Wish To Know The Duration of Redesigning a Website?

The entire website design process usually takes 30-45 days from beginning to end. On contrary, some website design can take longer as per the complexity and scope of the project. A simple website comprising of 10-15 pages takes about 4-6 weeks.

Each website is different and has its own characteristics. Thus, every redesign depends on the expectation of the product.

It depends on if you want a template based website or an e-commerce website, involving a lot of customization. Your choice on either of these is an answer to how long a redesign takes.

What is a Template Website and Custom Design?

As already mentioned, your expectations for the product can determine how quickly your website redesign will take place.

If you are not sure which website to look for, then put together a list of all the websites that you like or the features of a website you like and present them to your developer.

They will then be in a better position to suggest you on changes that fit you in your budget and time frame.

A Templated Website

It is a pre-designed webpage that is taken into use to “plug-in” personalized contents and images. They are faster to build and are more budget-friendly. Template websites are becoming more sophisticated over time, therefore giving more space for plenty of customization. This is the best-suited option if you are seeking for something with a modern feel with cost-efficiency.

Custom Web Design

It simply means that your website redesign will take more time. Custom web design builds your website from the scratch thus, taking a lot more time.

If you opt for a templated website, you have more chances of redesigning your website quicker than if you go to the route of complete customization.

For a website containing 25-40 pages, it can take some around 6 weeks to 6 months. Well, to be honest, it depends.

It depends on certain factors. Below are the five factors that determine how long your website will take to redesign.

Factors on which the time period of your website redesigning depends


The timing of a website depends hugely on how fast you provide content to your developer. This is a big obstacle as the content is provided by the client and not the developer. Otherwise, it would have been more convenient and efficient.

Clients are often so busy in their day-to-day business dealings that they are not able to spend the needed time in preparing the content. This is a problem which should be given serious consideration.


How long it will take to redesign your website largely depends on how big your project is. Obviously, larger projects will take a longer time compared to smaller ones.

If your project has more pages, it will naturally become large and thus, taking a long time in the process of redesigning. This is because every extra page needs additional quality assurance, SEO tagging, graphics, Mobile Design, etc, which consumes a lot of time.

Different Page Design

It’s not always about the size. A website containing 15 pages might take a long time to develop if each page is different from another one. A total number of pages are important but the total number of unique page design matters more.

Every website online has its own unique layout and design, but if you pay close attention to the inner pages, they are all the same. Sites with different inner pages are more complex and expensive and time-consuming to develop.


The design of your website is not the only factor impacting how quickly your website can be redesigned. It also depends a lot on the functionality. The dynamics involved in a website is referred to as functionality.

It involves functions of a website such as filtering functions like project portfolio items or categories. It can also be any effects you see on the screen done with a bit of additional coding.

Number of People Involved

Last but not the least, this is a simple but a very important factor determining how long a website redesigning process will take. The timeline of your website depends on what number of people will have input into the designing process.

Every new person added into the process increases the timing of a website project, geometrically. As it is said, “too many cooks spoil the food”. When too many persons are involved, not only the process gets affected but the final design too.

Until now, you must have been well-aware of the factors affecting the timing of a website redesign.

Do you know what a sitemap is? If you don’t, it is the most important thing when it comes to getting your site designed quickly. It is the architecture behind all the pages in a site and the relationships amongst them.

Getting a clear understanding on the sitemap, a number of pages, their relatedness, and determining which ones will be designed uniquely will help you define the scope and the time period for your website redesign.

“How long will it take to re-design a website” is rather a typical question to answer. We can never have a simple number of weeks or months. But we can estimate the time by evaluating the tasks which are going to be used in re-designing.

Website designing and redesigning are both similar things. The only difference is that to re-design you don’t have to create the whole content again rather; you just update the already designed elements such as a slider, homepage layout, and graphics.

Whereas, designing a website requires mapping out and writing the web pages on the basis of a comprehensive keyword strategy and SEO (search engine optimization) plan.

Let us see the simple processes and evaluate how much time does these process takes to re-design a website.

  • When you want to re-design your website the organization you’re going to hire will give you a website design questionnaire. In this list, there are various types of questions which target the inside of the client’s brain.
  • This list will give a brief idea about what design and what preferences you are looking for in a new design. This process might take 3-4 days to completely go through the website design questionnaire carefully and persistently.
  • The next step will comprise of the questionnaire evaluation which might take 2-3 hours. In this process, the review of the questionnaire will be held and both the client and the organization go through several hours of meeting and coming up with an idea. This meeting will clarify the doubts and the goals to re-design your website.
  • The organization which is going to re-design your website will have a proper knowledge and information at the end of the meeting.
  • After the organization has taken the information and design knowledge from you, the re-designing process will start soon. They will try to create a design which best suits your company and your information provided.
  • This process may take at least 8-9 days until they build a good design for your website. After creating the design it will undergo a review process.
  • This process includes reviewing the design made by the organization. The design which the organization has made is this design you were looking for or you need to revise a little. The time depends on the revising of the design.
  • The time which is to be needed will depend on the revisions which have to be made. The process may take 1-8 days.
  • This process undergoes the coding of the website once the design has been approved by you. This is the part where the process of your re-designing will take shape.
  • The content and the information will be loaded during this phase. The design implementation will take approx 3-6 days.
  • After completing the design and coding, it will go for the final review which might take at least 4 days. This will undergo the final review for any design or any information which need to be changed.
  • Once you will approve the design and coding, the final step would be the official launch of your re-designed website. This process will take at least 3 days until it is processed and ready to be served.
  • If we evaluate the time consumption based on these scenarios we can actually think of a simple number. It might take nearly a month or a little more to re-design a website.

How Long does it Take to Build a Website?

A business is incomplete without a website. A website is not only the status symbol for a business but it also makes the business easily accessible to its potential users.

How Long does it Take to Build a Website?

Naturally, every business owner wants a piece of the pie that is the internet, but an important question arises, “how long will it take to build a website?” We can never expect an actual amount of time which can be spent to build a website. Thus, the time taken to build a website is directly proportional to the quality of the website.

Factors Which Can Affect the Time to Build a Website

There are websites which can be created in a day and also there are numerous websites which may require a couple of months to build. It all depends on quality, functionality, and aesthetics.

There are numerous factors which can affect the time required to build a website. The most common factors are as follows

  • Website requirements
  • Type of website
  • Design of the website
  • Services you are going to provide via your website
  • Testing and launching of your website
  • The platform on which your website would run
  • Which web developer you are going to hire
  • Website links to a back-end server

Requirements For Your Website

Major Web development projects may take several years to complete. Also, you’ll see many other organizations which can offer you, that they can build your website in just a week. It might be true but your website will not be of that good quality you’re seeking for.

You need to research on your own, what are the requirements you’ll need to fulfill to build a website? The more time you take to fulfill that requirement, more time it will take to start building your website.

Type of website you want to build

There are different types of website you can build. If you’re building a gaming website you’ll need more time. If you’re building a blog writing website, it would probably take less time. Also if you want to create an enormous online e-commerce website that would probably take more than a year to build. You need to have a clear idea and decide what type of website you want. A website like Facebook which is a social networking site took approximately 1-2 years to build and run in the demo phase and still it is developing.

Flipkart which is an online shopping e-commerce website took almost 14-16 months to run and it is still continuously growing.

There are various sites which can run just in a couple of months but still, it will take a huge amount of time to get it growing. As the customer’s feedback and needs of improvement a website are continuously built and updated regularly.

Designing of the website

This factor is the important aspect which can affect your building time to a huge extent. The design of the website is the main concern for every business. The design should be appealing and creative which suddenly needs more time and creativity to build.

The designers spent their time and thoughts to come up with a suitable design for the company. Hence it can still take at least 1 week to come up with an idea to design an attractive website and to build it; a web designer might take another 1-2 weeks.

Services you are going to provide via the website

Time consumption to build a website also depends on the services you are going to create which will help the consumers. Services like creating a profile, creating a notification for news or sending messages over the internet or any other service.

If you want to create a service in which users can create their account and send emails and chats to other users, It will take a long time to create a website which will be end-to-end encrypted.

This type of coding generally takes approximately 4-5 months to become effective. Other services in which you are providing the information about something might take less time to build such as an article or content writing blogs. This website generally needs a content which can hardly take less than 4-5 hours. So if you want to build blog writing website you can run it in just a couple of months.

Testing and launching of your website

If your website is completed in the expected time frame, do not think you’ve successfully built the website. A successful website is free from any errors or bugs. Thus the big issues lie in the testing of your website. Is your website fully functioning and responding accordingly? Or the services you have created for the users are properly working or not?

There might be errors or bugs in your website which can hold the completion of your successful website. If your website is completed but contains errors and bugs, do you think the project has finished? Removal of the error and going through all the coding will take a huge amount of time before you can call your website complete.

To properly test your website it will need approx 8-9 weeks to have feedbacks and improvements. After successful test without any errors, you can state your website as completed.

Different platforms for your website

If you want to build a website which can easily run on different platforms, it would probably take a few tests and code to perfectly run on different platforms like Windows, MAC or Android web browsers.

The estimated time is still expected to be 1 month to make a better version which can runs smoothly on phone or laptops.

Linking your website to a backend server

Linking your site with the backend server needs a little amount of time and tests. Approx 1-2 week would be needed for proper functioning of a back-end server in the website. The database which has to be stored in the server goes through the website itself.

If you want users to create an account in your website, the account details will be saved to the back-end server. This process needs to be properly functioning and hence running several tests might take 2-3 weeks.

Should I Hire freelancers or a web development company?

Both have their own perks and disadvantages. But, if we think about the reliability factor, Web Development Company has more weight age.

Their main advantages include,

  • They already have a fully functional and strategically formed team
  • They might use the same development methodology and tools used by a freelancer but it will be more effective, will be on time and within the budget as they have experienced personnel who can expertly calculate the entire process.
  • The entire web development process can be summarized into planning, development, user experience (UX) design, user interface (UI) design, testing, launch, Ongoing maintenance, and support.

Imagine you have to hire experts in every aspect of web development. It would be a herculean task to coordinate everything. When it comes to a web development company, such issues will never surface.

  • WordPress is great but it tends to be poor when it comes to maintenance and in accordance with the size of the website. An experienced web development company will have robust frameworks which can help in the creation of a stable website.
  • Custom packages, they are a relief for people who are concerned about budget. Freelancers might not be able in the luxury to offer that.
  • Project management is the key to the successful deployment of a website. When the project tend to be complex, web development companies will be able to help effectively than that of a freelancer

There are other factors which can affect the time to build a website. If we took an estimation of these factors and contributes to a single conclusion, the time would be different for different websites. If you’re still looking for a simple number here is an approx estimation of time to build a website of different types.

  • Beginner Websites: Generally the beginner website comprises of blogs or information provider. To build this type of website it would take at least 2 weeks to build and run smoothly.
  • Intermediate websites: This websites consist of information and links to different web applications. This website requires multiple frames and multiple web pages in the website. It would take approximately 12-13 weeks to build this type of website.
  • Professional websites: This websites includes many back-end servers and are mostly used among the business. Websites like Facebook, Twitter or Google are such websites which use many backend servers and network. To build a website which contains several servers and networks would take approximately 6-13 months.

For general considerations, it takes 2-3 weeks for discovering the idea, 3-4 weeks for design, 3 weeks for the revision, 9-12 weeks for the development, 7-8 weeks for testing and modification and the final launch of a typical website (approximately 7 months).