Bitcoin-Based Web Development – An Insight

Bitcoin development is all the rage right now in the world of technology and innovation

Even though, Bitcoin rates are heavily fluctuating at the moment. Experts are saying it will soon rise as cryptocurrencies are the future.

If cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are the future, Wallet apps for them will also have equal prominence.

To substantiate, Bitcoin Wallet App has been adopted by several business giants such as Amazon, Paypal, Subway and Apple’s app store for accepting online payments. It is motivating other businesses to follow their footsteps. It also helped many companies to make a massive profit out of it.

What is Bitcoin Wallet App?

Bitcoin Wallet Application in simple terms is similar to the conventional bank account that allows you to send, receive and store bitcoins securely. There are two types of Bitcoin wallets – software and hardware.

You can choose whatever suits your requirement, or you can even opt for a customized bitcoin app development to fulfill your business needs also.

How To Become a Bitcoin Developer?

There is often a misconception that you must be an advanced coder to be a bitcoin developer. It is not entirely right as you can build on its utility and accessibility with specialty developers.

The path to development of bitcoin starts at leveraging Blockchain’s API a simple donation widget to develop your first bitcoin web app from scratch. This API is free, and it doesn’t require a key to use it.

  • Choose a code-friendly text editor- For windows; you could just use your notepad while for a Mac you can use TextEdit or Sublime Text.
  • Add whatever text you would like to in your blank text document.Type in a new and fresh bitcoin address that you can get from your Blockchain Wallet and copy and paste it just below the text you typed earlier.
  • Generating a QR code would be the next step. It is so simple since Google offers a free charts API that transforms URLs into QR codes, and we can use that to turn our bitcoin address into an easily scannable QR code. Just paste this URL in front of your bitcoin address×125&cht=qr&chl=
  • Next, you have to open and close HTML tag for the text you’ve typed with <html> at the start and </html> at the end. Also in front of the URL add <imgsrc=” and at the end of your address, write: “>.
  • Now save your entire work as an HTML file and then run it. It will produce a QR code for your bitcoin address.

Benefits of Bitcoin Wallet App For Your Business

Businesses have now started broadening their horizon and have begun to accept cryptocurrency as a form of valid mobile payment. Following are advantages of Bitcoin Wallet app for your business:

  • No Chargebacks

Usually, credit card transactions can often take quite a bit of time to get sorted and go through which locks up the funds. It can also impact your business as you can get hit with chargeback which can turn out to be costly.

But this is not the case with Bitcoin Wallet app. Unlike Credit cards, there is no charge back or returns in Bitcoin Wallet Payments.

  • Security and Protection Against Fraud

With any online transaction, it is always important to ensure security and safety of the customer’s information. Bitcoins enables its users to make mobile payments without the requirement to give any of their personal details for it to go through.

It acts as a medium or as a third party between consumer and business and adds an extra layer of security ensuring a smooth and peaceful transaction on both ends.

  • Foreign Payments Made Easy With Lower Transaction Fees

For any business going global high foreign transaction fees presents a nightmare. This is where Bitcoin comes to the rescue. A great benefit that bitcoins offers to such businesses is that you don’t have to worry about paying any additional transaction fees.

This makes it easier for business to expand and venture beyond its own border without worrying about costly consequences.

  • Decentralised

Your bitcoin balance is untraceable and tax-free since it is anonymous. Generally, during the time of an economic crisis in any country, the banks take back all the uninsured deposits, which may hurt the people.

It is however not possible with Bitcoin as it is decentralized which again is a huge benefit.

  • Protected Against Inflation

One of the significant upsides to having bitcoin is it does not come under the influence of any government.

The government neither holds the right over Bitcoin nor can print it as their wish similar to paper currency making it lose its value. In this way, Bitcoin is protected from inflation.

The Bitcoin has made amazing accomplishments and has cleared new ways for Cryptocurrency development services. A few Cryptocurrencies have been created since the dispatch of Bitcoin and new ones keep coming up often.

Bitcoin is the world’s first digital currency and has been an immensely successful endeavor that is encouraging many to tread this path. Also, since it is open-source, it gives the opportunity for anyone to use the same to create and develop another Cryptocurrency.

Bitcoin has seen a tremendous response from all over the world. Following the path of Bitcoin, numerous associations have prepared their own specific propelled tokens.

No other Cryptocurrency is even close to what Bitcoin has achieved in such a concise time frame. The bitcoin blockchain is what most of the Crypto Currencies or Altcoins are making use of while there are few like Ethereum that have their specific blockchain.