask businesses to upload their products on your website and you earn a part of their profit.

In the beginning, you can keep a lower market share but as the businesses increase, you can raise it.



Other than that, you are also giving small businesses an opportunity to reach a larger target audience, which otherwise wouldn’t have been possible. You only have to ship the products after they are brought from your ecommerce website.

It doesn’t matter if you have a prior experience in ecommerce website development or not. Be prepared because you’ll be learning a lot.

Here’s a step to step guide for starting an ecommerce website just like Amazon:

1. Website structure

A structured website is much more understandable compared to something that is in a haphazard pattern just to make it look creative.

Three things that matter the most when it comes the website structure is speed, security, and scalability.



Only when you offer a speed loading website to your customers, they will enjoy shopping from your ecommerce website. You must understand that visitors aren’t going to wait for your website to load.

It goes without saying that you have to offer the highest security possible. Since it is an ecommerce website, people will be entering their personal and bank details, which can get easily stolen by hackers.

Something like this is disastrous not only to you but also for your customers.

2. User-interactive design

Amazon has one of the best user-interactive designs. Your ecommerce website doesn’t need to have an over-the-top design or anything similar to Amazon. Before deciding on your design, check the latest web design trends. It should be easy to navigate, convenient, and efficient.



You can discuss about it with your company’s stakeholders.  For design, you also seek help of a website design and development company so that you can make things happen within a short span of time

3. Development-related activities

The real work starts in the third step of the process. There are so many different things you have to do at once that it can get a little bit confusing.

Development is crucial, and takes a great deal of technical knowledge to happen.

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So it is better that you seek the help of professionals, like a renowned ecommerce website development company.

However, there are certain factors that you need to check even though the work has been outsourced.

Hosting server

Find a trustworthy hosting provider. The best place to find one is the internet. Go through reviews and expert opinions.

You can either go for VPS or AWS because they offer uninterrupted and stable operation. When it comes to the hosting server, always choose Linux.

Encrypt data or not

Data encryption is an advanced level of security, which we suggest you should opt for. If ever your data is stolen, the hackers won’t be able to decipher it.

Always take a backup of all your important information, so that no hacker can ever threaten you.

Programming language

We prefer PHP programming language because it is commonly used and easy to code.  It also offers a great level of security and is scalable.

You can choose, whichever framework you want to, depending upon your coder’s comfort and budget.


If you are thinking of a quick deployment, it’s better that you go for a ecommerce website development platform like Prestashop, Magento etc.

CMS system

A content management system comes in handy when you are just starting out. It is not suitable when you have to increase your business because they have low security and don’t work at desirable speeds.

Website testing

You should go for website testing from the early stage of development itself. The benefits are limitless. The tester will come in handy when you are a making the website and for regular tests whenever your scale up.



Some tests that you should perform on your ecommerce website include Usability testing, Functionality testing, Security testing, Performance testing, Compatibility testing, and Interface testing.


Read more : How To Build a Peer-To-Peer Marketplace Website?

Don’t test hurriedly because you’ll miss something out and get flooded with infinite amounts of complaint and grievances. It will also cost you a lot to repair the damages.

5. Launch and Promotion

Before launching the website, you need to find sellers who are ready to upload their products on your website. Your second target group is buyers.

The easiest you to attract both of these groups is by online advertising. You can start collecting sellers by showing them a prototype of your website and what they should expect from it.

Create hype among probable buyers by promoting your website a few days before the launch. You can have a special discount and membership benefits for first 1,000 or something followers.

Find your own ways to generate curiosity among the people. If your budget permits, you can click photos for your vendors. You can charge them a minimal cost.

Here are some ways you can increase your reach:

SEO optimization

Optimising your website is the cheapest way to generate traffic on your website.

Google Adwords

Using Google Adwords, put ads of our websites on blogs and web applications. You will have to pay fees, but it is quite affordable.

Facebook Ads

The same thing goes for Facebook Ads. You reach a large population in a limited duration. Make you customize the settings and search results correctly or else all you invested money will go to waste.

Time and Cost of Building an Ecommerce Website

Depending on big your ecommerce website is, it will take anywhere between two to four months to launch it, which includes testing.

Promotion is an ongoing process, so you can choose to begin with it when you are 50 percent done with the website.



Cost is another variable factor that depends on your project size. However, you’ll have to pay anywhere between $10,000 and $50,000. It includes employee salary, hosting provider cost, website framework cost, and rent or EMI of your office.

How To Create a Marketplace Website?

A peer-to-peer marketplace or better known as a P-to-P marketplace is a market where users mostly sell their services or products which is available to them, but which they are currently not using.

Basically, it is a platform to rent out your service or a product.

Similarly, a Peer-to-Peer, or a P-to-P website is an online marketplace where you do the same thing, the only difference being that it is done through a website.

The concept of a Peer-to-Peer website is slowly picking up its pace, and is expected to romp up more growth in the coming years.

Fortunately, if you are looking to start your own Peer-to-Peer website, you can do it at a very less cost, even at zero cost. We’ve discussed about those things at length below.

How to Build a Marketplace Website?

For those who are interested in building their own Peer-to-Peer marketplace, they must consider these three options- the first one is to build such a marketplace from start, where everything is done from scratch.

The second option which you have is to use Open-source software on the lines of Prestashop. The third and final option which you have is to use a SaaS software solution, which is also provided by Prestashop.

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For a person who wants to have his own Peer-to-Peer marketplace, these three are the best possible options to start with.

Here, we will explain to you deeply as to how all these options work whilst discussing their benefits and disadvantages so that you can figure out the best option for yourself.

Create a Marketplace Website from Scratch

When you decide to build a Peer-to-Peer marketplace from scratch, you need to remember they it will be a tiresome job which will require a lot of efforts.

That is because nothing is already available, and making everything will require time, money and effort from your side.

The main reason because of which people go for this method is the uniqueness it offers. Everything about this website will be original, and in the Graphical User Interface, you can inculcate things which are special about your business.

Create a Marketplace Website

The other benefit of creating your own original Peer-to-Peer marketplace is that you get full freedom to create and edit the architecture of your website and application.

If you choose to buy a ready made platform, editing the architecture will be a very huge task, as you might not know what kind of technology or coding is used behind the marketplace, and even if you do, there’s a good chance that you won’t be able to find the specific code which you want to edit.

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However, let’s be frank here, time means a lot , so choosing a platform is the best option as it can save a lot of time, a lot!.

Building a Marketplace with a Ready made Platform

Rather than building your Peer-to-Peer marketplace from scratch, you can also use a readymade platform to do the needful task for you.

Most of such platforms require no kind of payment, and are in fact open source (free). There are various options available as far as choosing such platforms go.

However, to make a fully-fledged website you need the help of professionals who has been in Prestashop website development for a long time.

The most famous one however for making a marketplace is Prestashop. With the help of this platform, you will be able to create a Peer-to-Peer marketplace which will provide you the most benefits over others.

Prestashop was built exactly for the purpose of creating a marketplace, which has made the process of doing this task simpler with it.

The necessary requirements for a marketplace such as creating a GUI for the listing of products, making personalized fronts of stores and payment gateways having the option of PayPal can be readily created with Prestashop.

For other payment gateways, you might need to include them with the help of other extensions.

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The main benefit which you might derive out of using these platforms is that you will save a lot of money.

Creating a whole Peer-to-Peer market platform from scratch requires you to spend a lot of cash as you’ll need to employ a whole development team, but with a readymade platform, you will be able to do most of the things by yourself.

Also, these platforms give you the benefit of time, meaning that you will be able to enter the market very quickly to launch your products. That is why people prefer them.

Using a SaaS Platform

SaaS stands for ‘Service as a Software’. SaaS is the most popular from to launch a marketplace these days. It is way faster than any other above mentioned methods in helping you to launch your peer-to-peer marketplace, and is also cheaper than all of them.

You wouldn’t need to hire any development team to make your marketplace, and all you would need to do is that you will need to access the back end of your website through a browser with the help of your ID and password.

The best part is that Prestashop provides SaaS solutions for marketplaces. Additional features such as a unique landing page for your website can also be requested from your vendor. There are various plans offered by different vendors. You can choose to go for the censor which fulfills all your needs.

But everything has its flaws, and that goes for SaaS as well. If you choose to host your marketplace with SaaS, you will be fully dependent on your service provider, and whenever you would want to implement an upgrade in your website, you will not be able to do it until and unless an update is issued by your service provider.

Also, in terms of your website designs, there were some very less customization available, which might make your website look dull. That might take away the uniqueness which you wish to add to it. Out of all the SaaS service providers, only one or two provide you the service of completely shooting your whole market place to a private hoisting, by which you can get hold of the coding of your website so that you can change it according to your own wishes.

The thing here to understand is that if you want to have a SaaS marketplace, you will have to deal with its limitations.

In the end, it is important that you understand the fact that every method has its own utility, and everything depends on your needs.

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If you want to create your own Peer-to-Peer marketplace, then you need to understand your wants before choosing a method.

Only when you are sure about what you want should you go and make decisions regarding the suitable method of constructing your own Peer-to-Peer marketplace.

Otherwise you might encounter future problems.

Detect Language Using Python

Python, one of the most powerful and popular coding language can be put to many use. One of such include language detection.

What is Language Detection?

Are you able to tell which language are the following sentences written in:

“sonrakine bir göz at”

No? Try this one

“iyi, eğer bir selamı hakedebilirsen”

Hard right?

Well, finding a documents source language is an important step for numerous cross-language tools.

Hence, being the reason for the implementation of a Language Identification algorithm.

Language Detection comes in the category of NLP (Natural Language Processing), which involves the study regarding how computers can decode a code and value from human language.

It deals with the problem of determining which natural language given content is in.

Need For Language Identification

Natural Language models are usually specific to a discrete language. If one is not sure of the receiving document’s language, it becomes very hard to provide anyone with a good experience.

Wouldn’t it be great, if a technical support chatbot is made capable to determine a speaker’s language and could reply with documentation in the same language?

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Or a sentiment analysis tool that automatically detects the sentiment of any human language?

Well, Language Identification is designed to do exactly the same.

Language Identification is an important objective in the text mining process. Successful study of the extracted text with natural language processing or machine learning training demands a good language identification algorithm.

If it is unsuccessful in identifying the language, this misconception will invalidate the processes ahead.

NLP algorithms have to be modified for different corpus and in accordance with the grammar of different languages.

Certain NLP software is best suited for certain languages, such as NLTK and FreeLing.

NLTK is the most favored natural language processing package for English under Python, but FreeLing is best for Spanish.

The effectiveness of language processing depends on various factors.

A superior quality model for text analysis includes the following:

1. Text Extraction:

Text can be extracted by web data extraction, importing it in a particular format, grabbing it from a database, or obtain it through an API.

2. Text Identification:

it is a process of separating interesting text from another format that adds noise to the analysis

3. NLP:

is a set of algorithms that support in the processing of different languages.

4. Machine Learning:

is an essential step for objectives such as collaborative, sentiment analysis and clustering.

Software Options

There are a lot of languages recognizing software available online. NLTLK use Crúbadán, whereas Gate includes TexCat.

We prefer using Google Language API because it is very precise even for just one word. It consists of an accuracy measure in return.

Language detection with Python

langdetect is one derived directly from Google language detection. From the home page of the Python library, you can get access to the project page, this seems to be different from the code on which the R library CLDR is based. And in fact, the Python library seems to be well organized and maintained.

It claims it can detect 55 languages and upon a simple call to the function “detect” will return the two letter iso code of the language detect while a call to detect Lang will return a vector of probabilities strings. The vector contains a single item.

In Python, there are certain options which it offers, and the alternative library that found here is langid.

This claims to be a standalone library capable of detecting 97 languages and you can use the langid to classify (“your text”) to get the most likely language and its “score”.

Better the score, more probable the language. Let us see a bit of code these two libraries quickly:

Combination of Python and NLTK for Language Detection

Most of us are involved in search engines and Social networks to show data in certain languages, for example, Spanish and English.

To accomplish this process, an indexed text has to be examined well which would give intended result and store it together.

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There are quite a number of way to achieve that, the easiest way to go through is the stop words based approach.

“Stopword” is used in Natural Language Processing to mention words which should be filtered from the text before any kind of processing takes place.

Your Way through Stop words

Now, We have a text to detect the language. The basic step will be to Tokenize the given text to a list of “words” and “tokens”- using an approach depending as per our requirement.

Following is the example of detecting language with the help of Python and NLTK

As you can see, the text has been tokenized and processed further to get the intended results. The outcome of the above programme is given below:

The Result shows clearly that the text inserted in the programming, containing different languages were identified by the Python coding method. There were total four of them and all were detected successfully.