Top 10 PrestaShop Modules That Will Help Bring High Traffic To Your Website

PrestaShop Modules has a complex integration of various services and features that allow users to easily navigate select products make payments and select delivery options.

However, an e-commerce site is deemed to be successful only when visitors flock to it. To that effect, the PrestaShop modules play a very important role. Being an Open Source Software, there are thousands of modules or plug-ins in PrestaShop.


The range of modules is increasing and thus contributing to enhanced functionality of PrestaShop. Enhanced functionality is also leading to increased traffic and ultimately driving business to your company.

Let us go through the top 10 PrestaShop modules that will help bring high traffic to your website.

  1. Amazon Market Place

Are you struggling to get hundreds of your products to Amazon? Then this add-on is certainly a great help. Amazon is the undisputed leader in e-commerce and integration with Amazon is a must have for your e-commerce site.

The Amazon Market Place module in PrestaShop is an exclusive add-on. It is a good solution to manage orders from your PrestaShop store to Amazon by exporting& importing products. Having Amazon Market Place in your e-commerce site is a must since you cannot preclude Amazon if you want to enhance site traffic.

  1. SEO Expert

What happens when you search the internet for online shops similar to your industry? Does your PrestaShop online store appear at least in the top 10 lists? Probably not. A PrestaShop site is incomplete without the SEO Expert plug-in. The plug-in automatically optimizes the position of your site on various search engines helping you save time and cost.

The SEO expert add-on by itself fills in the meta tags, image tags, social media tags and a lot more. It also increases the visibility of your store with support for various languages and qualified traffic.

  1. Protect My Shop

You must have already got a fair idea by its name. Yes, Protect My Shop module is an add-on that protects your marketplace from related thefts and hackers. With security as a major concern for online stores, Protect My Shop module turns out to be a helping hand.

The add-on includes 9 protection scripts which can be activated or inactivated one by one. With this, you are protected against SQL Injections, XSS Injections, SHELL Commands Injections, Code Injections, CGI Injections etc. Not only that you are also protected against data theft and malware

  1. Advanced Search 4

Advanced Search 4 has been used by many PrestaShop owners due to its ease of use and improvement to the store. To convert a large number of visitors to potential buyers; you need to offer a vast selection of products. With Advanced search 4, you can exactly achieve that.

With the add-on, you can add several search engines and even position them properly to get high traffic. The search criterion in this tool is based on the filter. This helps customers find their products with the minimum number of clicks. This automatically enhances the visitor’s satisfaction with the site which results in the conversion of visitors to customers.

  1. Presta Social Stream Module

This one goes out perfectly with our SEO tool. The importance of integrating your e-commerce store with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat etc. need not be emphasized anymore. With Presta Social Stream Module you can display your latest posts of major social networks into PrestaShop.

The module not only increases visibility across all the social media platforms but also allows the use of the hashtag (#) for improving your traffic. You have a full control for all your social links and configure the amount of data/posts going out every day.

  1. Google Merchant Centre

Imagine uploading your store products to Google Shopping and getting highly qualified leads? With the Google Merchant Centre, all is possible to get hundreds of visitors buying on your e-commerce store. It is one of the most powerful tools available in the market today.  It includes easy installation, friendly configuration and highly customizable.

  1. YotPo

Reviews are a must for e-commerce sites. YotPo allows users to review and display them in a beautiful manner on your website. It supports all languages and automatically notifies you of every review posted. It’s easy to install and you can customize it according to your needs.

The YotPo reviews are displayed on a single page and allow the admin to answer any queries/reviews posted by the user. They offer you responsive and attractive templates to choose from.

  1. Migration Pro

Whether you want to upgrade PrestaShop to a new version or migrate the data from one to another in PrestaShop, the risks of data migration are real. With Migration Pro module you can safely go for an upgrade or migration since the module will back up all your files.

  1. Print Labels Pro

You can save some time if you can automate the process of preparation of delivery labels. With Print Labels Pro add-on you can prepare and print delivery labels and stick the labels on the orders and dispatch for shipping.

The module doesn’t just stop at labels but offers you options to print envelop, certificates and important documents. You can add barcodes, labels, and images to the labels and customize every bit of your fields.

  1. Fastway

This is an add-on for synchronizing you e-store on eBay marketplace. To get the maximum number of visitors, you need to integrate your store to eBay too, apart from Amazon. It offers you a complete customization and management of various categories on eBay.

Linking the categories on your PrestaShop to eBay is easy, reliable, fast and flexible. Also, the customer support offered by Fastway is exceptional & easy. It also offers your different options for selecting your payment gateway without hassles.


Either way, for all of PrestaShop 10 modules, you’re certainly going to enjoy a feature-rich experience. Get in the ability to smoothly overpass tasks started on your PrestaShop platform and we are sure you have a clear idea now why this platform can prove amazing for many. Wild, but true.

Python is the Industry’s Most Preferred Language. Know Why?

Python is an object-oriented language that has marked its position in the web development industry. This interactive and modular language is dynamic in nature and portable, as well. Its good assistance for reusability mechanisms and its free availability has made it a prime choice for diverse enterprise applications.

In short, the language named after Monty Python is giving a tough competition to its counterparts with lots of improvements on the go.


Its usage is not just limited to one single platform as its excellence can be utilized in a variety of ways. Considering its ease of use and faster to program nature, it is now widely used in a corporate environment too. For many number of reasons, Python is regarded as the industry’s most preferred language. Let’s find out why?

  1. Availability:

    It is one of the best in the open source systems introduced so far. This simply means that the efficient software can be accessed free of cost. Ventures with budget constraints can make use of this free gem to improve the exposure of their online business. And while using CPython, users even have the permission to alter the source code and distribute it.

  2. Easier to Use:

    It is one of the web development languages that are designed with beginners in mind. Not much technical skill or brilliance is needed to understand and use this language and that is why it is renowned as a beginner’s language. As it needs only comparatively fewer programming codes, it becomes easy for new programmers to handle it and it’s easy to debug nature add to the convenience. Despite its white space usage, it is considered more readable compared to any other languages. Moreover, it is fun to use the language with no way of stress.

  3. Stability:

    With new versions, the language keeps on adding improvisations to match with changing needs. This form of stability makes the language easy to handle during any phase of the project. Unlike C-based languages, the language has no pointers. This makes it a safe and reliable option. Also, the errors never go silent making it easy for you to read and understand if the program crashes. This enables you to correct the errors on the go. With minimal characters and more use of plain English language, it is visually uncluttered.

  4. Philosophy:

    The unique philosophy of Python is another key factor that makes it different from the programming languages. The Zen of Python summarizes the language philosophy that emphasizes that “Explicit is better than implicit”, “Readability counts” and a lot more. In fact, Swift, CoffeeScript, Cobra, and Groovy are among the languages that were designed after Python owing to the influence of its philosophy and design.

  5. Easy Integration:

    It can be easily integrated with other popular languages for better results. The third-party modules in Python Package Index (PyPI) are the key assistance for easy collaboration with other platforms. The popular among the integrated languages are CPython (Python with C), Jython (Python with Java), IronPython (.NET and C#), PyObjc (Objective-C toolkits) and RubyPython (Python with Ruby). Its quick transition time to other languages is really impressive and a lot faster that one can imagine.

  6. Versatility:

    Its versatility in use is another important factor for its wide use. The software runs without any obstacles on almost all main operating systems. This includes Linux, Microsoft Windows, and Mac OS X. As object-oriented concept is used, it allows reuse of data structures which in turn minimizes the quantity of repetitive work. In addition to automatic memory management and a dynamic type system, Python runs on multiple programming paradigms.

  7. Learning Curve:

    Compared to other languages, Python has a better learning curve. It’s easy to use syntax is one of the key reasons for its easiness in learning. As it has a good readability and clarity, users find it really easy to understand program codes. It almost resembles the basic “pseudo-code” and that is why even the beginners vote for Python language. In fact, an experienced professional can even pick up the language basics in less than a day.

  8. Multiple Domains:

    Its usage is not restricted to a single domain as it has a wide acceptance in diverse domains. Even when it can be rated high for its web applications, it cannot be ignored for its dominance in language development, operating systems; prototyping and web frameworks. In fact, the mission-critical applications of the world’s largest stock exchange are handled by this language. Its role in diverse computational and scientific sectors and development of mind-blowing games cannot be ignored.

  9. In Built Modules:

    Python comes in built with a wide range of library modules that can handle different programming tasks. The language has over 300 modules making it easy to handle different tasks with ease. With the right usage of tools and libraries, Python serves the role of a general-purpose language. In addition to desktop apps, the language has made a strong foundation in artificial intelligence, data analysis, and backend web development. Good support is offered by the library for internet protocols including e-mail processing, HTML, and XML.

  10. Reduced Development Times:

    The same applications that are developed using Java can be made about five to 10 times faster when using the Python language. Similarly, the development pace is much more impressive when you compare an application that is programmed using C or C++. Also, the use of efficient content management frameworks helps with creation of highly interactive websites in a much quicker way with options for easy modification anytime.

  11. Cost Effective Maintenance:

    The maintenance of software is always a challenging task despite its excellence in functionality. For an enterprise with fewer resources and more work to handle, Python has proved to be a vital choice with increased coder productivity. Apart from free license fees that assure a cost-effective creation, the software also promises a cost-effective maintenance.

  12. Short Programs:

    Python performs an application with fewer lines of code. When considering its main counterpart C++, Python does the job in almost half the lines of code. Importantly, this also supports a lower margin for error. And when considering Java, the job is completed in 3-5 times shorter lines of codes. For its enhanced usability, this open-sourced and flexible language has found great applications in shipbuilding industries and movie animations.

  13. Extensible:

    Along with standard modules, there are options to make the software extensible. The free availability of frameworks, libraries, add-on modules, and tool-kits makes the extension a lot easy for the users. A range of programmable interfaces can be easily added to existing applications. With all these options, programmers can handle the projects better with proper and easy collaboration with researchers, quants, and analysts.

  14. Quick Processing:

    Any sort of applications can be developed in a quicker fashion with Python as it has the freedom to work with other programming frameworks. Its fast processing with high-level data typing is one of the key factors that make it a cost saving and time saving option for the enterprises. Even large systems can be documented in no time and modification of search engines is faster than you think with Python. Moreover, its direct problem solving approach makes the language different from its counterparts.

  15. Wide Support:

    The active support community assures wide support to the language users absolutely free of cost. Even when the support is not official, the active users are always ready to help those in need. For technical help, users can make a visit to where they can refer tutorials. And the support is extended with mailing lists, diverse websites, and USENET “netnews” groups.

In the IEEE Spectrum ranking for the year for the most popular languages, Python clinched the first position. And most of the schools are considering Python for introductory programming courses. The Popularity of Programming Language (PYPL) ranking based on Google trends has marked Python in the third position. With a growing ecosystem, the language has remained popular ever since it was introduced back in 1991. It can be considered as a glue language that easily links up different segments of a complex solution. Its reliability in use is evident from the fact that its clientele includes many global enterprises such as Nokia, Linux, NASA, JP Morgan, Wikipedia, IBM, YouTube, Mozilla, Weekly News, Bank of America, Google, Ultraseek, Yahoo!, Disney and Yahoo Maps. Python web development is in the mainstream for a pretty long period for its efficiency in handling data-heavy sites.

Benchmarking Performance of Python & Java: Which Is Faster?

Programming languages and scripting languages are vying with one another for a slice of the scripting environment. Language developers are coming up with new features and APIs to speed up the process of application development. New programmer-friendly features are being added to languages to make application development faster.

Java, one of the most renowned has long been the fore-runner among scripting languages due to its versatility such as cross-platform compatibility (Compiled Java program on platforms that has JVM).


However, Python has launched a serious offense against Java in recent years. In fact, the use of python as a scripting language is increasing by leaps and bounds. In such a scenario it is important for programmers to benchmark the performance of Java against Python or vice versa to get a clear understanding of which language to use.

Let us pit one language against the other in terms of parameters of productivity and see who has the edge in today’s application development scenario.

Static Typing Versus Dynamic Typing

Java is statically typed whereas Python is dynamically typed. The problem with static typing is that all variable names need to be declared along with their types. This is because the Java container holds objects in the generic type. It is also because of this reason that when you would save an object from the Java container, it would not remember its type.

So the variable must be explicitly cast to the desired type. If you assign the wrong type to the certain variable the language will trigger a type exception. In terms of productivity of the application developer, this is a negative aspect.

Python, being a dynamically typed language, has done away with the pitfalls of a statically typed language. The Python containers can hold objects of any kind. So, when you save an object from the container it remembers its type. If you are using Python you need not declare any variable. The assignment statement automatically binds a type to an object, irrespective of its inherent type.

Moreover, if a name is assigned to an object of one type, the same may be assigned to an object of a different type. This makes it easy and fast on the part of programmers to write codes.

Long Codes Versus Short Codes

Codes written in Java are longer whereas Python can express the same in shorter codes. Longer codes not only take more time to write but are also prone to error. The longer the code the more are the chances of bugs. So coding in Python is less time consuming than coding in Java.

Cross-Platform Portability

Java is a clear winner in this aspect. Scripts written in Java in one platform are portable to and compatible with many other platforms. Java code written for Windows is portable for android etc. This is because of the Java virtual machine. You have JVM in a platform and JavaScript will run there.


Python is not a cross-platform language. You cannot port a java code written in windows to any other platform. However, with the help of embedded Python interpreter, you can achieve the same objective as with Java. So with the embedded interpreter, even Python can become a cross-platform language.

Updating and Maintaining Codebase

You need to put in extra time and effort to update and maintain a Java codebase. On the other hand, Python emphasizes on the generation of reusable and readable codes. This saves a lot of time for the developer.


Java is not a compact language because of the longer codes and other problems. But Python is a compact language since codes written in it can be implemented with fewer errors and more agility.


Choosing Python or Java isn’t the biggest decision here. Both carry their benefits and drawbacks. However, for a particular project, one is certainly best than the latter. Most of the time, small and medium projects are better going with Python. However, larger projects need Java.

The Most Secure Web Programming Language – is there any?

At the outset, it must be said that if you are searching for the most secure and yet versatile web programming language, then, weare afraid, there is none. All the languages have some pros and cons that cannot guarantee you a complete security.

Recently, a research by WhiteHat security conducted on vulnerabilities of various web programming languages came up with an intriguing finding. It actually shows that all the web programing languages are vulnerable to different kinds of security breach. It is only the facet of vulnerability that varies among different languages.

So your quest should now narrow down to specific vulnerabilities for each language rather than searching for the best as it won’t lead you anywhere. The million dollar question here is how?

Let’s learn how to rank programming languages in terms of their vulnerability

PHP is vulnerable to a comprehensive list of bugs

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, is a server side programming language, among the several other web scripting languages, found in almost all the applications. Having its parent in the C and C++ languages, PHP language is very easy and interesting to many naïve users. It can run on both UNIX and windows. It is known as a very cheap reliable and fast.


The once written PHP code has at least one instance of cross-site scripting vulnerability. SQL injection is found in 56% of apps. In fact, SQL: Injection is one of the most easy-to-exploit vulnerability of a web application.

The problem of directory traversal is found in 67% of apps written in PHP and the problem of code infection is found in 61% of apps written in PHP. Credentials management problem can be very damaging for the reputation of a website, and yet it is found in almost 58% of apps written in PHP. Cryptographic issues are found in 73% of apps developed in PHP and 58% of sites accounted for information leakage.

Classic ASP is not far behind

Classic ASP (Active Server Pages) is a powerful tool used to develop websites since it can be easily modified and requires simple text editor. The language encompasses important functionalities which lacks in PHP.

Though the technology offers simple development, it consists of a few downsides due to its each file containing its own inline code. Classic ASP is also found to be vulnerable to a comprehensive list of bugs such as SQL injection, cross site scripting, information leakage, directory removal, insufficient input validation etc.

ColdFusion is giving jitters to developers

Though the name isn’t the most popular, ColdFusion offers an innovative platform that inculcates powerful tools to develop your web architecture. But many web developers avoid using it due to its complicated architecture which cannot be understood by the web owners.

Cross site scripting, information leakage, SQL injection, directory traversal etc. are some of the biggest issues with ColdFusion. However, Adobe Systems has recently addressed the problem of information leakage through updates for ColdFusion 10 and ColdFusion 11.

.NET is insufficient

Before the invent of programming platforms, the developers has to handle a lot of tasks like memory allocation, garbage collection etc. .Net took away this pain by offering the developers a platform for memory management.

neural networks python

Information leakage, code quality and cryptographic issues, directory traversal, cross site scripting, insufficient input validation are some of the critical issues with .NET. Many a times the language platform turns out a bit expensive.

Java is not all hunky dory

One of the widely used 21st century language, Java is a general purpose, object oriented programming language. People many a times are always confused about the best language to work on. If you would understand the popularity of this language and the features it offers, you would certainly prefer this one. The Java code is extremely flexible and can be reused as required. Hence it is one of the favorites of developers. And above all, it’s an open source and free software.

Code quality, code injection, cryptographic issues, and information leakage, cross site scripting, directory traversal are some of the biggest issues with Java web programing language. Java’s memory management is seen as an expensive affair. Also, lack of templates in java sometimes makes it cumbersome to work with.


What you need to note here is that, every language has its own pros and cons. selecting the right technology depends on the nature and size of the project. One thing is for sure and that is – vulnerabilities like SQL injection and cross site scripting are more prevalent in scripting based applications such as PHP, ColdFusion and ASP. However, most of these languages have had security APIs that have covered at least some of the lapses, if not all of them.

Prestashop VS Magento [Infographics]

Global e-commerce Market is expected to reach USD 7,724.8 billion by 2025. People are showing keen interest in buying goods online. Online stores offer products at a cheaper rate and better quality. Above all, they can avoid the hustle and bustle of buying goods from a normal store.



This shift in interest of buyers is the main reason why merchants are now interested in starting their own online shops. However, the biggest hurdle in front of them is to choose the platform to construct their online platform.

Prestashop and Magento both the e-commerce platform has managed to be the choice of lot merchants owing to their stable solutions.

However, both the e-commerce platforms are entirely different in terms of framework, construction as well as target audience.

Let’s have a sneak peek through an infographic to know better about them.

prestashop vs magento

Top 10 Interesting Facts About France E-commerce Market

In 2014, e-commerce market of France was 74 billion Euros. This year (2017) it is expected that the overall online market might touch 86 billion.

This jaw-dropping rise is the reason why France has been named as 3rd largest e-commerce market in Europe and 6th largest in the world.

As the number suggests there has been a rapid increase in online sales in France in the past few years. In 2014 around 37 million French people went online for purchasing and now it’s 66 million (87% of the population of France).

So what are the specialties of such a huge online market?

Let’s have a look

1.It’s insanely huge!

As mentioned above the e-commerce marker of France is booming, after all it’s the 3rd biggest in Europe and 6th in the world. There are around 200,000 active online stores in France. Around 66 million French people went online shopping through their smartphones.  Among the huge online store list 80% of the sellers have mobile-based version of their state.

2.M-commerce revenue is on a steep rise

In 2016 there was a 34.2% increase in the m-commerce market in France and it is estimated that 25% of the entire online sales in France will be taken over by mobile platforms by the end of 2017. In the case of the choice of devices smart phones is their favourite. It is expected that by 2020 the m-commerce revenue of France will be USD 17.5 Billion.


3.France, the Mecca of Fashion is changing

The fashion industry has always revolved around France. When it comes to fashion, France has always been the benchmark. However, a recent survey revealed that there is a rise in online purchase and around 28% of people who participated in the survey said that they are now frequently purchasing clothes online rather than a ready-to-wear chain. Even though most of the people in France prefer to buy clothes, accessories, and shoes through face to face deal now, statistics are indicating that there is a huge wave of change happening. The increase in the percentage of people willing to shop online is indeed positive.

4.Innovative Ideas

It is indeed true that e-commerce market in France is crowded. Since the completion is tough new business owners who wish to sell their products online should develop new, innovative strategies.

Meryl Job and Renaud Guillerm two entrepreneur first developed an online fashion community and started sharing and discussing fashion. He developed the platform to a huge online fashion enthusiastic community and Later on the situation was monetized by creating a website so that community members can buy as well as propagate the commodities.

5.Language Matters

French People are very much particular about their language. So it is less likely that poorly translated language in websites will succeed in France.

A recent survey revealed that 70% of the French e-commerce customers wish to see their preferred search results to be on the first page itself. So the only solution here for non-eu citizen web-developers is to install the best language translation plug-in possible and optimize the website in accordance with search engines.

6.Impeccable online payment methods

Carte Bancaire has their strong foothold in France owing to their flawless payment system. Majority of the people (e-commerce customers) depends on Carte Bancaire. However, there are other payment methods available too. Payment methods like Atos, CM-CIC, Paybox, Stripe, Ingenico, SagePay,, Skrill etc.(card based) and Paypal etc. are catching up in France.

7.Famous e-commerce platform in France

In France, lion share of the merchants are small scale and a fully fledged e-commerce website is not at all economically viable for them. So there are e-commerce solutions which can build as well as maintain websites affordable rate which will cater all their basic sales need.

For instance, Prestashop is one of the famous e-commerce platforms which French merchants rely on. There are around 30,000 plus Prestashop users in France alone. Apart from Prestashop, merchants also rely on, Shopify, Magento, Bog Commerce, Yokart etc.

8.Most of the websites offer free shipping

The power of offering something free can create wonders for merchants. For example Amazon the e-commerce giant when entered the European market, especially France faced a huge backlash owing to their shipping charge. The sales took off when they introduced free shipping. This is the exact example now sellers are following in France at the moment.

9.Customer has to pay EU tax

A customer or an importer is bound to pay VAT/import tax/excise duty if they have to purchase goods. Tax rate of France is similar to that of many European countries.

10.Remember! They are in plenty

France e-commerce market is overcrowded. More than a dozen websites are getting launched every week. E-bay, Amazon etc have also their foothold in the market. Innovative digital marketing is the only way to thrive in the crowded market.

Top 10 Best Methods to Speed Up Your Prestashop Store

Notwithstanding the fact that it calls for a great deal of technical knowledge to speed up your online store, you don’t need to fret when Prestashop is by your side.


You can completely rely on Prestashop which promises you a host of methods to hasten up your online shopping interface.

Methods to Speed Up Your Prestashop Store

However, it is indeed true that user experience is the key to the success of any website. Slower the time takes to load higher will be bounce rate.

If you are looking to improve the loading speed of your Prestashop website, below are the 10 different methods that can make your website fast.

The Rate At Which Your Website Sends and Processes SQL Queries

Website administrators thrust a great deal of significance on HTTP requests which can be used for securing your portal. These contain MySQL queries which can be encrypted. However, you need to spend lots of money for encryption and server-side decryption; both of which influence your online store’s performance.

Added to this, it takes a lot of time for these activities to be performed, doubling up the time required to execute a query. So how can you address these concerns? A time-tested move would be uncheck this option.

  1. Time Taken to Read the Information That is Transferred by the Server

Data compression and data encryption are the two modes of securing your online data. It is important to note that data that is accessed from the database and transferred back by the server can be either encrypted or compressed. You might be of the opinion that since data is compressed, the speed of transference is enhanced. And you are right to some extent. But it demands to have a holistic view of the scenario when both compression and decompression both weaken the data processing time leading to a negative balance.

Here comes a tip to tide over this situation. And that is to select the “Ni encrypted nor compressed” mode.

  1. Make the Most of the Progressive Loading Option of Prestashop

The latest versions of Presta Pricing 7.0 and Presta Categories 6.0 bring in the added advantage of a novel category loading mode called as Progressive Loading. Use this latest mode and you are all covered. With this mode, you can accept only the first level of categories which will be loaded into memory and displayed. You can allow sub-categories to be displayed only when the need arises. This pushes the speed of your Prestashop online store significantly.

  1. Have A Check on the Number of Lines Displayed Per Page

If your online stores has over 5000 lines, then it undoubtedly hampers the processing speed. Hence it is best to keep a tab on the number of lines that are displayed per page. To limit the number of lines, you will have to dedicate your efforts towards working page by page; restricting the upper limit of the line number to 5000 and nothing more.

To make this line number adjustment possible, you can employ paginators that Prestashop offers. You have the luxury of using super paginator that allows you to pre-fix the upper limit of webpage lines.

  1. It is best to restrict the numb er of columns

Another proven method to increase the effectiveness of your Prestashop online store is to not only limit the number of columns but also to choose them with a clear sense of discretion. To do this, you should only check the columns that you actually need. You should keep in mind that not all columns are effective. There are some columns which drain your resources and server reserves as well. Hence it is best to avoid such sapping columns by relying on Sitolog.

Sitolog is a module which helps you make the right choice of columns since it indicates those which have a damaging influence on your processing speed. Hence the trick would be to have less number of columns so that you are not kept waiting in queue for your query to be processed.

There are other columns which are checked and come with the “hyper-slow” tag. Speaking of such columns, it is best to avoid using more than one column at a time. In the event that you raised a query of 3 such items in these columns, you pave the way for a crashed CPU.

  1. Put the Column Configurator to its Best Use

By now, you have understood the significance of important columns that favor your online store. Going a step further, you should employ the “pre-settings” also called as “column configuration” so enable your store to switch between columns; with a single click.

The day is not far when you can employ the new configurator that permits you to create limitless column configurations (which are currently restricted to 6 at present). You can effortlessly use the “drag and drop” option to choose your columns and rearrange them.

Want more?

You can also choose the titles that are displayed in the tables along with their widths.

  1. Keep A Close Watch On The Number of Tables That are “Switched On”

Another prudent way of speeding up your online Prestashop store is to keep a close watch on the tables which are “switched on”. To explain you about “switched on” tables, these are tables which display data and which automatically refresh the data after the parent table changes rows or refreshed.

You will agree with the fact that if more tables are triggered, the time taken to display products increases substantially. Along with this, images in the tables hamper the processing speed. Hence the trick would be to unlink all the tables that you no longer require to display your store data.  This will substantially improve your processing speed.

  1. Deselect the “Line Counters” Option

The next in the list of “speeding-up” tricks for your Prestashop store is to uncheck the “line counters” option. Your data table has a number of rows and columns along with their respective totals (row totals and column totals). Thus, if your store calculates all these totals, it can cause a major drain to your processing speed. Hence it is best to uncheck the “Line Counters” option.

  1. Employ Pre-Filters in Place of Column Filters

A pre-filter is a filter that keeps a check on the number of rows that are returned by the SQL queries. This filter acts in unison with the level of requests which are all written in SQL. It is through this pre-filter that you can bring about an efficient push to the speed of your online store since it considerably reduces the volume of data that is sent by the server. You can customize these pre-filters and enjoy the benefits of a faster online Prestashop store.

A sharp contrast is with a column filter which hides some lines and displays the data that is received from the server. Hence this option does not save any time.

  1. The Challenges with Multi-Lingual Sites

Given the fact that your online store supports multiple languages, it comes as an intelligent move not to refresh your category list when toggling between one language to another. You hence need to check the “figer langue categories” option to make this choice. Magic unfolds when your categories will feature in the current language even when you choose another language to display your product listing.

Closing Thoughts

Primarily aimed at improving the speed of your online Prestashop store, you can bank on the above-mentioned 10 super-efficient ways to give the much-need speed push to your online shopping interface.

Reference Link:

Why Hire Python Web Development Teams From India

It is common knowledge that businesses owe a great deal to web development companies who can churn out websites with least effort and money.

To make this possible, it is indeed a wise move to choose the Best Python web development team that will provide secure, reliable, time-saving and cost-effective web solutions. And to arrive at a perfect choice with the above-mentioned characteristics, you can knock on the doors of global companies which specialize in Python web development.

However, in the case of Indian Python Development teams, there are certain traits which are so convincing that they become the reasons to contact them. These come with an unwritten promise to offer you comprehensive web development services.

If you are curious to know the positives in favor of Indian Python web development teams, here are they

1. A Nation That is Skewed To IT Development Churns Out Skilled Professionals

According to figures related to the global outsourcing industry, India is expected to beat its competitor China, through the growing patronage of mobile users. Along with this, India is regarded as a territory which is dominated by trained professionals.

With each passing year, thousands of skilled Indian IT professionals join the stream of software development. And this was a trend that prompted the growth of the Indian web development industry.

Adding to the list of positives, the Indian software industry is conspicuous with finer coding skills that are fueled by flexible work schedules. There is another advantage of hiring Indian IT professionals. And that is linked to the nominal and competitive salaries that are demanded by such professionals. It is based on the above strengths that Indians are a majority, making their strong presence felt in global IT players like IBM and SAP.

2. Indian Talent Class Promises The Cream of Web Development Companies

Every year, the Indian technical institutes which are the most promising training institutes of the nation proudly present batches of promising IT talents. These skilled IT professionals lend a hand to startups and medium scale business enterprises. With a fillip given to infrastructurein the field of Indian education especially concerning software and web development, Indian Python web development teams will be poised to make their strong presence felt on the world map of web application development.

3. Technical Expertise of Indian Teams

When you sign up with an Indian Python development team, you will be sure of hiring professionals who have a thorough understanding of the various frameworks that come with Python. It is a common scene with most of the Indian IT professionals who register and appear for certification examinations. Upon getting certified by a renowned authority, these certified professionals can become your pillars of support, delivering your dedicated projects on time and of superior quality.

4. A Comprehensive Knowledge of Agile Methodologies

Indian Python web development teams have a complete understanding of agile methodologies. This way, notwithstanding the domain of your project, you can rest assured of delivery of your project at every stage of SDLC. You don’t have to worry about the intermediate stages of web development that will be taken care of by your outsourced Indian Python web development team.

5. Indian Developers Have A Thorough Understanding of Global Standards

Sign up with an Indian Python web development team and you are all covered. However, it is pertinent that you hire developers from reputed Indian firms. By doing this, you will be bringing to the table the latest global technical know-how that will manifest through your websites coded using Python.

Such developers will be abreast with the latest developments in the sphere of software development along with supporting activities like Quality Assurance (QA) and data validation. Hiring such a capable team will eventually lead to satisfactory project deliveries in line with the emerging trends in web development.

6. The Luxury of Choosing the Best Fit

All thanks to Indian companies which allow their clients to pick and choose the team they wish to work with. You as a client will have the freedom to match your project requirements with the skillsets of developers. This flexibility in choice goes a long way in delivering a dedicated project which is in line with the talents of developers.


7. An Unmatched Client Support

Indian IT professionals, with the specific mention of Python web development teams can promise you timely and accurate client support. Global clients find it easy to liaise with Indian developers who are well-conversant with the nuances of client interactions.

Hence, if you are client looking to outsource your Python web development tasks, you will be making an intelligent move by signing up with Indian teams, who are informed about project management and reporting tools. High on listening and interpretation skills, Indian IT developers make client interactions a breeze.

8. Budgetary Benefits

Given the fact that web development is an expensive affair, you don’t have to burn a hole in your pockets by signing up with pricey web development teams.

As mentioned earlier, Indian teams can be identified with the “cheap and best” tagline. You can complete your Python web development project by shelling down 1/5th of your hiring cost that you would have actually spent if you hired a web development team from any other nation.

Thus, it is a good deal to rope in Indian Python web development teams who will promise you affordable and comprehensive web development services; at all times. You can also avail the advantages of a solid and detailed contract with reputed IT firms which promise you an after-sale service of the deliverable.

9. The Guarantee of Long-Term Commitment

Clients find it easy to interact with a full-time developer who will take on the mantle of a dedicated single-point-of-contact. If you hire a developer who is ordained to exclusively work on your project, you as a global client can make the most of the time and efforts of the Indian Python web developer.

This way, you can ensure that the Indian developer will be available at all times to answer your concerns about project delivery. You will be saving a great of time to develop and execute your web pages when you hand over the responsibilities of building a Python website in the hands of an intelligent Indian IT developer.

10. Indian IT Professionals Welcome the World of Web 3.0

Indian IT developers are up-to-date with the emerging trends in platform technicalities. You can bank upon them to change your search engine algorithm and ensure that your deliverable complies with the upcoming standards of web 3.0 generation of Python web pages.

Closing Thoughts

In view of the above thoughts, the rationale behind hiring an Indian Python web development team is well established. All in an attempt to churn out an all-inclusive website that is coded using Python programming language, you can knock on the doors of Indian IT expert teams with a conviction that you have made a well-informed decision.

14 Reasons You Should Choose Prestashop for Your Online Store

Your search for a programming platform that promises a high rank to your online store based on a host of functionalities ends with Prestashop. This is an open-source platform which bestows a plethora of practical and aesthetic options to your e-commerce site. These benefits are the actual reasons that will prompt you to tread the Prestashop way so that you can take pride in presenting and managing a user-friendly online store.

1.A Multi-Faceted Platform

It will not be an exaggeration to quote that Prestashop is a one-stop-shop for all your e-commerce website development requirements. Prestashop promises effective performance coming from its modern features. Tag these benefits to the user-friendly interface that you can provide to your customer base. And you will have an e-commerce site driven by Prestashop that guarantees business growth.Using Prestashop, you can effortlessly manage a multi-product site which comes with unlimited categories.

2.Ease of Use

The next best thing that makes Prestashop an attractive choice revolves around the fact that is utterly simple to use. You do not have to master technical skills to set up the platform. It is as simple as downloading add-ons and installing them and you are all covered. A little effort to dig deep into the source code will go a long way in churning out a unique store for your online business. In this manner, you can integrate these add-ons of Prestashop into any of your online businesses, without any hassles.

3.A Cost-Free Solution

Prestashop is best suited to meet the website requirements of small and medium-sized online businesses since it does not demand any premium to create an account. You can access a number of high-quality add-ons which come with zero investment. Hence, Prestashop comes with the “freemium” tag that substantially reduces the financial burden of small online shopping businesses.


4.A Highly Versatile Platform

With Prestashop, you can exercise a complete creative control over your e-commerce site. Out-of-the-box themes are the hallmark of Prestashop that will facilitate you to make any sort of a changes to your site. Not only is Prestashop compatible with a computer-based website, you can also employ its myriad features to churn out an M-Commerce site that can help online shoppers order your product lines through their smartphones.

5.Customization – A Promising Reason To Opt for Prestashop

You can refer to the Prestashop documentation that is available on the Cloud to customize your online store. Along with the advantage of installing several themes, you can make the most of the umpteen modules that can expand your online shop; based on usability preferences. In this way, you can guarantee a unique look to your website that will be appreciated by the global shopping populace.

6.An Effective Tool to Manage Your Online Products

With Prestashop, you can exercise better control over your online offerings. You are in a favorable position to engage in the daily management of your online merchandize. Prestashop allows you to categorize your products under various heads, thus permitting online customers to proceed with hassle-free shopping.

With Prestashop, you can declare your offerings tagged under the heads of “Discounted Products” and “Products without Shipping Cost”. This is made possible when you employ the Product Management module offered by Prestashop.

7.Stands in Good Stead With Latest Developments

Prestashop allows you to make the most of the latest versions of add-ons. You can simply download the new version that is launched and your website will eventually meet the growing expectations of online shoppers. In this manner, Prestashop will enable you to gain a competitive edge over your competitors who are spending loads of money to create e-commerce sites; that are not as versatile as yours.

8.A Path-Breaking Marketing Platform

You can make use of the Marketing module that Prestashop offers to not only promote your products but also to improve the user experience. This platform will spread a good word about your brand, ultimately bringing about brand awareness amidst online shopping circles.

With the growing dependence on social media platforms to make a purchasing decision, Prestashop helps you integrate your website with these platforms. This can work wonders to your online store, manifesting in the form of improved customer reach and retention.

9.An Interface that Makes Promotional Activities a Breeze

With Prestashop, you can effortlessly create successful online promotions, launch new products, run newsletter campaigns and engage in referral programs. You can initiate innovative practices to promote your online offerings which will show up in the form of increased website traffic.

10.A Potent Tool to Improve Your Bottom Line

An increased website traffic to your online store will eventually translate into increased sales. You as an online store owner can effectively manage your site through your Prestashop account and boost your conversion rates. You can also register increased product sales stemming from customer engagement.

You have the “One Page Super-checkout” plugin from Prestashop that is a dynamic tool which replaces the default checkout process. This plugin promises a compact, interactive and compelling checkout that can be carried out on a single page. Use this plugin to engage better with your customers and reap the fruits of your labor coming in the form of increased sales.

11.A Promising Platform for Efficient Store Management

The Store Management module offered by Prestashop helps you customize your store activities, while promising you an improved store performance. With Prestashop, you will be able to create customized invoices matching a particular product. Automation of store activities is another promising feature of Prestashop.

You can simplify the process of managing your products, categories and orders along with a dedicated attempt to attract your customers. All thanks to the intuitive interface of Prestashop, store management can be made extremely simple. To top it all, all these store activities can be performed through multiple Prestashop features; all in jiffy.

12.The Checkout Module Can Transcend Geographical Barriers

It is a well-known fact that online stores thrust a great deal of importance to customer comfort and user friendliness. In line with this basic premise of online shopping, Prestashop offers the Checkout module that helps customers proceed with the multi-currency option to pay for their online orders.

The platform allows customers to choose their currency through a secured payment gateway. Easing out the checkout process, this Prestashop module can help customers to proceed with a direct order which gets created in a short time. To sum it all, this module helps you increase your product sales while substantially bettering your conversion rate.

13.Numbers Are a Testimony To The Popularity of Prestashop

Tagged as the most commonly and widely employed programing platform that can churn out interesting e-commerce websites, a close look at the following numbers will strengthen your reason to pick Prestashop.

Launched in 2007, this platform has so far supported the e-commerce needs of more than 250,000 active stores which are spread across 190 countries. Offering more than 310 features, you will be surprised to know that Prestashop presents an array of over 3,500 modules and templates. Another reason that makes Prestashop the platform to develop a highly versatile online store is linked to the concept of localization. Choosing Prestashop will help you churn out an e-commerce portal in over 65 global languages.

14.The Latest Prestashop Version 1.7 Is Here!

A quick look at the promising features of the newest version of Prestashop 1.7 further supports your decision to choose it as your online store programming interface. Promising new architecture, the latest version further simplifies the checkout option through customization. Presenting a new starter theme, this version supports password security along with an easy website maintenance system. The list of benefits does not end here. Look up and install the latest version to enjoy an enhanced module integration with your current e-commerce website.

Closing Thoughts

All the above-mentioned reasons are in the actual sense the benefits of Prestashop. With so many advantages in place, you can make the most of the flexibility and scalability offered by this platform. An additional benefit comes through customization; a feature that is looked up to, by your brand loyalists. Thus, an in-depth explanation of all the reasons speaks volumes of the capabilities of Prestashop, bestowing you with umpteen bright spots that can illuminate your online store to your utmost surprise and satisfaction.

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How Python Differs From Ruby in Web Development?

When you are looking to improve the online exposure of your venture, choosing the right programming language for web development is always a challenging task. A number of advanced languages are available at present each with unique features and advantages. Python and Ruby stand out in the list as both of them are open source languages which can be accessed for free without any expense. They look quite similar visually and run on high-level coding with an object-oriented concept. There is a lot in common for both these language and so are its noticeable divergences, especially in the way they solve problems. However, whether it is for web services, web-based apps or to develop a competing website, these languages have proved to be a great choice. And now it causes a dilemma on whether to go for Python or Ruby to build a platform for your business.


There are a lot of areas to be considered before you make a final decision on whether to go for Python web development or Ruby on Rails web development. They run on a pretty different syntax and philosophy. Here we can have a look at how Python differs from Ruby in their role as a good web development programming language.

1.Learning Curve:

While choosing a web development language, its learning curve is equally considered important just like their efficiency. A language with clean codes will be easy to understand and that makes Python to top the list of languages with the best learning curve. Ruby can be handled by a programmer who has proficiency in another two or three languages but the simplicity of syntax has made Python the best bet for beginners. The programmers hardly need to remember any syntax which resembles pseudo-code and the explicit code structure makes it easy to debug.

2.Problem solving approach:

Python has got a direct mode of problem solving whereas it is more of magical for Ruby. Everything is made clear for a Python programmer and they get a clear idea of what they are into. This makes it easy for them to learn the art of coding and at the same time helps them to fix bugs well too. Ruby is more flexible and programmers would be glad to do some tricks to run the program which seems more magical at times and it appears to be empowering for them. But this approach can be troublesome at times when they have to sit for hours to track bugs.


3.Features and functionality:

Python is a conservative language which is a lot stricter in comparison to Ruby with better code readability. Both Ruby and Python is speedy and efficient in many respects while the former is more expressive and elegant too. Ruby runs on the philosophy of ‘doing more with less’ while Python’s philosophy is to ‘do things in the right way’. The Python boasts of a dynamic type system and works well with almost all major operating systems. Ruby is known for its speed and adaptation and needs minimal steps to set things up in most of the cases while its counterpart give way for more customization options.


Ruby is an ideal choice when it comes to building high-traffic and complex sites which is designed using pattern-matching structure. More than that, Python serve good for data-heavy sites and the ones that are designed with more calculations. In fact, data scientists make use of this language for data analysis and prototypes. It is shipped with a live interpreter which is text-based that helps users to learn coding on the go with immediate feedback. As resources are easily available on the internet, Python gives better beginner friendliness which is not the case with Ruby and the less frequent updates makes it more comfortable to use.

5.Web frameworks:

The web applications using Python are built using Django whereas Ruby uses Rails to set it up. Both of these trusted and reputed open source frameworks run on concepts such as controllers, views, models and database migrations but they differ in the way of implementation. In terms of libraries, Rubygems is the repository of Ruby and Python uses Package Index. Django features a pragmatic design and promotes rapid development. Python also runs on other reputed frameworks such as Flask and Pyramid. A web developer has nothing much to complain about the functionality of these two powerful frameworks.


A diverse community is the strength of Python in comparison to Ruby. Of course, the community of Ruby is growing with the introduction of Rails but cannot maintain the diversity like Python. The Python community has put excellent effort to deliver good documentation with English descriptions making it easy for a beginner to easily catch up and the ‘Doc Strings’ helps them to access it without any searching time. The comp.lang.python is pretty active all the time and the Ruby community is available online and offline.


Python was introduced by Guido Van Rossum in 1991 whereas Ruby came just 4 years later in 1995 and the language was put forward by Yukihiro Matsumoto. Some of the reputed websites built with Ruby-on-Rails include Hulu, Groupon, Airbnb, Shopify, Apple, Twitter and Github. Python is far way more popular with top websites and applications in the list that include search engine giant Google, Pinterest, Instagram, Mozilla Firefox, Washington Post and the National Geographic.

8.Key Benefits:

The ease of use is what makes Python to stand out from other languages. It has the support of a number of trusted resources and the developer finds it rare to get stuck up with any project. The other benefits include its simple to handle nature, flexibility, easy integration, quick processing capability and unparalleled performance that enhances the overall convenience and productivity. The feasibility analysis of a project can be done much faster with Ruby and a developer’s perspective can be better utilized. It is referred to as a cost saving technology and in fact it saves a lot of time too if things get right in the first step. And you can use the present custom application’s elements in your upcoming projects without the hassles of making a new one.

Developers love Ruby on Rails web development for its flexibility and freedom whereas Python is loved for its stability over change. When Python web development has a strong client base in the science world and academic applications, Ruby is mostly chosen by start ups. The same web application which is built using Python can be built with Ruby, as well. Despite the pros and cons of the language, it is important to look at how it actually benefits your particular application.