How To Create a Website?

Things being what they are, you need to create a website huh? Incredible thought! But how do you really get started? There’s such a great amount of data out there on the web, and everybody’s instructing you to do distinctive things. Who do you tune in to? Where’s the beginning stage?

Hell, possibly you should simply overlook it – it’s excessively confusing! All things considered, hold up. We know a ton about it, and this blog’s will take you on a journey for getting started with your website. We guarantee it’ll be basic, moderately simple, and unquestionably straightforward (no dumb language). Sounds great?

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Marvelous, how about we proceed onward.

Why you should create a website?

So below, we’re going to outline exactly what you need to do to get started and set up your own personal website. Before we dive in though, we really want to talk about WHY you should build a website.

Website has quickly become one of the most popular ways of communicating and spreading information and news.

There are literally millions of websites online (don’t worry; you can make yours stand out and get noticed!).  It’s an incredible method to communicate and further more a fabulous method to impart data to other people.

You improve as a person and a superior business entrepreneur.

The best reason? You can make money doing it!

We bet you already knew all of that, but it’s nice to be reminded.

One very last thing before we get started:

Making your own site can take a brief period, likely up to 30-60 days. So snatch yourself an espresso or juice (whatever you extravagant) and we should stall out in.

On the off chance that you require any assistance amid the set-up process, connect with us here and we’ll help admirably well and answer any inquiries you may have.

How To Create a Website in 5 Steps:

There’s five primary advances you have to do with the end goal to create a website.

  • Pick an extraordinary website platform
  • Pick a web host for your website
  • Learn how to Set up a website on your own domain
  • Design your new website
  • Understand the useful resources

In this way, we made it. Phew! Preferred late over never! Along these lines, right away, we should hop into stage 1.

Step 1- Pick an extraordinary website platform

Picking where you need to build website is essentially the main thing you need to do. We will take a jump and accept you’ve known about Prestashop, and this is the stage we advocate. It’s gigantic.

It’s by a wide margin one of the greatest website platform, with endless modules and additional items and relatively endless approaches to structure and format your website.

There are in excess of million dynamic clients of Prestashop= a ton, essentially.

There are different options be that as it may, and they are listed underneath:

WordPress– Definitely the following best thing to Prestashop.

Magento –Fascinating, and extremely easy to utilize.

Wix – The Popular cloud based website builder.

Read Also: How To Build a Peer-To-Peer Marketplace Website?

Weebly – For low traffic personal sites

Despite the fact that Prestashop is greater (and most likely better) than those four, here are my reasons why you should in any case run with Prestashop:

Super simple set-up and is allowed to utilize

Huge amounts of free topics and designs (We’re totally serious, there’s gazillions). There’s a monstrous help gathering on the off chance that you stall out (you won’t, yet it’s pleasant to have it there in the event that you require it).

Your website will be madly quick and it’ll likewise look Functionality and frame – immaculate!

Individuals can communicate with you effectively. Your substance can be shared, remarked on, etc.

Step 2 -Pick a web host for your website

Whoa, back off there! This is the greatest choice you’ll need to make before we go any further. You have to choose whether to pay for your website or snatch a free one.

WordPress, Weebly and Wix all offer free web hosting for anybody. Amazing, isn’t that so? It’s ideal for those who aren’t super genuine about creating the website. However, it has drawbacks:

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You won’t have the capacity to get your OWN area name

On a free hosting, your website’s web address (your URL) will be butt-terrible. Like, extremely revolting. To put it plainly, make a free website and it’ll resemble this:

We know, revolting right?

You DON’T OWN your website

It might sound silly at first, but you don’t actually own your website. It’s hosted on someone else’s web property and they can delete it if they want so.

They have done so in the past, and keep doing it in the future. Which means all your hard work on your website, all those countless hours of work might be vanished within seconds. Sad…

On the other hand, with a self-hosted website on your own domain name – you are the REAL owner of your website. You’ll be able to name your website whatever you want, for example “” or “

You can end it with .com,, .net, .org, or virtually any other web suffix. Add to that unlimited bandwidth for videos, images and content plus the free themes and you have a winning combo.

So how much is hosting and a domain name? Not as much as you’re thinking, fortunately. It usually works out to about $5 to $10 per month, depending on your hosting provider which is less than a couple of coffees.

Step 3- Set up a website on your own domain

We will push ahead assuming the platform you’ve picked as Prestashop, and on the off chance that you haven’t, you should. Truly, it’s the best.

In case you’re still somewhat befuddled by what a self-facilitated website is, enable us to clarify and how you can approach setting one up for yourself.

You’ll have to concoct an area name you like and furthermore pick a facilitating organization that can have your website.

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Space: The area is fundamentally the URL of your site. Models: ( is the area), ( is the space). Isn’t it obvious? Basic!

Facilitating: Hosting is essentially the organization that puts your site up on the web so every other person can see it. Everything will be saved money on there. Consider it a PC hard-drive on the web where your website will be spared.

Step 4- Design your new website

Presently, the fun piece.

We should make your blog look precisely how you need it to. To pick another subject, you can either go to Appearance > Themes and introduce a Prestashop theme or you can go to a top notch topic site like and purchase a theme for around $40.

We more often than not pick something that looks proficient and quite simple to redo. Prestashop, additionally, has this great component that enables you to change themes with only a couple of snaps.

So on the off chance that you begin becoming weary of your current website layout, you can simply change to another without losing any valuable substance or pictures.

Keep in mind, your websites plan ought to reflect both you and your identity, yet in addition what the website is about. There’s no point having a tennis-orientated theme if your website is about football, get it?

Step 5- Understand the useful resources.

Designers and programmers come to UI/UX field with shifting degrees on the web and web based life encounter, yet we’ve all committed in excess of a couple of amateur errors – there’s dependably space for all the more learning and enhancement, regardless of whether you’re a learner or you’ve been designing websites for a considerable length of time.

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This blog may enable you to maintain a strategic distance from a portion of the developing agonies with regards to your first website – appreciate!

Why Outsourcing Your Web Design is Your Best Option

Are you thinking to design your website yourself? Wait!!

In this time of regularly developing innovation, having a serviceable site is a need for any business to prosper. In the event that you’ve attempted your hand at planning your own site before, you realize how tedious the procedure is.

Planning a site that runs quick and smooth with few or no slags can take up pretty much the entirety of your vitality and core interest. Indeed, even such a typical errand as planning a logo can end up being tedious.

Thinking about those realities, an ever increasing number of organizations?Think, that it’s more advantageous and useful to employ a remote group of website architecture and improvement specialists to carry out the activity for you.

This is the way to progress for some organizations and particularly for small scale organizations. You should be extremely cautious while choosing an organization. Take a glance at their certifications and fulfillment dimension of past customers and prepare for an engaging site.

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On the off chance that by some tragic situation you stall out or have any inquiries for us about how to create a website, simply connect with us or leave a remark.

Make the most of your new website!

How To Make Ecommerce Website Like Amazon

The best part about starting an ecommerce website like Amazon is that you don’t have to own the products to sell on it.

All you have to do is ask businesses to upload their products on your website and you earn a part of their profit.

In the beginning, you can keep a lower market share but as the businesses increase, you can raise it.



Other than that, you are also giving small businesses an opportunity to reach a larger target audience, which otherwise wouldn’t have been possible. You only have to ship the products after they are brought from your ecommerce website.

It doesn’t matter if you have a prior experience in ecommerce website development or not. Be prepared because you’ll be learning a lot.

Here’s a step to step guide for starting an ecommerce website just like Amazon:

1. Website structure

A structured website is much more understandable compared to something that is in a haphazard pattern just to make it look creative.

Three things that matter the most when it comes the website structure is speed, security, and scalability.



Only when you offer a speed loading website to your customers, they will enjoy shopping from your ecommerce website. You must understand that visitors aren’t going to wait for your website to load.

It goes without saying that you have to offer the highest security possible. Since it is an ecommerce website, people will be entering their personal and bank details, which can get easily stolen by hackers.

Something like this is disastrous not only to you but also for your customers.

2. User-interactive design

Amazon has one of the best user-interactive designs. Your ecommerce website doesn’t need to have an over-the-top design or anything similar to Amazon. Before deciding on your design, check the latest web design trends. It should be easy to navigate, convenient, and efficient.



You can discuss about it with your company’s stakeholders.  For design, you also seek help of a website design and development company so that you can make things happen within a short span of time

3. Development-related activities

The real work starts in the third step of the process. There are so many different things you have to do at once that it can get a little bit confusing.

Development is crucial, and takes a great deal of technical knowledge to happen.

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So it is better that you seek the help of professionals, like a renowned ecommerce website development company.

However, there are certain factors that you need to check even though the work has been outsourced.

Hosting server

Find a trustworthy hosting provider. The best place to find one is the internet. Go through reviews and expert opinions.

You can either go for VPS or AWS because they offer uninterrupted and stable operation. When it comes to the hosting server, always choose Linux.

Encrypt data or not

Data encryption is an advanced level of security, which we suggest you should opt for. If ever your data is stolen, the hackers won’t be able to decipher it.

Always take a backup of all your important information, so that no hacker can ever threaten you.

Programming language

We prefer PHP programming language because it is commonly used and easy to code.  It also offers a great level of security and is scalable.

You can choose, whichever framework you want to, depending upon your coder’s comfort and budget.


If you are thinking of a quick deployment, it’s better that you go for a ecommerce website development platform like Prestashop, Magento etc.

CMS system

A content management system comes in handy when you are just starting out. It is not suitable when you have to increase your business because they have low security and don’t work at desirable speeds.

Website testing

You should go for website testing from the early stage of development itself. The benefits are limitless. The tester will come in handy when you are a making the website and for regular tests whenever your scale up.



Some tests that you should perform on your ecommerce website include Usability testing, Functionality testing, Security testing, Performance testing, Compatibility testing, and Interface testing.


Read more : How To Build a Peer-To-Peer Marketplace Website?

Don’t test hurriedly because you’ll miss something out and get flooded with infinite amounts of complaint and grievances. It will also cost you a lot to repair the damages.

5. Launch and Promotion

Before launching the website, you need to find sellers who are ready to upload their products on your website. Your second target group is buyers.

The easiest you to attract both of these groups is by online advertising. You can start collecting sellers by showing them a prototype of your website and what they should expect from it.

Create hype among probable buyers by promoting your website a few days before the launch. You can have a special discount and membership benefits for first 1,000 or something followers.

Find your own ways to generate curiosity among the people. If your budget permits, you can click photos for your vendors. You can charge them a minimal cost.

Here are some ways you can increase your reach:

SEO optimization

Optimising your website is the cheapest way to generate traffic on your website.

Google Adwords

Using Google Adwords, put ads of our websites on blogs and web applications. You will have to pay fees, but it is quite affordable.

Facebook Ads

The same thing goes for Facebook Ads. You reach a large population in a limited duration. Make you customize the settings and search results correctly or else all you invested money will go to waste.

Time and Cost of Building an Ecommerce Website

Depending on big your ecommerce website is, it will take anywhere between two to four months to launch it, which includes testing.

Promotion is an ongoing process, so you can choose to begin with it when you are 50 percent done with the website.



Cost is another variable factor that depends on your project size. However, you’ll have to pay anywhere between $10,000 and $50,000. It includes employee salary, hosting provider cost, website framework cost, and rent or EMI of your office.

How To Create a Marketplace Website?

A peer-to-peer marketplace or better known as a P-to-P marketplace is a market where users mostly sell their services or products which is available to them, but which they are currently not using.

Basically, it is a platform to rent out your service or a product.

Similarly, a Peer-to-Peer, or a P-to-P website is an online marketplace where you do the same thing, the only difference being that it is done through a website.

The concept of a Peer-to-Peer website is slowly picking up its pace, and is expected to romp up more growth in the coming years.

Fortunately, if you are looking to start your own Peer-to-Peer website, you can do it at a very less cost, even at zero cost. We’ve discussed about those things at length below.

How to Build a Marketplace Website?

For those who are interested in building their own Peer-to-Peer marketplace, they must consider these three options- the first one is to build such a marketplace from start, where everything is done from scratch.

The second option which you have is to use Open-source software on the lines of Prestashop. The third and final option which you have is to use a SaaS software solution, which is also provided by Prestashop.

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For a person who wants to have his own Peer-to-Peer marketplace, these three are the best possible options to start with.

Here, we will explain to you deeply as to how all these options work whilst discussing their benefits and disadvantages so that you can figure out the best option for yourself.

Create a Marketplace Website from Scratch

When you decide to build a Peer-to-Peer marketplace from scratch, you need to remember they it will be a tiresome job which will require a lot of efforts.

That is because nothing is already available, and making everything will require time, money and effort from your side.

The main reason because of which people go for this method is the uniqueness it offers. Everything about this website will be original, and in the Graphical User Interface, you can inculcate things which are special about your business.

Create a Marketplace Website

The other benefit of creating your own original Peer-to-Peer marketplace is that you get full freedom to create and edit the architecture of your website and application.

If you choose to buy a ready made platform, editing the architecture will be a very huge task, as you might not know what kind of technology or coding is used behind the marketplace, and even if you do, there’s a good chance that you won’t be able to find the specific code which you want to edit.

Read more : How To Build a Hotel Booking Site Like Trivago?

However, let’s be frank here, time means a lot , so choosing a platform is the best option as it can save a lot of time, a lot!.

Building a Marketplace with a Ready made Platform

Rather than building your Peer-to-Peer marketplace from scratch, you can also use a readymade platform to do the needful task for you.

Most of such platforms require no kind of payment, and are in fact open source (free). There are various options available as far as choosing such platforms go.

However, to make a fully-fledged website you need the help of professionals who has been in Prestashop website development for a long time.

The most famous one however for making a marketplace is Prestashop. With the help of this platform, you will be able to create a Peer-to-Peer marketplace which will provide you the most benefits over others.

Prestashop was built exactly for the purpose of creating a marketplace, which has made the process of doing this task simpler with it.

The necessary requirements for a marketplace such as creating a GUI for the listing of products, making personalized fronts of stores and payment gateways having the option of PayPal can be readily created with Prestashop.

For other payment gateways, you might need to include them with the help of other extensions.

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The main benefit which you might derive out of using these platforms is that you will save a lot of money.

Creating a whole Peer-to-Peer market platform from scratch requires you to spend a lot of cash as you’ll need to employ a whole development team, but with a readymade platform, you will be able to do most of the things by yourself.

Also, these platforms give you the benefit of time, meaning that you will be able to enter the market very quickly to launch your products. That is why people prefer them.

Using a SaaS Platform

SaaS stands for ‘Service as a Software’. SaaS is the most popular from to launch a marketplace these days. It is way faster than any other above mentioned methods in helping you to launch your peer-to-peer marketplace, and is also cheaper than all of them.

You wouldn’t need to hire any development team to make your marketplace, and all you would need to do is that you will need to access the back end of your website through a browser with the help of your ID and password.

The best part is that Prestashop provides SaaS solutions for marketplaces. Additional features such as a unique landing page for your website can also be requested from your vendor. There are various plans offered by different vendors. You can choose to go for the censor which fulfills all your needs.

But everything has its flaws, and that goes for SaaS as well. If you choose to host your marketplace with SaaS, you will be fully dependent on your service provider, and whenever you would want to implement an upgrade in your website, you will not be able to do it until and unless an update is issued by your service provider.

Also, in terms of your website designs, there were some very less customization available, which might make your website look dull. That might take away the uniqueness which you wish to add to it. Out of all the SaaS service providers, only one or two provide you the service of completely shooting your whole market place to a private hoisting, by which you can get hold of the coding of your website so that you can change it according to your own wishes.

The thing here to understand is that if you want to have a SaaS marketplace, you will have to deal with its limitations.

In the end, it is important that you understand the fact that every method has its own utility, and everything depends on your needs.

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If you want to create your own Peer-to-Peer marketplace, then you need to understand your wants before choosing a method.

Only when you are sure about what you want should you go and make decisions regarding the suitable method of constructing your own Peer-to-Peer marketplace.

Otherwise you might encounter future problems.

How To Create Online Recharge Website Like PayTm

Paytm is the most prominent mobile wallet application. It is the biggest online portal that enables you to move money into an interspersed wallet.

You can do the transfer in the wallet utilizing debit card, credit card, or online banking system through any bank.

With the help of Paytm wallet, you can pay for numerous good and services. You needn’t bother about cash. The purpose behind its acclaim is the accessibility of various administrations on a single portal.

It might have transpired to you while using such a platform to have your own site like, that you just begin loving the dream of owning such a site.

So, it is broadly trusted that to build a replica of this platform must bear the possibility to prove itself as the carrier of fortune and fame for you.

Key Features Needed To Build a Platform as Paytm App:

  • Simple alternatives to recharge mobile, Data card and DTH.

  • Booking of flight/train/bus tickets, hotel rooms, movie, and event shows.

  • To pay power bills, gas, landline/broadband, metro, and education bills.

  • Integration of simple payment choices like net banking, debit card, credit card, and Payment Wallet.

  • Easy access to shopping of home appliances, smartphones, garments, stationery items, shoes etc.

  • To makes payment bother free and secure through the wallet.

  • Cashback offer on utilizing the promotion code.

List of Expensive Components Needed For Development:

  • Developing a mobile application.
  • API development that interfaces between your users and service providers.
  • Tie-ups with offers, deals, and discount offering brands.

Building Mobile Payment Portal Like Paytm

The initial step to start your mobile payment company or website is that you require a legal entity.

The vast majority of the Recharge or Wallet platforms like Paytm are enrolled under the Private limited company.

However new businesses have a huge variety of alternatives for the Registration to testing their plans in the payment gateway business.

Also, since such portals act as a service provider for the merchants hence, it imposes service tax from the merchants for rendering these services. So, you need a service tax registration number for charging the service tax.

Book Your Domain and Web Hosting

For developing an online payment website, you need to book a domain name. It is always advisable to book under the highly famous domains like .com, .in, Also, make a petition for the trademark in order to ensure your online portal name.

For the marketing strategies and SEO purposes, try to opt with the .com or .in domain extensions as they are considered to be more effective.

You can book the domain from a site like GoDaddy. Likewise hosting can also be done from GoDaddy. There are plenty of other platforms available too for domain name booking and web hosting purposes.

Get API & Payment Gateway

Did you ever hear about Recharge API system? Or simply the Mobile Recharge API?

If not, then it’s used to develop an online payment or recharge site. So, to build a website like Paytm you have to get Recharge API for your portal.

For creating a mobile recharge or payment site you have to get Mobile Recharge API. It’s not just with the Paytm in fact, all the online payment sites are utilizing some sort of API in their portals.

There are some Recharge API suppliers accessible which offer Recharge API services for mobile, data card, and DTH recharge.

There are a huge number of agencies which give Recharge API and other API services to integrate on your platform.

So, to develop an API, you have to get in touch with particular service providers like Airtel, Vodafone, Idea etc. They will give you payment related API’s for the payment processes on your website.

Find a Reliable Web Developer

You need to anyhow find a right web developer as well, who will be proficient enough to integrate the Recharge Script or API System in your site. You further require to integrate payment portal within your app as well.

Hence, you can either contract a web development organization for the integration of your API on the payment website or look for reliable and skilled freelancers.

Here is a list of a few eminent API service providers which you can use:

  • Jolo API

  • Pay2all

  • Rocket Pocket

Application Design

A convincing design is pivotal for building a payment gateway replica of Paytm application to connect with and hold users.

Appealing and easy to use design plan brings users again to your platform.

Also, designing an intuitive application requires an efficient utilization of cutting-edge tools and technologies, which may raise the expense, yet is commendable.

Application Platform (Android, iOS, or Windows)

Strategies to build a portal like Paytm differs from one platform to another. For instance, an Android application needs more codes to be written than iOS, Android emulators are slower than the iOS platform, and since Android has more variants of devices so testing will take more time. Eventually, developing on Android platform will cost more than iOS platform.

Mobile Wallet

Of course, building an online payment portal is nothing without a wallet means. Mobile wallet application development and its ideal integration take extra time and cost to be finished.

You can save time and huge expense on building a mobile wallet application by having a legitimate plan during the strategy phase.

DSS Compliance

Famous payment gateways such as Paytm have to carry out with the DSS Compliance. So, startups have to outsource their recharge portal.

When you present mobile wallet assistance you can integrate the BillDesk API.

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) has a nationally affirmed set of policies and systems dedicated to optimizing the protection of the debit card, credit card, and cash card transactions and secure cardholders against misuse of their personal data.

Create Database

You require to have a database that must save the transaction details like transaction id, mobile number, user info, amount of recharge, date and time of recharge, recharge status etc.

User Registration

It is a simple process for the user to register and recharge their devices. In this section, users can view the history of recharges made under their user panel.

Automatic Emails

By implementing this feature, the system will send emails automatically to users on new registration, successful recharge done or failed recharge notification, password reset request, failed transaction money transferred to the wallet for keeping the user updated.

Bonus Points

A site owner can offer free bonus points benefit to the user with every recharge done on the platform as seen on Paytm.

The user can reclaim those points to earn a free recharge.

Support Framework

Users on the website can utilize the support system to forward their feedback or concern to the platform owner.

It will be a ticket-based framework to efficiently handle the requests.

Member List

This feature will help the website owner to view the list of registered members on his/her website and will have the entitlement to deactivate the dubious one.

Do Your Own Branding

And lastly, one of the significant factors – you must personalize your website and control panel as you want.

You must upload your own business logo, content and further do adjustments as per the requirements.

How To Build a Hotel Booking Site Like Trivago?

Online travel booking platform like Trivago has resolved every challenge earlier felt in making travel organizations.

Meta data searches have turned out to be famous among voyagers who need to use digital innovation to locate the best deals on hotels rapidly.

Voyagers currently have the whole world readily available for them with just one mouse click.

Moreover, it has turned out to be convincing to complete a definite investigation of the location through pictures, local ratings, travelers’ reviews, videos, and significantly more.

But what does it take to build such an impressive website?

Let’s see

How does Trivago work?

Trivago is a metasearch hotel browsing site that swiftly filters through the metadata of hotel websites and different other travel booking platforms to discover the best arrangement for users in a matter of seconds.

You don’t book specifically on Trivago, however, are deployed to the booking site such as Expedia or hotel site to complete the reservation procedure.

You discover best deals on a hotel or resort room and Trivago earns a little referral commission.

Trivago will catch the booking necessities given by the user on the site. The site is linked to a property management system (PMS) for constant refreshing of hotel accessibility.

The user should give important data like name, contact details, email, destination, check-in, check-out date, number of rooms and other travel related prerequisites.

Once the travel details are finished, the traveler can continue to complete the payment utilizing a secure payment portal.

The travel booking framework will seize the user’s details and convey it to the back-end team or to the PMS which will make the important directions.

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How to build a website like Trivago?

Firstly, this portal is not a one-man army!

Regardless, in the event that you need to make a website like Trivago, utilizing similar tools and code languages they applied, you have to know –

  • PHP;

  • js;

  • jQuery and

  • js which is a JavaScript system with a RESTful JSON interface.

There are two different approaches to begin your own travel booking platform. First, custom sites for those people with heavy pockets and a lot of time to save.

Second, which can be utilized by any individual who needs to get things right at once, avoiding postponement and fitting the small budget plan.

For this, readymade scripts are the ideal alternative to develop a site like Trivago to begin your own travel booking site that will flaunt all traits at standard and sometimes surpassing.

Online Travel Booking script is a superb script that can be effectively used to release your own site like Trivago platform.

Additionally, you can utilize this for different kinds of booking needs like the cab, car rental, cruise, or as the name recommends, anything booking site is focused on.

The script accompanies a delightful array of features that OTA (Online Travel Agencies) entrepreneur will become hopelessly fascinated with.

Key Elements to be Added in Hotel Booking Website

As it’s all about building a hotel booking website, the main utility of the site depends on the look and its search options.

Here we’ll know the core elements that the clone of Trivago must possess to make your site progress similarly.

Landing Page

The best strategy for a making a hotel booking site that targets the worldwide customers is to greet them with a search bar center of the primary page and take the audience to the nation-specific page. Your clone script ought to have a relative search bar.

Switch Area and Currency

As such sites look for hotels, resorts, home-stays, and hostels in numerous nations; all hotels in a specific region are recorded in their particular database.

So, providing a choice to the user to pick a specific region in the main part of the homepage bodes well.

Get a clone script that gives currency related alternatives.

Best destinations and cities

Just beneath the search bar include a segment which consists of the ‘Best Destinations’ and ‘Best Cities’.

This will help the visitors to hit the page instantly and stay at your site.

Choice of Sorting

Present the hotel search lists based on sorting – cost, ratings, popularity, and distance.

Since it’s a travel booking platform, thus, you should give the choice of ‘Filter by stars’: one, two, three, four or five-star hotels.

Additionally, also add the choice of ‘Filter by cost’,to give a visitor a chance to choose the cost range for showing needed outcomes.

Map integration

Include another button on the list of hotels to demonstrate the distance from the city center area. As some people prefer to stay in the downtown area.

Map Integration is an essential element as it shows the correct area of the selected hotel.

It enables a customer to know where the hotel is precisely located and he can even settle on the option of booking the hotel in view of the surrounding.

The majority of the cloned sites of Trivago don’t have map integration element and in case they have, still, the map is not interactive which will be a huge disappointment for both users and you.

Thus, a unique map integration alternative can be productive if given to the customers with the goal that they book the hotel as per their area prerequisites.

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View Deals

This element is also an important element because deals are the main feature of online hotel booking platforms like Trivago.

Get the minimum cost posted on the top with a ‘View Deal’ button.

The goal of this element is that when the visitors tap on the View Deal option, they are taken to the particular hotel booking website or OBA platform from where they can book the selected hotel, home-stay, or resort by advancing the deal value transaction.

Hotel images

Users can make a better decision and learn well about the selected hotel when they get to view some real pictures of that particular hotel.

So, make sure to add hotel images on your website. Also, guarantee that a user can tap on the pictures gallery of the hotel to see more pictures of the inn.

Additionally, give the alternative to zoom the pictures found in the gallery.

Rating Feature

Your site ought to likewise have some sort of rating feature accessible for the hotels, as ratings play an important role in gaining the trust of searchers.

So, make sure the clone script you select has the functionality to retrieve ratings given on booking websites through APIs.

Footer Section

Include a list of major organization pages which incorporate FAQs, contact, terms and conditions, privacy policies, press, legal information, sitemap, blog, jobs, affiliate program and so on in the footer section.

Last but not the least….

When you consider making such hotel price comparison portal without anyone else’s input – you should have an alliance with the big players in this field like

But these OTA have an arrangement of the standard which one must meet with a specific goal to get an access to their inventories.

For instance, you should have 1 million+ bookings and users on your site which is somewhat troublesome for small or medium level companies.

Even if in some way or another you get access from them, it’s hard to tie the outcomes from various OTA into one.

Read also : How To Make A Website Like Facebook?

It can’t be real-time as the page will hang on the when it endeavors to connect results from various portals at once.

Henceforth, you’ll require a support to store the outcomes and keep the database refreshed constantly.

These are basic types of difficulties that you may face while creating your own platform and there is an excessive number of others too that you may need to struggle.

Thus, it’s not an individual’s task, you need a strong infrastructure and team to support you in creating a successful website like Trivago.

How To Price Your Startup Product: The Right Way!

The biggest challenge a company and especially startup faces is pricing the products.

When you are trying to bring something new to the market it acts as a major hurdle!

The only option in front sometimes owing to various factors might be to benchmark the product with others of the same kind in the market

As the idea itself sounds. it can be a roadway to chaos

So  the topmost priority of any business owner should be to get the right element from the start.

When it comes to ‘Price your startup’s product’ then it is a tempting task.

Things To Steer Clear Off While Pricing Your Products

Be very away from setting a price of a product to a minimum. It can be tempting but for a growing business, it is a terrible idea. Reasons are simple:

  • Lower Your Sustainability:

Your total return on investment will be extremely low that will not help you to afloat your business. You need to keep in mind that the price must be limited to the total value of the raw material to the least. After all, you need to continue the business in future too. If the total price earn is not equivalent to the total invested then you are back to square one.

  • Difficult Recovery:

When the economy is going good, it will be a struggle to increase the price of a product. It can be an intimidating task to convince a customer to a single penny extra when they were paying less. It is highly possible that you will lose a customer on the way.

  • Devalue of a Product:

A premium products will always require a high price, even a customer is aware of it. For instance, you can check the labels of wine from a prestigious company which will differ from discount brands, even though there is not much difference as per blind test. The thing is that with low prices customer feel that there is a big reason for a low price and they will compare quality with the expense.

Well, this is the key reason that it is essential to price your startup’s product appropriately.

Factors To Keep In Mind While Pricing Your Products

There are a few factors that can come handy while deciding on the best pricing of any product.

Total Cost Of The Product

There is three main cost that you need to keep at the top of your list while coming up with the price.

  • Material Cost:

The cost that you invested in the raw material that was used for the creation of your product. This will include the cost of licensing, stock photography, digital products, etc.

  • Labour Cost:

The total rate that you paid to your labour for the manufacturing of the specific product. It will include the living wage of that you provide to the labour on an hourly basis for the manufacturing of each piece.

  • Overhead Cost:

The total extra cost that was used for performing operations of the product including rental, web hosting, electricity, and even the total expenses of the furniture. Don’t forget you are a startup company and hence everything is new in the firm.

Once you get every cost don then you can use this formula that can help you to come up with the best result.


Base Cost = Labour Cost + Materials Cost

Wholesale Cost = Wholesale Markup * (Labour Cost + Materials Cost)

Retail Cost = Retail Markup* Wholesale Cost

Profit = (Items Sold * Retail Markup) – Overhead Cost


Another factor that will come handy is the status of the market. This will include your target market, audience and even competition.

Do your homework properly while searching for what your competitor is charging for a similar product.

There are so many ways to follow it,such as online price checking or even asking for a quote.

Then, move to the next point that will include the pay later buy now, offers, discounts, etc.

You need to understand their strategy of your competitor to get an idea whether the offers are for the season for just to attract the customer.

What does your target customer think about the best possible price for a product? Are customer attracted to low prices or to which extent?

Are they valuing higher prices? These are just an idea for you to lookout for.

When you are trying to enter a market then make sure that you understand it like the back of your hand.


The companies regularly forget the most important concept while setting up the price for their product – positioning.

It is a secret weapon that can be extremely productive and can come handy when dealing with competitors.

Pricing will help you to position it in the market such as mid-market, premium or low-cost alternatives. This is the things that were mentioned above as well.

A company can choose the price that is way too below the market is set in order to grow and share gain.

Or they can come up with a market price that will fall equally with other companies.

The last option is that they can simply jump to premium products that will increase their position them to a standardized level.

You really have to do a deep market research and if the output is in the same direction then jump to it.

Boosting Profits

When you are trying to come up with a price then make sure to consider your customer’s demand in mind.

They are the only one that is going to actually buy products and hence they must be your priority.

There are so many things that will follow up such as Brand, Convenience, uniqueness, fashion and scarcity.

When any product is launched, the company aim for profit.

Hence, you need to keep many points in mind that can help in increasing your productivity and the company’s profit rate.

However, you need to keep in mind that much higher price also attract competition to the market and that will be the last thing you want.

Right For Your Product

The most essential thing that must be in your focus is that, is this price doing justice to your product or not.

Always chose the price that is best for your product and simply not because you want to get in the market.

If the price is not right then getting in the market will do you no good. There are a few risks that you need to take but make sure that those risks are worth taking.

Also, follow up the strategy and model that is best for your product. This will guide you on what you must do and what is best for you.


The trend and cost of the market can help you in a lot of ways that you will give it credit.

The industry is changing at a really fast pace and it can be difficult to keep a track of it.

However, the sequence is not difficult to predict if you start to understand it. Quality and price are the main factors that will attract a target audience.

Also, it will ensure the financial stability of your startup. Hence, be careful while you price your startup’s product.

How To Make A Website Like Facebook?

As we all know, Facebook is presently the best social networking website and is a standout among-st the most visited website on the internet.

Individuals invest a ton of time in Facebook posting updates and chatting with friends.’

Maybe you have a hobby or niche and need to unite everyone by creating a social platform on it. But it’s never an easy step to run your personal social networking site like Facebook in a few of minutes.

In this guide, we will analyze the key factors of building a website like Facebook!

Know Your Idea

Prior to starting vigorously, consider what precisely you require social media channel for. What goals do you seek after? Who is your audience? What value will your system convey to the individuals?

To begin with, you need to think of an idea to come up with your further process. Particularly in case you’re resolved to make your site beneficial, you should devise aspects that will separate you from your potential rivals.

Additionally, don’t make it so hard on yourself, concentrate on one specific niche and develop on that. You can begin from here and grow to different themes later when you build up your target users.

Acquire a Web Host

Obtain Web hosting and domain administrations from a reputable service provider. Although free hosting is accessible, the websites may be deficient of a support for file transfers or hosted database so data can be transferred from your desktop to the host’s servers.

Free Web hosting service may not sustain the option of features added by programming languages such as PHP that can give your website extra functionality.

Design Your Social Networking Website

Designing plays a major role. It ought not to be dull or gaudy. It’s best to utilize the latest website design models. It’ll enable you to advance your system very efficiently.

Furthermore, the front-page ought to have a call-to-action option, so you can get more users registered.

What are The Technical Requirements For Social Networking Site?

Developing an online networking site like Facebook requires some funds and technical knowledge which we’ve discussed below.

So, trust just experts for designing your site to develop a platform like Facebook.

Social Media Development Features

At any rate, any social media website must incorporate the given components:

  • Profiles

  • Intelligent content channel, content uploading, news, or messaging

  • Various approaches to connect

  • Search functions

  • And of course, a certain one of a kind features that are fresh and that make your website all the more engaging, this concept is totally on you to devise.

  • Admin panel: you would need analytics and different functions essential for your social media platform, this can be costly.

  • Database encryption (truly expensive as well)

Henceforth, for all these features, the need for UX designs become vital. Your site must be user-friendly and give a charming background.

A proficient development group will remember these features are designed, with the goal that architecture, formats, and general design measures are steady and reasonable.

They are incorporated with the wire framing procedure or potentially into each element.

Read also : How To Make A Website Like GoDaddy?


Frameworks are utilized to create distinctive web applications. Truth be told, they are all inclusive and designed particularly to advance the property of the code and accelerate the coding procedure.

Projects in view of frameworks have high security, high speed, and versatility.

There are several well-known PHP-based frameworks like CakePHP, Zend, Codeigniter, Symfony and so forth to choose from.

Preview Your Social Networking Website

With your layout picked and personalized, you’re probably edging to publish it and get your site live. But back off there. Knowing how to make a site is a one thing. Publishing your site aimlessly is another.

You must preview modifications to your site before publishing it. Always make sure things are working the manner in which you need them to.

So, be careful. It would be a huge disgrace to develop your own social networking site which you suppose to work like Facebook, just to publish an incomplete site.

A simple-to-use preview pattern saves you a great deal of time as you won’t have to keep saving settings and moving to and fro from editor mode to preview mode.

You can roll out an improvement and after that simply tap preview to view how it would look live.

Maintain a Technical Support

Building a strong social media site is an overwhelming project, particularly for amateurs. The large-scale social media platforms like Facebook have IT divisions devoted to maintaining everything running efficiently. Any IT pro friends who are knowledgeable about Web development are helpful assets for technical challenges in the beginning. But this strategy won’t last forever.

Each component requires front-and back-end coding and genuine professionals. A social media platform will, as a rule, require the following staff:

  • Senior/Middle UI designer

  • Junior UI to give support and reiteration

  • QA’s to guarantee top-level and easy work process

  • Senior/Middle UX engineer

  • Middle/Senior Front-End engineers

  • Middle and Senior Back-end engineers to code all the application

  • DevOps to set up building, testing and releasing condition

  • Project Manager to administer the entire undertaking

You should compare an aggregate project cost rate from an expert and respectable development agency and an average annual compensation of the staffonline sites. This will help to decide whether to hire all of the professionals as in-house or to contract with a site development agency.

Read also : How To Create a Classified Website


After the launch of your social networking site, it is essential to direct a functioning publicizing campaign. You have to utilize a forceful approach. It is vital to get the visitors that will make content and sense in the life of an online networking channel. There are numerous approaches to advance your online network. Here are some of them –

  • Build an activity feed to let everybody comprehend what you’re doing.

  • Send welcome emails, newsletters, and press releases to active and inactive members both from your system.

  • You can get an audience at a cost of $0.05-0.1 via Facebook advertisements. This is a decent source with a tremendous arrangement of channels for segmentation.

  • Compose fascinating guest posts about the venture. Send them to well-known media platforms and bloggers. You’ll be amazed to know so many individuals will distribute fascinating material for nothing.

  • Also, optimize your posts for search engines, acquire a semantic core and embed important keywords into your posts.


Last but not the least, making revenue is a reason you’ve built a website. Obviously, it isn’t just for the sake of fun. However, as we probably know users are not used to paying, this is the reason we see that most social media platforms, such as Facebook, are totally free.

So, what you could do to keep the audience engaged as well as earn simultaneously?

You can opt to advertise. The audience can have access to each of the features and functions available in the social networking site for free.

Where as you can monetize from advertising area. Hence, the advertisers pay for clicks on his website. This plan of action is what used by Facebook too. Ensure that the promoters you permit on your website are reliable and that the advantages and value they convey to your users are legitimate and trustworthy.

How To Make A Website Like GoDaddy?

When it comes to developing something big then there are ample opportunities and application available in the market that can guide you at each and every point.

On top of that, if your focus is on the website then it is the backbone of digital world. Hence, it has made it easy to have a website that is reliable and secure.

Especially if you are a business owner, then it is the first and foremost thing to get on a priority basis.

And if you still don’t have one then trust us or not, you have faced a lot of loss.

However, if you don’t know how to actually come up with the best website like the world famous GoDaddy then now is the time.

It is essential to get your site in the core of the business world.


How To Make a Website?

The first thing first, in this digital era, website have become the most essential part of a business.

However, it requires a lot of struggle and efforts on your part. The topmost thing is to make a website that will cover up all the important points.

Read also : How To Create A YouTube Like Website

Why Making a Website is Crucial?

Every business can rule on their 24/7 marketing tool that will help you to grow from the local market and help you to reach a global market.

Another thing is that business and marketing is going to be on top of the site. Then, it is not only cost-effective but time-saving as well.

On top of that, there is no need to put up your energy in it since your brand will grow towards to ensure user experience.

Develop Your Website

There are few essential points to make your website as efficient as GoDaddy.

If you are aiming to boost your presence on the website then you need to follow up the following points.


The first and foremost thing for a great website is to know the “purpose” of it. The simple thing is to focus on what you actually want.

Are you aiming for an e-commerce site or do you want a small business based site? What are you going to offer to your visitors?

Why will anyone visit your site? What difference can your website probably make?

What you need to understand is that you only have 15 seconds to attract your customers.

A user will not stay at your site for more than 15 seconds if there is nothing to hook their attention.

They will simply bounce off your website. The question is that if your audience is not going to find any solution on your website then what the point of it is.

If you are able to nail the answer then it will be your strength to go up.



If you are building your website from scratch then it is going to be an expensive experience.

However, there is so many website builder choices available in the market that can be so inexpensive for you.

On top of that, you just have to maintain the content on your website. These platforms can easily give you a chance to set off web pages, layouts, etc.

Read also : How To Create a Classified Website

In addition to this, you don’t have to perform any of the back-end work since it will be done by default. So, no coding work for you.

There are so many options for you to explore to come up with the best builder. If you are aiming for something like GoDaddy then take help from GoDaddy website builder since the templates are worth trying.

The websites are user-friendly and mobile-responsive that will be ready in just an hour.

Another of your choice is WordPress, it is one of the topmost building tools that have multiple free options. With the open-source website, it is better and reputable to host and manage your site. In addition to this, you will get cool themes and plugin. Even with the content management system if the additional feature that is going to be top for you.


When the product is decided, then you need a domain and host to set up your online business.

Don’t get confused with the name, a domain name is your address that will take the visitor to the main site –

Hosting platform is something which will make the main website visible to others.

The domain is something through which your audience will find you or in simple words, it is a prime digital property.

It must be relevant, short, easy to remember and unique. No matter what you do, how cheap services you are providing, it will be nothing without few customer support services.

You need to focus on 99 per cent reliability and 24/7 technical support and customized transition services.


If you have made a smart choice – WordPress –then you need to set up your website. It can be done with the help of plugins and themes, content, and web pages.

Then simply hit on publishing part. Now, you need to focus on two things to start off – manual installation or one-click.


WordPress site requires a quick start like GoDaddy. Click on the start wizard and then navigate to the option of GoDaddyQuickstart Wizard to get the site build. .

There will be a simplequestion-answer part and you will be good to go. Then, you have to install a Page Builder plugin then WordPress theme. Now, you can start off with the Dashboard work. Isn’t it easy?

Easy Way

You can easily configure your website with the help of not selection recommended setting. Then get started with customizing your website from the Dashboard.


On selecting the manual option for the installation of WordPress on a shared hosting plan then there are easy steps that can be followed up while they are displaying on your screen. If FTP is not something that you are aiming for then you can go for something else.

Plugins and Theme

They are the life of a WordPress website. Once, you have installed up WordPress then you can start with the sign up of Dashboard with

This will help you to customize the site with the help of setting up theme and plugins. In order to get the theme, you need to navigate to Appearance then simply select.

There isa number of premium options and free database options available to select from.

It is advisable to choose a theme, according to see how the site will look to your audience.

If you are aiming to make your website quality to the top of its performance then you must select a theme that is responsive to every device – phone, laptops,etc.

User-friendly, SEO optimized, easy navigations, devoid of any technical or coding error and attractive to eyes of your audience.

There isa number of plugins as well that will put their magical spell on the website. It will transform your website completely to something different that will make it more compatible and attractive.In addition to this, the SEO must be of top quality to attract the audience.

There are more than 53,000+ plugins including SEO plugins that will make it more attractive and helpful.

How To Create A YouTube Like Website

There is not a single person who is not aware of popular website YouTube. YouTube is well known for watching unlimited videos online.

It is the destination where billions of people upload their video which is then watched worldwide.

Instead of uploading your video to YouTube, have you ever thought to create your own website like YouTube where millions of other people use your platform to share their video to the world?

Or if you have a video-oriented goal for your business you can create your own video website. Creating a video website will be very advantageous for you.

Therefore, we will guide you to make your own video website similar to YouTube where different users can register, upload videos, create their own channels, like or dislike video and so much more.

Steps To Create a Website Like YouTube

Below are the steps on how you can create a website like YouTube:

Step 1: Purchase a Domain Name

 Purchasing a domain name is the first step in creating a website. Thus, you need to buy a domain name for your video website. There should be things to consider while purchasing a domain name. Here are the few aspects you need to keep in mind while purchasing the domain.

  • Make sure you read the ‘terms of service’ before purchasing a domain. There can be hidden fees in every add-on and extra, thus keep in mind to question every detail.
  • Protect your privacy by choosing a right WHOIS domain registrar.
  • Protect your data from false registrars as they might sell your data to third parties.
  • Look for domain registrars who never falter to provide a free look to their process of registrations and fees.

Step 2: Signup For Web Hosting

After choosing an appropriate domain name for your website, signing up for web hosting is the second step in which you’ll need to find an appropriate web hosting company.

Web hosting is the necessity for any website. Web hosting provides the essential services which website required to be viewed on the internet.

Websites that are hosted are stored on the servers which enable internet users to view your website on the internet.

Internet users enter the domain name or your web address into their browsers, then their browser will connect to the server of your website and then delivers the web pages to them.

Web hosting requires a specific domain, thus it is mandatory for you to purchase domain name first and then signup for web hosting. You can also use Bluehost WordPress to host your website.

Step 3: Using WordPress

To create a website, all you need is to use WordPress. WordPress is an open source tool that is used to create a website.

It has become a most powerful CMS (Content Management System) in today’s time and is easy to use.

As WordPress provide various themes and plugins, it makes everything easier for the user. Thus, you can also use the theme for your website that will make your website similar to YouTube.

  • How To Use WordPress For Creating a Website

This will guide you to set up and use WordPress to create your video website.

To create a website on WordPress you’ll need three following things:

  • Domain Name: The domain name which you have already chosen in the first step.
  • Web Hosting Account: The web hosting account which you have already signed up in the second step
  • WordPress: WordPress is easy to install directly to your website. To install WordPress, you need to fill in details where no tech experience is required.

Installing WordPress to Your Domain

1. Follow this link and log in to your Bluehost cPanel

2. After login into your account, seek out the website section and select Install WordPress.

3. A dialogue box will appear, asking you to enter the domain name of your website. You need to enter the domain name which you have purchased in the first step. You can also enter the directory where exactly you want to install WordPress, Such As ‘About Us’.

4. If you feel like changing the email address, username and password for the installation of WordPress, you can easily change those settings by clicking on the ‘advanced options’.

5. Read through WordPress license agreements and terms of conditions. After overviewing everything, you can check the box and select the install now button.


After the installation of WordPress is completed, you can log in to your domain address using the login details. You will see an interface as seen below:

This is the admin panel where you can control every single detail and manage your website. You’ll be using this panel to create, publish and run your website.

Step 4: Choosing a Video Theme

Once, you have installed the WordPress, you need to install the theme for recreating YouTube. There are numerous themes available on the WordPress and finding a beautiful, manageable and customizable theme may become difficult for you. Thus, we’ll suggest you to use VideoPro as it is the only theme, you need to seek. It provides a rich look and similar to the YouTube website.

  • Why Choose VideoPro?

VideoPro is a great theme if you are looking for a video website. Thus, it is good mainly for two reasons:

Advanced Features: VideoPro provides huge features that can be used to make your website more incredible. These features are listed below:

  • The user can create their own channels
  • It uses Front-end video Submission that enables members to upload video
  • Integration with the messenger that provides direct messaging, profiles, activity feeds and notifications for a member.
  • Video can be easily imported from popular websites like YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, or Twitch.
  • It provides users with a playlist.
  • It also features multi-episodes video series.
  • It also enables users to do live video streaming.
  • It provides floating video streaming.
  • VideoPro also supports Google AMP which enables blazing-fast page loading on mobile.
  • Two header Layouts and designs are also attractive.
  • Users can choose a dark/light theme as per their convenience.
  • It provides instant suggestions as it uses Ajax search.
  • Rich Customer Support: VideoPro has a rich customer support that can help you with any type of problems that you may face while setting it up for your website.

How to Import VideoPro to your Website

To import the VideoPro theme to your website:

1. Go to the appearance > VideoPro welcome in your WordPress interface.

2. Then click on ’Sample Data’ to import this data on your website.

3. After choosing an appropriate sample data from the packages, click on import button.

4. After clicking on the button, the sample data that you have chosen will be imported shortly to your website.

You can also look for other options, as to import a sample data package for your home page. You can go to Create Sample Home Pages where you can choose the Homepage version from V1 to V11 and then click on create button.

Step 5: Launch Your Own YouTube Website

After creating and importing your website interface with VideoPro, all there is left to do is launching. Launch your website and attracts more traffic via advertisements and promotions.

It is has become very easy nowadays to create a website without using code. Surely, this guide may have helped you and illustrated how easy it can be to create a website like YouTube.

How To Create a Classified Website

Classified ad sites can be viewed as an online business commercial center where users pitch their services or items to anybody searching for the same.

The sold items range from mobiles to real estates, beauty products to employment, promoted with a particular heading and little messages.

In the meantime, the website proprietors can likewise include articles, blog posts and give important data that promotes their business.

While there are numerous tools and ways to build a classified ad website, utilizing WordPress theme is as yet the quickest and easiest approach.

In general, making and developing up a classified ads site with WordPress theme is an incredible method to get branding, traffic, and revenue at the same time.

This post is a model for all those who want to create their own classified site without getting tangled in coding and different technical stuff.

1. Start with a Domain Name

Choose a domain name that you believe best represents your brand. Assure to pick something that is easy to remember and short.

Then decide a popular extension like “.com” or your country particular extension in case your classified ads site will be narrowed to a specific country.

After all this, it’s time to register your domain. Use any popular domain registrars such as GoDaddy, Bluehost, or you can register the domain with your web host too.

2. Pick a Theme

To customize your WordPress classified ads website, you should pick a WordPress theme, that you can additionally tweak to your preference by organizing how your landing page should look, changing the color plan, adding or removing features, and so on.

You can look over several premium themes accessible on Themeforest such as the MyListing theme. It enables you to make any kind of directory you need, with no need of coding.

You can design your pages and get a constant review of the revisions you make to your pages.

This theme will enable you to effortlessly monetize your classified ads website by offering ad spots and permitting you to monetize posting entries in various packages.

3. Making the Pages

A site is actually, an accumulation of various website pages.You would need multiple pages on your site with various information and functionalities.

The themes usually accompany pre-composed pages for various purposes. You can simply open the pages and upload the information.

Head to the widget section in the appearance menu to change the sidebar widget of the required page.

4. Managing the Menus

WordPress menus are so simple to make and manage.

First, sign in to your WordPress Dashboard.

Select the ‘Menus’ option from the ‘Appearance’ menu on the left-hand side of the Dashboard to pop up the Menu Editor.

Click Create another menu at the highest point of the page.

In the Menu Name box enter a name for your new menu.

Tap the Create Menu button.

So, your new custom menu has been characterized.

5. Adding Items to a Menu

You can add various types of the link also to your menu. These are divided between the left of the menu you’re as of now adjusting.

Find the panel entitled Pages. Inside this panel, select the View All link which opens a list of all the presently shared Pages on your site.

Choose the Pages that you need to include by tapping the checkbox beside each Page’s title.

Tap the button Add to Menu situated at the base of the panel to include your selection(s) to the menu that you made in the above step.

Click on the button Save Menu once you’ve included all the menu items you need.

Finally, your custom menu is saved.

Read also : How To Create a Big Website Like Udemy?

6. Add Menu to Your Site

In case that your present theme holds custom menus, you will have the ability to add your new menu to one of the Theme Locations. (If not, you’ll have to include your new menu through the Custom Menu widget under the Appearance Widgets Screen).

Look to the base of the menu editor window.

In the area titled Theme Locations, tap the checkbox for the area where you need your menu to show up.

Then click Save menu once you’ve made your choice.

7. Step to add a new Classified advertisement From Back End

Go to Dashboard –>Classified –>Add New Classified

On completing all of the above steps click the button ->Publish.

8. Adding Categories Tags from Back End

Just go to Dashboard –>Classified –>Classified Tags

And, you’re done with this field!

9. Link the Pages

So, we presently have our pages made, now how the clients will associate with it?

By giving applicable links on the homepage of your classified ads site. The most essential links are given a menu and submenu items.

For example – The link for the page which gives the front-end users a chance to present their classifieds listings is introduced as a button on the homepage of the classifieds WordPress theme.

This button immediately pulls the consideration of the clients.

Thus, linking pages to the menu, submenus, and buttons on your classified site rely absolutely upon you.

You can choose the significance of every link and place them in like manner, to guarantee that the necessary links and CTAs get more introduction.

10. Add the Classifieds Advertisements

When you make a classified ads site, obviously you would need to include a few classifieds listings on your site.

An admin of the site should sign in to the dashboard, and utilize the backend options for adding the classifieds listing.

Then, click on the button add classified and utilize the form to embed a section into your site.

Afterward, select the category of your classifieds advertisement. This is essential in various ways –

  • It encourages the audience to discover appropriate ads without wasting time on different categories that are unnecessary.
  • It supports keep your site arranged.

11. Upload Background Images

The further most valuable step is to add an image of your classifieds items.

It’s regularly advised to upload high-quality images in your listings. Particularly when it’s a classified ads site, where you’re marketing real goods.

Follow these steps:

Go to Dashboard –>Settings –>Theme Options –>General Settings

12. Monetize your WordPress Classifications Website

Now, we’ll discuss how your online classifieds ads directory benefits you earn real revenue.

Paid classified ads listings:

A classifieds site is where individuals list their ads. But you can choose if you want the people to list for free or pay for their advertisements.

Classifieds WordPress theme operates on the directory system. So, it has all the features to provide paid classifieds submissions.

The Classifieds WordPress theme offers compatibility to a lot of payment methods. Thus, you can simply set it up with your credentials and begin applying it for receiving online payments.

Read also : How To Make a Social Media Website?

13. Manage and Promote Your Website

Do not let your website convert into a public forum. You ought to activate the “Pending ads” and “Google Captcha” settings to limit improper content in your classified ads website.

Also, try to take the support of all the given functions to build up the visual.

You can manage the WordPress customizer to promptly resolve the composition of the website and adjust some generic style settings.