Machine Learning with IoT: Exploring Future Possibilities

The fusion of machine learning with IoT signifies the start of a new technological era. Machine learning has brought about a sea change in many work processes by automating repetitive processes. In the same way, IoT has brought in significant changes in many processes by enabling machines to communicate with one another.

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Now, imagine the scope for growth and development when the two self-developing technologies are brought together. Though IoT and ML are being used across horizontals and vectors, data scientists believe that we are still in the nascent stage and there’s a whole new world of opportunities that we need to explore.

What is IoT?

Internet of Technologies or IoT can be described as a network of machines that can be programmed to work in synchrony. The devices are also programmed to interact with the external and internal environment and react accordingly. The number of devices that can be connected in an IoT network can be anywhere from 2 or 3 to hundreds.

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The entire network is built based on sensor technology. IoT finds applications in smart homes, automated cars, precision farming, connected grids, smart retail, and lots more. Market research by Grand View Research shows that the market size of IoT has been gradually growing from 2012 in sectors such as healthcare, consumer electronics, manufacturing, transportation, retail, and others.

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The largest utilizer of IoT technology is the consumer electronics sector, which is projected to go up by nearly 100 percent by 2022.

What is Machine Learning?

The term “Machine Learning” was coined by its inventor Arthur Samuel who described it as a part of artificial intelligence that deals with machines that are able to self-learn and don’t need expressive coding. Machine learning is used to automate work processes, engage visitors to a website, and work on repetitive tasks.

The neural network is a part of machine learning. It is a relatively new domain and a lot of experiments are being done to build neural networks that replicate the functions of the human nervous system. We are still in the beginning stages of research and application in this field and have a long way to go.

Market research by Market Research Future predicts the proposed growth of the ML applications in the market. In 2017, the value of ML applications was less than 2,000 USD million. It is predicted that the value of this market will increase to almost 15,000 USD million by 2024. The top applications of ML will be in hardware, followed by software applications and service applications.

IoT and ML – A Symbiotic Relationship

An IoT network contains embedded technologies that are connected using both wired and wireless communications. One of the most important components for the development of an IoT network is data. The system should be able to access raw data from different sources and then processes it to gauge the internal and external parameters.


This where the contribution of Data Science and its subset Machine Learning becomes important. For an IoT network to work efficiently, it requires the right information, which can be collated using data science techniques and models such as neural networks, clustering methods, classification methods.

We need to explore and experiment with different ML algorithms to find precise high-volume data that can be used to gain insights for informed decision making and efficient automation.

IoT with Machine Learning – What are the future possibilities?

There are so many possibilities that we can expect to see in the future by bridging ML and IoT. Let’s take a look at a few possibilities here:

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Self-driving cars

The concept of autonomous or self-driving cars has been around for quite sometime now. In fact, the first semi-autonomous car was developed by Tsukuba Mechanical Engineering Laboratory in Japan in 1977. Since then, a lot of research and development have gone into building such cars.

Now, automated cars are being developed with sonar, radar, odometry, GPS, lidar and other sensors for better navigation and vehicle control. A*STAR’s Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) in Singapore was the first research institute to get approval for road testing of an autonomous vehicle.

As of now, the development of the connected car is still in the laboratory stage. Whether it will become a reality is something we need to wait and watch.

Robotic Vacuum Cleaners

Compactly designed, these robotic vacuum cleaners can navigate their way around your home and vacuum it for you. They can easily reach out to those hard corners and crevices and remove dust. Originally, these robotic cleaners were designed to be operated using a remote control.


However, now they are being designed with ML algorithms to self-operate. The advantage of using robotic cleaners is that they need no supervision. The downside is that this automated appliance takes a long time to clean and also comes with a huge price tag.

Smart HVAC

The heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system consist of all the appliances that are used to heat, cool and ventilate the space. A smart thermostat automatically adjusts the temperature of the air conditioner or heater based on the external conditions.

The system sends your connected device a notification when it’s time to replace the air filter. It also identifies possible problems in the system function and updates you regarding that.

Risk Management

IoT and ML not just find application in product development, but also in service management. The two technologies can be used in tandem to identify possible causes of system or hardware failure in advance and prevent them. It will help avert conditions that could cause operational problems.

Smart Energy Management

Another of the sectors where IoT and ML can be applied together is in smart energy management. These technologies can be effectively used to optimize energy consumption, which can be done by building smart grids.


Sensors can be used in the electric grid to divert electricity based on consumption. Data can be used to monitor areas of high consumption and regions of low energy consumption and accordingly divert the electricity. Sensors can also be used to detect energy leaks and take preventive action.

Smart Cities

One of the most ambitious futuristic applications of the fusion of the two technologies is the development of Smart cities. These futuristic cities will have smart energy, smart traffic management, smart mobility, smart transportation, and smart agriculture.

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ML algorithms such as Classification, Clustering, and anomaly detection can be used to smartly monitor and regulate traffic. Linear regression is the ML algorithm that can be used for real-time prediction of market and economics. Principal component analysis and canonical correlation analysis can be used for monitoring public places.

Final Thoughts

Data analytic techniques and tools can be used to effectively analyse data and gain insightful information. This information can be applied by ML algorithms to build self-learning machines, which can be used to build an integrated Internet of Things network.

There are numerous opportunities for research and development in the field of IoT and machine learning. The future is in Machine Learning and IoT.

How to Create a Website Using AI?

Over the last decade, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been slowly seeping into all domains and sectors including website development. The current trend is not just adding AI elements into website design and framework, but using Artificial Intelligence to create websites.

In this blog, we shall look into detail about AI, how it is related to website development, and various AI-based solutions that can help in building a website.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

From the name, we can easily infer that it is about a form of intelligence that is manmade or artificially created. This field of study involves creating machines and programs that think and function like humans.

Read Also: Will Stephen Hawking’s Prediction About AI (Artificial Intelligence) Be True?

Machine Learning (ML) is a subset of AI and revolves around training machines to respond and function without human intervention. Over the last decade, the field of Artificial Intelligence has rapidly evolved, creating newer areas of study such as Deep Learning, Robotics, and lots more.

A global study by Accenture has found that the market for AI will be nearly $60 billion by 2025. In the year 2016, the global AI market was just around $1.4 million.


Another study has reported that the investment in startups based on Artificial Intelligence has gone up by 6 times since 2000. All these data point to the fact that AI will have a huge influence on every domain.

Artificial Intelligence in Website Development

The multifaceted development of Artificial Intelligence has enabled designers and developers to create websites using AI. This specialized field called Artificial Design Intelligence (ADI) is an offshoot of Machine Learning.

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In simple terms, it can be described as a Machine Learning technique that identifies the latest trends in website design and development and implements them on the website.

The complex ML algorithm is designed to “understand” the core design concepts and principles. The algorithm then “observe” the trends in other websites, puts together both the knowledge and the observation to create a website. In fact, fully functional websites can be built even without creating a template.

A few platforms that are experimenting with AI for website development are Wix, WordPress, The Grid, Adobe Sensei, GoDaddy, Bookmark, and Firedrop.

Facebook, Google, Amazon, IBM Watson, and more have built AI toolkits with Machine Learning and natural language understanding features. These toolkits are ready to use and just need to be plugged into web applications. We shall explore more about AI toolkits later in this blog.

Platforms like Webflow and Bookmark provide AI-assistance for website applications and graphic designers. The virtual design assistant helps designers by providing advice or recommendations on the design.

The platform also takes care of the repetitive tasks involved in the designing process, so that designers can focus on the creative side of the job.

Websites integrated with AI-based analytics solutions can personalize the content and the customer experience based on the demographics, audience type, user engagement, and other data.

In the next few years, we will see rapid development in Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS), which will include delivering AI and ML-based solutions for website development.

On the Positive Side – Advantages of Building Websites Using AI

There are numerous advantages to using Artificial Intelligence to build a website. A few of them are:

  • Deliver a personalized experience for the user
  • Enhance visitor experience
  • Plan more effective digital marketing campaign
  • Improve the website’s performance on search engines
  • Optimize website for voice and visual search
  • Reduce cost for building a website
  • Save on resources required to build a website
  • Get analytics on website performance, user experience, user activity, and more

What are AI toolkits?

AI toolkits can be described as ready-to-use AI solutions for website development. These tools and APIs are created in programming languages such as HTML, CSS, Java, Node.JS, C++, Ruby, and Python.

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Website developers don’t need to have any knowledge of AI to integrate these AI components into the website framework.

However, they need to have a basic understanding of the AI lingo such as actions, intents, entities, and so on to maximize the function of the AI toolkits. These kits are designed to provide an overall function and are not for any specific function or task required for a particular website.

So, developers need to work on additional customization based on the website design and application. This customization can be a tad difficult as the developer needs to know the concept hierarchy and domain-specific knowledge.

To overcome this challenge, many of the companies offering AI toolkits also provide pre-designed models based on the target industry, domain, or sector.

For example, Microsoft LUIS offers pre-built domain models for websites dealing with movie ticket reservation, cab booking, restaurant booking, and such. Similarly, Dialogflow has models for hotels, restaurants, airlines, and coffee shop websites.

What are the Different Ways in which AI Can Be Used in Website Building?

To Build Chatbots

One of the first applications of AI in website creation was the development of chatbots. These bots are programmed to answer the common queries asked by customers when they visit a website. Chatbots are designed using natural language understanding and pattern recognition.


These AI tools learn from language patterns, feedback, and context. After answering the basic questions, the chatbots then direct the conversation to a customer care agent.

These bots reduce the need for a customer care person to deal with repetitive and commonly asked questions. On the other side, chatbots help improve customer interaction and reduce response time.

To Integrate Voice-based Interactions

Voice search is already going big and it is fast becoming important for websites to be optimized for voice search. Voice-based interaction tools can help websites deliver a better user experience.

To Create a Self-learning algorithm

Intelligent coding assistants can help programmers code an application quickly and easily. This assistant analyzes the code and suggests code snippets to complete the program. It also helps highlight syntaxes and update the database, saving time and effort for the developer.

Self-modifying codes can be created from scratch and deployed in relevant scenarios. The self-learning algorithm is capable to learn based on experience. It also offers personalized notifications and recommendations.

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An example for an intelligent coding assistant is Codota for Chrome. It suggests code completions and helps build predictive code models. It also recommends content based on the context.

This web-based IDE is used in StackOverflow and GitHub. Node Package Manager (NPM) and Github are a couple of pre-built, tested resources that can be used to create self-learning algorithms.

For Image Recognition

This AI tool recognizes partial and exact objects, locations, and images. It also helps identify duplicates. Google Lens and Google image search are based on this technology. Microsoft’s recognizes an image and suggests a relevant caption.

Suggest Personalized Recommendations and Notifications

AI-powered apps and tools can be used to offer personalized notifications and recommendations to website users. Content-based, user behavior-based, and user activity-based recommendations are suggested based on the user’s search on the website.

Amazon uses a collaborative product filtering classification feature that provides suggestions such as similar product, items often purchased together, or based on buddy recommendations. Netflix, on the other hand, uses visual impressions to offer recommendations.

To Assist Designers

AI virtual assistants gather all the relevant data and help the designer create layouts, mockups, and templates of a website.


They take over the repetitive tasks and also give recommendations based on trends, audience, demographics, and other pre-defined attributes. One of the popular AI assistants for designers is Adobe Sensei.

To Optimize the Website for Search Engines

Search engine optimization is one of the crucial steps in ensuring the performance of a website. Predictive engines designed based on AI principles identify errors in the website framework, which could reduce its performance on search engines.

These virtual assistants also help identify wrong content on the website and offer suggestions to optimize it. Market Brew is an AI-based platform that helps identify the best solutions to enhance a website’s performance on search engines.

To Automate Data Collection

AI-based analytics tools collect and collate all kinds of data such as demographics, user profile, page navigation, user activity, search history, and lots more.

All this data can be analyzed to identify user behavior and expectations. Website owners can use this information to improve their products/services and also deliver a better customer experience.

For Testing the Website

Repetitive and time-consuming testing tasks can be automated using AI solutions. For one, automated testing has a higher level of accuracy. Secondly, it also reduces manual hours required for testing.

On the Other Side – Cons of Using AI to Create a Website

A few of the cons of Artificial Intelligence are:

  • Job profiles such as graphic design, mobile application design, and web design could be replaced by smart machines, leading to a job crunch
  • AI-based tools and solutions automatically gather data on customer behavior, online searches, page navigation, and such, which could lead to privacy issues
  • Though chatbots and other AI tools help improve customer interaction, they are impersonal, which can create a gap between the user and the website


However, there’s no way but forward. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are changing the website development landscape in many ways. Website owners need to take advantage of this emerging trend and implement it on their websites.

The pros will definitely be an added advantage for the business owners and the cons should be addressed as soon as possible. At Probytes, we take pride in the fact that we constantly update ourselves about the latest trends and developments in website designing and development.

Our aim is to create high-performing and attractive websites for our clients. To find out more about the website development services we offer, contact us today.

PyTorch 1.0: Facebook’s Very Own AI Framework Built On Python

At last! Good news about Facebook.


Mark Zuckerberg’s can take a breath of relief.

Today the company has announced PyTorch 1.0, their open source AI framework which is the advanced version of its predecessor. Made with Python language, Latest version of PyTorch has been integrated with caffe 2 and ONNX, renowned deep learning framework.


The most astounding factor of this integration is that it will remove all the migration related issues of the previous version and might equip the tool to process more data.

The news was announced at F8 developer conference at San Jose, California on Wednesday. the official website of the framework after the announcement put up a brief note regarding the latest version and explained the features of the new version like this.

One of its biggest downsides has been production-support. What we mean by production-support is the countless things one has to do to models to run them efficiently at massive scale:

  • Exporting to C++-only runtimes for use in larger projects


  • Optimizing mobile systems on iPhone, Android, Qualcomm and other systems


  • Using more efficient data layouts and performing kernel fusion to do faster inference (saving 10% of speed or memory at scale is a big win)


  • Quantized inference (such as 8-bit inference)


The framework PyTorch 1.0 is already put to use and is responsible for over 6 billion language translation per day and that too from 48 languages.


The latest version will equip developers to optimize efficiency with the help of hybrid entrance finish that can transition between modes.

The first version of the platform was introduced a year back. So far, more than a million downloads were made.

The biggest drawback of the first version was that the platform was not equipped to be implemented on a production scale which is expected not to prevail in this version of the framework.


It is expected that soon Facebook will make a lot of their AI related developing platform open source so that people can make use of it.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) team of Facebook has been indulging themselves in a lot of research for quite some time. They mainly have 2 research team with the name Facebook AI Research group (FAIR) and the company’s Applied Machine Learning team (AML). FAIR usually deals with hardcore AI related computation and on the other hand, AML deals with lightweight machine learning models.

During the f8 developer conference, Mark said that Facebook uses the AI tools developed by the team for many purposes. One of the most important is content moderation.


Talking about moderation, apart from the huge manpower assistance, there is software with the name “Computer Vision” developed by Facebook that helps in flagging inappropriate content so that it can be either informed or removed.

It is expected that more tools will be introduced in the days to come to offer a better user experience in Facebook. However, the latest allegation against Facebook has indeed tarnished their image. So this is desperate times for Facebook and for desperate measures.

Google AI defeats Chinese GO game master: Will it start a new AI era?

Artificial Intelligence stole the limelight when it registered a victory against the South Korean grand master before proceeding to win over the world champion.

Alpha Go, the Artificial Intelligence program developed by the Deep Mind Labs of Google has defeated the Chinese grand master at the traditional board game called Go, thereby creating a buzz about AI winning over humans in games. But, when looking beyond games and the fun, it looks like the investors would gain a lot from such real-world applications of the future. This match held as the benchmark to measure the intrusion of Artificial Intelligence upon the activities of humans is a significant milestone for the technology firms.

How Google AI Emerged As The Winner?

The ancient 2500-year-old game of China, Go is considered as the highly sophisticated and complex board game and was one among the games that were not yet mastered by the computers. AlphaGo has two neural networks that were AI based, each having a combination of algorithms and software modelled based on the human brain’s structure. One neural network narrowed down the closely infinite moves to the ones which had the likely chance of playing.

The second one analyzed the best moves for determining which one would lead to the victory of the game. The programmers of AlphaGo offered it a database with 30 million board positions that were acquired through 160,000 actual games for analyzing and splitting to let it play on its own and learn during the process. This strategy made the Google AI beat the grand master on the 19 X 19 grid.

DemisHassabis, the founder of DeepMind, the AI subsidiary of Google has said that games are the perfect choice for training AlphaGo, but they don’t wish to use it just for games. He also stated that Google wants to apply Artificial Intelligence technology in different domains to handle an array of challenging tasks. It shows the power of harnessing such mechanisms that are biologically inspired with advanced machine learning techniques for creating agents with the ability to learn and master various activities.

Is It The Beginning Of New Era For Artificial Intelligence?

Becoming the master of the highly sophisticated board game is considered as just the beginning of Artificial Intelligence, as technology companies are planning to utilize AI for all computer programmes to meet the demands of varied purposes right from education to healthcare.

IntelligentX of the UK has plans to launch the first of its kind beer brewed by Artificial Intelligence while the Hoofstep of Sweden is interested in using in-depth behavioral analysis based on learning for horses and the Russian DeepFish firm is expected to use neural networks for finding fish.

Artificial Intelligence: The Futuristic Tool

Experts are of the opinion that AI would have a significant impact in multiple fields in the coming years. Let’s take a look at what AI will have in store for us in the future.


  • Robotic Workforce

In factories, the assembly lies with labor-intensive tasks would be performed by the robots that are programmed with AI and not by humans. It will lower the hiring costs and cut down offshore and outsourcing expenses. Last year, a Chinese T-shirt maker signed a deal with the government of Arkansas for employing sewing robots that were developed by a startup in Georgia to manufacture garments. It is estimated that by the year 2025, the robots instead of the caretakers will be handling most of the elderly care.

  • Top-Notch CyberSecurity

The requirement for the algorithm based Artificial Intelligence is on the rise, as the online attacks are continually evolving and latest types of malware are profoundly challenging to handle. Using AI for cybersecurity would be an added advantage, as it is capable of operating with scale and can look through millions of online attacks to identify the signals, risks and aberrations of the future threats. Fresh cybersecurity companies in the market have already begun to leverage machine learning to tackle cyber-attacks.

  • AI Powered Devices

AI is not only limited to huge and powerful devices like the supercomputers, as it is now widely used by wearable devices and smartphones. Edge computing is considered as the next big thing in AI. The Consumer Electronics Show held this year was a fine specimen that showed how the current devices relied on voice-enabled computing. Apple has introduced the neural engine and A11 chip for iPhone 8 devices while claiming that it can handle the machine learning tasks at the pace of 600B ops. The devices of Samsung are connected with internet and will feature Bixby, the voice assistant of its own by the year 2020.

  • Fast Paced Medical Diagnostics

The US regulators are interested in offering approval for using AI in the healthcare sector. Using this technology in diagnostics would help in early detection and diagnosing a medical condition with better accuracy. Right now, SkinVision, the AI monitoring tool is already used for identifying peculiar boils on the skin. The Anglo–Swedish biopharmaceutical and pharmaceutical firm, AstraZeneca and its partner Ali Health is involved in developing the diagnostics and screening AI assisted tool. Nvidia and GE have also partnered for creating medical imaging devices equipped with in-depth learning abilities.


  • Enterprise Artificial Intelligence

Technology giants like Microsoft, Amazon, Salesforce, and Google have enhanced their enterprise AI prowess, which has made it highly challenging for the small player to sustain in the field. Google has introduced Cloud AutoML to help their customers bring their data for training the algorithms to cater to their unique needs. The Amazon AI service by Amazon has helped it fulfill its aim of serving big.

Overall, it is evident that Artificial Intelligence has an optimistic future. In spite of being a disruptive technology, AI can also bring in dramatic changes. Though this technology would automate several jobs and cut down the job opportunities for people, AI can be looked upon as a positive opportunity rather than being a threat.

Will Stephen Hawking’s Prediction About AI (Artificial Intelligence) Be True?

Stephen Hawking was a bright light for the people who were searching in the darkness. The man in his wheel chair has explored and enjoyed life than most of us will ever will. Even though he has gone to be a better place, his contributions to mankind will not be forgotten.

It is indeed true that his greatest discoveries,

  • Gravitational Singularity
  • Black Hole Dynamics
  • Hawking Radiation
  • Dawn OF Galaxies
  • Wave Function of the Universe

Has changed the course of Astrophysics.

However, Stephen Hawking persona was not just limited to physics. He was a man of humor and has showcased it on multiple occasions.

For instance,

On the renowned show HBO Last Week Tonight, Stephen was asked a serious question by the host John Lover.

“You’ve stated that there could be an infinite number of parallel universes,” “Does that mean there’s a universe out there where I am smarter than you?”

And this was his reply

“Yes,” “And also a universe where you’re funny.”

Controversy has always been a part of Stephen’s glorious life. One of the most renowned ones was his comment about Artificial intelligence at a point of time where people were expecting AI to be the biggest breakthrough of this century.

He said to BBC that,

“The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.”



The theoretical physicist who has successfully defeated Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) has ignited a big controversy back then with this statement.

The above-mentioned statement was not just made by Stephen alone. He was backed up by Elon Musk, Bill Gates and many other leading scientists.

Elon Musk the man behind Tesla named AI as,

“Existential threat” to humanity’s existence.

But is it true? Will AI (Artificial Intelligence) wipe out humanity once it has reached singularity?

For now, it is expected that automation will soon have its dominance by replacing humans in driving cars, and AI shopping assistants but to an extent where they would take over the world is considered to be strange.

However, havoc can be caused if there is a glitch in this automated systems. For instance, stock market crash that happened in the year 1987 was mainly due to a computer error.

The most important flaw of computer or hardware-based system is that sometimes errors can be left unnoticed which can cause a devastating effect.

But, not everyone is against AI. Charlie Ortiz, the head of AI at Nuance Communications said that all these assumptions are over exaggerated and he does not see AI as a threat whatsoever.

Pascal Kaufman the founder of Starmind also stated that those who are passing alarming statements about AI are not working extensively on it.

He added that,

“When we start comparing how the brain works to how computers work, we immediately go off track in tackling the principles of the brain,” “We must first understand the concepts of how the brain works and then we can apply that knowledge to AI development.”

At present, AI is helping humankind through machine learning. Through machine learning computers can recognize patterns and even to a large amount of data.

For instance, latest news is that Google is collaborating with a medical organization to develop an AI program that can diagnose cancer.

Above all, remember be it any machine, it is only good as the date we feed them. So the focus should be on feeding good data to the system rather than worrying about something that can or cannot happen.

10 Ways Businesses Are Applying AI (Artificial Intelligence)

AI or Artificial Intelligence is widely used everywhere these days. With machine learning and AI proliferating further, it is imperative for businesses to utilize this technology to have an edge in the market.


Be it having a virtual assistant like Alexa or Siri to simplify the tasks, using analytics to enhance the sales insights or identifying the right talent using recruiting tool. Based on AI, several businesses have already begun to incorporate it in all their business processes.

When equipped with Artificial Intelligence, even small businesses can grow up as a data-driven company to offer full-fledged services.

1. Improve Sales Performance

Businesses can now sell complex products like huge ticket products, cars or financial services easily, as they need not rely on their sales team to keep track of all their products on sale.

With the help of AI, businesses can focus on Sales Enablement, as this technology can note down the points during the sales meeting, generate memos that would be helpful for the sales team to sell the best products to the targeted consumers at the best time.

With a well-integrated RM, businesses are equipped with full customer data that would offer them an insight to make better sales decisions in a timely fashion. Right now, AI helps in making the perfect decisions, such as, which aspects to focus on and which offers would work, to promote the sales volume.

2. Convert Huge Data Into Easy To Understand Narratives

Businesses often have a tough time while handling big data, as it needs them to avail the services of expert data analysts. This is the reason for preferring to use AI-based systems that can interpret the data in languages like French, Spanish, etc. and convert it to any of their preferred languages.  The AI solutions offered by these advanced systems will also help the businesses get automated data analysis. With Artificial Intelligence, enterprises can change the unstructured data into useful, actionable insights.

3. Achieve Business Insights through Cloud Databases

The information found in substantial cloud databases will be useless until it is processed and extracted to identify its patterns. Businesses apply Artificial Intelligence for mining the information that is hidden within such datasets by processing the precious data points efficiently and quickly. Also, AI can adapt and learn the changes in the business environment, as it is not static.

4. To Create Better Stories Using Algorithms

Robo-journalism is a popular term used across the business verticals in the recent years, but developing stories with the help of data requires advanced systems that can go beyond the conventional ones in creating clear and simple stories. Even though such traditional methods were capable of explaining the factual events, they fail to elaborate the logical reasons behind the conclusion.

Also, they cannot summarize large volume of data as well as contextual information. These days, businesses aim at data monetization tools backed by Artificial Intelligence to get content automatically and cut down the expenses on hiring human resources to get the task done.

5. Enhances Personalized Customer Experience

AI has revolutionized the field of e-commerce in numerous ways. This technology finds the clusters and patterns of the buying behaviour of the customers. AI also analyses several transactions that take place every day to send specific offers based on consumers’ preferences to target potential buyers and offer them an excellent personalized experience. Businesses also integrate CRM with AI to generate sales messages and offer customized solutions to widen their customer base.

6. For Improvising Consumer Communications With Chat-Based Solutions

Many businesses have realized the benefits of using AI-powered Chatbots to develop business solutions that are chat-based to improve communication with customers. AI can facilitate online chat with the interactions that are bot-driven to promote workflow automation.

7. To Get Automated Data Analytics

The present dashboards are very complex making it tough for businesses to know what the data indicates and draw conclusions based on it. To address the issue, businesses rely on Artificial Intelligence to make well-informed decisions that would be beneficial in the long run. This advanced technology is now helping several companies, as it offers an in-depth data analysis report that would explain what the data shows, by drawing insights and identifying the action items with the help of data set.

8. Lower Mundane Tasks and Improve Efficiency

The Artificial Intelligence systems handle the routine tasks that are repetitive to aim more at the tasks which would enhance the business value. Mid-sized and small businesses with limited resources consider AI as the game changer, as it helps in automation of CRM’s logging notes and routing new queries.

9. For Anticipating Business Outcomes

The AI systems have the prowess to capture the signals that are usually missed by the sales force who are on the lookout for any correlation between the customer data. When the customer support tool that is AI-integrated predicts consumer view using their current interaction, businesses utilize this data for building a healthy customer relationship.

If the customers don’t have a favorable opinion about business then, the AI system takes the necessary proactive measures immediately for changing their perceptions, instead of waiting for them to express their dissatisfaction about a product. So, AI plays a vital role in anticipating outcomes for enabling the businesses to realize, which matters should be focused.

10. Provide Assistance In Real-Time

It is not a tedious task for firms in Aviation segment to maintain their interaction with their customers these days while keeping up with logistics, as they are fully equipped with AI. Interacting with millions of customers in real-time across the globe is not possible by using just social media platforms. Businesses now make use of Chatbots and Intelligent Systems for offering real-time updates on the changes in flight schedules, and to stay in touch with their customers.

There is no doubt that AI has a vital role to play in different applications of various business verticals, as it cuts down the costs while increasing the productivity.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Revolutionize Web Development – Know-How?

Artificial Intelligence is assumed to change the world, for better and for the worse it’s bound to happen sooner or later.

Obviously AI’s profound impact will be on Technology domain. It will be tailored to do the difficult tasks of web developers shifting its main focus at enhancing the user experience.  And we all know that more people are on the mobile web, which means the user interface is going to be on top of the pyramid.

Artificial Intelligence And Its Role

Applied artificial intelligence is eradication the technical barrier for the non-technical web developers, making things easier for them. It is programmed to almost all of the tasks which require skilled web developers.  We can already see the sparks online with websites that help you build your portal with just a few inputs.

According to some experts, AI can prove a threat for many web developers as it might increase their risk of being unemployed. But at the same time, many of them deny this fact. Do you really think artificial intelligence will replace the human intelligence in terms of web development?

The Web Developers Challenges

Well, you need be afraid of the above said, neither web development nor the web designers will find their intelligence getting eradicated. If the truth is to be told, AI and the current DIY website building platforms, all totally rely on the web developers. The web designers train the system in such a way that any non-technical person can get it done through AI.

Training a machine or a platform on how to act and perform like a web developer can increase the need for learning new technologies and understand the need of interpreting demand & behaviour of a user. However, there is a never ending debate on this. All in all, a website developed by you is more appealing than a website built using the AI concepts.

The Future Of AI

AI assumes to pay the hottest price for technology. We assume it will affect almost 2/3rd of the ways a customer interacts with the system.  Let’s look at how AI can arouse the future:

  • More and more businesses will search for newer ways to interact on the websites
  • Superior UI experience will drive companies to use the power of AI
  • Chat bots, which already exist, will take over the traditional customers retail needs.
  • Viral robots will be integrated with the technology
  • Voice based searches will see a rise in demand
  • In-store experiences will be personalized
  • Will be able to sense the moods of the customer knowing what he wants and what he is looking for

A Take Away For The Web Developers

So, what can web developers do to stay ahead of all these technological advancements?

We would suggest you to keep a watch on the consumer’s behaviour and needs so that you learn the changing web and mobile usage patterns. You need to augment these skills by learning the code smartly. See yourself working intelligentlywith the AI technology.

Now the important part, you should always remember, computers and the so called ‘AI’ will never be able to replace one thing- Human responsiveness. Don’t back out with the ways users interact.  There is always a need for smooth and clear user experience, which can only be provided by smart and intelligent web developers.


And since you are reading this, we are sure you are one of those who can provide an outstanding UI experience to your users.

Concluding The Matter

The web industry is ever changing with the growing awareness and research for technological advancements. Web developers have the potential to take their work to an entirely new level if they keep updating their related facts. Lastly, don’t forget the USER IS KING. So don’t forget you will be rewarded right for pleasing the king.