Best 10 Website Redesign Tips

First impression makes the best impression.

When prospective customers or clients want to know more about your company, the first thing that they do is check out your website. That’s why it’s very important to have a website which is attractive, informative, and trendy.

You may have built the website years ago when you first launched your business, and the web design and style may be outdated now. Also, numerous design elements can improve your website’s presence in search engines.

Therefore, to keep your website always updated and high performing, you need to update it regularly. This blog will give you the best 10 website redesign tips.

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Before we go into these suggestions, let us find out more about the benefits of redesigning a website and the best time to redesign a website.

What are the Benefits of Website Redesigning?

Many website owners may feel that it is an additional expense to redesign the website.

They may also feel that as there is no change in the products or services offered by the company, there is no necessity to redesign the company website. However, that is not always the case. There are many benefits of redesigning a website.

The major advantages of website redesigning for your business are:

  • New technologies used in your new website design will help improve user experience and also enhance its performance in search engines
  • Web redesigning can quicken your website loading time, which reflects in better performance
  • You can incorporate analytics and tracking software applications to get real-time feedback of the website performance, customer preference, and customer experience
  • Redesigning can make your website compatible with the latest browser versions
  • Enhancing the responsive features of your website will make it mobile friendly

In other words, redesigning a website can breathe new life into it and improve your business reach and sales.

When is the best time to redesign a website?

To get the best returns on your investment and results on our website redesign tips, you need to redesign your website at the right time. It’s time to redesign your website if:

  • you set up your website many years ago and it looks old now
  • it’s not bringing you enough visitors
  • your website visitors are not exploring or navigating the pages, but quickly moving away from your website
  • your business, strategy, or audience has changed
  • your website is not mobile friendly
  • your website doesn’t reflect your brand identity
  • the website performance is poor on search engines
  • it has too many broken links on the website
  • the user interface is unappealing
  • you’re revamping your business or branching out

Best 10 Website Redesign Tips


Now that we’ve got a basic idea of the benefits of website redesigning and the best time to redesign a website, let’s take a look at the best website redesign tips.

1. Decide on your goals

Before you start the website redesigning, you should first decide on the goals you want to achieve. Do you want to reach out to a new sector of audience or do you want your website to perform well on search engines?

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If your goal is to get your visitor to stay for longer on your website and navigate to the other pages, you need to let your web developer know that’s one of your goals.

If you’re rebranding your website, then the new web design needs to reflect it. Choose colors, typography, and animations that complement the new look.

2. Reduce page loading time

A recent study found that you lose 1% of your target audience for every 100 millisecond delay in the page loading time. In this fast-paced lifestyle, a website that loads slowly is as good as dead.

So, you need to optimize your website to have a faster loading time, in all browsers and devices. The layout, elements, and other factors that go into the website design determine the page loading time.

You should not just focus on the website loading time, but also the speed in which inner pages load when the user navigates through your website.

3. Understand the visitor journey on your website

To enhance the popularity of your website, you need to start thinking like a visitor who comes to your website and understand the purpose of visiting your website.

Plan the menu and navigation based on the user’s journey. If the visitor is easily able to find the information, product, or service that they are looking for with the minimum number of clicks, they are more likely to come back to your website again. 

4. Integrate analytics and tracking software

In this era of Big Data, statistics and trends are very important. To give your customers the best service, you need to know what they like and want. The modern methods of data analytics and business analytics help you do just that.

There are scores of analytics apps and modules that can be integrated into your website framework. These analytics capture details like customer demographics, page load time, real-time updates on page navigation, page views, visitor behavior, conversions, and lots more.

A few of the popular analytics software platforms are Google Analytics, Yahoo Web Analytics, Crazy Egg, Optimizely, Facebook Insights, and Twitanalyzer.

5. Refine the content

The content on your website is what brings visitors to your website and keeps them navigating the pages. Content just doesn’t mean the write-ups and descriptions you have on your website.

It also refers to the images, animation, photographs and other elements that talk to your website visitor. Use a language that reflects your brand image and gets your customers to trust your company.

6. Focus on the website security

Cyber threats are a huge risk to any website, and more so if you have customer personal details, card details, and other confidential information. If you want your customers to trust your website, you need to have the best security features integrated into the web framework.

From using Captcha to prevent spamming, to using double identification methods for login or payment, there are various ways in which you can let your customers know that you’re serious about website security.

7. Unclutter and go minimalistic

Less is more, especially when it comes to the user-end of your website. Don’t clutter the webpage with too many graphics, images, or text that will confuse the visitor.

The same goes for background colors, fonts, and typography. Choose a couple of fonts and use them in different sizes to create the best effect. Flat 2.0 is the latest design trend that uses highlights, shadows, and color gradients to create a professional look.

An uncluttered web page also allows your visitor to focus on the most important factors that you want to convey.

8. Encourage conversations

Did you know that after introduced community suggestions in the home page, their revenue increased by 35%? Offering a space for your customers to share their views, give feedback, and talk to you greatly enhances the customer experience.

Website design ad banner

You can also use social media channels to encourage customer interaction. Integrate conversations from social media platforms on your website to encourage visitors to join the conversation and share their ideas.

9. Make your website mobile friendly

Mobile friendly websites bring in more visitors and also help you reach out to a wide audience. Moreover, making your website mobile friendly improves its search engine rankings. You need to look into the user interface, navigation, load time, and design elements of the mobile website.

10. Optimize your website for search engines

When you redesign your website, keep Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in focus. All the design elements, developmental factors, Meta tags, content, and other attributes that you incorporate in your web design and development should be search engine friendly.

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Consult the best web developers and designers to redesign your website. With years of experience and expertise, the professionals can suggest more web redesign tips based on your business, brand image, and your goals. Contact us now to get the maximum returns on your website redesign investment.

Wish To Know The Duration of Redesigning a Website?

The entire website design process usually takes 30-45 days from beginning to end. On contrary, some website design can take longer as per the complexity and scope of the project. A simple website comprising of 10-15 pages takes about 4-6 weeks.

Each website is different and has its own characteristics. Thus, every redesign depends on the expectation of the product.

It depends on if you want a template based website or an e-commerce website, involving a lot of customization. Your choice on either of these is an answer to how long a redesign takes.

What is a Template Website and Custom Design?

As already mentioned, your expectations for the product can determine how quickly your website redesign will take place.

If you are not sure which website to look for, then put together a list of all the websites that you like or the features of a website you like and present them to your developer.

They will then be in a better position to suggest you on changes that fit you in your budget and time frame.

A Templated Website

It is a pre-designed webpage that is taken into use to “plug-in” personalized contents and images. They are faster to build and are more budget-friendly. Template websites are becoming more sophisticated over time, therefore giving more space for plenty of customization. This is the best-suited option if you are seeking for something with a modern feel with cost-efficiency.

Custom Web Design

It simply means that your website redesign will take more time. Custom web design builds your website from the scratch thus, taking a lot more time.

If you opt for a templated website, you have more chances of redesigning your website quicker than if you go to the route of complete customization.

For a website containing 25-40 pages, it can take some around 6 weeks to 6 months. Well, to be honest, it depends.

It depends on certain factors. Below are the five factors that determine how long your website will take to redesign.

Factors on which the time period of your website redesigning depends


The timing of a website depends hugely on how fast you provide content to your developer. This is a big obstacle as the content is provided by the client and not the developer. Otherwise, it would have been more convenient and efficient.

Clients are often so busy in their day-to-day business dealings that they are not able to spend the needed time in preparing the content. This is a problem which should be given serious consideration.


How long it will take to redesign your website largely depends on how big your project is. Obviously, larger projects will take a longer time compared to smaller ones.

If your project has more pages, it will naturally become large and thus, taking a long time in the process of redesigning. This is because every extra page needs additional quality assurance, SEO tagging, graphics, Mobile Design, etc, which consumes a lot of time.

Different Page Design

It’s not always about the size. A website containing 15 pages might take a long time to develop if each page is different from another one. A total number of pages are important but the total number of unique page design matters more.

Every website online has its own unique layout and design, but if you pay close attention to the inner pages, they are all the same. Sites with different inner pages are more complex and expensive and time-consuming to develop.


The design of your website is not the only factor impacting how quickly your website can be redesigned. It also depends a lot on the functionality. The dynamics involved in a website is referred to as functionality.

It involves functions of a website such as filtering functions like project portfolio items or categories. It can also be any effects you see on the screen done with a bit of additional coding.

Number of People Involved

Last but not the least, this is a simple but a very important factor determining how long a website redesigning process will take. The timeline of your website depends on what number of people will have input into the designing process.

Every new person added into the process increases the timing of a website project, geometrically. As it is said, “too many cooks spoil the food”. When too many persons are involved, not only the process gets affected but the final design too.

Until now, you must have been well-aware of the factors affecting the timing of a website redesign.

Do you know what a sitemap is? If you don’t, it is the most important thing when it comes to getting your site designed quickly. It is the architecture behind all the pages in a site and the relationships amongst them.

Getting a clear understanding on the sitemap, a number of pages, their relatedness, and determining which ones will be designed uniquely will help you define the scope and the time period for your website redesign.

“How long will it take to re-design a website” is rather a typical question to answer. We can never have a simple number of weeks or months. But we can estimate the time by evaluating the tasks which are going to be used in re-designing.

Website designing and redesigning are both similar things. The only difference is that to re-design you don’t have to create the whole content again rather; you just update the already designed elements such as a slider, homepage layout, and graphics.

Whereas, designing a website requires mapping out and writing the web pages on the basis of a comprehensive keyword strategy and SEO (search engine optimization) plan.

Let us see the simple processes and evaluate how much time does these process takes to re-design a website.

  • When you want to re-design your website the organization you’re going to hire will give you a website design questionnaire. In this list, there are various types of questions which target the inside of the client’s brain.
  • This list will give a brief idea about what design and what preferences you are looking for in a new design. This process might take 3-4 days to completely go through the website design questionnaire carefully and persistently.
  • The next step will comprise of the questionnaire evaluation which might take 2-3 hours. In this process, the review of the questionnaire will be held and both the client and the organization go through several hours of meeting and coming up with an idea. This meeting will clarify the doubts and the goals to re-design your website.
  • The organization which is going to re-design your website will have a proper knowledge and information at the end of the meeting.
  • After the organization has taken the information and design knowledge from you, the re-designing process will start soon. They will try to create a design which best suits your company and your information provided.
  • This process may take at least 8-9 days until they build a good design for your website. After creating the design it will undergo a review process.
  • This process includes reviewing the design made by the organization. The design which the organization has made is this design you were looking for or you need to revise a little. The time depends on the revising of the design.
  • The time which is to be needed will depend on the revisions which have to be made. The process may take 1-8 days.
  • This process undergoes the coding of the website once the design has been approved by you. This is the part where the process of your re-designing will take shape.
  • The content and the information will be loaded during this phase. The design implementation will take approx 3-6 days.
  • After completing the design and coding, it will go for the final review which might take at least 4 days. This will undergo the final review for any design or any information which need to be changed.
  • Once you will approve the design and coding, the final step would be the official launch of your re-designed website. This process will take at least 3 days until it is processed and ready to be served.
  • If we evaluate the time consumption based on these scenarios we can actually think of a simple number. It might take nearly a month or a little more to re-design a website.