12 Best Programming Languages To Learn in 2018

2017 had already ended. The majority of us make our goals for the ongoing year which might or might not be reached. But as a software engineer, one of our objectives is to learn new programming languages and technologies, so, which languages would it be a good idea for you to learn in 2018?

Programming is a dynamic sector. New and popular programming languages and frameworks can develop, ascend to notoriety, and after that blur away. Programmers need to continually adapt new aptitudes to remain significant.


To achieve that here’s our list of 12 best programming languages to learn in 2018.

1. Python

There is no denying that Python is administering the market at the present time. It operates on an interpreter. Python has an exceptionally straightforward syntax since it utilizes indents rather than curled braces for gathering blocks of code, the code is easily readable.

Unleashed in 1991, python can be utilized as a part of many domains like Game Development, Web-Development, scientific research, scripting, and nearly anything you envision.

2. C++

In 1983, C++ was made as an option to C language. Probably the most well-known products of C++ advancement for MS Windows and Google Chrome.Also, the bigger share of Amazon and Adobe site is coded in C++.

It has picked up notoriety all through these years due to its versatile application in fields like Telecoms, e-banking, Finance, Retail, and Games.

3. Swift

Developed by Apple, Swift was designed to consolidate and enhance numerous specs of the Objective-C, similar to its speed. What’s more, it rivals Objective-C in type security, safety, and better on-hardware execution. Swift also includes features from other programming languages.

It demonstrates a high code intelligibility and a high-level security. Swift is an advanced language and a simple tool to utilize.

4. Java

Java is dependably aproficientlong-term tool and viewing the details, it doesn’t appear to leave in the near future.

It’s utilized by more than 10 million programmers and 15 billion devices run Java around the world. Yes, you read that right!

Java is utilized to make Android Apps, games, software, and site content. A few sites like LinkedIn, Amazon, and eBay are using Java.

5. R

One more programming language which is broadly utilized for machine learning. It is considered to be the competitor of Python. It has an extraordinary functionality of data visualization for the data interpretation. Many machine learning algorithms can be effortlessly executed in R.

6. JavaScript

Utilized for the web development, its popularity is going to stay. As today every business needs a site and for this learning of JavaScript is fundamental. As JS file is utilized majorly to operate client-side JavaScript code on a site page. The file incorporates all the HTML HEAD and BODY objects in the HTML page tags. Thus, disregarding JavaScript can negatively influence your occupation.

7. PHP

PHP has been very famous all thanks to WordPress. PHP is used in many websites in some way, including Wikipedia and Facebook. There are no hard standards on the most proficient method to build features, and it rejoices adaptability in taking care of issues. It’s additionally utilized generally for famous content management frameworks.

So, for web development, learning PHP is obligatory to progress. Learning PHP places you in the place to make dynamic, stunning sites and web applications. PHP can be used for different web development ventures, including mobile application development and e-commerce.

8. Kotlin

There is no better choice than learning Kotlin programming language for Android App development in 2018. It is likely the subsequent huge thing occurring in the Android world.

Despite the fact that Java is the favorite language, Kotlin has got native help and numerous IDEs e.g.  Android Studio and IntelliJ IDEA are using Kotile for Android development.

9. Rust

Rust is a universally useful language that enables developers to make quick, secure applications which employ the effectual highlights of present-day multi-core processors.

It’s likewise the most cherished programming language on StackOverflow for 2017 which is enough as a proof.Locales that utilizesRustare: Dropbox and Coursera.

10. Ruby

One of the fastest developing programming languages, Ruby is an object-oriented programming language created for data-hungry people. It’s so easy and basic to run that you can make an application in only 10 minutes.

neural networks python

Truly! For that, Groupon, Airbnb, Bloomberg, and Pxlr, all have been coded in Ruby. It is for the most part required to control code databases of various popular sites, and with time, its fame is growing.

11. GO

Google Go is good to advance in controlling the market. This is a consolidated language and breezes through the code-built test in a couple of seconds, that makes it more famous. It addresses the difficulties over multi-processor computing condition. In a couple of years, its market will precisely increment.

The celebrated DevOps tools like kubernetes, docker, and terraform are written in Go programming language.

12. C#

A gaming sector is swapped with the C# programming language since it has few extremely cool features. Although it has slowly reduced its popularity that is the reason it has been put on the tenth spot. In any case, the eventual fate of C# is splendid and settling it in your resume will help you in 2018.

As it serves as applications controlled by .NET systems. In this way, if that is your market, C# is the best programming language to use for building applications indigenous to the Microsoft platform and is further the suggested language for creating games utilizing the Unity Game machine.


Choosing the correct programming language is a significant approach. You need to have a reasonable view of the target you need to achieve. As any language you learn, you must be familiar and sufficiently adaptable to connect to various necessities. In case you couldn’t comprehend which programming language to pick, hope this post act as a guide for you on taking the right decision to accomplish your goal.

Python Vs Java: Which Is Ideal For Your Project?

Python vs Java

Whenever you are starting a new project, you have a huge choice to make. Which language should be used? Here we discuss about two languages that are commonly compared against each other. – Python and Java.


Python and Java are two prominent programming languages that have gained popularity since the 1990s. Both are different in more ways than one. Hence it pays to understand the intricate details concerning these languages for you to make the right choice to successfully implement a software project.

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The following rundown of information helps you make the right choice in line with the various requirements of your software project.

Promising Features of Python

Recognized as a language that was in vogue even before Java gained prominence, Python has its roots linked to the year 1991. This was the year of inception of Python,   when it came to be recognized as an open source language.

It is important to note that the onus of managing design specifications coupled with the regularization of language and its libraries lies with the Python Software Foundation. On the other hand, all concerns about development come under the purview of Python Enhancement Proposal (PEP).

Positives in Favor of Java

Originally designed for interactive television, Java came as an advanced version for the fundamental demands of digital cable industry that was flourishing in the 1990s.

Initially known as a portable internet language which is compatible with a browser, Java came a long way, by ultimately recognized as the most learned language by software developers.

Starting with classroom lectures, this language gained dominance to take on the mantle of a highly ranked language of millennium.

The striking features of Java that set it apart from other languages are its efficiency and portability. Typically a compiled, object-oriented language, the success of Java stems from its machine-centric characteristic; unlike Python which is strictly an interpreted language.

It will not be an exaggeration to quote that Java is not just a language supporting libraries. You can call it an ecosystem or a virtual machine, running on the premise of Write Once, Run Anywhere (WORA).

What is a Java Virtual Machine (JVM)? This is a standardized and portable platform on which you can run your Java code. It is through the presence of JVM that programmers can compile and execute any byte code.

Before we go into the details about which language can be used to code a particular project, it makes sense to collate their striking differences based on certain important parameters.

Differences between Java and Python:

1. Type of Language

  • Java is a general purpose programming language.
  • Python, on the other hand, is a high-level programming language that delivers better code readability employing short and crisp syntax.

2. Compilation

  • Java attracts attention on the strength of its simplified compilation that manifests in the form of superior flexibility. You can easily compile a Java program on any platform.
  • You can compile a Python program only on a Linux operating system.

3. Productivity

  • Java is low on productivity when compared to Python for the simple reason that you need to define each and every variable. Along with draining project time, it is also this basic inconvenience that dampens the popularity of Java for project coding.
  • With Python, developers will be able to churn out programs with fewer scripts. It is for this reason that Python is 10 times more productive than Java. You as a Python developer will be spared of the ordeal to declare all the variables.

4. Speed

  • For Example, you are ordained to code an online game. Your first choice will be Java since it is 25 times faster with gaming results. Hence for all the projects where speed comes as the buzzword, Java comes as your top bet.
  • Python loses the race with projects demanding swifter processing speed.

5. Distribution

  • Java has an edge over Python when it can easily distribute software.
  • Speaking of Python, you will find it a slower alternative to distribute programs.

The Choice of Language to Code a Software Project

Having understood about the intricate details concerning both the languages, now is the time to zero in on a befitting programming language to successfully complete a software project.

For your convenience, let us now delve into your project requirements that can be delivered by either Python or Java. The multiple scenarios which are in favor of a particular language are elucidated under their respective heads.

Projects That Can Rely On Java

A Perfect Bet for Huge Projects

If your project entails upon building a large-scale system, you can rely on Java on account of its superior performance. It is solely on account of this positive that huge social networking sites which thrust a great deal of importance on scalability and speed are skewed towards Java.

Sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter are perfect examples which employ Java as their scripting language as a part of delivering data engineering solution to the global platform of internet users.

2. JVM Promises Swift Development Time

JVM is an environment that encourages the development of customized tools. An additional benefit comes in the form of facilitating faster development of projects that demand a combination of functional and object-oriented programming.

Read Also: What are the Pros and Cons of Python vs Java

Hence, Java can come as your top choice for projects that demand efficiency with optimizations to virtual machine execution.

Python Can be a Top Choice for the Following Projects

1. An Apt Language for Projects Involving Workflow Integration

Python promises a lot of flexibility when it concerns scenarios demanding analysis of data along with projects which are based on the application and implementation of certain statistical techniques. It is for this sole reason that Python is primarily the most patronized language amongst software developers.

Capable of addressing both these requirements, Python extends a helping hand to developers by facilitating their tasks to work in tandem with web applications in a number of production environments.

Hence, to sum up, Python can play a vital role in projects that are coded to manage the data workflow of the entire project.

2. Legacy Requirements Prompt You To Choose Python

If your project demands the use of an outdated computing technology, then it is best to lay your bet on Python. This is for a simple reason that Python poses lesser legacy issues.

It is for this main reason that organizations pick Python to ensure the sound health of the entire IT infrastructure framework.

3. Python Helps Develop Sophisticated Models

It is through Python that you can successfully code and implement a project which demands typical machine learning libraries like TensorFlow, PyBrain and scikit-learn.

Python employs the features of these libraries to bestow a favorable situation of general-purpose flexibility.

Hence all those projects that require the creation of sophisticated models can employ Python as it is a promising interface to churn out prediction engines that can be directly appended to the production system.

4. Looking to Code a Portable Project?

A loud shout out goes in favor of Python since it promises the feature of simplicity coupled with a convenience to compose various codes. Here comes the benefit of portability when Python can be employed to interpret languages that run on multiple platforms. This is a positive favoring general software development.

In keeping with all the above mentioned positives, Python comes across as an all-purpose language that is assembled in tandem with an extensible object model.

Thus, if your project involves modular and procedural programming, you can safely proceed with Python coding. Additionally, Python is capable of meeting the partial requirements of certain phases of functional programming.

Closing Thoughts

After discussing everything concerning both these languages to the smallest detail, it is apparent that Python and Java are here to stay. Poised for the long haul, these two languages which have their roots linked to the 1990s are steadily replacing other scripting languages alongside posing a stiff competition to other promising languages.

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Since both the languages support the open-source technology, it becomes easy for the management to operate with a sense of openness not only with their clients but also with software developers and various teams. This very open mind can thus prompt organizations to make a befitting language choice as far as Python and Java are concerned.