Tips to Make a Killer Product Page for Your Online Store

It takes a lot more to sell products than opening a store. You have to be creative with your approach and make people feel that they need your product. Whenever you create a need for your product, users will start buying it without thinking a lot. You know your product is good, but how do you make your website visitors believe that too? Does your website statistics say that a lot of people are visiting your product page but decidedly less buy the product? If that’s what is happening with you, all your efforts are going down the drain.


If you want to boost your sales, you need to revamp your product page. Wondering how to do it? Here are nine tips that will help you make a killer product page for your online store:

Clean product URLs

An exact product URL is easier to read and remember as well. If your product page URL is, no one will be able to recognize it. Most people will not even bother to share it. But if your product page URL is a visitor will find it easy to remember.

You have complete control over designing your product URL the way you want, so why not do it neatly? Also, remember to keep your product page URL SEO-friendly. When your URL appears at the top of the search and is easy to read, the prospective buyer will be compelled to open it.

SEO-rich product titles and descriptions

Make sure your product titles and descriptions are SEO-rich but also high in quality. Focus on keeping the names of your product simple and easy to read. Write descriptions that are short and crisp. Use actionable sentences to create a need for the viewer, so that he is forced to buy it. You need to do a keyword research well in advance. Make sure you don’t overdo the keyword use.

Rather than putting a product title like Cream, put a title like Cream – for Winter Care. While searching, people don’t search just for the products. Some of them use other terms associated with the product as a tag.

Ensure product pages are mobile-friendly

Your product pages should be mobile-friendly. If your product page isn’t mobile-friendly and appears only in the desktop version, which is difficult to view on mobile, the user will exit from your website. According to reports, nearly 60 percent of people use mobile devices to search on Google

Over the past couple years many people have started shopping through mobile devices as it is very convenient. Accept the truth and get your website’s mobile-friendly interface ready soon.

List the pricing correctly

If you have a website that ships worldwide, you need to mention the price of your product in all currencies. Have a currency conversion plug-in attached to your website that does the work for you. No one has time to open another window and Google the conversion from one currency to another.

Mention the price just below the title and then give the specifications and product descriptions. Always place the price at your eye level, so that no one has to hunt for it all over the place.

Show the product from different angles and in a setup

It is evident that your prospective buyer wants to get a good look at the product. Click photos from different angles to show how the product looks. You can google the types of aspects that are used and ask your photographer to do that. Usually, there should be at least three angles.

Also, one photograph should be how the product looks in a live setup. You will need to get very creative here and shoot setup shots giving a real-life experience. For example, if you sell the sofa, create a small setup with the couch, rug underneath, and a coffee table with some accents on it.

High-quality images

All images you use must be of high quality. It reflects that your company and products are genuine. The person won’t spend time thinking if the product is authentic or not. Always use your images and not images that are similar to your product.

For clicking high-quality images, you don’t need a professional photographer. Purchase a good quality camera and click photos. There are so many videos available online that teach you how to click the perfect product photographs.

Hire writers to write positive and descriptive reviews for the products

Anyone who visits your website will read the reviews first before buying the product. If there are no reviews, the customer won’t buy it. If you are starting a new business and not many people have bought your products, you can hire writers to write positive reviews for the products. They don’t have to sound overly confident but should be descriptive.

neural networks python

For example, if you have a clothing store, ask the writer to talk about the softness, thickness, and texture of the fabric.

Pay attention to details like size chart

If you have clothing or footwear store, having a size chart is compulsory. This size chart should include the measurements for different sizes. If you have a furniture store or any other store, give dimensions of the product, so that people can measure it in their setting.

Give exact measurements because that adds value to your product page. Your product page becomes more legible, and one-time customers will turn into a loyal customer when they get the product in the exact size as mentioned on the product page.

Bold headlines

Your product title is your first headline. Write the title in capital letters and make it bright. It should be in the most prominent font size you can use so that the prospective customers see it first as soon as they open the product page. Other headlines on your product page will be specifications, measurements, descriptions, and reviews. Make all these headlines bold and in capital letters as well.

It also gives a structured look to the product page and becomes very easy and readable for the viewer.

Take care of these tiny things to make a killer product page for your online store. Make sure that is no grammatical error as it is a significant letdown. Keep experimenting, and you’ll find your most active strategy to boost sales very soon.

End of Net Neutrality! Will it Destroy Ecommerce Market?

FCC (Federal Communication Commission) has voted to repeal Obama’s net neutrality rules. This hasty decision has opened up a Pandora’s Box in the internet world.

Ajit Pai the main behind the repeal has been opposing the net neutrality which promised equality in providing content to the users for quite some time. He has stated on many occasions that the whole net neutrality scene is created with hypothetical harms and hysterical prophecies of doom.

Is it really out of hysteria? will it have any impact on the way we experience internet?

Experts are saying that ISP (Internet Service Providers) are now being awarded power to pick winners are losers on the internet and it’s going to change the way users access the internet.

Another worry is that this draconian law, if spread all over the world, will put an end to the way we shop or even cause irreversible damage to the online shopping industry?

Current scenario

It’s been raining news about the whole issue. People are carrying over discussion, protests, spreading internet memes in Facebook and Twitter, comedy videos etc about the decision of FCC.

The latest video by The juice media is one such video in which they clearly explained that the murder of net neutrality is preposterous.

Famous online portal Verge has claimed that FCC has killed Net Neutrality by giving the title

The FCC just killed net neutrality

Last Week Tonight the famous American Television program did a special show on the issue and did a great job explaining the whole situation.

The world is furious, Business sector especially e-commerce sector is petrified and raged regarding the issue.

Let’s have a look at the negative impact that’s going to have in the online retail industry. If the draconian law dismantles net neutrality.

Will it be the end of online stores?

Imagine that an ISP is preventing a user from entering an online store and on the other hand faster loading is being provided on another website.

Won’t it be the end of the online stores that’s been slowed due to whatever reason it might be?

Even though the example sounds a bit overdramatic it is indeed a possibility. Imagine that every ISP’s in the world is following the path of profit, which they can easily get hold of if there is no net neutrality.

Numerous News has come out earlier that Donald Trump in his initial days of his being president of USA  had a detailed discussion with FCC regarding the access to various content to common people.

The question here is, will this act be an example for governments across the world? If it does, it would be devastating.

Big names in the internet world like Google and Amazon have always given impressions that they support net neutrality. In reality, the picture is exact opposite according to recent reports. Google has blocked Amazon from advertising certain content through YouTube. If this has happened for real isn’t it hypocrisy at its best?

Another prime example of the situation is that. Netflix records 34% of the internet usage during the prime time (7-11pm) and reports are coming in that the new law if in practice will force Netflix to share their revenue owing to the huge loss of other websites during this peak time.

The net neutrality supporting camp is stating that during big sales time like Xmas, Black Friday, weekends etc. bigger retailers would pay their ISP’s and would channel the traffic to their website causing devastation to small retailers all over the globe.

Since studies have proven that 1 second of delay time will affect 7% of the conversion rate of a website. Small websites will have to face worse situations in their business.

Freemium marketing will also be affected drastically. If channeling of internet traffic happens. This freeemium (trial version of the software in which companies allow users to use their certain features for free) version has to be made payable to cover up the loss.

But, experts are saying that there is no need to panic for now as all these scenarios are hypothesis and nobody knows what ISP’s will do if net neutrality is taken off.

On the contrary, that’s the exact reason for the panic right now. What will happen if power is given to ISP’s are unknown. All we can do now is to cross our fingers and hope for the best to happen to the booming online market all over the world.

14 FAQs on Odoo Web Development

Odoo web development is undoubtedly in high demand over the past few years for its excellence in efficiency and user-friendliness. This fastest growing software is available in three versions- the enterprise, online and community version.  Unlike its counterparts, this single platform lets users to accomplish their multiple business goals from a single place. This open source ERP software model is a good choice for any type of businesses, especially small to medium sized ventures. The software is built on a modular structure and this is a cost-effective choice which can be accessed for free from the official website.

Those looking to set up their online venture using Odoo might have a lot of doubts in mind or clarifications to be made. To help at least some of you, some of the most frequently asked questions on Odoo web development are answered here.

1. What actually is an Odoo module and how it helps?

An Odoo module is an optional element that is made on the framework of Odoo. A user can implement the desired module conveniently based on what function they need in their business. The features incorporated in a particular module actually depend on what all other modules are included. Several modules that are linked to a particular business domain come with an Odoo app. This in fact is a main module that incorporates core features and it comes with a configuration screen by which you can enable any additional features.

The uniqueness of Odoo development is the availability of 1000 plus modules out of which the marketing module is the best with options such as Live Chat, Lead Scoring, and Email marketing.

2. What is the procedure to install a theme in Odoo development?

Getting your favourite theme for your online Odoo store is very simple. First you have to get the desired theme that adds style and functionality to your store from Odoo apps. Within the Odoo installation tab, the theme folder has to be placed inside addons. Followed by that, you have to navigate to the Settings page. Now you can look for the particular theme in the list. And you have to just click on the install button in order to get the theme almost instantly.

3. What license shall I use for Odoo Modules?

Every Odoo modules you use are published with reference to the open source AGPL License similar to other elements of the system. As the modules are also components within the same software, they are supposed to be published under this license.


4. What is a “private module” and how it differs from a “Community module”?

A private Odoo module is the one which is developed by a company or an individual which is for internal use only. As it is not a proprietary module, it involves no selling or distributing to third parties. And a community module is the one developed by someone in the Odoo community. It would then be made available to anyone and they can access it easily by downloading it. Most of such modules can be accessed from Odoo Apps Library.

5. Is it possible to import data from other software applications to my OpenERP Online System?

Yes, it is possible for users to import data from other software applications to the online ERP system. Data importation is allowed from.CSV text files (Comma Separated Values) for any item within the system. Your own scripts can also be even connected through web-services. Data migration services are also provided for Odoo users.

6. What license shall I use in case I make an Odoo Module for my website?

All Odoo modules are supposed to be published under the same license just like other system components. So the rule is also applicable when you make your own module too. However, if you wish to make a private module to use with Odoo Enterprise, you may benefit from a licensing exception (OpenERP AGPL + Private Use) which allows you to keep the source code private.

7. What is to be done in order to translate my Odoo website?

You can translate your website to any of the available languages automatically using Gengo App. But if you prefer to do it manually, you may do the following simple steps. Once you reach the website, you have to click on ‘Add a language’ icon seen on the page’s bottom right corner. From the list, the preferred language has to be selected and click on ‘Load’. If your website was in English and now you chose French, you can see French in addition to English on the language bar. They also show some texts that are already converted to French. There you have to just click on ‘Translate’ button and see that your website got translated into the chosen language.

8. What are the languages that are available on the Open ERP online?

More than 10 languages are available in OpenERP Online system. This includes English, Catalan, Dutch, Estonian, Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and Polish. However, only English language is offered for the OpenERP Online control center.


9. What is the stepwise procedure to track your Odoo website’s traffic in Google Analytics?

You can do that in a few simple steps. First, you have to set up a Google Analytics account if you don’t have any. Then you have to get the tracking ID by accepting conditions in the creation form. Now you can copy the tracking ID and then insert it in Odoo. In your Odoo’s Website app, reach the Configuration menu. There you have to turn on the Google Analytics and then paste the tracking ID followed by saving the page.

10. What has to be done if I find a bug in OpenERP Online?

You don’t need to worry as Odoo comes with all comfort for its users. The OpenERP Publisher Warranty (OPW) comes as a rescue for the OpenERP Online customers. If bugs are seen on usage, users can feel free to contact the support team at

11. What actually is an “official/certified module” in Odoo web development?

The official module or the certified module is the one that is developed and verified by OpenERP SA. These modules come with the standard Odoo distribution. In the latest version 8.0, users can have access to more than 200 official modules that are bundled with the app. Such modules can be easily identified on the Odoo Apps Library using a special badge.

12. Is there any option to integrate OpenERP with Amazon?

Integrating your store to popular shopping websites helps to improve the reach of your business. The Odoo web development has provided enough support to integrate your OpenERP with Amazon. An app for Odoo-Amazon connector is released for Odoo V8 & V9. It is based on the latest API. Odoo V9 Community & Enterprise version now provides Amazon – Odoo integration and Amazon FBA – Odoo integration app. The integration process is really smoother than you think and the software maintains utmost consistency and efficiency post-integration too.

13. What are the key pros of Odoo web development?

This comprehensive software covers a range of business needs including e-Commerce, billing, manufacturing, warehouse, CRM, accounting, and inventory. Odoo features an efficient user-friendly interface which is simple looking. The platform supports good navigation options with search functions across the screen. The software works at very good pace and allows good flexibility. This budget-friendly solution allows easy integration too. The minimal task completion time adds to the productivity of the software. Also, this robust ERP solution runs on up-to-date technology.

14. Are there any disadvantages for Odoo web development?

Of course, no systems are perfect and come with some cons when compared to its counterparts and that is the case of Odoo too. But the list is a short one compared to its pros that mainly include the lack of backward compatibility in the design and poor bug fixing standards. They just started bug fixing in their 8th version and may get better over time. There are some challenges in the usability as it comes with custom packages. It has a lack of organization in the documentation too.

These are just a few among the frequently asked questions on Odoo web development. As it is comparatively new in the market, there is some scarcity when it comes to related resources available on the internet. So the new users might have a lot of questions when setting up the Odoo platform for their business. However, the active community is always ready to help those users in need and provides them adequate suggestions and advice to ease their concerns on using the platform.

Odoo is improving its functionality in each version and it has reached a long way in its efficiency ever since it was introduced. Over 2 million users are presently using Odoo web development to improve their reach of the business and the platform is slowly winning the industry with its open source benefits and proven quality.

How to Hire a Talented Python Developer?

Versatility and simplicity has always been the forte of Python and has served as the big reason for the choice of big-names like Facebook and Google. Python maintains a consistent rank of being the one among the well-known top 10 programming languages of the world. It is considered to be an interpretive, object-oriented and high-level language having inbuilt diverse semantics.

No wonder, its efficient binding data structures make it a highly preferred option for Scripting purposes and Rapid Application Development. Owing to the increased demand, requirement for Python experts is on all-time high. However, choosing one is always tricky.  So, you need to have a clear understanding of what you need and what you wish to build before hiring an expert Python Developer to make your vision come true.

Let’s see what all need to be done before choosing an expert Python Developer.

1. Hold Interviews

Holding technical interviews specifically for Python developers is crucial. Have a well-structured conversation by preparing questions based on the specific topics you wish to discuss with the potential candidates.


Remember the following points while preparing the interview questions for the Python Developer:

  • Make sure that you ask the programmers about some of the best tools that they would love to use for your project. Also, be clear about informing the professionals about the tools available at your workplace to avoid critical issues later on.
  • The interview questions should also enquire about the roadblocks they might face during the project’s development stage.
  • If you are not well-versed in Python language, then make sure that your technical team handles the interviews to identify a talented developer.
  • Focus more on asking problem-solving questions that are relevant to the issues your technical team faced while working on an earlier project.
  • Analyze the answers offered by the prospective applicants to check if their solutions are better than the ones provided by your existing team.
  • If the developer feels that a specific Python framework will be apt for the given issue, then initiate further discussion by asking more questions to find the reasons behind their thoughts.

2. Technical Prowess

After the general interview process, assess the technical ability of the shortlisted candidates. Python language is built with features like dynamic typing and binding that enables you to identify some hard-to-catch mistakes, making it easier for you to determine the perfect developer.

You can assess the developer based on specific technical capabilities, such as:

  • Knowledge about Python Version Numbers
  • Basis memory management such as copying and slicing structures
  • Python shell usage
  • Functions, Classes, and Generators (Python function description with the help of ‘def’)
  • Usage of ‘SYS’ and ‘OS’
  • List Dictionaries, Sets, and Comprehension

3. Testing Skills

Before you hire a Python Developer for your project, it is essential to know his or her strength by testing their programming skills. You can conduct this test with the help of a mock-up of your product or by making use of a well-established template.


While testing the skills of a developer acts as the critical parameter to choose an expert, it also helps you understand the unique style of working, he or she might have. Using the skills test, you can also find out:

  • The different ways through which the developer handles a project while letting you keep track of the time taken for the completion of a task.
  • The test for Python skills would offer you an idea about the time taken by your potential candidate and how much initiative he takes for identifying the novel ways to derive a better output.
  • A skilled developer will be able to offer his or her suggestions, which will give you a clear picture of his creativity, problem-solving skills and how passionate he is about his job role.
  • The test will also give you an idea if the applicant can solve all the architecture issues with Python software.
  • Check if their preferred frameworks are similar to the ones you use internally or if it is a sensible choice for your project.

4. Management of Time and Tasks

It is imperative to hire a Python expert having excellent time management skills and work ethics. The best developer should have excellent control and calculate the exact amount of time required for completing the task. They must also be able to deliver projects in a timely fashion and offer updates regularly.

A Python professional should be best in dealing with partners or leaders and specialize in client management, which will save you the trouble of being the torch bearer.

5. Market Knowledge

The Python professional whom you choose must not only be able to write a sophisticated piece of code but should also have the reputation of being one among the best in this field. Your project will be the best in the market only when you hire a professional who knows the nuances of coding.

Check for the following features to stay assured that the Python Developer is well aware of the market.

  • The Python expert you select should be aware of the changes in the programming languages and must be mindful of the updates that might improve or enhance the project.

  • Apart from understanding the syntax changes, the developer must be dedicated to holding regular maintenance periodically, checking earlier projects and running activities smoothly.

  • He must consider using unit testing even for small tasks, as it will be easier to identify the issues, such as logical errors or syntax errors if any.

The Python professional you choose must have up-to-date knowledge about the developments and changes in the industry and should be willing to welcome new changes for progressing further. Python savvy professionals would also be a member of popular online forums and programming communities where they can interact with other Python professionals and discuss the latest programming trends in the market.

11 Ways You Can Promote Your Store Online

Do you want your online store to make higher sales? Well, you need to do a lot more than sending out promotional emails or posting a photo on Facebook or Instagram. It is time you get out of your comfort zone and be open to new ideas to promote your store online. In today’s world, everything is online, and making your presence felt is very essential.

With just one click, you reach all over the world. To promote your store online smartly and reach out to your target population within a small period, we have compiled a list of 11 effective ways to improve your shop online. Here we go.

  1. Try AdWords

By using AdWords, you reach your target audience almost immediately. Every business should have an AdWords account in today’s online world. Your advertisement gets displayed on search engines and third party websites.


Banner ads get displayed on websites and blogs belonging to your niche. You can also try out text ads on Google or other search engines. Your website appears the first when something related to your given keywords is searched.

  1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is all about giving someone a percentage of profit if they make a sale for you. You can either promote this as your USP or make sellers sign up on your website or ask influencers to do that. Some stores give massive discounts or free clothes to wear, but money works as the best motivation to boost sales. Also, these people will promote your product all the time, so you get two things done simultaneously.

  1. Email Marketing

Keep your email game updated with attractive messages, discounts, promotions, etc. Email your customers regularly, give your audience secret coupons and extra benefits to try out your products. You can send out different emails pretending to different audience, occasions, and seasons. Just make sure you don’t bombard them with too many emails.

Also, include your store’s website/ offers in your email signature along with social media handles. It will encourage viewers to visit your online store and glance at it.

  1. Social media and promotions

Social media play a vital role in promoting your online store. It’s one of the easiest ways to reach millions of active users. A recent report suggests that nearly three billion people around the globe now use social media for the various purposes. Facebook tops the list of social media for monthly active users.

With eye-catchy messaging and attractive promotional campaigns, you can easily connect with new as well existing users. Keep your social media always active; engage your audience in daily activities. Apart from promotions, you can also use social media to answer user queries, give suggestions, hear and solve customer issues in real-time.

  1. Get help from social influencers

Find social influencers like photographer, bloggers, and vloggers on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube that belong to your niche. Send these influencers free samples of your product and ask them to review it after using it. You can also send a discount coupon for their followers to apply while shopping at your online store. Many followers trust these influencers and often purchase products that they use.

  1. Contact with guest bloggers

Sponsor bloggers to write blogs about your products or services. Give them a free sample to try or else start a monthly subscription process, where the blogger writes three or four blogs on your products. Target review bloggers, because people look up to them to provide the best review so that they don’t have to spend much time researching about a particular product.

  1. Sponsor an event

Keep track of events that happen locally. Pick a couple of them every quarterly and sponsor the event. You don’t need to sponsor the entire event but a part of it, for example – food or lights, or paying for the venue. Ask the event organizers to let you put up a small stall, where people can check out your products and buy them.

8 Gift merchandise and coupons along with every purchase

Every time someone purchases your products, you can give discount coupons and merchandise along with it. The merchandise can be something like a sticker, fridge magnets, a t-shirt, key chain with your company’s name and logo. It increases customer loyalty, and the discount coupons increase sales too.

Send some gift on customer’s first order like keychains or something small. Also, change your gifts every season to get people excited about it. Promote these rewards on all your social media accounts and the homepage of your online store as well.

  1. Referral program

When any user come to your store and purchases some products, give them a referral coupon code for their followers. This program helps in spreading your brand name and attracting lots of new users

It will motivate every user to refer someone new and thereby to grab the referral reward.

  1. Start blogging

Take blogging seriously. Apart from spreading the brand awareness, Blogs help in widely in SEO. They improve the number of backlinks and increase traffic to your online store. The more the backlinks, the more chances of coming up in organic search results in different search engines


Post blogs at least thrice in a week to let people know about your latest products. You can hire freelance writers and give them topics to write that suit your niche. If you have a clothing store, ask the writers to write on topics like bridal trends of 2017, winter trends for 2017, and some hack or how to articles.You can also make styling/ informational videos on YouTube and reach out to a broader audience.

  1. Fire up your social media with reviews and attractive photos

Become an influencer yourself. Any person who comes across your social media account should get hooked on your reviews and photos. Invest in hiring a photographer and a stylist to make your photos look attractive. When you upload good quality photos, your customers will start following you and become loyal shoppers.

10 Famous Websites That Are Using Python

Python has been extensively used by web development companies for quite some time owing to its simplicity, well-organized nature and flexibility.

Programmers who have come across Python will know that how easy it is to code using this open source language.

However, do you have any idea about how big Python is?

It’s so much stable that lot’s of big-names of various industries have used either Python or its framework in constructing their website that we come across on a daily basis.

1)    Google

We have experienced how Google has changed our everyday life by helping by answering to all our queries Python has been extensively used by Google in the development of their connected apps, integrated features and to support their huge traffic


2)    YouTube

We all know YouTube. All most 90% of the video that we watch on a daily basis are from YouTube, Have you ever had an idea that the world’s best and biggest video sharing and viewing platform is made with Python? The next time you log into YouTube, remember it’s made with Python.

3)    Instagram

Instagram has revolutionized the way people take photographs and you know it. We post photographs of ourselves, our friends, coffee, new outfit, and whatever that we find amusing. Did you know that python is behind the conceptualization of this website?

4)    Quora

Now, isn’t it fun and easy to just post what comes to your mind and you get answers and opinion about it? Quora can be said that the most popular Q and A website. Ask a question and Quora will answer you. There are thousands of experts in the field and individuals to answer your questions. Whenever a question is added, a number of people reply to it and clears your doubt. Quora uses none other than Python.

5)    Pinterest

Pinterest is another platform to post your creative idea. You can find a lot of information in the form of images, posters, info-graphics, etc to be precise; these are the main contents of Pinterest. To manage the content of this volume Pinterest relies on Python.

6)    Disqus

Disqus is a webpage for blogs and websites and has a variety of content in it. It has social media plug-ins and tools that are used to analyze the web. Like the name says it is a forum to discuss your ideas whatever you like to discuss. Obviously, it is made using Python as the framework.

7)    Bitly

If you haven’t used Bitly, it is a tool to shorten URLs so that it is easier for you to shorten, share and track links. You might ask why you want to shorten a link. Well, it helps to post it on social media and share with another person. You don’t want a 10 foot long which is annoying. Majority of the codes used for the development of the website is Python.

8)    Reddit

It is one of the largest open communities on the web. Reddit is the epitome of a different side of the internet that is timely, interactive and personalized. People submit blogs, videos or images, and others vote it up or down. Reddit has something for everyone. Like you guessed, it is made using Python.

9)    Dropbox

Dropbox is used by individuals, communities, organizations, etc. You have shared files in your office or at home by dropping these files in Dropbox. It is an online file sharing platform that is hosted using cloud technology. Dropbox is powered by Python and allows you to share, sync or transfer files using the cloud.


10)    Mozilla Browser

Yes, this highly popular and one of the most powerful browser is made by the open source language, Python. I am sure that a lot of us used Mozilla and its add-ons once in our life. Before Chrome was popular, Mozilla was the most popular browser. Same

Why You Should Opt Odoo For Your Website?

Tagged as an all-in-one management software, Odoo comes across as easiest option to churn out a host of business apps. Not with standing the fact that you are dealing with Inventory, Point of Sale (PoS), Accounting or e-Commerce, you can employ this most patronized global platform to your advantage. Originally named as an OpenERP, it was in May 2014 that the license-free software was christened as Odoo with the launch of its version 8. Odoo v8 provides a host of applications that can be applied to various types of businesses including Business Intelligence, the creation of websites and e-Commerce activities.

If you are looking to build a website using Odoo, here are the numerous ways in which you can make the most of the “website builder” module that it offers.

1. A Comprehensive Option

If your current ERP is deficient with functionalities, look no further and check out the license-free software code offered by Odoo. Offering a plethora of 1000 modules that can be deployed to create a website that meets all your business needs, it is through Odoo that you can garner the support from its community of technical experts. Permitting you to analyze your website’s requirements, you can bank on Sodexis which helps you match your requirements to the numerous OpenERP functionalities that Odoo has in store for you.


2. Promises an Integrated Solution

All thanks to the modular structure of Odoo that you can start with the usage of a few modules. As your website needs increase, you can effortlessly scale up by the addition of befitting modules. This modular feature brings in the benefits of an integrated web-based solution.

3. Make the Most of the Latest Technology

A prudent digital marketer knows the importance of time. If you are one amongst the well-informed e-Commerce professionals, you will not wait until your current technology becomes redundant. You will quickly switch gears to an upcoming and latest technology that comes with multiple promises. OpenERP / Odoo is one such software that relies on a technology stack that is not only up-to-date but also modern.

4. A Cost-Cutting Alternative

Odoo, which does not call for the payment of any license fee allows you to invest in implementation and customization. Alongside this provision, you can also make the most of the up-to-date reports that Odoo offers in contrast to the delayed reporting stretching to weeks and months with other ERPs. Such delays which burn a hole in the pockets of companies can be avoided through this cost-friendly Odoo alternative.

5. Tailor-Made Options Are At Your Disposal

Tagged as a right tool to stay in good stead with the stiff competition you face with your competitors, Odoo comes as an easy-to-use and flexible software. Allowing you to push your limits to keep pace with the fast-changing business situations, Odoo can be customized to match your company’s website requirements.

6. One App Promises Myriads of Design Functions

It will not be an exaggeration to quote that Odoo can be identified as a multi-faceted app that can perform a plethora of different website design functions. If you are curious to know the long list of features that Odoo promises to your website, here it comes:

  • Odoo facilitates your website to manage multi-currencies, multiple companies along with a multi-lingual feature
  • You can initiate online payment through a particular mode of payment, in line with your preference
  • You can make the most of Odoo’s “website builder” characteristic to display multiple themes along with extra add-ons
  • Allows you to employ Bootstrap CMS and e-Commerce modules that can be integrated into the website builder to edit your website
  • Through Odoo, you don’t need to install extra third-party plugins to build your website
  • Odoo’s Fluid Grid layout comes handy in churning out the best layout that is compatible with the device in which the website content is viewed
  • Odoo offers you the privilege of scanning through the lengthy catalog of ready-made themes that can be accessed by you through few clicks. You simply need to visit the app store which enlists a collection of professional themes. Then, you can change your website theme in line with your preferences

7. An Intuitive System Which is Flexible and Easy-To-Use

Odoo allows you to insert font styles into your website content like headers, italics, lists and bold features through the use of a “What You See Is What You Get” (WYSIWYG) editor.

Odoo’s flexibility permits you to create your webpage through a building blocks system. It is through this system that you can build a webpage from the scratch by dragging and dropping pre-designed and completely customizable building blocks.

Odoo bestows you the luxury of changing the content directly from the front-end, sparing you of the complex back-end editing operations. An additional attraction comes in the form of a word processor like experience that allows you to create and edit your website content.

8. A Promotional Tool That Improves Website Ranking

All thanks to the keyword suggestions and the Meta Tag tool that Odoo promises, you can effortlessly improve your website ranking on search engines. Permitting you to generate organic traffic, Odoo through its social media call-to-action feature allows you to share your webpages with your social media contacts, spread across multiple networks.

9. A Multi-Faceted Website Building Platform

Odoo can be aptly called the all-in-one solution to build a website on the strength of the following features. Alongside allowing you to perform a series of trial-run iterations, Odoo handholds you to run several versions of a single webpage to check which version comes up with better results. The best part of Odoo is that it permits you to analyze your search results through a direct link with Google Analytics.

Another feature of Odoo that demands a special mention is its capability to support multiple versions. You can not only churn out multiple versions of your website, but also toggle between one another with a simple click.

You can perform the web-link tracking activity by adding a tracking code to your URL. Through this activity, Odoo will come handy in assessing all your marketing campaigns right from the time a visitor lands on your site till he makes his final sale. Allowing you to work around well-informed analytical metrics, you can come up with campaigns that will better attract customers and improve your bottom line. Through Odoo, you can even keep a close watch on your ROI.

10. Prepares the Ground for an Improved User Experience

With all eyes set on enhancing user experience, Odoo can bless your website with a number of user-friendly features. Gengo is a translation tool that can help you employ standard translations. If you are all set to attract the attention of smartphone users to visit your website, you have the luxury of a “mobile preview” button that allows you to view your page the way it will be presented on a mobile. The list of user-friendly features does not end here. You will be in a position to provide real-time information to your customers through a pop-up chat window and stay in touch with your brand loyalists at all times.

11. A Seamless Reporting and Tracking Platform for e-Commerce Transactions

All thanks to Odoo, you now have a befitting tool that can report your e-Commerce transactions directly to your accounts. Through this feature, you can better manage your online sales, payments and shipping along with automatic billing. In addition to the above- mentioned benefits, Odoo can boost your online presence through the display of trendy webpages. Planning to run an online event? Look no further and rely on Odoo which allows you to plan, promote and make sales via online events.


With the USP of Odoo to be recognized as an easy-to-use platform that is fully integrated, you will be better off treading its path. With a suite of open-source business apps that can meet all the diversified needs of your business, Odoo helps you build a comprehensive website that will enhance your online credibility alongside building user relationships that will eventually transform into online sales.

13 Frequently Asked Questions On Python Web Development

If you are a student looking to hone your Python development skills or a software professional attending an interview for the role of a Python developer, the following are the most commonly asked technical questions along with answers on Python web development. Simply scan through these questions for you to assess your knowledge about Python and you are all set to impress your examiner or the interview panel.

This question bank, with $$$$ questions and answers on Python web development, will come as a quick reference guide for all the software developers and students looking to gain proficiency with the various facets of Python. For your benefit, all the questions are in bold.


Here are some of the topmost questions that can be posed as the initiating part of an interview can be:

Q1.What is Python? Can you enlist the benefits of using Python?

Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language that comes with web frameworks. These web frameworks consist of modules (packages) which are used by developers to write and build web applications. Flask and Django are some of the prominent frameworks that are employed in the creation of web applications. Python also offers a host of threads, exceptions along with an automatic memory management feature.

The following are the benefits of using Python to develop web applications.

It is very easy to learn Python since it involves writing minimum code scripts. Identified as a beginner-friendly language, Python encourages swift development along with a luxury of a logical and clean web design. It is a free and an open-source language which brings in the features of portability, extendibility and a built-in data structure.

Q2. How can you say that Python is interpreted?

A Python program can be run directly from the source code. The language has a built-in capability to convert the source code that is developed by a programmer into an intermediate language. This code in intermediate language is again translated into a machine language that can be executed to show up desired results.

Q3: Can you describe the process of using Python to develop websites?

Python helps developers build websites in 3 simple steps:

  • Your first step is to learn about Python programming along with its syntax and features. You will also have to gain knowledge about the basics of “http” protocols along with a clear understanding of the manner in which a web server works. You should also be acquainted with the process of exchanging data between server and client.

  • The next step concerns the mastering of Python frameworks like Django and Flask. Delving deep into Django will help you gain knowledge about Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern.

  • After gaining proficiency with the first two steps, your last step that makes your dream to build a website come true is to extend efforts towards making your website publicly available. You should check out multiple web hosting options and pick up the best which allows your app to run on it. Some of the web hosting services that you can rely on are RedhatOpenshift, Google App Engine, BigRock, Heroku and AWS.

Now, let’s move on to some coding questions that can be posed as part of your examination or technical interview for the role of a Python Web Developer.

Q4: Can you write a function that helps you randomize the items of a “List-in-Place”?

Python comes with an in-built <random> module. This can be used to export a public method <shuffle(<list>)> which can randomize any sequence that you input. Below is the code that enables the <random> function.

import random


print”Prior Shuffling – 0″, list


print”After Shuffling – 1″, list


print”After Shuffling – 2″, list

Q5: Can you bring out the difference between Java and Python with regard to Exception Handling? Additionally, can you list the optional clauses for a <Try-Except> Block in Python?

Python implements Exceptional Handling in a different way when compared to Java. Python offers an option to use the <try-except> block which allows the developer to view the error details without stalling the execution of the program. And the best part of this <try-except> block is that programmers who get to identify the problem can also come up with a solution to the error. Below are the two clauses that are available with Python with regard to Exceptional Handling.

  • try-except-finally
  • try-except-else

Q6: What is the best way to transform a Python string into a list?

Python offers strings which are very similar to lists. If you want to convert a string into a list, you simply need to pass the string as an argument to the list. And the output you get by following this simple rule comes in the form of a string which is converted into a list.

list(“I am learning Python.”)

This is how the output looks like:


[GCC 4.8.2] on linux

=>[‘I’,’ ‘,’a’,’m’,’ ‘,’l’,’e’,’a’,’r’,’n’,’i’,’n’,’g’,’ ‘,’P’,’y’,’t’,’h’,’o’,’n’,’.’]

Q7: Can be talk about the built-in types that Python provides?

Python offers a set of mutable and immutable built-in types.


Mutable built-in types include:

  • Dictionaries
  • Lists
  • Sets

Immutable built-in types are:

  • Numbers
  • Tuples
  • Strings

Q8: How are the different methods to copy an Object in Python?

Typically, Python allows us to use <copy.copy()> or <copy.deepcopy()> to initiate copy operations on Objects. However, you should keep in mind that all the objects do not support these methods but most of them do.

Yet, some objects can be copied easily, like the dictionary objects, using <copy()> method.

Here is an example that explains this method:

item={n: n*2for n in range(10)}



Q9:What is the code that can help you determine the name of an Object in Python?

In Python programming language, there are no objects that can be represented with names. Hence, you cannot associate a name with an object. However, you can assign a value that can be linked to its name. You can then employ the name to exclusively access the value. At the most, Python allows you to locate the reference name of the object.



:def __init__(self, name):[] = name

def __str__(self):

return'{} holds …’.format(

obj1 =Test(‘obj1’)

print obj1

obj2 =Test(‘obj2’)

print obj2

Q10: What is the code to check whether a particular object belong to a Class or a Subclass? 

Through Python, developers can make a list of instances of an object that can be linked to many classes. Python offers an in-built mechanism that permits the above feature. This method results in the form of a table comprising of tuples instead of individual classes. Below is the syntax for the same:

<isinstance(obj, (class1, class2, …))>

It is through the above code that you as a Python developer can check the presence of an object in any one of the classes. <isinstance(obj, str)> or <isinstance(obj, (int, long, float, complex))>are a couple of in-built types which manifest in the form of many formats representing the same function.

However, it is important to use built-in classes. You can instead create a user-defined class.

The underlying example helps you determine the object of a particular class:




print”Look for a mailbox”


print”Look for a document”


print”Unidentified object”

Q11: Can you explain the significance of namespace in Python?

In Python, it is possible to assign a place for every name. This place allows the name to be hooked to its location. This, in Python, is known as namespace. Presented in the form of a box, it is here that the variable name is mapped to the object that is placed. Whenever a code is written to search for a particular variable, the object will be retrieved by searching the box.

Q12: How do you convert a number to a string, using Python?

Developers use the inbuilt function str() to convert a number into a string. In the event programmers want to come up with an octal or hexadecimal representation, Python allows them to use the inbuilt functions like hex() and oct().

Q13: Can you define a module and package, in Python?

A module as per Python demonstrates a way to structure a program. Every Python program file is hence a module which does the job of importing other modules like attributes and objects.

A package of modules is denoted by a folder, in Python. Thus, a package in Python can have multiple modules and subfolders.


The above explained question and answers regarding Python web development can handhold both experienced and beginner-level programmers to ace in an interview or an exam. Just scan through this question bank consisting of 13 FAQs on Python and you are all set to impress the interview panel or the examiner who is evaluating your answer script.

Reference Links:

7 Points To Remember Before Hiring A Prestashop Expert

Prestashop is a versatile platform that lets developers customize the online shops of their clients according to their needs, preferences, and products.

It has got thousands of modules that help in enhancing the functionality of Prestashop. But to reap the benefits of it, you need to hire the services of an expert. Every web developer is not an expert in Prestashop. Let us go through some points that you should remember before hiring a Prestashop expert.

  1. Expert in PHP

Prestashop uses object oriented PHP as its programming language. The prestashop expert needs to be skilled at PHP to modify the modules in Prestashop and overriding the cores files. So good knowledge in PHP coding is an essential prerequisite for a Prestashop expert. You must enquire about his or her PHP certificate and work experience.

  1. Company vs Freelancer

Many people make a blunder in choosing this. There are many freelancers in the market that claim to be an expert in PrestaShop. But having many dawbacks of hiring a freelancer, it is advisable you opt for a company or a team.


  1. Expert in object oriented programming

Object oriented programming is the mainstay of Prestashop. So the expert in Prestashop needs to be familiar with object oriented programming. Otherwise, he will not be able to write unique modules for your online shop. So you need to enquire about his experience in object oriented programming.

The person also needs to have good knowledge about writing SQL queries. This is because the data for your Prestashop-developed online shop will be stored in MySQL database. So knowledge of SQL is a must for the developer.

  1. Look out for communication

Communication has always been a key factor in any ecommerce website. Hence, the same applies to PrestaShop experts too.  Check for the communication factors while interviewing a prestashop expert. Note down how long they take to repond to your quesries and calls.

  1. Embedding PHP in HTML code

Prestashop uses a template called Smarty which uses a unique, but simple syntax that helps designers embed PHP in HTML code. However, simple it may be the developer needs to have complete knowledge of it before starting to develop new modules. In other words, he must be experienced enough. An experienced developer will definitely have knowledge about the syntax of smarty. So, ask the developer about his experience.

  1. Mockups is a must

Module development is a specialty in Prestashop. The expert needs to develop a module that best suits the requirements of your service, product or nature of supply. Do insist on your expert to provide you with the mockups so that you have a clear understanding about how the design and development will be carried out. The developer needs to have good coding experience since he needs to code to design new modules that will add some unique functionality to Prestashop.

  1. Experience in implementing overriding

The process of Overriding is something unique about Prestashop. If the developer is an expert in overriding classes, then he will be able to replace parts of the core code with his or her unique code. He would not even touch the core code and yet change the function to something useful and unique to your online shop.

  1. Hosting on apache server

The expert, you are hiring as Prestashop expert, needs to have the experience of hosting websites on apache server. Prestashop e-commerce websites need to be hosted on Apache 2X web server though it also works with Apache 1.3. So the developer needs to have some experience of hosting websites on Apache server.


All in all, don’t forget to check the background and profile of the expert you are willing to hire. This will allow you to understand the various projects were done and research about it.There are many cases of fraud individuals who boast about their achievements. So make sure you through their profile well before hiring them,

SSL certification is the ultimate concept that attracts buyers to use their credit or debit cards to conduct purchase online. So apart from everything else the developer or the expert should have some expertise or some experience in implementing SSL certifications.

Top 10 Languages For IOT Development

Internet of things is a concept which binds “Things” together making objects even smarter. However, it is clear on how strongly it’s going to impact in the routine life of people.

But if you take a look at the demand for the Internet of Things(IoT), you will realize that it is so much into reality with connected cars, smart thermostats and even the home hubs such as Python, Multiple languages and Node.js to name a few.

So most of you are still curious to know what kind of coding is involved and how does it look like. Ideally, the reason behind its efficient functioning is the use of same languages which are similar to the one that we use on our personal computers and mobile devices.


Other than C, Java, JavaScript, and Python there are many other languages as well which are ruling nowadays. However, when it comes to making a choice amongst it, you are of course likely to get confused. Let’s have a look.


The most popular language, JavaScript, is known for its features in event-driven applications used for all sorts of web browsers. The event-driven applications allow devices to communicate which each other based on events generated by a user.  It can last a long in the market since it makes the devices interoperable and can work well on hubs and servers to gather the data.


This one is another trending one which is mostly used for small applications. But the best part is you can use this language for different platforms with the help of an Embedded Virtual Machine (EVM) which supports B#.


This one is the most common language that is used for creating the iOS apps. To handle the libraries and build up the best infrastructure, such type of source is used by many IoT developers.


For coding, Java is considered as the best source and no doubt is chosen by many developers for IoT development. It has derived its methods from coding languages like Mesa, C++ and many more, which makes it more powerful.

The developers can create and debug the programs on their desktop to later transfer it to a chip which also makes the language a preferred one.


Shares applications that are more similar to C. it is one embed language which was introduced by Google. The best part about it is that it’s more powerful than C language which allows the devices to work in a cordial way by which you can send and receive different data simultaneously.


Though it is not so popular on the list certainly it is one of the best options you can come across. If you want to keep your IoT compact then such low-level programming language is best but you are advised not to have more expectations from it.


If you are thinking about PHP then probably, you can think of blogs and website prototypes. Generally, most of the people don’t use it for IoT but if it is used in the stack, it can juggle micro services on the server. Besides, it has also made a lot easy to put a LAMP stack on a chip.


This was one of the preferences by many IoT developers since its main focus was on the web applications and now can also be used as a scripting language which sticks different coding together. Now it has evolved to such an extent that IoT developers use it as a primary source of language.



Just like Google, Mozilla also came up with another interesting open source language which can do some of the marvelous things that are impossible. It helps to share information through different channels automatically


For the IoT applications, this language is the best one to opt for since it supports all the parallel process. It is important for the developers to know the fact that there is a lot of difference between the parallel and concurrent processors. You can see the same use of syntax in languages like Java, C#, and Python.


The final verdict is that every language above has its own benefits and role to play. But this can change over time looking at the rapid pace at which the technology is evolving. So make your smart choice for smart devices.