How To Integrate WordPress To PrestaShop? Step-by-Step Process

Prestashop can deal with a boundless number of page categories and static pages utilizing its CMS characteristic, yet there are circumstances when a blog may be vital, or essentially further developed CMS feature that PrestaShop or its plug-ins don’t offer. This is the place where more composite tool like WordPress may be helpful.

WordPress is presumably the most mainstream open-source content management system right now, with a significant number of the sites using it for different purposes, from a simple blog to a comprehensive corporate site.


Why you must consider integrating a WordPress blog into your Prestashop store:

  • To benefit as much as possible from your content marketing on your site.
  • To assist Prestaashop with ranking more effortlessly on Google and search engines.
  • To boost indirect deals and keep away from cart desertion.
  • So, your clients can have a superior user experience and best purchases when exploring your blog in the setting of your store.

With just one tap, the WordPress integration to PrestaShop platform enables you to make use of the WordPress blog framework in your PrestaShop as though it were a native Prestashop addon!

Let’s figure out how.

In case that you need to utilize WordPress as your CMS platform, and PrestaShop for dealing with your online store, instead of one of the eCommerce modules for WordPress, at that point there are a couple of alternatives for integrating these two platforms.

In the event that you would like to give PrestaShop a job to deal with the online store functionality, so you integrate the WordPress in a subdirectory or on a subdomain keeping in mind the end goal for enabling you to add a blog to your store.

Integrate your Prestashop online business on the blog. Or on the other hand, have a WordPress blog in your online shop: this is the arrangement you can incorporate. For integrating the two platforms you can follow the given three options.

The three solutions are –

  1. WordPress PrestaShop Module

WordPress installed on the fundamental URL and prestashop on a subdomain/subfolder.

When you adopt this strategy, at that point, there are some PrestaShop plug-ins accessible that enable you to incorporate content from your WordPress website, or links to it, on your store. These modules can be obtained at the PrestaShop commercial store.

It empowers you to show the most recent posts from your blog on the e-commerce store, and the most recent items from your e-commerce store on your blog.

  1. PrestaShop WordPress Plugins

PrestaShop installed on the primary URL and WordPress on a subdomain/subfolder.


There is likewise a module for WordPress that can support the integration between the two platforms.

One is PrestaShop Integration which is a free download from the module catalog. This module includes a choice of shortcodes and widgets to your WordPress webpage which can be utilized for showing items on your blog.

In case that you do utilize these two platforms in a pair, at that point some sort of integration is suggested as it can help in guaranteeing your clients know about the items you have on offer when seeing the blog. And furthermore, keeping the shopping cart in view for reminding them to watch out prior to leaving the blog.

One more addon is the Custom PrestaShop on WordPress module which enables you to integrate a few components of your store into your blog. These incorporate the header and footer, permitting you to make a more predictable look between the two sections of your site.

  1. WordPress and PrestaShop introduced independently.

When you desire to keep each of them separate, the integration is simple. The most difficult thing to do will be to have a constant theme for both the platforms. You can either modify each platform’s default theme so that they seem as alike as possible or let a developer or designer create two uniform themes for both of them.

Remember that the WordPress theme API uses its own PHP function, while the PrestaShop theme API uses Smarty.

Step by Step Integration Guide

Step #1

Begin downloading the recent variant of WordPress, unzip the file in a folder on your PC, and afterward copy all the content in the folder of your web space also give that folder a name as a blogging.

Step #2

Afterward similarly install PrestaShop, however copying the files on the server to another folder, naming it e-store.

Step #3

Now, after naming the folders separately blogging and e-store respectively, you will locate them on the website either WordPress (at www. [Domain]. [Ext]/blogging) and Prestashop (at www. [Domain]. [ext]/e-store) and you should continue with the installation of both the platforms. Follow the guidelines of WordPress and Prestashop platforms for successful installation of both.

Step #4

Once the installation is done you can begin utilizing the two platforms yet endeavor to load the same graphical theme on both of them, else the audience may not understand much about it. Actually, in reality, by doing as such you will have two websites. When you can ensure that they are as same as possible, the client won’t be at all displaced.


For an ideal integration, a relatively empty WordPress theme at the CSS level must be set up on the grounds that nearly everything is naturally imported from the current PrestaShop theme. Nonetheless, you should copy the XHTML association from the prestashop theme to the WordPress theme. You can change the references of HOOK by the accompanying code –


<div class=”prestashop-sidebar”><ul class=”xoxo”>

<?phpdynamic_sidebar( ‘hooktop-widget-area’ ); ?>

</ul></div><!– .prestashop-sidebar –>


  • PrestaShop Integration Hook

This widget is employed to embed one of the principle Prestashop hooks –

  1. Top of pages
  2. Footer
  3. Left column block
  4. Right column block
  • PrestaShop Integration Products

This widget is utilized to show the item list appended to a WordPress blog post. In the event that there is no item attached, no output is formed. This widget has been obsoleted by the accompanying one.

Six gadgets are accessible to show your inventory data: Cart, top sellers, categories, new products, and promotions.

You can also use the shortcode to add information from Prestashop in your WordPress blog posts. For instance –

  1. A button to add an item to the cart.
  2. The picture(s) of your item.
  3. Or on the other hand any item’s information like its name, cost, or short description.
  4. You can likewise show a list of items.
  • Prestashopmultishop and WordPress multisite

This add-on works effectively with PrestaShop multishop and WordPress multisite traits. You can likewise connect a few WordPress websites to a PrestaShop blog.


In the end, the WordPress integration to PrestaShop offers you the following features:

  • Addition of a Smarty layout in WordPress.
  • Programmed addition of the HOOK_HEADER specifically the CSS code originating from the prevailing PrestaShop theme and also the JavaScript code.
  • Including one of the 4 fundamental PrestaShop hooks without a WordPress sidebar by means of instantiations of the PrestaShop Integration module.
  • Including a PrestaShop plugin as a widget.
  • Including a list of items connected to a WordPress blog post as a widget.


Blogging has confirmed to be the most powerful inbound promotion process for online stores. Thus, e-commerce sites powered by WordPress and PrestaShop integration can quickly begin blogging for their company.

Building the high-grade design with WordPress blogging and giving the most high-level checkout for online shopping with PrestaShop platform – that’s the ideal online success cocktail, and this is what WordPress-PrestaShop integration assist you with. After integration, the websites that blog successfully are building brand awareness, driving more consistent traffic, and creating shareable content.