How To Turn Sublime Text into a Lightweight Python IDE?

Code editors are the go-to device for anybody hoping to make more significant customization in WordPress or jump further into the website design. But a few users want to utilize the text editor tool for every need, alongside developing.

Among the code editors that are put to use now, Sublime Text is one of the best owing to a kickass functionality.

The code-editor can also be converted to an IDE. Especially when it comes to Python related programming.


Let’s see how it’s done and what’s so special about it.

Key Features To Use It As a Light Weight Python IDE Are:

  • Snippets

  • Various cursors

  • GIT support

  • Syntax highlighting

  • Programmed builds

  • Full screen and diversion free mode

Necessities For An ‘IDE’

  • It ought to give great, configurable syntax colorization.

  • It must offer the capacity to bounce to the meaning of symbols in different files.

  • It ought to perform programmed code linting to help keep away from senseless missteps.

  • It ought to take into consideration robust tab completion.

  • It ought to have the capacity to communicate with a Python interpreter to such an extent that while debugging, the text editor will follow alongside the debugger.

Primary Settings:

All configuration in Sublime Text is done by means of JSON.

There are various distinctive levels of configuration within Sublime Text. You will frequently operate at settings at the user level.

Open Preferences – > Got to Settings – Default to view all the default settings and select which to override.


Make your own particular set of choices by opening Preferences – > Go to Settings – User. This will make an empty document, you would then be able to copy the settings you need to override your own settings from the default settings.

Particularly crucial in Python is the setting translate_tabs_to_spaces, which guarantees that whenever you click a tab key, the single \t character is supplanted by four \s characters.

Useful Plugins That Need To Be Installed To Complete The Above Requirements.

Sublime Text accompanies an awesome framework for Package Control. It supports installing and uninstalling plugins, and even updates introduced modules for you. You can likewise install plugins manually, incorporating ones you write yourself.

To install any plug-in with the help of Package Control, open the command palette with shif+super-P, on Windows/Linux-ctrl+shift+P. The super key is the command or ⌘ on OS X. At the point the palette opens, typing install will advance the Package Control: Install Package command. Press enter to choose it.

Then the Sublime Text gets an updated rundown of the packages from the system. Begin by typing the name of the package you need. Sublime Text refines the rundown and displays it to you the package that you need to see. For installation of the plug-in, choose it with the mouse, or utilize arrow keys to explore the rundown and click enter when your plug-in is featured.

The Main Plug-ins Are As Follows:

  • Linters


Sublime 2 holds mistake identification programs-linters like Plyflakes, that can be radiantly coordinated with the SublimeLinter module. Pyflakes checks for syntactic infringement, such as utilizing a symbol that is not characterized or bringing in a symbol you don’t utilize.

  • Syntax Highlighting and Builds


Upon creating a file by utilizing CTRL + B you can in a split second observe the yield of the code in the controller console. This is because it consequently provides syntax highlighting and builds.

  • Python Translator Within The Text Editor


SublimeREPL allows a Python translator (among different languages) that can keep working within Sublime Text 2. Joined with the split screen views, this turns out to be exceptionally convenient.

  • Autocompletion


Sublime Text by default will list index symbols in open files and undertakings, yet that doesn’t cover packages that are installed which might be an element of a non-standard run environment.

Select SublimeJedi just backing Python, however, is speedier and holds an index of its own.

The python_interpreter_path enables you to demonstrate which Python executable ought to be investigated for symbol definitions.

The python_package_paths setting permits assigning extra paths that will be hunted down Python packages comprising symbols.

Once set, you ought to have the ability to utilize the ctrl+shift+G shortcut route to bounce instantly to the symbol definition. You can likewise utilize alt+shift+F to find the different utilization of a similar symbol somewhere else in your code.

  • Follow-Along


This is the last prerequisite for a sensible IDE configuration to have the potential to develop a troubleshooting session in the file with the code.

Though there is no plugin for SublimeText that reinforce this. However, there is a Python available to install into the virtualenv for all of your projects that do it.This package is called PDBSublimeTextSupport and it’s easy to introduce with pip:

              (projectenv)$ pip introduce PDBSublimeTextSupport

After the package is installed in the Python that is employed for your project, any breakpoint you insert will consequently rise to the surface in SublimeText. Furthermore, as you advance through the code, you will notice the present line in your Sublime Text file move alongside you.


For the most part, the requirements of developers who are chipping away at generally small-scale projects (particularly projects consisting just a single file), thus, Sublime text editor acts as an extremely helpful tool. The Sublime has proved to be an incredible and creative tool due to its different themes, a plug-in architecture for Python, many customizations, it’s lightweight as contrasted with full IDEs, and it’s continually being improvised.

Setting up Sublime Text 3 for Python development

Software engineers like to evade who has the ‘best’ development environment – what are the best tools available? Which packages and plug-ins would it be advisable to utilize? These are the substantial inquiries.However, the main issue is this: once you have picked your preferred IDE you ought to invest a lot of time configuring it and figuring out how to receive the most in return.

One of such a text editor is Sublime Text 3. Sublime text is extremely fast, gets steady updates, and – as a major reward – completely cross-platform. Sublime’s awesome plug-in ecosystem is an add-on. There are many plug-ins accessible that make Python development extremely smooth and pleasant.

Let’s start

  • Installation

First install the Sublime Text 3.

Afterward, you need to do is install the package manager that enables you to include and remove the third-party plug-ins which will enhance your development condition.

Install by copying the Python code for Sublime Text 3. Tap View > Show Console to open the console. Now paste the code into the console. Press enter and Reboot ST3.


You would now be able to install packages by utilizing the command cmd+shift+P. Begin typing install until the point when Package Control: Install Package shows up. Press Enter. Look for accessible packages.

  • Make a Custom Settings File

You can completely configure Sublime Text employing JSON-based settings files, making it simple to synchronize or transfer, your personalized settings to another framework. To begin with, make the customized settings. It’s best to make a base file for all the environments and language particular settings records.

  • To set up a base file select Sublime Text > Preferences > Settings – User. Add an empty JSON object to the document and insert your settings.

  • For language particular settings tap the Sublime Text > Preferences > Settings – More > Syntax Specific – User. At that point save the file with the given format: LANGUAGE.sublime-settings. Along these lines, for Python-particular settings, save as Python.sublime-settings.

Other than the packaged themes, you can make use of the following packages to accelerate the work process.

SideBar Enhancements

SideBar Enhancements works as sending files to your Recycle Bin rather than the deleted file being sent into obscurity, never to be returned from within the Sublime Text. It additionally offers a bundle of different traits incorporating having the capacity to make new files from the sidebar.

Requirements Txt

This is a basic module for requirements.txt files which gives syntax featuring. Requirements txt gives syntax highlight-lighting and autocompletion plus a decent form management framework for your requirements.txt files.


Anaconda is a very capable Python package for Sublime. It allows:

  • Python code autocompletion

  • Python linting (features both PEP8 infringement and syntax errors)

  • Python documentation

  • McCabe complexity checker

You can see the majority of the features inside the README file in the Package Settings: Sublime Text > Preferences > Package Settings > Anaconda > README.

  • All AutoComplete

All AutoComplete stretches out the default autocomplete to give autocompletion to every single open file.

  • GitGutter

GitGutter places a margin into Sublime Text which shows if a line has been included, deleted or edited. It is valuable for following whether you have rolled out improvements to past commits.

  • Layout

The lion’s share of layout choices is accessible within the view heading in the menu bar.

In Views – > Columns you can change the view to show 1, 2, 3, or 4 columns, or a grid of 2 * 2 sections, or 1 or 2 rows.

  • Custom Commands

It is not difficult to compose your own custom commands as well as key bindings with Python.

Copy the path of the present document to the clipboard.

Close all tabs aside from the active one.

Introduce them by adding the Python files to your directory of “/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User” through the file menu (Sublime > Preferences > Browse Packages).

After that open the User directory.

To finish the setup, bind them from the Key Bindings – User file (Sublime Text > Preferences > Package Settings >AdvancedNewFile> Key Bindings – User).

Command line tool

Sublime Text also incorporates a command line tool that enables you to open the editorial manager from the shell. The tool termed subl isn’t empowered as a default. To make it accessible from any shell do as given below:

ln – s/Applications/Sublime\ Text\

  • Console Shortcuts

Goto Anything (“cmd+p”) is utilized for rapidly finding and opening files. Simply type in a section of a path and filename inside a venture and you can without much of a stress open that document.

Goto Symbol (“cmd+r”) records all classes and functions inside a file to make them less difficult to discover. Just begin writing the one you need.

Goto Line Number (“ctrl+g”) takes you to a particular line number in the active document.

Go to start of the line (cmd+left-arrow key) and Go to end of the line (cmd+right-arrow key)

Multi-Edit is the most loved shortcut key

Delete current line (ctrl+shift+k)

Choose a word, press “cmd+d” to choose the following same word, press “cmd+d” again to choose the following same word.

Click “cmd+click” to make a cursor for editing wherever you click

CTRL + SHIFT + DOWN takes highlighted text down

CTRL + KK: deletes all from the cursor till the end of the line

CTRL + SHIFT + 1-4: takes the file to column 1-4

CTRL + W: closes the current tab