9 Awesome Design Tips For Your Prestashop Product Page

An average e-commerce website’s shopping cart abandonment rate of 77.3%. That is a loss of millions of dollars.

Whether it be any product or service that you sell, creating a need or extreme desire is essential. One easy way to do so is building a website, not only just a simple website, but an attractive one. No customer is much interested in knowing about the company but the products or services you provide.

Building an attractive product or service page is a lot more than just the color combination. It is also about how you place the products, fonts you use, and user responsiveness and many other things. And what better e-commerce platform than PrestaShop to host your website.

PrestaShop offers you free shopping cart softwareHere are nine design tips to help you create attractive product pages for PrestaShop store that will increase your online sales:

1. Product title

Always keep your product title less than 65 characters. Now you’d have one big question? Why so many product names on Alibaba have product titles that are two to three sentences long? That’s a different kind of marketing technique they use, but it is advisable not to do so as the customers don’t like that.


Also, choose an artistic yet easily readable font to attract your customers and avoid using your brand name in the title just to get rank higher in Google search.

2. Product images

It is something that can win you a customer every single time. And that is why invest in hiring a good product photographer who can bring the best out of your products is a must. Only upload high-resolution photographs that are clear, large, and crisp.

Always put two types of images. So if you have a clothing website, you can show the dress and then dress on a model. At least include three angles of every type of image. If you have a car parts e-commerce website, you can show a photo of the car part and a photo of its packaging.

3. CTA buttons

Customers find it very convenient when the call-to-action buttons like “proceed to checkout” and “add to cart” are placed close to the product. It puts off the customer when they have to search for these buttons. Some websites put it at the very top or bottom of the page, so remember no customer has so much time to waste.

Popular e-commerce websites like Amazon has two call-to-action buttons to encourage the prospective customer to purchase the product.

4. Description

Keep your product’s description crisp and small. It should be very engaging, so use more of actionable sentences. Use SEO but make the description informative by using bullet points. Most customers prefer reading the description, so they get a better idea of the product because images don’t convey as much.

Use fonts like Arial or Calibri. Avoid using Times New Roman font because it is a boring one.

5. Simplicity

The 21st century is the era of minimalism, and that is why websites that sell expensive products have a simple product page. So cluttering your product page will give the customer an impression that your product isn’t good enough.

The negative space encourages the user to think about the product and make a quick decision. However, make sure you provide all required information and then leave it to the customer.

6. Loading time

A product page design is a lot more than just fonts and description. Fast loading time is a complete winner for the customer. Slow loading makes customers impatient and lose confidence in your website, which will, in turn, reduce your conversion time.

So make sure your website loads in less than three seconds. If you have tried everything for purchasing a better server, take a look at your product page including CSS background and large product images.

7. Cost

Place the product cost next to the call to action button. Always give a discount on pricing it higher first. Discounts make customers happy and will purchase the product even if they don’t want to.

Use a large font and bright color to display the product price. Place the price on the right of the image or just below. Place call-to-action buttons just beside and below it respectively.

8. Shipping costs

Mention shipping costs on the product page because unexpected expenses during checkout will annoy your customer. Most websites offer free delivery to maximize their sales. But if you are a newbie and cannot afford free delivery, just make sure you mention the shipping cost crystal clear.

Either way, you can offer free shipping if the person reaches a certain shopping total. This can win the person’s royalty and also sell a product or two more so that the customer reaches the shopping target.

9. Daily deals

Is there a product you have trouble selling? Well, run it as a daily deal, offer a good amount of discount and watch as it will get sold like hot cakes. This also encourages your customers to return to your website to check if you a good daily deal going on.


On an average, keep five to six products on your daily deals, and you will see a steep increase in conversion rate. So make sure you keep updating the deals section by adding new products to it and not repeat them after the cycle is over.

Selling a product or service isn’t easy, but it can be a lot less complicated if you make an excellent first impression. Consider your sales opportunity as your imagination. It is unlimited, so don’t keep a closed mind and give up easily, something or the other will work out for you until then, keep trying.

The e-commerce world is continuously changing, so as you add new products to your kitty, also learn techniques and also develop your own.

14 Reasons You Should Choose Prestashop for Your Online Store

Your search for a programming platform that promises a high rank to your online store based on a host of functionalities ends with Prestashop. This is an open-source platform which bestows a plethora of practical and aesthetic options to your e-commerce site. These benefits are the actual reasons that will prompt you to tread the Prestashop way so that you can take pride in presenting and managing a user-friendly online store.

1.A Multi-Faceted Platform

It will not be an exaggeration to quote that Prestashop is a one-stop-shop for all your e-commerce website development requirements. Prestashop promises effective performance coming from its modern features. Tag these benefits to the user-friendly interface that you can provide to your customer base. And you will have an e-commerce site driven by Prestashop that guarantees business growth.Using Prestashop, you can effortlessly manage a multi-product site which comes with unlimited categories.

2.Ease of Use

The next best thing that makes Prestashop an attractive choice revolves around the fact that is utterly simple to use. You do not have to master technical skills to set up the platform. It is as simple as downloading add-ons and installing them and you are all covered. A little effort to dig deep into the source code will go a long way in churning out a unique store for your online business. In this manner, you can integrate these add-ons of Prestashop into any of your online businesses, without any hassles.

3.A Cost-Free Solution

Prestashop is best suited to meet the website requirements of small and medium-sized online businesses since it does not demand any premium to create an account. You can access a number of high-quality add-ons which come with zero investment. Hence, Prestashop comes with the “freemium” tag that substantially reduces the financial burden of small online shopping businesses.


4.A Highly Versatile Platform

With Prestashop, you can exercise a complete creative control over your e-commerce site. Out-of-the-box themes are the hallmark of Prestashop that will facilitate you to make any sort of a changes to your site. Not only is Prestashop compatible with a computer-based website, you can also employ its myriad features to churn out an M-Commerce site that can help online shoppers order your product lines through their smartphones.

5.Customization – A Promising Reason To Opt for Prestashop

You can refer to the Prestashop documentation that is available on the Cloud to customize your online store. Along with the advantage of installing several themes, you can make the most of the umpteen modules that can expand your online shop; based on usability preferences. In this way, you can guarantee a unique look to your website that will be appreciated by the global shopping populace.

6.An Effective Tool to Manage Your Online Products

With Prestashop, you can exercise better control over your online offerings. You are in a favorable position to engage in the daily management of your online merchandize. Prestashop allows you to categorize your products under various heads, thus permitting online customers to proceed with hassle-free shopping.

With Prestashop, you can declare your offerings tagged under the heads of “Discounted Products” and “Products without Shipping Cost”. This is made possible when you employ the Product Management module offered by Prestashop.

7.Stands in Good Stead With Latest Developments

Prestashop allows you to make the most of the latest versions of add-ons. You can simply download the new version that is launched and your website will eventually meet the growing expectations of online shoppers. In this manner, Prestashop will enable you to gain a competitive edge over your competitors who are spending loads of money to create e-commerce sites; that are not as versatile as yours.

8.A Path-Breaking Marketing Platform

You can make use of the Marketing module that Prestashop offers to not only promote your products but also to improve the user experience. This platform will spread a good word about your brand, ultimately bringing about brand awareness amidst online shopping circles.

With the growing dependence on social media platforms to make a purchasing decision, Prestashop helps you integrate your website with these platforms. This can work wonders to your online store, manifesting in the form of improved customer reach and retention.

9.An Interface that Makes Promotional Activities a Breeze

With Prestashop, you can effortlessly create successful online promotions, launch new products, run newsletter campaigns and engage in referral programs. You can initiate innovative practices to promote your online offerings which will show up in the form of increased website traffic.

10.A Potent Tool to Improve Your Bottom Line

An increased website traffic to your online store will eventually translate into increased sales. You as an online store owner can effectively manage your site through your Prestashop account and boost your conversion rates. You can also register increased product sales stemming from customer engagement.

You have the “One Page Super-checkout” plugin from Prestashop that is a dynamic tool which replaces the default checkout process. This plugin promises a compact, interactive and compelling checkout that can be carried out on a single page. Use this plugin to engage better with your customers and reap the fruits of your labor coming in the form of increased sales.

11.A Promising Platform for Efficient Store Management

The Store Management module offered by Prestashop helps you customize your store activities, while promising you an improved store performance. With Prestashop, you will be able to create customized invoices matching a particular product. Automation of store activities is another promising feature of Prestashop.

You can simplify the process of managing your products, categories and orders along with a dedicated attempt to attract your customers. All thanks to the intuitive interface of Prestashop, store management can be made extremely simple. To top it all, all these store activities can be performed through multiple Prestashop features; all in jiffy.

12.The Checkout Module Can Transcend Geographical Barriers

It is a well-known fact that online stores thrust a great deal of importance to customer comfort and user friendliness. In line with this basic premise of online shopping, Prestashop offers the Checkout module that helps customers proceed with the multi-currency option to pay for their online orders.

The platform allows customers to choose their currency through a secured payment gateway. Easing out the checkout process, this Prestashop module can help customers to proceed with a direct order which gets created in a short time. To sum it all, this module helps you increase your product sales while substantially bettering your conversion rate.

13.Numbers Are a Testimony To The Popularity of Prestashop

Tagged as the most commonly and widely employed programing platform that can churn out interesting e-commerce websites, a close look at the following numbers will strengthen your reason to pick Prestashop.

Launched in 2007, this platform has so far supported the e-commerce needs of more than 250,000 active stores which are spread across 190 countries. Offering more than 310 features, you will be surprised to know that Prestashop presents an array of over 3,500 modules and templates. Another reason that makes Prestashop the platform to develop a highly versatile online store is linked to the concept of localization. Choosing Prestashop will help you churn out an e-commerce portal in over 65 global languages.

14.The Latest Prestashop Version 1.7 Is Here!

A quick look at the promising features of the newest version of Prestashop 1.7 further supports your decision to choose it as your online store programming interface. Promising new architecture, the latest version further simplifies the checkout option through customization. Presenting a new starter theme, this version supports password security along with an easy website maintenance system. The list of benefits does not end here. Look up and install the latest version to enjoy an enhanced module integration with your current e-commerce website.

Closing Thoughts

All the above-mentioned reasons are in the actual sense the benefits of Prestashop. With so many advantages in place, you can make the most of the flexibility and scalability offered by this platform. An additional benefit comes through customization; a feature that is looked up to, by your brand loyalists. Thus, an in-depth explanation of all the reasons speaks volumes of the capabilities of Prestashop, bestowing you with umpteen bright spots that can illuminate your online store to your utmost surprise and satisfaction.

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Reasons That Make Prestashop A Preferred Option for Ecommerce Merchants

Prestashop is one of the most commonly used and popular e-commerce solutions of  merchants handling small to medium sized business online. Ever since it was introduced back in 2007, this online business platform is winning hearts of many entrepreneurs who prefer a budget-friendly solution to their venture. Its lightweight nature makes it a feasible choice for even those with a slow internet connection. The e-store can either be self-hosted or cloud-based when you go for Prestashop website development.

There are lots of benefits featured by Prestashop that made it a true choice for a value-added online store but here are the top reasons why it is a preferred choice for e-commerce merchants.

  1. Open-source software:

    Prestashop is a open source web development platform and that is the primary reason why many merchants go for this solution. As its novel features and functionality can be accessed for free of cost, business professionals with budget constraints can very well afford it. In fact, through Prestashop an online store can be set up without the need for any license fees.

  2. Simple installation:

    Setting up an online store using Prestashop is a simple process. Establishing a new server with an open source platform is a lot easier than one thinks. A new online store is at your finger-tips in just a few minutes. The associated installation cost will also be very less compared to similar solutions. The default template has enough features to have a functional online store without worrying about the technical know-how. Moreover, maintaining the store won’t be a hurdle.

  3. Easy learning curve:

    It is less complex in nature and one can find it really easy to understand and use. This eliminates the need for any expert technical guidance or a support team to handle its functionality. Managing the store’s backend is not a big deal for your team as this involves no complex coding or configuration settings. And it is easy to maintain the store with pretty decent debugging options.


  4. Multi-language support:

    The Prestashop store is designed to work with multiple languages making it a global solution. The store can be customized to work with about 40 to 45 languages and offers support for different currencies also. So customers would find it really convenient to buy products with their particular currency. The website can be translated to your preferred language based on the varying business requirements and targeted locations. So localization of your store is not a concern with this platform. Also integrating a number of languages instantly is not a big deal. This, in fact, gives way for deeper market penetration.

  5. Comprehensive control panel:

    With an intuitive control panel, managing the business is really simple with Prestashop website development. The additional modules if any, as well as the payment gateways and orders, can be managed quickly. Configuring your store and making any new alterations can be done in a simpler way. The store gives the flexibility for real-time visitor tracking too. The page indexing feature that comes inbuilt helps to improve the pace of your website performance.

  6. Minimal system requirements:

    Unlike many of its counterparts like Magento that needs some important system requirements to run the store, Prestashop works with just a decent shared hosting plan. No specific VPS or dedicated hosting is needed for this eCommerce platform to run efficiently. And you can experience an all in one solution for your online store without any related worries if you go for a PrestaShop Cloud.

  7. Responsive templates:

    There are a lot of responsive templates available from which you can choose the one suiting your requirement. In fact, these responsive templates are designed to enhance your market presence and you can benefit from an increase in returns and sales over the period. You can also design a fresh template if you find no matching templates for your needs. And importantly, a responsive website is the key to drive good traffic and conversions to enhance the online arena of business. Moreover, you can improve the overall look and feel of your online venture with your choice of themes.

  8. Appealing interface:

    The overall clarity and ease of use of the interface allows effortless operation throughout the store management and maintenance and minimizes the technical jargon to a great extent. In addition, desired functionality of a complete store can be achieved through 25000+ plugins. Also the end user can have a really amazing experience while navigating through the website. The user-friendliness is what makes it stand out from its counterparts. And the design has a special emphasis on reducing abandonment cart rate and enhancing customer engagement.

  9. Customizable:

    The e-commerce store features can be enhanced or changed to suit your particular requirements as it is easily customizable. A website that meets your business type can be set up with minimal effort and time. The admin panel can be customized with flexibility by adding or removing store features to make it apt for your business. You can personalize the specific sections of the store at your convenience to make the process easier and manageable. With options for special product promotions, you can enhance the sales rate of particular products.

  10. SEO friendly:

    The comprehensible codes really aids in managing the URLs, page descriptions, and titles. Moreover, the search engine optimization activities are pretty much easy thus giving way for improved page ranks. And optimizing product pages is not a big deal when using Prestashop for your store and your products will be showcased in major search engines in addition to SEO-friendly URLs. With the goal of improving the visibility of your store, it is designed to integrate with social media platforms and other marketing tools such as newsletters.

  11. Cost effective:

    Unlike other e-commerce solutions, it needs only a fewer server resources. Prestashop is in fact a cost effective choice with all these discussed benefits. Launching and maintaining the store using this open source software needs only minimal investment. There is nothing like a premium version available for this platform and so those with a tight budget can have all the features with the base version without spending anything.

  12. Active user community:

    One of the key advantages of Prestashop platform is its active user community that plays a key role in building a completely updated platform. The online user guide and FAQ sections of the user community offer good assistance for the store users. They have got good social media support through Twitter and Facebook pages too.

The customers can have a great purchase experience with reliable payment gateways such as PayPal and Google Checkout. Also, there is nothing to worry about the security while purchasing through this website as SSL protocol system is employed to ensure secure transactions. And the latest upgrade, Prestashop 1.7 comes with a lot of attractive features that improve the overall functionality of your store. Enhanced product configuration and improved back office navigation are among the highlighted benefits of the latest version. With Prestashop website development, high-end eCommerce websites are at your finger tips at appreciably affordable cost. If you get a powerful tool to improve the market presence of your store online for free, then why not go for it?

10 Reasons Why PrestaShop Is One of the Best Ecommerce Platform

Why Prestashop?

Being the backbone of e-commerce sites, you can build a good content management system to design an e-commerce platform which can enhance your online sales. Online stores platform are a complex integration of various services and features allowing the users to navigate, search for products, select products, make payments, select delivery options and then complete transactions.

To retain customers and convert users to customers, you need to offer flawless, smooth, fast and easily navigable e-commerce software. The software also needs to be robust so that uptime of the site is not affected. The Fluidity of design and responsiveness to mobiles are the another criteria that help to enhance customer satisfaction, product reach and sales. If you too are looking for all these criteria for your online store then you can go for PrestaShop.

Here are 10 reasons why PrestaShop is one of the best e-commerce platforms:

Comprehensive product features

Businesses are meant to be grown, and the obvious route to growth is increasing in sales and to achieve this, you need to enhance your product portfolio. With PrestaShop, you can be rest assured that even as you grow from a couple of products to a range of products, your online store will handle the consequent increase in user activity.

The varied built-in features allow you to customize a wide range of modules and extensions. Proving a cherry on the cake, this helps to control the overall look and feel of your online store giving you the ease of working with the open source software. Nonetheless, PrestaShop certainly comes handy with a thousand of options in plug-ins and add-ons which enhances its functionality.


Smart administrative panel

Offering you a wide range of tools, PrestaShop helps you to run your store in a manner that proves beneficial for you. The cluttered administrative panel is an impressive feature known as a smooth and intuitive panel that helps you to master it in less time.

The dashboard comprises of tools which can manage and set up your catalogue and subsequently your store easily. Furthermore, the dashboard settings are well-laid out, stat driven, instinctive to use, graphs and counters centric and above all professional.

Search Engine Optimization.

The efforts you put in can prove futile when customers won’t find your shop through the search engines. Even if you are providing a huge variety of products at your store with low prices and 24/7 support, it’s not going to attract customers online if it’s not digitally optimized.

Being optimized for various search engines like Google and Yahoo, PrestaShop offers you features like keyword tags, Meta information for products and categories, customized URLs and more which allows your store to reach a wide audience across the globe.

Website builder

Even if you have no knowledge of building a website you can get a PrestaShop e-commerce site up and running for your store. The website builder offers plenty of options and opportunities with out-of-the-box themes so that you can invite customers as soon as you are launched.

It offers numerous options from themes to categories and extensions, including latest and premium responsive templates which can get you started with an eye-catching website.

Responsive to mobiles

When your site focuses on mobile devices or accessories, it makes sense that the site has to look as good on a mobile device as it does from a desktop. PrestaShop themes are responsive and ensure that your store looks fabulous despite the fact of how the site looks on a mobile or a desktop screen.

Users will be astonished with their chosen devices since the software offers you with the hamper of animation effects so that you could float into the shopping cart displaying every aspect your store has to offer as it progresses. There’s a huge collection of PrestaShop Store templates for your data and specifications, along with sliding panels and standees for distinctive products and offers. It is compatible and displays merchandise efficiently and smoothly across all devices.

Large community

There is a large community of developers for PrestaShop open source software. Owing to this the users get a good support system to troubleshoot problems that may arise.

Since a couple of years after its launch, the popularity of PrestaShop has gained about more than 100,000 community members and 5 million downloads, used in 100 plus countries and yes – currently powering 165,000 online stores the world over!!

Integration with most popular ecommerce sites

The products listed in your site will be automatically listed in the most popular websites if you use the relevant add-on software. Moreover, due to the inventory tracking feature, you will be able to track the inventory of each product. This is very helpful in preventing overselling.

Payment Integration

With a very interesting feature of enabling multiple gateway options for online stores, PrestaShop makes it possible to handle and work as many payment gateways as you require for the success of your online store.

For a smooth customer experience, the checkout part must be exhaustive and efficient. In PrestaShop sites, customers can get a summary of their transactions before proceeding to validate the cart. The platform is integrated with a vast range of payment solutions and gateways. This helps in increasing the spread of customers across various geographical areas and credit/debit cards.


In this competitive age of Information Technology, the e-commerce platform lags no behind. The best e-commerce platform is the one that suits your most important needs. So, to conclude, PrestaShop is a good choice if you are planning to build an online store. But certainly, you will need at least the basic knowledge of web development to keep it running.