Python Global Interpreter Lock (GIL): A Quick Guide

The Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) is a fabulous mechanism utilized by diverse computer language interpreters for synchronizing the execution of multiple threads.

This process allows only a single native thread to perform and execute at a particular period. CPython is an interpreter that uses Global Interpreter Lock.

The GIL or Global Interpreter Lock in the CPython is an exclusively designed program that acts as a mutex that will safeguard easy access to the objects of Python. Therefore it immediately prevents the execution of Python byte codes by multiple varieties of threads.

The particular Python GIL is an inevitable necessity since we all know that management of the Python memory is not thread proof.

Why is the Python Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) important?

Extensions implemented by Python need to be aware of the presence of GIL to prevent the threads being defeated. It is inevitable that you understand the fact that without the GIL lock system there might arise huge problems even while performing simple operations in a multithreaded software program.

It will surely enlighten you with the necessary rule that only a thread with the GIL lock protection can perform the functions of Python C API or efficiently operate any Python objects.


To equalize concurrency of the thread execution, the interpreter will try hard to switch between threads. Usually, during different operations such as writing or reading a particular file, the lock Python GIL should be released first, so that other essential Python threads can operate simultaneously without any interruption.

Controversies of the Python Global Interpreter Lock – GIL

The GIL usually prevents the CPython multithreaded software programs from exploiting the multiprocessor strategies during certain kind of situations. You need to understand that often the operations such as Image processing, I/O, and Crunching of NumPynumber happen outside the Global Interpreter Lock. Therefore the functional GIL becomes a glitch only while operating multithreaded software programs, which spends its time within the CPython bytecode.

However it has been observed that even when GIL is not a glitch, it is capable of degrading the overall performance. Exclusively during multiple hardware applications, the above system call becomes significant.

While a functionality performed by two threads, it might take double the period, which resembles the single thread calling dual functioning. The GIL can ignite the I/O operated threads to be functional before the scheduled time of the CPU- operated threads extensively. It will prevent any signals from being emitted.

Other Non-CPython Implementations of the GIL

IronPython and Jython programs do not possess GIL, and therefore it can ultimately take advantage of multiprocessor systems extensively. Whereas, the PyPy program possess GIL just like the CPython.

Similarly, the Cython comprises of GIL, and it can be temporarily released by using a particular statement- “with.”

How to release the CPython Global Interpreter Lock?

Eliminating the GIL is an inevitable consequence that requires an immediate effective solution. There is no evidence of complete eviction, and certain hard properties are needed for any potential replacement of GIL.

Simple to operate

The proposed property must be simple, easy to maintain and implementable.


The basic necessity for releasing the GIL is to determine the multithreaded performance. Therefore if there is any proposal, the practice should be happening continuously at the same time.

Fast and speedy practice

The BDFL will immediately reject any proposal that will slow down the functionality of single-threaded programs. The reference code that exists is quick in the non-concurring system cases. Modifications occur when any of the objects is referred.

Supportive features

The particular proposal should be supportive of the existing exquisite features of the Python such as weak and __del__ references. The __del__ is not thread proof, and it is a huge problem when the GIL system is implemented. The language jorendorff dies not reveal the atrocity that particular operation management possesses.

Those direct level operations that are in CPython are mostly to prevent the low-level crashes by utilizing the GIL lock systems. But the __del__ will be executed with deadlock if you use the same lock.

To fix the issue, you need to run in a dedicated strategy the particular __del__ In a system thread and then start using the Global Interpreter Locks.


The system proposal should be 100 percentage sources compatible with the effective Macros that are already used by the CPython extensions respectively.

Elicit Destruction

The reference counting system that exists now is designed to destroy the thread objects except those within the reference cycles, once they are converted and becomes not reachable. Specific essential CPython programs such as promptly reading and closing files depend on this system features.

API compatibility

The API compatibility is an important, challenging aspect of this problem. The entire concurrent management systems depend on the following effective techniques that are compatible with the current Python/C API. The collectors should be designed to support enumeration by tracing of all the objects extensions. The write barrier code is executed when modifications of the pointer variable are made available. The Hardest Changes is exact stack collection schemes to mark all the reachable objects.


GIL is designed with genuine functionality features exclusively for the benefit of CPython thread objects effectively. GIL is well equipped with the garbage collection and more useful functions; therefore it is not necessary to worry about memory management. When the reference number decreases to zero, then that particular object will be deleted. GIL will prevent any two threads from decrementing the effective references count of the Python thread object.

CPython GIL is a fabulous package of unique, speedy single-threaded execution and simple interpreter implementation. Therefore you can dismiss any worries regarding concurrency and memory management issues. The Global Interpreter Lock is a huge mutex system lock that safeguards the entire selection if reference counters from being executed. In case you are embedding the CPython then it is essential that the explicit of GIL is released or unlocked for optimum performance.