Why Hiring a Yii Development Company is Beneficial to You?

Yii is the most preferred framework for projects ranging from simple to complex websites and web applications. Yii has become a favourite among developers due to its object oriented nature and superb performance capabilities.

Time is money for every web developers and hence they prefer less complicated installation and configuration. Hence Yii is the most preferred framework for every client.

Read also:Why Is Yii Framework Best For PHP Web Applications?

Yii is at the top open source web application framework. It is made to solve the faults of previous versions of PHP framework. The platform of Yii framework can deliver efficient and responsive designs.


Yii Development is an alternative to older PHP system such as PRADO.It is considered as an extended version of PHP framework by developers. Comprehensive knowledge of PHP coding can help developers a lot. Yii framework has many features which make it favourable among modern users. The users need to hire expert and experienced developers who knows and understands the codes very well.

Some advantages of using Yii framework:

1. Application of Modal View Architecture (MVC) framework
2. Useful forms and validation features
3. Use of authorization and authentication controls
4. Asynchronous Javascript and XML based widgets
5. Use of innovative techniques for skinning and theme creation
6. Existence of Query Builder, Active Record and Data Access Objects (DAO)
7. With the help of its powerful features, development speed is increased
8. Use of security functionalities such as Structured Query Language (SQL) injection, input validation, output filtering, cross-site scripting prohibition etc
9. Session and user controls
10. Extensive help functionality
11. Comprehensive image library with manipulation facilities
12. support of hooks and class extensions

Hiring a good Yii development company plays a decisive role especially in the creation of quality websites. The following are the advantages of hiring a Yii framework for clients:

  • Business and web applications can be developed and delivered efficiently with the help of feature rich functionality found in the Yii framework
  • The developers will be able to create ideal web applications using Yii framework
  • The developers in Yii development company will have extensive experience in Modal View Controller (MVC) principles
  • Optimum use of Data Access Objects (DAO) by the highly skilled developers
  • Presence of outstanding expertise in skinning techniques and in creating themes of Yii framework
  • Developers will have enormous experience in designing web application on the basis of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) techniques

The developers in the Yii Development Company should properly use the benefits of Yii framework so that they could easily imply those benefits to web and business applications. They should be able to create web applications within short time according to the needs of the client. Above all the developers should be an expert in using Yii framework.

Recommended read:10 Features That Make Yii Framework Special

Yii framework is the first priority for every reputed company as they fulfill their urgent requirements on time. It is one of the fastest protocols for PHP web application development.



Usually, the Yii development company provides the best support to customers according to their business needs. The main aim of Yii development company is to create beneficial and highly interactive websites or web applications. High security, ability to reuse code for building new software, high performance are some of the specialties of Yii framework.

Yii framework is the synonym of efficient, robust, scalable and extensible web application.

10 Features That Make Yii Framework Special

Yii framework is a free PHP5 based open source framework ideal for developing web 2.0 applications. It is more malleable, efficiently active, extensible, and modular.

So, what makes this framework special? It’s mainly because of the features shown below:

  • Collect feedback and validation: Yii provides simple ways for you to collect feedback and to confirm customer details. You can also find several validators and icons to help in collecting the correct feedback.

Read Also:7 Reasons to Switch from Drupal To Yii

  • Database Access Objects (DAO): It provides a basic API to access data stored in diverse database management systems (DBMS). Using Yii development solutions, web designing companies can be free from writing recurring SQL issues. This provides design information source in terms of objects.
  • AJAX allowed widgets: Designers are able to create really efficient Customer Connections as it is armed with rich set of AJAX enabled widgets a rich set of AJAX icons.
  • Codes are generated automatically:Yii helps developers to do the tough work of rewriting codes easily by providing tools. These tools help you to generate codes whenever required.
  • Easy form generation and validation: Forms are useful for a lot of purpose for a business website; they allow the business to collect data of significant importance and use it as and when deemed appropriate. Also, with the help of forms, certain level of control can be exercised depending upon the valid information given in the forms. Now, with Yii development being right in its place, it gets very easy for the developers to generate forms.
  • Authorization and Authentication:Yii comes with built-in authentication support. The Authorization through Hierarchical Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) support feature makes web development simpler yet efficient.
  • Security: It includes diverse types of protection systems like XSS, SQL hypodermic injection, etc., which avoids strikes on the web program. There is stringent security algorithms in Yii that help you to remove the virus ridden codes on the Internet intended to disrupt your application’s normal routine. The authentication methods in Yii are very strong.



  • Wide-ranging Library:Yii framework has a wide-ranging library containing numerous user contributed components.
  • Caching:Yii helps to reduce the page loading time to a great extent as it integrates diverse caching components on diverse situations.Thus, helps to improve the performance and speed of your website.
  • Error handling and Logging:Yii features comprehensive error handling and correction with errors being handled and presented more nicely, with all the log messages properly categorized.For example, if a PHP warning/notice occurs during the app execution, then one of the error handlers will control and start the necessary error handling process.

Recommended Read: Why Is Yii Framework Best For PHP Web Applications?

Thus from the above features, we came to know about why Yii framework is special. Aside to that customers can also go for the support of Yii Development Company to create their web page better one. For implementing Yii Structure Growth, you just need to seek the services of Yii Development Company.

7 Reasons to Switch from Drupal To Yii

Drupal is one of the widely preferred CMS, thanks to its multiple capabilities and compatibility across different browsers and operating systems. However, it has its set of challenges which has also led it to be detested by many.


Read Also:7 Reasons Why Yii Out-Performs Other Frameworks

Let’s see in detail why you should switch from Drupal to Yii:

  • When you are creating a website, Yii is a great ally. The pre-loaded functions of Yii are more resourceful and dynamic than Drupal. There is a great deal of automation in the modules of Yii framework which is helpful.
  • Drupal kills a number of resources and time when it is implemented on a traffic-heavy site. It is probably perfect for sites not having rich content, and has a small bunch of followers. Yii framework will save your time working on the same output with more functionality. Coding in Yii is easy, thus less time consuming.
  • Some of the modules offered by Drupal are overloaded with features that you don’t need. When you are bargaining for two Drupal modules, it will provide you 10 but most of them are of no use. But the modules provided to you by Yii are useful. One such is the RewriteRule of Yii that enables you to modify images as per your requirements.
  • Drupal 7’s Content Construction Kit convolutes your efforts. For instance, the CCK tables make sorting your database a difficult task. But Yii creates only the number of exclusive spaces in the database that you need.

Read More:Why Is Yii Framework Best For PHP Web Applications?

  • Drupal is made to be extensible without much PHP programming. If you’re working on full-time writing modules to add functionality and customize forms, then you have to spend more time for suppressing Drupal functionality. Yii takes the opposite approach.


  • Yii is faster than Drupal with 150 000 notes and ability to handle more than 50 000 visitors a day. Drupal on the other hand depends on caching and slow requests, which affects user experience negatively. Actual advantage from Yii will come later when you work with site.
  • The script in Drupal is not user-friendly. It needs more knowledge to install and modify. WordPress, Quick.Cms and even Joomla are easy to use as compared to Drupal.

Yii framework is here to stay. It is a great standalone tool that makes the task of customization seamless.

Why Is Yii Framework Best For PHP Web Applications?

Yii is an open source PHP5 based high performance framework used for devising web 2.0 applications. This will be helpful for you in developing applications within a short period of time.

Yii has helped developers to create some great PHP frameworks by giving a wide range of niche functionalities. This supremacy in providing time-saving web applications has helped it to capture the marketplace.


Why Yii development in PHP frameworks?

Yii development takes less time in coding. Since Yii framework has lots of extensions, it is easy for developers to test the web application at early stages of web development. The web applications so developed will have amazing robustness and extensibility.

Benefits of Yii development framework:


With Yii, you don’t have to worry about your site getting hacked as this framework is highly secure. You can get inherent protection against intruders who inject malicious programs in your website as compared to other frameworks. It employs the best security mechanisms such as XSS, encryption, Cookie Attack Prevention, and prevents threats like CSRF, cross-site scripting, SQL integration, etc.

Cost effective

You can save a lot of money if you opt for Yii framework which could be used in other essential requirements.  There are several automation services provided by Yii which helps you reduce the size of your development team.

Read Also:10 Reasons to Choose the Yii Framework

Shortened Image Modification Duration

The Yii framework also comes equipped with the Rewrite Rule. You can save a lot of time with this function as it lets you alter image files as per the desired specifications without the need to call the index.php file.

Simple configuration

In Yii framework, steps to configuration are easy making it one of simplest platforms for web app development. Additionally, in internet you will come across many websites and tutorials to help you on how to use Yii framework.

Simplified CRUD application development

Yii also offers you the active record design pattern that totally alters the way CRUD applications are developed. You will find it really helpful as it is very effectual and straightforward.

Shortened Testing time

You can reduce the testing time if you use Yii as it has a wide range of extensions. These extensions help you in decreasing your web application’s testing time.


Compatible with 3rd party codes

Compatibility is a strong suit of applications built using Yii framework. It surpasses other platforms in this regard by simply being friendly towards 3rd party codes.

Related Read:7 Reasons Why Yii Out-Performs Other Frameworks

Social media friendly

Now-a-days, social media is becoming an essential requirement for online businesses. Yii plays a major role in this as it gives you direct access to APIs that develop logical integration of social media modules resulting in the global reach of your website

Thus, Yii is the best framework available to us for PHP web application development. Its dynamic tools and extensions have extended the PHP streak to altogether new peaks. The library scripts available for Yii are powerful, from which you can craft wonderful applications as per your requisites.

So, what’re you waiting for, opt Yii framework as it will help your business grow BIGGER and BETTER.

8 Reasons to Choose Yii Framework for Your E-Commerce Store

Yii has its benefits for everyone involved in programming. If you are a businesses owner who attach more importance to the quality and overall value of the applications you launch in the market, Yii serves to be an ideal tool.

Here are 8 reasons Yii Framework could be the best choice for your e-commerce store:

Install easily

You can install Yii in very less time as the main installation is easy. Spending too much time on installation can result in loss of money. Also, while installing, it is easy to handle or solve any issues as the log records every installation activities.

Modular component design

You can use every component of Yii according to your requirement as it is extensible. It has an extension repository which includes user written components that can be fit easily into the framework. This exceptional feature makes it easy for you to add new functions to your e-commerce store.

      Read Also:7 Reasons Why Yii Out-Performs Other Frameworks

Excellent documentation

Yii has excellent documentation as it helps you step by step in every process. It also has the detailed description of class references such as methods, properties and events.


User generation documentation is also accessible as it is an open source platform. If you are not technically very familiar with the framework, then the excellent documentation makes it easy for you to understand.

Encourages Testing

Codeception is a great PHP testing framework in which Yii is securely integrated. It will help you to make the process of creating a unit simple. As this extension makes it simple to configure your application during testing, you are encouraged to test more often, thus finding and resolving more bugs.

Rapid Development

Yii generates CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations thereby allowing web applications to run in no time. It aids you in developing applications faster. Also, it helps you to manage the application design as suggested by Yii

Highly secured

Yii is integrated with built-in authentication and authorization features, which are easy-to-use and can be modified easily. Thus, this framework ensures maximum security to your applications developed using this framework.

     Related Read:10 Reasons to Choose the Yii Framework

Shorter Development Time

Yii has some tools which help you in spending less time on some tasks. They help you customize your applications according to the client’s need at a faster pace. If you want to create code templates for Forms, Models, Extensions, etc quickly, then Yii is best.

Error Debugging

Errors are bound to turn up at any point of time, and finding bugs can make jitters between an individual developer and a development company. Debugging errors with Yii is very simple. Yii offers several debuggers which will help you to manage even highly difficult exceptions easily with some resourceful metrics. Additionally, Yii provides outcomes in a well organized manner.


Thus, for your ecommerce store, Yii is the best. It is a thoroughly safe and secure platform for you to develop highly sensitive and important web applications. The system has strong immunity against tampering with cookies and SQL interjections and a lot more. You can easily use most of its features exactly as they are provided, or you can modify each one to suit your needs.

7 Reasons Why Yii Out-Performs Other Frameworks

Yii is a PHP framework, designed for the development of high-performance applications.

Developed by QiangXue, Yii is a fast, secure and professional PHP framework, ideal for developing large scale web applications. Abbreviated as “Yes it is”, Yii is free software, released under the terms of the BSD license.

Even though this Yii development framework is a relatively new player in the open source frameworks marketplace, within a short span of time it has already established itself as one of the most reliable frameworks for web applications and sites.


How Yii Excels Compared to Other Frameworks?

Based on DRY (Don’t repeat yourself) design pattern, this fast application development framework out performs other frameworks for various features.

  1. It is Easy to Install- Web developers often spend their valuable time in complicated installation and configuration process. But with Yii development framework, installation requires only two easy steps.
  • Downloading this Framework from yiiframework.com and
  • Unpacking the Yii release file to a Web-accessible directory

Installation process is done using Composer, as its extensions.

  1. Feature Richness- Yii is a pure OOP (Object oriented programming) framework, and also includes some of PHP’s more advanced features such as:
  • Late static binding
  • SPL classes and interfaces and
  • Anonymous functions

This OOP network requires web server supporting PHP 5.1.0 or higher.

Ideal for multiple developers- Yii framework is ideal for multiple developers working on the project. Yii introduces rules how stuff should be done, and there is no reinventing the whell. This means that all developers create the code that others can pick up easily.

  1. Better Performance

This Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework is capable of handling a fairly staggering number of requests per second, while its caching capacity is far superior to most of its competitors.


  1. Security

Yii development framework is equipped with many security measures to help prevent web applications from attacks such as:

  • Cross-site Scripting Prevention
  • Cross-site Request Forgery Prevention
  • Cookie Attack Prevention

It also includes client side and server side validation that can be enabled or disabled. Separate validation rule is not required to write for the inputs like other frameworks. YII also supports authorization via hierarchical role-based access control.

  1. Caching Features

Yii provides various cache components that can store cached data in different media. YII supports:

  • Memcache
  • APC
  • XCache and
  • DB based page and segment caching

Yii framework allows us to save both static data and your SQL/Active Record queries, which -if used wisely- can lead to a lot of page loading time saving.

  1. Complete Error Handling

Errors are handled and presented more nicely, and log messages can be categorized, filtered and routed to different destinations. With creation of the application, Yii registers its handle Error method to handle PHP warnings and notices; and it registers its handle exception method to handle uncaught PHP exceptions. Components include:

  • Raising Exceptions
  • Displaying errors
  • Handling errors using an action and
  • Message logging
  1. Easy to Edit/Customize

With very simple code structure, Yii is extensible, very easy to edit or customize the Yii based applications. Each component of the framework is extensible. It is:

  • Purely object oriented
  • Architecturally clean and
  • Very simple to extend

This PHP frame work is also ideal for diverse web-applications. Due to the presence of the advanced caching means, Yii is especially good for development of applications with a big traffic flow, such as Portals, Forums, Content management systems (CMS) and E-commerce systems. Further advanced features of Yii development framework include: Extension library that consist of user-contributed components, automatic code generation that can help to quickly generate the code you need, skinning and theming mechanism that allows you to quickly switch the outlook of a Yii-powered website and detailed documentation that includes a book and comprehensive tutorials.

Check Out These 4 CMS Trends for 2015

Since its arrival in the late ’90s, Content Management Systems (CMS) have come a long way. Now they are much more user friendly than in the initial days. 

CMS is the primary tool used for engaging prospects and for converting prospects into customers. With this advanced system, businesses as well as organizations can directly update their website content, without depending on a web developer or a designer. One can quickly and easily add, edit, update and delete website contents and website pages as well. Benefits of implementing a CMS include-

  • Low maintenance costs
  • Easy data storage and retrieval
  • On-time content
  • Easy communication between large number of users
  • Attractive search engine results and
  • Improved flexibility

Yii development framework, with its component-based architecture and sophisticated caching support is especially suitable for developing large-scale CMS applications.

There are two types of content management systems – Content Management Application (CMA) and Content Delivery Application (CDA). While CMA is used to create, remove and edit any content from your web site without any need of an expert of web programming or without any even basic knowledge of HTML, the content delivery application use all the records and information created by content management application to update a site.WordPress, Joomla and Drupal are the top three CMS systems.

Here are 4 major CMS trends to watch for 2015.

Go Mobile and Responsive – No longer optional

Mobile CMS is to dominate the CMS trends this year.As more and more people access the web on mobile devices, businesses should make sure to consider this audience.

Responsive Web Design can enhance the site’s functionality to provide the best experience for all users on all types of websites. To engage the mobile user, your website should automatically resize and reformat the content based on the size of the screen being used- let that be desktop, laptop, iPad, tablet or a Smartphone.

Starting April 21, 2015, Google has made mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal for websites. This major update is supposed to alter the way it assesses the mobile user-friendliness of websites.

With support for RWD, mobile previews, and automatic image resizing, the basics of mobile publishing are already covered in most major CMS platforms.

Be Cloud Ready

Cloud service adoption will be the next trend that is most visible in small- to medium-sized businesses (SMB) with limited budgets. Cloud storage of documents can improve efficiency and productivity.

With the availability of cloud-based Web CMS, organizations no longer need to own and maintain hardware, infrastructureand network bandwidth. The adoption of cloud-based WCM is expected to rise in 2015 as most companies are looking for options to improve their capabilities, without spending much on overtax, IT budgets and staff.

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offerings

Vendors are now offering their products as SaaS deployments with lower monthly usage-based charges and cloud hosting. SMBs are also ready to adopt a SaaS model for their content management. SaaS-based content management system (CMS) will enable enables SMBs to stay equal with the bigger competitors. These businesses should consider building their intranet capabilities with a complete services suite such as document and media management, file sharing capabilities, social collaboration tools, while deciding between CMS software options.

Long-term extensibility

Extensible platforms are expected to replace one-size-fits all solution. CMS that contains a pack of functionalities to cover every possible user scenarios is no longer in demand.Customers looking for time and cost efficiency will increasingly opt for the more extensible platforms.There are more chances for organizations to choose a solution that makes sense for their workflow and can be easily adapted when needs change. The chosen system should also meet the company’s long-range goals and not simply how well it handles aspecific purpose.

To be successful in the field, CMS companies should keep up with the trends and provide the tools and flexibility to provide the content management market what it needs. Yii development framework for content management helps to create and maintain a page structure at ease, include navigation widget, full text search, image and document management and a WYSIWYG html editor for the content pages.

5 Reasons That Prove WordPress is Unbeatable in CMS Industry

WordPress is a popular and powerful open source CMS (0) that is currently ruling the industry. Stats show that a staggering 23.4% of the web runs on WordPress. Clearly, WP is the favorites when compared to other CMS. But what exactly gives WordPress that edge over Joomla, Magento, Yii development or any other CMS. Let’s find out.

  1. Easy to use

A point that most people would agree on is that when compared to Joomla developement, WordPress’s usability makes it a king among others. What is it that makes this easy to use? Apart from having a simple and straight forward interface, it also boasts of unparalleled customizability. Sometimes, it is even used as a benchmark for developing a proper user interface. This CMS even provides a distraction free writing mode to let you focus on your writing skills.

  1. Easy to Install

       This is another great advantage of using WordPress over Magento development platforms. It is quite easy to install when compared to other CMS’. The services of Fantastico have made installation of all three CMS easy, but without it WP is definitely the easiest to install. While using a hosting service like Bluehost, it is a lot easier with their automated tools and WordPress managed hosting services.

  1. Vast Choice of Themes

It is true that an amazing theme cannot be a substitution to usability, but when it comes to themes, none can offer what WordPress can. There are literally millions of themes to choose from and you will never get tired of experimenting. New theme development agencies pop up every day, bringing more options to the table. While Joomla and Magento development uses decent themes and quite a few users prefer them, the situation with Drupal is just bad. Drupal theme companies are just one or two and most often work is poor or unappealing.

  1. Integration

Most web software has integration with WordPress already made available or is working on one. This helps to save the time needed to work with codes and allows its users to be benefitted by the ease of use, for which WordPress is known for. When integrating with a third party service, a quick process rather than editing code might be essential.

It also opens up a whole new world for those looking to expand their websites with new functionality. With a huge collection of plug-ins, you can easily accomplish new things and expand your website with new plug-ins.

  1. Ease of Development

Though it was initially developed as a blog platform, WordPress is a simple CMS that can also be used to develop websites. The development process is very easy to understand and straight forward. In fact it is so simple that, even a rookie at PHP can easily find his way through WordPress.

These are just 5 simple reasons. If you can think of more, please share with us in the comment section.