Yii vs Laravel: Who Will Win the Match?

Yii vs Laravel, two of the mighty competitors when it comes to PHP based web-app development! But which on is the best? Which one has the upper hand over the other?

Yii is used for swift development and Laraval is used for developing sophisticated syntax application. Differences do not end there. There are many which can help your to select the winner.

Advantages of using Yii

  • Equipped with CRUD generators that use Yii
  • Has Ajax helpers in grid format
  • Doesn’t require repetitive code writing
  • Allows third-party interface, enabling other frameworks to merge with it
  • Since Yii is one of the leading frameworks, a massive community uses it. Therefore you can put your issues on Yii forums and get help.

Advantages of using Laravel

  • Authentication is very simple, while everything is configured out of the box
  • Has a clean and straightforward API that helps user to send emails using a cloud-based or local service quickly
  • Integrates efficiently with web applications
  • Since Laravel is an MVC framework separation of business code and presentation code is already done, so there is no need of spending extra time and money on it.


Yii – It is only compatible with PHP 5.4 or any higher versions.

Laravel – Laravel is compatible with a variety of PHP including PHP 5.4 or higher, PHP JSON extension, and MCrypt PHP extension.



Yii vs Laravel

Yii is a lot easier to install as a template is provided. You have to download a web application to run the software, which does so smoothly without any hassle. A person without any prior experience can also install Yii.


Yii vs Laravel

Laravel uses Composer PHP for installation that ensures accurate installation without any bugs. Apart from that, Laravel has its Laravel Installer that comes with a proper guide to assist you during the installation process. It comes packed with an instruction manual that will help you in installing Laravel correctly.


Yii – it supports most number of testing tools, other than PHP unit and Codeception testing.


Laravel – The Laravel framework also supports many testing tools as well including Symfony testing tools like BrowserKit, DomCrawler, and HttpKernel.


Yii – Yii has a comprehensive debugging console with multiple level logging options for database requests logging and debugging.

Laravel – Laravel is better when it comes to debugging as it offers multiple options including logging and Imho. Even though limited, the Imho is helpful when it comes to solving issues related to laravel-debugbar extension.

Yii vs Laravel – A Comparison

yii vs laravel


Yii – Yii has a very compatible migration tool, which works very efficiently.

Laravel – When it comes to Laravel, developers have the privilege of including seeders to make the migration process very easy and hassle-free. It also helps in the effective testing process and filling static directory.

Learning Curve Speed

Yii – Yii is one of the high performing PHP frameworks, making it the top choice for developing social networking websites and mobile applications.

Laravel – Laravel is not that good when it comes to learning speed curves as it has the slowest speed in response communication and real-time data collection. It is a low point for Laravel, which otherwise is a very efficient and easy-to-use software.

Both Yii and Laravel have six databases, but Yii works with a higher speed.

Form Validation

Yii – Form validation is a lot more time-consuming on the Yii software as compared to Laravel since it can validate data only if the user follows a set of instructions. The developer must collect all data and put it on ActiveRecord for Yii to validate it, which also requires a custom verification.

Also Read: Python vs PHP? Which Language is Better for Webdevelopment?

Laravel – form validation is the most potent feature of Laravel framework since it can validate data in any order and at any time. It has got a reliable ORM that can be used for unification. Laravel also has the option of choosing a variety of validations.


Yii – Yii has around 2,800 extensions, a number much lesser than Laravel offers.

Laravel – On the other hand, Laravel offers compatibility with one of highest number extensions. Laravel has around 9,000 extensions, which means developers have a lot of options to choose.


Yii – Both Yii and Laravel stand equal when it comes to security and provide multiple level security to users including passwords, authentication, SQL injections,  Cross-Site Request Forgery, Site Scripting, and more.

Laravel – Laravel doesn’t have as many assessing tools as Yii, but by using extensions, you can make it available for your clients.

Strength and Resilience

Yii – Strength and resilience are the two most important factors when it comes to selecting a framework. Yii is an OOP framework, which means it has the advantages of PHP’s advanced features including SPL classes, late static binding, and interfaces. Also, Yii is virtually very extensible and uses the Gii extension, a web-based powerful highly configurable code scaffolding tool, which can be used to create template codes for controllers, models, extensions, and modules in less time.

Laravel – Since Laravel is a full-stack framework, it can handle virtually everything. The framework’s Artisan tool, which is a command-line tool, helps to generate skeleton code and handles everything right from migration to configuration management. It doesn’t require XML configuration like Yii, making it very convenient to use.

In conclusion:

Both the framework has its positives and negatives, and it ultimately is the developer’s choice to choose one out of the two.

Yii offers easier installation and higher security, while Laravel has impressive features like better testing procedures and templating engines that add value to your work. So Yii VS Laravel might end up in draw under these circumstances

Tips to Make a Killer Product Page for Your Online Store

It takes a lot more to sell products than opening a store. You have to be creative with your approach and make people feel that they need your product. Whenever you create a need for your product, users will start buying it without thinking a lot. You know your product is good, but how do you make your website visitors believe that too? Does your website statistics say that a lot of people are visiting your product page but decidedly less buy the product? If that’s what is happening with you, all your efforts are going down the drain.


If you want to boost your sales, you need to revamp your product page. Wondering how to do it? Here are nine tips that will help you make a killer product page for your online store:

Clean product URLs

An exact product URL is easier to read and remember as well. If your product page URL is www.shop.com/ccc%%%%crea??mcc/, no one will be able to recognize it. Most people will not even bother to share it. But if your product page URL is www.shop.com/cream/ a visitor will find it easy to remember.

You have complete control over designing your product URL the way you want, so why not do it neatly? Also, remember to keep your product page URL SEO-friendly. When your URL appears at the top of the search and is easy to read, the prospective buyer will be compelled to open it.

SEO-rich product titles and descriptions

Make sure your product titles and descriptions are SEO-rich but also high in quality. Focus on keeping the names of your product simple and easy to read. Write descriptions that are short and crisp. Use actionable sentences to create a need for the viewer, so that he is forced to buy it. You need to do a keyword research well in advance. Make sure you don’t overdo the keyword use.

Rather than putting a product title like Cream, put a title like Cream – for Winter Care. While searching, people don’t search just for the products. Some of them use other terms associated with the product as a tag.

Ensure product pages are mobile-friendly

Your product pages should be mobile-friendly. If your product page isn’t mobile-friendly and appears only in the desktop version, which is difficult to view on mobile, the user will exit from your website. According to reports, nearly 60 percent of people use mobile devices to search on Google

Over the past couple years many people have started shopping through mobile devices as it is very convenient. Accept the truth and get your website’s mobile-friendly interface ready soon.

List the pricing correctly

If you have a website that ships worldwide, you need to mention the price of your product in all currencies. Have a currency conversion plug-in attached to your website that does the work for you. No one has time to open another window and Google the conversion from one currency to another.

Mention the price just below the title and then give the specifications and product descriptions. Always place the price at your eye level, so that no one has to hunt for it all over the place.

Show the product from different angles and in a setup

It is evident that your prospective buyer wants to get a good look at the product. Click photos from different angles to show how the product looks. You can google the types of aspects that are used and ask your photographer to do that. Usually, there should be at least three angles.

Also, one photograph should be how the product looks in a live setup. You will need to get very creative here and shoot setup shots giving a real-life experience. For example, if you sell the sofa, create a small setup with the couch, rug underneath, and a coffee table with some accents on it.

High-quality images

All images you use must be of high quality. It reflects that your company and products are genuine. The person won’t spend time thinking if the product is authentic or not. Always use your images and not images that are similar to your product.

For clicking high-quality images, you don’t need a professional photographer. Purchase a good quality camera and click photos. There are so many videos available online that teach you how to click the perfect product photographs.

Hire writers to write positive and descriptive reviews for the products

Anyone who visits your website will read the reviews first before buying the product. If there are no reviews, the customer won’t buy it. If you are starting a new business and not many people have bought your products, you can hire writers to write positive reviews for the products. They don’t have to sound overly confident but should be descriptive.

neural networks python

For example, if you have a clothing store, ask the writer to talk about the softness, thickness, and texture of the fabric.

Pay attention to details like size chart

If you have clothing or footwear store, having a size chart is compulsory. This size chart should include the measurements for different sizes. If you have a furniture store or any other store, give dimensions of the product, so that people can measure it in their setting.

Give exact measurements because that adds value to your product page. Your product page becomes more legible, and one-time customers will turn into a loyal customer when they get the product in the exact size as mentioned on the product page.

Bold headlines

Your product title is your first headline. Write the title in capital letters and make it bright. It should be in the most prominent font size you can use so that the prospective customers see it first as soon as they open the product page. Other headlines on your product page will be specifications, measurements, descriptions, and reviews. Make all these headlines bold and in capital letters as well.

It also gives a structured look to the product page and becomes very easy and readable for the viewer.

Take care of these tiny things to make a killer product page for your online store. Make sure that is no grammatical error as it is a significant letdown. Keep experimenting, and you’ll find your most active strategy to boost sales very soon.

How to Hire a Talented Python Developer?

Versatility and simplicity has always been the forte of Python and has served as the big reason for the choice of big-names like Facebook and Google. Python maintains a consistent rank of being the one among the well-known top 10 programming languages of the world. It is considered to be an interpretive, object-oriented and high-level language having inbuilt diverse semantics.

No wonder, its efficient binding data structures make it a highly preferred option for Scripting purposes and Rapid Application Development. Owing to the increased demand, requirement for Python experts is on all-time high. However, choosing one is always tricky.  So, you need to have a clear understanding of what you need and what you wish to build before hiring an expert Python Developer to make your vision come true.

Let’s see what all need to be done before choosing an expert Python Developer.

1. Hold Interviews

Holding technical interviews specifically for Python developers is crucial. Have a well-structured conversation by preparing questions based on the specific topics you wish to discuss with the potential candidates.


Remember the following points while preparing the interview questions for the Python Developer:

  • Make sure that you ask the programmers about some of the best tools that they would love to use for your project. Also, be clear about informing the professionals about the tools available at your workplace to avoid critical issues later on.
  • The interview questions should also enquire about the roadblocks they might face during the project’s development stage.
  • If you are not well-versed in Python language, then make sure that your technical team handles the interviews to identify a talented developer.
  • Focus more on asking problem-solving questions that are relevant to the issues your technical team faced while working on an earlier project.
  • Analyze the answers offered by the prospective applicants to check if their solutions are better than the ones provided by your existing team.
  • If the developer feels that a specific Python framework will be apt for the given issue, then initiate further discussion by asking more questions to find the reasons behind their thoughts.

2. Technical Prowess

After the general interview process, assess the technical ability of the shortlisted candidates. Python language is built with features like dynamic typing and binding that enables you to identify some hard-to-catch mistakes, making it easier for you to determine the perfect developer.

You can assess the developer based on specific technical capabilities, such as:

  • Knowledge about Python Version Numbers
  • Basis memory management such as copying and slicing structures
  • Python shell usage
  • Functions, Classes, and Generators (Python function description with the help of ‘def’)
  • Usage of ‘SYS’ and ‘OS’
  • List Dictionaries, Sets, and Comprehension

3. Testing Skills

Before you hire a Python Developer for your project, it is essential to know his or her strength by testing their programming skills. You can conduct this test with the help of a mock-up of your product or by making use of a well-established template.


While testing the skills of a developer acts as the critical parameter to choose an expert, it also helps you understand the unique style of working, he or she might have. Using the skills test, you can also find out:

  • The different ways through which the developer handles a project while letting you keep track of the time taken for the completion of a task.
  • The test for Python skills would offer you an idea about the time taken by your potential candidate and how much initiative he takes for identifying the novel ways to derive a better output.
  • A skilled developer will be able to offer his or her suggestions, which will give you a clear picture of his creativity, problem-solving skills and how passionate he is about his job role.
  • The test will also give you an idea if the applicant can solve all the architecture issues with Python software.
  • Check if their preferred frameworks are similar to the ones you use internally or if it is a sensible choice for your project.

4. Management of Time and Tasks

It is imperative to hire a Python expert having excellent time management skills and work ethics. The best developer should have excellent control and calculate the exact amount of time required for completing the task. They must also be able to deliver projects in a timely fashion and offer updates regularly.

A Python professional should be best in dealing with partners or leaders and specialize in client management, which will save you the trouble of being the torch bearer.

5. Market Knowledge

The Python professional whom you choose must not only be able to write a sophisticated piece of code but should also have the reputation of being one among the best in this field. Your project will be the best in the market only when you hire a professional who knows the nuances of coding.

Check for the following features to stay assured that the Python Developer is well aware of the market.

  • The Python expert you select should be aware of the changes in the programming languages and must be mindful of the updates that might improve or enhance the project.

  • Apart from understanding the syntax changes, the developer must be dedicated to holding regular maintenance periodically, checking earlier projects and running activities smoothly.

  • He must consider using unit testing even for small tasks, as it will be easier to identify the issues, such as logical errors or syntax errors if any.

The Python professional you choose must have up-to-date knowledge about the developments and changes in the industry and should be willing to welcome new changes for progressing further. Python savvy professionals would also be a member of popular online forums and programming communities where they can interact with other Python professionals and discuss the latest programming trends in the market.

10 Reasons Why Web Designers Rely On Ruby on Rails

One of the most asked questions by any aspiring programmer would be, “Which programming language should I learn?”

However, for that question one of the most common answers they would have got is.

Ruby On Rails

A language that is steady with a good pay in the market, Ruby on Rails. It’s an awesome language to start with for intricate web development projects. Ruby on Rails, or simply as its called RoR, is a powerful tool, which will make you progress quicker with more perks and best projects.

Sounds interesting?

So let’s go straight to the source and discuss 10 reasons why you need to learn Ruby on Rails right away:

  1. Rapid Development Framework

The ROR uses agile software development methodology which offers a collaborative platform for finding solutions for your critical development process. It has access to a vast library and user community making it user friendly in nature.

The Model View Controller (MVC) framework is implemented beautifully into the language which provides some of the best frameworks for your web pages.  The language will certainly leverage the future of web applications for sure.

  1. Offers IDE’s and Tools

Unlike the text editors used for development of web pages, Ruby on Rails provides an IDE (integrated development environment) that completes and highlights you code, assisting you in refactoring, interface and type inference. Error and syntax highlighting, fast documentation, code formatting and a lot more at the user’s disposal.

The powerful tools and debugger makes sure you run your code step by step using all the relevant information. The users can complete the code automatically, commit and rollback any changes in the code and build you application in the right possible way.

  1. Well documented.

Books on Ruby On Rails might be difficult to find at your local store, but certainly they are well documented throughout various channels.  There are ample of video tutorials to be found on the internet and the community forums.

The tutorials and online documents are fun to work with and easy to understand. There is no faster and nicer way to get your hands working on this amazing platform.

  1. Desired by many companies

This is something interesting for aspirants looking to learn the language. As you will start working with ROR, you will come across many new ideas and would like to implement it. This will certainly add up to your experience making you feel great about your work.

Many ROR developers have a very fair package compared to other languages. Also, you won’t find many experts in this industry which makes it a low competition field to opt for getting your changes of hiring up. So certainly it’s a worth trying out.

  1. Successful businesses website are built on ROR

Have you ever thought about websites that were built on Ruby On Rails and are earning a handsome turnaround?  It shouldn’t be of any doubts for people who already know. ROR has become a popular platform for websites to be launched because of its construction and full functionality.

Some of the famous websites built on ruby on rails includes Twitter, Groupon, Airbnb, Zendesk and the list so continues.  Ruby on rails is certainly a success as a language and a framework. It will continue to be a hot topic for many start-up successes.

  1. User-friendly community

It’s no doubt that ROR experts are paid well in the industry.  Unlike other languages, Ruby on Rails was developed by a community, so there’s lot of fun communicating with people of same interest. ROR is simple and elegant to use and it’s community has increased tremendously over the past few years.

Also, since ROR is an open source framework, you can find many components and tips of it shared on various community channels. This focuses on the strong community base  and easy for naïve users.

  1. Huge online resources for beginners

We would recommend a best way to start learning ROR is by getting access to its huge online resources  priming yourself on some of the aspects and concepts related to the framework. The video tutorials make you learning fun and easy.

You can find a huge online library for all levels and all kinds of concepts related to ROR.

  1. Cost efficient

ROR being an open source technology, developing and debugging code on the platform is easy and quick. This saves a lot of developer’s time, reducing the overall cost that precisely meets the business requirements. With it ready-made plugins and modules, many companies agree that it lowers their cost almost 40-50%.

Assured quality, security features, IDE’s and tools make the work simple without letting you start the development from scratch.

  1. Automated testing tools

ROR provides you with an automated testing option for finding bugs in your program. The tests are conducted on every line you perform and are done in a sequence. There isn’t any need to download a third party plugin for testing your application.

This not only saves a lot of time, but also ensures the system runs efficiently along the way you code. Do you think you need anything smarter and cooler that this feature? Be sure your application is bug free and scalable.

  1. Software Re-use

One of the few amazing thing RoR offers is that you can use and re-use the code for different projects simultaneously. During the development you can  lay a solid foundation and create building blocks for future use. It makes the framework expandable, multi-purpose and extensible.

The only thing that will bother you here is that, you will need an extensive documentation, sometimes including the source code file. You will have to put in some more efforts to build something that can be reused more efficiently.


Ruby is a language that is well-known among many developers due to its simple and uncluttered coding pattern. It is seen that it’s not only dominating the web application world, but also leveraging for robust applications for the future technologies.

Top 10 PrestaShop Modules That Will Help Bring High Traffic To Your Website

PrestaShop Modules has a complex integration of various services and features that allow users to easily navigate select products make payments and select delivery options.

However, an e-commerce site is deemed to be successful only when visitors flock to it. To that effect, the PrestaShop modules play a very important role. Being an Open Source Software, there are thousands of modules or plug-ins in PrestaShop.


The range of modules is increasing and thus contributing to enhanced functionality of PrestaShop. Enhanced functionality is also leading to increased traffic and ultimately driving business to your company.

Let us go through the top 10 PrestaShop modules that will help bring high traffic to your website.

  1. Amazon Market Place

Are you struggling to get hundreds of your products to Amazon? Then this add-on is certainly a great help. Amazon is the undisputed leader in e-commerce and integration with Amazon is a must have for your e-commerce site.

The Amazon Market Place module in PrestaShop is an exclusive add-on. It is a good solution to manage orders from your PrestaShop store to Amazon by exporting& importing products. Having Amazon Market Place in your e-commerce site is a must since you cannot preclude Amazon if you want to enhance site traffic.

  1. SEO Expert

What happens when you search the internet for online shops similar to your industry? Does your PrestaShop online store appear at least in the top 10 lists? Probably not. A PrestaShop site is incomplete without the SEO Expert plug-in. The plug-in automatically optimizes the position of your site on various search engines helping you save time and cost.

The SEO expert add-on by itself fills in the meta tags, image tags, social media tags and a lot more. It also increases the visibility of your store with support for various languages and qualified traffic.

  1. Protect My Shop

You must have already got a fair idea by its name. Yes, Protect My Shop module is an add-on that protects your marketplace from related thefts and hackers. With security as a major concern for online stores, Protect My Shop module turns out to be a helping hand.

The add-on includes 9 protection scripts which can be activated or inactivated one by one. With this, you are protected against SQL Injections, XSS Injections, SHELL Commands Injections, Code Injections, CGI Injections etc. Not only that you are also protected against data theft and malware

  1. Advanced Search 4

Advanced Search 4 has been used by many PrestaShop owners due to its ease of use and improvement to the store. To convert a large number of visitors to potential buyers; you need to offer a vast selection of products. With Advanced search 4, you can exactly achieve that.

With the add-on, you can add several search engines and even position them properly to get high traffic. The search criterion in this tool is based on the filter. This helps customers find their products with the minimum number of clicks. This automatically enhances the visitor’s satisfaction with the site which results in the conversion of visitors to customers.

  1. Presta Social Stream Module

This one goes out perfectly with our SEO tool. The importance of integrating your e-commerce store with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat etc. need not be emphasized anymore. With Presta Social Stream Module you can display your latest posts of major social networks into PrestaShop.

The module not only increases visibility across all the social media platforms but also allows the use of the hashtag (#) for improving your traffic. You have a full control for all your social links and configure the amount of data/posts going out every day.

  1. Google Merchant Centre

Imagine uploading your store products to Google Shopping and getting highly qualified leads? With the Google Merchant Centre, all is possible to get hundreds of visitors buying on your e-commerce store. It is one of the most powerful tools available in the market today.  It includes easy installation, friendly configuration and highly customizable.

  1. YotPo

Reviews are a must for e-commerce sites. YotPo allows users to review and display them in a beautiful manner on your website. It supports all languages and automatically notifies you of every review posted. It’s easy to install and you can customize it according to your needs.

The YotPo reviews are displayed on a single page and allow the admin to answer any queries/reviews posted by the user. They offer you responsive and attractive templates to choose from.

  1. Migration Pro

Whether you want to upgrade PrestaShop to a new version or migrate the data from one to another in PrestaShop, the risks of data migration are real. With Migration Pro module you can safely go for an upgrade or migration since the module will back up all your files.

  1. Print Labels Pro

You can save some time if you can automate the process of preparation of delivery labels. With Print Labels Pro add-on you can prepare and print delivery labels and stick the labels on the orders and dispatch for shipping.

The module doesn’t just stop at labels but offers you options to print envelop, certificates and important documents. You can add barcodes, labels, and images to the labels and customize every bit of your fields.

  1. Fastway

This is an add-on for synchronizing you e-store on eBay marketplace. To get the maximum number of visitors, you need to integrate your store to eBay too, apart from Amazon. It offers you a complete customization and management of various categories on eBay.

Linking the categories on your PrestaShop to eBay is easy, reliable, fast and flexible. Also, the customer support offered by Fastway is exceptional & easy. It also offers your different options for selecting your payment gateway without hassles.


Either way, for all of PrestaShop 10 modules, you’re certainly going to enjoy a feature-rich experience. Get in the ability to smoothly overpass tasks started on your PrestaShop platform and we are sure you have a clear idea now why this platform can prove amazing for many. Wild, but true.

Top 10 Interesting Facts About France E-commerce Market

In 2014, e-commerce market of France was 74 billion Euros. This year (2017) it is expected that the overall online market might touch 86 billion.

This jaw-dropping rise is the reason why France has been named as 3rd largest e-commerce market in Europe and 6th largest in the world.

As the number suggests there has been a rapid increase in online sales in France in the past few years. In 2014 around 37 million French people went online for purchasing and now it’s 66 million (87% of the population of France).

So what are the specialties of such a huge online market?

Let’s have a look

1.It’s insanely huge!

As mentioned above the e-commerce marker of France is booming, after all it’s the 3rd biggest in Europe and 6th in the world. There are around 200,000 active online stores in France. Around 66 million French people went online shopping through their smartphones.  Among the huge online store list 80% of the sellers have mobile-based version of their state.

2.M-commerce revenue is on a steep rise

In 2016 there was a 34.2% increase in the m-commerce market in France and it is estimated that 25% of the entire online sales in France will be taken over by mobile platforms by the end of 2017. In the case of the choice of devices smart phones is their favourite. It is expected that by 2020 the m-commerce revenue of France will be USD 17.5 Billion.


3.France, the Mecca of Fashion is changing

The fashion industry has always revolved around France. When it comes to fashion, France has always been the benchmark. However, a recent survey revealed that there is a rise in online purchase and around 28% of people who participated in the survey said that they are now frequently purchasing clothes online rather than a ready-to-wear chain. Even though most of the people in France prefer to buy clothes, accessories, and shoes through face to face deal now, statistics are indicating that there is a huge wave of change happening. The increase in the percentage of people willing to shop online is indeed positive.

4.Innovative Ideas

It is indeed true that e-commerce market in France is crowded. Since the completion is tough new business owners who wish to sell their products online should develop new, innovative strategies.

Meryl Job and Renaud Guillerm two entrepreneur first developed an online fashion community and started sharing and discussing fashion. He developed the platform to a huge online fashion enthusiastic community and Later on the situation was monetized by creating a website so that community members can buy as well as propagate the commodities.

5.Language Matters

French People are very much particular about their language. So it is less likely that poorly translated language in websites will succeed in France.

A recent survey revealed that 70% of the French e-commerce customers wish to see their preferred search results to be on the first page itself. So the only solution here for non-eu citizen web-developers is to install the best language translation plug-in possible and optimize the website in accordance with search engines.

6.Impeccable online payment methods

Carte Bancaire has their strong foothold in France owing to their flawless payment system. Majority of the people (e-commerce customers) depends on Carte Bancaire. However, there are other payment methods available too. Payment methods like Atos, CM-CIC, Paybox, Stripe, Ingenico, SagePay, Authorize.net, Skrill etc.(card based) and Paypal etc. are catching up in France.

7.Famous e-commerce platform in France

In France, lion share of the merchants are small scale and a fully fledged e-commerce website is not at all economically viable for them. So there are e-commerce solutions which can build as well as maintain websites affordable rate which will cater all their basic sales need.

For instance, Prestashop is one of the famous e-commerce platforms which French merchants rely on. There are around 30,000 plus Prestashop users in France alone. Apart from Prestashop, merchants also rely on, Shopify, Magento, Bog Commerce, Yokart etc.

8.Most of the websites offer free shipping

The power of offering something free can create wonders for merchants. For example Amazon the e-commerce giant when entered the European market, especially France faced a huge backlash owing to their shipping charge. The sales took off when they introduced free shipping. This is the exact example now sellers are following in France at the moment.

9.Customer has to pay EU tax

A customer or an importer is bound to pay VAT/import tax/excise duty if they have to purchase goods. Tax rate of France is similar to that of many European countries.

10.Remember! They are in plenty

France e-commerce market is overcrowded. More than a dozen websites are getting launched every week. E-bay, Amazon etc have also their foothold in the market. Innovative digital marketing is the only way to thrive in the crowded market.

14 Reasons You Should Choose Prestashop for Your Online Store

Your search for a programming platform that promises a high rank to your online store based on a host of functionalities ends with Prestashop. This is an open-source platform which bestows a plethora of practical and aesthetic options to your e-commerce site. These benefits are the actual reasons that will prompt you to tread the Prestashop way so that you can take pride in presenting and managing a user-friendly online store.

1.A Multi-Faceted Platform

It will not be an exaggeration to quote that Prestashop is a one-stop-shop for all your e-commerce website development requirements. Prestashop promises effective performance coming from its modern features. Tag these benefits to the user-friendly interface that you can provide to your customer base. And you will have an e-commerce site driven by Prestashop that guarantees business growth.Using Prestashop, you can effortlessly manage a multi-product site which comes with unlimited categories.

2.Ease of Use

The next best thing that makes Prestashop an attractive choice revolves around the fact that is utterly simple to use. You do not have to master technical skills to set up the platform. It is as simple as downloading add-ons and installing them and you are all covered. A little effort to dig deep into the source code will go a long way in churning out a unique store for your online business. In this manner, you can integrate these add-ons of Prestashop into any of your online businesses, without any hassles.

3.A Cost-Free Solution

Prestashop is best suited to meet the website requirements of small and medium-sized online businesses since it does not demand any premium to create an account. You can access a number of high-quality add-ons which come with zero investment. Hence, Prestashop comes with the “freemium” tag that substantially reduces the financial burden of small online shopping businesses.


4.A Highly Versatile Platform

With Prestashop, you can exercise a complete creative control over your e-commerce site. Out-of-the-box themes are the hallmark of Prestashop that will facilitate you to make any sort of a changes to your site. Not only is Prestashop compatible with a computer-based website, you can also employ its myriad features to churn out an M-Commerce site that can help online shoppers order your product lines through their smartphones.

5.Customization – A Promising Reason To Opt for Prestashop

You can refer to the Prestashop documentation that is available on the Cloud to customize your online store. Along with the advantage of installing several themes, you can make the most of the umpteen modules that can expand your online shop; based on usability preferences. In this way, you can guarantee a unique look to your website that will be appreciated by the global shopping populace.

6.An Effective Tool to Manage Your Online Products

With Prestashop, you can exercise better control over your online offerings. You are in a favorable position to engage in the daily management of your online merchandize. Prestashop allows you to categorize your products under various heads, thus permitting online customers to proceed with hassle-free shopping.

With Prestashop, you can declare your offerings tagged under the heads of “Discounted Products” and “Products without Shipping Cost”. This is made possible when you employ the Product Management module offered by Prestashop.

7.Stands in Good Stead With Latest Developments

Prestashop allows you to make the most of the latest versions of add-ons. You can simply download the new version that is launched and your website will eventually meet the growing expectations of online shoppers. In this manner, Prestashop will enable you to gain a competitive edge over your competitors who are spending loads of money to create e-commerce sites; that are not as versatile as yours.

8.A Path-Breaking Marketing Platform

You can make use of the Marketing module that Prestashop offers to not only promote your products but also to improve the user experience. This platform will spread a good word about your brand, ultimately bringing about brand awareness amidst online shopping circles.

With the growing dependence on social media platforms to make a purchasing decision, Prestashop helps you integrate your website with these platforms. This can work wonders to your online store, manifesting in the form of improved customer reach and retention.

9.An Interface that Makes Promotional Activities a Breeze

With Prestashop, you can effortlessly create successful online promotions, launch new products, run newsletter campaigns and engage in referral programs. You can initiate innovative practices to promote your online offerings which will show up in the form of increased website traffic.

10.A Potent Tool to Improve Your Bottom Line

An increased website traffic to your online store will eventually translate into increased sales. You as an online store owner can effectively manage your site through your Prestashop account and boost your conversion rates. You can also register increased product sales stemming from customer engagement.

You have the “One Page Super-checkout” plugin from Prestashop that is a dynamic tool which replaces the default checkout process. This plugin promises a compact, interactive and compelling checkout that can be carried out on a single page. Use this plugin to engage better with your customers and reap the fruits of your labor coming in the form of increased sales.

11.A Promising Platform for Efficient Store Management

The Store Management module offered by Prestashop helps you customize your store activities, while promising you an improved store performance. With Prestashop, you will be able to create customized invoices matching a particular product. Automation of store activities is another promising feature of Prestashop.

You can simplify the process of managing your products, categories and orders along with a dedicated attempt to attract your customers. All thanks to the intuitive interface of Prestashop, store management can be made extremely simple. To top it all, all these store activities can be performed through multiple Prestashop features; all in jiffy.

12.The Checkout Module Can Transcend Geographical Barriers

It is a well-known fact that online stores thrust a great deal of importance to customer comfort and user friendliness. In line with this basic premise of online shopping, Prestashop offers the Checkout module that helps customers proceed with the multi-currency option to pay for their online orders.

The platform allows customers to choose their currency through a secured payment gateway. Easing out the checkout process, this Prestashop module can help customers to proceed with a direct order which gets created in a short time. To sum it all, this module helps you increase your product sales while substantially bettering your conversion rate.

13.Numbers Are a Testimony To The Popularity of Prestashop

Tagged as the most commonly and widely employed programing platform that can churn out interesting e-commerce websites, a close look at the following numbers will strengthen your reason to pick Prestashop.

Launched in 2007, this platform has so far supported the e-commerce needs of more than 250,000 active stores which are spread across 190 countries. Offering more than 310 features, you will be surprised to know that Prestashop presents an array of over 3,500 modules and templates. Another reason that makes Prestashop the platform to develop a highly versatile online store is linked to the concept of localization. Choosing Prestashop will help you churn out an e-commerce portal in over 65 global languages.

14.The Latest Prestashop Version 1.7 Is Here!

A quick look at the promising features of the newest version of Prestashop 1.7 further supports your decision to choose it as your online store programming interface. Promising new architecture, the latest version further simplifies the checkout option through customization. Presenting a new starter theme, this version supports password security along with an easy website maintenance system. The list of benefits does not end here. Look up and install the latest version to enjoy an enhanced module integration with your current e-commerce website.

Closing Thoughts

All the above-mentioned reasons are in the actual sense the benefits of Prestashop. With so many advantages in place, you can make the most of the flexibility and scalability offered by this platform. An additional benefit comes through customization; a feature that is looked up to, by your brand loyalists. Thus, an in-depth explanation of all the reasons speaks volumes of the capabilities of Prestashop, bestowing you with umpteen bright spots that can illuminate your online store to your utmost surprise and satisfaction.

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Reasons That Make Prestashop A Preferred Option for Ecommerce Merchants

Prestashop is one of the most commonly used and popular e-commerce solutions of  merchants handling small to medium sized business online. Ever since it was introduced back in 2007, this online business platform is winning hearts of many entrepreneurs who prefer a budget-friendly solution to their venture. Its lightweight nature makes it a feasible choice for even those with a slow internet connection. The e-store can either be self-hosted or cloud-based when you go for Prestashop website development.

There are lots of benefits featured by Prestashop that made it a true choice for a value-added online store but here are the top reasons why it is a preferred choice for e-commerce merchants.

  1. Open-source software:

    Prestashop is a open source web development platform and that is the primary reason why many merchants go for this solution. As its novel features and functionality can be accessed for free of cost, business professionals with budget constraints can very well afford it. In fact, through Prestashop an online store can be set up without the need for any license fees.

  2. Simple installation:

    Setting up an online store using Prestashop is a simple process. Establishing a new server with an open source platform is a lot easier than one thinks. A new online store is at your finger-tips in just a few minutes. The associated installation cost will also be very less compared to similar solutions. The default template has enough features to have a functional online store without worrying about the technical know-how. Moreover, maintaining the store won’t be a hurdle.

  3. Easy learning curve:

    It is less complex in nature and one can find it really easy to understand and use. This eliminates the need for any expert technical guidance or a support team to handle its functionality. Managing the store’s backend is not a big deal for your team as this involves no complex coding or configuration settings. And it is easy to maintain the store with pretty decent debugging options.


  4. Multi-language support:

    The Prestashop store is designed to work with multiple languages making it a global solution. The store can be customized to work with about 40 to 45 languages and offers support for different currencies also. So customers would find it really convenient to buy products with their particular currency. The website can be translated to your preferred language based on the varying business requirements and targeted locations. So localization of your store is not a concern with this platform. Also integrating a number of languages instantly is not a big deal. This, in fact, gives way for deeper market penetration.

  5. Comprehensive control panel:

    With an intuitive control panel, managing the business is really simple with Prestashop website development. The additional modules if any, as well as the payment gateways and orders, can be managed quickly. Configuring your store and making any new alterations can be done in a simpler way. The store gives the flexibility for real-time visitor tracking too. The page indexing feature that comes inbuilt helps to improve the pace of your website performance.

  6. Minimal system requirements:

    Unlike many of its counterparts like Magento that needs some important system requirements to run the store, Prestashop works with just a decent shared hosting plan. No specific VPS or dedicated hosting is needed for this eCommerce platform to run efficiently. And you can experience an all in one solution for your online store without any related worries if you go for a PrestaShop Cloud.

  7. Responsive templates:

    There are a lot of responsive templates available from which you can choose the one suiting your requirement. In fact, these responsive templates are designed to enhance your market presence and you can benefit from an increase in returns and sales over the period. You can also design a fresh template if you find no matching templates for your needs. And importantly, a responsive website is the key to drive good traffic and conversions to enhance the online arena of business. Moreover, you can improve the overall look and feel of your online venture with your choice of themes.

  8. Appealing interface:

    The overall clarity and ease of use of the interface allows effortless operation throughout the store management and maintenance and minimizes the technical jargon to a great extent. In addition, desired functionality of a complete store can be achieved through 25000+ plugins. Also the end user can have a really amazing experience while navigating through the website. The user-friendliness is what makes it stand out from its counterparts. And the design has a special emphasis on reducing abandonment cart rate and enhancing customer engagement.

  9. Customizable:

    The e-commerce store features can be enhanced or changed to suit your particular requirements as it is easily customizable. A website that meets your business type can be set up with minimal effort and time. The admin panel can be customized with flexibility by adding or removing store features to make it apt for your business. You can personalize the specific sections of the store at your convenience to make the process easier and manageable. With options for special product promotions, you can enhance the sales rate of particular products.

  10. SEO friendly:

    The comprehensible codes really aids in managing the URLs, page descriptions, and titles. Moreover, the search engine optimization activities are pretty much easy thus giving way for improved page ranks. And optimizing product pages is not a big deal when using Prestashop for your store and your products will be showcased in major search engines in addition to SEO-friendly URLs. With the goal of improving the visibility of your store, it is designed to integrate with social media platforms and other marketing tools such as newsletters.

  11. Cost effective:

    Unlike other e-commerce solutions, it needs only a fewer server resources. Prestashop is in fact a cost effective choice with all these discussed benefits. Launching and maintaining the store using this open source software needs only minimal investment. There is nothing like a premium version available for this platform and so those with a tight budget can have all the features with the base version without spending anything.

  12. Active user community:

    One of the key advantages of Prestashop platform is its active user community that plays a key role in building a completely updated platform. The online user guide and FAQ sections of the user community offer good assistance for the store users. They have got good social media support through Twitter and Facebook pages too.

The customers can have a great purchase experience with reliable payment gateways such as PayPal and Google Checkout. Also, there is nothing to worry about the security while purchasing through this website as SSL protocol system is employed to ensure secure transactions. And the latest upgrade, Prestashop 1.7 comes with a lot of attractive features that improve the overall functionality of your store. Enhanced product configuration and improved back office navigation are among the highlighted benefits of the latest version. With Prestashop website development, high-end eCommerce websites are at your finger tips at appreciably affordable cost. If you get a powerful tool to improve the market presence of your store online for free, then why not go for it?

Know Why Python Is Among the Best Programming Languages for Web Development

Python is holding the top spot among the best programming languages for web development and its popularity has been on the rise for the past few years. Due to its stability and reliability, it is one of the most commonly used programming languages ever since it was introduced by Guido van Ross-um. Python web development came into the limelight in the late 80’s which is named after great Monty Python. Many languages were developed after that for web development but didn’t pose serious threat to its wide usage.

The language that is both readable and accessible was designed for server-side web applications. It has built a strong foundation as one of the most favorite high-level languages for programmers with a wide range of benefits and applications. Building intricate multi-protocol network apps with ease is now a reality with this viable language. This in fact serves as a base to learn other languages. According to TIOBE Programming Community Index, Python was the programming language of the year for the years 2007 and 2010 and presently in the 5th spot from top. And it has always been in the top 10 spots ever since 2003.


The beginners in computer programming always preferred to work on this language as it is fun to use. Python built with an object-oriented design has an edge over other languages on many aspects and that is why it is among the top choices for web development. Its high speed nature made it an important ingredient for diverse internet-based applications. Here are a few among the top advantages of this programming language:

  1. Easy to use:

    As we all know, development is not at all an easy job and requires good skill and knowledge. However, Python is really easy to learn and understand unlike its many other counterparts. In fact, this language could be said as designed for beginners with a simple-to-learn syntax. The syntax of Python seems like pseudo code making it easier to develop and debug for newbies. They have very little codes or steps to remember when approaching a coding task.

  2. Simple to handle:

    Simplicity is the key for the wide acceptance of Python. With minimal time and effort, a dedicated programmer could design several functions quickly with only a few lines of code. It has an elegant design and is built with greatimportance on efficiency and readability which assuresless mental overhead.Its uncluttered visual layout makes the language highly readable.

  3. Flexible:

    The individuals who are novel to the world of programming can consider Python as a springboard for exploring this vast subject. In addition to the object-orientated platform, the language supports diverse paradigms such as, functional, imperative as well as procedural programming. The object-oriented valuesof Python are very well attuned with numerous languages such as Perl, JavaScript, Ruby and C#.

  4. Enhanced productivity:
    Prototypes and complex ideas can be built in really quick time with Python. The functioning prototypes designed at a good pace satisfy clients as it saves their time and money. Quick run time data structures are a reality with Python web development as it comes with dictionary data structures and built-in list.The length of the required support code is minimized to a great extent as it facilitates high-level data typing.


  1. Easy integration:

    Python is a flexible language unlike its many other counterparts. Python Package Index (PyPI) has several third-party modules that help it to collaborate with many of the other platforms and languages. In fact, this web development language can be easily integrated with a lot of other programming languages. The most popular ones include

  • CPython- a combo of Python with C
  • Jython- a combo of Python with Java
  • IronPython- compatible with .NET and C#
  • PyObjc- Python designed with ObjectiveC toolkits
  • RubyPython- Python integrated with Ruby
  1. Improved convenience:

    Python is rich with a vast number of resources. Its broad library that features built-in functionality adds to the overall convenience offered with its usage. This in fact covers a wide range of sectors such as string operations, internet protocols, operating system interfaces and web services tools. Its library provides good support and assistance for internet protocols such as JSON, HTML and XML, and e-mail processing. In addition to a huge and comprehensive standard library,it features automatic memory management with a garbage collector and a dynamic type system.


  2. Quick processing:

    What makes Python stands out from other web development languages is its flexibility to work with other programming frameworks and environments. Its highly advanced features assist in easy and quick development of particular applications. Its fast processing in fact saves a lot of cost to the company using it.It is widely accepted as an instructional language. More than that the language can be effectively reused through watchful implementation of packages and modules. The unit test framework that comes built-in with Python is its unique speciality that makes sure that the code is working rightly as what intended.

  3. Open source language:

    Python is an open-source language with enhanced process control capabilities that is ideal for general-purpose usage. It can be modified or implemented according to the specific requirement. It is widely used and distributed in diverse applications including commercial purposes. The support for the language is also free. The enthusiasts can make a visit to Python.org for more help or details or can seek assistance using the tutorials. There is an active community of Python users who are always willing to offer a hand of assistance.

  4. Vast applications:

    Python language is used worldwide for a wide range of applications. It’s use in graphic design, image processing as well as GUI based desktop applications are just the basic ones. The language has played key role in many interesting games and diverse scientific and computational sectors and apps. In addition to web applications, Python cannot be put apart for operating systems, certain enterprise and business apps, language development, web frameworks and for prototyping. Adding to its popularity, the world’s largest stock exchange uses Python for many mission critical applications. The other key areas where this language for web development has registered its mark include movie animation ,numerous cell phones, ship building industries, newspaper websites as well as for air traffic control.

  5. All in one tool:

    Python is an affordable and secure language. It is available for most of the widely used operating systems such as Linux, Windows, UNIX, and Mac OS. The language outsmarts other competitors right from areas such as basic CGI scripting to web apps collaborated with huge frameworks such as Django. Web applications built with Python are mostly designed using the Flask or Django module.In addition to being robust and fast, it is portable and scalable.

  6. Feasible choice:

    When compared to other popular languages used for web development, Python programs stand different. They are in most cases 5-10 times shorter than correspondent C++ code and usually about 3-5 times shorter than the same Java programs. Unlike other languages, it prefers a direct approach to programming making the whole process clear to the programmer. When compared to C or Pascal, it has only a very few special cases and syntactic exceptions.

This global language is great for website development with a more flexible base. It has a widespread use in documenting large systems and modifying search engines with changing client demands. It has find great use in science and engineering streams and for enhancing the graphics experience and even in artificial intelligence tasks. A number of other programming languages were influenced by the philosophy and design of Python such as Cobra, Groovy, Swift, CoffeeScript and a lot more.

Whether the role is to develop websites, implement web-based apps or facilitate other web services, Python can be a good companion. The IT infrastructure of several top firms as well as many IT monsters reliesgreatly on Python. The top global organizations that work on Python include NASA, IBM, YouTube, JP Morgan, Wikipedia, Bank of America, Google, Mozilla, Weekly News, Ultraseek, Yahoo!, Nokia, Linux, Disney, Yahoo Maps and a lot more. The majority of the newbies find great pleasure to use and learn this language. The transitions to other languages are a lot easier and much faster than one thinks. That is why Python web development is specifically well suited for complex and large projects with varying requirements and goals.