Web Development Vs Web Design – Want To Know The Difference?

Web designing and Web development are used interchangeably so often that one forgets that they are technically two different functions. Adding to the confusion is the increasing number of businesses that promote themselves as Web Development Company as well as Web Designing Company.

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This blog post on web development Vs web design will delve into the two realms of website creation and elaborate on the differences between the two.

Web Development Vs Web Design

Before we go into details about web development and web designing, let’s take a quick look at the major differentiators between the two aspects of website building.

Web Design Web Development
Deals with the aesthetics of the website – the look and feelDeals with building the backbone of the website –factors and attributes that contribute to the function and performance of the website
Transform a concept into a visually-appealing layout Transform the design into a functional website

What is Web Designing?

As described above, web designing involves creating the look and feel of the website. A web designer creates a wire frame or layout based on the client’s preferences and specifications.

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The wireframe will give a general idea of how the final page will look like. Once all the stakeholders approve the wireframe, sketches and mock-ups are created. These sketches and prototypes will give a precise picture of the final product.


From the size and type of font to the colour palette of the web page, every design aspect is finalised during these stages. All these design aspects play a vital role in making the website attractive to the visitor.

Aspects of Web Designing

The process of web designing doesn’t simply end in creating a mock-up or choosing a background theme and typography. The various aspects of web designing include:

  • Creating a website format and layout that delivers the best user experience
  • Building the website prototype
  • Working on the graphic designs
  • Coordinate with website developers to convert design ideas into features
  • Creating web designs using CSS and HTML

Apart from these common tasks, specialist web designers focus on specific design tasks such as:

User Experience (UX) – It involves creating a web interface based on audience profiles and demographics.

User Interface (UI) – It involves building a foundation to improve user experience by incorporating elements for easy site navigation.

Visual Design – It combines both the elements of user experience and user interface to conceptualise the website’s unique brand and style.

Elements of a Web Design

While creating the visual design, web designers focus on the following design principles:

Balance – This principle elaborates on the need to use the right proportion of small and large elements, dark and light colours, and other elements to create a balanced web design.

Contrast – This principle is based on the colour theory that states that complementary or contrasting colours are placed opposite each other. Designers use contrasting colours, textures, shades, shapes and other elements to create an attractive page

Consistency – It is a critical design principle that ensures consistency of colour, design and layout across all the web pages of the website. It also ensures consistency with the brand image, logo and mobile app.

Unity – This principle involves building a relationship among the different elements of the web design to create a cohesive theme that grabs the attention of the website visitor.

Emphasis – This principle involves “emphasizing” on certain design elements to make it stand out on a web page to grab the attention of visitors.

Design Tools for Web Designing

The commonly used tools for web designing are:

  • Illustrator
  • Sketch
  • Dreamweaver
  • AI
  • Adobe Photoshop

What is Web Development?

Web development involves the use of codes to convert a static layout created by the designers into a dynamic functional website. There are two types of web developments – front-end development and back-end development.

Development that includes both front end and back end is known as full stack development. Front end development or building the user/client side of the website involves creating the interface and building the interaction between the backend of the website and the user.

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Front end web development bridges the technical aspects of web development with the aesthetic elements of web design. The backend of the website is the hardcore technical aspect of the website, or in other words, the backbone of the website on which the rest of the elements are woven around. 


Front end web development bridges the technical aspects of web development with the aesthetic elements of web design. The backend of the website is the hardcore technical aspect of the website, or in other words, the backbone of the website on which the rest of the elements are woven around. 

Front End Website Development

JavaScript (JS), Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are the three major programming languages used to create the front end of the website.

It also includes using content management systems (CMS) like Joomla, Drupal or WordPress to streamline the entire development process and ensure seamless functionality.

Bootstrap, jQuery, and React are some of the frameworks used in creating the front end of a website. It also includes use of styling pre processors and JavaScript libraries.

The popular front end web development tools are

  • jQuery
  • Angular JS
  • Sass
  • Sublime Text
  • Chrome Developer Tools
  • GitHub
  • Twitter Bootstrap

Back End Website Development

The backend of the website is also known as the server side of the website and involves gathering accurate data based on the actions happening on the front end. It determines the architecture of the website and focuses on the script and the database.

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The server side is coded using programming languages such as Java, Python, PHP, ASP.NET, Node JS, C#, C, C++, and more while the server database is built using MySQL, Oracle, SQL and Mongo.

The tasks involved in building the backend of the website are:

  • Writing codes for the server and database interaction
  • Ensuring server-side code is secure and error free
  • Optimizing server-side code to handle the large volumes of traffic that the website expects to have
  • Implementing algorithms

The essential tools for backend website development are:

  • Programming languages such as PHP, Perl, Java, Ruby, Python, Erlang, Node JS and more
  • Web servers such as Nginx and Apache
  • Database management systems such as MongoDB, PostgreSQL and MySQL
  • Local development environment such as XAMPP, Wamp Server and Laragon to run and test codes before making them live
  • Website performance testers such as Full-Page Load Tester and Google Page Speed Tester
  • Microservice platforms such as Kubernetes and Docker

Many small and medium businesses that want to create an online portal look for web development and web designing services. Whether you are looking to build a new website or revamp your existing online portal to give it a new life, you can consult us.

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We have in-depth experience in website designing and development and can give you the best value for your investment. Contact us right away to create a stunning website for your business.

We have in-depth experience in website designing and development and can give you the best value for your investment. Contact us right away to create a stunning website for your business.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Python Web Development

Python Web Development

Python is an advanced, interpreted and general-purpose dynamic programming language which is preferred among programmers over Java and C++.

With a focus on code readability and making programming easy, Python was founded in 1991 by the developer Guido Van Rossum. The language is highly useful for a range of applications such as web development, scientific computing, and education.

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Since big organizations like Google and Instagram commonly have vital and object-oriented functional programming, these opt to use Python for its numerous programming standards.

The language is also well-known among developers for its comprehensive nature and large standard library with automatic memory management and vibrant features.


While the language comes with a range of benefits, a number of companies have begun delivering solutions in Python and trying to be the best Python web development company in Pune.

Advantages of Python

1. Easy to learn

 Whether a programmer has a previous exposure and knowledge of programming languages, Python is one such language that doesn’t require one to have specialized skills of coding. It can be used easily by both programmers and non-programmers owing to its easy to use syntax.

2. Require lesser coding

Easy to learn and understand, Python is one such programming language that makes it user-friendly and comprehensive. The language is also highly efficient as well as requires less coding, which, in turn, makes it readable and efficient.

3. Acts as foundation to learn other languages

An individual who steps into the world of programming with Python may find it easier to learn and grasp the concepts of other programming languages that are similar.

What’s more impressive about Python is that its object-oriented principles are compatible with other languages like JavaScript and Ruby in comparison to other languages.

4. Perfect to build prototypes

Since the language is much easier as compared to other languages, building prototypes and ideas are much quicker in Python. Doing these helps in saving a lot of time and cost involved in the project as using Python makes the creation of prototypes easier, which, in turn, helps save a lot of time, cost, and expense of the company.

5. Flexible

Python is not limited to its own world. Rather, a number of other programming languages also have its implementations integrated into its systems.

Some of the common examples include CPython, a version with C; IronPython, which is designed for compatibility with .NET and C#; PyObjc, or Python written with ObjectiveC toolkits; and others.

Apart from these, Python also has a number of resources, has a high-level web framework, is pocket-friendly and is loved by tech giants.

With a large number of pros, the language also has a variety of cons as well. Some of these are mentioned below:

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Disadvantages of Python

1. Slow speed

 Speed can be an issue when using Python. This is because it is an interpreted language. There are also certain benchmarks of Python code that are run under PyPy and actually run faster than the equivalent C code or others.

2. Absence from browsers

Although Python is available and present on many servers and desktop platforms, the language’s drawback is in terms of its weakness in mobile computing.

And, this is one of the main reasons why a limited number of mobile applications are developed using Python. What’s more is that the language is not present in web browsers as it is hard to secure.


3. Designs issues

One of the major drawbacks of this language is that its design has numerous issues. Another trouble with Python is that it is dynamically typed, which generally requires more testing resulting in numerous errors that show up only at runtime.

4. Simple rules

The rules of the language are vulnerable enough to land a person in some or the other form of trouble. With its late-binding dynamic models and extensive libraries, shifting to a new language from Python gets difficult as the user finds it difficult to adjust to its vulnerable nature and taking everything on a light note.

5. Less developed database access layers

As compared to other programming languages like Java and C++, the database access layer of Python is underdeveloped and primitive in nature. This, in turn, acts as a major barrier when big enterprises look for a language that ensures smooth interaction of complex legacy data.

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Python is a robust programming language with minimal stress and worries. But, this language is highly insecure and can be used only at one’s own risk. The Python web development company in Pune makes sure that even when a product has been developed using Python, it does not crash quickly due to bugs, errors or viruses.

One must stay extra cautious and careful about when to use Python and the scenarios in which opting for some other programming language would be a better option.