5 Reasons That Prove WordPress is Unbeatable in CMS Industry

WordPress is a popular and powerful open source CMS (0) that is currently ruling the industry. Stats show that a staggering 23.4% of the web runs on WordPress. Clearly, WP is the favorites when compared to other CMS. But what exactly gives WordPress that edge over Joomla, Magento, Yii development or any other CMS. Let’s find out.

  1. Easy to use

A point that most people would agree on is that when compared to Joomla developement, WordPress’s usability makes it a king among others. What is it that makes this easy to use? Apart from having a simple and straight forward interface, it also boasts of unparalleled customizability. Sometimes, it is even used as a benchmark for developing a proper user interface. This CMS even provides a distraction free writing mode to let you focus on your writing skills.

  1. Easy to Install

       This is another great advantage of using WordPress over Magento development platforms. It is quite easy to install when compared to other CMS’. The services of Fantastico have made installation of all three CMS easy, but without it WP is definitely the easiest to install. While using a hosting service like Bluehost, it is a lot easier with their automated tools and WordPress managed hosting services.

  1. Vast Choice of Themes

It is true that an amazing theme cannot be a substitution to usability, but when it comes to themes, none can offer what WordPress can. There are literally millions of themes to choose from and you will never get tired of experimenting. New theme development agencies pop up every day, bringing more options to the table. While Joomla and Magento development uses decent themes and quite a few users prefer them, the situation with Drupal is just bad. Drupal theme companies are just one or two and most often work is poor or unappealing.

  1. Integration

Most web software has integration with WordPress already made available or is working on one. This helps to save the time needed to work with codes and allows its users to be benefitted by the ease of use, for which WordPress is known for. When integrating with a third party service, a quick process rather than editing code might be essential.

It also opens up a whole new world for those looking to expand their websites with new functionality. With a huge collection of plug-ins, you can easily accomplish new things and expand your website with new plug-ins.

  1. Ease of Development

Though it was initially developed as a blog platform, WordPress is a simple CMS that can also be used to develop websites. The development process is very easy to understand and straight forward. In fact it is so simple that, even a rookie at PHP can easily find his way through WordPress.

These are just 5 simple reasons. If you can think of more, please share with us in the comment section.