9 Awesome Design Tips For Your Prestashop Product Page

An average e-commerce website’s shopping cart abandonment rate of 77.3%. That is a loss of millions of dollars.

Whether it be any product or service that you sell, creating a need or extreme desire is essential. One easy way to do so is building a website, not only just a simple website, but an attractive one. No customer is much interested in knowing about the company but the products or services you provide.

Building an attractive product or service page is a lot more than just the color combination. It is also about how you place the products, fonts you use, and user responsiveness and many other things. And what better e-commerce platform than PrestaShop to host your website.

PrestaShop offers you free shopping cart softwareHere are nine design tips to help you create attractive product pages for PrestaShop store that will increase your online sales:

1. Product title

Always keep your product title less than 65 characters. Now you’d have one big question? Why so many product names on Alibaba have product titles that are two to three sentences long? That’s a different kind of marketing technique they use, but it is advisable not to do so as the customers don’t like that.


Also, choose an artistic yet easily readable font to attract your customers and avoid using your brand name in the title just to get rank higher in Google search.

2. Product images

It is something that can win you a customer every single time. And that is why invest in hiring a good product photographer who can bring the best out of your products is a must. Only upload high-resolution photographs that are clear, large, and crisp.

Always put two types of images. So if you have a clothing website, you can show the dress and then dress on a model. At least include three angles of every type of image. If you have a car parts e-commerce website, you can show a photo of the car part and a photo of its packaging.

3. CTA buttons

Customers find it very convenient when the call-to-action buttons like “proceed to checkout” and “add to cart” are placed close to the product. It puts off the customer when they have to search for these buttons. Some websites put it at the very top or bottom of the page, so remember no customer has so much time to waste.

Popular e-commerce websites like Amazon has two call-to-action buttons to encourage the prospective customer to purchase the product.

4. Description

Keep your product’s description crisp and small. It should be very engaging, so use more of actionable sentences. Use SEO but make the description informative by using bullet points. Most customers prefer reading the description, so they get a better idea of the product because images don’t convey as much.

Use fonts like Arial or Calibri. Avoid using Times New Roman font because it is a boring one.

5. Simplicity

The 21st century is the era of minimalism, and that is why websites that sell expensive products have a simple product page. So cluttering your product page will give the customer an impression that your product isn’t good enough.

The negative space encourages the user to think about the product and make a quick decision. However, make sure you provide all required information and then leave it to the customer.

6. Loading time

A product page design is a lot more than just fonts and description. Fast loading time is a complete winner for the customer. Slow loading makes customers impatient and lose confidence in your website, which will, in turn, reduce your conversion time.

So make sure your website loads in less than three seconds. If you have tried everything for purchasing a better server, take a look at your product page including CSS background and large product images.

7. Cost

Place the product cost next to the call to action button. Always give a discount on pricing it higher first. Discounts make customers happy and will purchase the product even if they don’t want to.

Use a large font and bright color to display the product price. Place the price on the right of the image or just below. Place call-to-action buttons just beside and below it respectively.

8. Shipping costs

Mention shipping costs on the product page because unexpected expenses during checkout will annoy your customer. Most websites offer free delivery to maximize their sales. But if you are a newbie and cannot afford free delivery, just make sure you mention the shipping cost crystal clear.

Either way, you can offer free shipping if the person reaches a certain shopping total. This can win the person’s royalty and also sell a product or two more so that the customer reaches the shopping target.

9. Daily deals

Is there a product you have trouble selling? Well, run it as a daily deal, offer a good amount of discount and watch as it will get sold like hot cakes. This also encourages your customers to return to your website to check if you a good daily deal going on.


On an average, keep five to six products on your daily deals, and you will see a steep increase in conversion rate. So make sure you keep updating the deals section by adding new products to it and not repeat them after the cycle is over.

Selling a product or service isn’t easy, but it can be a lot less complicated if you make an excellent first impression. Consider your sales opportunity as your imagination. It is unlimited, so don’t keep a closed mind and give up easily, something or the other will work out for you until then, keep trying.

The e-commerce world is continuously changing, so as you add new products to your kitty, also learn techniques and also develop your own.

Top 10 PrestaShop Modules That Will Help Bring High Traffic To Your Website

PrestaShop Modules has a complex integration of various services and features that allow users to easily navigate select products make payments and select delivery options.

However, an e-commerce site is deemed to be successful only when visitors flock to it. To that effect, the PrestaShop modules play a very important role. Being an Open Source Software, there are thousands of modules or plug-ins in PrestaShop.


The range of modules is increasing and thus contributing to enhanced functionality of PrestaShop. Enhanced functionality is also leading to increased traffic and ultimately driving business to your company.

Let us go through the top 10 PrestaShop modules that will help bring high traffic to your website.

  1. Amazon Market Place

Are you struggling to get hundreds of your products to Amazon? Then this add-on is certainly a great help. Amazon is the undisputed leader in e-commerce and integration with Amazon is a must have for your e-commerce site.

The Amazon Market Place module in PrestaShop is an exclusive add-on. It is a good solution to manage orders from your PrestaShop store to Amazon by exporting& importing products. Having Amazon Market Place in your e-commerce site is a must since you cannot preclude Amazon if you want to enhance site traffic.

  1. SEO Expert

What happens when you search the internet for online shops similar to your industry? Does your PrestaShop online store appear at least in the top 10 lists? Probably not. A PrestaShop site is incomplete without the SEO Expert plug-in. The plug-in automatically optimizes the position of your site on various search engines helping you save time and cost.

The SEO expert add-on by itself fills in the meta tags, image tags, social media tags and a lot more. It also increases the visibility of your store with support for various languages and qualified traffic.

  1. Protect My Shop

You must have already got a fair idea by its name. Yes, Protect My Shop module is an add-on that protects your marketplace from related thefts and hackers. With security as a major concern for online stores, Protect My Shop module turns out to be a helping hand.

The add-on includes 9 protection scripts which can be activated or inactivated one by one. With this, you are protected against SQL Injections, XSS Injections, SHELL Commands Injections, Code Injections, CGI Injections etc. Not only that you are also protected against data theft and malware

  1. Advanced Search 4

Advanced Search 4 has been used by many PrestaShop owners due to its ease of use and improvement to the store. To convert a large number of visitors to potential buyers; you need to offer a vast selection of products. With Advanced search 4, you can exactly achieve that.

With the add-on, you can add several search engines and even position them properly to get high traffic. The search criterion in this tool is based on the filter. This helps customers find their products with the minimum number of clicks. This automatically enhances the visitor’s satisfaction with the site which results in the conversion of visitors to customers.

  1. Presta Social Stream Module

This one goes out perfectly with our SEO tool. The importance of integrating your e-commerce store with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat etc. need not be emphasized anymore. With Presta Social Stream Module you can display your latest posts of major social networks into PrestaShop.

The module not only increases visibility across all the social media platforms but also allows the use of the hashtag (#) for improving your traffic. You have a full control for all your social links and configure the amount of data/posts going out every day.

  1. Google Merchant Centre

Imagine uploading your store products to Google Shopping and getting highly qualified leads? With the Google Merchant Centre, all is possible to get hundreds of visitors buying on your e-commerce store. It is one of the most powerful tools available in the market today.  It includes easy installation, friendly configuration and highly customizable.

  1. YotPo

Reviews are a must for e-commerce sites. YotPo allows users to review and display them in a beautiful manner on your website. It supports all languages and automatically notifies you of every review posted. It’s easy to install and you can customize it according to your needs.

The YotPo reviews are displayed on a single page and allow the admin to answer any queries/reviews posted by the user. They offer you responsive and attractive templates to choose from.

  1. Migration Pro

Whether you want to upgrade PrestaShop to a new version or migrate the data from one to another in PrestaShop, the risks of data migration are real. With Migration Pro module you can safely go for an upgrade or migration since the module will back up all your files.

  1. Print Labels Pro

You can save some time if you can automate the process of preparation of delivery labels. With Print Labels Pro add-on you can prepare and print delivery labels and stick the labels on the orders and dispatch for shipping.

The module doesn’t just stop at labels but offers you options to print envelop, certificates and important documents. You can add barcodes, labels, and images to the labels and customize every bit of your fields.

  1. Fastway

This is an add-on for synchronizing you e-store on eBay marketplace. To get the maximum number of visitors, you need to integrate your store to eBay too, apart from Amazon. It offers you a complete customization and management of various categories on eBay.

Linking the categories on your PrestaShop to eBay is easy, reliable, fast and flexible. Also, the customer support offered by Fastway is exceptional & easy. It also offers your different options for selecting your payment gateway without hassles.


Either way, for all of PrestaShop 10 modules, you’re certainly going to enjoy a feature-rich experience. Get in the ability to smoothly overpass tasks started on your PrestaShop platform and we are sure you have a clear idea now why this platform can prove amazing for many. Wild, but true.