10 Famous Websites That Are Using Python

Python has been extensively used by web development companies for quite some time owing to its simplicity, well-organized nature and flexibility.

Programmers who have come across Python will know that how easy it is to code using this open source language.

However, do you have any idea about how big Python is?

It’s so much stable that lot’s of big-names of various industries have used either Python or its framework in constructing their website that we come across on a daily basis.

1)    Google

We have experienced how Google has changed our everyday life by helping by answering to all our queries Python has been extensively used by Google in the development of their connected apps, integrated features and to support their huge traffic


2)    YouTube

We all know YouTube. All most 90% of the video that we watch on a daily basis are from YouTube, Have you ever had an idea that the world’s best and biggest video sharing and viewing platform is made with Python? The next time you log into YouTube, remember it’s made with Python.

3)    Instagram

Instagram has revolutionized the way people take photographs and you know it. We post photographs of ourselves, our friends, coffee, new outfit, and whatever that we find amusing. Did you know that python is behind the conceptualization of this website?

4)    Quora

Now, isn’t it fun and easy to just post what comes to your mind and you get answers and opinion about it? Quora can be said that the most popular Q and A website. Ask a question and Quora will answer you. There are thousands of experts in the field and individuals to answer your questions. Whenever a question is added, a number of people reply to it and clears your doubt. Quora uses none other than Python.

5)    Pinterest

Pinterest is another platform to post your creative idea. You can find a lot of information in the form of images, posters, info-graphics, etc to be precise; these are the main contents of Pinterest. To manage the content of this volume Pinterest relies on Python.

6)    Disqus

Disqus is a webpage for blogs and websites and has a variety of content in it. It has social media plug-ins and tools that are used to analyze the web. Like the name says it is a forum to discuss your ideas whatever you like to discuss. Obviously, it is made using Python as the framework.

7)    Bitly

If you haven’t used Bitly, it is a tool to shorten URLs so that it is easier for you to shorten, share and track links. You might ask why you want to shorten a link. Well, it helps to post it on social media and share with another person. You don’t want a 10 foot long which is annoying. Majority of the codes used for the development of the website is Python.

8)    Reddit

It is one of the largest open communities on the web. Reddit is the epitome of a different side of the internet that is timely, interactive and personalized. People submit blogs, videos or images, and others vote it up or down. Reddit has something for everyone. Like you guessed, it is made using Python.

9)    Dropbox

Dropbox is used by individuals, communities, organizations, etc. You have shared files in your office or at home by dropping these files in Dropbox. It is an online file sharing platform that is hosted using cloud technology. Dropbox is powered by Python and allows you to share, sync or transfer files using the cloud.


10)    Mozilla Browser

Yes, this highly popular and one of the most powerful browser is made by the open source language, Python. I am sure that a lot of us used Mozilla and its add-ons once in our life. Before Chrome was popular, Mozilla was the most popular browser. Same

How To Use Python To Make Websites?

If someone told you that you can build a website using Python by coding a program. He/she has no clue at all

You will not only be able to run your code on a web server but can accept page requests and offer responses in the form of HTML data. However, this calls for a lot of sweat from you.

But fret no more!

You can avoid all the strain by employing a host of user-friendly tools called Python frameworks that can be used to create a website.

A Sneak Peek into Various Python Web Frameworks

Python developers are familiar with a number of web frameworks that can be used to build websites. Django, Grok, WebPy, TurboGears, WebApp2, Pyramid, and Flask are some of the most widely used Python frameworks that can help you build a website from the scratch.

The Website Building Process – Broken Down Into Simple Steps

When it comes to building a website, it is very important that you start with the very small step. Once you taste success with simple applications, you will be skilled to move on to create a full-fledged and robust application. In doing so, every single step towards website development will be counted, serving as a yardstick for your progress.

Step 1:

The first step to build a website by coding in Python is to create an empty file. The empty file should then have the following code and saved with a .pyextension before running it.

The code is as follows:

from flask importFlask



def home():

return“Website content goes here.”

if __name__ ==’__main__’:


If you notice the commands, you will find that the code is employing the Flask framework. This is the code which takes the form of a web application prototype that is generated using Python.

Step 2:

The next step is to run this code by visiting localhost:5000. By doing this, you will be able to experience the first look of your website. Notwithstanding the fact that this looks like plain text in the first instance, you can still call it a website.

In case you don’t have the Flask framework, you can simply install it by keying in pip install flask at the terminal or command prompt. Going further, you will be employing Python functions to return an output to the source URL. But in reality, your purpose is to return HTML pages in contrast to plain Python strings.

Step 3:

To enable this, you are supposed to proceed with the following code in accordance with the render template method.

from flask importFlask, render_template



def home():

return render_template(“home.html”)

if __name__ ==’__main__’:


However, it goes without saying that you first need to create a home.html file which should be positioned inside a folder named templates. Care should be taken to create this folder at the same directory level as that of your Python file.

This is the simplest and systematic way to create a website using Python.

In an attempt to provide some functional guidance to create a website using Python, here are some useful tips that you can make use of:

  1. It is a wise move to run your website in a virtual environment. And to create a virtual environment, you can rely on the virtualenv library:

pip install virtualenvpython-m venvfoldername

  1. You would want your HTML files to adhere to the CSS styling pattern. Given this requirement, you should create a folder called static in the same directory level as your templates folder. You should then create subfolders with filenames of CSS and JavaScript inside the folder to house the respective files. The next step is to link these files from the HTML pages by keying in this linking command:

<linkrel=”stylesheet”href=”{{ url_for(‘static’,filename=’css/main.css’) }}”>

  1. Your aim to build a website using Python is still incomplete. Your ultimate goal is to mount your website online so that internet users can visit your website through a public website address. To do this, you can take the support of Heroku Cloud. First, you need to create a Heroku account to access its free hosting plan. After that, it is going to be a smooth ride to position your website. Making the most of certain tools like Git and Heroku Toolbelt, you will be in a favorable position to deploy your Python website.

  2. The list of tips does not end here. Going by the maxim that it is “better to be safe than be sorry”, another useful point that demands a special mention is to set the debug parameter to “False”. This initiation should be done before the deployment process begins. This word of caution will go a long way in keeping your app safe and secure.

Benfits of using Python in Web Development

  • Deployment time will be less compared to others
  • Highly flexible
  • Resources and libraries are in plenty
  • Has got a Google App Engine
  • Maintainable features can be incorporated swiftly
  • powerful web development frameworks
  • Data analytics libraries of Python are impeccable

For more info,  click this 

Closing Thoughts

As you have by now understood that Python can be used to build a website, it does not come as the only means. For a website to be functional, you will need a combination of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. All these elements will have to work in tandem with your Python code by responding to the requests and returning HTML, JavaScript and CSS. Since this is a herculean task, you can lean on the Python frameworks like Django and Flask to simplify your website building process.