13 Best Python Web Framework For Web Developers

Python is a progressively favored language. It is widely used high-level programming language for general purpose programming.

It is often used by system administrators, machine learning engineers, desktop and web developers, and data scientists.  It is easily understandable and a powerful language to develop any type of system.

The large user platform of Python provides an upstanding circle. The open source community provides additional support for building programmers seeking help.

A framework is a code library which makes it easier to build scalable, maintainable and reliable web applications by providing re-usable code or extensions for regular operations.

Its low time-consuming feature allows developers to focus on application logic instead of tedious elements. There is numerous, downloadable open source Python web frameworks available online.

Best Python Frameworks:  Django, TurboGears, Tornado, web2py, Zope, Grok, CherryPy, Flask, Quixote, Nevow, BlueBream, Bottle, Pyramid are some of the top Python Web Framework Software.


Django is a high level and most popular web framework for Python.  This high-level and well-organized framework simplifies the development of big and complicated web applications by giving a number of strong features.

It keeps upgrading on regular basis to match the latest trends in web application development. This feature also helps developers to achieve common web developments tasks such as user authentication, sitemap, administration, and RSS feeds.

The developers of Django can take benefit from the in-built security features given by cross-site scripting, clickjacking, Django prevents SQL injection and cross-site request forgery. On contrary, Django also helps programmers to control the website instantly to tackle a sudden spike in traffic.


TurboGears is designed in a way that it overcomes the deficiency of various widely used web frameworks. Python also consists of all written, data-driven web application frameworks. It allows developers and programmers to start creating web applications with the nominal setup.

TurboGears supports numerous databases and data exchange formats and horizontal data division. It also allows developers to ease web application development by taking in use different JavaScript development tools. The programmers can also use Pylons as a web server along with getting benefited by SQLAlchemy and an ORM system.


Tornado is a Python web framework. It is was originally developed at FriendFeed. Tornado uses the non-blocking network I/O, by which it can scale thousands of open connections making it just perfect for WebSockets, long polling and other apps that need a long-lived connection to every user.

Tornado cab installed with pip or easy install. Tornado runs on any Unix-like platform but Linux and BSD are recommended for the best performance and scalability.


Web2Py eases down custom web application development, including practical batteries such as a web server, SQL database, and an interface based on a web. It allows programmers to build, modify, manage and change the web application’s efficiency by web browsers.

The developers can also operate Web2Py smoothly on major operating systems and web servers. They can even create web applications driven by web applications by working with various widely used relational database management systems. Simultaneously, Web2Py supports programmers to execute MVC programming and prevent common security failure.


Zope is also a Python-based, open source web application server. The programmers can further enhance Zope as per their requirement through Python code. Zope is completely different from other web frameworks. It is an object-oriented web application development platform.

Zope’s features help users to create custom web applications as per various business needs. Additionally, Zope also supports both versions of Python programming language, i.e. 2.x and 3.x. Zope 4 further gives you access to take benefit from page templates based on Chameleon and upgrade the performance of web application by minimizing memory utilization.


Zope Toolkit technology is used to develop a web framework for Python, in Grok. It allows Python users to boost their web application development by using toolkits of Zope libraries, as a set. The programmers have an option to select from a broad range of standalone and group libraries according to the need of the specific project.

The constituent planning used by Gork helps Python developers to reduce complexity in web application development by taking benefit of views, controller, and content objects.  Grok also helps by providing all the necessary resources required to create custom web applications as per the various business needs.


CherryPy is also designed as an object-oriented web framework for Python. It boosts web application development by giving developers an access to write short and brief code, based on object-oriented programming (OOPS) principles. 

But programmers can still simplify custom web application development by getting benefited through the in-built tools offered by CherryPy for static content, sessions, caching, and sessions.

CherryPy is now more than ten years old, and its stability and efficiency is just the same. It is used by many sites for production. CherryPy is one of the oldest we frameworks available for Python, yet it is unknown for many people. It is so because CherryPy is not equipped with in-built support. It also supports profiling, testing, and coverage.


In Flask, the web framework for python is developed based on Jinja 2 templating language. Flask boosts web application development by providing an in-built debugger and development server.

It also helps in securing integrated unit testing, Jinja 2 templating, RESTful request dispatching, and cookies. The programmers can use particular extensions to extend Flask as per the project’s specific needs.


Quixote is a framework used for writing Web-based applications using Python. Its objectives are flexible and high performance when taken into consideration with developing a web application. It includes two major versions, version 1 and version 2 and uses two outsourced libraries,  Jinja2 template engine, and the Werkzeug WSGI toolkit.

They are quite similar but incompatible with each other. These are actively maintained and are frequently used by various public sites. It also has a demo as part of the Quixote distribution.

It offers a basic example of a Quixote application and serves as a template for new applications. Quixote is an open source framework.

Divmod Nevow

Divmod Nevow is a web application toolkit written in Python. It allows the developer to demonstrate the view logic as desired in Python, including a clear Python XML expression syntax named stan to ease this.

However, it also provides great help for designer-edited templates by using mini XML attribute language to give bi-directional template manipulation ability.

Divmod also comprises of Divmod Athena, which is a “two-way web” or “COMET” execution. This acts as a two-way bridge between the server’s Python code and JavaScript code on the client.


BlueBream is also an open source web application framework, server, and library for web developers. It is created by the Zope community and presently known as Zope 3.

This framework is best suitable for both medium and large projects divided into many re-usable and interchangeable components. BlueBream is based on Zoop Toolkit (ZTK). It holds years of experience ensuring that it meets the necessary requirement for consistent, stable and scalable software.

BlueBream uses the Buildout system coded in Python. It employs the ZODB (Zope Object Database) which is a transactional object database offering extremely powerful and easily –usable perseverance.


The bottle is a simple, light and fast WSGI micro web-framework for Python. It is issued as a file and does not rely on any library other than the python standard library.

Bottle takes into use a world-wide list of search tracks (bottle.TEMPLATE_PATH) to discover templates on the file system. The Bottle’s  Routing requests function-call mapping along with the support for pure and flexible URLs.

The Bottle’s Routing Template is fast and Python-based and supports Jinja2, cheetah templates, and mako. The Bottle’s Routing Utilities gives convenient access to file uploads, form cookies, headers and other metadata related to HTTP.


Writing web applications is easier with Pyramid. Programmers have the freedom to begin small with “hello world” minimal response web application.

This is very useful and can take you quite far while learning. Pyramid simultaneously offers you many features as your application grows. It makes writing complicated software easy and effortless.

The pyramid is compatible with all supported versions of Python. In-Built value is provided by Full-stack frameworks that tell it what to do. On contrary, the thought of doing something unique or using something better leads to unexpected challenges in the framework.

Pyramid has a very small and slow start but it provides you with many high-quality choices. It is distinctively equipped to scale.

In future, Web developers will have the opportunity to choose from a more wide range of Python frameworks. Some of the above-mentioned frameworks are full-stack, whereas others are not.

Similarly, some of these web frameworks are getting an update which will for sure; compliment the emerging web application development shift.  Therefore, programmers will be able to develop a web application in a more accurate, efficient, and convenient way.

How to Build a Web Application Using Python

As you all know, Python is a widely used high-level programming level that can be used to build web applications in combination with HTTP protocols. However, you also need to employ the features of a web framework like Django that allows you to develop web applications through a clean and pragmatic design.

Choose Django as your Python framework to build a web application and you are all covered. Additionally, web applications call for the storage of data, which is taken care of by a database in contrast to a simple file. This database is akin to your spreadsheet which stores data in the form of tables. So, if you are a developer looking to build a web application using Python, this step-by-step guide handholds to create one, without any hassles.


First and foremost, it is important that you set up and create your web services by creating a project directory. You can do this through the following code:

mkdir website

cd website

Now, the next step is to install Django. You can rely on pipto install Python code. As you are aware that Python code is installed as a package, you need to list all the currently installed Python packages using the command $ pip freeze.

You can install Django using the $ pip install djangocommand.

How do you create a new Python/Django Project?

To set up a new project, you can use the below mentioned Django code.

$ django-admin.pystartproject website

You will then see the below-mentioned structure of the folder and files that will be generated.


– manage.py

– website

– __init__.py

– settings.py

– urls.py

– wsgi.py

You then need to concentrate on the important files which are settings.py,manage.py, and urls.py.

As a developer, you must be accustomed to performing a number of configurations so as to set up a web application. The same goes with your Python project which employs website/settings.py. This file has a long listing of names that can define all the configurations needed by your web application. You are good to go with the default configurations for now.

You should recognize that the INSTALLED_APPS name comes as a sequence of strings. The next step is to add this to the tuple. Also note that the DATABASES name is defined as a dictionary.

How to create a database?

The next step is to create a database that will store all your data. Let us now create a database by coding the following script.


The output is shown as below:

(django) website $ ./manage.py syncdb

Creating tables …

Creating table django_admin_log

Creating table auth_permission

Creating table auth_group_permissions

Creating table auth_group

Creating table auth_user_groups

Creating table auth_user_user_permissions

Creating table auth_user

Creating table django_content_type

Creating table django_session

You just installed Django’sauth system, which means you don’t have any superusers˓


Would you like to create one now? (yes/no): yes

Username (leave blank to use ‘greg’):

Email address:


Password (again):

Superuser created successfully.

Installing custom SQL …

Installing indexes …

Installed 0 object(s) from 0 fixture(s)

Notice that the top-level folder website contains a file with a db.sqlite3name. This is your database file.

How to inspect the database?

You then need to inspect the database file that you just created. To perform this task, you should choose the sqlite-shell-win32-x86-….zip file. You should unzip it by double-clicking it. The next step is to drag and drop this file into C:BOOTCAMPPython34.Ultimately, you need to add this to a directory on the path.


A database application is akin to a server which sends requests using clients. Here the clients the programs that you code; like the Python website. So, in order to inspect the database you would require a server that is exclusively meant for this purpose. You then need to launch the client by keying in sqlite3 db.sqlite3.

The sqlite3 program offers a new type of shell through which you can inspect your database. Below is an illustration to help you understand better.

(django) website sqlite3 db.sqlite3

SQLite version 3.7.13 2012-07-17 17:46:21

Enter “.help” for instructions

Enter SQL statements terminated with a “;”

sqlite> .tables





auth_user_groupssqlite> select * from auth_user;


k=|2014-˓→08-21 14:59:05.171913|1|greg||||1|1|2014-08-21 14:59:05.171913


It is through the .tablescommand that you can list all the tables that make up your database. These are the just the same that were created earlier by executing the .manage.py syncdb command.

If you look at the illustration closely, you will notice the select * from auth_user; is the SQL code. We are using SQL to program a database so that you can create a web application using Python. This command helps you get anything from the auth_user table. You then need to key in sqlite3 .quit to exit.

How do you run the server?

The next step is to run the server through the ./manage.py runswevercommand.

Now the stage is set for you to send HTTP requests using your browser as the client. You simply key in http://127.0.0.:8000/. And what do you see?

If at all you wish to quit the server at any point in time, you can do so by the ctrl + c function.

Creation and Installation of the Python Web Application

Since you have chosen Django as your preferred web application creating framework, you are all covered when it concerns the task of organizing your code. You can now work around a proven architecture that simplifies your web app building tasks in more ways than one.

You are now all set to create a blog that will be your Django/Python app. Through Django, you can organize your code and create a blog with the ./manage.py startapp blogcommand. Now you can view a folder dorectory that looks like this:

– blog

| – __init__.py

| – admin.py

| – models.py

| – tests.py

| – views.py

– db.sqlite3

– manage.py

– website

– __init__.py

– settings.py

– urls.py

– wsgi.py

It is now your job as a developer to tell your website about the presence of your blog. You can do this by adding the below code to the INSTALLED_APPS tuple.











Next in line is the process of creating web services.

How to create web services?

You should now start programming the server to return responses for a HTTP GETrequest. To go ahead with this task, you will need to perform two jobs:

  1. Match a URL to a view function
  2. Define the view function

Website/urls.py is the filename that matches URLs to view functions. Upon execution, once the Django server receives a URL, it tries to locate and search in this file for a match. If the match is found, the command results in a mapped function. Else, you get to see the 404 Page Not Found error.

You then need to open the views.py file in your blog app through the below-mentioned code:




Your next task is to configure your website to a request that will trigger this view function of saying “Hello”! You can do this by adding a code line to website/urls.py:

urlpatterns = patterns(”,


, ‘blog.views.hello’),

url(r’^admin/’, include(admin.site.urls)),


Now, your website will successfully respond to a GET request when you can see your browser http://localhost:8000displaying“hello”.

This comes to the end of the step-wise guide to code a web application using Python, its framework Django, HTTP requests,employing SQL as the database.