How Much Does It Cost To Create a Website in India

Do you wish to know how much does it cost to create a website in India? Website development cost has always been a major concern for business owners. With a lot of to and fro involved in building a business, he/she tries to predetermine every expense beforehand.

However, estimating the cost to create a website is not easy as it depends on a number of factors such as domain and hosting, website design, content, CMS, and required functional modules. Moreover, the same varies from vendor to vendor and involves both fixed and variable costs.

Some of the common factors that affect the cost to create a website are as mentioned below:

1. Domain

A domain name is used to represent one or more IP addresses, such as a personal computer used to access the internet. When planning to build a website, purchasing a domain name is the first step. You can get one for your business from domain registrars like GoDaddy, BlueHost, HostGator, Google and more.

cost to create a website

There are certain registrars that also offer you a number of integrated services like the dashboard for managing DNS, hosting and databases. So, know what all services/ features you would want from a domain provider and choose accordingly. Generally, a domain would cost you around INR 900-1200/year.

2. Hosting

To host your website, you would need a web server that will cost you on a monthly or annual basis. This would depend on the type of package you have opted for from the service provider. Moreover, the cost to create a website would also be impacted by the shared or dedicated hosting space, any special discounts offered by the provider, etc.

For a professional website, VPS may be opted for hosting based on the configuration and server platform.

Giving you an estimated cost for different types of hosting space, a shared hosting environment would cost you anywhere from INR 5000 to 10,000/-; hosting it on VPS may cost somewhere between INR 40,000 and 100,000 per annum depending on the configuration and server platform; a dedicated server costs you the highest i.e. INR 150,000 to 400,000.

3. Design

This particular cost varies as per the type of design chosen for the website. While a few readymade designs are available for free, these are available with a lot of hidden limitations. Since these are amateur designs, these are not suitable for serious businesses.

cost to create a website

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These are also difficult to maintain and are not available with any support from anywhere.

Therefore, opting for a professional design is a great idea. Although this may seem to cost you once, making any modifications to it may lead to some additional costs.  The best way to get an exclusive design ready for your website is to outsource this job to a web designer, share your needs, and get the same delivered as per predefined deadlines.

A neat professional design may cost you around INR 10,000 to 60,000 with a single site shared license whereas an exclusive professional design would cost you somewhere between INR 100,000 and 300,000, sometimes beyond.

4. Content

Content plays a crucial role in defining the success of a website. Therefore, getting the right content uploaded on the website within the desired timeline is utterly important. This content may include anything from images, documents, write-ups, videos or any other resources.

Available in varied formats like presentation, blogs, videos, and others, the cost of getting this content ready depends on the type of business you are into, the level of complexity of your services, and others.

Marketing factors like SEO and digital marketing may also play a role in affecting the overall cost of the website development. A copyrighted content for a page would cost you around INR 3000/page.

5. Content Management System (CMS)

A quality CMS is important to upload and update the content on the website.

cost to create a website

While there are a number of free CMS available in the market like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and Magento, these do not always serve the desired purpose.

If you have some specific requirements and would like to engage your customers in a better way, then there is always a possibility of building a customized CMS with the help of web developers. However, remember that building a customized CMS would cost you somewhere between INR 100,000 and 500,000.

6. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

SEO is one of the important factors to help your website rank on SERP for a set of particular keywords. Optimizing your website for search engine implies that it will appear higher in search results when an individual searches for a business like yours.

SEO services are generally available in packages with the service provider offering either on site or off-site SEO or a mix of both. Although optional, SEO may cost between INR 20,000 to 45,000 annually for a business. Also, any business would need at least six months for the SEO showing its results.

7. Social Media Setup

Social media setup is about setting up the business page on different social media platforms and updating it regularly with relevant business updates. Since social media pages are not a new concept and gain more preference when they validate the website as correct, setting up these accounts can help in improving your online presence and ranking in search results.

Getting this done in-house can be pocket-friendly. However, if you choose to outsource, it may cost you anywhere from INR 5000 to 20,000/year.

8. Setting Up Email Newsletter

Newsletters have increasingly become popular among the business houses to advertise or promote themselves. These can also be used to target some anonymous individuals, subscribers or customers for business updates or building a community.

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To use this service, you need to have a newsletter application service integrated into your website. This cost of integrating a newsletter application service into your website varies depending on the type of newsletter you want to send.

9. Responsive Web Pages

A responsive website has become an important way to improve the user experience across different platforms and screen sizes.

cost to create a website

Since Google too considers this feature as well as the mobile page speed as a ranking factor, it is important to keep your website responsive.

As making such a website requires a lot more CSS and incorporation of its frameworks like bootstrap and flex, the cost can generally go up in comparison to other websites. For instance, if a website has about 5-10 pages, its additional cost can go up by INR 3,000 to 5000/site.

10. Clear Navigation Structure

 A clean navigation structure is important to help visitors understand where they would find a particular piece of information.

cost to create a website

Helping to improve user experience, developing clear navigation requires one to have a clear understanding of human behavior.

Moreover, it also adds to the cost of building the required website. For instance, a smart collapsible menu costs you more but lesser than the one with images and icons in menu/navigation design. The additional cost due to navigation structure can cost you somewhere between INR 5,000 to 50,000 depending on the simplicity and complexity of the navigation menu

11. Site Searches

This can work as an added navigation capability of a website. Acting as a virtual assistant to locate elements in a website, this works best for the users when you have made certain changes to the website.

Adding this feature would certainly add on some extra cost. If you plan to add an advanced search feature, the added cost to create a website can be even more. Generally, this cost can increase by INR 10,000 to 30,000 per website depending on the type of search capability you add.

12. Cost of an eCommerce extension

Adding complex features like scheduled discussions or forums can lead to an added cost for the website. An eCommerce extension too does not come at a pocket-friendly price and will make you shell out a lot of money.

It will also add to the workload on the website developer as he/she would need to develop a product catalog for the business as well as add a shopping cart feature to the website. This would also need payment gateway integration. All this combined can lead to an additional cost of INR 10,000 to 60,000 along with the time you would need to set up the website.

Website Development Is Expensive

Although it is possible to get a website ready at minimal cost, this won’t make any sense. A website without any necessary features and functionality is a sheer waste of time, money, and efforts. Therefore, it is rather a better idea to develop a website that has all the features required to attain the desired results and revenue. 

Make sure that you keep on updating your website regularly with latest features and developments that are rolled out in the market from time-to-time. This will not only help you to keep your customers happy but also to improve your visibility and stay ahead of your competitors in the market.

Responsive VS Adaptive: What’s Best Choice For Designers?

Both Responsive and Adaptive websites are quite similar when it comes to the user interface (UI) of a website.

However, the only ground on which these two techniques differ is the way they both adjust the user interface.

For the sake of such individuals and for people curious about these two techniques, let us dive deeper into the world of Responsive and Adaptive design.

Responsive Design

When responsive design technique is taken into use to build a website, the appearance is changes based on the viewport of the browser.

In this design, the width of the browser is taken as a variable to determine the size of the changing elements on the page for a responsive website, size of the browser window or screen does not matter.

It is completely fluid and responds along with adjusting to the viewport. It is such due to percentage-based CSS rules which a responsive design takes into use to change the style based on the size of the device.

A responsive design website ensures the page always looks good. This is done by adjusting the page elements to a specified proportion whenever there is fluctuation in the size of the browser.

If we were to talk about the benefits of this design, they are countless. The leading advantage is that there is no need for codebase change for desktop, mobile, or any other size in between.

On contrary, quite a number of designers believe that responsive technique is more challenging. They believe in this since they have to design for a possibly infinite number of screen size.

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Well, yes it is true, but partially, designing such number on the screen also leads you to better adaptability and cleaner code.

Adaptive Design

Similar to the responsive design, an adaptive site also adjusts the layout of the page based on the width of the browser; only the way of doing it is different.

Adaptive design involves multiple representations for the same design. Every representation is chosen by the UI developer or the designer for each size. Each version is assigned to an ‘Anchor points’. Anchor Points is a specific browser width which triggers the browser to jump to the next layout when needed.

In simpler terms, what an Anchor points do is that it “snaps” the page elements and contents into place after the viewpoint passes the designated portal.

In general, a designer designs a layout, different for every one of the six very common viewpoint widths.

The six viewpoint width size range includes both from largest desktop panels to the smallest mobile devices. An adaptive design utilizes one static layout for each anchor point, instead of using percentage.

It adjusts to the screen size after the detection of that anchor point. An Adaptive design can also be challenging just like responsive design.

The designers have to actively design the same page again and again (six times to be precise), however, there is always scope for more. It is a complex approach as different layouts may be needed for a site demanding quite a number of pages.

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Adaptive vs Responsive Web Design

Responsive design is an easier technique and requires less effort when it comes to the implementation. It offers minimum control over the design on various screen size. However, it is the priority choice for many web developers for creating new sites.

The technique includes many cheap templates present for the CMS (Content Management System) like Joomla, WordPress, and many more.

Responsive design functions through building a single design that can be used on all screen size. It is the first choice of users as it guarantees to translate through any device’s screen. Consistency plays a crucial role in providing a good user experience.

Sites using responsive design are said to be more Search Engine Operation (SEO) compatible than others.

Cons of the design

After the implementation of the responsive technique, your website will be able to jump from device to device, adjusting as per the screen size of a desktop or mobile device.

However, any sort of additional advertisements that you tend to fit into space, will not be possible. Perhaps, this feature provided by responsive design might require re-work or a second thought.

The downloading speed or time varies from device to device i.e. whether it is a mobile device or a desktop.

Image mould ability is also a big concern when considering the function of this design to get adjusted as per the variant device’s screen size.

The bigger is the design (as it is in the responsive technique) more will be the time to load and appear on mobile.

However, it would have been better if there were to be a smaller and better preview for the mobile version.

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Adaptive design makes sure that it provides the best user experience as per the interface of the device, being used by a user.

It provides tailor-made solutions, which is perhaps completely different from responsive design as it jumps from desktop screen size to mobile screen size.

Adaptive design functions through adapting (as the name suggests) the user’s capabilities and different situational needs.

It is a design well-tuned with the requirements of the mobile users as the technique offers touch-friendly design.

Additionally, the design is on its way to do the same for desktop users as well.


It is more suitable for modern user experience. Responsive design does not stand out in this criterion as it holds and works on a more desktop-centered approach.

The adaptive design gives you access to optimize advertisements for your user interfaces. Additionally, an adaptive website is 2-3 times faster than the ones made with responsive design.


Creating a website with an adaptive approach involves a lot more work and effort than a responsive one. Another drawback of the design is uncertainty.

Adaptive design can leave out tablet and notebook users in the middle of operations. This is because it has been designed for only smartphone and desktop users.

Last but not the least; it lacks the ability to be SEO friendly.  SEB (Search Engine Bots) are getting better in respect to differentiating between “, and “.com” sites.

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Hence, it is wise to agree and accept the status quo. A maximum number of search engines do not rank similar content over multiple URLs equally, therefore the chances of you adaptive design website’s content might rank very low.

Which one to Choose?

If you lack the time and possess low budget or have timeline restrictions, then the adaptive design is the one, holding the ability to provide you with the best results.

On contrary, if you are someone who wishes to design a website from the scratch, responsive design is just the one for you. It promises to ensure a good user experience for you and your website visitors.

Whichever design you choose for your website, always remember that the choice you make will have a direct impact on the usability of your website.

Top 10 Exceptional Movies and Documentaries for Web Designers

Motivation is the fuel that runs the spirit, and what better way to feel motivated than watching a movie. Holly wood is a movie industry that has explored all genres, and it has even made movies to motivate and inspire web designers.

Today we have narrowed down 10 movies that will inspire and motivate you and reignite your interest in web designing.
1. The Social Network

The Social Network is a very strong film based on the world’s number one social networking website ’Facebook’.

Rather than being just a movie about a popular website, The Social Network turned out to be a smart and sophisticated drama about friendship, isolation, and difficulties of connecting to someone in this technology-driven world.

The film illustrates the foundation of a social networking website Facebook and also about the story of a young billionaire Mark Zuckerberg.

This film is worth sticking out and worth thinking about afterward. This film was also chosen as the best film of 2010 by National Board of Review.
2. Objectified

Objectified is a documentary movie which examines the daily non-living objects and the people who design them.

This film might give an idea for a web designer on how the objects are designed and examined. The film portrays the creativity which is put into the work to create objects, tech gadgets, and tech designs.

The film is usually about the designers who re-examine and re-evaluate the manufactured environment every day.

The daily being of the objects shows how important is to develop and design. It can also be projected towards the technological advancement of graphic designers or web designers on how they can design and examine the environment.
3. Helvetica

Helvetica is an impressive documented film which holds true at any time of the day. For anyone in design, or in digital media, this film is very much recommended.

The film tells about the history of the font ‘Helvetica’ and people who use this font will also going to enjoy watching this featured film.

The film introduces the projection of typography, graphic design, and visualization. The film accounted, how the font came up and was grasped by small and major companies.

This documented film illuminates the design of the font that we observe daily in websites, newspapers, and magazines or on TV.

Thus, this documentary will give web designers or graphic designers a brief explanation on how the font came up and how it is used in most of the digital media.

4. The Startup Kids

The Startup Kids is a documentary movie about young web entrepreneurs released in 2012. Creators of this wonderful docu- movie are, Vala Halldorsdottir and Sesselja Vilhjalmsdottir.

The movie has managed to brilliantly project the ups and downs of various young entrepreneurs by interviewing them.

Also, it has portrayed the struggle, planning, developing and launching of the ideas of entrepreneurs.

This movie also features founders of several popular websites like Vimeo, Dropbox, Soundcloud and much more which web designers would be very interested in watching.

5. Terms and Conditions May Apply

Terms and Conditions May Apply is a feature documentary film which shows us how exactly the government and corporations use the information which user provides while browsing the internet.

Information which can be extracted from websites such as online shopping, installing a web application or agreeing to the terms of the browser is projected in this documentary film.

The film has exposed the erosion of the user’s private information many of us sign off on. Terms And Conditions May Apply also inspected and projected the cost of so-called ‘free services’.

People seamlessly click on the ‘I Agree’ without reading them, thus this movie illustrates what web designers shall do to maintain users online privacy and their trust.

6. The Virtual Revolution

The Virtual Revolution is also suggested for the web designers to learn more about the existence of the WWW and its impact in the world.

The film projected the impact of the World Wide Web for last 20 years when it was founded.

The film also projected the cost and risks factor affiliated with internet platforms which are commonly used by corporations such as Google, Facebook, Yahoo, or any other digital media corporations.

The movie also covered on how the private information of a user is used by various service providers and corporation.

Activities, like uploading a picture on Flickr, or using social networking sites, may seem free to be free but comes with a cost, which is exposed in this documentary.

7. The Curious Properties of Intuitive Web Pages

The Curious Properties of Intuitive Web Pages by Jared M. Spool – An Event Apart Boston from Jeffrey Zeldman on Vimeo.

At an event Apart Boston 2012, The Curious Properties of Intuitive Web Pages was caught live. Jared M. Spool (the founder of User Interface Engineering) discussed the detailed logic behind the intuitive WebPages in this 60-minute long video. In this featured video, he has explained every aspect of a web page.

How users are able to accomplish their goal and know exactly what to do on the website? The web pages are created with a simple logic to please the users.

He also explained how to make a user satisfied by creating an interactive design, information structure or visual design for your WebPages.

Web designers can surely grasp these points to make a better and flexible web design for the users.

8. Adapting Ourselves to Adaptive Content

This documentary will make you dive deeper into HTML 5 with Semantic Markup. This is a great documentary for web designers and will make you feel questioning yourself   why you can’t determine the look of your site for different browsers? Or why you are letting a content author plan and put their content as per their thought? This documented movie by Karen McGrane will look closer on how web designers can adapt and create a more flexible content space. As the web process also involves content workflow thus, it needs to keep up with adaptive content and create a design which is flexible for the content.

9. Design & Thinking

Design &

Thinking is a documentary exploring the idea of “Design Thinking”.  It is one of the few documentaries and certainly the first about design and its impact on the world.

This documentary will grab the attention of businessman, web and graphic designers or social change maker. A good design needs good design thinking, and this movie might help web designers to bring that idea into practice.

Many great design thinkers have been featured and interviewed in this documentary and have reflected how are people changing their creative mind and applying design thinking in their businesses.

This documented movie is recommended to designers and is must-see design documentaries that you don’t want to miss.

10. Design Disruptors

Design Disruptors is a documentary reflecting the importance and advantages of design in disruptive technologies.

This movie features different disruptive and smartest companies who share their perspectives and sacrifices in achieving disruptive status.

Designing has become a creative tool and the advantages of design in the competitive world have been spring up out of nowhere by many startups companies. ‘How are they doing it?’ is explained really well in this film.

In Design Disruptors, top designers of smartest companies are featured which will let you discover how design has become so important for a business.

Watching this documentary may help web designers to think deeply and create disruptive designs for the websites.

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Wish To Know The Duration of Redesigning a Website?

The entire website design process usually takes 30-45 days from beginning to end. On contrary, some website design can take longer as per the complexity and scope of the project. A simple website comprising of 10-15 pages takes about 4-6 weeks.

Each website is different and has its own characteristics. Thus, every redesign depends on the expectation of the product.

It depends on if you want a template based website or an e-commerce website, involving a lot of customization. Your choice on either of these is an answer to how long a redesign takes.

What is a Template Website and Custom Design?

As already mentioned, your expectations for the product can determine how quickly your website redesign will take place.

If you are not sure which website to look for, then put together a list of all the websites that you like or the features of a website you like and present them to your developer.

They will then be in a better position to suggest you on changes that fit you in your budget and time frame.

A Templated Website

It is a pre-designed webpage that is taken into use to “plug-in” personalized contents and images. They are faster to build and are more budget-friendly. Template websites are becoming more sophisticated over time, therefore giving more space for plenty of customization. This is the best-suited option if you are seeking for something with a modern feel with cost-efficiency.

Custom Web Design

It simply means that your website redesign will take more time. Custom web design builds your website from the scratch thus, taking a lot more time.

If you opt for a templated website, you have more chances of redesigning your website quicker than if you go to the route of complete customization.

For a website containing 25-40 pages, it can take some around 6 weeks to 6 months. Well, to be honest, it depends.

It depends on certain factors. Below are the five factors that determine how long your website will take to redesign.

Factors on which the time period of your website redesigning depends


The timing of a website depends hugely on how fast you provide content to your developer. This is a big obstacle as the content is provided by the client and not the developer. Otherwise, it would have been more convenient and efficient.

Clients are often so busy in their day-to-day business dealings that they are not able to spend the needed time in preparing the content. This is a problem which should be given serious consideration.


How long it will take to redesign your website largely depends on how big your project is. Obviously, larger projects will take a longer time compared to smaller ones.

If your project has more pages, it will naturally become large and thus, taking a long time in the process of redesigning. This is because every extra page needs additional quality assurance, SEO tagging, graphics, Mobile Design, etc, which consumes a lot of time.

Different Page Design

It’s not always about the size. A website containing 15 pages might take a long time to develop if each page is different from another one. A total number of pages are important but the total number of unique page design matters more.

Every website online has its own unique layout and design, but if you pay close attention to the inner pages, they are all the same. Sites with different inner pages are more complex and expensive and time-consuming to develop.


The design of your website is not the only factor impacting how quickly your website can be redesigned. It also depends a lot on the functionality. The dynamics involved in a website is referred to as functionality.

It involves functions of a website such as filtering functions like project portfolio items or categories. It can also be any effects you see on the screen done with a bit of additional coding.

Number of People Involved

Last but not the least, this is a simple but a very important factor determining how long a website redesigning process will take. The timeline of your website depends on what number of people will have input into the designing process.

Every new person added into the process increases the timing of a website project, geometrically. As it is said, “too many cooks spoil the food”. When too many persons are involved, not only the process gets affected but the final design too.

Until now, you must have been well-aware of the factors affecting the timing of a website redesign.

Do you know what a sitemap is? If you don’t, it is the most important thing when it comes to getting your site designed quickly. It is the architecture behind all the pages in a site and the relationships amongst them.

Getting a clear understanding on the sitemap, a number of pages, their relatedness, and determining which ones will be designed uniquely will help you define the scope and the time period for your website redesign.

“How long will it take to re-design a website” is rather a typical question to answer. We can never have a simple number of weeks or months. But we can estimate the time by evaluating the tasks which are going to be used in re-designing.

Website designing and redesigning are both similar things. The only difference is that to re-design you don’t have to create the whole content again rather; you just update the already designed elements such as a slider, homepage layout, and graphics.

Whereas, designing a website requires mapping out and writing the web pages on the basis of a comprehensive keyword strategy and SEO (search engine optimization) plan.

Let us see the simple processes and evaluate how much time does these process takes to re-design a website.

  • When you want to re-design your website the organization you’re going to hire will give you a website design questionnaire. In this list, there are various types of questions which target the inside of the client’s brain.
  • This list will give a brief idea about what design and what preferences you are looking for in a new design. This process might take 3-4 days to completely go through the website design questionnaire carefully and persistently.
  • The next step will comprise of the questionnaire evaluation which might take 2-3 hours. In this process, the review of the questionnaire will be held and both the client and the organization go through several hours of meeting and coming up with an idea. This meeting will clarify the doubts and the goals to re-design your website.
  • The organization which is going to re-design your website will have a proper knowledge and information at the end of the meeting.
  • After the organization has taken the information and design knowledge from you, the re-designing process will start soon. They will try to create a design which best suits your company and your information provided.
  • This process may take at least 8-9 days until they build a good design for your website. After creating the design it will undergo a review process.
  • This process includes reviewing the design made by the organization. The design which the organization has made is this design you were looking for or you need to revise a little. The time depends on the revising of the design.
  • The time which is to be needed will depend on the revisions which have to be made. The process may take 1-8 days.
  • This process undergoes the coding of the website once the design has been approved by you. This is the part where the process of your re-designing will take shape.
  • The content and the information will be loaded during this phase. The design implementation will take approx 3-6 days.
  • After completing the design and coding, it will go for the final review which might take at least 4 days. This will undergo the final review for any design or any information which need to be changed.
  • Once you will approve the design and coding, the final step would be the official launch of your re-designed website. This process will take at least 3 days until it is processed and ready to be served.
  • If we evaluate the time consumption based on these scenarios we can actually think of a simple number. It might take nearly a month or a little more to re-design a website.

Exclusive YouTube Channels For Web Designers And Programmers

YouTube is unarguably the best source of entertainment available these days. People spend hours and hours surfing though funny videos, tutorials for different things, healthy recipes, fitness workout, etc. So we can assume that YouTube is not so useless, because the truth is that a lot of what we know or learn today is through YouTube.

Reasons why YouTube is the ultimate source of content:

  • YouTube is a free platform that allows everybody to watch entertaining and informative video content. It’s for this reason that YouTube continues to be one of the most significant educational opportunities of current times as well.
  • People from various professions find content that relate to their field. The material is not just interactive but also educative and helps you excel your profession or learn the things that you didn’t know earlier.

For web designers and programmers or those who are looking for a career in web designing and programming, it is not hard anymore to figure out where you can educate yourself from. Any courses that you take will cost you some money.  Hence, YouTube is the place for you to save money and yet learn and enhance your skills through the best medium (visual) possible. Some YouTube channels are an excellent source of knowledge. Listed below are some YouTube channels and how they can help you reach great heights in your field.

Best YouTube Channels for Web Designers and Programmers

1. DevTips

The YouTube channel DevTips belongs to Travis Neilson’s and focuses on both web development and design.

  • Who is Travel Neilson?

Travis Neilson crafts digital interfaces at Google. He educates others through his YouTube videos as a hobby and publishes a video every Monday to teach people techniques about web design and development that he has acquired in his career by working under various organizations. Google has been his most significant learning achievement until now, and he feels he has a lot to share that will interest all those who are keen to learn more. He also does live videos with industry experts talking about surviving in the industry, new concepts, and ideas.

  • What’s in it for the designers?

For all the designers that believe that their work limits them to a certain boundary, follow DevTips and grow outside the boundary. This is a great platform to learn from the experiences of those who have already reached great heights in this profession.

2. Derek Banas

Derek Banas is another top-rated YouTube channel that covers programming tutorials, game development, web design, and much more. For programmers, it has AngularJS video tutorials, C# video tutorials, a series on how to program with python, and django web framework tips.

  • Who should subscribe to this channel?

This channel is perfect for coders who are looking to learn new things and add it to their portfolio. It is an all-inclusive program that is based on public requests.


  • What makes Derek Banas different from other channels?

Derek Banasshowcases high-quality educative content on the basis of what his viewers want to see. He gets an approximate of 30 million views on his videos and takes his fan base exceptionally seriously. So if you have something to learn in particular or if coding is your true love too, then subscribe to his channel now.

3. Thenewboston

Thenewboston is one of the oldest and most comprehensive programming channels on YouTube. It has over 4,300 videos on coding, design, game development uploaded in a period of more than nine years. Another added advantage of this channel is that the videos are very systematically organized into different playlists making it easy for you to scroll through topics of your interest. It is one of the most popular web development channels, with nearly one million subscribers.

  • Goal of Thenewboston

The goal of thenewboston YouTube channel is to revolutionize online learning. They continuously discover and add more content every day. So if you are a developer who finds it challenging to access topics of your interest on YouTube, subscribe to thenewboston and find the content you want in an organized and structured manner.

4. LearnCode Academy

LearnCode.Academy is a channel dedicated to web development and has a range of web development tutorials covering languages like HTML, CSS, Node.js, JavaScript, React.js and more. It also touches on responsive design, website layouts, server administration, and deployment strategies.

  • Who runs this channel?

The channel is run by Will Stern and has gained its popularity from the series on web development tools used by pros. So for all those who are interested in learning something new in the field of web development, this is the right place to be!

5. Google Developers

This is another channel that posts extremely educative content on web development. However, the real focus of the YouTube channel Google Developers is on product reviews, recorded talks from experts at Google events, and currently trending industry news. It gives programmers and designers insights, news and tips about web development, and more.

  • Famous shows on Google Developers

This channel has numerous dedicated shows like The Developer Show, Coffee with a Googler, Mobile Ads Garage, and others.

  • What is in it for the users?

The lessons and tutorials on web development topics of this channel are very industry specific and ensure to keep the viewer updated about the current happenings. This channel has one of the highest subscriptions amongst channels that are specific to web development with 991K subscribers.  So if you are keen to watch web development lessons, talks from industry experts and discussions on latest news, then this is the right place for you!


6. TeamTreehouse

The YouTube channel of teamtreehhouse is an excellent source of learning for web developers and programmers.

  • Lessons of Treehouse

Teamtreehouse offers lessons on numerous topics including coding in Python and C#. The videos are delivered in a manner that is easy-to-understand. The videos this channel is styled by a variety of presenters.

7. Kudvenkat

Kudvenkat’s video tutorials ranks amongst people’s main resources of learning Microsoft.NET technologies. This channel belongs to Venkat K and has a subscriber count of over 144,000 with more than 1,000 videos available. The tutorials are detailed and complete.

  • Who isVenkat K?

With over 12 years of experience in Microsoft .NET technologies, Venkat is currently working as a Technical Architect in central London. The reason he started his own YouTube channel is that he loves to share his knowledge and help others. He has created hundreds of training videos at no cost on his channel Kudvenkat.

8. Mike Locke

From software tutorials to career advice; Mike Locke is a channel with tons of content related to Design and UX.

  • Who is Mike Locke?

Mike Locke is a designer with over 17 years of experience. He specializes in front-end development (XHTML and CSS).

  • What does his channel offer?

This YouTube channel offers a range of tutorials on UX design and Adobe Illustrator. It has over 44,000 subscribers and more than 211 uploaded videos.


Learning is an integral part of growing. Every profession gives you the scope to learn more, update yourself, try something new, create a niche, and excel at what you do.  For designers and programmers, the sky is the limit when it comes to learning new things. For a profession as vast as theirs, they have free access to a world of web design and development knowledge that can be explored on YouTube. It is for this reason that YouTube continues to be one of the most significant educational opportunities of the current time. Creating milestones or crossing borders, nothing is unattainable in today’s time with the plenty of content that is already at our footsteps!

10 Best Ecommerce Platforms In 2020

With Amazon grabbing 55.4% of US e-commerce sales and Holiday e-commerce sales growing up nearly 37.7% in 2019. There is no wonder why every business would love to set up their store online. According to reports, this dominant e-commerce industry is expected to make sales worth $4.479 trillion by 2021.

With the number of e-commerce solutions available in the market, it becomes difficult to pick a right one that suits our business needs.

Read Also: How To Make Ecommerce Website Like Amazon

We have listed few of the best eCommerce platforms for businesses planning to launch their official website/ online store.

1. PrestaShop


PrestaShop is one of the industry leaders among the e-commerce platforms. It is widely known for its rich feature-set and functionalities. Prestashop is available for free in two different choices namely cloud-based Prestashop and a downloadable form.

Advantages of PrestaShop

  • Use of Smarty, web template system written in PHP makes PrestaShop the first choice among designers and programmers.
  • PrestaShop inbuilt functionalities make it easy for beginners and non-technical people to quickly set up their online store.
  • Compared with other platforms, PrestaShop offers an intuitive admin panel, which is easy to explore.

2. Magento


Magento is a powerful, open-source e-commerce platform owned by the eBay group. It is one of the growing platforms offering cutting-edge solutions for businesses who are aiming to make a significant impact on their online eCommerce store.

Widely known for its scalability and reliability, Magento host nearly one-fourth of the e-commerce websites in the market. It is indeed a market leader when it comes to enterprise-level e-commerce platforms.

Advantages of Magneto

  • It offers an easy-to-use user interface
  • It facilitates extensive customization due to open source platform
  • Supports over 9000 plugins/extensions to extend its functionality
  • Extensive online community and resource library

3. Shopify


Shopify is one of the popular e-commerce platforms and is known for its smooth setup, loading speed, customizable templates, and secure payment gateways. Shopify hosts more than 3 lakh online stores and is more focused on social and mobile shopping.

For SEO enthusiasts, Shopify offers provision to include Meta tags, auto-generated XML sitemap along with 24/7 customer support via chat, email, and phone, to help the business run their online stores smoothly.

Advantages of Shopify

  • Shopify offers more than 100 templates and themes
  • Contains 1000+ plugins/extensions for extended functionality
  • Enables you to connect the online store with social media pages and sell directly from them
  • Packed with mobile-friendly shopping cart and mobile app for all sellers
  • It provides 24/7 live support along with comprehensive resource library and online community

4. BigCommerce


Launched in 2009, BigCommerce host more than 50,000 online stores including Toyota, Martha Stewart, etc. Offering pretty much similar features as of Shopify, also BigCommerce provides more built-in features along with unlimited storage & bandwidth.

Advantages of BigCommerce

  • It offers powerful built-in marketing features such as newsletters, coupons, analytics and more
  • All themes both paid and free are responsive and provide a seamless mobile experience
  • It enables online store integration with social media such as Facebook, eBay, Google shopping and product comparison sites
  • Offers tutorial videos, guides, and live support

5. Zen Cart


Developed by experts, Zen Cart offers the most flexible and secure platforms among its competitors. The multi-language support and secure payment gateways make Zen Cart one of the most trusted platforms for various businesses.

Read Also: 15 Best Online Shopping Websites

Advantages of Zen Cart

  • Offers highly reliable platform and secure payment gateways.
  • It needs only basic programming skills for setting up and fulfill the demands of the end users
  • Zen Cart is highly customizable and provides wide range of features

6. WooCommerce


WooCommerce is a free plugin for WordPress developed by WooThemes. With the easy to install interface, WooCommerce offers you all benefit associated with building a WordPress website.

Since its launch in the year 2011, WooCommerce has supported nearly 1.5 million online e-commerce stores across the globe. The highly customizable, and user-friendly experience, makes it the ultimate choice for startups to start their online venture.

Advantages of WooCommerce

  • WooCommerce is a free and open source e-commerce platform with an extensive range of features.
  • It provides high flexibility, easy customization options, in-depth analytics and a vast number of extensions.

7. OpenCart


Among all the available shopping carts OpenCart is known as one of the top-end solutions for its flexibility, simplicity, and functionality. Although new, it has managed to gather extreme popularity among both well-established brands and start-ups.

Advantages of OpenCart

  • It is a lightweight e-commerce solution offering high performance and usability features.
  • It offers multi-store functionality which helps merchants to manage their multiple stores from one admin panel

8. Drupal Commerce


Drupal Commerce, one of the leading open-source eCommerce solutions tightly integrated with Drupal and enables to build robust online stores. It is the most preferred platforms for merchants who tend to give majority priority to Search Engine Optimization(SEO).

Advantages of Drupal Commerce

  • Tight integration enables Drupal Commerce takes full advantage of all the functionalities of Drupal
  • It acts as a reliable content management system and highly flexible e-commerce platform
  • Offer more accessible options to manage SEO, CRO and web analytics

9. osCommerce


Also referred as open source commerce, osCommerce offers a wide range of features and flexible shopping cart solution. osCommerce offers 7000+ free add-ons and modules and backs robust community support.

Website design ad banner

Advantages of osCommerce

  • Os Commerce uses PHP and MySQL and provides a versatile open source shopping cart
  • Use of indexed database enables it to handle a large number of products
  • Supports wide range of popular payment methods

10. Big Cartel


As its tagline says – “We Believe in The Artist”, it proves to be a perfect e-commerce platform for artists, designers, and companies in the creative business. Right from its launch in 2005, Big Cartel has helped many artists and designers sell their creation online.

Read Also: How Much Does it Cost to Build an Ecommerce Website?

Advantages of Big Cartel

  • It is straightforward and easy to setup and manages an online store through Big Cartel.
  • It offers eye-catching themes for the online stores.
  • Provides tutorials, FAQs, guides, support via email, and Big Cartel’s social media accounts.

Web Design and Development Company vs Freelancers

Website design and development is an essential investment for businesses, which is why business owners make sure that they derive the maximum benefits out of their investment for online presence. But, the correlation between investment and quality of service may not be similar. This is why you have to invest money in the right resource for developing your site.

Your business can gain the upper hand when you have an excellent website and online presence. Make sure that you work with the right technical team to build your business platform. However, deciding between the well-organized activities of a web development firm and a freelancer with tremendous flexibility can be difficult.

Web Development Company or Freelancers

We have listed out the differences between the Web Development Company and freelancers to clear all your confusions before taking the right decision.

1. Technical Skills and Experience

If you are hiring a web development company for your project, you will have a vast team of technical experts with top-notch skills at your disposal. You will be able to interact with a tester, a project manager, a developer, a designer and other experts to cater to your diverse needs.

If you are hiring a freelancer, you will have only one person handling all the tasks of your project. So, it means a single person will be doing all the functions such as testing, designing and developing. Will the output be better than a team of specialists? Obviously questionable.

When your project demands some complex and diverse tasks, the web development company with several years of expertise in handling similar projects comes in handy. With the support of numerous resources, they can quickly sort out all the issues that arise during project development.  However, same expertise can never be expected from a freelance web developer.

2. Quality Testing

It is true that it is essential to have a good business website and applications to stay successful in the long run. The online platform that you own must be both attractive and responsive to make your customers stay hooked and explore the products/ service offerings.


Even though both the website development firm and the freelancers will meet the project requirements, the website development firm will have the advantage of QA testers to identify the bugs and remove it whenever needed. So, it is wise to opt for their services instead of a freelancer.

3. Meeting Project Deadlines

The web development company usually considers the deadlines with utmost importance, as it can go a long way in maintaining their reputation among their clients and contacts. So, they ensure that the project gets delivered much earlier than the given deadline.

If a technical expert in their team is sick, he or she will be replaced immediately with another techie to assure continuous backup while working on your project. On the other hand, when you work with a freelancer python your project deadline has to be extended if he or she falls ill, which can affect your business.

4. Effective Communication

When you avail the services of a web development firm, you need not have any worries regarding the progress of your project, as they are equipped with a well-organized team. The web development firm will have a project manager who will lead the technical side and maintain internal communication. It helps them to communicate about work progress, perform corrections if required and monitor the changes.

If you are selecting a freelancer python for your project, you can contact him or her directly. But, if your project is a bit complex then you will be working with several freelancers at the same time and should explain the changes in the concept to each one separately. It can also be a time-consuming process.

5. Advanced Security

When you are developing a digital platform for your business, the first significant point that comes to your mind is security. When you have an online store, you must have a highly secure online platform to gain the trust of your customers.


Web development companies will be able to meet all your security requirements, as they continuously stay updated about the latest vulnerabilities, security threats, and evolving technology.

A freelancer will face difficulties in catering to your high-end security requirements, as he might not have access to advanced security solutions like a web development company. The web companies have the responsibility to take care of the safety of their clients’ businesses and focus on offering superior encrypted security solutions.

6. Customer Support

A web development company will have a well-maintained customer support team that will resolve all the client queries before the launch of the website. When you work with them, they are responsible for taking care of any issues or challenges arising out of the project.

Most of the companies involved in web development also offer services with a warranty to make their clients stay assured that any problem related to the online platform will get easily handled. However, a freelance developer will not be able to offer similar full-scale customer service.

7. Project Costs

Web Development Company can be very expensive to work with when compared to the freelancers, which attracts the business owners towards them. When you wish to develop an online platform that supports several services and has complex requirements, then you must avail the services of the web design company to get better value for your money.

If you are interested in hosting a world-class website to reach out to your international clients, then a web design firm must be your priority, as they are efficient in offering appealing, smooth and swift solutions.


In the end, the answer to the question Web Development Company or freelancer depends mainly on the expectations you wish your website would achieve. You can hire a freelancer if you want a simple site just for presentation along with a quick deadline. If you want a website that will host product/ service to cater the needs of the global audience, then you will need the services of a web development company.

10 Reasons Why Web Designers Rely On Ruby on Rails

One of the most asked questions by any aspiring programmer would be, “Which programming language should I learn?”

However, for that question one of the most common answers they would have got is.

Ruby On Rails

A language that is steady with a good pay in the market, Ruby on Rails. It’s an awesome language to start with for intricate web development projects. Ruby on Rails, or simply as its called RoR, is a powerful tool, which will make you progress quicker with more perks and best projects.

Sounds interesting?

So let’s go straight to the source and discuss 10 reasons why you need to learn Ruby on Rails right away:

  1. Rapid Development Framework

The ROR uses agile software development methodology which offers a collaborative platform for finding solutions for your critical development process. It has access to a vast library and user community making it user friendly in nature.

The Model View Controller (MVC) framework is implemented beautifully into the language which provides some of the best frameworks for your web pages.  The language will certainly leverage the future of web applications for sure.

  1. Offers IDE’s and Tools

Unlike the text editors used for development of web pages, Ruby on Rails provides an IDE (integrated development environment) that completes and highlights you code, assisting you in refactoring, interface and type inference. Error and syntax highlighting, fast documentation, code formatting and a lot more at the user’s disposal.

The powerful tools and debugger makes sure you run your code step by step using all the relevant information. The users can complete the code automatically, commit and rollback any changes in the code and build you application in the right possible way.

  1. Well documented.

Books on Ruby On Rails might be difficult to find at your local store, but certainly they are well documented throughout various channels.  There are ample of video tutorials to be found on the internet and the community forums.

The tutorials and online documents are fun to work with and easy to understand. There is no faster and nicer way to get your hands working on this amazing platform.

  1. Desired by many companies

This is something interesting for aspirants looking to learn the language. As you will start working with ROR, you will come across many new ideas and would like to implement it. This will certainly add up to your experience making you feel great about your work.

Many ROR developers have a very fair package compared to other languages. Also, you won’t find many experts in this industry which makes it a low competition field to opt for getting your changes of hiring up. So certainly it’s a worth trying out.

  1. Successful businesses website are built on ROR

Have you ever thought about websites that were built on Ruby On Rails and are earning a handsome turnaround?  It shouldn’t be of any doubts for people who already know. ROR has become a popular platform for websites to be launched because of its construction and full functionality.

Some of the famous websites built on ruby on rails includes Twitter, Groupon, Airbnb, Zendesk and the list so continues.  Ruby on rails is certainly a success as a language and a framework. It will continue to be a hot topic for many start-up successes.

  1. User-friendly community

It’s no doubt that ROR experts are paid well in the industry.  Unlike other languages, Ruby on Rails was developed by a community, so there’s lot of fun communicating with people of same interest. ROR is simple and elegant to use and it’s community has increased tremendously over the past few years.

Also, since ROR is an open source framework, you can find many components and tips of it shared on various community channels. This focuses on the strong community base  and easy for naïve users.

  1. Huge online resources for beginners

We would recommend a best way to start learning ROR is by getting access to its huge online resources  priming yourself on some of the aspects and concepts related to the framework. The video tutorials make you learning fun and easy.

You can find a huge online library for all levels and all kinds of concepts related to ROR.

  1. Cost efficient

ROR being an open source technology, developing and debugging code on the platform is easy and quick. This saves a lot of developer’s time, reducing the overall cost that precisely meets the business requirements. With it ready-made plugins and modules, many companies agree that it lowers their cost almost 40-50%.

Assured quality, security features, IDE’s and tools make the work simple without letting you start the development from scratch.

  1. Automated testing tools

ROR provides you with an automated testing option for finding bugs in your program. The tests are conducted on every line you perform and are done in a sequence. There isn’t any need to download a third party plugin for testing your application.

This not only saves a lot of time, but also ensures the system runs efficiently along the way you code. Do you think you need anything smarter and cooler that this feature? Be sure your application is bug free and scalable.

  1. Software Re-use

One of the few amazing thing RoR offers is that you can use and re-use the code for different projects simultaneously. During the development you can  lay a solid foundation and create building blocks for future use. It makes the framework expandable, multi-purpose and extensible.

The only thing that will bother you here is that, you will need an extensive documentation, sometimes including the source code file. You will have to put in some more efforts to build something that can be reused more efficiently.


Ruby is a language that is well-known among many developers due to its simple and uncluttered coding pattern. It is seen that it’s not only dominating the web application world, but also leveraging for robust applications for the future technologies.

Thinking Of Hiring a Web Designing Company? Consider These 10 Points

With a plethora of web development companies out here it is indeed difficult to choose the right one since everybody has vividly sugar-coated their portfolio page with impressive track record. So the decision making process is crucial.

It is essential to pay attention while making this crucial decision because websites improve your business’ credibility and enable you to reach out to potential customers. Availing the services of an expert website development company will help in enhancing the growth of your business. Make sure that you consider the 10 points given below before selecting the best website designing company.

  1. Check their Credibility

It is important to make sure that the web developers you are going to work are reliable professionals in that vertical. Check their ratings at several online review portals and read the testimonials offered by their previous clients to know about several aspects of projects delivery, troubleshooting and response to queries.


Also, check if they have the required authorization and proper credentials to show that they are experts in several areas of expertise.

  1. Portfolio & Past Work

It is imperative to check the past work of the website development company to get an idea about the abilities of their expert team. Checking their portfolio would help you understand their areas of experience. However, as mentioned earlier everybody has sugar-coated portfolio section. So to not get deceived, go through their portfolio websites and have a look how it’s functioning in your pc, smart phone and tablet. Make sure that you have gone through each nook and corner of the website.

  1. Workforce and Size

When having an initial discussion at the web development company, make sure that you inquire about the size of their web developers’ team. It will help you get an idea about how qualified they are, the number of available resources, and who will be your point of contact. Also, get to know the team who will be coordinating the web designing activities.

The web design and development company that can cater to the diverse needs of both small scale and large scale businesses must be your choice.

  1. Check Core Services

The web design company you choose must have essential skill-set and the ability to meet different demands of your projects, such as marketing, development, and design to offer best results. Check if they are efficient enough to provide comprehensive development, design, and marketing services that on par with the industry standards.

Ensure that they have the expertise in dealing with customized web projects that demand latest coding prowess and sophisticated problem-solving skills.

  1. Overall Cost

Before availing the services of a web design company, you must check the total costs involved in making your business website fully functional. If you are keen on developing a site for your e-commerce business with advanced features, then it is essential to know the total costs involved to get better ROI.

Do not choose a company that quotes the highest price assuming that they wouldn’t offer top-notch services. Choose those companies that provide best web development services at a very competitive price.

  1. Acceptance of Fresh Ideas

Have a right level of understanding with your web development team before beginning the project. Don’t forget to ask the questions mentioned below before you choose a web design company.

  • Are they open to the fresh ideas you have?
  • How would they ensure that your business gets benefited by the website?
  • How will they help you stand out from the crowd?
  • How would they add value to your business site?

Finalizing the company that answers in affirmative to all the questions above will help you stay assured of having a website that delivers excellent competitive advantage and better customer orientation.

  1. Commitment towards Time

Ask the web developing company the time they would need for completing your project before entering into a contract. The company you choose should understand your business activities before the project’s commencement.

Some companies would inform you the deadlines within which they will complete various aspects of your site, such as CMS, content and web design. Select the website development company that offers you clear-cut information about the delivery time, as it indicates that they have a structured working style.

  1. Designing Style

While some web designers prefer to create sites with minimalist and clean look, some love using bold colors and bright looking templates for developing the sites. Few web design companies specialize in both these styles. Choose the company that stays updated with the latest website trends like agile development following scrum based approach.

  1. Meeting Goals

Ensure that you discuss the goals of owning the website with the website development company before proceeding to avail their services. Choose the web developers who offer realistic ideas, inputs, and strategies that they think will help in achieving both long and short-term business goals.

  1. Future Relationship

Even though launching your website is the last step of web designing, the web development company you choose should be ready to check the progress, publish fresh content or provide some creative ideas in future.


They must be able to offer maintenance support for your site right from monitoring the design elements to employing effective digital marketing practices. Choose the web development company that has the record of maintaining a perfect relationship with their customers.