Why Hiring a Yii Development Company is Beneficial to You?

Yii is the most preferred framework for projects ranging from simple to complex websites and web applications. Yii has become a favourite among developers due to its object oriented nature and superb performance capabilities.

Time is money for every web developers and hence they prefer less complicated installation and configuration. Hence Yii is the most preferred framework for every client.

Read also:Why Is Yii Framework Best For PHP Web Applications?

Yii is at the top open source web application framework. It is made to solve the faults of previous versions of PHP framework. The platform of Yii framework can deliver efficient and responsive designs.


Yii Development is an alternative to older PHP system such as PRADO.It is considered as an extended version of PHP framework by developers. Comprehensive knowledge of PHP coding can help developers a lot. Yii framework has many features which make it favourable among modern users. The users need to hire expert and experienced developers who knows and understands the codes very well.

Some advantages of using Yii framework:

1. Application of Modal View Architecture (MVC) framework
2. Useful forms and validation features
3. Use of authorization and authentication controls
4. Asynchronous Javascript and XML based widgets
5. Use of innovative techniques for skinning and theme creation
6. Existence of Query Builder, Active Record and Data Access Objects (DAO)
7. With the help of its powerful features, development speed is increased
8. Use of security functionalities such as Structured Query Language (SQL) injection, input validation, output filtering, cross-site scripting prohibition etc
9. Session and user controls
10. Extensive help functionality
11. Comprehensive image library with manipulation facilities
12. support of hooks and class extensions

Hiring a good Yii development company plays a decisive role especially in the creation of quality websites. The following are the advantages of hiring a Yii framework for clients:

  • Business and web applications can be developed and delivered efficiently with the help of feature rich functionality found in the Yii framework
  • The developers will be able to create ideal web applications using Yii framework
  • The developers in Yii development company will have extensive experience in Modal View Controller (MVC) principles
  • Optimum use of Data Access Objects (DAO) by the highly skilled developers
  • Presence of outstanding expertise in skinning techniques and in creating themes of Yii framework
  • Developers will have enormous experience in designing web application on the basis of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) techniques

The developers in the Yii Development Company should properly use the benefits of Yii framework so that they could easily imply those benefits to web and business applications. They should be able to create web applications within short time according to the needs of the client. Above all the developers should be an expert in using Yii framework.

Recommended read:10 Features That Make Yii Framework Special

Yii framework is the first priority for every reputed company as they fulfill their urgent requirements on time. It is one of the fastest protocols for PHP web application development.



Usually, the Yii development company provides the best support to customers according to their business needs. The main aim of Yii development company is to create beneficial and highly interactive websites or web applications. High security, ability to reuse code for building new software, high performance are some of the specialties of Yii framework.

Yii framework is the synonym of efficient, robust, scalable and extensible web application.

Why Is Yii Framework Best For PHP Web Applications?

Yii is an open source PHP5 based high performance framework used for devising web 2.0 applications. This will be helpful for you in developing applications within a short period of time.

Yii has helped developers to create some great PHP frameworks by giving a wide range of niche functionalities. This supremacy in providing time-saving web applications has helped it to capture the marketplace.


Why Yii development in PHP frameworks?

Yii development takes less time in coding. Since Yii framework has lots of extensions, it is easy for developers to test the web application at early stages of web development. The web applications so developed will have amazing robustness and extensibility.

Benefits of Yii development framework:


With Yii, you don’t have to worry about your site getting hacked as this framework is highly secure. You can get inherent protection against intruders who inject malicious programs in your website as compared to other frameworks. It employs the best security mechanisms such as XSS, encryption, Cookie Attack Prevention, and prevents threats like CSRF, cross-site scripting, SQL integration, etc.

Cost effective

You can save a lot of money if you opt for Yii framework which could be used in other essential requirements.  There are several automation services provided by Yii which helps you reduce the size of your development team.

Read Also:10 Reasons to Choose the Yii Framework

Shortened Image Modification Duration

The Yii framework also comes equipped with the Rewrite Rule. You can save a lot of time with this function as it lets you alter image files as per the desired specifications without the need to call the index.php file.

Simple configuration

In Yii framework, steps to configuration are easy making it one of simplest platforms for web app development. Additionally, in internet you will come across many websites and tutorials to help you on how to use Yii framework.

Simplified CRUD application development

Yii also offers you the active record design pattern that totally alters the way CRUD applications are developed. You will find it really helpful as it is very effectual and straightforward.

Shortened Testing time

You can reduce the testing time if you use Yii as it has a wide range of extensions. These extensions help you in decreasing your web application’s testing time.


Compatible with 3rd party codes

Compatibility is a strong suit of applications built using Yii framework. It surpasses other platforms in this regard by simply being friendly towards 3rd party codes.

Related Read:7 Reasons Why Yii Out-Performs Other Frameworks

Social media friendly

Now-a-days, social media is becoming an essential requirement for online businesses. Yii plays a major role in this as it gives you direct access to APIs that develop logical integration of social media modules resulting in the global reach of your website

Thus, Yii is the best framework available to us for PHP web application development. Its dynamic tools and extensions have extended the PHP streak to altogether new peaks. The library scripts available for Yii are powerful, from which you can craft wonderful applications as per your requisites.

So, what’re you waiting for, opt Yii framework as it will help your business grow BIGGER and BETTER.

10 Reasons to Choose the Yii Framework

The development of Yii framework began on January 1, 2008. It is an open source application that supports object oriented programming. It is also a component based MVC (Model-View-Controller) web application framework. The purpose for its development was to fix the drawbacks of a then widely used PRADO framework.

PRADO was incapable of delivering a fast performance when it came to handling complex pages. Moreover PRADO was also difficult to customize. This is where  development by Yii framework comes in handy. Yii even has a provision to store user-contributed components in its extension repository.

The development stage took 10 months and finally it on October 2008 that an alpha version of Yii was released. But it was on December 3, 2008 that the full version was formally introduced in the market.

Why Yii is Good for You?

1. Easy to Install

  • For every web developer time is of the essence. Therefore it is important that while handling a framework the installation time must be greatly reduced.
  • Too much time spent on installation will lead to loss of money.
  • Moreover it will cost the developers valuable time that they require to implement for the process of web development.
  • This is because of an uncomplicated, easy installation and configuration process that comes with Yii.


2. Modern Technologies

  • Yii uses an OOP framework and takes advantage of PHP’s more advanced features.
  • This includes the latest static binding, SPL classes and interfaces and anonymous functions.

3. Highly Extensible

  • What makes Yii framework really popular is its ability to be tailored to fit your needs.
  • Every component of the framework is virtually extensible.

4. Provision for Testing

  • Integration of great PHP testing framework like Codeception is what makes Yii highly desirable.
  • This is made simple by the process of creating unit, functional and acceptance tests for your applications.

5. Simplified Security

  • Proper security is essential for any web application and this is where Yii can help you.
  • Yii has a security application component that exposes several methods to help assist in creating a more secure application.

6. Shorter Development Time

  • Repetition tasks are unwelcomed as most developers consider them to be waste of time. But the fact that things can’t be done without taking care of them, makes them important.
  • This is where Yii helps you to spend less time on these tasks and more time customizing your application to suit your needs.
  • Gii is a tool that is used for this purpose. It is web-based code scaffolding tool whuich allows you to quickly create codes.
  • It also helps in templates for models, controllers, forums, modules, extensions and CRUD controlled actions and views.

7. Easily Tuned for Better Performance

  • The last thing that a web development company wants is a slow website.
  • Yii tool can help bring more speed out of you application.
  • Yii/caching/cache are its cache components, which allows you to choose whichever caching system you want while using a common API.


8. Error Handling

  • It has a complete error handling framework and is based on PHP 5 exception mechanism.
  • When the application is created for the purpose of handling an incoming user request, the handleError method within handles PHP warnings and notices; and it registers its handleException method to handle uncaught PHP exceptions.
  • When a PHP warning or some kind of uncaught exception that occurs during an application execution, one of the error handlers will take control and start the necessary error handling procedure.

9. Using Theme

  • Themes are a great way of systematically customizing the outlook of your web pages. The overall appearance of a Web application can be greatly enhanced with a proper theme.
  • For Yii, each theme has a directory consisting of layout files, JavaScript files and CSS files.
  •  It also has other relevant resource files including images, view files, and many more.
  • The name of a theme is represented as its directory name. All the themes can be found under the same directory WebRoot/themes. Only one theme can be made active at a given time.

10. Logging

  • Yii has a logging feature that is both flexible and extensible. You classify the messages that are logged according to its log levels and message categories.
  • By using level and category filters, selected messages can be further routed to different destinations, such as files, emails, browser windows, etc.