How To Start An Online Business?


Most of the people think that starting an online business only requires a website, some online resources, and a team on online marketing to popularize it.

However, there Is much more than they think. It requires some more expenses to produce a good online business platform. Online businesses require internet-based promotions, web development team, a marketing plan, a brand management team, and a lot more.

Here are the types of online businesses along with their required expenses:

Editing & Writing

This idea of doing online business is generally utilized by freelance writers and editors. They create blog pages using free resources such as WordPress, Magento, etc. and then share their quality content on various popular websites.

Editing & Writing

It doesn’t require any expense because there are some open-source platforms available to provide content-based web application layouts.

Moreover, writing and editing can also be implemented to the social media platforms where writers post quality content on different networks. The key purpose of starting this business is to increase the awareness of a particular subject using high-quality content.

Mobile & Web Development

Mobile and web development is a major field which can help developers and designers to enlarge their business. However, to start this business you will need to create your own website.

So, if you have a team of some good designers and developers then you will have the advantage. Otherwise, you need to hire these experts.

Building a website will need expenses for the following resources:

  • Latest development tools and services
  • Hosting & maintenance services
  • App development kits
  • Testing tools

Once you have all these resources, you need to start promoting your website on search engines, social media, and other online resources as well. Once you start getting projects through your website, you don’t need to spend additional money.

E-commerce or Online Store

E-commerce businesses are one of the most preferred choices among businessmen. It has gained huge popularity in the industry.

Online Store

Even start-ups and SMBs are starting their online store to sell their products and services. There are basically two levels of starting an e-commerce business according to the required expenses:

1. Doing business through free resources

There are some business personals who are utilizing major social media platforms to start their e-commerce store. There is only one reason behind it – no initial and setup costs.

You just need to build accounts and pages on every platform and then start promoting your products/services through high-quality posts.

2. Setting up a Major E-commerce Brand

For this segment, there are a lot of aspects which will require spending money. Starting from building a good and responsive website to implementing logistics, you need to create a budget plan for this idea.

Setting up a Major E-commerce Brand

First, you need to hire a professional agency or some good website developers to build the best user-interactive websites.

These dynamic websites should be connected to responsive service, or you can also select a hosting plan for your e-commerce site. Overall, you need to have a good budget to start an online store with a proper brand management plan.

Digital Marketing

This concept has been trending from the past few years. There are many companies that are providing digital marketing services through various resources.

This business idea can help you get the best ROI (return on investment) and get you more profitable leads for your business.

Digital Marketing

Since every brand needs popularity to gain audiences, so it would be a great idea to provide digital marketing service.

You just need to have a good web application and social media profiles to promote your digital marketing business. This won’t require huge expenses to spend while implementing this idea.

Basically, you need to calculate the budget on the basis of all these aspects. In order to create a flexible workflow of your business, you need to focus on the key driving forces, including:

  • Website development
  • Marketing
  • Hosting

Website Development

Website Development

Starting an online business will definitely require a good website that can provide ease of access and flexible user interaction.

From designing the layout to integrating a secure database with the website, there are many factors which can make you spend some money. Here are they:

A Team of Designers & Developers

In order to get a good layout or a user-friendly UI/UX, you need to hire some skilled web designers. They have good experience of latest the technologies and platforms through which they can build great designs of your site.

team of designers & developers

Then you must have a team of front-end as well as back-end developers to create good connectivity of your website with secure databases and server.

Hiring them individually might costs a lot more. So, you can also hire an agency that can provide all-in-one services, based on your key requirements.

Development Toolkits

There are some open-source platforms that provide great tools and services to build a user-friendly as well as SEO-friendly websites, such as WordPress, Joomla, etc. However, they also provide hosting and maintenance services as well.

Development Toolkits


However, there are some paid toolkits as well, which might cost you a bit more. According to your business idea, you can choose a reliable set of development tools such as Magento, Visual Studio, etc. Just keep your budget in mind.


Marketing is always necessary for every type of business. In order to gain some reliable audiences for your business you need to popularize your business.

Read also : How Much Does it Cost to Market an App?

When you are implementing an idea for your online business, you will also need to focus on top digital marketing trends. You need to focus on the strategies that can provide you immense profits through the best resources.


Offline marketing is little expansive than digital marketing; however it is a bit more effective. But you can also get quick responses from techniques like paid search advertising and social media marketing. These both are subsets of digital marketing.

As you know people are increasing their interaction with social media platforms and search engines, so it will be an advantage for your online business.

Hosting & Maintenance

Hosting of your online business is also necessary to keep your business flow fluent. There are some agencies offer 24/7 hosting services without any interruption. You can choose an affordable plan and make your website accessible for your targeted audiences always.

Hosting & Maintenance


Maintenance is all related to updates and upgrades. When you are utilizing a website for your online business, you need to keep eye on the latest updates to stay competitive in the industry. Hiring some personals might be a little expensive, so it is better to choose maintenance services from hosting providers. They can easily manage all these aspects.

Whether you start your online business through open-source platforms or utilize paid toolkits, you will need to maintain a budget plan.

This essential guide will help you to know how much expenses will be required to implement different business ideas. Go through it and create a proper strategy to spend your money effectively for better outcomes.


7 Web Development Strategies To Take Your Business To The Next Level

Business growth has become one of the major game changers in this world of the digital age. From web development to web design, it has taken over the whole industry.

The platforms, algorithms and different initiatives have managed to take the business to a new level of advancement. The only fact that makes people less stable is changed trend.

This type of rapid change requires a strong formulation of web strategies that can take it up high successfully. In this competitive era, it helps in taking the business to a new height.

Read Also: How Much Does it Cost to Build an Ecommerce Website?

Here are a few web strategies that can easily take the business to new heights in terms of business growth.

1. Mobile-Friendly Websites

Mobile-Friendly Websites

Approximately 11% of the whole population spends time on a website that is limited due to the involvement of computers. But when it is moved to the mobile phone, this percentage increases to 55%. In such case, a marketer requires to work towards a strong strategically development work to ensure that it ranks well.

When we follow these strategies with a mobile website, then the result can astound us all. There are so many interfaces that one can acquire easy interaction with the workflow.

2. Content Marketing

In 2018, content marketing took a new turn in business and every industry was looking up to it. The trend of content has managed to come up a bit higher with the help of different strategies.

Content Marketing

It helps in driving up a huge level of traffic that makes it much better in terms of business growth.This has become one of the major parts of the business since Google has grown up a lot. There are websites that work on a good level with organic search.

It has built up a deep relationship between a customer and website/company. The expertise has managed to share their purpose and scope of business to a new level.

In 2019, we are going to see multiple ways in which a site can actually connect with the audience. if anything, these strategies are not going to fall out anytime soon and even in future, we must be ready to face it all.

Blog, guest posting, press release, etc. have risen a lot over time. Every single person is getting involved in this that is helping them to grow and reaching a new level in industries.

Even YouTube has become an integral part of our lives. Hence, video content is something that we can look forward to in future that can help in gaining a lot of traffic.

3. RAIL Strategies

RAIL Strategies

There might be people who are not aware of it but this has grown up a lot in years. RAIL – Response, Animation, Idle,and Load have managed to gain huge importance in the world of marketing.

However, it has now become a common strategy that is used by companies to work in the web department. It helps in giving out a better perspective and a whole new room of UX based findings that can take a website to a higher level.

The four functions on which this whole RAIL concept is based on is for the UX site. One can be completely focused on the main factors that can be put up in a site for enhancement and growth.

These type of work is done for the objectives that that might require some critical action in the future. Especially, when it comes to user end then this type of strategy can be extremely helpful.

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In addition to this, there are certain actions such as drag, scroll, touch and like on the user end that are required in UX. The last factor for which developers depend on RAIL is the performance of a website. This makes it work smoothly with the aspect to grow in an amazing manner.

4. Project Management Tool

There are some of the incredible tools that are used when it comes to project management. It has become an easy workflow to sort out whole work setup in terms of tracking and monitoring whole performance.

It also helps in launching the project in an easy way to not make it overwhelming and difficult for companies. For instance, Asana is used for task management that allows one to easily depend on steady workflow.

Project Management Tool

In addition to this, there are other projects and ideas that are used by companies in near future. This has managed to keep the focus of companies to the urgent task or tasks that are still in the pending file.

One can easily work on the aspect with the help of different strategies and workflow. This type of web software has managed to take the project on a new level due to its advancement and way maintenance of workflow. Even the revenue have witnessed some services changes in this aspect.

5. Chatbot

Artificial Intelligence is influencing the business world a lot. It has managed to take the business to a huge level in terms of growth and structure.

Also, companies are indulging it with their new aspect to ensure that they are growing and becoming something that can take over the world. In this growing period, Chatbot is something that has managed to take a lot of attention of business associates.

Companies are linking it up with chatbots for the betterment of their firms and are now dependent on different communication mode.

This is helping them to be available for their customer 24×7 making communication a lot easier than it can be.


The conventional user interface that it has managed to grab up a top notch along with its popularity has made it reach a new height.

Not only this, but this have received high popularity and demand in terms of business growth and conversational user interface. The automatic response function is also attracting an audience to get along with a site to make it a happier place for all.

It has grabbed a lot of attention and a guarantee to commitment terms that makes it easy to have a better experience. This virtual assistance holds a lot of power in their grasp that can make or break a business easily.

Hence, it is better to embrace them to ensure that we are growing at a faster rate.

6. Partnership

Another aspect that allows a web business to grow is their partnership with other sites. Yes, it has a huge influence on the market that is making companies grow and reach a new height.


There are companies that are partner-shipping with others in order to come up as a bigger market. It can be small vendors with Amazon or big names with a smaller structure.

They are now changing the way we were witnessing the whole website prospect of business.

This helps in creating a great market image with time to put in an effort in an already growing market. It gives one a platform to work on steadily to manage and grow their work route.

It also helps in growing up the market in the business in form of structure and help in getting to the top of the business world. Hence, one is actually involving others in their business for seminars, webinars, etc.

7. Static Sites

Static Sites

Static and dynamic are two words that have must deeper meaning when it comes to website development and design. The companies are now converting whole dynamic content to state generators of sites that allow one to reach a new height.

Also, the bloggers are using this aspect to grow and thrive to reach a new level and allow for rapid growth. There are tools that can be availed in terms of accessibility and helps in getting a better and faster loading speed for a web page.

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Another factor is that one can put up their trust for security in static pages. They allow one to grow and have an impact on generators that can easily work freely as a dynamic site but not in terms of features.

The site generators are used immensely in the market that takes a site to an upper level in terms of lightweight. Also there are servers that ate included in this type of work allowing a company to work on different trends and even run as per the server so that none is lacking behind.

Now, the question that remains with you is ‘Are you ready to embrace these changes or do you need more time’?

Python For Business Intelligence and Data Engineering

Python is a popular multi-paradigm high-level language used for various domains in business as well as technical. It is considered the easiest language for beginners to learn and understand because of its readability and syntax.

Python uses fewer line codes which make the whole concept of developing a lot easier. Data scientists are now involved in forming the link between network applications, web programming or automating data.

If you are looking for a programming language that can carry out these tasks, then Python is the one.

Python is a customary programming language with numerous modules that are used in different tasks such as analyzing or visualizing the data.

Modules like Scikits, SciPy, NumPy, R or Disco can be used in Business Intelligence or Data engineering domain with Python.

What are Business Intelligence and Data Engineering?

To some people, these terms might look similar and serve the same purpose but do not have the same result.

Let us briefly understand what are Business Intelligence and Data Engineering.

Business Intelligence:

Business Intelligence (BI) helps business to make better decisions with various tools and methods. BI alone is a broad category consisting of data analysis, data mining or big data.

BI consists of several methods and procedure through which data collection, sharing, and reporting are carried out easily to ensure the better decision making.

With the technological advancement in BI tools, users can easily produce reports and visualization without any support of the IT firm.

BI usually deals with the historical data through which they can determine the trends using simple reporting and analytics tools.

To make informed decisions, the BI carried out an in-depth analysis of historical data through various resources. It also helps users to get answers to their questions related to data.

The tools of BI are designed to display the result of the analysis in such a way even a layman can be able to understand it properly.

Data Engineering or Data Analytics:

Data Analytics (DA) is the process of examining different data sets and reports to generate information with the help of specialized systems and tools.

Data analytics is mostly used in industries to enable the organization to make informed decisions.

Data analytics can help the business in making informed decisions and optimize their business strategies and policies.

These initiatives generally help organizations to increase their efficiency, strategize marketing or increase their revenue and act more quickly with the latest trends to achieve a competitive edge.

The data which has to be analyzed might consist of historical data or new data from both internal and external sources. It focuses on algorithms and patterns.

To understand both of the terms in simple words, we can say that Business Intelligence helps the organizations in making better decisions by using past data while Data Analytics helps the organizations in making predictions and then make decisions which might help the business in the future.

BI is needed to operate the business while DA is needed to transform the business.

How can Python be used in Business Intelligence or Data Engineering?

Python can be very easy to learn and apply to achieve data analysis. If you are thinking you don’t have prior knowledge of Python to start with data analysis. You need to change your mind first.

How much Python you need to understand to perform data analysis? There is no need for you to expertise in Python programming language to work with data sets.

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Thus you need a basic knowledge of Python and need to learn Python libraries. Python libraries consist of several features which offer the user to evaluate and analyze the data sets and produce effective outcomes.

The Python programming language has turned into a robust and powerful tool for data analysis with the help of these libraries. The libraries which are used in DA are listed below:

1. NumPy:

NumPy is a fundamental package for the Python is used generally for scientific computing. With the use NumPy the object for multidimensional arrays, matrices and routines are introduced. These allow the developer in performing the task of advanced mathematical and statistical functions on those arrays and matrices with the minimum code as possible.

2. SciPy:

The SciPy is an open-source Python module which is a collection of mathematical algorithms built on NumPy data structures by adding sets of algorithms, patterns, and high-level commands. These are later used for manipulating and visualizing the data for the analytics process. This library usually helps in solving differential and integrals numerically, optimization and more.

3. Pandas:

Pandas library is used for data manipulation which is based on NumPy data structure. It also provides various functions in the analysis of finance, statistics, social sciences, and This library offers tools which can shape the raw data into useful datasets. It also provides several functions for accessing, indexing, merging or grouping data easily.

4. IPython:

IPython is a higher version of the Python interpreter which provides great features to data scientists. It helps in creating clean and clear reports and statistics for the data analysis. IPython is also an embeddable interpreter for the programs.

5. Matplotlib:

Matplotlib library is used in Python to create graphs and visual representation of the data. It creates interactive 2D and 3D plots which can be very easily You can easily create a graph with little commands and is very flexible to work with statistical analysis.

These libraries will enable the user to handle the raw, incomplete, big data or datasets with less effort. There is no limit to size which you can analyze using Python libraries.

To perform data analysis with Python you need to import Python module i.e. Pandas. Pandas is a software module written for Python programming language which is used for data manipulation and data analysis.

Also Read : Python Development Trends 2018 – [Infographic]

It can perform fairly at a high-performance rate when it is compared to other Python procedures.

Creating a Simple Dataset Using Python by Using Pandas:


import pandas as pd

dataxyz = {‘Day’:[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], “Visitors”: [1500, 600, 5000, 2000, 4500], ‘Bounce_Rate’: [20, 50, 25, 20, 15]}

df = pd.DataFrame(dataxyz)



We have used import syntax to import Pandas tool. ‘dataxyz’ consists of the data sets such as visitors, day and bounce rate of the website. The dictionary which we have prepared shall be converted to a data frame with the help of pd.dataframe(name of the dictionary).

Pandas module in Python can help in various operations such as:

  1. Slicing the DataFrame: If you want only a part of a particular frame you can easily slice it.
  2. Changing the Index: It also enables in changing the index value of the data frame.
  3. Data Conversion: You can also easily convert the data into a different format.
  4. Changing the column headers: it can also help in changing the column headers of the data.
  5. Concatenation: You can also interlink multiple data frames with the help of Pandas.
  6. Joining and merging: It can also perform an operation like joining and merging of two or more data frames.

Slicing the Data frame:

import pandas as pd

dataxyz = {‘Day’:[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], “Visitors”: [1000, 700, 6000, 1000, 400, 350], ‘Bounce_Rate’: [20, 20, 25, 22, 15, 22]}

df = pd.DataFrame(dataxyz)



With this help, you can print only a part of data and if you want to print the last part of the data set you can change print(df.head(2)) to print(df.tail(2))


Merging of Data Frame:

import pandas as pd

data1 = {‘Day’:[1, 2, 3], “Visitors”: [1000, 700, 6000], ‘Bounce_Rate’: [20, 20, 25]}

data2 = {‘Day’:[4, 5, 6], “Visitors”: [100, 7000, 2000], ‘Bounce_Rate’: [30, 25, 45]}

merge = pd.merge(data1, data2)



Changing the index and column header:

      import pandas as pd

dataxyz = {‘Day’:[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], “Visitors”: [1000, 700, 6000, 1000, 400], ‘Bounce_Rate’: [20, 20, 25, 22, 15]}

data1.set_index(“Day”, inplace=True)



The Day has now become the index value of the data frame.

Points To Consider While Building a Business Website

How long will it take to build a business website? or even redesign one in accordance with the current scenario? What should I consider before hiring an e-commerce design and development company?

These questions are quite common from entrepreneurs to a web development company. However, confusion still prevails.

Don’t worry we can help you with that.

Consider the below-mentioned points before building a business website so that there would not be any room for confusions.


The most prospective client will never tell a developer to start their project as soon as possible and get it over with.

While others will want to get it done and move onto another task. This is more than enough reason to reject a partner and move to someone better.

These will occur only when a company has multiple projects for you to do in a limited time that will ultimately result in the workflow and quality.

However, the companies that are getting straight to the work means that they don’t have any sort of work from other clients and it is always better to ask them the reason for it.

After all, the last thing you will want is to make your website suffer.

The main thing is that if a company is delivering high-quality work then there demand will be high as well. But if a company is good at work but are still free then it is a rarity.

Apart from this, the timeline can entail many other factors. A lower span of time let you know that the developer or designer is not putting up a lot of thought in the work.

It is even possible that a designer is using a template and simply placing your content it as without any new feature.

The best possibility is that there are many team members that are working on modules and providing you with the work by compiling it.

However, you need to understand that time expectations are not the only factor but the way task is done will count.

Get, Set, Work!

If you think that building website is an easy job then think again but it will be easy for the third-party.

However, there are still things that must be done on your end only such as reviewing deliveries, gathering content, answering queries of developer and providing them with your honest feedback.

It is not a daily process when a client gives time to the website in their free time but it is essential to take out some time and respond to the developer to make it a convenient task.

The timeline will be affected if you will take a lot of time to respond to their queries.

However, you might not be asked to make a whole website but your input is essential. But make sure that developers are not completely dependent on you.

They are giving their own input as well and only coming to you while deciding on something crucial for your site.

Worst To Happen

Deadlines are the most crucial aspect of any project as the realistic timeline is the best thing to follow up.

However, if you are simply throwing a dart at a calendar and setting a date then it is not the way to work out.

If you are deciding to build a website then there are chances that it is not a work of a day or two. You might be planning on it for a longer period of time.

This will make you decide on a deadline easily and on top of that, you can always ask why.

While you set a deadline, it is essential to understand how much time will be required and what will be the outcome.

If a deadline is missed then the consequences must be important. It can be a financial problem, competition, and fixed opportunity.

In addition to this, it is possible that missed deadlines mean that you will get a quality project.

You need to be understanding that if a person has told you to deliver a project at a set time then they will deliver it as well.

A delay in the project is not a big deal if they are planning something good for you.

Total Time

There are so many websites that are launched every day with uttermost accuracy and outcome.

However, if you are going for an experienced team to build and set up your website then it must take a total of 12-16 weeks to get the work done.

This is total time takes from the start of the project until the launch of the site.

However, if the business site has higher complexity and your scope is also bigger then it can also take you a minimum of 6 months to get done with the project.


Even the custom website development and designs will take their time to meet your end goal. There is no shortcut to getting the work done.

The marketplace has its own set of expectation from a business which is increasing their online product to make sure that the customers get the best experience.

The website is the main platform that works between a customer and business and sets an impression of a firm on them.

Top 25 Inspirational Movies About Business Success

Watching people taking on extraordinary goals inspires us in one or the other way. As a matter of fact, we all need inspiration. And movies are the best way to get it.

When we relate ourselves to these stories, they leave a great impression on our lives.  Dealing with cut-throat competition in the digital age, sometimes we get tired of trying and struggling in our life.

This is the very moment when we feel discouraged and want to give up. But movies make us look inside ourselves and, often, become a source of our inspiration.

Sometimes art imitates life, and sometimes life imitates art. But a good movie has the ability to do both. Such movies have the power to change someone’s life instantly. Here is a list of 25 movies about success in business that everyone should watch.

1. Pursuit of Happyness

The Pursuit of Happyness is an American biographical drama film, casting Will Smith as the main character. Will Smith in the movie, is featured as a homeless salesman who holds a great trust in a product that he is unable to sell.

It is based on a true story of a man called Christopher Gardner. He invests a lot of money in a device named “bone density scanner”. While Chris tries to make ends meet, he ends up losing his house, wife and his money.

The extraordinary movie is emotional roller coaster with a happy ending where the homeless salesman turns into a millionaire.

2. The Aviator

The movie is based on the non-fiction book of 1993 Howard Hughes. The film is a reflection of the life of Howard Hughes who was an aviation pioneer and the director of Hell’s Angels.

The story portrays his life from the late 1920s to mid -40s, during which, he becomes a well-known and a successful film producer and an aviation magnet.

He was a victim of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and faces many difficulties but manages to hold his own against rival companies and hateful rumors. Apart from all the wealth he raised, he had something much greater to focus on.

He had a desire of making something which the world would have never seen or thought of.  This set him apart from the competition. He tried hard, faced many obstacles but nothing could keep him from becoming who he wanted to be.

3. American experience Henry Ford

This movie is a great story of a boy named Henry Ford who rose from the ground to the heights of sky and becomes the most influential American innovator of the 20th century.

He had a dream that would change the world forever. He went against his investors, believing that there should be an automobile easily affordable by the working class.

The movie is extremely inspirational. Moreover, it dives into some of the hidden demons ford faced throughout his entrepreneurial journey.

4. Wall Street

The story of the movie revolves around a man named Bud Fox, an ambitious stockbroker, doing whatever it takes to make his way to the top. He takes desperate measures to rise to the top of Wall Street.

In this story, Bud fox takes risky and illegal insider trading tactics from the one he admires i.e. an unscrupulous corporate raider Gordon Gekko.

Fox gets obsessed with underhanded schemes and greed which eventually affects the livelihood of his beloved father.

5. Wolf of Wall Street

It is an inspirational movie as Jordan Belfort (the main character of this story) becomes from nothing to something really big.

The story depicts how business cultures are created in fast-paced companies. The Wolf of Wall Street shows the rise and fall of wealthy stockbroker Jordan Belfort.

6. The social network

The movie is based on a real story of the world’s youngest billionaire, creator of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg. He is a young, successful and an intelligent man.

The story depicts his struggle and the reason behind the invention of the world’s most popular social site. Starting off as a student at Harvard with a high potential and strong streak of arrogance, he successfully creates a new social network in the country.

7. Forrest Gump

Well, here the film is about a simple man having a low level of I.Q. along with a good heart. Forrest Gump is an American romantic comedy-drama film based on the 1986 novel “Forrest Gump”.

The story is the depiction of the long life of Forrest Gump who was a witness to several historical events in the 20th century, in the US. He became successful just by living his life in the best way he knew.

Further in the movie, he owns a huge game company and becomes a source of inspiration for people around the world. Also, he joins the army and wins several medals. At last, he proves that one does not need to be a super genius to make something work. All you need to do is, give it a try.

8. The Corporation

This is a documentary firm which captures the development of the modern business corporation. It focuses primarily on corporations in the North American Region.

How the corporation got to be recognized as a person or a separate legal entity, distinct from the members who constitute it, is interesting to note.

This movie aims at explaining and exploring the concepts of a corporation and the malpractices inherent to this form of business.

9. Jerry Maguire

The film is about a man named Jerry who is respected and loved by everyone. He has a beautiful partner and is at the top of his game.

While everything was sound and good, he suddenly decides to step back. He plans new thoughts for his company. Unfortunately, he ends up losing everything.

After this, nobody is with him and is left alone. But one of his clients named Rod Tidwell supports him. This is the time where he realizes and works very hard to get everything on track.

10. StartUp

The movie is about two best friends Kaleil &Tom and their trials in business. They were friends since their high school and one day come up with an idea of creating a website for people to conduct business with the municipal government.

Kaleil raised money and Tom became the technical chief. There was a third partner who wanted a buyout.

Their business trials and their friendship causes dispute among them. So the question arises, will the business crashes first or the friendship?

11. Tucker: The Man and His Dream

It is a real story of Preston Tucker who produced the best cars ever made. With the support of Abe Karatz, he obtained funding and began to build his factory with his excellent salesmanship on his own.

The entire story has many parallels with the director’s own effort to build a new movie studio of his own.

12. Jobs

The movie is based on the life of Steve Jobs, story from 1947 when a student at Reed College introduces iPod in 2001.

After being drop out from college, Steve Jobs rose as the most respected and creative entrepreneurs of the 20th century.

13. The founder

This film is based on the biography of the founder of McDonald’s. The story revolves around a businessman named Ray Kroc who owns a burger operation in southern California.

Ray is portrayed as a salesman who turned two brothers’ innovative fast-food eatery i.e. McDonald’s, into the biggest restaurant business in the world, with a combination of ambition, persistence, and ruthlessness.

14. Something Ventured

The movie revolves around the original venture capitalists and the companies. The main characters are individuals who help the companies such as Apple, Intel, Genentech, Cisco, Tandem, and Atari to start and grow.

These companies’ capitalists were the original venture capitalists.  Something Ventures uncovers the struggle of building some of the greatest companies of the 20th centuries.

15. Pirates of silicon valley

The movie shows the rise of companies such as Microsoft, apple etc. Steve is the Apple founder while Bill Gates the founder of Microsoft.

They work day and night to create something that is unique and one of their own. Basically, the movie explores the impact of the rivalry between Bill and Steve on the creation of their personal computer.

16. Money ball

The movie is based on the real story of Oakland A and Billy. It is about their hard work and successful attempt to bring their team together.

This movie is for anyone who dreams of taking on the system with an intention to improve it. Finally, they manage to bring the teams of baseball club on a budget by employing computer-generated analysis to draft his players.

17. Ctrl+Alt+complete

This short inspiring film is about the startup and emerging businesses, viewed through the eyes of five founders and their teams.

The story involves passion, fortitude, and insanity that bring startup to life. The movie shows and proves the facts regarding the struggle of people in a business. It is about, how difficult it is for an idea or thought to become one of the products that are used by everyone in their daily life.

18. 12 Angry man

There is a big group of twelve people in this movie who tries to find methods of consensus building. They face a lot of difficulties while searching for it. Instead of names, these people are identified by their numbers.

The defendant is referred to as “the boy”, and the witnesses as “the old man” and “the lady across the street”. Basically, the story begins in a New York City courthouse, where a nineteen-year-old Hispanic boy from a slum is on trial for allegedly stabbing his father to death.

Even though the movie is not about success in business there is something in this movie which is critical for any business. Even though all odds are against us we have to sometime march forwards based on instinct.

19. How to get ahead in advertising

The movie is said to be one of the fabulous British horror movies. The story revolves around a young man who struggles to come up with a slogan for his pimple cream product. He tries every possible way to sell it, but fails.  He has a sympathized wife. His obsession towards selling his product affects his relationship with his family, friends, and wife. Later in the story, he is seen with boils all over his head, mustache, and shoulder and realizes that he has gone crazy.

20. The startup kids

The movie is about young web entrepreneurs in the U.S. and Europe. It is about the growing number of young web dynamos such as the founders of Vimeo, Soundcloud, Kiip, InDinero, Dropbox, and Foodspotting in the U.S. and Europe.

The movie shows the comparison of different environments, resources, and attitudes of entrepreneurs on either side of the Atlantic.

21. Burnt

The story revolves around a simple man named Adam Jones (Bradley Cooper) who is a chef. He destroys his career with drugs and diva behavior.  Later, he cleans up and returns to London.

It’s about his struggle of coming back to his real self. He is now more strong and determined to redeem himself back. He does that through spearheading a top restaurant that can gains three Michelin stars.

22. The big short

The movie is based on a real story directed by Adam McKay. It is about the financial crisis that took place in 2007-2008, triggered by the US housing bubble.

Read also : Top 15 Movies That Explore The Real-World Technologies

The film clearly presents and explains the reality of shorting the housing market, the subprime mortgage crisis, and Credit default swaps.

23. Margin Call

Margin Call os an American drama film, directed by J.C. Chandor.  This is a movie about a group of employees who response and take actions over a 24-hour period, prior to the financial crisis of the year 2008.

It is based on a financial company that was downsizing and nobody had any idea about it. Finally, someone attempts to complete the analysis and finds out the true reason behind their financial downfall.

24. Indie games (2012)

Indie Game is a documentary film made by two Canadian filmmakers James Swirsky and Lisanne Pajot.

The movie looks at the underdogs of the video game industry, indie game developers, who sacrifice money, health and sanity to realize their lifelong dreams of sharing their creative visions with the world.

With the creation of various games, this awarding movie captures the tension and drama by focusing on these developers’ vulnerability and obsessive quest to express them through a 21st-century art form.

25. Catch me if you can (2002)

The story revolves around a Pan Am pilot Frank W. Abagnale. The character successfully impersonated an airline pilot, doctor, lawyer, and professor during his job as a deceitful cheque casher.

Read also : 15 Movies Programmers Should Not Miss At Any Cost

The most amazing thing about this movie is the way he manages to achieve success under stressful conditions, in a tough environment while being pursued by a seasoned FBI agent.

How To Make Your Business Smarter With Odoo

ERP systems, since its discovery, have greatly reduced the need for manually managing and interpreting data. The system streamlines business processes and various functionalities making it easier and efficient to collect data

With the outbreak of new technologies and possibilities in the ERP world, Odoo’s combined and real-time project management helps you get your work done in a more systematic way. It keeps the track of every minute detail from customer contacts to office billings.

Let us discuss some important things Odoo can do to make your business smarted and efficient:

Warehouse Management

The traditional accounting system saw the need for an efficient system that keeps track of the Inventory and supply chain when a single warehouse/store was occupying products of 2 or more different suppliers. How would you distinguish between which store brought in which product and when?

Odoo provides a way of optimizing the warehouse management with accounting principle. The tool provides a double entry system which keeps records of every transaction in 2 different accounts. For eg. When you enter an order in the system, you will have a separate entry for incoming stock, and a separate entry for outgoing stock. This system has been widely accepted and praised for its efficiency and accuracy.

Human Resource Management

Whether you have a single department in your business or multiple departments, Odoo can help you oversee information of your employees at a single glance. The system consists of the all-in-one module which takes care of recruitment, attendance, leaves, appraisals and much more.  Alerts can be set for new leave requests, applications and appraisals.

The human resource module can be customized according to your business requirement. You can easily track and monitor employee attendance, easily evaluate administrative duties streamline expense management and a lot more. You can also improve communication with your employees through social media through one single interface.

Accounting management

Any business small or big knows the importance of revenue and cash flow.  Odoo has made sure that you reap the benefits of the integrated business solution, with different module interlinked under one single roof. But when it comes to accounting, Odoo has everything from automobile manufacturers to snack food companies.

Odoo accounting software is beautifully designed keeping the hassles of 21st-century accounts in mind. It can connect directly to your accounting system and synchronizes with it every hour to give you very clear and precise data you need. You can find everything from legal statements to executive summaries, which is quick and dynamic.

Reports and Dashboards

Like any other successful ERP system, Odoo makes sure you have a complete business solution. It offers you statistical reports and documents to represent your business data in real time. The data is calculated and represented in the form of graphs and charts which are dynamic and changes with your everyday business process.

Odoo also provides the possibility to develop your own analysis to meet your demands. The dashboards are an important aspect to visualize data in a better way. You can also export the report to a pdf to view it offline on your personal devices.

What are the other benefits of using the platform?

A comprehensive tool

Odoo is known to be a comprehensive platform that effectively manages diverse business applications through a single interface. It is available in 3 variants viz. an enterprise one, a community version and an online model which are all open source. Compared to all the other open source ERP systems, Odoo is right now the fastest growing ERP’s.

Odoo handles a wide range of business needs ranging from E-commerce, project management, CRM, billing, accounting, inventory management and much more. The platform is very user-friendly and always includes innovative applications and updates to improve its performance in the long run.

High on modules

Odoo is highly modular where you can find various modules needed for the much-needed support for your business processes. It has advanced and up-to-minute technology track and releases new modules for every new technological advancement in the market. These modules are upgraded whenever necessary and adapt to the changing paradigms.

Odoo has a wide variety of other features which are perfect fit modules for different modules. Every module is capable of streamlining an entire process of a business. Therefore, ERP customization with high-end Odoo for each and every module can be modified to fit the business needs. Odoo also transforms and completely secures and safeguards your business from falling apart.


Small-scale industries sometimes do not possess the required skills or manpower for training and development. When any company implements an ERP system, it is expected that the employees and management are well trained in using it.

Odoo offers a user-friendly and smooth experience to its users, without having much need for training, to ensure a seamless performance.

Flexibility and full integration cover almost all expect of the small-scale industries making it understandable and user-friendly. Odoo is very flexible and offers several innovative applications.

Easy upgrades

One of the biggest areas of any ERP system is its upgrades. The industry keeps changing trends and organizations find more and more ways to expand its horizons. Companies on an average upgrade their ERP system 2 times in its lifespan. Odoo upgrades do not affect the existing customization and don’t require data migration.

Read also : Top 10 Insane Benefits of Odoo eCommerce Platform

With Odoo, you can control of when and what to upgrade. You need not depend on any other system available to guide you through the process. That’s how you utilize technology as a strategic advantage for your company. If you are still running on the outdated technology, then it is a good time to shift your gears.

Invoice & Sales Order Templates:

Invoices and sales order helps your organization to view and keep a track of what you’re getting for your money. If you sell any kind of products or services, it is required that you provide the invoice by law. Odoo provides you with visually appealing and professionally designed invoice templates for sales orders/quotations.

The Odoo invoices are simple, clean and beautiful with full features like taxes, terms, multiple taxes, discounts and price list. It also supports multiple currencies and payments for a single invoice. You can select the fonts & colors to personalize it according to your brand.

Lead Management

The first thing any small-scale organization must do to survive in the market is generating value leads. Odoo offers 8+ plugins and apps for efficient management of leads and customers. Comparing other CRM’s like Zoho, Sugar CRM etc. Odoo has an advantage over all. It offers stunning features like lead tracking quote and invoice generation, social networking integration, signature etc.

Creating leads and retaining existing customers in Odoo is simple and easy. The converted leads are considered as an important entity to track the sales pipeline of your organization. Odoo can prioritize activities and keep a track of your sales activities and leads. You get all the necessary information in a single dashboard making it easier for analysis and benchmarks.


Every organization need is different and Odoo can be customized for their size, type, and leads. When you look for customization in your system, first make sure you are clear on why you need the system. Also, look out for industry-specific tools you require for carrying out your business.

We have listed just a few main important Odoo features, but Odoo is a vast subject and has over 30 applications, solutions, and factors that you need to understand before making the final go.

Read also : All About Odoo Accounting Software

Take your time and try out Odoo’s free trials to make sure it fits your business well.

What To Consider While Making an App For Your Business

197 Billion App downloads were made in 2017 and it is expected that the downloads will hit 352.9 Billion in the year 2021

What does this mean?

It is high time that your business should make an app to leverage the situation.

Not only this but through a mobile phone, it is possible to increase the revenue of your business with the help of in-app advertisement options.

Hence, for a long-run, a mobile application can be extremely helpful for business growth and extract extra benefit through it.

Here are the tips and tricks that can help you out to build a user-friendly application to promote your business.

Outsourcing or In-House Development

There are many companies that ask their in-house development team to come up with ideas that can help them to build a perfect application for the audience.

However, it is possible that your in-house development is not that much experience to face issues that can put a full stop to your application development process even before it gets started.

This is the reason that makes companies shift to outsourcing options. An expert that have years of experience in mobile application will understand the hook and corner of an application.

They will know the requirement and demands of the audience due to their expertise. Also, you don’t have to elaborate much on them except your expectations and they will know what to do.

There are other options as well such as – freelancing. You can hire a freelancer to do the deed for you. It will be affordable and provide relevant results in the limited time span. Also, it is better to watch out for a local developer with you can get in touch with easily or that are accessible.

Know Your Audience

Mobile applications are the easiest source of promoting work. But there is no doubt that it is also a platform through which you get a chance to get in touch with your audience.

It allows a user to interact with your brand, tell their complaints or even buy your product. But before that, you need to understand the demand and requirement of your audience.

What will make them go for your application in the first place? For instance, people go for Amazon because it provides the best e-commerce services for years. In addition to this, their application is user-friendly and is now available on different platforms.

These may be small reasons but are the most efficient one when it comes to attracting an audience.

A user spends their most of time and money on mobile applications then on websites, if they like an application then they will come back. It all depends on loyalty and you need to work on that only.

Mobile Website

It is possible that you are confused about whether to build an application or not. In these types of scenarios, you can easily go for the mobile website option. These are the next big thing that is leaving a huge mark in the application world.

People are showcasing their services and product by using the website but in the form of an application. It is compatible to run a website on a wide platform of mobile devices.

You don’t even have to outsource the project as your in-house team will easily handle this type of work for you. Discuss the functionality with your team and all the graphical aspects that you want to incorporate in the website application along with user interface. Your lead developer or graphic designer can help you out with the basic work details.

If you have the complete plan then you can hire an outsource developer or even a web app development team if you like. They can create an application website for you without any hitch. It will be cost-effective and will save a lot of time of a developer to work on the project.

Message To Give Out

This is the step that you need to be very clear of. You must know what your application will sell or what the basic idea behind all the effort is.

This will actually help you to decide the look and feel of your application. Also, you will be able to decide logo font and colour for your application.

Usually, people don’t give it much importance in the starting phase and then they regret it immensely. Apart from this, you must know the type of content that you need to put in your application.

However, you can always grow your niche and field but initially, you need to be clear of it. It is better to integrate your mobile application with your YouTube channel or even your blog if they are already running.

It Is All About iPhone And Android

There was a time when you were surrounded by a number of Operating System for a Smartphone.

When the time has changed now and people have said their final goodbye to Window and BlackBerry phones. Now it is all about Android and iPhone that has taken over the majority of the population.

Both the platforms are growing rapidly and business owners are also focusing on these OS platforms more and more.

Every other platform has now ceased to exist or become irrelevant. Even developers are more focused on them that allow them to make an application that can work just fine with Android and iPhone.

Read also : How To Create A Chat Application Successfully

Also, there is no reason to not for both as there is software that allows you to launch an application for both the platforms simultaneously.


The potential of the mobile phone is no longer limited to marketing. It has gone beyond the transactions, social media interaction, customer loyalty and improved market image of a company. All the business owners are now dependent on mobile applications to reach a more challenging goal and achieve a huge customer ratio.

15 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Website ASAP!

Are you starting a business and got confused about the fact that why business needs a website? You’ll be shocked to know that around 46 percent of small businesses didn’t have a website in 2016 but within a year the percentage dropped to a staggering 29 percent.

So what made people change? Why does customers are showing lot of interest in online stores?

Here are 15 reasons that will tell you why your business need a website

1 .Open 24 x 7

You won’t ever have to put up a closed for the business sign after you have a business website. Customers can take a look at your products and buy them even when you aren’t available. It means you are selling your services and products 24 x 7. However, you need to have a support of a experienced and skilled web development team for assistance.

2.  Target a Larger Market

When you have an offline business, you only cater to a limited number of clients, but when you are online, you can target a larger market. Your working hours are longer than the usual and no matter what you sell, products or services; you are doing so at the place at very minimal costs.

3.  Global Presence

Nowadays, it is all about putting your company on the global map. The more countries you cater to the more successful your business will become. And that is exactly why your small business needs a website. You have a small price to pay to cater to clients all across the seven seas without being there physically.

4.  Capturing the Attention of Youth

Young people spend a lot of time online and prefer online shopping than actually visiting the shopping centre. Having an online business means you can attract the youth, who spend on gut instinct rather than doing their research.

5.  Educate Customers About Your Brand

Customers are always interested in knowing what inspired your company to start. When you are in charge of publishing about your company, you have a better chance of impressing the client because no one knows your business better than you. It doesn’t mean you brag about your brand, but you can help engage your clients and increase their interest. Add a blog to your website so that your customers feel that you are giving them something and not only interested in making money.

6.  Social Proof

If you are running a business, it is obvious that you will need to have social media presence on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. It increases your brand’s value, especially if you upload creative photos, interact with your customers, and host giveaways and competitions that will attract you quality attention.

7.  Marketing Plan

Websites are the step one of any marketing plan and come before designing brochures and business cards.

why business need a website

Make sure that every marketing campaign you start should be on the landing page of your website so that visitors see it when they open your website. Design your website in such a way that you convert these visitors into clients.

8. Improves Credibility and Legitimacy of Your Brand

Having a business website makes your business more credible and legitimate. We live in a digital world, and it is a common notion to think that if you have a website for your business, your company is real and isn’t fooling people, just like a couple of decades ago it was important to have a physical address. However, it is essential that you present your business in an attractive and glamorous but a well-structured manner.

9.  Customer Support

Improve your interaction with your clients by having a customer support page on your website. It helps especially when catering to more than one country. It is beneficial for businesses that can’t afford a phone service. You can also upload an FAQ page for customers so that they can get their queries solved before bothering you.

10.  Achieve Business Goals

A business website brings you closer to your business goals. You need to be true to your work and profess quality and value to make your business a success. To feel accomplished and stay competitive, create smaller goals rather than a large one. It also gives a structure to your business, and you get a clear idea about how to run the company.

11.  Online Sales

Report says in 2016, the e-commerce industry in India was $675 billion, which means if you don’t have a website you are losing out on a lot of money. Percentage of online sales is growing exponentially every year. You don’t need to give up on your physical store because it is important as both combined together will give you maximum revenue.

12.  Test New Ideas

Develop your business website with CMS that allows you to test new ideas and visitors can tell right away if it is working or not. You aren’t wasting any money because you can try the ideas free of cost. Planning to introduce a product? Put it on a website for a couple of days and make it look as attractive as possible and see if people are liking it or not.

13.   Free of Cost

You can open a free website on WordPress initially if you are low on budget. See how it works, earn some money, and when you have enough money, contact a e-commerce web development company and seek their assistance in making a robust full-fledged website.

14. Competitor Business Websites

It is simple. Because your competitor has a business website, you need to have one as well. Customers research a lot before buying a product, and if you don’t have a website, you are helping your competitors gain traffic. It also means that you are failing to keep up with the latest technology and giving up on making your business a success.

15. Resource Centre For Staff

Website is not only for your customers but employers as well. Create a subdomain for your employees, which they can use to upload pictures, instructional videos and guides to help customers. It will also make your employees feel valued. Your staffs are not an expense but an investment that will reap you long-term benefits when treated right.


75% of people judge a company’s credibility by going through their website. 85% of B2B customers check online regarding price of a commodity before buying them.

It has been estimated that soon, more than 60% of internet traffic will be through mobile phones. And moreover, people spending their time on social media is increasing day by day. So if you wish to be successful you can’t avoid your company’s online presence.

It’s high time that your business should have a website as a beacon of your online presence be it for business or a company website.

10 Ways Blockchain Technology Will Change E-commerce Business

Blockchain!  The technology gained its fame after the pandemonium created by the crypto currency Bit Coin. The story of people became millionaire in a fortnight has given the technology stardom like none of its counter parts.

But What Exactly is Block Chain?

Blockchain technology is a decentralised digital ledger of economic transactions, which is specifically designed to record not only the final transaction but also everything that goes in it.

In simple terms, everything is out on display to the public but in a series of complicated code, which you can find out after a lengthy and challenging calculation, making it one of the safest ways to transact money.

So, isn’t it obvious that the technology can be used in e-commerce industry which has got huge amount of risk especially when it comes to transaction?

Let’s See How..

1. Authentic Transactions

Using blockchain technology your customer will be able to transfer the amount directly from his bank account to yours without any middlemen like Visa, MasterCard or PayPal taking a share of your profit. This is how blockchain technology and crypto currencies can change the e-commerce industry:

  • Customers don’t have to provide any financial or personal information
  • Can be used worldwide unlike specific platforms like PayPal
  • Low transaction fees
  • Easy user experience

2. Accuracy

Every shipment has a code, which the customers can track using blockchain technology. The accuracy of the tracking is very more advanced than what is available right now.

For example, if you are at a supermarket buying an apple, using the code you can find out from where is that apple and when was it harvested or whether it is fresh or not. Online customers are increasingly concerned about the source of the product, emphasising only on ethically sourced products

Blockchain technology will make the tracking process completely paperless, which will massively benefit the environment and there will be complete transparency between customers and retailers as well.

3. Health Hazards

Tracking shipments using blockchain technology is very beneficial for food products. For example, companies like Hello Fresh that sell ready to make food and their customers can use the technology to monitor health, contamination, and safety requirements of the ingredients. It can be used in continents like Europe where contamination is widespread, especially when it comes to eggs.

The technology can save people from epidemics and millions of money spent to cure all of them.\

4. E-commerce and Payments

Cryptocurrency payments can help e-commerce companies to keep track of all transactions, which will be very useful if a customer asks for the refund.

Expedia, an international travel operator, is one of the first companies who have started accepting payments in Bitcoins for hotel bookings. Shopify also has a Bitcoin payment option for its customers.

5. Proof of Ownership

Counterfeiting will no more be an issue for brands because blockchain technology will help them prove that the designs belonged to them and the ability to do so will increase the product’s worth and the brand’s value.

Ascribe is an ownership company that helps companies and artists register themselves as product creators using blockchain technology. Using your dashboard on the company’s website, you can track sales of your products and is aimed at reducing copyright claims.

6. Human Resources

Now you might wonder how to make the hiring process technological? However, you can use a lot of technology for hiring, retaining, compensating, evaluating, and firing.

According to Society for Human Resource Management, human resource department can use blockchain technology for modernising parts of the hiring process such as verifying credentials of existing employees and job applicants.

Multinational companies will benefit the most from the technology when it comes to handling payrolls as it can standardise payments across various currencies.

Travis Parker, COO, IRA Bitcoin LLC, feels that blockchain technology is also changing how employees plan their retirement as it diversifies their investment portfolio and has more control over their assets.

7. Advertising and Marketing

According to the Juniper Research, advertisers lose $51 million every day, totalling to $19 billion every year because of fraudulent activities. If not controlled, the amount will reach $44 billion annually by 2022.

Blockchain technology can help reduce click fraud and thereby helping marketing and advertising reach their targets.

Amir Jan Malik, digital marketing expert, Accenture Interactive, said that blockchain technology was developed to prevent fraud in banking, so the same can be applied the e-commerce level.

8. Cybersecurity

Even the most famous companies including Target, Yahoo, and Equifax have been victims of data breaches by viruses and hacking causing the release of personal information of millions of customers.

With e-commerce industry becoming increasingly, it becomes essential to protect it from frauds.

David Schatsky, managing director, Deloitte US, said that blockchain technology provides a way of recording transactions or digital interactions in a very transparent, secure, efficient, auditable and highly resistant to outages way.

It is necessary for every cybersecurity system to have these features. In simple words, blockchain technology will help protect the critical intellectual property of the e-commerce world.

9. Managing operations

Old companies are facing severe problems adjusting to operation management online. Eastman Kodak, a 129-years old firm, is going through the same struggle and finally decided to invest in developing an encrypted, digital ledger of rights ownership, called KODAKOne.

Photographers that work for the company can register their existing or new work on it and license them using the platform.

The system allows them to participate in secure payment and receive money immediately through the technology and never worry about their work being stolen.

10. Safer Web World

Blockchain technology with its unlimited benefits makes the web world a safer place. It will some time for people to adjust to the new technology but it won’t be long before they understand its value.

E-commerce shopping will become trustworthy, with very fewer chances of your package not showing up or your personal information getting leaked. It will speed up the time taken for e-commerce companies to reach business goals.

10 Benefits of Installing ERP System in Textile Business

Textile industry is not just confined to manufacturing, stocking it in the inventory and distribution. Channel management and sales generation, inventory management Quality management and control also plays cardinal role in the business.  What if we tell you that all these crucial process can be automated with the help of an ERP system?

The textile company usually faces problems in tracking down their inventory, material requirement planning, and material production schedules.  A customized and complete ERP solution provides a single interface for various modules like manufacturing, sales, purchase, stock, accounting, distribution and other assets.

Using ERP system in textile industry enables the business to:

  • Shop Floor control
  • Lot traceability
  • Quote and quality management
  • Keep Check on the accounts
  • Bill of Material (BOM)
  • Plan cash flow and monitor forecast positions.
  • Interpret business conditions
  • Provide efficient business information to assist financial decisions
  • monitor receipts of payments
  • Engineering change control

Let’s look at 10 benefits of the ERP system that textile companies have experienced post implementation of ERP.

1. MIS Reporting and Financial Data

Customized ERP’s help textile industries to manage their financial data. It provides real-time transaction information providing company’s revenue, expenses, outstanding debts and vendor charges. It also facilitates MIS reports like balance report, balance sheet as and when required.

neural networks python

2. Collaboration and communication

We do not want to see a business tangled with each department operating separately from each other. A proper channel for communication and medium for collaboration is necessary for a centralized and consistent data. An ERP system touches every aspect of the business, thus naturally encouraging a collaboration between the teams.

3. Better Security

Data security shouldn’t be a worry when you have an ERP in place to take care of your textile needs. The new system will certainly improve the reliability, consistency, accuracy and security of data, all through in-built resources and firewalls.

The ERP system has always restricted inappropriate data to avoid being stolen by hackers and thieves.

4. Scalability

A well-structured ERP solution enables you to add new users and functionality as and when your strategies change. It makes sure any additions to the system doesn’t affect your ongoing operations. When your business expands and is ready to grow, your ERP system should be able to facilitate that growth.

5. Reduction in cycle time

ERP systems allocate materials to specific customers and is important for making deliveries as planned. Sometimes it becomes difficult for making deliveries since there is no possibility for material. In such cases ERP system eases out the process by letting you handle such cases efficiently.

6. Reduced machinery downtime

Today, it is estimated that almost 8% of machine downtime is connected with non-availability of proper raw material. This happens due to inefficient planning and communication barriers in compiling the correct information. Thus, ERP systems, as discussed, could help you bring down your machinery downtime with effective supplier selection module.

7. Sales Improvement

Almost 80% customers place repeated orders. It was seen that there are 3 factors that affect orders, i.e. price, order and delivery.  An integrated ERP system will definitely help textile industries in overcoming these risk factors. Price is something that affects most of the customers, therefore proper research and competition analysis is important.

8. Dye House Management

Fabric price increases due to a lot of waste generated from the dyeing industry. An ERP system facilitates dye house management which provides chemical inventory, daily production report, batch management system, lab-management, etc.


9. Customer Management

Customer management becomes quiet easy with processes automated for capturing and storing customer data, preferences and activities. Tracking and increased lifetime value of customer can keep your existing customers engaged and build your brand.

10. Database Integration

The most important benefit deploying an ERP system for your textile organization is that it can be easily integrated with your current database without any hassles. Customization is just limited to your needs. Once the system is installed, it will easily blend with your current traditional system.


ERP software systems are playing an efficient role in the textile and fashion industry. They present companies with a clear advantage over other competitive businesses. An ideal ERP solution will deliver higher ROI within the business. Moreover, the solutions will transform the basic requirements for retail businesses by seamlessly integrating with the merchandise.

Probytes has easily managed to mould ERP’s in accordance with their diverse clientele. To know more, click the link below

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