How Much Does it Cost to Build an Ecommerce Website?


With increasing horizons and expanding wings of the business community, more and more intellectual professionals are dreaming big for extending entrepreneurship and trying their luck, in this scenario of increasing demand in the industry especially in multi-million e-commerce marketplace small startups are also earning well.

In today business community not only niche brands but small smart ups are also turning out to be table turners, biggest online e-commerce websites like flipkart and alibaba have a total turnover of around 300 million U.S dollars today.

In India only e-commerce ecosystem has increased three-fold in the past two to three years, being started in 1997 the revenue in India alone is 39 billion in 2017 and expected to grow to 120 billion U.S dollar in 2020 which open up the multiple possibilities, growing with annual rate of 51 percent largest in the world sky is the limit.

The Estimated Cost to Build an E-commerce Website

The starting point of an e-commerce website requires efficient teamwork from developer end as well your end, for this first step is the exact understanding of concept and machinery that is behind such websites.

  • Domain Cost

This step is the first initiation if you want to start an online business, domain selection is must for it, you can easily register from any one of the available domain service providers like Google, go daddy or Bluehost, these domain registrars also offer DNS hosting which will cost you around INR 900 TO 1200/ year roughly 50 dollar.

Remember that a domain name come with a fixed space that the provider allots you, ftp access etc, most important is the loading speed of that domain. With the competitive availability of multiple services hosting, today the choice is more easy and broader.

  • Server

Next stop for creating the website or a web application is the host server.  Server space allotted according to the annual hosting packages, these services might cost you anywhere from INR 5000 to 10,000 INR, that is 100 to 150 U.S dollar, a professional one in turn can goes up to 40,000 INR(400 to 500 U.S dollar).

  • Designing

Cost of designing a website varies from design to design that you choose. For just trying the working of this server you can go with a free design that is available online but they also have numerous drawbacks.

For exclusive professional design customized according to your need, the cost may range from 10,000 to 3,00,000 (4000- 5000 U.S dollar).

Another option is to hire an exclusive web designer that will do required extensive research and uses own experience and knowledge to design a high-performance custom tailored website for you.

  • Launching

The fundamental aim of any website growth is to outreach every single target audience, either offline or online branding your very own website is crucial.

Especial marketing strategies should be kept in mind with time to time steady implementation to increase the inflow influx of clients through television ads, Social media and telemarketing.

  • Content Copyright

Any content available on the website is the prime soul or attraction to the consumer who becomes an influence to buy the product through the given content; this might attract legal aspect also.

This can be conveyed with the help of web portal representations, and web content including article and blogs costing almost approx INR 3000(U.S dollar 150 – 200).

  • Content Management

As we know that for business expansion presence of quality content management is crucial. These can be managed through content management system; in market various CMS available like Joomla, WordPress, magneto and Drupal.

With an internal team of developers or outsourcing from outside cost may go to 1,00,000 INR to 5,00,000 INR (5000 – 7,000 U.S dollar).

  • Increase the Marketing Inputs

After the finished product goes live on the floor strategies to make it constantly popular should be made. These may include social media set up like Twitter and Facebook or having an email newsletter set up. The cost will come around 5000 INR to 50,000 INR (150 to 5000 U.S dollars) on a total.

In the end, the average cost may end up anywhere from 5ooo US dollars to 50,000 U.S dollars, can score high if different tools are added, depending upon the customization thoughts, tools and demands you have in your mind from your business and the website.

Going deep into the technical aspect and choice of platform can jump off the costing to three hundred U.S dollars.

In the conclusion, it can be said that on actual working grounds it is very difficult to comment exact effective costing, and sometimes become very difficult based on many factors like the design, hosting, and platform which are the deciding factors. Also, these expenses keep on fluctuating.

Read also : How To Make an App like Flipkart

One of the fastest growing industries, at least for coming years, even though they are on a virtual platform and seems easy going but lot goes behind the curtains to prepare the finished website which includes sheer hard work and brilliance of a developer.